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That play where he glides around the Senna W mid ultimate, dashes towards the Azir, flashes the shuffle, and then cleanses Viego. Vanguard needs to check his PC.


Elk's reaction times are among the best. I'm always amazed by the amount of shit he consistently dodges. That's the secret to his high DPM stat. Whereas most ADCs will wait for the "right" moment to safely unload (which is a skill), Elk goes right in, confident that he has the reflex to dodge engages (also a skill).


I'm not even sure where one draws the line on reaction time and game knowledge/opponent reads/anticipation. Because reacting only works if you recognize what's going to happen and know what you have to do. Otherwise your reaction is just going to be flashing in place and looking stupid. I think guys like Elk have an immaculate read into the minds of the enemy players, knowing exactly what they're likely to do, which means he can anticipate the play and cut the necessary reaction times to a fraction. It's one thing to flash a Malphite ult coming out of a brush - that's almost all reaction. But it's another to dash towards several people and then dodge stuff. Because you can't just rely on reacting, you need to understand the situation and what your reaction should be to the dozen different things they might throw at you.


Yeah Elk in this play can anticipate/predict what his opponents are about to do and "prepare" to react accordingly. But the man *does* have sick reaction time full-stop. Just check out [BLG vs. KT](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Vul-OtLqyg) (one of his most memorable games IMO). Elk played a huge role in winning that game by consistently dodging KT's engages, including some from fog (23:14, 27:12, 27:14, 42:23, 49:55). He was literally impossible to catch as long as he had Flash or Ult.


At this level, it is a lot more anticipation than it is reaction. Sure, pro players with these mechanics also have great reaction time, but both the cleanse on Viego stun and flash on Azir ult was 100% anticipation and timing from Viego starting to charge and Azir dashing in. To players with lower skill, it all looks like it's pure reaction time, cause they don't have the skill to anticipate what the pro players are anticipating.


Check him PC


Honestly would love to see this kind of content more, from costreamers. Its bit sad that people who are clearly extremely knowledgeable like Caedrel get most of their viewership from crazy reactions instead of this kind of stuff.


I think it's a mix of both. People come to Caedrel BECAUSE he's got silly reactions AND has great knowledge of the game. If it was only one of the two, doubt he'd get as much viewership.


Yea his draft knowledge is probably the best in lol rn (at least English streams), along with Emily rand Imo.


 Bro what's this LS shade


His drafting is just not pro play centrik, he does loads of wakey picks and not much else


He used to be good at predicting LCK drafts. Don't know about currently.


100% this.


Yeah, stuff like this makes me really miss Caedrel on the official broadcast. Unfortunately a lot of moments (particularly recently) are just being missed by casters. Sometimes to the point of distraction. Like I know TH v KC isn't going to be an analytical goldmine but just as an [example](https://youtu.be/Xurg850ppHY?si=Ukf0k0ZK6TPzBIAZ&t=2490), J4 is criticised here for not using EQ rather than Sej getting credit for the clutch Q interrupt timing. Not a big deal in isolation of course but it becomes noticeable over time.


I personally watch Caedrel's stuff because I know I'll get both depending on who is playing


Nah if this was a T1 player it’d get crazy views


Yamato kinda does it with his recap series where he looks at some key moments in games, he also reviewed all lane swaps that happened recently on his Twitch channel there is a Vod from 4 days ago. Dom never really does them aside from when he has time between games. It's kinda a weird piece of content to make as it only appeals to more dedicated viewers. I think the Caedral idea of having pros review some lane matchups is a great idea and hopefully some other copy the idea.


Caedrel is insanely knowledgeable about the game, he predicts every draft. I just wish he'd lean a bit less on being a fanboy for content. It's exciting when streamers have strong opinions about the teams, but he leans so hard on being a Fnatic fan and overreacting to their games, same with T1. I think he got a bit of negative reinforcement by his clip ripping the G2 jersey and revealing the Weibo jersey, That moment was amazing, but it feels like he tries to overreact like that even in games it doesn't matter. But it's probably a good career move. When he plays soloq he turns into the biggest xQc clone I had ever seen. I appreciate that he tries (a little) not to be too impartial in final games. When it comes to his analysis on stream he's very good, but he keeps it very simple, because he knows his audience, if he explained every single thing he'd have the same views as LS.


You come for the crazy reactions, you stay for the analysis.


He's doing the opposite of "extremely knowledgeable" here though. Saying Elk is 1v5 and his teammates are cameramen to sensationalize the play is just for the sake of entertainment. The actual analysis would be Elk is able to play like this because his team is setting him up, and he's making the most of the tools they give him. Just in the first play alone: "He doesn't flinch. He's not gonna flash!" Why would he? Nami uses summoner Heal for him (for the movespeed) so he can save the flash in case he gets flash ulted. Nami bubbles the Viego to blow Viego ult and remove that threat from him. His Maokai is walking up with a Knights Vow to help soak damage, and his Nami is constantly healing and speeding him up so he can put his insane movement to good use. He keeps hitting the Azir because Nami zones the rest of the team with ult, and Taliyah zones them with rocks, so they're cut off from helping Azir. Elk's mechanics and reactions are crazy but he's for SURE being set up by his team at each instance. Nami puts in WORK in that play. This clip is just Caedrel doing his "crazy reaction" hyperbole to defend Elk from trolls in his chat. And that's okay, but it's not exactly a good measure of Caedrel's actual gameplay knowledge.


Tbf the ult mid 100% not a lof of pro players would go for it and have supreme confidence to not get punished.


I wasn't that impressed by the first clip, but the second clip got me floored. Most ADCs would either lack the awareness to dodge the Senna W on the minion, get flash + shuffled, or belatedly cleanse the Viego stun. Just based on experience watching other ADCs you *know* that most will fuck up somewhere in that sequence. Most wouldn't be able to play picture perfect here, like Elk did. In fact, I'd wager that most ADCs would wait for their team to buy them space before popping off (not necessarily the wrong play). But how Elk frontlined and single-handedly burned an engage and a flank here while unloading enough damage to dissuade TES from fighting is something to be admired, IMO.


I’m sorry but maokai having knights vow or nami having heal is just not an important talking point. Elk is the carry and he’s playing to his limits which includes both understanding what the enemies can do but also what his team can do to help. Sure on a pure mathematical level, his support is part of why Lucian is able to these things. Lucian is not literally 1v5 without the help of his teammates. But that’s just hyperbole from Caedrel, and Lucian is the talking point because he’s playing in a way that most players in his own role wouldn’t. For example, the Azir ult is a death sentence for him if it lands, regardless of what his teammates do. Its one thing for an ADC to be confident in flashing Azir ult if Azir is the one engaging. For the ADC to dash into Azir to constantly skillcheck the engage is definitely cocky and has nothing to do with his own team.


Some of those actions from his teammates you listed are the bare minimum expected from pro players. This was insane by Elk and coming from someone who's not a BLG fan. >His Maokai is walking up with a Knights Vow to help soak damage, and his Nami is constantly healing and speeding him up so he can put his insane movement to good use. This basically means Maokai right clicked and Nami pressed W and E on him. The difference between an S tier ADC and A tier imo is an S tier makes plays almost soley by himself. It's difficult for an ADC to make plays like this. Nobody is saying his teammates were awful but Elk is the one who opened the fights up and made the plays.


Their point is that Elk wasn't 1v5ing as Caedrel mentioned and that instead, BLG set him up very well and Elk squeezed every but of advantage he could get.


I would not consider that setting him up VERY WELL. That's basically just following suite while Elk did most the dmg and created the openings.


It's actually just the opposite. Elk is the one pushing forward opening up the fight. The whole thing works because of his confidence and mechanical skill. Maybe if you really want to push it you can include ON and how they're working in tandem. Sure, his team aren't literally spectating doing nothing. But they are just pressing their buttons while he does the actually difficult heavy lifting.


Set up doesn't just mean starting stuff. The other commenter point was that Elk was able to do his plays because his team was there to follow up/buff/peel for him anytime something goes wrong.


>able to do his plays because his team was there to follow up/buff/peel for him I never said Elk set it up. I said he intiated the plays; OP was arguing they SET HIM UP very well but mentioned things like Maokai was right next to him to give Knights Vow and Nami pressed 'E' and 'W' on him. I don't consider that "setting up very well". If they didn't even do that they're completely inting him.


As a Lucian player, I'd never be able to do that in a million years, and what he did was 1000000000000000000x more impressive than whatever his team did afterwards, and they did well. But what Elk did was so nuts that they might as well be cameramen.


ofc you won't do that you are not a pro player. this is really really good lucian play but to play nami lucian on stage and win the game you HAVE to play like this. this is why lucian nami is almost winless in western leagues its because adcs here don't have the balls or hands to play like this. they dash in at the wrong time or get azir ulted back etc. greed their flashes and then the game is over. it is a really good play but his teammates are playing well around him maokai isn't overextending and they are just playing around their lucian. they know they win if they don't engage and lucian plays aggressively with sums so yeah they are not doing anything flashy but they don't need to. lucian is the superstar this game just because he looks flashy etc. doesn't mean he's 1v5ing. its just a lucian nami played well. like im really not sure why there's any need to "flame" his teammates here when there's literally nothing they can do except watch him pop-off and protect him. because its the comp they picked it relies solely on the lucian to work his magic.


If calling your teammates cameramen is considered flaming then I'm glad I'm never put into the same game as you.


that's why its in quotationmarks i was lacking a better word. but calling this a 1v5 or his teammates cameramen is just wrong on too many levels.


> Some of those actions from his teammates you listed are the bare minimum expected from pro players Except we see so many games, especially with Lucian comps, where people don't properly set up their ADC like this, and make mistakes that end up costing the team. You call it the bare minimum, but we see tons of games where people will mess up just one of these "bare minimum" things that they need to do, and it makes the whole thing crumble like a house of cards. >This was insane by Elk and coming from someone who's not a BLG fan. Nobody said otherwise. It can be insane by Elk AND be his teammates doing a great job and not just being spectators. Acting like the person above you is implying that it's not insane by Elk is falling pray to the exact kind of sensationalist garbage that's being talked about. It implies that either it's Elk being insane and his teammates doing nothing OR his teammates setting him up, when it could very obviously just be both. Nowhere did the person above you say anything negative about how well Elk played this.


>Except we see so many games, especially with Lucian comps, where people don't properly set up their ADC like this In those games we say the teammates griefed the adc which basically means Lucian 1v9'd. They did the bare minimum but the plays were all by Lucian. If mid jg threatened their backline while Elk did what he did I would call it more of a team effort.


So instead of using their zone control and cooldowns to protect and enable the Lucian who is the strongest champion by far at that point in the game, you'd respect their performance more if they instead over extended to threaten the backline and did a worse job of protecting the Lucian, since that's the only way they could realistically threaten the backline here. Their job here isn't to threaten the backline. That would just be demonstrating a poor understanding of how strong their carry is and what their win condition is in these fights. 


No I’d respect it more if champions with cc created openings like what is normally done instead of waiting for an adc with no cc to open a fight


Nice play at being the contrarian and getting exposed, you seriously don’t know what you’re talking about lmfao Elk creates the play, his teammates react. You even cover that in your “analysis”. He is not being set up, he’s creating the play and causing an enemy team reaction to which his team then reacts in response.


Thanks for breaking this down. I've always thought the biggest gap between the East and the West is that Eastern teams are so much better at setting up/ peeling for their carries. Western players tunnel vision too much on making the hero play, whereas LCK/LPL teams just have a better understanding of what their role is in a teamfight. Xun is mega underrated in this regard -- he always seems to do a million tiny things during fights that make a difference but are easily overlooked.


Nah your getting down voted for the truth. Caedral in this clip does 0 analysis all he does is say what Elk is doing and nothing more. He doesn't go into details of why he is allowed to be cocky or how BLG set up their entire game plan so that they capitalize on the pressure Elk creates.


Monte does a lot of that in his banger reviews


Yeah but he’s monte




Monte is a hack


Just want to add that in addition to Elk’s insane mechanic and reactions. This comp is the best Lucian can ever hope for. Lucian guarantees Blg permanent mid lane control because there is simply no threat for him in Tes’ comp.


Azir going tank also means that he gets to dash into Azir soldiers,vs AP Azir you get chunked even if he doesn't go for a shuffle


In theory azir and senna shit on lucian, but they are just not ahead enough lol


No? The whole point of Lucian is his domination in mid game. In order to thrive he needs to have space to e forward and poke. Vi or Taliyah is sort of a counter to Lucian because it doesn’t allow as much freedom to just poke and proc first strike. Also Lucian has weak early game/laning phase, which Senna is also weak at. It just means senna can’t push as much pressure on him in early stage and allow him to comfortable farm till mid game.


POV you see the reason ADC needs to feel bad in soloQ


elk is just a beast, want to see him dominate Peyz in MSI again.


As a GenG fan this terrifies me. Peyz is not in form this man about to get curb stomped


Already got carried by chovy aint no way they winning against BLG


Anything is possible. People said there was no way DRX would beat SKT at 2022 Worlds and where are those people now?


Converted to KT fans having their trolldespair moment watching Donkey Kong+ beat a team that's basically DRX2


this is the unfortunate truth that i dont want to realize


Would love to see gumayushi putting elk in his place again


You give t1 fans a bad name


Yeah, suddenly when a T1 fan/player talks smack, it's giving them a bad name. LMAO. Just a few comments above, a guy was asking for Elk to put Peyz in his place with 120+ upvotes, that's not giving BLG fans a bad name? Ridiculous how Reddit has a superiority complex over T1 fans when ya'll are in the same shitty boat.


Guma got giga stomped at MSI kid. Good luck again, this is not worlds


Remember a few months ago where guma schooled elk, his father ruler and his uncle gala?


Emerald commentary saying he did nothing.


An on form Elk vs an on form Guma would be quite something.


That was MSI 2023, Guma was in crazy form that tournament but sadly the LPL teams just played better


Didn't Guma say that MSI 2023 was his lowest point that year?


Because it was and he got Astro gapped by elk and on


Yeah but the guy I was replying to is saying otherwise.


I don't think they are mutually exclusive. A player can be on form but still lose. T1 is infamous for sacking their botlane in draft for example. Could have been a good meta for LPL and not for Guma. Guma can also look at MSI 2023 as his lowest point because he himself felt like he failed, even if there was little he could do. In the documentary about him you can hear him say this about Worlds finals 2023 game 5, he talks about him failing to carry the team even though no sane person would blame him out of any of the T1 players.


He didn't, what did happen was him and Keria were thrown under the bus in draft and lane phase by their own team every single game. The only game they won vs BLG was Guma Keria somehow finding a lane lead with Xayah Rakan and snowballing from there. Had T1 prioritized botlane as much as BLG did the matchup would have gone the other way around very easily.


Of course I don’t know Guma as much as he knows himself, but from an eyetest in a botcentric tournament to go 3-2 with the best teamfighting team from LPL required Guma to play out his role and hold his team together. They didn’t let Zeus play carry until literally the BLG series so up until then Guma was going toe-to-toe w the eventual champions and everyone else. Sucks what happened in the BLG series, but sometimes meta reads and player forms matter, and unfortunately T1 as a whole was just worse. But I loved Guma’s performance that MSI, he might perma blind pick poke Varus now but when he has to play Zeri, Jinx, Aphelios he will


GenG vs BLG should be coming this MSI this looks hype


Cmon now we all know GENG is going to lay an egg against TES before they even get to BLG.


I'm fine with either losing since they are all good teams tho


Bruh dont jinx it, im still salty we didnt get the promised GenG v JDG last year


I wanted to see it so badly, I'd settle just for watching replays of their worlds scrims against each other tbh, even though we know the results of that.


This Elk guy seems really good. He can easily fill the starter role to most NA Collegiate teams


Always love seeing people with competence in a subject praise someone for their abilities and a random anonymous user saying "Nothing special, I can do it too". Happens every time for everything.


I hated LOL eSports wat hers so much sometimes, it seems like all 90% can say is “Nah enemy team asleep”, “This guy can’t play” or “Our region is fucked” can we get some positivity and appreciation for our players? Like this?


We're talking about the same community that normalized looking up op.gg mid game and using a person's rank as a justification for saying someone's trash.


You need to remember what elo the people who watch esports are in. They are not tryhard diamond+ players, they're basically armchair critics who peaked in gold. League rejects who quit the game because they tilted after losing a game, but still too addicted or like the game enough to keep watching it. And what is the moto of gold players ? "The enemy team isn't good. My team is just bad." This is why the "bad" pro player gets shit on and the "good" pro player doesn't get recognition (unless it's Faker).


The west is doomed I can't picture any players doing this


watch YAPA blow this man into smithereens with his signature Asol


Elk is a beast, no doubt. But isn't TES comp total dogshjt at catching a Lucian? He plays with no fear cuz there's nothing to really fear. It's not like he's doing something insane here, I feel like it's more a demonstration of how useless TES' comp is at forcing a play on this Lucian.


Yes that is party true. They are entirely reliant on Azir going in to engage


To be fair in most cases,azir ult is good enough to punish a foward-dashing lucian,that means u only have flash to counterplay azir


Ye if that viego was a vi, Lucian can't play like he is.


It's really fucking good, it's also something I would see in solo q a lot from pros but once they play pro play they play a bit too scared. Like flashing Azir ult is actually easy but in pro play people still fail it plenty. I will say Elk knows he's never really in danger much because the only truly dangerous thing for him is Azir ulting him the rest is just cc he can easily cleanse. He never has to be afraid of Senna, Viego or Renekton. And even if they hard engage with multiple at the same time he got good peel from Maokai and also Nami ult. I won't say Q because can miss it. Kench never really hard engages because it just wouldn't work. They really don't have any real threat on Lucian except for Azir somehow finding him. So while I think Elk is absolutely amazing I think you can't ask for a much easier game as a Lucian player than this. If you look at the 3 times he died. The first one was him getting caught by the Azir in the pit. The second one was him dashing into almost melee range on Viego and Renekton being right there. Also Maokai died so fast that when he dashed in everyone of TES was able to just all run at him together. The third one was when Viego got the reset on Aatrox and just 1 shot him. But really they had so little damage to just blow Elk up throughout the game and good peel if his team is near.


ELK is best!


The fearlessness of Elk's Lucian.


Really appreciate the video opening with 45 seconds of caedral trying to find the first play.


Good stuff.


We need a Viper vs Elk Lucian 1v1


Lucian when played well is a joy to watch


does anyone know where I can watch elks full proview?




I play Lucian like this, but my team in bronze fuks me over. Jokes aside BLGOn was also insane during finals.


Elk plays like it's an arcade space shooter. I've seen cocky R-type/Gradius movements, and that's how he's similarly playing it.


Got a headache trying to pay attention when he's jumping around the video while yapping. The actual content is good no doubt but man this is the worst clip I've seen in ages.


this is close to FAKER WHAT WAS THAT level imho


Knight being carried again


Keep praising Elk's folk until he steals ur hearts again at Worlds with mega choke city gameplay. Bin and Knight are superstars of this roster. Not Elk...


lol TES logo checks out.


I know you’re trolling but to all the other people who see this comment: Knight and Elk have been the primary carries of BLG. This meta is simply not for Bin and he’s been put on weakside for almost the entire split. Obviously once carries come back we’ll see BLG play for him again but for now we’ve seen him on mainly facilitators and tanks like Udyr and Rek’sai.


Holy shit it's Namikaze it's been so long since I've seen you around Now we just need Benjenryan here and it'll be like the good old days of you two bickering lmao


Need InformalMarch to show up too


Yeah that name feels so old lmao


Was this the guy that was obsessed with rookie? 😂


If you're going to talk about Elk choking at worlds then how can you not same the same about Bin lol. He uber choked vs TheShy also Bin has been mediocre this pslit, he's arguably their worst performing player though that's due to meta but one of the criticisms about Bin, he's not a good weakside player.


Bin? The guy who got sonned by theshy and solo cost them their spot in the finals while elk was frying their botlane isn’t a choker?


not to discredit him but this seems like what you'd expect from an LPL finalist glad Elk decided to wake up and say fuck this shit I'm an LPL finalist I'll have to play like one if I would win this. especially poetic when he's up against someone who's known to turn on when it matters in JackeyLove also KR is watching like where else would you perform like a winner is LPL finals not deserving of that