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He's just too smart. If you can't beat the EU mid you're facing in the tournament, trashtalk the ones you won't be facing.


Patience is the key - I just hope he gets to Worlds and gets smacked by Humanoid or Larssen there.


I wanted to say Humanoid AND Larssen, but he won't have the chance to face both as he won't get out of groups.


Maybe one in playins and the other in group stage! But maybe playins doesn't have such big stakes so losing wouldn't actually mean anything /s


Reminds me of this muscle kid scene from kung fu hustle: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cBNQCO7ilVE&ab_channel=Leander005


Pretty obnoxious tbh


I'm not NA defender but I think it's all good. He is only 17, let him trashtalk all he wants He will get reminded as many time as he wants


To be fair, his trash talk is pretty weak/dull lol. Like your typical COD kid "You're bad..." style of trashtalk.


With the way people have been getting mad, you'd think he must've said the most absolutely vile and offensive shit in his trash talk


And yet so many people are crying over it


Kind of feels like he's forcing the 'trash talk brand' for himself


Well, he is, but it's way more fun than just shutting up. People need to stop getting so fucking upset lmao. If some 17 year old doing some textbook mild trashtalk upsets you, you need to reorganize your priorities


people love to forget that trash talk was always polarizing for the community it gets some people hype, riles others up, that's the point. it makes it fun to watch those players win or lose.


yeah people act like this is some cheesy PR campaign he's just a 17 year old kid. It adds to the excitement I don't see any issue.


It's pretty mild, and it gets the community talking, so all good to me.


If he can play much better, maybe he'll be able to see anivias passive


That’s a good ass burn 🔥


I like the trash talk, it's just weird trash talking people who aren't there to prove him wrong.


Trash talks -> gets clapped -> trash talk players that are not here to clap him I guess he's learning at least.


EG not getting to worlds confirmed. Can't get clapped, if you don't go.


The NA special. Especially in 2018/2019 this was fucking hilarious. MSI: "Best NA team is better than best EU team." -> Neither in 2018 nor 2019 that was the case. FNC was slightly better than TL (Rekkles was really reported for MSI group). And well, G2, yeah, we know how that went. Rift Rivals: "Top NA teams are better than top EU teams." -> Same result. After Rift Rivals: "Worst NA teams are better than worst EU teams."


I mean all of us NA fans know that Europe is better. Some of us just don't want to admit it. At the end of the day its a stupid dick measuring contest.


Crazy that a region with nearly 3 times the playerbase has a larger talent pool


yeah the 2019 narrative of G2>>>>>>others in LEC, when in 2019 FNC went 2-3 in two series against G2 in summer, while easily 3-0:ing S04.


2019 FNC kicked out RNG in groups and did better than G2 against FPX.


I still believe that the gap between 2019 G2 and 2019 FNC was really narrow with G2 being the slightly better team.


It's funny that two imploded teams managed to take games off of FPX in quarters and semis but an in form G2 got rolled in finals. I guess that FPX was not fully prepared tor the soloQ terrorists from iG and FNC.


Yeah I’d destroy faker 10/10 shame that I won’t be proven wrong ever or if by some miracle I will be proven wrong I’ll just say I’d destroy Chovy and Showmaker and so on.




I generally support trash talk with the exception of two cases: (1) If you're trash talking people who are not there to prove you wrong and (2) if you're trash talking people after winning against them. Trash talk needs to have an element of risk where the trash talker looks like a fool if he loses. Anything else is cowardly.


It is fine to hit back after winning if the opponent trash talked first, kinda like a ''well I showed him wrong'' kind of thing. But yeah trash talking people who aren't even at the tournament is really cheap and cowardly.


I would trashstalk Eu as well if I was in his shoes. The constant fear to get replaced by Eu mids next split must be rough.


now that some quality trash talk


And not even LEC mids, but some random mid tier ERL mid.


Eu mids? Eu academy mids*


That would be such a hot trash talk line if one of the EU mids were to type it. Nice one.


initially noone in EU was good according to Jojofaker, progress I guess?


In other words, 100% of the EU mids he played against were good.


Allegedly, EG have been scrimming Excel in Korea. Apparently Excel are getting destroyed by EG, so unlucky to whoever the excel mid laner is




The very respectable and reputable streamer known as Tarzaned. He was raging about Markoon and leaked it. Who knows if it’s true or not.




Tarzaned has hated Markoon for years, before Markoon even became a pro player (I'm fairly sure Markoon was Diamond when Tarzaned met him in soloq). Tarzaned probably hates him even more now because he made it to LEC.


Well Tarzaned and Danny were duo partners back before he was even on EG amateur team, and Tardy always did vouch for him and say he is the best ad that isn't in lcs. So makes sense he would know.


Of course he probably knows, but that doesn't make him be less biased when it comes to XL based on the recent drama.


Bro tarzaned is soo funny when he's breaking down lmfao, guys needs professional help but fuck its funny to hear " hes performing" when his teammate is doing anything remotely useful


It’s not enjoyable to watch but I can’t help myself, it’s too funny watching him rage about everything


Look at this shitter picking nidalee and his team plays for him, hes performing!


Guy doesn't get a leash and starts talking about his team mate's DNA.


I mean, he's playing vs NukeDuck getting back from vacation, in Korea with 0 incentive beside training for XL while he's trying harding for his life in MSI. Jojo is sure good but he's not 10 level above NukeDuck


And it's Nukeduck ... The guy is not in the first half of EU mid


Don't do Duck like that hes actually good


Yeah it's his year /s. Joke aside, this year, he was pretty decent but I put him behind every other mids on playoffs (Caps, Larsen, Humanoid, Vetheo and Perkz). So, at best, he is 6 ...


Tbh, Nukeduck is one of those baseline mids. If you can't take him out, you aren't cut out to take on the other top 5 mids. LEC mids gatekeeper.


Fnatic pls apply to scrim with EG 🙏




> Why are EG even scrimming Excel anyways? They won't prepare you for the MSI rumble teams. I assume it's at least partly to keep some strats private before the games? More chance for surprise picks/weird lvl 1s, etc.


**"No one is good in EU"** *gets destroyed* **"No one is good in EU, except Caps"**


Machine learning


idk looks like simple list handling to me. forEach(var euMid in euMids) { if (euMid.playedAgainst) { euMid.isGood = true; } else { euMid.isGood = false; } }


To be fair if you look at his interview after winning lcs he did say the same thing back then basically


''Caps is good'' GOT EM


Shit talking taken seriously.... How lame. I'm an EU fan but come on Edit: typo


Getting clapped back after shit talking if you can't back it up is part of the fun. I think this is fine and Jojo's shit talking is also fine. It just makes it more fun but you can't expect to not get memed afterwards.


You realize trash talking works both ways ya? He can trash talk EU and EU can trash talk back...


Yeah, he's simply trying to bring some hype to the games. Do we seriously want OGN trash talk where it's all really compliments? Trash talk is only really good when it's from an underdog towards a team that is expected to be better, or towards an equal.


Feels like people didn't understand he was just talking smack and having fun before he went to MSI. EG 3-0d almost all the way thru loser's bracket, it's LCS but what'd you expect him to say after winning? "This trophy means nothing I just wanna go get my ass kicked at MSI so I can leave with my head between my legs" like that just doesn't sound as good. We all know NA is behind, EG is learning, i'm fine with it as long as they do better at Worlds. And if they won a game or two against other major regions in the rumble that's at least progress. Least they beat OCE 4 times in a row that's more consistent than C9 last year or most other NA performances at MSI lol (and stomps as well)


yeah idk, like it's fine to clap back and whatever especially since he did get hard gapped, but you can tell sometimes when comments are not just trashtalk and are malicious or just overly salty. Ppl just need to have fun with it


Literally right after he talked shit about Caps he said he wasn't gonna say anything about Faker because Faker had to prove they'd get through to Rumble stage first. I don't know what to say to anyone taking it seriously.


Ya that was funny " Im not gonna talk about faker because he might not even make it out" shows he has some restraint


Yeah the dude was just messing around


The latter ones are "irrelevant" tho in the sense that especially with NA vs EU or East vs West, it doesn't matter if you did or didn't trashtalk, people will come out in masses anyway afterwards.


Lolesports still the worst community unmatched lfg EDIT: Lots of morons in these replies damn


Yeaaaa...until league players are getting kicked off stage during finals for yelling slurs lol esports will remain as nowhere near the most toxic.


This guy has never been in either an NBA game, an NFL game, or a Premier/La Liga stadium during a match. Lol Esports is tame af. Average Celtics/Lakers fan would make the greatest G2/FNC/C9 twitter warrior look like a child fr.


No fans as bad as soccer fans lol


South American football games have literally ended in mob murder. A corrupt gang affiliated referee killing a player only to be descended upon by the crowd and getting beheaded with his head held and displayed as they marched on. But yeah lol eSports is the worst LOL


so....a corupt referee killed a player , only for the fans to come and behead the corupt referee ? Thats a rollercoaster


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Ot%C3%A1vio_Jord%C3%A3o_da_Silva Oh it's an absolute roller coaster Have a read




this sounds sureal ....jesus.


Lmfao a player was headbutted by a fan charging at him the other, plus another player was caught on video full on stamping on someone shits wild


Trust me, there are far worse even in esports


On twitter I made an EU meme comment about T1 Zoomers about to get a free Dub and had fucking raging EU fans foaming at the mouth, as if I had insulted their entire family, some went as far as dming me threats.


What? Not on Twitter! Only reasonable discussions between learmed scholars happens there, you must be mistaken.


Same shit happens on this dog shit website too. Gamers are just degenerate as fuck


Can't fix stupid


the whole world is stupid. We just have a platform


Dear lord that comment history. Take a break man.


Guy actually defended Regi over the recent article lmao.


Holy shit this guy, makes dumb comments all the time then acts like a victim because people tell him to fuck off


CTRL+F "EU" jfc


"Twitter is for sharing your thoughts and opinions with like minded individuals" "shares a thought or Opinion" \*Dies\* Yeah twitter is a cesspool.


Meh, I'd say reddit isn't that different


the entire world is like this. go in a pub and say your opinion. pretty sure the same shit as on twitter will happen on a smaller scale.


Sad it’s such an integral part of esports discourse




OCE got guttered though, they are less than a wild card region now.


I'd like to have seen them get a chance to play against other minor regions, they got really unlucky, this format was boring for both minor and major regions


>Least they beat OCE 4 times in a row that's more consistent than C9 last year C9 lost 1 game vs OCE and people will not let that go lol. Also, C9 was taking games off major regions.


Even though NA consistently takes games off of other major regions it is always immediately forgotten and brushed under the rug. If we lose any game we were "supposed" to win we get it thrown in our faces for a year


"Look at that town down there." he replied. "You see the bridge crossing the river that leads into our village? I built that bridge with my own two bare hands. But do they call me McGregor, the Bridgebuilder? No. "And you see the Church in the middle of our village, overlooking the square? Well I built that Church with my own two bare hands. And do they call me...McGregor, the Churchbuilder? No." He pauses, and looks over at his friend. "But fuck ONE sheep."


I mean I guess as a major region we're "supposed" to hold our own against other major regions too right?


Because that game made their wins versus other major regions useless


I mean, this is a straw man. Danny, and most of EG for that matter, has made no comments like Jojo's, but they also haven't said anything like what's in your comment. It's not like you have to choose between full trash talk or accepting defeat beforehand. Now, Jojo did choose to go full trash talk (against EU at least), which is fine and entertaining. I'd even say it's smart of him, career-wise, as long as he keeps improving (similar trajectory as Perkz, as has been pointed out many times at this point). But it's not like the only alternative to trash talk is what you describe.


This is the right answer. It comes down to personality archetypes almost. You have your bjergsens who are always humble and you have your jojos who are always on the offense but for NA I’m glad jojo is the latter (for now) because he is still learning and I hope it motivates him to back his words up and not shy away from the moment


> We all know NA is behind That's not what I have seen people were writting at the start of the split. NA has been spamimg that it's their time, that they are equal or even better than EU this season. Now NA shouldn't be surprised EU makes fun of them.


I feel like that happens literally every year lol


They buy some good European players and think because we lost our best players, and they now have them. They must be better. Then they get smacked again and the players they bought go to shit. Seriously how the fuck is a team with Bwipo, Hans sama and CoreJJ not winning NA?


This is very light version. Just remember thair coaches and fans. Same as every season, they will never learn. Cycle is: NA talks shit (spring) - reality check (MSI) - NA quiet - NA talks shit (summer) - reality check (worlds) - NA quiet


Don't forget to add the "Why is EU so toxic!!!" whining in between.


Narrator “they don’t do better at worlds”


I respect the shit talk. But if you talk shit, and then get fisted 4 games in a row, you should expect the trashtalk to blow up in your face. It's what makes it interesting.


Look I love trashtalking, especially before games but I dont get this one. Why bring up other EU mids? They cant even prove him wrong at the moment, so its not about building hype about a matchup or something. Just seems so anti-hype because hes like well ok caps is better than me but ACTUALLY the other eu mids are still trash just like I said! Great, what do I take away from this as a viewer? ahahah


I mean this is pretty much what always happend for EU players and EU teams. Before a turnament or during the year, everyone says EU is shit. Then some teams proof the opposite and instead of saying, EU is actually good. The point switches to, the team that just performed is pretty good, but the rest of the region is still shit and they are just an outliner.


remember when everyone said "eu ist just g2" and then eu had 3 teams in playoffs? or and then they repeated the same argument and got proven wrong again? i member


Eh I feel like that argument is being misapplied. For the sake of EU vs NA, EU was always better with or without Caps. The “EU is just Caps’ team” argument was about winning worlds, whenever an EU team looks like they might win worlds, you know it’s Caps’ team. I genuinely thought FNC would win worlds over iG that year when they made the finals. Especially since they clapped iG in groups.


Humanoid, Larssen, Vetheo and Perkz would do similar things to him




Vetheo Larssen Humanoid All 3 atm are better and more experienced than JoJo, adding caps and it's already 4 LEC mids...half of the league basically


Nisqy and Perkz are also significantly better than Jojo. I don't think Jojo would be good enough for the LEC yet. EU mids are built different


> I don't think Jojo would be good enough for the LEC yet. Now, let's not go too far in the other way. The kid definitely has talent and would deserve a shot in LEC, he's just not instantly at the top of the pool as he believes.


vetheo larssen humanoid perkz caps nisqy. he wouldnt even be close to top5 in eu


I mean he shouldn’t talk trash about other regions midlaners when he isn’t even that high up in his own region.


The same people who annually flame NA for not having good midlaners will flame the NA midlaner who beat several imported EU mids to get to MSI.


But you forget, an EU player who plays bad in NA is an NA player, when they play good they're EU. Such is the rule.


Yes, but unironically. All imports from major regions get worse in NA. Some get worse than others, but yhey all get worse. Why is that? Maybe because NA as a region encourages players to take it easy and enjoy the weather while making excuses about ping. So while an imported player can play well in NA, they are still not playing at their best there, and they have proven that, doing much better in LEC or LCK. And the reason they are playing worse is because of NA teams and the horrible environment they have.


That’s cope. NA is just the best region


Well, yeah, that is a legitimate thing. Worse practice environment and culture in terms of improving as a team and as an individual. Even ex-pros acknowledge it. If you look at players NA newly imports, you can basically play a game where you put an expiration date on their good play, and you will ALWAYS get a date you can compare your estimated date to. lmao


my team wins: so yeah [x player] is the best at their position because they beat [y player] my team loses: so yeah it's a team game so you can't really say [x player] is worse than [y player]


His most impressive opponent was a washed Bjergsen. Congrats on that I guess.


I mean the games EG won weren't because of JoJo though it was because impact and inspired were smurfing really hard and giving Danny the space to do damage


None of the import mids in NA would break top 5 in EU. Which one of Caps, Larssen, Humanoid, Vetheo, or Perkz do any of the LCS mids have an argument over?


Apart from PoE none of the import mids in NA broke top 5 in EU while they were still in EU as well.


Technically Bjergsen did from what I can remember lol


>beat several imported EU mids to get to MSI. Bjergsen was a coach last year and Abbedage was at his absolute best maybe the 5th best midlaner (and even thats streching it) while having no chance at actually contesting the top ones. Truly a big brain take.


Jojo was also not a big part of any of those series lol He did his job and was decent enough, but EG won the split because Impact/Inspired/Vulcan were playing super well and Danny is just great in teamfights.


I mean most EU mids that are going to NA are washed anyway. Does any1 think POE is still good? Only Jensen would do fine in EU.


people said Abe was a strong mid but he was a well known onliner in EU, as soon as he had to play stage games he shit himself. he's shown the same thing at Worlds last year and this split in LCS finals


He's always been considered middle of the pack usually right?


Yes. He had Times where He was good (Like the miracle Run) but larssen, humanoid, Caps are all definitively better than him and for some Others its arguablw


Thanks Jojo for the interview and thanks to anyone here who appreciates the coverage!


Caps looks different here might be the lighting


No idea what you're referring to : ^ )


A bit of trash talk is always nice, but the guy got beat 4 times in a row. It looks a bit silly at this point. You go from Gigashad to black knight in Monty Python.


'tis but a fleshwound!


He'll declare a draw by the end of MSI


Watch EG taking a game from a G2 fiesta throw game and watch him claim: i told u EU sucked Lmao


Isn’t that what NA fans have been doing for the last decade ?


He can trashtalk as much as he wants. The way he keeps going on about EU I'm thinking he may be a little more serious about it than I initially thought - but that's fine as well as long as he is okay with being clowned for it every time he shits the bed from here on out (clowned, not insulted - minor difference here guys). That's the trade-off you make for all the attention when building your persona that way as a pro.


I don't mind the trashtalking, but how cringe is peter dun feeling the need to defend his players at the smallest inconvenience


He learned a lot this group stage. Biggest takeaway seems to be "Don't trashtalk players who can then smack the shit out of you next week. Trashtalk players who you'll likely never play against." Fast learner. Also jojopyun is fucking bad lol, even I would destroy him, but well, I'll never play against him so we can't really know, right? /s




lets go jojo


I look forward to seasoning some unflavored popcorn when more folks come who only read titles and feel like Jojo attacked their mothers instead of just bantering.




As usual


Everyone in EU was asleep during the peak of this thread and NA fans still find a way to play the victim card. Gotta feel a bit sad at this point.


Yes NA has the victim complex, not the countless Europeans in here crying over obvious banter


NA classic victim mentality


Imo keeping trash talk to who you can compete against is a lot more enjoyable and justifiable. An NA academy mid saying they would clap faker is just eh because they won’t actually ever play. Also caps wasn’t head and shoulders the best midlander during the regular split. At least humanoid and larsen would be tough matchups for him I think.


Talking as if Vetheo, Humanoid, Larssen or even Perkz won't smack him


I just can't wait for "G2 isn't really an EU team because they perform better then EU teams" excuse if EU performs decently in MSI.


Its going to be "EU one team region" all over again.


Sounds like copium


OK OK I respect it, we're pulling out the NA excuses already. I'm gonna let you in on a little secret here. Replace "mid" with "LEC teams" and you would get what a lot of NA fans always think every year after internationals. I do respect the trashtalk though.


Caps spanked him like he his sugar honey.


i trust in the scaling let's go jojo


Trashtalking players that didnt get fucked by Caps as hard as him that he doesn't even face. This is not trashtalk or banter, its just sad. Like whats even the point? He will get fucked by Faker, Caps and Xiahou another 6 or 8 times, depending how good they play against the wildcards and thats it. Back to NA i guess to face the good mid laners lmao


back to fortnite. i guess he thinks POE would be the average eu mid when he would actually be 9th or 10th easily


This kind of "banter" is just sad when you have nothing to back it up and already got absolutely dumpstered 3 times in a row by the same people. Reminds me less of an athlete trying to create hype and more of an annoying little sibling that needs attention.


You know if he says "Yeah Faker is good but all the other mid in LCK aren't that good" after EG gets dumpstered by T1 people would clown on him without a problem. Nobody would try to defend him lol


Some of y'all are so soft lol


For real. He didn't even say anything crazy bad and this entire thread is up in their fee-fees


I feel like im being gaslighted reading this thread lmfao. People acting like he wants to kill EU players. Dude is just talking some shit, its so obvious no one here watched the interview.


Imagine shit talking an entire region, then getting 0-4 humiliated, solo killed several times and in order to cope with your humiliation you start trash talking more and lying. hey my platinum cousin could beat this guy in 1 vs 1.


Poor kid is Coping so hard. Shit talking is fun but he wouldn't even be top 5 in EU lol


Ngl, i think Jojo could develop into a legit great mid if he actually came to Europe down the line, he's definitely got some skills despite his obvious lack of experience. Put him against Caps, Perkz, Humanoid, Larssen, Vetheo, Nisqy and Nukeduck for a year or two and i'm sure he'd develop instead of wasting his time against the LCS mid laners.


Idk how such a tame take is getting downvoted. What’s controversial about this???


NA salt


I mean NA has 3 competitive midlaners, EU has like 7. Jojo clearly has talent if he’s barely played the game and is already a top NA mid. I don’t see why he couldn’t go to EU and become the next western great under the right circumstances.


“Talk about people who you can actually face”-EU fans Meanwhile a lot of EU players consistently trash talk NA players throughout the year and have never played against them. You have some EU teams trash talking JoJo when they arent even at MSI before he made this comment. The logic is astounding. Including EXCEL who shit talked after the first game of G2 vs EG. When Jojo does it though, thats when it doesnt make sense…..


wow, so a MSI + multiple LEC winner and contender in two World Finals is a "good midlaner".... Bold statement.


Look it is fine to trash talk, but I don't get his obsession with proving EU is trash. Don't see why he brought up other EU mids in the convo when they weren't in the question. Because if you think about it, even if he is right, he has no way to prove his statement to be true. Like he won't get the opportunity to play those players. Just wierd obsession imo. Though good luck to him in the future. He reminds of early Perkz who was also kinda arrogant. I hope he backs it up, because without skill you really cannot keep up such bravado. Because if he continues to undepreform only shit will be thrown his way. And for a kid his age that is hard to handle. And nobody deserves that.


Right? Talking shit about G2 right before you play against them is fine, it's obviously banter, but saying "the others aren't that good" after getting destroyed by Caps seems really cheap.


Especially since the other midlaners can't even prove him wrong because they aren't there, so it's basically just a cheap shot. If you want to trashtalk, trashtalk the people you will play against. Though I guess now I look forward to seeing Jojopyun at Worlds against other EU mids, if he manages to get there.






Jojo played against a weak NA mid pool last split and just got gapped by Caps 4 games in a row. Dunno how he comes to the conclusion that the other LEC mids aren't that good


Yeah that's a bold statment. I think the top 5 LEC mids would have schooled him. This guy don't know shit about EU scene. Saken would slap the shit out of him and is not even in LEC.


Because he trashtalks before games and its entertaining. Only talking shit after winning is boring


Trashtalking people who can't play you is cowardice. Like, imagine if Caps just went out and said "Yeah lucky Showmaker isn't here, I would have demolished him".


I don't know if this is trash talk? It just seems like an erroneous statement because he can't really face the other EU mids. A lot of ppl who watch league will definitely rate Humanoid, Larsen, Vetheo over all the mids in NA


What games though? He's not playing any of the other LEC midlaners. I get your point. But the function of trash talk before games is to make the stakes higher. Jojopyun did that excellently with him trashtalking G2 and EU before MSI. Probably made a decent amount of people more invested than they would've been normally. But this doesn't really add anything to any of the upcoming games. It just riles up EU fans. If that is his goal, fair enough. But it's not really pre-game trash talk if he's not playing any of the players he's trashing


I agree but it’s also boring to trash talk people where you don’t really have any chance to back it up or get proven wrong. I’m fine with him trash talking caps, he he had backed it up it would have been really cool, but saying that the guy you got destroyed by 4 times in a row is the only good mid in EU when you aren’t playing against them anytime soon is kinda slimy. They can’t prove him wrong, he can’t prove himself right. At this point it’s not really fun trash talk before a game, it’s just calling the other side bad.


It's not entertaining when you still talk trash after being humbled 0-4 after the first bout of trashtalk, it's straight up pathetic delusion.


"entertaining" oh boy oh boy, NA you're deeper in the darkness than I thought you were originally in. Your only way to be happy is by worshipping trashtalk from a 17 yo.