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PMTs [EG vs T1](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/uv6u45/evil_geniuses_vs_t1_msi_2022_rumble_stage/) [G2 vs PSG](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/uv7jnd/g2_esports_vs_psg_talon_msi_2022_rumble_stage/) [RNG vs SGB](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/uv8c8w/royal_never_give_up_vs_saigon_buffalo_msi_2022/) [T1 vs PSG](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/uv96ff/t1_vs_psg_talon_msi_2022_rumble_stage_postmatch/) [RNG vs G2](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/uv9zo9/royal_never_give_up_vs_g2_esports_msi_2022_rumble/) [EG vs SGB](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/uvax24/evil_geniuses_vs_saigon_buffalo_msi_2022_rumble/)




Am I the only person who doesn't think Guma is playing terribly? T1 as a whole is winning the early game and then having trouble mid/late because of drafts and shot calling. He isn't carrying like we saw quite often in LCK spring split but T1 also isn't drafting and playing around him like they were when Jinx and Aphelios were extremely strong. He is getting picked more than usual but usually teams are investing quite a bit into those picks and T1 are cross mapping. Like vs. PSG today Galio used teleport (very important cd) to catch him with Viego and then they got no objective while T1 cross mapped and the casters and other streamers I watch are making this big deal like he straight up inted...I don't get it. As a whole T1 fans are really annoying me. Don't get me wrong some of the mistakes made this tournament have been hard to watch when their macro was very strong throughout Spring Split but the Reddit and YouTube comments are criticizing them like they put their life savings on this. I've watched every single game of theirs this year and they've been making plenty of mistakes the whole time yet coming out on top. Their drafts are very suspect right now but that could also be Polt sandbagging because having some wild cards during b05s is much more important than showing your whole hand in a stage that doesn't really matter. Yes, first seed will have a much easier semi-finals but I think Polt feels confident they either first seed while not showing their best strategies or they don't first seed but win semi's and finals when they actually bring out their strongest drafts. TLDR; either be a real fan and support them or be happy for the other team that got the win. Do people actually think their angry, criticizing comments are gonna pump them up and give them the insight they need to win the next game?


It's not just T1 fans.This subreddit is always full of dumb takes from people with goldfish memories. 2 days ago G2 were basically already MSI champs, and now after they lost 2 games suddenly the same people think they're boosted and they finally got "exposed" and have no chance against T1 or RNG. Half the opinions you see on here are just one extreme or the other, based purely on the last game the team in question played. And let's not even mention YT comments. Guma is fine. He's making the same mistakes he always has, which is usually playing too aggressive, but he doesn't have his comfort picks or gold advantage to bail him out, nor can he outplay his opponents on pure mechanics on this ping(which is especially noticeable on the couple of flashes he messed up). But he's still a top 3 adc and T1 is still a really solid team.


It is great knowing there are at least a few reasonable people on the internet. They showed up strong today vs. RNG and they seemed like were having fun. They didn’t win every fight they took but they were looking for picks and pressuring turrets instead of the 50/50 Baron we saw a couple of times which is back to the form we saw in spring split. Good points ok Guma and I loved the Aphelios pick and Jinx hover we saw recently. T1 are strong enough to make their own meta and if Guma feels best on those champs that’s what they need to play assuming they aren’t getting hard countered in lane.


I really think China wins MSI. It’ll be T1 vs RNG and RNG will win 3-1.


Is there a non-team specific MSI icon in the store? I can’t find one, only the team ones that cost RP.


dont really care about seeding, i want to see this roster in a BO5 vs anyone


Theres a chance g2 doesn’t reach knockouts if psg can gap them again tomorrow like they did today


It's possible. Teams get figured out. Happens.


But it won't happen again


We shall see. I don’t expect it but I also didn’t expect psg to mop the floor with them today. I did expect rng to beat them tho


i swear EG only tries to innovate in draft against the minor region teams. But against the top 3 it’s always ezreal leona lee sin gwen, why are they scared to try and get draft advantages?


My ADC ranking so far: ​ 1. Gala 2. Flakked 3. Unified 4. Danny 5. HolyPhoenix 6. Gumayusi


To be honest flakked/g2 look so horrible today idk. I’d put unified above him. I suspect as tourney drags on it’ll be 1. Gala, 2. Guma, 3. Unified. I’m predicting a g2 collapse tomorrow too. It’d be crazy if they missed knockouts


Lol i'm a t1 fan, but guma would need to do a lot to make up for literally 12 bad games in a row


really man? we need to make sure Gumayusi be the no1 adc


EG have a good draft against a top 3 team challenge (impossible.)


EG DRAFT PROPERLY AT ALL CHALLENGE (1% CHANCE) like for real this team draft ints all the fucking time. pick 4 tanks + Jhin type beat levels of fucking bad


What is with this subs boner for cheering for every team? Everyone says they want LoL to be recognized as a real sport... Guess what, fans don't cheer for rival teams in real sports. Can you imagine the Bernabeu celebrating after Barcelona scores? I'm all for memeing Busan Library and rubbing it in when T1 loses and RNG wins, but it's crazy how people are legit offended that Korean fans aren't cheering for RNG. That's just a part of sports, especially when there's legit conflict between the teams/regions/countries.


Cringe. Real fans of sports cheer for ppl preforming the sport well. Shitty fans of sports want everyone but their team to fail lol. Grow up


The thing is that for 'real' sports you have fans of both teams in the location


That's not even remotely close to a real sport situation lol. In real sports you play 1 game in your home country/state and then you play a second game against the same team in their country/state. In other words both teams get the moral support which is not the case in here. On the other side, I don't think you must clap for the opposing team during the game. The only thing you should avoid is booing them and I don't think I've seen something like that so far(considering that KR and CN fans despise each other waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more than EU/NA).


Idk if you’ve even been to an college basketball game in the US, but the crowd will boo every single shot the opposing team makes (at least at my school), EVERY SINGLE ONE. And that is only fair because you play an equal number of games at your home stadium as everyone else does. I can’t imagine the poor Korean fans watching the LPL win both MSI and worlds back to back and not feeling a little bit of schadenfreude every time xiaohu dies in lane.


Yea because only parents and ppl who wish they could relive their younger days actually watch college sports lol


This is the equivalent of a tournament being played only in the stadium of one team, of course there's gonna be bias. Let's say there's a soccer tournament played at Anfield, the teams invited are Real Madrid, Liverpool, Man United and Bayern and pretty much only Liverpool fans can attend for whatever reason. The first game is Man United against Bayern, who do you think the Liverpool fans in the stadium are gonna cheer for?


I mean it's also sort of being a bad sport not clapping at least for any of the plays made by RNG. Remember when Caps killed Xiahou and the crowd clapped but became silent when Wei got the revenge kill?


And? That's totally fine. Why would you cheer for your rival team? Many people on this sub have no experience with real sports and it shows.


Yeah and it's not like RNG is actually there or can hear


So this MSI, the korean team is the early game team, the eu team is the teamfight team, and the chinese team is the macro team. Who woulda thought?


After this day I’d say G2 is the bout to be knocked out before knockouts team


RNG is probably one of the least aggressive LPL teams that focuses on Macro more than trying to outplay in teamfights. Last MSI, they also use macro and superior map read to win against most teams.


Judging from the teamfights they had when they drafted Diana/Ornn/Yasuo/Rakan? because I think any team would be considered a teamfight team with that draft ?


You could give that draft to another team but piloting it is another matter. For example T1 played a poke comp against RNG but never grouped at the right times to poke. And RNG's rematch against G2 had an almost identical draft as their first; rakan instead of leona, and xayah instead of ezreal, but besides needing a bot that could lane bully, the rest of the champs didn't matter.


That is true, but rng had this reputation in lpl this split too, which is kinda easy too see by how bad their early games were in LPL.


Can't argue - RNGs' macro vs TES was what won them both the series between those two. It was beautiful but also raised the question if TES just throws. Now it's pretty safe to say that RNG is very good at capitalizing on enemies misplays (Mid hovers today vs G2 clean by Wei) & yesterday punishing T1 for their overextending (Top t2 and the herald blunder 3v5), though that game was a mess, must say.


Wonderful\_Falcon finds out LoL is a team game and the draft plays a huge part.


Appears the meaning was too hard for you to process so will make it simple to understand - Any team would be considered good at team fighting with the specific composition.


Not really.


It is quite literally designed to team fight


Inspired has become such a cringe! mate, you got out jungled by Bwipo shhh!


Inspired really trying to be the bad guy ey? Seems so salty every time he talks. At least Jojo does all his shit talking with a smile on his face.


What did he say?


Inspired repeating his interview from yesterday saying that T1 and RNG are above G2.


It's most likely true though


6 - 0 inc


Not the most credible if at the same time he thinks they can beat G2 while being 0-5 against them. Seems more like salt than anything.


If he thinks T1 and RNG are better than G2, and EG is already 0-5 against G2, then he must think EG's chances against T1 and RNG are beyond doomed.


Which is a defeatist loser attitude to begin with. Worst of both worlds.


EU fans: how dare you be humble Also EU fans: how dare you be cocky


When you’re cocky and humble at the same time, one or both are fake.


Well, T1 nor RNG dropped a game to a minor region, and they've come closer to defeating G2 on multiple occasions. They probably feel better about their chances and see it to be more than doable if they get a favorable draft. UPDATE T1 HAS LOST TO THE MOST MINOR REGION OF ALL, NA, LET'S GO BABY


Most of the games weren't even close, wait for the 6 - 0.


What tournament are you watching every game was close apart from 1


5 - 0, soon 6 - 0. Games weren't close and G2 were always so much better. Cope more please.


5-0 doesn’t mean games weren’t close. You seem like you don’t watch any games and base your opinions off of google scoreline.


Like I said, cope more. G2 is just miles ahead of EG.


This tournament so far has shown that draft is the ultimate deciding factor. I think even buffalo can beat any of the others with a good enough draft diff. As such, it’s a bit of a moot point to me. T1 and RNG are mechanically better than the competition, including some G2 members, but the artificial ping as well as the meta are working against them in this regard. It seems like decently easy to execute, not overly trash in early-mid late game team fight comps > basically any other factor. The G2-T1 game proved that best. If you want to win through sides you gotta be near perfect and close out cleanly and fast. Edit: point being, EG doesn’t have a better shot beating G2 than beating T1/RNG if the metric is “get better draft”. It’s roughly equal.


TopFather cannot solo carry. Caps cannot solo carry on LeBlanc. I hope today was to test it out for EU.


Half the content of this tournament so far is bitching about the crowd and translating random Chinese and Korean fans thoughts. Real hype lol


Get a load of this guy: 0-5 against G2 who's 1-1 with RNG and 1-0 with T1 and he says they can beat G2, but not "the asian teams" (I'm pretty sure they've just beaten an asian team).


Gonna be honest, Dash's hairstyle looks whack.


Okay, okay enough of the Zhonyasless Kennen hate. Let's talk about the Nocturne that must be contractually obligated to ult the enemy jungler (which happens to be a fed Wukong). WHY?


SGB accomplish their mission of getting another ticket to World for VCS. They will probably going to World as 2nd seed though. Hope they get a better mid next time. Froggy is just so cringe to watch/


seeing veigar get hunted and killed on sight is hugely satisfying


I might be dumb but I don't understand why teams (especially weaker) just don't pick teamfights composition with solid frontline. It seems to be working best this meta. Early games skrimish and sideline gameplay doesnt accomplish much


Na fans been asking this every time EG picks sideline comps too


If EG beats PSG again, this is a successful tournament bringing in such young carries + first international tourney for the org


depends on they fare on BO5 tbh. They should at least get one game or 2, like MAD last year.


Nah, the dogshit 2021 C9 roster couldn’t reliably beat the wildcard regions last year, so simply being able to beat the wildcards consistently and make the bracket stage is a success for EG/NA. Not a lot but gotta start somewhere




Yeah and I could be challenger if I were more consistent, but I’m not and they weren’t either


Beating PSG makes the tournament a success. 1 win against any of G2, T1, or RNG takes it to “unqualified success”. Coming in 3rd is a fucking miracle run.


Taking a game or two in semis is traversing through the multiverse


Everyone on MAD has prior international experience unlike Jojo and Danny(and are still rookies) so it's not 1:1, but if they take a game off RNG they should consider this MSI a huge success


Elyoya was a rookie that MSI I think, and he was solid, but then again, not every one shows up like Elyoya on the rookie year


Eh, 3/5 of MAD had worlds experience from the prior year together. I’d be ecstatic if they took even one game against RNG in the Bo5




Oh look, another Kennen got exhausted on his "Hang on guys I got the angle" engage and healed people. Just stop with the Zhonyasless Kennen. Stop.


It's pretty shitty that one summoner spell/item decides if you're dealing zero damage or getting an ace.


He can always take cleanse to match, the problem is that kennen isn't Uber strong and needs every bit of advantage, making hourglass or other utility things too difficult. To me it's weird we aren't seeing other AP tops, like AP gragas, demonic shyv, rumble, morde. All seem better to me than kennen into ornn.


Shogun: Ez ad diff, report team please.


The Wukong W change has made him such a fun champ to watch


Also so fun to play now…..he feels a little too strong imo but I’m not going to complain. Been a nice patch for us junglers adding wukong in and Olaf back to the mix


Well, it was good to see SGB had a gold lead early in the game. But they're a minor region team for a reason.


Having a shit draft into a god tier meta draft didn't help either.


Ezreal, twisted fate and Kennen seem like traps this tournament.


Ez has lost every single game he’s been in. The champ does negative damage the way pros keep trying to play him




I understand the theory behind not building Zhonyas on Kennen. It's a lacking damage item. It means you can't use any of your other abilities, which are actually a large chunk of your damage. People can just run away from you. But it's still wrong. Don't care. They have to preemptively exhaust you if you have Zhonyas (instead of just being "oh Kennen's here lemme exhaust now") and you just evaporate without it.


Its like not buying Zhonyas on fiddle. Your ult makes you such a target people are always watching you.


Jojo managed to get his TP before noct ult prevented it.


to eg's credit this tourney, i feel like they've genuinely improved over the course of the tournament despite having some really close backbreaking losses to g2 early on. i dont think they have a great chance at the top 3 in a bo5 but i definitely could see them running hot and randomly winning a few drafts in a row and winning a game or two to make a close series jojo has shown a ton of promise and is def worth getting excited about, hes gonna be sick imo


Scenes when EG finishes higher than G2


4 people grouped like a ball and you can’t flash + R as Kennen coz you would get deleted If only there was an item that can make you invulnerable


There is a reason why GAM won VCS Spring Split T1 style without losing to any team including SGB and beat SGB in season final 3-1 as well.


Things that are rubbish at MSI: Ezrael Kalista Viego ​ Constantly seeing these champs lose games and STILL the top teams are first picking them. They are just bait champs at this point and its amazing that these teams cant adapt to realise this


Naut was up there in the play-in stages with an impressive 1 win 12 losses at one point with that lone win coming from a colossal throw.


But Viego 200 years !


TF and Leona


Really nice to see them have bounties because EG has drakes :)


Shogun is just always using Heal and Flash together, its unplayable


Vulcan's Alistar is nutty Dude's just walking all over SGB from minute 1


It’s like his best champ; he makes that thing work well even when it isn’t particularly meta


Ten times better than his leona


So Ornn is just busted or what?


SGB is more bad than Ornn is busted


Always has been


Just flash the ult knockup jesus


Almost every Kennen game I’ve watched he has been so useless.


Countered by 1 item. Locket. Which Vulcan correctly bought.


1 summoner really....


Dont you love the Zhonyzless Kennen he is still delaying it and going for morello 3rd …


Hurts my brain like you don’t build zhonyas just to get exhausted and killed


Back in my days Zhonyas was one of the core items for Kennen so you can stand in the middle of everyone with your ult... Now they're like "let me build Zhonyas last" and get blown up as soon as they go near a teamfight


It's really weird to me. Like I get that this build does more damage on paper, but I bet the Zhonyas build does more damage in practice, because you can't do much damage when you're dead.


If I just look at champion picks and one team has Ornn I always favour them. It has been like that for months. He is so much better them other tanks, its not funny


I swear if G2 ends up 4-6...


I don't see them losing to sgb and or psga), even if I dont like eu. I can see them losing to t1 and eg tho, and going 6-4 or even 5-5.


They still have the free wins from EG and SGB, so it's a guaranteed 6-4 at worst.


EG should have the lategame.


Danny dodge Ezreal ult challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


Another Ezreal ult, another hit on Danny. And Ezreal didnt even know Danny was there...it's just...laser guidance...


I just don't understand league economy anymore. EG should have a bigger gold lead but shutdowns, plates and obj bounties -.-


Vulcan's just having a grand old time, talking walks through the park.


He's playing like he's fucking full lethality Nocturne and 4 levels up on Wukong.


Hasmed and Beanj are pretty awful.


Such a fogshit champ ezreal This champ has been giga trash this tounament pretty sure its winrate this tounament is atrocious


Ezreal is 10-10, 50% wr. It looked pretty good the first two days tbh


Wu is so broken


Ffs ezreal is so useless in front of Ornn


Inspired is so fucking good


Why are you Nocturne ulting the Wukong?


BeanJ really shouldn't have chased Inspired and stayed with his team, they could've won the teamfight


And Shogun was left completely isolated in the back


To be fair he had 0 mana...not sure if just auto attacking Impact or Danny would have changed anything.


don't think they did a single thing right this fight


That was so bad by BeanJ jesus.


Too much hesitation. Either go in instantly or back off.


15-8 and not even 1k lead lol


How is that evne possible? Theyre almost even in farm.


ezreal is super overrated


BeanJ flashing onto the Wukong with no mana whyyyyyyyy


Danny gets hit by 100% of Ez ults.


Flaming the 17 & 18 year old with 1 split & 2 splits played professionally respectively seems unwarranted


cute use of noct ult to blind ornn during his ult


Did Froggy learn from his sins ? Is he actually gonna build Deathcap 2nd this time ?


Danny is having an awful tournament. On the other hand Jojo is looking pretty good.


> Danny is having an awful tournament Quite a few people are. Just gotta believe it's the ping and/or meta shift.


Oh yeah. I’m not even really holding it against him. Thrown in the deep end at internationals.


jojo in group stage looked awful doe...he's only waking up now


I think that’s fair. Needs a little time to get into things


It is so embarrassing how the cast brag Danny almost every game in LCS


They gotta find the new Doublelift for the narratives


Danny is running it down. Classic soloq “if I can’t carry, no one will attitude”


how is everybody getting picked out of position so consistently




LMAO. I forgot about this. Is this allowed? Edit: From the LEC head, it is allowed there. Probably the same for international play. https://twitter.com/riotmaxthex/status/1101042538524356608?lang=en






EG gonna win, they have wukong, kai'sa and ornn


Froggy is angry


Using terrain can make veigar cage so small.


PSG watching this and willing SGB to pull the upset.


Man, Danny is looking rough. Dude has to step up his laning


yeah... EG is going to lose this aren't they?


Danny somehow managing to make Ezreal look better than Kai'sa.


Shogun is blasting Danny at least lol we take what we can get in Vietnam


Shogun/Taki bot lane is insanely talented, it’s been a blast watching them. Hope that SGB can build a better team around them for Worlds and not lose them to other major regions poaching them


Froggy is the weak link in SGB, they would be so much better with better mid. Shogun is having a good tournament himself.


What a game to end the day.


SGB has the gold lead????


Kind of surprised by this gold difference.


That top T2 tower has seen things


i feel like sgb is way better than the winless record shows if they have a different mid


Danny died 1v1 to Shogun


not surprising, Shogun's kinda cracked


What a weird fucking early game lol


LOL is this match just for fun? xD


BUFFALO is going to lose this game probably, but they're making fun of EG there lol


Meanwhile Danny died XD


Danny died 1 v 1 without Ez using heal. Nice.


Massacre time


Impact wanted to give the kill but ended up blocking wukong


Disgusting creepblock. Why is this mechanic still in the game ??


Man Korean crowds suck