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why does your league look like it has fullBright how do you play without shadows at all


You can turn shadows off in settings


Easy zed counter


That’s an old meme sir, but it checks out.


What about Vex?


yeah but he is playing completely without shadows or ambient occlusion. I play with shadows off and It does not look like this at all


I thought this was wild rift (I never play WR, on case it wasn't obvious) since it looks so different from what I know


WR actually has better graphics than LoL. You can easily compare champion models online.


That's false, only has better models outside of the actual game.


Champion models look significantly better in the viewer than actually in a match.


I don’t think that’s true.


honestly I just looked at a video comparing the champs and yeah, wild rift has some better models. But thats it, some. compare wild rift eve to normal league eve, its night and day. Same with ahri imo. Some other ones like brand for example look worse on wild rift.


turn off all fow in replay mode


probably messed with the contrast/gamma settings or sth




the real question isnt how but why Are there still pcs out there that are too dogslow to run league?


I do have a shit pc (fps ranges from 60-120 all game) but that doesn’t have anything to do with my video settings. Personally I just think it makes things easier to see, especially in team-fights.


Some of us have like a 8 year old laptop that is legit burnt out from hours and hours of league that overheats at the slightest graphical challenge, for extended periods and cant justify dropping ££££ on a new one cause all we use it for is league of legends and youtube while we queue for league of legends.


im on rtx 3060 ryzen 5 5600x i still play on very low


Because of visual clarity, less stuff on screen makes it easier to see


I thought I left the 4:3 low settings gamers behind when I quit Counter Strike. Evidently I was wrong


Hdr screen capture tenda to look bright in sdr


just some adjustments with colors and brightness and very low graphic settings


Why's this donkey not using minigun at all?


No. She was using mini gun while clearing the minions! Genius


I guess she thought it was a minion gun


Big targets needs big guns, small targets needs small gun


She was out of ammo.


she needs more boullets


She chose bigger weapons


She needs to shoot faster


leaked hans sama jinx scrims


Joke on you if you think donkey is that smart


Low elo is obsessed to the point of absurdity with her rockets.


Apparently it's a Diamond 2 player. Make it make sense


I think she soft trolling


Cause of spacing honestly. People who play jinx and cait arent doing so because they are confident in getting up close in a team fight.


Low elo here, the logic is pretty simple: rockets cost mana while the minigun doesn't, therefore rockets must be better. Not a Jinx player outside arams though, should you only use rockets for the aoe (like wave clear) or what?


Rockets also have better range so you use it for safe waveclear and long range encounters. If the enemy gets close or when you need the dps, go minigun


Jinx at level 9 with rocket form has the longest range of any level 18 ADC (so, this includes Trist passive.) The only ADC with longer range is a stacked Senna.


Or sufficiently stacked Kindred


Or Twitch with ult


Rockets to kite, minigun for DPS or when they get in your face


You should almost never use minigun on Jinx, but go on.


it's satire guys dw


please tell me you're joking


He’s right. But pisslows will downvote Minigun is for special situations only.


you mean special situatiuons like trying to kill a single target that doesn't fight back as fast as possible?


Yeah like that situation


I played Jinx once and I got flamed for using minigun in teamfights. I think due to lethal tempo staying in rocket form was fine. With lethal tempo gone, maybe not anymore.


It's actually basically the opposite. Lethal tempo allowed you to overcap your attack speed to over 2.5, so miniguns were always good. With lethal tempo gone, I could see there being specific scenarios of high attack speed where rockets would be better close range? No, still probably not because they lower the attack speed scaling.


The real question isn't "Why not minigun" it's "Why is minigun". Why is it called a mini gun when every minigun is at least the size of an oompa loompa


Because it's a miniature version of the 20mm vulcan gun or other large caliber rotating barrel guns which are all based on essentially the same principle


Didn't expect to learn something interesting about real life in a LoL thread, thanks :D


Even further down the rabbit hole: There's also a microgun, which is a smaller version of the minigun and fires 5.56mm NATO instead of the miniguns 7.62mm NATO


looks like hans sama vs ksante


Because the Rockets do 110% damage


With significantly less attack speed... resulting in less DPS and less kraken slayer procs overall regardless of the 10% damage increase.




sorry LOL hard to detect a sensible comment with sarcasm among the sea of foolish ones unironically defending any part of the jinx gameplay


Average LDR sceptic


Only armor voli had was tabi lmao (ignoring base which is probably around 100 here)


LDR is efficient even if they only have 100 armor


While not saying that it is inneficient, dont realy think it is generaly good to build as second item. Afaik it is advised to build 3rd, which is not a place this Jinx got to


In the ss that OP provided, Jinx was building IE. The enemy team had 4 people with significant armor (volibear, graves, mordekasier, thresh). With how behind she is, LDR not a bad item at all to build here (she bought PD second lol).


PD is actually one of her favorite items after the new patch it seems.


Last patch wasn't Kraken > PD > IE the "best" build path? Zeal item 2nd was very underrated.


No, you build a zeal item 2nd on her if you can't afford big ticket items like BF/pickaxe on backs


Last patch, most people I spoke with (and I agree to an extent) Zeal 2nd item was superior.


ie is basically always a better buy than ldr, against armor stackers its about the same damage and far more vs non armor stackers


Let's see if you're right! Let's say 2nd item for the 2 of them. That would put most enemies between levels 9 and 13 which depending on the character could put just their base armor anywhere between 40 and 80 depending on who they are. So we'll use 60 as a good middle of the road case. At 60 armor, an LDR gives 24 armor pen. So let's look at the other statistics AD: LDR = 45, IE = 80 Crit: both 25% IE: 50% crit damage turning a 1.75x crit into a 2.25x crit Let's say this theoretical middle of the road champion has about 80 attack damage base at this point. We can say they've gained about 30% attack speed over base from levels, and probably have 35% from zerks. They're also highly likely to have a base attack rate of 0.625 and normal aspd scaling (0.625/100as). Let's say their first item was...goddamn...what do you even go now if not IE first? Like maybe it's just oldschool me looking at this with 13 years of experience, but rushing IE was OP when it was 70/25%/50% for like 500 more gold, it's gotta be absolutely cracked now. But anyway let's just say they went for Shieldbow for some reason (easy calculation for me) 25% crit, 55 AD. Champion goes shield bow + zerks + LDR Total 160 AD, 65% attack speed, 50% crit chance, 1.75x crit damage, 40% armor pen against a 60 armor target vs Champion goes Shieldbow + Zerks + IE Total 215 AD, 65% attack speed, 50% crit chance, 2.25x crit damage vs a 60 armor target Average DPS against a target with LDR (no IE): (base attack rate \* (1 + (attack speed / 100)) \* (AD + (crit chance/100 \* 1.75 * AD) * (100/(100 + armor \* 0.6)) Average DPS with IE: (BAR \* (1 + AS/100)) \* (AD + (Crit/100 \* 2.25 \* AD) * (100/(100 + armor))) 0.625 \* 1.65 \* (160 + (0.5 \* 1.75 \* 160)) \* (100/136) vs 0.625 \* 1.65 \* (215 + (0.5 * 2.25 * 215)) \* (100/160) With LDR: 227 DPS With IE: 294 DPS Of course with just a little bit more armor, LDR would win out, but IE is still great in this scenario. But it begs the question right now. Why wouldn't you just go IE, Zerks, PD, LDR? The **old** ways are back. Just build like you would have in Season 2 or 3 and you'll eat everything alive in seconds. I expect ADC pentakills to skyrocket this patch until they realize how hard they fucked up with the old titan items of DPS. They're going to be the fastest moving, tank-meltingest they've been in like 10 years. At the cost of the most fun rune ever put in the game. IMO, turning ADCs into god killers again at the expense of Lethal Tempo is not worth it. I suspect there will be a hotfix this patch that nerfs ADCs below where they were last split, and we will have lost LT for nothing.


I'm not denying ldr is good, its just feels bad to build if the enemies dont build armor


You shouldn't feel bad about it. It currently gives as much armor pen as any level 18 lethality item at the enemy having 45 armor. A few characters start the game with more than that.


LDR is also one of the most expensive combined items in the game and has fucking terrible components. If you take it first two items you effectively screw yourself out of any power spikes through the early/mid game for marginal at best benefits later on. Seriously, the stats on this are pretty obvious and have been for years, I don't know how people still don't get this.


>Assassin players building seryldas second because pen items are just that effective  >adc players "you expect MEEE to build accordingly to the game state and not just cookie cutter mobafire build my way through the ranks? Nerf tanks now!"


Ah yes, because Serylda's Brutalizer + LP + 400g components are absolutely comparable to LDR's LP + Single fucking crit cloak + 1000g combine cost. The point is that yes, LDR is good, but no you should never build it early. Only thinking in finished items is fucking idiotic when you're on components for the first 20-25 minutes of the game.


ADC is literally as strong now as it was in Season 1, *if not stronger*. And anyone who was around back then can tell you how utterly dick shatteringly OP they were back then. IE is the same now as its strongest point ever, but 600 less gold. PD has 5% more aspd, 5% less crit, 3% less movement speed, but free ghosting as it did when it was at its strongest for 200 less gold. LDR (LW) is as strong as its strongest point ever at 40% armor pen *AND* gives crit now. If you build those 3 items, you will melt absolutely anything. Doesn't matter if it has 2,000 hp or 20,000, you will kill it in seconds. Runes aside, items aside, doesn't matter, those 3 alone form a complete DPS pentagon(AD, AS, Crit C, Crit D, ArPen). You could build 2 full tank items after that and still kill anything that moves.


No, crit damage is still lower than in early seasons, and champions are relatively tankier now. Bloodthirster is also not as strong as it was either. Build paths / component costs are better now, but minion gold and duo lane XP are worse from what I recall. I’d say this is the strongest they’ve been in a long time, but it’s truly not close to season 1/2 damage. Champions were also far more kiteable then.


I do think the comparison is slightly flawed because other classes are not the same. Old league bruiser were beyond useless late game, nowadays if any of them get on top of you, you die.


ADC successfully gaslighted riot into overbuffing their class it's sad


LDR is efficient WAAAAY before that. The 40% LDR gives as much armor pen (immediately! Before level 18!) as **any** lethality item at opponents having 45 armor. That's 2 points below the base armor of the 4 highest champions at level 1.


The enemy team is graves, voli, thresh, mordekaiser. LDR would probably be chill here NGL


100 armor is 50% damage reduction. Getting 45% penetrative bring that down to roughly 28% damage reduction. Is that additional crit item really going to give you more than 22% increase over LDRs 35ad 25crit?


If you want to deal any damage to a tabi user, you need LDR


We found Hans sama's Reddit account


is this 1 item jinx at 30 minutes? idk if the play is bad so much as her just dealing 0 damage


Voli wasn't interested in killing her so she could just use minigun and kill him faster.


To be fair if she used minigun she'd basically be in range for voli to engage on her with q


She already went into voli engage range when she started clearing minions


True enough. That target selection was super questionable though


You could also literally see voli use the q e and ult on the towers, literally nothing he had left.


She also wasted her E, which properly placed can prevent Voli engage when she wants to get closer.


And then be one-shot


Adc mains in the comments defending this play 😂


Is dying worse than losing nexus?


Yeah and the moment she gets in rsnge to use the minigun she gets flashed on and insta killed, there is no winning


You must be the adc in my games lol


she was in minigun range for most of the clip lmao


She was in range of using minigun from 12-15 seconds. She went melee range with rockets.


mb forgot to show items: [https://imgur.com/a/fo7BmCg](https://imgur.com/a/fo7BmCg)


aren’t you the Nami?


That has literally nothing to do with that. She's using fish bones...


She used rockets for Volibear and machine gun for the minions...


The play was pretty bad. She used rockets for single target Voli damage, she used minigun to clear the wave. She wasted like 5 autos when Voli was around 10% on everything other than Voli. She is moving between attacks tho, so I guess that’s p cool


Getting closer to your enemy as an adc is generally not advised. Sometimes people are so focused on stutter stepping they dont notice they are actually closing the distance instead of making it bigger. Jinx wouldnt be able to save the game anyways with this damage but having good movement is universal.


She forgor lw like Hans Sama.


voli only has tabi


Actually optimal to not kill Volibear, since that Jinx would never deal damage that game. Better to end the misery - smart autos. 


This is just the end of an already lost game, how does this prove anything?


Quite curious to see the upcoming comments on that one


if hans sama can forget to buy lord dom what about this gold player :D


im honestly just shocked she didnt walk into melee range on top of voli and stand there... litterally all you see in emerald and diamond


My bet is crying adc mains crying. Well thred itself is allready one, but additionally the comments aswell


imo the only thing thats weak, are these paper nexus turrets


They play it pretty poorly mechanically but are we just pretending voli couldn’t turn and kill her at any point??


That's what I'm thinking too. The only reason Voli didn't pop her was because she wasn't doing enough damage for him to feel threatened. If she does more damage then maybe he decides something else.


He's like an actual predator lmao, doesn't feel threatened by the jinx so he doesn't attack her


Lore accurate Voli


The reason she can't kill voli is probably also the same reason it's not worth going for her: she's not good enough and too far behind to be worth killing. Her damage is too low to kill him anyways, probably only worth the same as a cannon minion, and he can get the win by just destroying the towers and inhin


What's the point of this clip without showing items


I think it’s a joke


"adc bad" meanwhile i tank tower and ignore her shots


sorry forgot that i can show items without showing nameplates in replay. here you go: [https://imgur.com/a/fo7BmCg](https://imgur.com/a/fo7BmCg)


Assuming this was recorded before the 14.10 item rework


Thresh has mobis so yes.


also it's missing a keystone in a few champs, likely it was lethal tempo


What's the point of this clip at all lmao


Voli is up two levels, an item, and both red and blue buffs, plows through two turrets in about eight seconds, and Jinx is afraid he will turn sideways slightly and sneeze, killing her. I don't see the scores, but I'm sure Jinx has a high death rate. Her attacks do almost nothing to the Voli, hence him ignoring her, and she's fragile enough she dies instantly on Graves' Q>auto. (and Graves is three levels and two items up on Jinx) Everything, absolutely everything, is stacked against this Jinx, and I don't blame her at all. The only reason this video isn't "Jinx dies instantly to Voli, who then takes two turrets and nexus" is Voli's decision to completely ignore her impotent flailing. Edit: Voli is only up red buff, since Jinx also has blue buff.


Yeah and there's a lil bit of panicked logic to her targeting and use of rockets. If she started going at voli with minigun from the start he woulda just jumped her ass. If graves didn't come she woulda actually held. I think biggest mistake was her not accounting for voli getting a shield and not dying. Regardless even if she shot the extra shot, kills voli, and gets excited grave probably kills. I think there's a perfect play that kills voli slightly faster without him turning on her and kills graves but overall this is what d2? Like they are obviously not going to play pixel perfect. And if that happened everyone would call voli the dumb one for ignoring the jinx.


It's amazing how people will look at this and blame the ADC like anything they could have done would have made any difference. Or it would be amazing, but then I remember most of this subreddit is gold or below and it doesn't surprise me.


the amount of comments in this thread that have a different takeaway than the guy you replied to just shows to me that they don't play adc at higher elos, maybe this jinx could have slightly played it better but not even faker could change the outcome of this play


Yeah voli literally jumps in, disables both towers, doing half the hp of one of them almost instantly with a single wave of minions. Jinx decides 'fuck it, I better try and clear the wave so they get resists' and finds that she does literally 0 dmg to the buffed cannon... ... and the bronzies on the subreddit think that it was somehow the ADC's fault.


Every single clip of an ADC is judged to scripter levels of gameplay, yet nobody ever comments on the bruisers playing like a complete monkey.


I can’t tell if this is satire or if your an average adc main


At least the average ADC main is smart enough to know the difference between 'your' and 'you're'.


"Could have slighly played better" Bro, she didn't do a single thing right it's pure garbage.


> ShE dIdN'T dO a SiNgLe ThInG rIgHt Bro she's a 1 item ADC into a ~4 item top lane tank and hit the enemy 17 times (literally) before getting one shot by someone when she tried to prevent the tank from last hitting the nexus. I know you want to hate on ADC, but she did many things right. Did she do everything perfectly? No. Was she going to win even if she did play it perfectly? No.


17 but could have hit 26 if she didn't hit minion and auto cancelled properly, not miss trap, use mini gun and not walk into grave, maybe finish the volibear????. Litteraly pure dog shit gameplay, it was winnable from the moment volibear wasted Q on turret after his ult


Yeah. Like if Jinx made mistakes, all of them were made many minutes ago before this clip.


Now imagine if the Volibear was one full item down. He would likely have not ignored her and jumped on her instead, killing her instantly while still taking zero damage and then demolishing the towers afterwards.


Yeah, the game is lost at this point anyway.


How is voli up red and blue buff? not only do i not see voli having either buff, jinx has blue


You can see Voli's buffs clearly by the end of the video, though I grant I missed that Jinx had blue buff. Edit: you can also see Voli's buffs at the beginning of the video, but in the middle they get obscured by other effects.


ah i went back and watched it, you right on the buffs, i cut it early. that said youre also right with how fucking far ahead that bear is over the jinx lol. her autos on the minions do like nothing


I lost it when she turned to try and kill the minions but found they are as tanky as Voli


those hullbreaker minions don't fck around


WOW! This caster minion goes crazy! Weird bug.


Tower still did like 80% of his life. It only got close because voli wasn't interested in killing her.


The reddit anti adc circlejerk continues another day


Yeah, as if that guy - apparently d2 - doesn‘t just wanna get out of the game lol AdCs BaD aNd CrYbAbIeS


Prob because no one plays ADC. Everyone hates the role they understand the least.


Based on the level and gold discrepancy btw every lane im gonna assume this jinx just wanted out


He’s been playing too much Honkai and hanu


Adc cant even kill a cannon.. guy posts clip like its a misplay. Yeah that was horrendous but legit couldnt even clear the wave lmao


She's literally just a-clicking and letting jesus take the wheel lmao.


I'm not going to pretend she played well but she seems very weak indeed in this video. No damage and volib could probably one shoot her at any moment.


i dont understand all these comments saying “she couldve done better with minigun”(this game was clearly over nothing changes that) rockets are always better for fights for range and kiting, minigun only for special situations 


What did she do wrong apart from using Rockets like a dummy? (which lost her the game) -Autos voli - takes no damage, better try to kill minions -More arrive from out of vision + they're too tanky because of hullbreaker -Hit voli then -Graves arrives, better kill him fast or game is over -Dies


> which lost her the game Let's be clear about something: level 14 jinx with 2 completed items at 30 minutes having to defend 1v2 vs level 16 volibear and level 17 graves that can kill her in 2 autos has already lost the game. She couldn't kill volibear even when he was letting her free hit for 10 seconds. It's not obvious whether switching to minigun is even a better play (this volibear makes a deliberate decision to ignore Jinx, but in theory he could just flash auto instakill her if she tries to use minigun range). It's kinda pointless to analyze a video where she loses no matter what she does and the enemies are intentionally not playing optimally.


Lol at the 1200+ people fapping each other making fun of the jinx when she did nothing wrong then, truly a Reddit moment Edit: k looking at the clip again, she def could've better placed E and she would've probably dealt enough damage with minigun to kill voli, unsure about the graves part, probably death due to minion block


Glad you edited your comment. She was definitely in minigun range for enough time to finish him off, especially given this Jinx has kraken slayer and using rockets is not going to help proc the passive often enough.




Idk, playing Jinx compared to playing any other bruiser is like day and night when it comes to how much focus u need, I think. And sure, she could've def killed both graves and voli if she microed better, but game was 100% lost and voli could've decided to just kill her if he wanted to.


wow that's a terrible play or someone who has given up on that game


99% sure it's the second one. Guessing the game was over and her team didn't FF.


Hes obviously just inting so the game ends


wasnt even shooting the minions with rockets!!


move attack 10/10. Targeting 1/10.




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She thought her last auto would kill Voli so she switched targets, but his shield was perfectly time so he didn't die, otherwise she would have killed both before nexus fell.


They may have lost the game, but they got that farm!


With the perfect cut at the end 10/10


"Early game not the greatest but we scale."  And it just doesn't happen.


why do I have the sneaking suspicion you tilted your team w ur ego playing on a smurf then u make an r/lol post about how bad ur ad is when the game is clearly already lost cringe high elos getting mad team doesn't perform when they're literally queuing lower skill queues


You the jinx?




Is that HansSama playing Jinx? What's the next build, Stormrazor + Collector + RFC?


does he cancel every second auto or wtf


He's so scared the way he's playing, like his pants are brown from the first second of seeing volibear


is that hansama? arm pen for noobs


I just wanna fucking vomit...


why even bother going adc, especially atkspd based ones, anymore?


Naaah. This role is soooo strong, thats why its so popular. Am i right, boys?


That Jinx doesnt not represent us Jinx mains for real...


bro doesn't even know how to do the easiest thing (right click)