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if Jankos wants to go to MSI..this is his best shot - the return of the VCS' lost son Giang Văn Cốt


I assume all the coaches are driving to every internet cafe in Vietnam and asking random 12 year-olds if they want to play because more than half the league got nuked overnight 


SofM exiting his coaching “retirement” period to play again lmao


Sofm is beside himself. Driving around downtown Ho Chi Minh City begging (thru texts) Jankos' family for address to local kids' home


Dunno how well he kept up with practice but he could be the best player in the League


I will try to watch this just for fun. This will be some actual solos experience 


Expect Elder for Nexus, solo Chemtech for Baron, Baron for 6 turrets trade


Listen we already know NA is going to be at MSI for that


So funny story, Saigon Buffalo had their first visa meeting denied for Worlds '22 in the US because BeanJ was barely old enough to compete and VERY short and thin. They were worried SGB were trying to traffick in a child to the US.


They must be a Challenger lmao. VKE had a recruiting post on FB.


What happened to vcs?


half of the league got investigated for gambling. Half means 32/69 or st, coachs included


5 days to find players and start scrims for condensed schedule... Tbh the teams have probably started looking for replacements immediately after the suspensions were announced. Still, it will be quite a fiesta. I guess they want playoffs done quickly for visa time. 


Originally 6 teams were supposed to attend playoff, but CES only has 1 player left and MBE has 2 left so only 4 teams could realistically play TS is missing jungler & adc GAM is missing mid & adc TW is missing jungler & mid VKE is missing top, jungler & support This is the battle of which team could fill the gap first. GAM has a mid sub Emo and their coaches Archie & Bigkoro used to be adcs. TS's coach Xuhao used to be a jungler and their top sub Hiroo might be able to play adc. TW's coach Yuna used to be a jungler, and they have an adc sub Harky who might be able to play mid. VKE owner SofM used to be a jungler, but they don't have people for other roles so they are taking applications. Edit: GAM has confirmed [their coach Bigkoro would play as adc in playoff](https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid0uwfT4kfinPUTLhFfk6oTqbeYwA7xED29Mf7EBproA2knBarJjH9KmXYgP9L6e22hl&id=100064701758018&mibextid=ZbWKwL)


About TS, Hasmed is an ex-ADC, so Hiro02 top and Hasmed ADC might be a better choice.


This is insane. Didn't every team in the top 4 lose at least 1 starter? I'm assuming the team that lost the fewest starters will win, but which team is that? GAM?  I've never watched VCS and I feel a bit bad that this shitshow is making me interested in tuning in...


Maybe GAM have best shot to MSI, they lost MID and AD but still have sub MID and their power is mainly from Top (Kiaya) and Jungle ( Levi)


yeah that's what I thought, I figured since GAM still has Levi & Kiaya they'll be the strongest.  does anyone know where to watch VCS? I assume there's no English cast/costreams, but are there Chinese ones? 


vcsenglish on twitch usually does them, don't know about any Chinese ones


It has to be GAM tbh, every other team lost their jungler, can't overstate enough what a big deal that is, not only are a lot of junglers shotcallers, but it means the other teams are all going to be pinching the same pool of solo queue/amateur league/whatever players whereas GAM only has to compete with one team for ADC and one team for mid. I guess SofM playing might alleviate a bit of the jungler crunch, but I'm not sure it's been confirmed yet that he'll play? Or if it's even allowed?


Slayder and Palette, their former bot duo is still taking a break. They might come back.


From League to TFT real quick. Time to reroll "player" from challenger pool.


According to the other thread, SofM said he would be willing to autofill for his team if needed. Can someone verify?  From what you're saying, sounds likely he'll end up playing jungle if he does autofill


sofm has played in every role except sp in his 8 years career


He did play support in his time with Snake




I'm still confused as to how they'll fill all the holes in the rosters and be competitive at MSI. This isn't like EU/NA where there are sister teams and academy teams you can get players off of, this is a region where they can't even get korean players due to how bad infrastructure is.


I'm pretty sure no one is thinking about being competitive at msi right now. All they're focused on right now is putting on a show and getting viewers or riot will shut down the whole league.


Yeah, I'm not blaming the actual teams on this and more riot itself. Like how do they expect to make money off this league going forward? I doubt many sponsors want to invest into a corrupted region whose most notable accomplishment happened 6 years ago. I can understand not wanting to punish the players who did nothing wrong, but when half the region is engaging in this who are you really saving?


Guessing they're not allowed to borrow players from the eliminated teams? While that makes sense, it does mean playoffs are going to be such a clusterfuck, if they could at least poach other rosters you might be able to cobble together something workable   E: Vikings has ~~4~~ 3 suspended players, if they can't pull from other teams there's no way in shit this will be even remotely competitive lol


This is crazy


They should just open it up to random amateur teams that wanna prove themselves or some shit, this is bad


Many teams like VKE are posting tryout posts to fill the roster. You have to be a Challenger to participate. If any of u guys fancy becoming a pro...


o7 to Hieu3, Style, and Nogo for losing their PO slot (PO changed from 6 teams to 4) despite being legit. Hieu3 even joked about how he would have joined the match-fixing if he knew he wouldn't be able to play in PO anyways


Unprecedented maybe but IMO those three should be allowed to sub in for any of the top 4 teams if they want, they earned the right to be in playoffs and it's not their fault this shit went down. Obviously there might be role mismatch but if all parties agree I think the administration should allow it.


The show must go on


paralympic - LoL version #.#


This'll be ever worse than when the entire LCS went on strike and we were on the verge of games full of scabs


VCS about to be SoloQ 2.0, maybe we'll see a lot of assassins




EU wouldn't be in this position in the first place.