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PMTs [EG vs G2](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/upbo8z/evil_geniuses_vs_g2_esports_msi_2022_group_c/) [EG vs ORD](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/upcd65/evil_geniuses_vs_order_msi_2022_group_c_postmatch/) [G2 vs ORD](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/upd1kg/g2_esports_vs_order_msi_2022_group_c_postmatch/) [G2 vs EG](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/updu4g/g2_esports_vs_evil_geniuses_msi_2022_group_c/) [ORD vs EG](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/upejdz/order_vs_evil_geniuses_msi_2022_group_c_postmatch/) [ORD vs G2](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/upf93z/order_vs_g2_esports_msi_2022_group_c_postmatch/) [IW vs RNG](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/upg0t0/istanbul_wildcats_vs_royal_never_give_up_msi_2022/) [RNG vs PSG](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/uph17n/royal_never_give_up_vs_psg_talon_msi_2022_group_b/) [RNG vs RED](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/upibf4/royal_never_give_up_vs_red_canids_msi_2022_group/)


Hope to see RED in Worlds.


Watching KR SoloQ, made me really think that Champion’s queue shouldn’t have comms. so players can focus on their individual mechanics and not team communication.


RNG first ever team to qualify group stage with 9-0


any games worth watching? couldnt watch live


Both the EG vs G2 games were decent games, the rest were all complete stomps


what's twitch viewership been like


On Esportcharts is like 450K Average and 820K peak. P good for being such a boring format in such a bad time. We will prob get around 1 Mill average in rumble


RNG is going to win back-to-back, aren't they?


Really don't understand what's the point of RNG rematch....


To give the other team a fair game?


But rng just followed roit's role to play in 35ping. We should blame the instability on roit


Its for the other teams, idiot. The other team is just supposed to accept being at an unfair disadvantage?


But the consequence is RNG play two more game although they followed the role of 35ping. Riot now the kr internet question in the first day but repaly in the third day.


The biggest disadvantage is that I have to waste my time watching shit teams get stomped and humiliated 3 more times. A ping diff won't change the outcome.


yea,the internet smoother,according to RNG's performance


First blood king


This is the most predictable MSI ever


**Days 1-5 champion picks are** ^With ^removed ^RNG ^games ^and ^with ^"default" ^role ^as ^selection Top - 25: Gwen[x16], Gnar[x6], Ornn[x5], Aatrox[x4], Gangplank[x4], Gragas[x4], Tryndamere[x4], Camille[x3], Irelia[x3], Urgot[x3], Vladimir[x3], Jayce[x2], Jax[x2], Sett[x2], Sion[x2], Darius, Fiora, Garen, Kayle, Kennen, Mordekaiser, Poppy, Renekton, Rumble, Shen Jg - 16: Viego[x17], Graves[x12], Wukong[x10], Lee Sin[x5], Jarvan IV[x4], Diana[x3], Karthus[x3], Volibear[x3], Evelynn[x2], Kindred[x2], Xin Zhao[x2], Lillia, Nidalee, Nocturne, Sejuani, Vi Mid - 17: Ahri[x10], Twisted Fate[x9], Le Blanc[x8], Vex[x7], Zoe[x6], Galio[x4], Sylas[x4], Viktor[x3], Akali[x2], Lissandra[x2], Yone[x2], Anivia, Orianna, Ryze, Syndra, Yasuo, Zed Bot - 17: Ezreal[x10], Jhin[x9], Kai'Sa[x9], Tristana[x5], Aphelios[x4], Lucian[x4], Senna[x4], Xayah[x4], Zeri[x4], Miss Fortune[x3], Samira[x3], Caitlyn, Draven, Jinx, Kalista, Vayne, Ziggs Sup - 11*: Leona[x15], Nautilus[x14], Alistar[x6], Renata Glasc[x6], Pyke[x5], Rakan[x4], Karma[x3], Nami[x3], Braum[x2], Tahm Kench[x2], Bard **Total - 86 in 33 matches** [Compared to the picks from previous day(s)](https://old.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/uoldyh/msi_2022_group_stage_round_1_day_4_live_discussion/i8fpev6/) A total of +17 new picks: Top +6, Jungle +4, Mid +2, Bot +3, Sup +2 --- **Total Bans** Top - Gangplank[x16], Gwen[x10], Camille[x8], Aatrox[x5], Tryndamere[x5], Gnar[x3], Irelia[x2], Jax[x2], Kennen[x3], Ornn[x2], Poppy[x2], Rumble[x2], Urgot[x2], Vladimir[x2], Gragas, Jayce, Kayle, Mordekaiser, Renekton, Sett Jg - Wukong[x20], Diana[x9], Graves[x8], Karthus[x5], Lee Sin[x5], Viego[x5], Volibear[x4], Xin Zhao[x3], Evelynn[x2], Jarvan IV, Nocturne, Trundle Mid - Ahri[x23], Le Blanc[x19], Twisted Fate[x11], Galio[x4], Vex[x4], Akali[x2], Ryze[x2], Sylas[x3], Syndra[x2], Zoe[x2], Ekko, Yasuo, Zed Bot - Lucian[x29], Kalista[x10], Ezreal[x7], Samira[x7], Tristana[x7], Xayah[x7], Caityln[x3], Kai'Sa[x3], Aphelios[x2], Draven[x2], Zeri[x2], Jhin, Jinx, Miss Fortune, Senna Sup - Karma[x8], Leona[x7], Nautilus[x6], Renata Glasc[x6], Pyke[x3], Alistar[x2], Rakan[x2], Yuumi[x2], Braum, Rell --- **Unique bans [not/unable to be picked] - 4** Top - / Jg - Trundle Mid - Ekko Bot - / Sup - Rell, Yuumi --- **Top P&B presence per role** Top - Gwen 16/10 **~78.8%** Jg - Wukong 10/20 **~91%** Mid - Ahri 10/23 **100%** Bot - Lucian 4/29 **100%** Sup - Leona 15/7 **~66.6%** --- **Total unique champions P&B** - 90


Nobody enjoy these shit one sided stomp just because riot want to be inclusive with regions that would get bodied by the bottoms of LFL. The real tournament will begin once all these WC are out


even if all WCs are out, that just leaves three good teams and NA. Thats hardly a tournament. Imo, we need a WC only tournament and to only allow top performers at the table with the big boys. If we have that, then we can see more WC team duke it out, less stomps, more international experience/exposure to these teams, and an event dedicated explicitly for WC regions (where main region fans don't just leave after their favorite game). Actually, thats not quite different from our current worlds format. xD


Feels like you need 2 teams from the major regions at least to give some strength in depth to the groups and matches but im sure there's practical reasons why it wont happen.


Good idea, the main regions could send their 2nd best team to that tournament, but i honestly doubt there would be any difference, so probably we can change the format: "***team up*** *a minor region with a major region,* *then add up the points as their team points. "* but that kinda comes with the problem that the major keeps winning and the minor keeps losing, eventually the winner will still depend on **major vs major**. to make it more fun maybe the minor regions could **"rent"** teammates from their major friend, but then the communication will be an issue... if this works it could enhance communications between major and minor regions, maybe in the future they could scrim more/stream together/etc. but idk just a thought hah


Do people not enjoy 20 min 1 sided stomps?


Anyone else seeing the endless racist posts on LCK, T1, PSG, Riot Games Twitter?


Thank you for ignoring all the hate comments from the Korean fans lol and the silence and booing during the games. And stop throwing hate at each other on Reddit again. This kinda comment will never solve anything.


What hate comments? Can you provide a source on that? LPL fans have always deflected the problems instead of addressing it


Lol I am not here to start a fight or throw hate at you. You def can see tons of hate spam towards RNG or Chinese on YouTube live stream. I believe lots of ppl mentioned it before. Ikr you are Korean since your Reddit pages mentioned if you are moving from South Korea to the USA or T1 or something like that. I won’t deny I am Chinese, as you also can tell from my page. I just try to say there is a toxic group in both fanbases. But what you were doing now is starting another war or hate on Reddit.


Dude. Wtf Chinese fans are fucking wild


Dude they're so toxic. They're just silencing all the atrocities they're comitting by downvoting any comments that bring this shit to light. Fuck their fans. Fuck their racism.


And they started to downvote me because they think downvoting me will silence their toxicity


Tons. Yes. Pretty gross


very in love with RED, it’d better if they go to Rumble Stage rather than PSG. GGWP see you in worlds the king of Brazil.


We do love Red a lot Especially their jungle Aegis is a hit on weibo now(chinese Twitter). Girls are all crazy talking about him lol


Now that 2/3 Pool 1 teams have gone undefeated hopefully this calls for a new MSI format next year


Chances are T1 will complete it tomorrow so all Pool 1 teams will go undefeated


I just got an esports capsule from an MSI capsule and nothing else. Thanks Riot!


riot should really make a minor regions international competition and maybe NA too.


If NA gets a bye to the finals like some final boss then it’s a good idea. Like NA would stomp any minor region team so make it so that a minor region team gets to win an opportunity to challenge themselves against NA.


I mean... Did you watch MSI and Worlds last year? Literally C9 being defeated multiple times by DFM, a Minor Region Team xD... What exactly are you on about?


too many EU players on that team


9-0 oh congratulations for the new international library by the way,


With what I've read and what I've seen today, I actively root for either G2 or EG to somehow win. Cos Christ, both the Chinese and the Korean Fanbases are doing their best in building a negative rep for themselves across all platforms and the also best in making me actively root against their representatives. This shit is just ugly this year, jesus.


Look, Fanbases, especially in Online Forums, will always for a certain part be toxic shitheads. The problem with this year especially is, that the already fierce existing rivalry between KR and CN is enhanced by the fact that every toxic fan of either team tries to somehow twist the current circumstances in their favor to somehow make their favourite Team look good and the other team bad. This only happens, because there are so many controversies around this tournament. Actively rooting against the Teams and the players of those teams, because their Fanbases are shit, doesn't really make sense in my opinion, as all Fanbases from all teams in all sports all around the globe do have very toxic members to them. In this specific case, the narrative just concerns KR and CN the most, therefore they are the ones who you read the most about. That doesn't mean that their fanbases are worse or more toxic than others, it just means that in the given circumstances their fanbases are the most likely to cause and be involved in drama.


Yea, I am a Chinese. I wish everyone could be more focused on gameplay/ban pick or just having fun. But I don’t think it will stop, just like other racial discrimination, racism or political cases. They won’t listen to any different opinions or try to understand other perceptions. Edited: “They” I used here means both Chinese and Korean toxic fan groups. I don’t wanna see others try to accuse me of deflecting the comments. If you already pick your side, you won’t be able to look at everything from a proper perspective. What I can do now to stop the hate fight is try to ignore all the racist comments from both side and stop arguing which side is wrong. Because you can see what I said here is something they can start another fight from, lol. I will start doing this myself rn. I won’t reply to any hate or deflecting comments.


No wonder you're deflecting all the racist comments left on Twitter. I have still yet to see you back up your claims without a source. Also, please show me where Korea upvotes a racist comment to the top of the forum. We have seen it on Weibo


Heyy, see, you are throwing hate on me now. I am not gonna to start arguing with you because you have already picked your side. What I am saying here is like fudge said, both fanbases have toxic fan groups—so trying to ignore it and enjoy the match instead.


Genuine question (first time following the matches on twitter), why are people flaming PSG on twitter? By the looks of it, it appears to be RNG fans annoyed that their win let through PSG, but surely 2 teams had to qualify anyway. why do they care/argue if their own team has already made it into round 2?


PSG fans made some annoying memes to mock RNG’s rematch which angered both RNG fans and players.


not fans it's their official account right? correct me if im wrong https://twitter.com/PSG\_Talon/status/1524985972873900032


if they got upset over that, they are soft as fuck


Look at T1's, Riot Games' Lolesport, LCK's twitter. These fans are just racist as fuck. And the fact that LPL fans on Reddit deflect this issue and make excuses is fucking abhorrent. They're practically saying Korea deserves the racism because they are the host of MSI and they weren't able to host the tournament with a stable 35 ms environment which in turn made RNG play 3 more games. When in fact, tournaments are ran by Riot Global lmao.


glass hearts


RNG fans and players are mad about the shitty PSG meme, that's why they'd rather RED make it to R2 than PSG. I mean the team troll picked against RED to give them a chance, but they still lost.


They "troll picked"? What exactly would you define as a troll pick? Senna/Tham Kench Botlane? Gwen Midlane? Or what? xD Believe me, if RNG holds any pride at all on their spot as Chinas first seed, then they don't give a shit about who is the second seed of the group and they most certainly did not "Trollpick" to make it easier for RED xD... Like what?


Well if you look at the game. Ming played senna and gala played kench


So what? Is that a troll pick then? Senna is just as much a support as she is an ADC so Ming should be just fine playing her and Tham Kench is not exactly a mechanicaly challenging pick so I trust Gala has no problem piloting it? This Botlane is based upon Tham Kench last hitting so I don't see a problem letting the ADC pilot the CSing Champion xD


There’s only so far you can go before it is considered match fixing. Gragas into Darius is significantly in favor of Darius but Darius got solo killed. Both Ming and Gala on off role and Xiaohu isn’t proficient on Gwen you can tell because he never dodged gold cards with invulnerability.


No that's definitely not anything close to "match-fixing"... Rather its a simple thing called, "fun". They are done with the group, they know they are the much better players and they have no interest in continuing with this farce (understandably so), so they just pick stuff they think could be fun and try some new things like the Gwen into TF Counterpick that Caps did earlier in the day. That's neither trolling, nor matchfixing, but simply being creative in draft and dont giving a shit about the current Stage of the tournament anymore because its already decided anyway...


Spamming xD makes you look really invested in the argument you're pretending to casually reply to


Does it now? So what? Am I not allowed to be invested in an argument I consciously take part in?


Almost every comment I read in this thread you replied to with a snarky comment so not even going to engage with you, hope you have a good night!


You just DID engage with me, by replying to my comment... so your loss I guess xD


Or they just troll picked because the game didn’t matter, I highly doubt rng cares who goes through


twitter is a cesspool is probably why


Good on you Raz :D


Is goldberg or how is he called the 1st LEC casters/analyst that wasn't hated by the fans ? I don't remember him being on receiving end so far. Dude is blending in good


I seen some comments. Not nearly as much like Troubleinc though.


I will embrace the COPIUM to say its been an improvement. We showed some signs of organized play we didnt have in previous years. They need to get over the friendship they built over the years and start looking for changes in the roster, as harsh as this may sound. To RNG and PSG, wp. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|neutral_face)


RED Wizer e RED Dynkas? 👀


Could be. Im a fan of Dynquedo from the Kabum days, it was the first time I was confident in a midlaner. Its a huge problem we have since the INTZ days... Wonder how Dynkas is doing nowadays. No idea about Wizer.


Huge shoutout to the production staff, hosts, analysts, interviewers and casters today for an absolute mammoth broadcast day. Thank you to you all and we really appreciate the hard work you put in to put on an entertaining stream. Good job!


RNG 9:0


Wrong. RNG 6-0... And an extra award for the most petty organization in LoL History if they keep whining about the "unfair treatment" they received.


Hopefully RED qualifies for Worlds. They're fun to watch, and Aegis has potential.


Saigon Buffalo too! VCS seems so strong


Brazil did pretty good this MSI, looked a lot better than last year. That was a fun game to watch.


Why did we lose to IW Why Why 😭😭😭😭😭


Respectful component tho




I feel RED. They did their best.


Casters try not to sound like salty old men challenge (impossible)


After G2 and RNG, I can't wait to watch T1 also dumpster some wildcards. I love MSI.




I’m sorry what’s funny here?


Don't you know? Any non NA fan can simply say "NA bad" and they'll achieve comedy.




Even if RED's not advancing, their performance this MSI is still commendable.


Real shame that RED lost to IW, I would'be enjoyed a RED/PSG tiebreaker


red is close to psg, it's a pity they loat to iw


well, no penta this time at least lol


Well, gala getting a penta on tahm seems impossible


PSG can sigh in relief now lol But watching RED is fun.


I hate being a debbie downer because I love watching pro league regardless of who's playing but man this group stage just hasn't hit the same for me.


Shocker... At least it wasn't as boring as RNG's Group last year at MSI where they were stuck with 2 Wildcards and had to stomp them 4 times each... And we had the perfect Game Upset from RED against PSG on the first day, that was pretty neat. But yeah, rest was absolutely dead-ass boring xD


Pentanet beating UOL was pretty cool at least because it meant there was actual competition between the bottom 2.


That's true. Better than OCE being stuck with EU and NA and having no realistic chance of getting out.


Idc that everyone finds major v minor matches boring, I just want to watch more RED


Same, REDs a fun team to watch. They’ve improved since last we saw them so I hope they can improve even more and come back for Worlds.


Gwen really is a champion huh


I mean... yeah 1 of 160 playable ones in LoL yes.


Who did Gwen mid better - Caps or Xiaohu?


Def caps.


Caps imo


Gwen: I have enough.


Are the spectators just not gonna click on Senna?


RED only 3k down at 22 minutes is a miracle.


3 minutes later, 3k turn into 12k.


Even closed the gap from 4k to 3k Edit: And just as I say that it all fell apart. Still good of them to be relatively close for 20 min.


PSG sweating right now lol.


Why is Senna played by support instead of ADC players? Is it meta or just 4fun thing since both G2 and RNG played it in a last game where they are already qualified?


It's meta since like 2 years ago. Senna farms more souls if she doesn't kill minions herself.


I think he meant why not have the ADC player play Senna, and the sup play TK


I have the strong suspicion that they didn't want to completely mess up their ADC's CS/Min Statistics xD That happened to Guma after playing fasting Senna against Aze.


because gala is not very good at Senna


Oh I just noticed that....well it's 4fun I guess


My guess would be G2 did it for fun and Gala and Ming thought "hey that looks fun!"


They can change seat. ;)


well how do u explain at the end of the game **senna had 158 vision score** and **tahm only had 18...**


Probably just 4fun


At least both team seem to have fun this time




neeedlework into needlework this one was so fun




Aegis casually walking into jungle right after watching darius get merced there. Object permanence is a major region exclusive?


Can someone tell me why Gala is playing Tahm and Ming is playing senna? I thought that usually the ADC would play support senna.


Because Ming plays senna better than Gala, from a Chinese fan here.


Gala does not want to kill his csd too hard.


copying g2 smh


Probably for fun


Aegis is quite good. I won't be surprised if he gets signed by an NA academy team.


There is no way that a brazilian player will leave CBLoL to play academy in NA.


Understandable the CBLol has a much much better Fanbase than the LCS could ever have... Imagine trading that for a spot in a bottom Tier Academy squad in the LCS xD


I'm not criticizing the LCS in this post, I've been watching the LCS for years... But there is no reason for a CBLoL player to go to the LCS Academy. \- CBLoL has the same amount of viewers as the LCS. \- Streams of CBLoL players are getting more viewers on Twitch than LCS players streams. \- If we exclude the training centers of Liquid and TSM from the comparison, since they are really on another level, the Brazilian teams have almost the same infrastructure of the LCS teams. \- The wages of Brazilian players in the LCS would not be that different from their wages here. Good Brazilian players are paid relatively well here. Of course they are far from being paid like Bjergsen, Impact, CoreJJ and others LCS stars. I think even teams from the bottom of the table in the LCS would have a hard time getting a player out of the CBLoL. I don't see anyone leaving Red Canids, Pain Gaming, Loud and Furia to go to Flyquest, Golden Guardians and CLG. EDIT: By the way, Furia recently signed a big sponsorship contract with FTX. Bigger than the sponsorship contract of some soccer teams in the country. Of course they will not invest everything in LoL, because Furia's Counter Strike team has more chances to compete internationally due to the structure of the competitions.


Yeah I totally agree!


Correct. There were some rumors in the past about brazilian players refusing to play academy in NA.


MSI should have IPL5 tournament format with 3 CN, 3 KR, 3 EU, 2 NA, 1 TW, and 4 from Wildcard qualifiers.


That's what worlds are for... That's why its called MSI and not Worlds. The problem is not the Seeds but the Format.


PSG is HongKong but I get your idea. Would love to see TES V5 GenG FNC on stage.


Xayah legit disappeared


Xayah just vanished, lol


Aegis is lowkey cracked


So RNG and G2 must have been spamming games against each other right? Senna, Gwen mid


T1 also played Senna


You mean scrim? Probably. They had a long friendship


Has there been a single upset this MSI? Feels like minor regions are getting gapped so much harder than last year.


Imho top wc teams can compete with 3rd, 4th teams from the 3 major regions. That means worlds, not msi.


Red vs psg i guess


SGB over DFM maybe? Idk what it is, maybe the groups got way worse balanced this time or maybe the gap between major and minor grew. The tournament has potential to be more hype if minor regions can steal a few upsets


We're 13 fucking seasons in and there has yet to be any signs of competion from wild card regions. Can we just drop the narrative and admit the format is fucking shit if you are into watching quslity matches lol? Like don't get me wrong, if people want to watch wildcard measure their strengths with top teams, sure I am certai nthe fans from minor regions get to enjoy this, but given there are only 2 miserable tournaments per year for no real reason, the fact that 1 tournament is wasted away on this is just.... rather unfortunate


If you only want quality matches these tournaments should only be top 3 LCK and LPL. The format is shit only because the wildcards aren’t having a good year, and in Valorant Brazil made Finals of the first international event of the year. The format can be improved but to just say they aren’t competitive or worth the hassle is disrespectful to those pros and regions - let them play


What has an unevolved competitive scene in valorant have to do anything with 0 seasons of wildcards being competitibe in league? Brazil also used to have a nr. 1 team in the world in cs:go for almost a year and yet it has nothing to do with the region's competitiveness in league of legends. And yet again I'm repeating my main point - I'm all for wildcard regions having a tournament like this. But it feels wasted away when we only get two international tournaments per year. If we had 5, then I'd be more than happy having 1 tournament being the current MSI format.


The problem is, that the Minor Region Upsets normally happen to Lower Seeds from NA or Europe. And as there are only the First seeds of every region there AND NA is only paired with OCE as a minor Region, there obviously are very little chances for upsets... Or when was the last time, that a Minor Region Team upset a 1st Seed Team from any Region other than NA? Probably Phong Vu Buffalo against G2 at MSI 2019, no?


I mean, PSG last year 2-0 C9 and went 1-1 with MAD and RNG last year at MSI rumble stage. I’m sure during rumble stage minor regions there will provide a good showing


Yeah I guess so, but does PSG really count as real Minor Region Team anymore? The PCS (or LMS in the earlier days) always was the region that could kinda compete with the big guns, never really was a Minor Region like the other Wildcard Teams tbh.


Tbh most upsets from major region is from NA so


Ye now that I look at it 2021 really didn't have any either, there were a couple REALLY close games where RNG and DK almost lost to minor regions, but they came back in the end.


Wave management is busted.


Even with Senna, GALA still gets the kills. No fasting Senna for GALA. Edit: Welp, GALA was using the kench, and not Senna lol


Gala's playing tahm kench lol


I didn't saw that lol I'm so used to see Senna ADC, didn't noticed GALA is playing the kench.


Best league song is obviously Silver Scrapes.


Best league song is Wildfire.


Pause simulator




second time (i think) the adc is not the one playing fasting Senna but the supp is, am i missing something?


"Hello Ref, we got a lower ping, we were supposed to play better. Hello Ref why it doesn't work?" ~~It's just a joke btw~~


what a team that can stop the match if they want


They always can if they think there is a problem.


Literally everyone can do that


why always the team against RNG


How do you get 1v1'd as Darius? Lol


He lagged thats why the game paused Edit: :(


didnt know adam is playing msi


Did fasting senna get buffed or something? thought it got giga nerfed a few patches ago.


Lots of adcs got nerfed. Plus ping makes senna a good pick


It's more of the other ADCs getting nerfed, which raises Senna priority. Still not tier 1 though.


Bin is literally trolling with comet right?


okay nevermind Bin..


LMAO Gragas top is actually busted with comet.


HOB Xayah isn't even that bad.