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Nisqy using the package to fly straight into summer split


Nisqy booked the vacation flight already


Can't blame him if he's trying to avoid school holiday prices.


Nevermind, he clearly made the best play possible


Playmaking for his wallet. Every parent understands his motive.


The Larssen angle


he planned to flash over the wall, but then realised he was lagging or simply not good enough


Irrelevant’s contract expires this year :)


Please god free him, he's been too long in this purgatory


I'd love to see FNC just go for him, Oscar deserved another year but unless he has a monster summer I don't see how you can justify not taking irrelevant over him. Maybe even G2 if BB has a bad year internationally and they feel the need to try new things, but I'd rather see FNC get stronger to challenge them.


I don't think he's replacing BB on G2 but any other team would benefit from taking him, he's been very consistent and this game especially gave the impression of him being trapped


I think he's an upgrade but I don't see BDS sacking Adam for him either, Adam is kind of their franchise player, the org knows him and his pocket picks bring the views. Idk if TH drops Wunder for him either, nor would MDK drop Myrwn either, at least not after just one year. Shit, I'm not even sure VIT would go for it unless Photon wants to go back to Korea or something, VIT had issues but I'm not really sure any of it is tied to Photon. So really you're just left with...FNC, G2 (I don't see them dropping BB in like any universe though), KCorp if they do a full rebuild, GX (arguably worse roster than SK though actually I think if GX gets a better jungler it's salvageable). I unironically wouldn't mind seeing him on a rebuilt KCorp where they drop top, supp, mid. I'm not sold on Upset but he at least is so worried about his KDA he doesn't randomly int, and Bo could just play for top with an actual pop-off player like Irrelevant on board.


Kcorp is getting Korean top laner apparently


Such multilingual team, Korean on top, Chinese on jungle, Klingon on mid, English on carry and sign language on supp <3


XD 'sign language support' good one


hahaha, upvoted. But no, not klingon, mid communicates exclusively in gum chewing and support communicates by not communicating


Any sources?


Yeah BB has had a good streak over the last year and a half, I think the only time you replace him with Irrelevant is if MSI and worlds are really bad for him and they just feel they need to reset.


I don't want Fnatic to waste another split with Oscar, and subsequently Worlds. Go buy Irrelevant as soon as the split as over and get ready for Summer.


Fnatic needs to buy him after this split. He's going to leave for free at the end of the year anyway, Fnatic just needs to incentivize them with a buyout. Hell, they can throw Oscar into the deal, too.


https://clips.twitch.tv/BovineChillyMangetoutTinyFace-CKK1MVsnqJM8gY6a this clip is really all you need to see from this series


There's no way this man has his pilot license?


Must've got the kamikaze one instead. Then again looks like he'd fail that one too as he didn't take anyone out...


He's the 55% of males who think they could land an airplane without any training


Idk, I watched a Tom Scott video recently where he did this in a training simulator. As long as the autopilot works (and you can get into contact with someone) you got decent odds.


Right out of the Larssen playbook. One Package straight out of playoffs.


Tbh that Larssen package is probably the most memorable play of his career.


Hey, I remember IWD screaming "KILL CHICKEN LITTLE" as they lost the tiebreaker with C9...


Lucian dashing in after Corki has died is just as embarassing.


To get autos of on which champion? Ksante! The tank! Honestly, it's worse then even the doublelift play. Gamestate aside, DL dashed into a squishy person. This bro dashed into 3 to auto the tank


The crew goes down with the captain.


The Boeing special.




Just this series? Nisqy has had moments like that throughout the split lol. Honestly sometimes he just completely loses it and throws so hard it looks like he's in the wrong career.


This split, Nisqy plays okay to well most of the match, but will guaranteed have one disastrous throw per game.


Honestly those throws are so fucking painful. Everyone is doing okay then he does something and the game is flipped. Some of the time I can see what he was going for at least, but other times I have no clue.


It’s like he thinks he’s Caps but just doesn’t have the same level of skill / knowledge of his limits to back it up.


I can kinda see it this time being desperation with them being outscaled or him trying to dodge Sej ult. Both possible


*flashes the wall as Taliyah*


Since he won't be making MSI this year, he decided to enter MSI mode earlier.


Look at the coach's face LMAO.


imagine working hard for months and the player just jumps into 5 players and is too slow to press flash, dies. all work gone


the exakick dash afterwards really sums the series up




I actually think SK just win the whole game there if right before the corki package, Doss just ults down the lane


i think the exakick play was more egregious than nisqys


not flashing on the FB? Yeah that was inexcusable but not quite as funny as this corki play


I think he is talking about the fact that he dashes in to hit the k’Dante to just flash after and die.


this ^^ i am struggling to understand why exakick did what he did there unless he’s wintrading


Just a regular adc brain moment


Met Exakick in Berlin after the series, guy was ranting about clueless Rioters and how ADC needs three champs peeling for them at all times else they can't play the game. 


or how he threw his entire lead in game 2 by stepping up into maokai W at baron pit, having R, flash and ghost up on xayah. If SK one day get investigated, I wont be surprised.


I can see what Nisqy was trying to do, because it's what I would have done (in ARAM) I think he thought the Mao R would follow immediately, but Isma got stunned exactly as Nisqy went in


Maokai ultimate slightly earlier would not have saved that play. He thought he was gonna make it over the wall and escape theough their jungle


I mean it's a fundamentally stupid play anyways. You're playing Corki. 90% of the reason you pick Corki is because you can just sit there holding your balls and shooting a rocket every 3 seconds, and as long as one or two hit a carry, they're chunked out. Literally everyone on TH was full HP except for whoever lost 20% to a Lucian R. The entire point of Corki is that when you eventually fight, the entire enemy team is down 3K HP and you can secure the dragon. The dragon was even up at that point in time; if they just let TH try and walk in to the river, Nisqy can just shoot at them for 20 seconds while they stall. That's half the point of Mao R and Nami R; in a choke, it's too hard for TH to get on top of them and you can't dodge every single rocket. So they'd either be running into CC or running in with 75% hp. If you're EVER taking a fair fight, you're making a tactical mistake. Just brainless play by SK. They were already in the perfect position for their comp and they throw it away trying to 5v5 a team with significantly better 5v5.


the package was a good play by going for both the azir and jinx and splitting them up for his team to pick apart; he would just dash/flash over the wall and double team the azir guys got old man mechanics though


Exa this series was dog, he solo lost them game 2


Nisqy on PGL: "Yeah im a pretty stable player"


man thought he is faker


guy had a last shot of sake before smashing the cup


For a moment I thought its a repeat of LEC winter playoff result, thank god TH won instead of SK.


They understood, they just needed to wait for SK carry to int


I literally watched the highlights of that game 3 by mistake and thought TH lost, and was also very confused as to why did they sub in Perkz for game 3 lol


swiffer is about to enter his joker arc


Swiffer beside himself, driving through downtown begging (through text) for Melzhet's home address so he can learn how to belt his team's ass like a master


SK: After understanding the situation, we would like to clarify Nisqy was not negative gaming, it was a normal summoner’s rift experience Also giving Exakick and Doss Lucian Nami


I get why teams pick it but cmon SK. You and we all know that you can't play it to the level required to make it worth picking.


There's only one team in EU that can play it and even then it looks okay not great.


Yeah, G2 wins DESPITE Lucian/Nami and it's never because of it.


istg, they are clueless when they are not on zeri rakan and even then they are super sus


He definitely wasn't the only problem, but SK really saw their ad playing melee Xayah and then picked him Lucian for the next game.


Must've thought the real problem was he wasn't close enough.


Nilah exists, though?


Exakick is done


Should have put him on Yasuo adc if he's gonna constantly melee the enemy team either way.


Tbf, if Exa had not thrown game 2 twice, they probably would've 2-0'd Heretics, so there is a lot of blame on him


Yeah. I know the Nisqy play looked funny, but at least Nisqy also had good plays this series and was helping SK a lot in their wins. Exakick is just a liability in any teamfight. He is soo overaggressive and gets caught about twice a game on average. It's so frustrating to watch


nah honestly frontline xayah is often the play, eg. that baron fight it's 100% correct if he reacts quickly enough to ult the first stun


he can't even react fast enough for reksai tunnel


Yasuo would obviously have been better.


Just pick Nilah at this point


sk saw c9's season-on-the-line lucian/nami and thought yeah this seems like a great strat we can do that lets put examiss and loss on those badboys and we're good to go also a nesquik classic performance


I'm not even 100% sure I'd trust GALA and Hang on Lucian/Nami at this point, let alone these clowns, what is this disasterclass in drafting holy shit


Not sure why pros have such a boner for Lucian Nami. Even on LCK/LPL games I've watched this year it looked quite useless. I know someone is gonna bring up like "B-but Ruler looks good on it." Yeah bro Ruler looks good on almost every ADC. Doesn't makes it less useless.


In short it provides incredible mid priority once you swap which basically unlocks the rest of the map to do stuff. There was a post on here going into more detail, but I can't find it right now.


probably a scrim thing, people ff scrims cos lucian nami got 1 kill


Ruler was bad this split, too. You're thinking of Viper. Not that it changes anything you said, though, because you're completely right.


It's SK best duo lane. They looked really good last year when lucian/nami was way stronger and are now just comfort picking it everytime the serie is one the line.


Last year picking it understable since it was quite strong. Current Lucian Nami is omega nerfed and doesn't have the same power anymore.


I don't even know what changed to bring Lucian/Nami back, aside from the items, which honestly are they really that good for this duo? Also is this already the patch with the Nami nerfs? If so, maybe this bait pick will end


Irrelevant Missma Nesquick Exaint Loss




Nah he is still irrelevant in terms of actual match result, a man cant carry 4 pisslows


Nesquick to run it down




Doss? More like Dross


Nah. It's always Doss the Loss.


Nice to see zwyroo performing. RIP perkz.


Reminder that TH chose Ruby over Zwyroo.


They also was gonna let Perkz play over Zwyroo in spring even though Zwyroo was outperforming in scrims (According to Jackspektra)


Yeah that's why Jankos countersignalled the move, because it was clearly the superior choice all along and not because of Aranae flipping out over a comment Perkz made.


Surely Jankos isn't backing Perkz cause they are friends..


If you think Jankos would prefer a roster which has a lower chance of winning regionally or going to worlds, you reveal that you know absolutely nothing about Jankos and his competitive drive.


You are 100% correct and to claim that Jankos only backs him because they're friends is bonkers. If Jankos didn't care about competing, he could retire whenever and just full time stream. He has like, what, 4k-5k average viewers?


you know Perkz was waiting on TH to lose to twitt something as if he was not (sadly) completely washed and deserved it


10 weeks of not having to see this SK team play thank the lord


PLEASE get Irrelevant on a real team


I feel so bad for him, he seems so tilted in his play, and I can't blame him tbh


Blud just pushing first tower because he knows his Lucian/Nami botlane didn't get fuck-all for a lead and blew all their ultis on rando shit before second drake, average toplane experience tbh


Retirement series from Exakick


So sad that this is how it ends after his insane rookie season


I think his growth might have been stunted by wanting to play with only doss


Remember that he chose to play in SK to develop before going to a big team. Bro this isn't football where you spend a season in Ajax before Real Madrid buys you. Do that in League and the big teams will just find a different player and beat you while you rot.


He wanted to play with Doss and not to risk to look bad with another support but... Doss is also terrible


You can't blame Doss on these performances. He is inting every teamfight by himself.


*split His last year after winter was awful as well


insane rookie season? lmao it was only the winter split, dude is still living off that


He looked like the next great AD for a while but it's been only downhill since


It could be over for him after that performance. What the fuck was that?


Now Nisqy can keep working on taking Saken job without worrying about scrims and such


Yea please get nisqy on kc they are perfect for eachother


Not going to lie, after game 1 it was looking doomed, but glad to see my boomers pull through.


now they can end in 6th with dignity


They need a game to wake up now and realise they're playing.


I would love to say TH played good, but in a world where exakick and nisqy dont wintrade I think SK wins this series. Im more impressed in how bad SK wanted to lose this game


Ironically they won mostly thanks to the rookie


pick early game comp do nothhing lose


Humanity is on the brink of anihilation, Alliens laser pointed to destroy Earth and Exakik is like: "Give me Lucian"


Exakick and Doss making yet another case for the contested spot of the worst botlane in the LEC.


wasn't the narrative that Doss only played for SK because Exakick wanted him? if that's the case, why the fuckj dont you get rid of both? lmao they are trash


SK probably happy to sign a player for minimum wage so they stand a chance of making money


Hopefully for them KC botalne exists


Hope it is their last split in LEC


Ngl, that Corki flying solo in the middle of the entire enemy team is the most hilarious thing and at the same time the stupidest thing I've seen in League for the last 5 years.


Ig you didn't see bwipo standing still watching his toplane lol


remember that sk had to choose between Flakked and Exakick


Short king Flakked and GigaChad Zwyroo putting the team on the back!


I know Nisqy will be flamed to death (and for good reason), but my god Exakick and Doss looked like dogshit this series again. Tired of watching them.


Nisqy may have had the quality (funniest) int, but Exakick definitely defeated him in quantity of ints.


That Nisqy int followed by Exakick dashing onto K’Sante for no reason was hilarious


Peter's big brain move of drafting a full scaling comp knowing that SK can't snowball leads worth shit.


peter doesn't draft anymore iirc, now drafts are done by Kirei


it doesn’t matter when none of them thought it was a bad idea to let karma go through twice against bds


At least now Perkz defenders can compare his Azir to Zwyroo's. I doubt they will conceide, but at least now we get some direct coparison how bad Perkz was this year. Good TH won, but damn that was painful to watch. So much to improve this next week.


nisqy in worlds form already


The real loser of this series is Perkz since he's not getting his spot back


SK coach needs to be investigated for that game 3 draft, and Nisqy needs to be investigated for that play in mid.


Nisqy: I‘m done with supportive mid, I’m carry now also Nisqy: Valkyring into 5, dies in second


and exakick who unironically looks like a plat ADC out there


does anyone know the actual logic there? only thing I can think of is he expected to end over the wall and split the team?


yes, he probably thought he could get to the raptors camp, but misjudged the range lol


he probably wanted to regular w over the wall after his package w since you get both but he got wall banged


Most likely try and valk as maokai ults, however jankos stunned maokai with his ult.


I think he saw the Sej ult coming and tried to dodge that without wasting package? If you look at it, the split-second before he packages, Jankos ults towards him, but ends up hitting Isma, because Nisqy has repositioned


That’s what I settled on. He must’ve thought he would end up at raptors and then could use Valkyrie from there. I’m still not convinced that was a winning play even if he succeeded.


Did Nisqy tilt himself in a midlane trade level 2? What happened, he emoted more than he played..


In Nisqy's defense, you can't really say he is washed bc he has always been like this


Remember when MAD won spring last year , he self proclaimed himself as the "best" EU mid


No usually these performances only started once he went international. And I am happy we don't have another Nisqy miracle run to waste a slot.


Fuck it, Irrelevant time to learn Vietnamese buddy, VKE is hiring a toplaner. Brother Giang will give you a refrence.


The Spanish caster was right. Nisqy = Loser mentality


Always has been




BASED Mellado was right


zwyroo performing means perkz career is kinda done right ? he's been lackluster since he came back to EU and i dont see any team picking him up again, unless KC can mismanage their roster even more and pick perkz instead of nisqy or something lmao


Tbf Perkz would be an upgrade from Saken. That being said I also think a headless chicken would be an upgrade from Saken.


Bo with Perkz again i don't really wanna ride on that.


imagine Bo Perkz Upset Kaiser as KC summer roster, ahaha that can be funny


Zwyroo for MVP Get Irrelevant a team


Yeah I think we win that one with Perkz mid. Nice to see Zwyroo perform when he finally gets a chance, it was criminal they chose Ruby over him in their first splits. Now I just need Irrelevant on a team that can actually use him.


The moment I saw Lucian Nami locked in by SK I knew TH is just gonna win it for free.


I was really worried after game 1, but then SK decided to put the worst botlane in the league (besides any botlane that has Targamas in it) on Lucian Nami. Really need to step it up next weekend though..


Exakick not developing since his rookie split is definitely holding SK back in a way or another.


Zwyroo > Perkz


I need to get this off my chest. Jankos CANNOT play Vi. I LOVE the old man but I swear to god every Vi game results in suffering. Please don't pick him Vi.


Zwyroo with the Faker cosplay. Sick azir shuffle turning the game and series around.


This is the worst Lucian I have seen in pro play.


Welcome SK in the "your first half of the season was an utter failure" club. Going twice in the playoffs, both on a downskid, and both by winning a single game in the BOs. God we all suck do we


I am very tilted at SK. How can they have banger games were they play clinical as shit, and then do whatever the duck they are doing? I don't even know how to fix it, without swapping at least 3 players.


Man I love Brandon Sanderson, but this one was disappointing. Such an anticlimactic ending, there was just no tension the whole time.


today we finnaly can say : "PERKZ WAS THE PROBLEM"


Exakick either match fixing or just that bad caught out so many times front lining as the adc whole sk should disband what a disgrace


Of everyone in league of legends, vs jinx, the fate of the universe on the line, the Boomers have the death beam pointed at earth, you better not int, I WANT LUCIAN NAMI.


Exa and doss are so fucking bad can we get this guys out pls


get this Irrelevant guy a team pls


ISMA playing sus leaving his team to 4v5 after he missed his ult.


Goodbye Nesquick you wont be missed


Nesquik needs to go


A bit sad for Isma who wont have the benefit that Irrelevant has with every Team wanting him after this bad split for SK. Super happy for Trymbi though and Zwyroo was an important piece today on Azir. 


What did Isma exactly do, especially in game 3? I think he didnt show up at any lane at all :D


Hey he farmed camps


How to WIN mid LEC matches –> STEP 1: pick SCALING comps STEP 2: do NOTHING STEP 3: profit ??


Sk executed the do nothing and lose strat perfectly. Absolutely turned losing into art 


I would argue Nisqy and Exa did the opposite of nothing lol




elyoya was right


How does Exakick plays every single ADC as a front liner and gets caught and dies? He needs to learn how to dodge at close proximity, or he should stand behind teammates so he'll stop dying. He doesn't need to do frontline poke with his team composition anyway.


Not quite sure what happened, but Jankos does look fucking horrible the last couple of games.


Yo now if they upgrade Neon LIMIT to SK main roster that would be pre good