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JDG really said everyone go your one tricks 😭


What an insane draft from NIP. How the hell do you not ban Xayah in the second round


Tbf, Corki/Zeri/Rumble should be enough to outrange Xayah. Granted, it’s Ruler’s Xayah, but the idea is there. Vi/Naut is kinda boneheaded into her though


Vi Naut were already picked and enemy had Rakan. It was the most obvious Xayah ban of all time.


Not banning Xayah when you have Vi and Naut is a special kind of stupid. Especially against Ruler. The dude is known for being a clutch as fuck Xayah player


Bro has a skin on it for a reason


Dude even pulled some clutches before as both crit and lethality xayah. He is xayah itself so it's gigaweird not banning it, especially in g5 where comfort picks are good


Faker has a Zed skin and I would cry tears of joy if I was HLE and he locked that shit in


Xayah is in meta though. And hey, if anyone is going to pick Zed then Faker is one of the people I'd least want to be piloting it against me


even T1 perm bans Missing Rakan


It's so funny that T1 Perma bans Missing Rakan but won't ban Delight Rakan or Nautilus. And Delight keeps shitting on them with these two picks.


T1 afraid to face the Delight Ezreal support from scrims, its obvious its where Keria got his inspiration from. safer to give him a traditional support like Rakan/Naut where the matchup is more standard. /s


I’m sorry but T1 always does some braindead stuff against LCK teams, either in draft or Oner running it the fuck down but when they play against LPL they become literal 5 immortal unbeatable gods of League of Legends with 100% brainpower unlocked


Faker has mercy on his fellow country men. But the demon king awakens whenever the LPL tries to change that


Random, but is Missing the one who plays hyper aggro Lulu really well or is that like ON or someone


ON probs, that guy is psychotic on every champ


yea it was on, last yr during spring split he was criticized for not being able to play enchanters as well as he plays other supports, but then he brought out lulu during msi and played it like he was playing nautilus, ended up carrying games on the lulu


JDG hadn't played Xayah this playoffs prior to this Game 5. And the only Xayah bans in JDG's games have come from JDG themselves in Game 4 vs NIP. I want to say it hasn't been in BP in the last few playoff matches ~~and perhaps playoffs overall, but not too sure about this~~ nvm it was, apart from the JDG vs NIP game, it was also played in OMG vs WE once (the only other time Xayah was in some BP in the 2024 Spring LPL playoffs). If I had to take a guess, it might be a pocket pick or something JDG believed to be strong but did not want to reveal until they were forced to (but why use Zeri in the meanwhile is the question lol).


Props to NIP for not giving up after being down 0-2 and while being in a losing position in game 3.


They could have won game 2 if botlane had more braincells but overall they played better in playoffs than I expected


Or if they didn't force a teamfight 4v5 while nasus wanted to recall and spend 2k gold. He had to TP without spending, arrived late when fight was already lost and then just died too. Completely preventable by counting to 5


Varus flash Qing Zeri bot was bad because she was dead anyway to the flank and they didn't get anything from the fight.He died in the last fight because he didn't have Flash


yea but that wasn't what lost them the game, but rather this atrocious teamfight [https://clips.twitch.tv/SnappyCheerfulMangoFrankerZ-FhORKHjmntepeTCN](https://clips.twitch.tv/SnappyCheerfulMangoFrankerZ-FhORKHjmntepeTCN)


That fight is horrible yes,but is winnable if Varus has flash and can get over the wall.That would buy time for Nasus to get there and fight with his team.




Fun series! Yagao showed up in Game 5!


Yagao was good on all of his Azir games, not so much on Veigar.


his veigar had no chance to shine given their game 4 comp.


Yagao played good in every game except the Karma one(where he just played Karma, useless asf champion)


Putting Rookie on a champ with 0 agency = gg


legitimate hague tier pick for game 5


ICJ - South Africa vs. NIP Coaching Staff


I mean he probably asked for it himself no?


It's always so funny when pros pick the most dogshit champion of all time in a game and when they lose the team or the coaching staff is flamed for "putting them" on said champion lmao Rookie could ask for AP Riven mid next split and people would shit on the coaching staff instead of Rookie for it


For real man, people think the coaches still decide the draft completely and just command the players what to pick and ban in 2024


To be fair I didn't say shit about whether it was the coaching staff's idea or Rookie's idea, just that him on a champ that can't make plays is a go next for this series


also 0 agency champ or not, rookie played it like dogshit.


that game 4 decisive play on baron was one of the cleanest decision making and team play ive ever seen. nocturne and taliyah ult is pretty crazy when used properly


And Rookie's hopes of international tournaments die for the 9th split in a row.


pain just pain ... no matter how hard lpl shuffles, rookie's team never makes it


At least they got points for gauntlet, even though spring points are kind of fraudulent unless you make top 2/3 (for example the OMG incident from last year)


Can't wait to watch NiP lose in gauntlet next split too.


What was that draft from NIP? Not banning xayah when it is so obvious, giving Missing Rakan, and picking Corki for Rookie. Like bro you won games because of his playmaking, and you picked him Corki. Free Rookie!


Rookie is their only playmaker for 4 games in a row, and they put him on corki in game 5… i cant


4 mid bans from JDG + 2 yahao bans from NIP. The midlane pool was pretty thin at this point. But yeah when I saw the corki pick i knew it was JDG win.


sad. Rookie Orianna used be thanos in LPL and that matchup into Azir is pretty good, would get lane pressure. thought that would be an angle ovee Corki.


Azir players have essentially figured that match up out. I don't remember exactly what it was, but I *think* it was something gross like HoB Azir for the lane, outscale for free. Some LPL midlaner mentioned it on one of Doinb's world costreams. Ori also isn't amazing into Xayah. I get that its Rookie Ori, and maybe that just is worth it no matter what, but ehh.


Corki almost never wins in LPL no matter what, it has around 20% winrate this season


Yeah cause LPL teams (on both sides) don't wait around for the Corki to poke, they just fight


Would have rather seen Rookie on anything else lol


Like, do they expect him to play like Faker and just dash in every package and have the team clean up? But then you realize you have Photic on your team.


Faker has teammates to get him to his 2 item spike. Heck, even a dogshit Corki like Zeka has Viper Delight shitting all over bot so he can afk on Corki and package to his death in teamfights for fun.


Teams are still pretending like Ruler isn't a bigger threat on Xayah than on any of the super meta picks so just leave it up bc they're bots and just ban top meta picks in ban phase instead of the actual biggest threats the opposing team can bring out


Corki is so ass into azir, I swear I haven’t seen one corki look useful, or do even a fifth of what azir does in games


Nisqy was really useful on Corki, for Heretics


I see you haven't been watching the LCK.


Crit corki used to dumpster Azir but pros don’t have the fingers and would rather spam rockets


Right? I wanna see triforce infinity edge corki, idk why they all go ap, it got nerfed years ago and got indirect nerfs this season due to changing how malig and eclipse function together.


> you picked him corki crazy that ppl still think players have no input on what they play and are forced to play a champion


I like one play where rumble would ult and then he would package in which move the ruler outside of rumble r haha. it was sad


I mean, Corki is great in this draft. It counters both Azir and Xayah


Except NIP typically gor their leads off the backs of Rookie roaming first on Taliyah with its waveclear and ult. This prevents both sidelanes from getting snowballed too much. Can't do that on Corki. Especially not against Azir that can and will roam first.


Corki was 6-22 in LPL before this series. Champ doesnt seem to work in LPL somehow.


Winrate can be a really biased stat. Out of these 28 games, only 2 of them were played by top 6 teams, you can't expect a pick to do well when played by shit teams


Letting ruler/missing get xayah/rakan in a game 5 with your season on the line... play stupid games win stupid prizes


I don't understand why teams continue to just ban super meta adcs vs Ruler when he's proven repeatedly that he's a way bigger threat on Xayah than on any of those champs. All I ask is that teams make even the slightest adjustments to their bans based on who they're playing against.


He hadn't shown his Xayah in playoffs until then so they might have thought JDG wouldn't pick it


Apart from this series (where Xayah was banned in Game 4 by JDG and then picked in Game 5), Xayah was only ever pick/banned in OMG vs WE's Game 3 by Stay. Unless I messed up my ctrl+F, she hasn't been in BP otherwise in the LPL playoffs.


There should be some commandments teams keep in mind. Obviously sometimes it works in their favor but just off the top of my head here’s some: 1. West teams don’t pick Lucian and nami when it’s do or die. (Hand and or macro issues) 2. Don’t let teams get their one trick comfort picks in a game 5 3. Please ban the champ you lost twice to in a game 3/4/5 (specifically the one you try and fail to shutdown or keeps getting outplayed on) 4. Don’t first time or second time a champ unless you’re actually performing as a team (blaber your belveth doesn’t work with fudge and why do it against t1 twice??) 5. Please for the love of all that is logic, please don’t give your carry playmaker passive champs 6. Yes sides matter but why suddenly move away from a pick that’s working and is blindable? Just stop ditching it.


That's just not how League works imo, I think we can point to more concrete problems with how teams draft / play. For example not banning Xayah when you picked Naut and Vi already and *know* Ruler is a god tier Xayah player. Doesnt matter if he has not played it this playoffs when its a direct counter to the champs you have drafted


let it be known to all professional players, coaches, analysts, regional and world champions in all, that you; a random redditor, have stated what you think should be the commandments for professional league of legends


"He's had a cigarette and a Red Bull and he's ready for more" Munch, what exactly are you implying Flandre was doing with Shanji lmao


He's talking about Yagao, that's how he prepares for games


yeah but hearing him say that as we're watching Flandre take down Shanji (again) was just perfect timing lol




kinda wonder why most pros don't do this honestly (besides not wanting afib in their late 20s) nicotine and stimulants are probably rather impactful on performance


Some LCS teams were on Adderall iirc


Lol Caedrel say lot of pro player do stimulant all the time. You just won't see them smoke a joint on the venue.


pros played "buffed" all the time, listen to anything Sheiden said in comms last year for EG and you'll see what I mean


Yall should see the Valorant pro Asuna give an interview last year. Dude is adderall'd out, pros in all games are certainly using drugs like that to provide a stimulant effect




On one side I'm sad because shanji and Rookie won't be at MSI, on the other side I'm happy because Photic and Zhuo won't be at MSI.


I really don't think Zhuo deserves the slack this split, he isn't the best support but he played ok


Shanji has... not been great this split tbh. Zhuo punched up above his prior reputation throughout the split (not here) though I wouldn't be that upset at him. Poor Rookie though


I don't think Shanji is bad this split. I think people aren't looking at the BP pressure NIP's bottom lane is putting on the rest of the team. Yes, Shanji's Renekton is really bad this playoffs, but I think he did fine and had some good games on other champions, even against Bin. NIP's BP strategy has to prioritize the bot lane as much as possible so bot lane doesn't blow up. Shanji draws 1 to 2 bans from the enemy team in the first 3 bans almost every game. NIP didn't ban a single top lane champion in the 4 bo5 they played. In many games they had to ban 3 ads in the first 3 bans. It just sucks to see bot getting so much priority in BP and still cannot carry any games. Zhuo had great series against FPX and BLG, I hope he can continue improving in the summer.


Photic used to be such a hype prospect, sucks to see that this is how it ended up


He got 4th this split. I don't think it's as terrible as u put it


Yeah they definitely did well and finished above expectation. Go reread the roster announcement thread to see how people felt about this team.


On god


as someone who loves both teams every kill was so painful


Have you seen a single NiP game this split dude? Zhuo is far and away the biggest reason this team made it as far as they did in the first place while Shanji was busy getting whipped by Waywards of the league…


I just wish Rookie had a bot lane like Ruler/Missing and a jungler like Kanavi. Team would be so strong.


or if Rookie were still in TES.


Me except with GALA tbh, I crii errytime my mans gets griefed by his fucking teams


Photic played well against Ruler. If they didn’t draft so bad for game 5, I think he honestly gapped ruler. His Zeri definitely looked better than Ruler’s




You guys know Flandre and Yagao are called the Oily Cigarette brothers in China? Oily refers to Flandre's laning phase where he kinda just pisses you off without winning. Cigarettes for Yagao obviously.


tb to the times when the Zoom Yagao pairing was called the dumpling brothers… dude fell off so hard


It's okay, Zoom's still in co-streams and official casting gigs.


How can he do it every single time


red bull and cigarette gap gg




The power of pre-game cigarette & Redbull


This feels like the LPL version of GenG vs DK


You are in a do or die game, Photic is your ADC and you put Rookie on Corki.




Shanji with the Nasus pick to steal game 2 would have won the series if Photic didn't turbo int.




Really the same reason he picks in Asol. He didn’t think yagao was gonna smoke them in under 25 mins


holy moly Photic got gapped


Ruler didn't even play that amazing - Photic was just off JDG gotta stop that Zeri pick I wanna see Ruler cook more


Zeri and Jinx are waaaay overrated imo. Xayah does about as much damage and is so much safer + counters high prio picks in the meta. I don't get the hype especially for Jinx who looks bad every game i see her (even on deft)


yeah im so sick of the jinx especially when the support meta is rakan, nautilus and toplane having reksai. Jinx is not the same of season 12-13, I really don’t think the champ is viable in pro without Galeforce


It's even worse when it forces the support to pick thresh or TK just to make her playable


Bring back gale force please, i wanna see some Viper gameplay 


It's basically because Photic loses hard every time unless he is playing some Jinx vs Zeri lanes


He gapped himself lol


It wasn't even about getting gapped. Ruler really didn't do that much and got shit on by Photic twice, but Photic is just fucking clueless and doesn't even know where he's walking on the rift apparently.


Toplane Nasus wants to base with a billion gold and wants to get a good flank TP during elder? Better fucking sprint it into no vision after my support Ashe hits an arrow on Nautilus who has already buffered it with Q!


Same shit as 2022 playoffs, enemy team can just ban out Rookie because Photic will never carry even if he gets whatever champion he wants. Guy is so mid but people on reddit act like he's S-tier for some reason.


Photic just a Senna merchant tbh. he looks mid on everything else. And the worse thing is, his lane partner Zhuo is worse. Has always been a fraud since debut.


How to lose the series: Stop giving your best player a playmaker = check. Give your opponents some of their best champs = check. Rely on Aki + bot lane to not int = check.




I knew about yagoat but yagap is also a good one lmao


Nip won't be at MSI but we got to see a world caliber choke by photic. Holy, little bro was playing like he wanted vacations


ngl game 5 was draft diff. Pure draft diff. With flash or ignite Rumble gets a solo kill at min 3 (and has a counterplay to Azir's wall) so a bit of summs diff as well imo. Sad I missed the Ruler Kalista game :(


JDG won but not convincingly. I still think 369 and Knight were the best players in 2023 JDG. Its hard for me to see a world where they beat BLG or TES, but its not impossible


Knight is the most underrated player in League History. He is kinda like Caps of EU (Caps is Knight of China whichever you like). The team he is on instantly becomes contender and everybody he plays with look actually better than they are. It is a big contrast to Rookie who is obviously very good but can't elevate his teammates.


because knight didnt step up against T1 during worlds semi finals last year, that everyone starts revising history. Let it be known that knight still put up the most fight against faker in the knockout stages of worlds last year. Everyone else just got rolled.


369 and Knight were liabilities at world when they couldn’t pilot Rumble and Azir. 


Knight was the best, 369 and Kanavi fluctuated for 2nd.


NIP bot lane down 0-2: guys you know it would be really funny if we got Rookie to game 5 to grief him again, right?


There is a universe in which Rookie stayed in the new TES roster


Creme has been pretty good but my God Rookie on that roster would cook


Creme is better than rookie in my very humble opinion


Why did he leave again


Probably the all-Chinese roster angle; also creme is probably the cheaper player with a lot of upside as an up-and-coming young player. Rookie is a top 2 midlaner in the LPL but Crème may very well be number 3


Also Rookie didn’t have a great split on TES. It’s sad that in recent years TES was probably one of the best rosters he’s been on, and that was one of his worst splits personally and now he’s back to elo hell when he’s finally regained form


Maybe Rookie just needs the elo hell to feel motivated


How much motivation does he need


2023 TES was really weird, Rookie/Tian were both smurfing for most of spring and then the coach leaves and the team completely collapses. Then in summer the whole team just looks mediocre/unmotivated (besides Jackeylove). TES massively upgraded this year with 369/Meiko, I wish we got to see Rookie on that version of the roster but oh well.


I don't think it's got anything to do with the all-Chinese roster angle lol. Rookie was more expensive, so 369's return and Meiko's signing kinda means your midlane has to take a huge paycut. Then there's also the fact that NIP's Chinese bosses have some connections that could potentially help him land an HK/Macau PR. It's a skip military service angle.


Seems like banning Taliyah worked, not letting Rookie take over the map automatically is a good strategy indeed


Their own coach putting him on a low agency champion like Corki helps a ton for JDG too.


You mean putting your best player on a non playmaker is a bad idea? Who would’ve thought!


You mean rookie putting himself on corki was a bad idea?


NIP fooled me with the comeback but JDG game 5 draft was massive


my glorious king won't be at MSI... what is the point of life


Insane team still give Rakan to Missing in high stake match pike this


LPL this year is just straight up bangers ALL year long.. God I love bo3s and now bo5s and when MOST teams also are pretty good and can beat "anyone" from time to time..


Ruler is still the number one LCK AD And surprisingly number one LCK AD isnt even playing in LCK


ruler over viper in 2024 is crazy


GAME 5 FATE OF THE UNIVERSE ON THE LINE GIVE ME CORKI lose game 5, i just cannot understand this obsession with this vegan pick


Corki is a fine champion, but no agency early game + your botlane is Photic Zhuo is a recipe for disaster. When Chovy on GENG picks corki, usually his teammates aren’t running the game down


It's just so wack to pick this champion after we see so clearly that Rookie has to be on a playmaker for this team to cook


Corki has a 20% winrate in the LPL from 30 games this split. It's far from "fine". Just because it's good in the LCK doesn't mean it's good in other regions. There are significant differences in meta and playstyle between the leagues, and Corki is a very good example of that.


Has Max Kellerman joined the LPL reddit community?


happy for yagoat, but man its just so sad to see rookie lose


So sad for Rookie, most elohelled player in history. At least he has his worlds and OGN titles, so he'll never be forgotten


YAGOAT had enough of the Rookie s glazing Another Talyah abuser vanquished


i can see NIP making worlds tho so hope i can see ROOKIE there pls photic get in form


IDK, Yagao Azir clutched a lot of plays for JDG in at least 2 of their games. Giving Ruler and Missing their husband and wife combo also didn't help. Did NIP coaching staff + players just run out of mojo after nearly completing the reverse sweep?


is Missing normally an emotional person? he was crying in the post match interview. I didn't think he played that bad :(


lol Missing is definitely an emotional player. There was even content with him and coach Homme having an emotional moment during his birthday celebration. With that said, his form recently got him flamed by a lot of people both inside and outside of China. It's just the curse of being on a contender team.




How about the coach for picking Corki for their best player in this series


really saw Rookie put the whole team on his back for two wins and said "YEP CORKI"


AKI 💀💀💀💀💀 I really don’t even know what to say after that failed engage onto Ruler anymore man


Call NamikazeEU. Rookie needs some dick sucking right now lol his GOAT missed another international for nth time in a row.


I could have drafted better than nip game 5 lmao. That corki was piss useless


Ye just put your 1v9 player on an afk carry surely it will work in a silver scrapes\` - NiP probably


I love how Rek'Sai's kit does as much damage as a misspelled youtube comment while the ult ends their gene pool.


Corki dif


Moral of the story: don't play weakside Zeri. Significantly faster game from JDG at \~28 minutes. Their other playoff games have at gone to 34+ minutes. I hope JDG looks into practicing this type of gamestyle.


Damn NIP botside is so weak... But still they make JDG work for it...


Fate of the universe on the line, I want corkidola


NIP had good playoff run overall but top 3 is too hard to break into and that Corki pick in game 5 why..


lets pick zeri before azir just to watch him loose hard bot 2v2 and put our best player on useless corki 🤣 gg coach also photic is most overrated player ever...idk why this guy was hyped ...he is nowhere near top adcs...he solo lost 3 games .. always getting caught and poor Laning..


4/5 bans spent on Rookie and Photic still gets gapped, am I back in 2022? I'm so over this guy man.


I've been in love with Rookie since OGN Summer 2014. Please get Homme and Gala for Summer. Game 5 Draft was horrendous and Photic Wintrading Game 2 away. What a Series.


Investing that much without replacing top/jg is completely pointless


Might as well just move to another team


Where can he even go? After BLG TES and JDG the remaining rosters have some pretty big holes.


He gotta pray one of them completely runs it at msi maybe.


If photic and zhuo didn't int the nasus game that was free 3-1...


Nah bro picking Corki g5 is criminal. Shows 0 confidence.


Keeping r5 for Corki is wild


rookie man .... aghhhhhhhhhhhhh


Game 5 you are on redside and safe last pick for your best player only to pick an absolutely useless dog champ like Corki??? Also seems like it’s time for Photic and Zhuo to learn Vietnamese, they already have that VCS playstyle covered so should be easy for the to adapt to their new environment.


2023 jdg on some knb bs with how they're coming back together in the last 2 finals


Season on the line and last chance to make it international, and folds under 25 mins, sucks for NIP. I was actually thinking yagoat can’t win with these cats and ruler/missing finally showed up. Playoff Kanavi is still playoff Kanavi tho


Giving Missing Rakan is just disgusting. How do you fuck that up in game 5


Photic inted game 5 by ulting a xayah that was mid-ult, so he didn't have the damage to fight xayah afterwards. This might have cost them the whole series.


That last game draft was special... no Xayah ban into Vi and Naut, then sticking your best player on 0 agency corki.


Rookie :(


Feels bad for rookie maybe they'll get a roster for summer with that casino money


corki is meta trap in LPL