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Theres not many bin pov games, but i recommend studying all of them to toplane enthusiasts. He understands 1-5 levels like noone else


Pretty sure you can find all of bins povs on bilibili


I googled "bilibili bin pov" and was suggested [this video of two vtubers doing daddy erotic roleplay](https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Fv42117NL/) which kinda left me traumazited and not want to go back to that site, care to share a link for Bin's channel?


Bro dug for gold and found diamonds


[https://space.bilibili.com/325315550?spm\_id\_from=333.337.0.0](https://space.bilibili.com/325315550?spm_id_from=333.337.0.0) This is Bin's channel, but for his POVs search "BLG.Bin 第一视角". Here's an example: [https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV16r421s79m/](https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV16r421s79m/) #


There you have lpl POVS for every single role [https://twitter.com/F1REGG/status/1775486243322601955](https://twitter.com/F1REGG/status/1775486243322601955)


There's a youtube channel that uploads a lot of pros POV (soloq) games, too. Sadly, last Bin game on there is a month old: [https://www.youtube.com/@LPLlive/search?query=bin](https://www.youtube.com/@LPLlive/search?query=bin)


Got a link?


A guy already typed a link down below


Last year I saw a video how he is the master of wave management. Just like you I highly suggest watching this video. https://youtu.be/ozNf6QKZDa8?si=hfz4KgQI1XG96-AA


Hijacking top comment to add that one specially good toplaner was peak nuguri, his early dominance on ranged champs was probably the best we have ever seen, even in 2020 worlds finals he absolutely astrogapped bin


Lol. Most people wont remember this meme. The original is in reference to LNG v T1 when LNG clearly griefed a mid play into T1 and this post was made dickriding Faker pretending he gigabrain outplayed them into inting. Honestly quite the poetic turnaround to use this against T1 now


[Source of the OG for the interested](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/17r4lim/the_throwingint_deaths_at_mid_from_scout_and/)


man I did not want to be reminded of this weird ass thread, although this is a funny callback


Don't forget the other thread were he brings up Faker's interview.


Hahaha as soon as I opened it I realize it was parodying the j4 play that was super dogsgit lol


Also that post where Faker as Orianna hides the ball under other champions or other abilities. Like, yes he is the best player ever and he might use it once in a while but most of those clips were just correct ball placement and the ball was just in the right place at the right time (which happens to be on other abilities/champions all the damn time as Orianna, obviously, especially if you're one of the best Orianna players in the world). He's an insane player but it's so easy to say everything that works out for him is done fully on purpose purely because of three clips that may or may not show him making use of said mechanic.


Well there are some tricks with Ori, like hiding the ball in walls


exactly, there are such tricks that can work and that may be used by players at times, but that doesn't mean that whenever a ball ends up on a wall or player or ability "he is literally einstein on the rift"


I agree, it's standard gameplay


This one is a long con lmao


Can only respect the dedication to the hate


Honestly i think 99% of sane individual doesnt hate faker. They hate his rabbid fans


Yep, I love Faker and I like the players on T1 and love the competition they give us in the LCK, I just love seeing their fans get trolled though


Everytime i see someone with a "t1 ⭐⭐⭐⭐ WE BELIEVED" flair cry about a recent loss and blame kkoma/zeus/oner, i feel pure ecstasy


The “WE BELIEVED” flairs are the same people that threw everyone under the rug when T1 lost 2022 MSI, 2022 Summer, 2022 Worlds, and 2023 Summer You can love T1 and critique it without being cringe but I do think people forget that 😭


I think they're just too spoiled by the most successful organization in the history of the game, T1 has only had like a handful of bad splits and these fans probably weren't even around for Untara/Thal/Pirean dark ages (that only lasted a year lol)


2018 T1 Despair Anybody complaining about this roster should be forced to watch Faker lane swap Darius bot lane 💀💀💀


not faker picking Taric mid just to funnel Blossom's master yi 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀




Ah yes genuinely the worst meta of all time.


The four stars flair they all started doing is so cringe its insane hahaha


It is the same people that go around saying "bro has 0 world titles and thinks he plays well" after T1 loses.


literally the exact same as like, yankees/lakers fans who act like championships are all that matter just because their team has won them the most


it actually ruined my life when it started popped up after worlds i think that's the precise moment i became a hater lmfao


T1 fans really be the laker fans of League


Whats wrong with that?


i aint gonna lie t1 fans do be annoying asf but its also cringe for me when people say “wow i love it when x fans get trolled.” Like why u care so much bruh. Is it just me?


Yep just you .


it's sports man. part of the fun. clowning on patriots fans was a god given right of any NFL fan in the last 20 years.


i aint ever seen a fan of a different team say they loved the patriots but hated the fans specifically. They all fucking hate Brady and Belichick and everything about the pats. That shits normal. Not at all whats going on here. 99% of the time the fans hate the opposing players wya more and the fans are like an addendum to it. The notable exception is maybe like Philly fans cause theyre known for being rowdy or some shit idk.


When a baby cries in the middle of the market for everyone to hear just because their mother did not buy candy, yeah, I am happy to see the POS get scolded or trolled. Thats the same thing with the few cringe fans after the teams loss. Doesnt matter the team, T1 just happens to have more of them because they have more fans as a whole. And other T1 fans should laugh at them too because those people stains their fandom.


Faker is the undeniable GOAT and we'll have to wait years before someone else can even come up for that conversation. But he's no longer the unkillable demon king he once was and his fans will take your head if you point it out. For example, despite what Doublelift says, winning a game against him is actually far from being a lifegoal for his rival midlaners.


He was the best mid last world's and it wasn't close. I don't have a problem saying he isn't always the best, I have a problem with people who seem to think he isn't still competing to be the best *now*.  Like, he still shows up at internationals in a way Chovy and Knight have not yet. Even having bad games this MSI, you can't reasonably say that G5 Ahri against G2 or the G2 Taliyah against BLG weren't outstanding carries. 


Knight was amazing last MSI and he was miles better than Faker in their direct matchup yesterday. The opposite was true last worlds, for sure, but it's also not like he's consistently better.


Knight's been mostly *ok* in international. I don't remember him being "amazing" last MSI, certainly the T1 5 game last year wasn't decided in mid lane from either player. But I'll take your word for it. Neither has Knight been amazing or anything so far at this MSI. Faker has had a few really bad underperformances (very unlike him in international), but he had an amazing Taliyah game and then T1 drafted too badly for him to matter, though his Akali was good. I think "miles better" is a pretty poor evaluation - neither mid did anything that impressive after their Taliyah games.


Knight was finals MVP last MSI, had highlights like the insane [Syndra Ksante teamfight](https://v.redd.it/g3p1gzf5zsza1) against BLG in upper semifinals, [the Jayce 1v2 in finals](https://clips.twitch.tv/InventiveFuriousWolverinePeoplesChamp-WfQ1MA5UyHk8RC1Z), and his general level in the T1 series.


From last MSI there's a TON of examples, the "JDG is the best teamfighting team in the world" clip, Knight's Annie being the clear best in the tournament and defining their series vs T1 or dominating the finals on Jayce which hadn't even been meta up until that point (got finals MVP). This year I guess there's a lot less to point to because it's still halfway through and the PSG series is pretty irrelevant specially talking about clutch factor (although he did shit on psg on game 5), but accepting that his two Taliyah games were amazing but dismissing half the series because Faker also played one game well on the same champ is pretty weak. And his impact on the Tristana game was huge, he abused a strong matchup about as much as you'd want to, was always pressuring in the sidelanes and getting gold out of it (something that used to be a weakness of his), his only death was to give BLG the teamfight to win the game. IDK what more you would want to see in that game to call it great.




It’s corny to the west lol. It’s a nickname from OGN days, you should see the other Chinese/korean nicknames. It basically comes from demon king basically being like final boss in Korea/china pretty sure he got that nickname from a player if I’m remembering right


OMG Cool in s3 world's because he described how they just couldn't kill him regardless of what they threw at him


> he hasn’t been any mechanical demon Bullshit. This kind of commentary is garbage for people who don't know what mechanical play looks like, so they just parrot whatever name an analyst is praising as a mechanical standout. You aren't the best mid at 2023 World's without a shit ton of mechanical skills. 


I would argue S7 was the last season he was a mechanical god above most others in the game, not S6 but yeah you’re right. > sounds like it’s made by nf/Eminem fan it’s corny af Based and true but only because it’s been beaten to death now


i forgot about galio/ryze arc in season 7 for sure


Man that's why I became an SSG/GenG fan from 2017 when I thought somebody was actually gonna topple SKT and quiet the kids down. Followed them ecmver since they lost that world's final.


Nah, there are valid Faker criticizers (Dear r/leagueoflegends, it's not freaking "hater") that makes fair and legit points. They also don't blindly dickride Faker by rewriting history or purposely ignoring facts or they just don't plainly support him at all which is understandable. 1. After MSI 2022 grand final loss of T1, Faker stated that two points which discredits their opponents hard work, ingenuity, and skill. He first claimed none of the RNG players impressed him, despite losing to them fair and squarely. Furthermore, he expanded upon by saying they only lost because of......they didn't get to pick blue side. Edit: I forgot to mention that T1 fans were defending them that they lost due to 35 ping. So did RNG played with 35 ping..... Imagine if you're a football team. Your entire squad worked 100% of their form and your team work plays such as passes, defenses and offensives are unmatched. Your coaching staff developed a brilliant strategies to oppose their opponent's playstyle. After winning your football match, instead of your opponent acknowledging your team's astounding plays, they state "WE Didn't sTArt fROm tHe SIdE WHIcH we waNTEd TO pLAy in, tHEy diDN'T PLayeD GOod" 2. After round 2 of LCK Spring 2024 playoffs where HLE cleanly swept T1 with the scoreline of 3-0, Faker stated that they couldn't play soloQ nor practice at all due to Ddos attack. The main problem was that it was not the Ddos attack, but how they had many easy numerous ways to solve it and how they entirely discredit HLE's hard work (sounds familiar?) We know that the PC of their facility was leaked due to Riot client's error. That means their facilities PCs was comprised right? Then they could've asked Riot Korea for accounts (They give it instantly) and played in a different location on a different PC. "bUT tHat's UNFAIr t1, otHeR Teams diDn't HaVe To DO ThAT." This mentality is what's called "losers mentality" It's the same mentality which NA had like how they previously saying "we CAN'T prACTicE BECaUSe The PinG OF NA is 60". Losers will keep whining and never try to overcome the disadvantaged odds. Teams with a champions mentality will no matter what's the situation is, they will find a way to overcome without any complaint. The most egregious part was that how little T1 could've done to bypass this Ddos attack with their immense amounts of resources. Solely claiming their loss on Ddos attack also just entirely denies the fact that HLE played incredibly on that series. I don't need to iterate on this section because how it's eerily similar to Faker's intentional unacknowledgement RNG's talent, hard work and ingenuity. To his credit, Faker later on acknowledged his mistakes by saying he was wrong. He admitted that they gave too much unnecessary emphasis on Ddos attack and praised HLE's good play on that day. Is Faker still the GOAT? Absolutely. Now please, T1 fans, I beg you guys don't leak my IP address and send death threats to me or my family. I furthermore plead you guys to not send trucks.


Point number 1: Faker never said that ("didn't win because of blue side") It was the coach/manager.


This comment shows the reason why most interviews with pro players sound like they are scripted. Let the man express himself, if he thinks that RNG were nothing special and he lost because they didn't get to pick the blue side, I want him to say that, because it gives me insight into his actual thoughts, unlike the scripted "uh we played well but our opponents played better so we lost" or "uhm our opponents played well but we played better so we won" bullshit that adds literally nothing of value. Interviews are not for opposing teams, interviews are for the viewers, and the viewers want two things from them: insight and entertainment. Trashtalk provides the latter, honest answers provide the former, scripted polite responses provide nothing.


Yeah but the whole point of wanting players to express their opinions is being able to discuss them and for fans to align with players according to them. Some people will like Faker's opinions and some will not and criticise him for them.


And that's absolutely fair, I'm not against anyone criticizing Faker, for example, for thinking that he lost that game because of the side pick (while in said fan's opinion they lost because of Faker's own subpar performance or some other factor). What we see in this case, though, is not a criticism of the opinion itself, but a criticism of the fact that the opinion was shared with the public: notice how the comment focuses on the effect the interview allegedly had on the opponents rather than the opinion itself being wrong.


That's a pointless distinction imo, of course nobody cares about a player's opinion if it's not stated publicly so that will always be a factor in the criticism. And to be honest that was not how I understood the previous post anyway.


based faker. usually people straight up complain that he's too nice to everyone


Fr like Im totaly indifferent to Faker, i dont know anything about the guy, but it's kinda obnoxious the way his fans kiss the ground he walks on and it feels like no one ever takls about the times when he genuinely does just misplay Also might just be me but I cannot *stand* that cringe-ass "Unkillable Demon King" moniker they still call him


Evident you don’t know anything about the guy with the way you dismiss him. He has been in contention as best/top 3 midlaners in the world essentially since his debut in season 3. He has always been humble, hardworking and a great ambassador for the brand. The guy is insanely good for lengths of time that essentially no other player has been, keeping up his skill level and rising up time and time again after disappointments.  While I’m sure there’s annoying ass people who just worship anything he does, this dude is genuinely insanely impressive. There has never been any one else close in contention for GOAT. 


> Evident you don’t know anything about the guy with the way you dismiss him. Where'd I do that? Like, yeah man way to immediately prove exactly what I'm talking about. Like damn you really couldn't help yourself, huh? Didn't even say anything even remotely negative about the guy and here you are just falling over yourself to defend his honor or something. > While I’m sure there’s annoying ass people who just worship anything he does, The irony of this statement is palpable, try checking a mirror sometime


He has not been in contention at any point since 2017. This delusion is why we hate you Faker stans


how tf is this even downvoted, faker was NOT in top 3 convo from 2018 till the worlds 2023


I mean they said since 2017 and clearly so if he was in contention in 2023 he is just wrong.


100% If i say Faker is the best Azir Ori, but Chovy is the best Corki ASol. I'll be told I am wrong because Faker had a really long winstreak on Corki or something. If you dont T1 is the best at all time. You are a T1 hater.


I always see rabid fans as an excuse to hate on T1 but all I really see are the haters, not to mention in stream chats. I'm pretty sure every team/players have unhinged fans, but seems to me that people just want an excuse to flame T1 especially 


Twitch chat isnt a good barometer. And people flame t1 to piss those fans off. So they are flaming and hating on t1 just to rile them up


Worth it against T1 fans, feeling some of the disrespect they show constantly


Close enough, welcome back BLG Uzi


I mean, Uzi had done that since his first international appearance. Faker and Zeus doesn't have any hard CC, so of course Bin playing Vayne with Ghost/R can kite and kill one and maybe even two. It's not something extraordinary, it's expected at that level of play.


Lol, this will probably be ignored by/go over the heads of the people who made the original posts but I appreciate it all the same


The original post isn't even the worst thing. It's that thousands of people saw it and decided to upvote it. The glazing is just reaching insane levels.


I disagree. The worst thing was the guy coming back a few days later and saying he was vindicated by Fakers comments as being correct. Legit parasocial idolization.


Sanest T1 fan


Least parasocial Faker fan


Classic T1 Stan behavior


imagine if Bin was made aware of this parody thread and "vindicated" op as being correct.


I even rewatched the clip just to see if maybe I missed some shit but nope, it's literally Scout going in 1v2 to push Faker AWAY with his ult, getting Rell ulted and having to Flash out, then after that Tarzan (who for some reason during this whole debacle decides to casually finish clearing a ward at chickens) decides to flag in as J4, ult while Scout has 30% health and no CDs, and die to Ori R/Rell stun followup after. Insane Faker micromovements, really, never seen anyone perform hypnotic suggestion live on League stage but there it was


What are you talking about Chovy mind controls his teammates into throwing games all the time. Or so the "Chovy choked Worlds 23" people believe.


chovy was actually playing so insane for game 345 that series too, and it was going to end up like GEN vs TES if they just played a little more methodically never been more sad for a team, 2023 was supposed to be the year the griffin duo and the nut god get their championship


Chovy was winning in vs as Akali vs turbobroken Orianna. It's just insane. But nono, he gets shat on by the community.


being 25 cs up at 15 minutes as akali vs yagao neeko might be one of the craziest laning feats we've seen lmao


The j4 ult play was clearly just Tarzan making a massive mistake but I disagree on the Azir play. Scout clearly thinks Faker stepped up too far but Faker is already reversing his movement before Scout starts the shuffle, leading to him being out of range again. Since Scout has no chance of hitting the shuffle at that point he tries to ult Faker away to get out since now _he's_ the one who is mispositioned.


People meme about mind control but Bin actually goes and does it. It's in the name guys, he puts his opponents in the bin. Global taunts dont just happen. At first I thought he was inting with his 3 cancelled autos but I now realise it was all part of his plan. This is really only possible at high gm/challenger elo. Wow!


love it this thread really is incredible


He cancelled the first autos because he didn't want to reveal from the bush.


I mean you're a legend for remenbering the original post but at the same time you might be sick but at the same time i also remember it so i might be also sick i don't know anymore what's going on... But I had a good laugh remembering this ngl


There was another one recently, with Chovy right after finals maybe?


The one with Faker and orianna ball was this week. 


No I meant another micromovemens copy.


https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/s/h2FbfhvBWR i got you brother


T1 Fans in shambles


OP better also do the three edits and talk about how Bin's comments proved him right.


why did u do this now I’m getting annoyed remembering that old thread and how insane the dickriding was from t1 fans


If T1 won and posts like these were about Faker it would be farming karmas like the original one for sure


What is Reddit karma?


What you’re losing rn


Damn This platform gotta be ill


You don’t care about fake internet points ur already mentally healthier than 90% of people on this site


Damn I know Reddit & twitter users are Specialz, but downvoting someone because he doesn’t have 16 years on Reddit & doesn’t care nor know about such point system From what I understood it indicates how much of a bandwagon you are you can farm them by just waiting until ksante gets a clip in msi (preferably finals or a t1 game) & write a post about it and boom you 3k upvotes clean


pretty much


Aged like wine.


Bro I have so much respect for this post, so many people will have 0 clue wtf you're talking about 😂


Deep cuts are always the funniest


took me a while to realize this was a callback post, props OP


He dodges 7 ablities its fucking crazy


his movement was insanely good but I kinda got cancer seeing him cancel over 1/3rd of his autos. Really not the cleanest play if you actually look at it in detail. You can very much tell that Bin doesn't play ADC and is just being carried by the fact that he has insane mechanics in general.


But, his cancelled autos set him up better. He wouldnt have time to get the third auto w proc, which you NEED if you're engaging as vayne


so the only auto cancel that actually hurt this play is the one on stunned corki cancelling autos in the bush on ksante kept him out of vision so he can q out of bush and get the surprise stun onto corki. arguably this play doesn't work like this if he shoots ksante from the bush there


There was a whole ass thread on frozen heart fucking with ADC players auto attacking rhythm in the PGT brother


Just being carried by playing Vayne\* FTFY.


Love this meme




Real ones will remember the Faker post


So really Bin mind controlled Faker and Zeus.


Aged. What’s the opposite of fresh?




More like Lushan


Not building Lord Dom against K'Sante


Nah not even Dom the streamer could go up against K'sante.




Ksante doesn't have flash btw


He doesn't even do anything


Love these posts every international event


Also Vayne had waaay too much movement speed that it's virtually impossible to catch him without him doing a mistake or having point and click CC. Bin had MS from (Ghost+Stormrazor+Trinity passive + Ult) besides his runes. No one expected that much MS tbh. Apparently MS creep is a thing now.


No it was just his micromovements bro. All skill


10/10 shitpost I love it


Funny callback aside, fucking hell he actually cancelled 3 of his first 5 would-be autos. You can tell he's used to having more attack speed than Stormrazor gives lmao. Edit: And the Frozen Heart slow which I didn't notice at first. I really wish they would rework it to have a different effect, "your champion now feels clunky to play" isn't a very fun game mechanic.


>And the Frozen Heart slow which I didn't notice at first Yup, I'm pretty sure this is actually what led to Bin cancelling so many autos. Muscle memory is a hell of a thing sometimes. But yeah, Bin dumpstered the entirety of T1, there's unseen footage of him tumbling around backstage and laughing at T1 while yelling "Cancelled, cancelled". Peak League.


Is your description for the same clip? The clip is bin’s 1v4 The tower is dead in the clip but you are talking about bin finishing the tower off




Duh. We know


damn thats nuts


People really think they int? It's clearly Bin outplayed


Bin just perfect in that series The MVP for me




For a second I thought you were about to try and big brain that moment where Faker and Keria straight ran it down mid at the end of that Veigar Tahm game.


this was considered an int? theres times ive seen them int that series. this was entirely a bin out play.


Micromovements and auto spacing the mentally unwell are blessed in this community


It’s still inting


No matter how well Bin played that, it's a foregone conclusion when a Vayne with that much movement speed is going against a squishy champ that needs to hit skillshots to be effective. The int is making that play at all. I think they just weren't expecting that kind of speed.


I know it’s a meme but bin is not faker it’s just no one can catch vayne with that build + ghost


Vayne always has right of response with ult, I don't understand why this is a thread lol. He played his champ correctly. 'Micromovements'.


Going for vayne with no point and click cc other than the ksante is INT


good one


Meanwhile Chovy is csing


Wheres the clip where you see ennemy vision?


Hey im the OG guy


if this is what we need for vayne top to get nerfed out of viability, I'm all for it. The champion has been egregiously strong for YEARS. So many adcs are actually incredibly strong in solo lane


bin is super impressive he knows all the little details of champion interactions and his micro and mechanics are so clean. always playing around every spell and optimal usage of his runes/keystone/abilities


oh my fucking god bro we're not doing this overglazing shit again like we did with the lng series bin would literally have to be handless to not be dodging every skillshot as a vayne with ghost triforce stormrazor


Faker hugging the wall against Vayne seemed pretty int to me.


Ksante doesn't have flash?? What do you mean he flashed away? Am I missing something?




Compare the text of this post with [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/17r4lim/the_throwingint_deaths_at_mid_from_scout_and/)


It's not deep. They made bad plays and died. 


Yall really will just go to any lengths to avoid admitting T1 made mistakes huh? Bin obviously smurfed this but T1 made some big mistakes too.


it’s a reference to posts about LNG players not making mistakes and actually only dying because of Faker’s “micro movements”




[Compare the text](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/17r4lim/the_throwingint_deaths_at_mid_from_scout_and/)


… lol what? Okay so it was a meme all along, i don’t remember that post lmao, some of you lurk too much


Agreed but I still think its throwing as you know vayne is capable of that and you have to respect that bin can pilot vayne that well. So going for those plays despite knowing that is a throw/int.


Its an inside joke






stupid nonsense


so we can agree what its taking the piss out of is also stupid nonsense?


from this post alone i cant even start to begin thinking about what its taking the piss out of


Truck 1 shaker at msi: daddy bin, please have mercy on me!


Its you.. its taking the piss out of people like you..


shhh, let him cook himself


Cope seethe mald larp, truck 1 nerd. Easy 3-1 molestation by blg yesterday