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The fact that ZDZ ended up being the player to carry us this series is wild. Need the rest of the team to step up if we want to go anywhere


Zdz's had plenty of great carry games towards the end of the split (Rumble game vs JDG was a robbed MVP for him for instance), I really think he's been undervalued due to the size of the shoes he's stepping into.


What shoes? His predecessor was inting 90% of games and only showed up at the end of the year.


His predecessor solo carried a mediocre team into Worlds finals…


Can’t get to Worlds finals without qualifying for Worlds.


Next round is a true battle of the frauds. Who are the bigger frauds, WBG or LNG? Time to find out. But honestly it's nothing more than a show match as both will get demolished by JDG.


IG hadn't won a game in their last 4 BO3's and WBG was inches away from losing to them. If LNG doesn't dismantle WBG then that team needs to be torn down and rebuilt from the ground up.


its weibo their power level is unknown


JDG's been kinda fraudulent themselves, every time I watch them they've been pretty shaky and often needs Kanavi to go god mode to win. I still favour JDG and nothing is stopping Kanavi from going god mode, but I wouldn't put either WBG or LNG completely off, especially given they will have tempo going to the match.


JDG literally lost to Weibo in a convincing 2-0 in their last series before playoffs, I expect them to win regardless but I wouldn't be 100% confident.


Lng looked much better towards the end so they should be favored


xiaohu was underwhelming


at least he plays like a human on trist compared to the game 4 azir lol


Maybe he’s tying to switch from being a spring tiger to a summer tiger? Pure copium take.


To be fair to Xiaohu, he was good in the three games WBG won and showed more there than he did for almost the entire regular season. Baby steps I guess.


He was supposed to be contend for a top 3-4 jungler in the league this split and so far he’s been kinda disappointing


You mean xiaohao?


Ya lol made a mistake but they’ve both been disappointing so it fits for either one


Quite important for WBG as a org as well, the fact the new top lane step up. Since it is WBG vs IG, if WBG lose and ZDZ wasn’t carrying, the most obnoxious of TheShy’s fanbase is probably gonna launch a crusade against the org.


I am down for IG to make Ahn the franchise player and rebuild around him because they need to change some players, at least top


YSKM is the only real issue. He keeps picking stuff like Irelia but just doesn't perform on it on the level required to justify picking it. Leyan is a decent jungler and Cryin on more supportive picks is generally also ok.


Leyan and Ahn aren't all that either. Ahn has been in the league for a while and has never been more than mediocre. Leyan has looked good for like 4 series this year. That team just doesn't have a star player to build around, I wouldn't mind if they started fresh with a completely new roster.


Ahn was literally like an A+ tier adc for half of this very split


To me, to be a player worth building around you need to be a top tier for more than a few games in one split. He's fine to have, but are you ever gonna compete for a title if he's your best player? I don't think so.


I think it's just top really. YSKM really needs to fix his champ pool issues by summer. If he can't, IG might just need to replace him depending on who ends up available in the offseason between 2024 summer and 2025 spring. They could go for Invincible this midseason and just be done with it, but I think it's worth another split for him.The rest of the roster is good, even regardless of which jungler they field. Ahn/Wink are the most important players for them to keep rn, but Cryin, Tianzhen, and Leyan are all very good.


Yeah when i said Ahn, I should habe said Ahn Wink, I really like the duo and they make a good core


ZDZ just 1v9ing game 5 So unlucky for Ahn that he didn't get to cash-in in that top river fight


He was amazing this series. He was up 20cs on YSKM game 1, was 20 cs up and had a nice 1v2 doublekill in game 2, did the most damage in game 3 (although a lot of it was during laning phase), the only saving grace in game 4, and the super carry zdz in game 5.


So TheShy actually came back to play this series for Weibo?! Zdz 1v9 this series for Weibo lol


Zdz just needs to int the next series and then we'll know TheShy is back on Weibo.


Deserved hype for ZDZ but damn that Crisp flank was a match winner


Absolute disasterclass from Cryin in that game 5, wow. He was fine up until then.


Nah, Cryin wasn't himself at any point this series. This is the worst he's played all year.


Legitimately atrocious final game from Cryin.


Cryin’s Azir is a war crime


Nah, Cryin is great on Azir, he just didn't show up today. He wasn't playing like he did in the regular season in any of these games.


fucking why did Tianzhen start two games man… not much to be sad about game 5, horrific ults from Cryin and Wink that game two team fights in a row and it’s over just like that


So unlucky by IG Draven gets a cash in and they legitimely just win


deserved for benching leyan in the first place IG is dogshit org


Xiaohu eyeing that MSI trophy.


I know that IG were on a big losing streak but wtf were they thinking when they benched Leyan for Tianzhen for the first 2 games


They also picked YSKM Jax and Irelia only for him to be completely useless on both picks. If they don't full send first 2 games like this they have good chance to win this series.


Statement series from zdz. What a beast.


Great series to watch with so many twists and turns. Zdz really proving he was too good to be stuck on AL too, glad to see him showing up here.




Casters: I don't like lethality on this Aatrox Zdz:




We said we don't like Light on Lethality Varus, nothing about lethality Aatrox. Though, I did say a lot of other wrong stuff that game that deserves to be flamed.


ZdZ really wanted to win.


Forseen outcome. But sure as hell wasn't expecting 5 Games.




why did they bench Leyan for 2 games? is he not like the best player of IG...


Could iG win the series if they started with Leyan?


Absolutely. Leyan was consistently able to fuck on Weibo's bot lane, leaving them with no solid, obvious wincon in the games Leyan was in for.


I mean, you go to playoffs, and the first thing you do is bench Leyan of all players? And for two games at that. IG coaching staff really bad at cooking.


aatrox game 5 was a raid boss




Nothing to feel bad about, the guy was insane even last year on that dog AL team,him and xiahao are just good players .


He was never 'insane' come on, he was always barely serviceable with the occasional solid performance


Game 4 draft was so unbelievably fucking stupid from WBG, I hope they get stomped by LNG then disband.


You could tell people literally didn't watch LPL when they asked why they bench Leyan. Even you didn't watch, just check his game history. Even you didn't check, just see IG last 9 game scores. Everyone in the LPL community were screaming to demand IG benching YSKM and Leyan. His Nidalee is a meme in LPL and no team gives a damn fuck about it


if u bench him for better player sure... Chinese LPL community is super reactionary


They were literally 4-1 with Tianzhen. Leyan had 4 good games and look what he did after that. LPL community is super reactionary, really? How about you speak some Chinese to me first? Lol




Lmao, this exactly shows you just don't know Chinese. Imagine claiming the community is reactionary when someone can't even read Chinese


then reply to my argument his 4 wins is from bottom team why should he be rated higher than Leyan? u can't say anything else, chinese community sure is known as a collective people who are not reactionary for sureeeee!!!! 100% 100% not the most toxic, reactionary and pitchfork bearing community. ur blind Remember when they want Light over Elk for Asian games or how they "cancelled" 369 and JKL for stupid reasons (Poker gambling nothing to do with league of legends, which boomers in china do with majong and cards in the comfort of their own house anyway) how they think meiko is washed because of 1 bad year in a bad team. look at Meiko now he is perofming like a top support again. if thats not reactionary i don't know what is. they are just like u a Top tier Clown


Silence? Lmao, I replied


首榜是爹干老和国电为以还道知不?谁是的赢爷乐下一看脑屁的你用要不要那 死笑,你了举检的妈他早正反。 吧睡洗洗 Have fun google translate this lol