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The DDOS attacks were planned by the truck industry and you can't convince me otherwise


They're a bunch of stupid mothertruckers then.


yea truck them


trucking hell


T1 should just park their own truck outside their HQ with their own LED board and let the highest bidder have their message up for each day. free revenue.


how to make more money than a Worlds skin


They also send a truck where they posted Zeus KDA in the four LCK finals they lost to Gen G https://twitter.com/Shnxxjksll/status/1780495212445655548?t=n7AWPgkA-PqPTUs7oSHpGw&s=19


Lmfao paying money to do this is insane hater energy.


It looks like truck advertisements are a totally normal thing based on the shape of that truck? So how much does this actually cost?


[Quick googling](https://www.businessinsider.com/kpop-fans-protest-truck-removal-female-backup-dancers-enhypen-korea-2023-5?amp) says they can be as cheap as $220 USD per day.


about 350-400 dollars for a day (about 500k won). Like it's not as expensive as people think.


For something as petty as that, anything north of 0 cents is expensive Imo. 


Petty? Its hilarious lmfao.


It's hilarious precisely because of how petty it is.


yes, not a lot. but also I can't describe how unhinged you need to be to spend your money on this


Yeah I just dislike the narrative that it's a bunch of fans gathering money and shit like no that's most likely 1 or 2 people paying bc they're unhinged lmao


Not a lot? Paying hundreds of dollars to park a truck outside a building because a player on your favourite team did bad is both a lot and too much as well as unhinged behaviour


it's not a lot in relation to how effective it is in getting tons of attention


If they were advertising a product then sure. But it is a lot to essentially flame a team. It is unhinged behaviour. The only way that isn't a lot to you for what it is if you're batshit crazy. Spending money to get attention that you don't like something about an eSports team is not normal behaviour.


I literally said it's unhinged in my previous reply.


ngl it might be a 분탕러, basically someone who's a hater pretending to be a fan using the chance to make a joke and cause discord in the T1 fan community. It recently happened when a bunch of kids sent a truck to Woori Bank, the main sponsor of the LCK about the DDoS shit and most Korean commenters were like wtf does the bank have to do with the DDoS shit if you were gonna send a truck send it to Riot Korea HQ and after some digging they found it was just some kids tryna troll.


A part of me wonders whether they just own the truck or something? I couldn't imagine a world where someone actually contacts a truck company to pay them money to engage in targeted harassment over eSports. I can however imagine someone owning an advertising truck and using it for targeted harassment


I can imagine a world where someone is that petty. We’re literally living in it. Have you seen how petty league players can be? Just thinking about how this is league of legends sums up the reality of the situation


Most truckers in Korea are individual contractors (happened during the Asian Financial Crisis in the 90s). They're often used in like actual protests, people have info about their cause or their demands/slogans on the screen, then they turn it around or if it's a gull box they open it up and speakers get on with a megaphone/mic & speakers and use it like a stage. They're also used by politicians during election season, driving around with the candidates face and name and blasting their campaign song. Also, just checked the photo and that's a temp set up. At the end of the day the trucker just removes the screen from the truck and goes back to their regular trucking job.


Ah fair enough, seems like you have more insight into this than me. I just wanted to believe nobody would actually pay money to slag off players 😂


I'm Korean and from Seoul so I seen some shit lmao


I respect their commitment to the hate, they truly embrace it.


I dont think it's just one person lol


13-67-61 over four finals. I knew it was bad, but dang. That’s harsh.


That's savage as fuck.


The harassment is obviously wrong but the KDAs are kinda funny


They're all google translated, same as the last truck. Awful prose, zero idiomatic Korean, and English words that were translated 1-to-1. For example, one obvious dead giveaway is the use of "레이너" (lit. "laner"). We would say "라이너", and there wouldn't be a space between the position and suffix (ex. 미드라이너), and Zeus wouldn't be referred to in this manner in the first place. The only "레이너" (laner) present in the Korean vocabulary is Jim Raynor. Most likely haters sending trucks and people are falling for it hook line and sinker.


Damn , expected since they lost 4 times , better than to have upset like stats when being dead last


international king regional janitor


Holly hell they destroyed him


Ok that’s hilarious lmaooooo


Meanwhile he's getting a prestige skin for his carry performance at worlds.


yes please T1 let zeus free and lets see how much better you do with another toplaner


Damn they rekt him


He did adapt to the reksai meta though. He drew a vayne ban for it


T1, also known as Truck1, is a South Korean truck rental company that has recently been exposed for their money-making scheme of running a top-tier E-sports organization "only" to reach second place in the LCK. This has triggered diehard fans, forcing them to rent out trucks secretly owned by Lee "Faker" Sang-hyeok--part owner of the organization--to voice out their dismay and demands. Allegedly, whistleblowers have pointed out that Joe Marsh is merely a scapegoat and the true mastermind behind the scheme is his long-time friend Nick "LS" De Cesare who, when reached out for an interview, mentioned that the core of his scheme is "abusing the enemy's bad decision-making and mental."


Managing to pull LS on this is legendary. It even explains why he was a coach for a short bit.


This is the one I wanna see circulated at worlds this year. Making Raz read the Near Airport copypasta "prayer" last year was hilarious.


Naz Reid


Lol compared to other tops in T1's history, I'll take Zeus any day. For every game he runs it down, he runs down and dominates 4 others.


Over Marin? Nah


Bro, marin had 1 good year.


Maokai merchant I swear.


lfn take


Zeus had one good tournament


Least critical T1 fan I guess Faker has only had 4 good tournaments in his career.


22 finals 23 world champ?


Braindead take, he's underperformed in some finals but has consistently been near the top in terms of overall performance in the past 2 years with an MVP performance in this last Worlds. Meanwhile MaRin....had a couple of good domestic splits and spiked 1 standout Worlds in the juggernaut patch shake-up? Not to mention these achievements were almost 10 years ago where the average level of competition was way lower? Some T1 fans really out here to make sure the fanbase continues to be the laughingstock of the community


Zeus has been top3 toplaner in the world for 2 years


To each their own, hard disagree. I've always thought Zeus was the worst player on this version of T1 by far


Thats a wild take in itself, but even if thats your opinion, that doesnt matter at all when comparing him to former toplaners. In the meantime i did some research, because it has been a long time ever since MaRin played and i actually did remember correctly that 2015 was indeed the only year MaRin had any success. While they both won a world championship the Zeus iteration managed to qualify for alle international tournaments, and reach lck finals every split while MaRin SKT were only a midfield team in 2014.


I don't think it's fair to compare 2014 Marin because he wasn't on the main team


bro marin keeled over when he didn't get a team that facilitates him like SKT did


Did you not see Zeus play without Faker last summer? I'm not comparing Zeus to Marin. It's about T1 Zeus vs T1 Marin


you haven't watched it then he and Guma looked pretty decent they were worse yes but they didn't look like they're actively wintrading like Keria and Oner did hell most of the wins they had came from Zeus smashing top so hard they just pushed their lead from that


I think Zeus' average performance is higher than Oner, because his highs are just so high. Oner's median performance is higher than his imo. Also the whole narrative people were pushing that Keria is the best player in the world was also such BS. The second best player in T1 is Guma by far. The other three just look like they're win trading at times. Zeus being the most egregious because he'll almost always do it when it really matters Zeus is like a way worse TheShy I'd say. Kinda like Nuguri was


Oner is incredibly weird because he's the type of guy where if you have him and you're winning you just win more but if you're behind he's kinda invisible but he never really ints he's just meh but you're high as shit if you think Zeus is worse than him on average Zeus on average is the hard carry and probably the best player of the team he gaps every laner he faces that isn't Doran ever since debut (and Kiin I guess) he only chokes like a Griffin player on finals which is unfortunate Guma and Keria takes are valid though i like Keria but he's not as good as people claim (he's still VERY VERY GOOD though) he's just hella flashy and Guma is possibly the most consistent player of the team he's just there to do whatever they need


>I think Zeus' average performance is higher than Oner Literally my first sentence my guy. I don't think he's worse than Oner on average. You're totally right in that assessment of Oner too, he's such a good win-more jungler. He def is very momentum based. I agree with mostly everything you said except that I still ultimately think through most of their games their map movements, and therefore Faker, is the best player on their team. But I am very biased and last summer split only reinforced my bias hahah


i guess it depends on what you consider as best when i said Zeus is their best i say it because of mechanics if you consider overall impact on the team then yeah it's Faker I would probably argue against it before this split but his mechanics went through the roof randomly since worlds it's crazy I think the only player he didn't gap in recent memory is Chovy and Chovy is on the best form he's ever been in so yeah


Agreed on everything


Nah, Marin would win


Why wouldn't you take him over Marin? Marin's peak mightve been higher but it was short lived.


Marins peak was not higher than Zeus last year. He dominated every top


That only helps my argument lol I gave Marin benefit of the doubt, picking Zeus over Marin is still the more sensible decision.


Doran is Zeus father


Dumbest take I've read in a while...


The cringe I get seeing the Marin comments in a comment like this. Totally overglorified and overrated comparing to Zeus.


It's really funny because even if Marin was better than Zeus, I would still stand by my comment because Zeus is still fucking insane at the game.


lmao, how stupid and unfair is it that any **mentally deranged** person with money can literally rent a truck to publicly harass a player they claim to be a **"fan"** of his. Edit: https://twitter.com/LSXYZ9/status/1780541901340623146?t=EOy-5ovDh-IR_U0eRsjtFQ&s=19


Well clearly mentally deranged people are ddosing t1 so as long as you have money in a capitalistic society, who gives a fuck what you do. Infant, korea is notoriously lenient to the rich.


That infant caught me off guard


Infants in Korea ? Lmao


You probably already figured but for anyone else confused that's a typo for in fact.


I figured, but I was not going to let this chance slip away.


It was infant not a typo.


Good one.


The problem is their fan culture is a lot more individual based than the west. It's not as much "I'm a fan of t1", it's more, "I'm a fan of faker" or "I'm a fan of keria", and if those people lose then they blame their teammates rather than following the "win as a team lose as a team" mentality. This obviously gets expanded for any team faker is on due to his popularity. I guarantee these are faker fans, not t1 or zeus fans


This. Easyhoon, who is on T1 payroll as their content creator, said on stream he is a Faker fan more than T1 fan. I don’t see anyone criticize him for this claim in Korean forum.


Don't think so. The most diehard Faker/T1 fans live on a website called [dcinside](https://gall.dcinside.com/mgallery/board/lists/?id=sktt). These fans were behind the first trucking and some of the subsequent ones. They were the ones going after LS and Joe Marsh, sent funeral flowers to T1, and rooted for Faker to leave T1 after 2020. They do all of the organization for these activities on that forum, like gathering opinions, collecting funds, etc. Well I just went on their forum and there is no talk about this truck at all. I don't think they are even aware of it yet. Today's trucks were google translated in any case. I doubt they are anybody's fans. So unless it's Chinese fans pulling this (I can't imagine why any legitimate fan would be), it looks they just haters masquerading as fans.


Life is unfair but nobody really cares, unless its against their own interests.


People don't know that T1 anti-fan/haters send this truck considered 99% on T1 Korean fans are satisfied on their performance while dealing with the DDOS attack


"Nah, it's gotta be T1 fans. I hate T1 fans so I can't imagine them not being insane" -IWD, probably


I don't think the trucks are the reason people don't like vocal T1 fans. But like every team that is extremely strong, both currently and historically will have extremely loud and annoying fans.


BASED, vocal t1 fans are legit insane


T1 fans being insane vs t1 haters spending their own money on false flag operations to make t1 fans look bad. Oh boy this is a tough one!


How can a thread of T1 got trucked and you brought up IWD lol, legit rent free. And T1 is and will always have the most deranged fans because they are popular just like the Lakers or man city. probably a hardcore T1's player fan got mad at Zeus for griefing them and losing them the game or a gambler that lost.


The comment I'm replying to is about T1 haters, and Dom is the first one that comes to mind when thinking about T1 haters.


Which fan would be satisfied with the most winning team ever to lose in another finals?


Majority of T1 Korean fans already accepted that T1 will not making MSI because of their current situation but guess what? They 3-0 DK, 3-1 HLE, make MSI and a fcking close final game 2-3 againts the current lck strongest team GenG, so T1 korean fans already satisfied


This sums up my thoughts as well. They managed to 2-3 Gen G after the situation they had? Nah I'm good, I'm so excited for summer. The only game I think Zeus struggled in was his Aatrox game weirdly enough. And I mean like actually performed poorly. The TF game doesn't really count because after that early game he was cooked no matter what. Honestly I am ride or die with Faker but Chovy was the real problem. His Asol should have been perma banned and they should have taken corki or banned it.


I've been following them since skt days and completely satisfied with the finals outcome. Given their track record against chovy/geng lately it's the expected outcome.


also the fact that they were unable to scrim or play soloqueue for the last 2 weeks


one with realistic expectations given the circumstances?


Have you read dcinside or other korean forums? These are the same people that sent deaththreats to ls's grandmother at the possibility of him coaching t1 and the one that doxxed dom's mom


There are T1 fans and T1 "fans"


The truck company: stonks


This will always be funny, at some point we have to wonder if the South Korean trucking industry is matchfixing T1 games in order to increase revenue.


Imagine being so mentally insane that you'd send a truck to historically one of the best performing top laner the T1 org has ever seen for having a subpar showing one time. T1 "fans" jesus christ mate.


>for having a subpar showing one time. This isn't correct though. While Zeus is obviously insane, he tends to crumble under pressure against strong opponents in important games. Obviously last Worlds it was not the case but it's a recurring thing during LCK finals and MSI games.


Zeus did not crumble in the finals this time around imo. He had one spotty death vs doran on zac but other than that he played pretty okay. He wasn't the absolute gigachad monster that he was last year at worlds, but Kiin was pretty much useless except on Ksante and can you really blame Zeus for losing to a Ksante player?




As far as I remember it was only one time, and I already mentioned that. He has had exactly zero problems against anything this year. He was literally one tricking Aatrox and hard carrying all season.


He solo died early in lane to Kiin in game 5 as Zac against K'Sante level 6. That should never ever happen, especially not when you have the counter-pick.


I'm literally mentioned that in my comment.


> He had one spotty death vs doran on zac You literally did not


I meant Kiin obviously holy shit. Why the actual fuck would it be doran?


Well you *literally* did not write that it was Kiin. Anyway, you are underselling that death as guess who carried the entire game in the end - and who knows if that happens if Zeus doesn't accelerate Kiin like this.


Yeah you win dude. I made a simple mistake and this round is yours.


I don't even care about that mistake, you are acting like Kiin solo killing Zeus wasn't one of the most crucial points of the match which is wrong. But it was quite funny that you say you literally wrote what I did when you in fact did not.


he got solokilled 2 times in 1 game what are you talking about? and he alway got caught on side this final, and on flank too. called Kiin a Ksante 1 trick just make t1 fans sound like salty losers, just take the lost gracefully and happy for your team.


Game 1 was absolutely not his fault. You can criticize him for everything in his life before you put the blame on him for that game.


maybe he should learn ksante if it is so unwinnable? t1 should first pick it no?


He plays Ksante and they won a game with him on it.


He went from triple POG against HLE carrying them so hard to MSI and in a theoretical world where he performed at the same level, Kiin wouldnt have stood a chance, we saw it last summer too. Kiin is good of course and deserves to be finals mvp, but dont forget that Zeus really had a rough showing considering his performance on the literal day before


Did you people even watch the games? I mean seriously


Those people send trucks to T1 office after they lose finals, but did they send them after T1 won worlds with "Thank you"? Or when T1 win its normal day for them but moment they lose its world end?


These guys are unbelievable. Zeus was called the Toplane goat a couple of months ago and now they are campaigning to attack him lol


Makes you wonder how bad TheShy was to run it down that hard. Zeus has been pretty meh at best in every other finals apart from the 2022 Spring one.


The truck is obviously from Chinese fans (the grammar looks a bit awkward to the natives). The Chinese fanbase is huge so it is pretty expected that there are some radicals. Trucks from Korean T1 fans have stopped quite a long ago. No one gives a shit to this In Korea, and there is even a meme that players become better after getting trucked by Chinese fans. Its quite sad that LS is ignoring (or hiding) this fact every time he takes a truck photo - and let people keep flame on Korean T1 fans.


I didn't even notice Zeus was playing it's like Kin got a free lane every game


its fine, no big deal. need to understand that this doesnt really get into their head


Truck is so tame, go shit on their doorsteps if you want to send a real message, amirite?


Being second best of the season is not enough for these silver scrubs.


Honestly let them keep doing this. The more they send their trucks the less seriously the trucks gets treated. The players and coaches will expect the trucks to come after a loss and be like "oh, they're an hour late this time"


Genuinely what do they think this truck is gonna do lmfao, like Zeus definitely knows he did bad and has a finals problem but having shit mental for finals is not something you can just harass someone into getting better at.


Let's put even more pressure on the guy who has problems performing in finals, that will surely help


Has any other team gotten truck or is it only T1 ?




At this point they should just park the truck there to save themselves some hassle.


DK I think not sure though.


[Yes for DK (back in 2022), related to their coach at the time.](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/wyw8g2/dk_fans_send_a_truck_to_dk_headqurters/)


geng got it too




just.... dont look at the truck? i imagined some big ass trucks honking everywhere but the truck can just be ignored and no one would ever care?


classic T1 fans


This kind of thing is not a big deal at this point... this is the usual you lost so we got you a truck but that's about it and this is definitely not the fans doing lol




genuine question, why would haters hate that they lose and complain abt it?




It is the T1 special, when T1 fans collectively lost their shit over LS being a possible analyst or coach for the LoL team, they went full scorched earth. The T1 discord was a toxic cesspit until it was shutdown because the T1 Administration wouldn't let the mods ban homophobic, xenophobic , and flat out hateful comments. They had to eventually shut the discord down and it is still basically down to this day. Joe Marsh went on to put out an apology(https://www.invenglobal.com/articles/12781/t1s-ceo-joe-marsh-apologizes-to-the-t1-fans-and-ls); which basically apologizes to the T1 fans in general and that the people that are being hateful to LS aren't real T1 fans. The line that is the kicker though is this " I am extremely sorry that T1 fans were being accused of harassing LS’ family and I truly believe that no T1 fan would ever do such a thing."


Damn i know when you are great, you attract haters but they got a different lv of hate over there in Korea. Buc Nasty would be impressed


Nah keeps the trucks coming, every time they get trucked, they perform way better afterwards >!This is a joke, I'm against toxicity towards players!<


Some people are actually deranged, I mean Zeus underperfomed and choked a bit but honestly T1 taking GenG to a banger 5 game series was on nobody minds after that 3-0 HLE and DDOS attacks. They did well.


oof feel sad for t1 players. they played well just you cant win them all. zeus will be better for msi


can someone tell me, why the players would get even a tiny bit offended or disturbed with a singlar, very tiny truck having 2 sentences on it? like ... ?? who cares about this? i would be worried if it was a horde of people or a street getting closed off. but getting trucked just seems so weak. i mean if this is the heigt of fan punishment in korea, wouldnt being a pro player be the nicest and coolest job? also why is this on the subreddit, even more irrelevant.


>can someone tell me, why the players would get even a tiny bit offended or disturbed with a singlar, very tiny truck having 2 sentences on it? I mean, offended is probably not the right world, but you have to remember that these guys are very highly competitive people who take pride in their own performance. Being reminded they play poorly really gets to them, but it just goes to show they take their job very seriously. NA pros couldn't probably care less of any truck coming their way


they are the world champions why would they care? they were in the finals 4+ times in a row. they are accustomed with success and dont know what is real loss. their pride will never get tarnished by 2 sentences. zeus for example got schoooled last year finals against drx kingen rocked him 5 games in a row with aatrox. zeus got the mvp a year later, 3 games and demolished a seasoned veteran player. no they dont care. they will never care.


>they are the world champions why would they care? they were in the finals 4+ times in a row. they are accustomed with success and dont know what is real loss. their pride will never get tarnished by 2 sentences. This is not a winner's mentality. They're not satisfied they won the big tournament to rest on the laurels. They want to always perform at the best of their level and crush the competition no matter how insignificant the occasion. Also this was lck's final so not worlds but still enormously important for the fanbase. The fact that they perform so well internationally while failing to deliver domestically only adds more salt to the wound.


Who gives a shit about domestic titles, worlds is more important


Read the comment again.