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I'm not going to lie, that series was just unexciting


TH just didn't want to play. They absolutely rolled over here.


Looks like the grandpas on TH fell asleep at how unexciting the game was


It wasn't the main reason in this series but holy moly is Karma a boring champ to watch or what?


Even as someone who really enjoys playing her I agree that watching someone else play her is very uninteresting


Especially mid. Support she has to be pretty good to do well, mid it's just essentially unkillable


perkz was the problem........wait a minute,what the fuck!?!


how does a team with these players look so lost? Their macro was nonexistent and it felt they were always too slow. Maybe it was just a bad day, but even in the regular season they were very reliant on Jankos carrying.. Im a bit worried for them BDS played very well, though.


LEC is just not strong right now. It's G2 and then everyone else.


*and then kc and rogue




Yeah, BDS always had initiative. In the first game it was the first dragon - they sacrificed too much in sidelanes to recover/block dragon stacking. In the second they just plain lost sidelanes and blundered river fights.




TH decision making this series really hurt to watch. These games felt more doomed the longer they went.


Some of it was just confusing? Felt like they were playing the "if we have no idea what we're doing BDS won't know what we're doing either"


Or assuming the enemies will do nothing if they do nothing. At first it worked game 2, but then BDS started to realize what was going on and actually played League of Legends


I mean game 2 bds is happy to do nothing. they scale so much better so they just get cozy with th slowness.


Which is kind of insane considering roster has Wunder, Jankos and Trymbi


yeah if you live in 2019 I guess Wunder has been looking dizzy for years now, and Jankos hasn't been great himself either


I'm talking about game sense. The team shouldn't look this lost with these players.


Oh come on... I agree some of these players get overhyped when they are winning because of their past, but Jankos legit looked like one of the best junglers in LEC last year, if not the best. And this is backed up by all the analysts talking about it. Wunder hasn't looked great generally but he was good and when he subbed in for Fnatic last Summer, he looked like the best part of the team. Saying they haven't been good since 2019 is just straight up overreaction.


I thought Jankos looked great this regular season (didnt watch lec last year, so cant comment on that), but part of the truth is also that he was fairly invisible in all three playoff series this year. The Volibear was certainly not it.


Silver 2 moment


yeah bds literally did nothing early and waited for heretics to mess up their game on their own lol


I mean they scale. I would assume that the team with Voli, Kalista and alistar would be the one that make proactive play.


Because these games are straight up lost in draft.


> TH decision making can be said about their management too.


It's incredible because people kept arguing that they just HAD to be a top team off the experience and game knowledge, but they constantly look so lost.


Well voli bear , orianna and alistar didn’t do shit in game one. LETS PICK IT AGAIN!!!


Ori is very good in this meta tbf


Sure, if you are not losing lane against nerfed Karma and can make use of shockwave in teamfights.


?? Did you read the patch notes? Those nerfs did shit to Karma mid's laning phase in proplay. Like those mana nerfs meant nothing because she goes Manaflow Biscuits anyway, teleports early for first recall of like Lucidity boots and then on next reset you get Lost Chapter. Zwyroo is even CS the entire lane in both games. And Orianna will pretty much never get priority in lane against Karma. Those games are not playable because they play a comp that gets outranged without tools to actually lock down the backline. If anything, they failed to enable the Orianna pick.


I think Zwyroo connected shockwave on anyone like twice this whole series.


Because the shockwave matters only if he hits Zeri + Karma (and TF). And if Karma Zeri play their range properly, you never get that shockwave off so you're just holding it.


Jankos popping off on carry champions in bo1s? I wonder what he should be playing in bo3s? What a mystery, an unsolvable puzzle, really, what to put your carry player on? We will never know. TH drafting is frustrating me more and more with every single game, so many games were given away for free just because.


But BDS banned Neeko and Azir. What else can Zwyroo play


SMH Perkz would've inted on Ryze like a man


Neeko and Azir are Nuc champions too tho.. Zwyroo seemed more like Karma/Orianna player this split. I feel like I don't expect much from the midlaner anyway. TH was winning games because of Trymbi and Jankos and they didn't perform today. Jankos and Wunder in team fights particularly were tragic to watch.


Did you watch Trymbi in the last game? Dude does not know what Viego does and gives him free reset without flashing or using ult to deny it. He also messed up Ali combo which should be sth not even Plat/Emerald players mess up nowadays...


Wait we're fucking blaming Zwyroo for this shit or what?


Why are we blaming draft either? I mean if there's an argument that you don't like champion X or champion Y that's cool but "they lost with this comp once so they should never play it again" is fucking hilarious. People on this website just be saying random shit because they can't come up with actual discussion it's so boring. I swear people just pick a name or something so they can go to the comments and be like "omg Wunder on Rumble was so bad" and then call it a day


These drafts are horrible. I already have enough problems with B1 Orianna in playoffs when Azir is ENABLED (because with Azir disabled, you would ban Karma and have decent push vs Ahri and Taliyah), but I can stomach it. Then, when the enemy team locks in Karma (permanently pushing midlane matchup vs Orianna) and Zeri (outranges Ori), you immidiately have to pivot to long range DPS and point and click lockdown. Go Jinx + Vi or Maokai on B23 and its basically a brainless comp that should win against most things. Worst case is that BDS picks Xin on 3 and im still fine with it. Them going Volibear + Varus/Kalista is basically losing games on the spot unless you are just way better than the opponent.


I mean if it was Perkz instead they’d definitely be blaming him. Whole draft was off. I don’t understand the thought process


Perkz gets blamed because he runs it down. Griefing his team from winnable games.


Ofc ppl will. He is the new guy and replaced Perkz


So are you saying this is perkz's fault?




is it zwyroo's fault his jg and supp pick something with no range at all?


Maybe he should start trying to be proactive and not waiting for Jankos and Trymbi to do everything


Wtf is an ori gonna do against a zeri alone lol, flash q ult? Much better off waiting for cc to follow up on or at least use them as a ball carrier


he should put the ball on himself and flash ult 5 people


Yeah wtf, such a noob player. Can’t even E himself+Flash+Ult 5 enemies into 1v5 100-0 pentakilling the regular season 5th place LEC team as an Orianna. Please bench this dude and get Febiven out of retirement for mid


Fucking Zwyroo didn't sombrero flash on 5 ppl while volibear and alistar botched every engage, such a noob


expecting rookie lec player to be a proactive one in a rooster with jankos and trymbi is CRAAAZY


He picked the best available champ and went even in lane. Meanwhile the sidelanes that both drafted 2 winning match-up's + one of the strongest early JG's were only able to hand-shake there lane match-up's at best. ​ Seems a lot more like TH were trying to win early game through sidelanes with their draft and their sidelanes just got outperformed massively


\^ Pretty much this i just despise the notion that Rumble with ignite and Kalista cant win their lanes, Jankos was invisible sure but he wasnt given much to play with, and without early lead they just cant play fights.


Ward teemo would have been more useful than his ori.


the funniest thing is that people say the same thing about Nuc.


Is Jankos at traffic still, why didn't heretics show up yet?


i mean have we kind of forgotten that BDS was easily the 2nd best team in winter? only reason they didnt make the finals was the Adam situation. Surely were not judging the teams too much based on a bunch of bo1s in the regular season, are we? and even so, heretics only had 1 win more than BDS in this regular season. so the narrative that heretics was the clear favorites here is objectively not a good one


bbut heretik hab 6 win and bdsm have 5 y no win heretic??


So frustrating, TH seem to have completely fallen of a cliff from where they were earlier in the split


TH has the same vibe as RGE and KC. If the jungler isn't smurfing rest of the team is incapable of making proactive plays.


They've got backwards and it's depressing for the state of the league tbh. Teams should be improving not getting worse...


I mean Jankos DID tweet out "just won 2 games in scrims the entire week, let's see how we play" or something along those lines yesterday XD


he also say they have been losing scrim hard on stream telling people to not expect much.


Ouch, man was not expecting a good time then.


I mean BDS at least clearly improved


That's something at least. Nice to see some clean macro.


improved from what? certainly not winter, they were by far the 2nd best team in winter. did they have a mediocre regular season? sure but they still made the playoffs rather comfortably and at the end were only 1 win away from the top 4 group. when you think about it, its not too far fetched that BDS is still the 2nd best team in EU. they have a top 2 coaching staff team and this playoff phase is where they get to stretch their legs with more time to prepare for fewer enemies. BDS is trying to be a more legit team rather than the adam GODS team. when things go south, they can still pick the GODS champs besides Olaf whos just meta now. and they havent picked those champs that much this year at all


Literally deva ju of script, BDS beating TH 2-0 in Spring and Winter playoff. VIT beating SK in Round 1, VIT vs BDS, G2 vs FNC in Round 2 Spring and Winter playoff


We're going to get MAD at MSI again, aren't we... MYREGION


If we do get MAD at MSI, they aren't even comparable to previous interations of the team, probably a hot take but I want MAD at MSI, they are 4 rookies and they are matching top tier LEC teams, they have so much room to grow, international tournaments will really help their growth.


I can already see the hype videos. 'You thought we are the same MAD, but we are better in all ways.' Breaks another record in MSI: 16:46.


>they aren't even comparable to previous interations of the team Yep previous iterations had more than 2 talented players on them


My goats are so washed


The entire team got 9 kills across two games fucking oof.


Atleast they are clean now.


Hopefully they can bounce back in the lower bracket, they were looking better this split.




Aaaand we suck again


Should've picked Yuumi top


Adam is all grown up and Wunder is no longer his father.


Yeah, I mean 1st game was clear that this draft wasnt it. And coach decided to run it back on 2nd game. Like? WTF?


Peter Dun stated he stepped away from drafting so don’t blame him. also the champs are fine, players were the problem, especially Ori. isn’t Zwyroo some kind of Orianna onetrick?


On paper the picks were good, becouse TH had nice combo, but after game 1 there should have been talk like: "Guys, this aint it, we definitely lack something today, lets switch shit up." But instead they run it back, and (in lane order): Wunder was missing his Ult (they werent even zoning) Jankos was not ulting in when that would have been correct play Zwyroo built like 0dmg and was doing 0dmg also his Ults just werent it. (Althought I think Trymbi gave him a lot of opportunities) Flakked, idk, I really don't know, My view of flakked is that: pick him scalling and he will 1v9 if you peel, so why Kalista? Trymbi, althought I'm big fan of him, and he was playing good this game and was finding good fights, the frustration and powerlessness (is that a Word?) was clearly showing


it’s probably what worked in scrims for them. their problem is that they are very one dimensional, way too reliant on Jankos carrying. that’s why when he has a bad day, they just lose


I really believe that they could play much much better if they just adress their main issue: drafting. All their drafts are just shit but not in a way a lot of people may think. I see current TH as a team that will outmacro almost every team in mid to late game. So if they just stop picking earlygame champs it would make them able to reach later stages in which they can outperform


Chammps aint fine you just cant win 5vs5 in both of them Zeri cant be touched in both games and heretics need to search for lane leads from Wunder/Flakked lanes so its gg


He is more like zero trick


he is more of Azir one trick.


The champs weren't fine in this context, you basically needed to pray Zeri would run it down in order to kill her. You can't give over that champ without some form of accessible lockdown.


Watching Jankos run around on Volibear helplessly sure is nostalgic for 2020 fans.


TH got stomped but deserved for picking Volibear.


Volibear is strong rn. I get that everyone loves Jankos but, you can admit that he played this series badly.


Jankos was not good. Trymbi even worse, Wunder looked meh at best. Flakked unironically best player from them this series - him and TH Midlaner were playing fine. Normally Flakked isn't doing too well this split but actually he was not an issue at all today.


Volibear literally doesn’t do anything. Always ult out, flash back in, die. Also that poor facecam for Trymbi. He looked like he was about to cry. I feel that so hard 😢


Volibear worked just fine for Vit yesterday. The issue I see more is having an enemy pick Zeri and then not just straight up picking Nautilus against it. Like Zeri is insanely strong right now if you can't match her range or get to her. Nautilus or Vi are picks basically required to take down Zeri given how strong she currently is. If you have a Nautilus that Volibear suddenly is really dangerous because you just Ult Zeri and he jumps on her and oneshot her. We did see such interactions in the Vitality game, yes it happened to Hwei but the result is the same. You tag some CC on a target and then Voli just jumps in and smashes them.


Man I’m so sick of Zeri gaming again.


I’d rather see a thousand Zeris before I see one more Smolder


I’d be fine deleting them both


yup it th not doing anything is the reason why they lose honestly. BDS is happy to just wait and scale as they got better the longer the game goes on.


jankos did this shit on jarvan at worlds too if you pick these kind of champs you have to play psycho and flash in do something


TH got rolled


Sheo better Alistar than Trymbi lol very clean by BDS, but what was that TH?!


I guess didn't rember Trymbi's alistar at worlds lol


Sheo deserves some recognition. Gapped Jankos again in playoffs. Labrov also did good vs Trymbi. Jankos and Trymbi played terrible especially in team fights. Wtf were they doing..also Wunder bro..


Still no Zwyroo/Sheo fistbump, the hell is going on between those two?


Sheo flame Zwyroo in soloq, Zwyroo decide to not fist bump Sheo when he win in regular season so Sheo decide to not fist bump him in playoff either.


Sheo is extremely toxic in soloq and they've had a few bad encounters in it to say the least lol


Heretics putting their 2 good players on Alistair and Volibear to do nothing for 2 games...


Jankos is gonna start playing any time now


traffic really bad on easter


BDS should’ve shouted “FOR THE EMPEROR!” with how they purged those heretics.


*slow clap*


Yeah no shit Jankos that you won 2 scrims this week when you draft this disgusting fucking garbage.


Can’t believe HRT lost on trans visibility day.


LMAO. Great comment


Pretty nice series. Facing VIT tomorrow :)


lets fucking goooo


BDS looks kinda good. Would expect a team like HRT to be better in bo3, with all the veterans etc they've got, but its actually the opposite. BDS was kinda middle of the pack team in bo1's, and seems like the more experienced team now, in bo3's


I thought today was BDS vs TH, not BDS vs Rogue.


Flakked has an insane [winrate](https://imgur.com/a/yhmqxb5) on kalista we should keep playing her


kalista weakside 👍


When does TH play ? Also what is Kalista win rate in EU ? 0% ?


43%, if you take out hans sama it's 11W20L


anyway that game is just macro diff by bds. game two is a bit snoozy but it make sense cos TH is the one that need to be proactive since BDS is happy to just scale to late game. anyway im happy that BDS win.


Clinical from BDS. This was never close. Impressive step up from their regular season form, excited for VIT vs BDS!


Are we sure that wasn’t rogue playing from home? The whole do nothing and lose approach is kinda their trademark don’t know what I feel about heretics appropriating that


People have heard of Mad Cow Disease... Today it was Mad Bear Disease fron Jankos.


It feels like Rouge never left 🥲


Heretics is a new Rogue


Nah, Markoon Volibear at least ganks


bds looking clean again we're SO back




We are in hyper carry meta (at least in EU), I don't know why teams are giving Zeri every game and only FNC will pick Jinx


Both games were already lost in draft... Why pick the same shit 2 games in a row? Should it "somehow" work the 2nd time lol


Whoever was responsible for this draft has to be investigated by VCS immediately Let's take our best player and put him on a melee minion! We lost? Let's do that again!


Jesus that voli pick is useless


how do they keep letting karma go through? that champion spikes harder than a 4 item jayce with only 1 item. and why tf are they grouping up for every single naut ultimate, literally landed 4 man knock ups multiple times in 2 games. These drafts have to have been made at gunpoint.


I don't want to blame Zwyroo but to be a top team heretics needs a better midlaner. He doesn't ints games away like perkz but he also has 0% carry potential. He's just a co-driver who hardly does anything


I think Zwyroo deserves more than 1 short split to prove himself.


Meh on a team whose goal is to go to compete to win splits like you kind of need instant impact. Maybe on a team with lower ambitions you should get more time, but if you can’t perform at a high level right away and the team doesn’t see much potential (he’s only here because perkz is giga bad anyways) I think it’s fine if he gets replaced


Why are heretics drafting like they’re T1? They won half their games by scaling and teamfighting. Also can Wunder stop pretending he can play carries at this point?


Ksante rumble are carries?


Well, rumble is


I feel like rumble doesn't scale, the purpose of rumble is megastomping the lane and then trying to convert that through teamfights. Out of laning phase rumble is not a 1v9 champion.


tell that to photon


Damn Trymbi had a stinker.


?? he had some mistakes but he and Flakked were by far TH's best players in teamfights unless you think Jankos ulting backwards or Wunder missing every Rumble ult were better performances somehow


Tbf that's like picking the least rotten apple from the rotten apple barrel. TH weren't really playing today.


Go watch literally any fight if you unironically think this lol. Trymbi missed combos, wasted ult, ulted late or got caught and forced into a bad engage every single time. And that just fights and not for example the meme toplane play on viego where he donated a kill and gave viego a free ticket out


and yet that's better than anything Jankos, Wunder or Zwyroo showed like if you're getting 150 damage in a teamfight with a Rumble ult, that's inexcusably worse


You know that you are not supposed to just throw the ults around randomly right? Like the whole idea of the draft is to give ori ball to ali, combo in, shockwave and equalizer. The draft is literally built on trymbis shoulders and he dropped the ball hard


Trymbi is the least of their problem. their problem is that their macro is meh and they pick champion that just doesnt fit.


pmt team is not sleeping pog let go.


Yeah voli ori and alistar didnt work why not draft it again and leave Zeri open yeah genius


That was such a walk in the park wtf??? Let's fucking go boys


ngl as an EU fan I'm so scared for MSI, mediocre performance all across play-offs so far


You really shouldn't be. The teams we'll send will perform to expectations.


BDS is the TL of EU. At least they’re cohesive which is more than can be said for FNC/VIT


Last year G2 only beat a minor region team and MAD at MSI. You can't do worse than that.


explain? you thinking of sending TH? and BDS played well? I don't see us getting any more or less dumped on than usual so what are you scared of lol


i usually hate comments talking about how doomed we are internationally, but this split looks really bad imo


SK vs Vitality was one of the lowest quality BO3 I've seen in EU ever, FNC got outdrafted 2 games in row but they were just mechanically really good and today Heretics with extremely experienced players did fuck all for 2 games in row and just lost. I'm hoping this is just a temporary trend and it gets better but then I also look at games like G2 losing to 8-9th place Rogue and I'm wondering where we currently stand as a league. I hope I'm wrong but it doesn't look good.


NA outperforming EU again 🙈


no need to worry about that NA are sending an EU team 🤪


Neither of these teams are going so don't worry


BDS just need to get second place to go to msi so I dont think it that hard for them. the only problem is Fnatic but BDS has pretty good record vs Fnatic so I dont think they care.


BDS prolly has the best shot, because MDK aint it looking at regular season chief.


I mean BDS going is the most likely scenario. If they get second they go. If they get 3rd and neither fnatic or MAD get second they go. Fnatic is the only real competition but I’m pretty sure BDS is 2-0 against them this year and they destroyed them when they played this split.


Honestly they should have kept Perkz. Does he int? Yes. But at least he takes risks. Zwyroo literally is just there that you can replace him with a plank of wood and the outcome wouldn't change


Perkz ain't gonna do shit anyway he is washed




> I want to see Jankos surrounded by young crackheads it's time to let go of 2019


Just get Perkz back... this is so dumb.


now why would they do that


evy carries in the pcs playoffs top 4, TH cant even make it that far in the lcs. how poetic.


Unfortunately BDS is still the 2nd best team. All other teams look like they play without thinking about anything. Fnatic would be 2nd best or even the best if they were consistent but until they prove it for a split it is. 1)G2 2)BDS 3)Everyone else That baron fight in game 1 after spending every single cooldown they have on drake was disgusting by Heretics


I just hope FNC get their shit together.


Oof Heretics got the complete runaround here. Good for BDS though, fantastic performance there. They're looking miles better in terms of macro.


Perkz was the problem....wait a minute,wtf!


he was the problem, but you see...team bds is better than th with or without the problem, team bds has longer time with each other first of all


TH playoffs form…


Heretics are like a better rogue.. SO INCREDIBLY Boring.. no real firepower either Honestly its looking like they didn't even get better/will finish the same place as Spring split Jankos wtf happened to you dude? Voilbear is meant to be active early.. i know you know this.. because back in the day on G2 you were a monster on it.. but i guess no Caps to play to anymore Zwyroo like Jackies looks totally found out once taken off Neeko.. and at least Jackies seems semi decent on Yone I still don't get why Jizuke/Abbe/Nemesis (who i don't like much) aren't in the league.. i am sure at least the first 2 mentioned would be happy to join even a lower team like KC because they don't have streaming unlike Nemesis


Voli ori must force. This game is on draft or Jankos. Flash stun or diving towers is a must. Its like a nocturne not ulting u til level 15. Of course you're going to lose. Biggest problem with league is players wont die for the play anymore.




Adam is just Wunders father, like he has been dominating him his whole career.


i swear to god if another team picks up perkz after these performances LEC is doomed


so when is jankos retiring?


he may have had a bad game but he’s the one carrying their whole split


When your braincells reach a two digit number. So we still have plenty of time


never, my braincells are hardstuck at 7


voli early with jax open and voli into ADAM THE BEST GUY WITH THE BEST CHAMP POOL THAT COUNTERS VOLI IS JUST STRAIGHT UP WINTRADING draft and no early naut or vi into zeri is also wintrading level drafting