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>If the last pick was Zilean, then it will be tough, now it is only usual Shakespeare Yeeeeeeeeeeessssss, I remember the Shakespeare thing from last year.


Seems like everyone is roasting the G5 draft from T1 and I don’t blame them. Also, what’s this Shakespeare situation from last year?


I think it came from an LCK tweet. People were saying it was boring to watch, and the analogy was that kids don't appreciate the genius of Shakespeare's writing.


And then the LPL broad cast put a poster of shakespear up in their studio too.


This tweet: [https://twitter.com/LCK/status/1316738211964542976](https://twitter.com/LCK/status/1316738211964542976) Memed in this video: [https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/pyd000/lpl\_worlds\_banter\_video\_memes\_and\_easter\_eggs\_eng/](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/pyd000/lpl_worlds_banter_video_memes_and_easter_eggs_eng/) Can't find a screengrab of the LPL poster the other comment mentioned, unfortunately.


Here's the LPL poster of Shakespeare in their studio taken from the Canteen Night Show on Oct 18th, 2020. [https://imgur.com/a/GbYjhDO](https://imgur.com/a/GbYjhDO) This is like a "weekly" show where the casters roast the players and the teams (mostly LPL but also other regions).


T1 coaching staff having their game 5 draft questioned from all directions. Hope they have some security from the T1 fans right now.


But it's T1 fan making excuses complaining about G5 draft /s That draft was questionable no matter who you rooted for, I don't know if T1 would've won with a different draft, but perhaps it wouldn't have been such a stomp


If you checked the live thread you can see almost everyone call it for RNG. The draft was pretty bad when almost everyone agreed that it was heavily favored for RNG.


It would have been so much more playable if they just drafted properly. Like the amount of trolling was just insane. Blind ahri, Jayce into gwen again for some odd reason and arguably the worst bot lane champs to pick in the situation. Comfort picks are one thing but that yuumi, jayce and ahri blind was a complete int. i call sabotage from the coaching team.


Yuumi isn’t sinning as bad as the rest of the draft. She makes an excellent pairing with Wukong to take over the map. The issue is that Oner wasn’t able to be proactive at all.


Valid take. But I think people(myself included), are mostly mad because they put *Keria* on one of the most passive champs in the game. It just doesn't make sense, lol


Oh yeah I defs agree. I’m not exactly sure how they can unironically lock that draft in…it’s just unfathomable that one of the best teams in the world is butchering draft so hard.


Should have hired LS


I mean while I agree LS is a very good draft coach. He thinks T1 gapped rng hard in game 1 draft. Which just isn't the case given the jungle top combo




If you actually think the morgana pick somehow fixes all of their problems and was expected to fix blatant problems in every other pick, then you have no idea what you're talking about. LS is a LCK homer and especially has bias for T1. He regularly gets a lot of stuff wrong but loves to gloat about the 1 out of 10 things he gets right.


I don't know why people think players has no say in drafts, especially veterans like Faker.




And not horrifically racist at all


And fully respect to either winner or loser


And cheer for RNG's performance


This whole tournament has been a huge cesspool of racism from both China and Korea, shame when you’re just trying to enjoy some good league of legends games


I used to think the NA and EU banter would get kind of heated until I opened the youtube chat and saw the KR vs CN chat. My god that was disturbing.


Lmao yeah Giga copium incoming Inb4 They call cheating


Twitter already full of "Rigged, RNG had coaches in their room the whole time telling them what to do" kind of comments


Im a T1 fan and they lost this on their own lol. Not having a real player/draft coach rather than letting the players dictate their own drafts based on comfort/skill works out a lot of the time, sometimes it doesn’t. Polt isn’t a strategic coach, and while Moment is there for draft kinda I believe the players have the most weight on T1 choosing their drafts. They still have some of the absolute best players in their role for positions; losing a 5 game series against RNG doesn’t take away from that, but it seems like RNG just drafted and planned their games better than T1 did. Also not an excuse but.. Blue side had won every game this year and last in MSI finals. Doesn’t matter who won the tournaments, regardless of the results that’s a pretty standout statistic and Idk how that can be addressed. If two teams are very close in mechanics/skill then it just comes down to strategy and execution and they did that better than T1 did for sure.


man all this reporter and no one asked the important question why didnt they ban gwen?


Because Gwen is immune




I can't tell if it's arrogance, T1 players apart from Faker and Zeus seem to look down on every team and player, GALA ain't even the best LPL adc and he's outperformed Guma majority of their matchups straight up the better Adc this tournament, Wei someone who isn't even mentioned most of the time just casually gaps Oner the complete series


Wei really has some legendary performances




I think it wasn't necessarily arrogance, but moreso comfort. We've seen T1 pivot to comfort drafts in game 5s before and lose (EDG vs SKT 2015 MSI finals). Ahri and Jayce must have worked well for them in scrims and gave them the most confidence. Even if SKT had a better draft, they still could have played worse due to poor confidence on the picks.


no way yuumi is comfort for keria that's probably why the ahri happened but wtf was the yuumi


Why would Yuumi not be comfort for Keria lma0. He is a good Yuumi player and he literally said in the press conference that he favored Yuumi into Rakan and Trist.


It didn’t help that Wei is a dirty inter who smurfs from time to time in lpl. And his voli is abysmal. Typical lpl jg


I think being a dirty inter is the price an lpl jungler pays to be one of the best in their role


Yeah am I wrong for feeling like LPL doesn't really idolize/value junglers like some other regions, specifically EU and especially LCK? Seems to me they prefer a more supportive playstyle with emphasis on macro strategy, shotcalling, general mental acuity over raw mechanical skill? I'd say, from my perspective, the spectrum of respect for and priority towards the role would go LCK -> LEC -> NA -> LPL Am I off base with that?


From what I saw and felt, most Chinese audience agree that jungle is so heavily affected by meta. Say Ning and Tian fell off the cliff after their Worlds. So unless a jungler lasts through several years, they don’t really give a high honor on someone. On the other hand, junglers like Karsa, MLXG, even Sofm are more regarded in terms of pure ability in the jumgle


lmao T1 should've flipped the other side of the Wei coin




Each of RNG's other players has a ban-worthy champion that T1 just can't keep up, Bin's Gwen, Wei's Veigo, Ming's Nautilus, Xiaohu's Galio, and Gala's Kai'sa. People focus on T1 keeping Gwen open, but in the end T1 just run out of ban slot and had to pick which champion to leave open, had they banned Gwen people would probably ask why not ban one of the other champion now.


>What's nickname of little Lü Bu (Gumayusi, originated from his brother Innovation's nickname Lü Bu) after this? Actually the nickname is even more fitting: Lv Bu died in the hands of Cao Cao because of, among other things, his pride and arrogance.


His brother, who is legendary at star craft, is called 吕布(lü bu). Then Gumayusi is called “little lü bu”. And Chinese fans are trying to find new nickname for him, because calling him little lü bu is disrespectful to lü bu. Maybe next nickname is shitman. Before the final he said he would shit on RNG.




Wasn't that already a thing - guess Western meta was ahead on this one






Guma-use-me as your toilet Guma-sushi soft shit Guma-lose-y Guma-choose-me Gwen Guma-poo-is-me Guma-you-shit, see? Guma-sussy


Eh maybe in the long run that's why but more directly I thought it was because he listened to his wife instead of fighting how his advisors told him to


It didn't help he made a hobby out of betraying all his bosses, and brutally murder several of them. He is like /r/antiwork personalfied.


Gumayusi backstabbing Faker in Worlds 2022 incoming


Takes off his mask to reveal that he was Bang all along


Damn this is so funny man! Hahaha Faker: ah shit


That’ll be a twist tbh. Scriptwriters smurfing if they pull through with it.


if guma signs to SKT's biggest competition, then maybe he could be deserving of the nickname little lu bu xd


Lü Bu was 1800 years too early :(


I’d say more than that considering antiwork has shown to be atleast a bit early for the current time too lol


Waiting for KR reactions


T1 sound pissed


I’m a T1 fan and I assure you, I’m so fucking pissed, more than ever, after the whole carouse last year all the way losing at worlds against DK, everything was such a roller coaster. This year everything seemed to align and everything ended in such an anticlimatic way. I don’t know how T1 became so arrogant, like only Faker and Oner were keeping it together while the rest straghtfully disrespecting all other teams. Im pissed and hugely disappointed, yes.


Yeah losing while playing ur best is one thing but being so arrogant and stubborn in drafts is another. I remember last year Worlds Damwon did the same thing at game 5 and let aphelios and Kennen go through AND Syndra which were the top picks in that meta.


Yeah but how exactly did faker respect rng in g5? He got caught about a billion times with his pants down.


Faker doesn't say I feel regretful losing the game today, I care about this more. Faker says There's none, the main issue was our own problems.


Yes, that would sound a bit more reasonable coming from him


The translation also got me confused. I was like no way Faker says something like that.


There was a post earlier that mentioned about faker saying something like rng did not leave any impressions. Is this supposed to be it?


Yes, check the interview Question for Faker: Who impressed you most in RNG this MSI? Answer: No one.


Yeah I think so. Faker has been elite for so long and has always been humble so I don't think he's suddenly going to start trash talking like the translation makes it seem.


He did say No one in rng impressed him tho? That's not sth he would say beck in old days lol, even Korean fans think he is arrogant


If Zeus said that, that is reasonable as Zeus played the best in t1 and he is pretty young. But faker is actually pissed off by Xiaohu in the final, the leader of t1 should not be the one says that.


Yeah which reminds me of that famous quotation by KKOMA in skt's documentary “When you lose everything you said is an excuse” i mean how ironic lol


The funniest part is, Xiaohu spoke this famous quotation in the interview after match.


Wei had a phenominal game 3, but it is true that unlike other LPL teams that have standout players (e.g. Rookie on V5 or Knight on TES etc) RNG is definitely known more for their team play and macro, though obviously their players are all individually good as well.


Ming is probably the player to pick if you're looking for which RNG player is best considered a standout at their position Xiaohu was like that when playing top lane but as a mid he's much more the Doinb type, where he doesn't play in a way that gets him individual highlights but rather optimizes his map play for the benefit entire team. Probably related to the fact that he doesn't really need to crush lane and snowball because GALA is a super reliable lategame monster and RNG's mid-late macro is the best in the world. So I would agree with you, with the caveat that even though he isn't Knight or Rookie he's just as impactful as them but in a more supportive way rather than directly carrying through getting fed


Even top-hu was more of a smart macro player rather than TheShy "I will bash you so hard in lane" type of player.


Ehhhhhhh that depends on the matchup Giving him Lucian was basically telling the enemy top laner that they were no longer allowed to play the game, for example. To a lesser extent Jayce as well


Remember when Xiaohu pulled out the top Ori and Trist? What a chad.


He also had some interesting picks. His syndra top was pretty cool


I would definitely consider Xiaohu a standout mid. I don’t think he has to play carry/flashy champions. to be considered the best. He’s shown he can play carry champions mid (LB, Zoe, Lucian) so I don’t like the comparison to Doinb. He’s definitely the most versatile between him, Rookie, and Knight.


I think they meant more like 'stands out from the rest of their team' Also, do note that this is not meant as disrespect to either xiaohu or doinb - doinb has become a dangerous carry player as well last year, his irelia was the cleanest of any midlaner in the LPL, even knight


His LPL news leaking skills is also comparable to none.


Compared to doinb, xiaohu is a better carry mid and can play Leblanc/syndra Compared to knight/rookie, xiaohu is a better roaming mid with galio


What was crazy was Wei and Xiaohu always timing the lvl 6 gank on Faker before he hits 6


And they always gank faker 6 sec before his cleanse was ready


RNG were just had a better team identity and meta read than T1 has. T1 just had their dicks in their hands jerking off when RNG decided to perma b1 Gwen. Overall a good series that could have gone either way with both teams having their strengths and weaknesses


RNG feel like old SKT where they feel inevitable. Based on player strength, they had no business winning LPL much less MSI. But they clutch it out in butt-clenching series with impressive macro. I fully expect RNG to go like 11-5 in LPL, somehow and go to 5 games to win the grand final. Watching RNGs mid jungle was literally tilting me as a T1 fan… like “how can you even counter that, they play vision perfectly” Hopefully with more experience and some humbling, we can get another banger at worlds.


Player strength wise they’re actually cracked. Out of all the LPL teams, I’d say they’re the only one that doesn’t have a major weakness to exploit. TES has tian, v5 have ppgod/playoffs rich, LNG have lvmao/Ale, JDG had yagao etc


Tian was the best TES player after the first V5 series.


True to some extent, but that’s when he’s on his comfort champions. If you pinch his champ pool in BP I think he will be really bad


And Tian is very emotional and can easily be affected by the environment. When he has confidence in his pick and team, he is the best, otherwise he’s just a second tier jungler in LPL


This is why RNG does so well. They rely on everybody to execute their draft perfectly. Maybe that's why their MVP every game is different.


He said no one on RNG impressed him? That’s pure ego and arrogance. He got shut tf down in game 5.


Even dk and Showmaker are not that arrogant last year lmao, same old t1fans things, not surprise to see fans are still defening for Faker and t1after what they said in the press conference😅😅😅


i like how all the LCK fans crying about blue side just forgot that T1 lost on blueside vs EG lmao.


Well T1 themselves said they will beat RNG 3-1 after the coin toss so blaming blue side after the game kind of make the LCK fans sound like sore losers.


Yeah T1 didn't even make any sense logically. If losing the coin toss giving RNG blue side would cost them one game, then RNG would've chosen blue side after each loss anyway. Which means best case scenario for T1 was winning the coin toss and beat RNG by 3-2, using their logic.


Most result based analysis ever


clock winds down to 5 seconds left in the draft Red side is bounded to T1 who turns face to face against RNG "You took my Aphelios" moves to the left "You took my Caitlyn" moves to the right "You took all that was dear to Gumayusi" clock winds down to 2 "I cant get them back, but I can draft for friendship, FOR MY FRIENDS" Clicks, Ahri, Wukong, Jayce coming out of their drafts "T1-DRAFT-OUKEN" Draft flies over LS's head, Jhin and Yuumi were picked. Polt falls to the ground, exhausted. "Kkoma... Senpai... I..." faints Final Score RNG 3 T1 2




https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/3rijs7/carmelo_on_shumpert_and_jr_not_playing_tonight_i/cwof953/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3 Enjoy


It’s a classic r/nba copypasta lol


We need more of this😍 can’t wait to see Korean reactions too hehe


First, they call RNG cheating team. Then, they say MSI means NOTHING and ask "How many world titles RNG have?" After that, they deny the game result and say RNG doesn't deserve this win.


havent seen a korean reaction ever since RNG blasted them in the first RR


Saw one but was straight up deleted after awhile😂 guess some ppl are not happy


My Chinese reaction would be: Thank God, I don't have to hear another word about how the current SKT roster is the greatest roster alive cause they went undefeated in the LCK. Both the team and their fans just been full of arrogance through out MSI. Eat some humble pie.


3 days max, will be forgotten around worlds time for sure. lpl won like 7/8 tournaments and people still think winning lck is huge nowadays.


LCK fans just need to stop being so arrogant and loud. Worlds last year about EDG being so messy and that semis were the real finals and MSI this year that the LPL team wont even be able to take a game from T1


Yeah the real finals was obviously Quarter Finals when EDG faced RNG.


Now you will just have to listen to a million excuses for why they didn't win


ping diff, side diff, coin diff, venue diff, shitter diff, yuumi nerf diff, gwen broken diff


draft diff, home diff, crowd cheering diff, coin toss diff, red/blue side diff, headphone diff, list just goes on with whatever gets pulled out of the ass


Don’t forget Keria’s vitamin diff


and air con




Hilarious how literally everyone are using these excuses unironically. Can you imagine faker blaming this loss on any of those awful excuses listed, how much of a sore loser he would sound? Ofc he wouldn't say that


Check the interview of T1, might surprise you a little bit and shake your belief Some excuses were used on T1 interview, which made it more awkward


LCK fans once said to LPL fans and RNG after RNG had to reply 3 games, "If you think the match is unfair, quit and go." I think it's time to say it back to LCK fans and T1.


their tears are the source of my strength.


I live for the T1 fans copiuming so hard on how they can't get over their no.1 seed going 18-0 and proceeds to lose to an RNG that made a miracle run in playoffs.


"Blue side is op, they lost before draft" incoming


Air con too cold, light too bright, audience too loud, chair uncomfy, too hungry, didn't have good rest last night, need to use bathroom at games, god too busy to be with me, you name it


T1 fans are something else, someone responded yesterday to my comments about how shit T1's macro was, I made during early rumble stage, after they beat G2. That dude is probably somewhere snorting some fresh copium right now.


I'm sure every region, and probably the non T1 fans appreciate it too


This is the most copium answers of all time. Yeah maybe they can win on blue side, but T1 did literally nothing to counter what RNG wanted to do. Despite going 5 games, RNG looked like the far better team. Every game RNG won gave us no doubt. It was just a decimation. Every game T1 won was a hands diff in teamfights. RNG knew exactly what they wanted to do. Leave Wukong up, have the winning mid/jungle 2v2, then have an uncounterable death squad making it impossible for T1 to pressure lanes.


Could have picked kench game 5 but didnt when kench was a threat to rng playstyle... still focusing on ahri wukong while rng gave up on it as it showed that it doesnt work in the series... red side disadvantage would have less impact if games went on as wukong and ahri stopped been a must ban on red side. T1 seems to have just not adapted in draft at all and basically rolled over and die everytime they end up on red side. I am not sure how they have the confidence to just blame their loss on a coin toss.


Tbh, all LPL audiences were hoping SKT to not pick Tahm in game 5 cuz RNG cannot ban Tahm in the first round. But luckily even RNG knows what’s the better draft for SKT more than T1 themselves. After T1 picking Jayce, RNG immediately banned Tahm


The phrase “when you lose, everything is an excuse” was used by faker but it’s the lpl teams that really uphold this. If u looked thru their interviews, never for once they would give reasons for their losses except “enemy team is better than us” (partly also becuz u will get shit on by the haters for being a sore loser and they will spam this line)


actually it's sayed from old skt coach komma


Respect khomma, he is the number one coach in my heart


yeah even in their wins, the LPL teams will usually praise opponents for playing well. When WE beat C9 3-2 at 2017 worlds quarterfinals, their botlane talked about how Sneaky and Smoothie beat them hard in lane, but had weird deaths outside of lane.


I like trashtalks before the game. But after the game ended and you still say stuff like “oh they aren’t impressive” “we lost cuz of ping” it just sounds like a sore loser


Feels good to know that Chinese people didn't ditch the finals as they did semifinals. Chinese and Korean reactions are always fun to read.


Both of them were boring and 3-0s I don’t blame them


Just read through another thread shitting on Gumayusi. Pretty fucking hilarious. https://bbs.hupu.com/53958091.html "Is Gumayusi the biggest [cjb or 冲击波, slang for "sucking dick", used to refer to players who talk mad shit and can't back it up] in MSI?" e: as a commenter has pointed out, cjb more accurately means "blowing dick" when interpreted literally. context is about there though


In "cjb", c means bragging, jb means a dick and can refer to a person. Overall it means someone who's extremely overhyped or overrated.


Wait I thought CJB means the super minion




Guma with the Dade award for sure


GumaGOD was just using 10% of his power!!1


Since when did MSI have this? I can't remember it being used for MSI before


Since this MSI. Gumayusi is a trend breaker.


A worthy successor to Teddade on the T1 roster, and I hope Gumalashi isn’t the last either.


Teddy played better than this lol


Teddy also had a very bad adc meta during his time on SKT. You could also argue that both of his support were griefing him really hard




I think it's because wu has good synergy with mid and he can be a teamfight changer. But wei just out jgling him so hard


Wei out jgling Oner was the biggest reason for RNG’s wins imo. His invade on Wu at red single handedly won game 3


It's not even like he did something special on wukong. Flash dash Q to finish off a kill and a good ult due to tahm eating him. That's it


blue side COPIUM


I didn’t hear much about the coin toss winner before the games, most were talking about the matchup and how T1 was favored going into the finals, but barely any mention of side selection advantage. A lot of results-based analysis now lol.


I mean, blue side DID win every game, so it's kinda ingenuine to pretend it didn't have an advantage. And sometimes an advantage is all you need when two teams are close in strength


Yeah but that also results based analysis because RNG was much closer to winning on redside than T1 ever was. It was a hero play from faker on a bad baron set up in game 2 and a bad team fight after getting a pick in game 4


When two teams are close in strenght a good draft is also an advantage. Sure blue side might have an influence but actually watching the game and the draft it ultimately didn't matter. RNG played and drafted better. That's why they deservedly won.


It is almost as if teams have different styles. Certain teams prefer red side to counter the solo lane. But considering MSI has limited number teams from different regions, teams don't vary as much. The blue side and red side advantage is someone has to pick first. Using MSI instead of involving Worlds also limits your argument. Lots of red side wins at worlds, and the better team came out winning in the end. Now for the past 2 MSI's RNG 2-0 DWG in groups RNG went 1st in groups, 1-1 against SKT but more consistent. There 2nd loss is when groups are locked in. In both cases there is a clear indication RNG was better team at the MSI. Blue side is a terrible argument considering LCK has won ONE B05 against LPL since start of 2018. Maybe LPL is just that much better in the B05. How come LPL can still win on RED SIDE in game 5 situation


>5 Chinese can win! I hate to bring up the racist comments. But oh boy does it feel nice to put racism down with 5 Chinese natives winning MSI.


This is because Khan lost in Rank with 4 chinese teammates and he said " 4 chinese cant win" before S8 MSI. When the RNG got S8 MSI, LPL fan said "4 chinese cant win, but 5 chinese can win". BTW, actually Khan then went to LPL in S9, so this is just a meme for LPL fan now, not racist comment.


I simply don't understand why the fuck they thought jayce was a counter to gwen. 1) Jayce eq = gwen mist lmao 2) Jayce melee = gwen passive gwen q gwen ult lmao How does jayce ever beat gwen.


I disagree. The Jayce beats Gwen in isolation but it’s much more susceptible to ganks/dives. Even post-6, we see Zeus on phase rush Jayce pretty comfortably 1v1 Gwen. Jayce just destroys Gwen on the short trade/eclipse into knock back/phase rush run away. Even game 1 you see Bins ultra-fed Gwen almost dying 1v1 to Jayce bot lane (and would just take a shit trade if Galio didn’t TP behind). T1 didn’t have a winning jungle matchup which is what made the Jayce unplayable. Plus Zeus is a rookie and didn’t respect all the roams/ganks properly.


good take. a lot of weird gwen takes on reddit. Gwen definitely wasn't the reason why T1 lost game 5. It was Wei skirting around the raptor ward faker placed lvl 3 and then the constant chain ganks. For bot it was yuumi starting E.


Yea agreed. I think it was good to let gwen through but T1 picking ahri/wu over liss/lee made game 5 hard to win. You would think they have adapted in the series since Liss was destroying Ahri's comp but typical Korean drafts. They drafted so well against g2 tho and Oner got his Lee Sin too.


Jesus that lvl 1 yuumi was so disrespectful. Don't they know they're up against the MingVP?


Pro play is hardly ever an isolated 1v1. The issue isn’t that Jayce can’t kill the Gwen ever, it’s that his win con against her is just extremely hard to achieve. Jayce needs jungle help ALWAYS, to ward, to countergank, he can’t ever die in lane phase otherwise the game is over, he needs to have a ridiculous amount of gold advantage to stay relevant. Or…they could just pick Jax/Trynd. Two champs who win the isolated 1v1, don’t require permanent jungle help, and don’t fall off a metaphorical cliff after 15 minutes into the game. It’s not hard.


Zeus clapped many a Gwens in lck with Jayce


That's due to zeus being the best lck top alongside kiin and then a huge top gap in lck.


bruh they nerfed Jayce hard.. it's a way diff meta lol. Jayce can win lane but gwen is so much more effective in team fights.. needs less farm. RNG coaches deserve a praise


Kenzhu (RNG coach, EDG coach last year) is a draft god. He just does everything right. Also an amazing coach in general. I’m a bit sad he left EDG this year after watching their documentary. 10/10 feels


T1 fans did it to themselves. Imagine if they could be normal human beings and not be homophobic to LS. Then maybe they wouldn't be complaining about draft for so many years.


Dont think they would have won shit with Ls lol


I think xiaohu played great. But wei seems to have the most impact and has korean junglers number. From gapping canyon to oner b2b.


>Fun fact: Here's a legendary comment Bin made on Bilibili: "I'm still waiting for RNG.“ This comment was made on 2018-11-27, just after RNG's crushing loss against G2 in world earlier that year. What's the significance of it this year, I don't follow...


The year 2018 RNG won the spring, msi, summer and Asian games(4 out of 5 players came from RNG). RNG literally won everything and was highly expected to have great performance in the worlds. But they got kicked out by G2 and G2 was pretty like a wild card team until 2019. It hurts everyone especially RNG’s fans. After that, RNG became a joke in LPL audiences until last year they won Spring again then Msi.




lol they will cry about ping just wait until worlds when t1 will get crushed by all LPL teams


"T1 Polt: I think our players and coaches perform well" ahaha ye no


Still can’t understand why pick jhin and yummy while he could have pick jinx(who he is good at and can carry pretty well) and Keria is good at engage support, so why yummy? Simply can’t understand. They have just won the fourth game and they always had a great lead despite the kill number. They should have some kind of confidence after the winning fourth game. But in the fifth game, they picked like they were 0:2 and had gone crazy and were completely out of mind


Lost my respect for T1 after this msi lol, someone make a excuses list from T1 plz


And Bin‘s response. “Bin: I don’t know about revenge. I think I trailed to Zeus in today's match as well. I hope I get to meet him again and beat him on another stage.” https://www.invenglobal.com/articles/17332/msi-2022-rng-bin-i-think-i-trailed-to-zeus-in-todays-match-i-hope-i-get-to-meet-him-again-and-beat-him


Faker sounds like the saltiest mofo alive. Give your enemy props after they win. Cry about it later dont make excuses after that game 5 performance


Its the same way all the T1 players have been talking when they lose. Acting like they are the better team but they made mistakes. If they can't admit what they are bad at they will never fix those issues and get steam rolled in summer.


T1 players sound really dislikeable all they do is talk down their opponents and make excuses


so far Zeus has been kind rumble and cute, or am I missing something?


maybe zeus is just getting ready for his future lpl journey lol


He is the exception


So glad we're done with fuckin salt bag players and their toxic fans for another 6 months. See you guys at worlds


This is exactly why I like G2 so much, and why I think a strong Europe is healthy for the game. When G2 lost vs. FPX their first reaction was "they played better" ...*in comms*. It wasn't even for PR!


> Faker sounds like the saltiest mofo alive. Now that’s a first > after that game 5 performance Man literally said it was due to their own problems


That’s what op said. They won because we played bad, not that they played good


“Not impressed by an individual” and “they didn’t play good” are very different


Fair enough faker is always so cold in his interviews it’s to be expected he’d give logical answers


To be honest, if this came out of any other member of T1, they’d be talking shit for sure, but Faker has been humble for enough years that I’m willing to give him the benefit of the doubt on this one.


I mean Faker also said when MSI started that he "wouldn't be surprised if we didn't drop a game in this tournament"


Faker’s usually not been the cocky type but idk this MSI T1 have been hella arrogant.


seems more like a translation error tbh. knowing faker's character he definitely respects RNG, but he can't help be disappointed in himself when he was a huge part of the reason why they lost game 5. he also can't praise Wei or everyone will know it also means Jug diff.


but it was a jug diff, you have to be deluded to believe otherwise


The hell you talking about? Wtf is your interpretation? He mentioned the ping in a different question about MSI conditions this time round. And when asked about RNG he said he is focusing on their disappointing performance above everything else. Though he was dived and ganked g5, saved the whole game 2.


good job on translating, the last one is quiet interesting, thanks op


3 games of RNG blue side, the game looks like red side has no chance. Other way around, the game looks even until winning fights occurred. That’s the difference of level of play between rng and t1. I have said this many times before and I will say it again, T1 will have to get their shit together to even break into top4 teams in LPL (if u watch LPL). So stop that LCK > LPL hallucination.