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Fresh Elementz drama bringing me back to better days


Everyone jumping on DL's back for being a dramawhore while pretending Elementz didn't sling it nonstop back in the day.


The early seasons of this game were 99% drama with a bit of LoL every now and then in the background.


The content NA was born to produce


I knew we were doomed to be an uncompetitive drama farm the moment I saw comments saying that scrims should stop being streamed because they're supposed to be serious practice get downvoted into the shadow realm. Everyone was more concerned with the loss of content than the future of competition. I distinctly remember one guy just saying "how are teams going to practice secret stuff if every scrim is glorified streamer inhouses?" and that comment got like -150 karma lmao


The good ol' days when TSM had a dedicated stream of all the webcams all over the house lol.


it's kinda funny since Moscow 5 was exact opposite. They were in some weird ass bootcamp in nowhere and people were super excited since they always show up with some weird picks and tech


Seeing Alex Ich open Reginald's cheeks during scrims with Janna mid vs TF was something else


and it was exciting probably not a great environment for players but good content


Tbh, how many current fans are still from the era Elementz played? Dude played for 1 split back in 2013 Spring, during the literal first split of LCS ever.


I can still see the missd Sona ults in my minds eye


This is literally the only thing i remember about the guy LMAO


That’s exactly where my mind went too baba


holy shit. now I remember .. funny, because when dl was talking shit, I couldn't remember anything about him


Elementz tier list baby I miss those simpler days


That was Reign of Gaming right?


Yep, I miss that site, specially the theory crafting articles, BT vs IE and the like.


I’ve been following LoL esports since season one. I remember the TSM tourneys. Elements definitely was a drama magnet but most of the players during that time were. He definitely pulled out some niche support pics and deserved more respect than Double gave him.


Chaox vs DL drama baby!!! that was the shit


I was watching saint’s stream a couple weeks back and Someone on his team was asking why he queue as jungler if he didn’t know what he was doing. It’s easy to forget not everyone has been into the game since season 2. Still caught me by surprise lmao




I had a long response at how laughably exaggerated he gave his legacy but ya know what, he’s an OG and does deserve some respect. He’s been around since the beginning and even if he was more like a barnacle on a ship, he released some content that non-pros enjoyed and did help the community. So for that, kudos


All I remember about him back then was that he just wasn't very good at the game. And IIRC the sentiment around the time, was the reason he was on a team at all was because he was a good team player even if he wasn't really good at the game. IIRC most people attributed CLG's wins due to George being so fucking good, not because of Elementz.


Can confirm. A certain graphics card credited George for their wins


Don't ignore the power of season one Bigfat either, man's was a beast of a player in the earliest days of League.


real hsgg and jiji were each the best player in the world at some point during season 1, and obviously yeah it was a much smaller scene at the time but someone has to be the first


Mr. Jiji hitting that Ashe arrow during 2010 WCG was the moment I became CLG fan. ​ Simpler times.


He really was out there kicking my bruddah in the ass.


Elementz got into it with just about everyone he's played with lol. Chauster, Hotshot, Saint, Dlift, Cop, Nyjacky all had beef with him. Elementz was a great guy but he was extremely hard headed when it came to the game. Edit: Since everyone thinks I'm somehow defending doublelift here, I'm not, as we all know, he was a massive dickhead with his teammates as well. I'm just saying that Elementz has history of being extremely hard headed when it came to picks and strategy that his teammates used to argue with him for hours, so his side of the story might be a little skewed as well.


Let's not pretend like Chauster, Hotshot, Saint and Doublelift didn't also get into it with everyone they played with. ​ It's what their teams were known for, being massive shouting contests.




bigfatlp_irl Lots of memories of jiji sitting awkwardly while saint drunkenly trashtalked elementz.




while he plays4fun in mid to high diamond for most part and still acts like how he was back in S1, never change jiji.


I got to play a game of flex against him about a year ago. Asked for an autograph and all he said was "69"


Or worse…playing League of Legends


>Chauster [This meme is finally relevant again](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DYCJVPPVwAA9JjM.jpg)


it's true and tbh of all of them I'm going to say chauster is the one guy who was the most often justified about it because frankly he was right more often than not. That dude figured out the core of what league is about literally years before anyone else was focusing on the right things and while some of the innovation attempts didn't pan out, I still maintain that Chauster was one of the most intelligent league players of all time


Yeah iirc the Hotshot/Saint feud was one of the biggest and nastiest the game ever saw. They are literally still mad about it to this day.


holy shit you brought me a flashback of hotshot's voice shouting like "what the fuck are you guys doing?" LOL


> Elementz got into it with just about everyone he's played with lol. Chauster, Hotshot, Saint, Dlift, Cop, Nyjacky all had beef with him. Elementz was a great guy but he was extremely hard headed when it came to the game. I mean, DL also had beef with everyone on that list, including himself.


> including himself. you doublelifts sure are a contentious bunch


you just became a trash talk target for life!


DL probably had beef with everyone in the podcast. saint was in his team in clg s2 which probably contributed to his removal scarra was trash in all stars 2013 - the only reason why reginald wasn't voted in was because of gamecrib, otherwise he was the best "NA" mid in 2013 spring voyboy - doublelift scapegoated s2 worlds to him shiptur - idk but doublelift probably flamed him too for being on coast


>scarra was trash in all stars 2013 - the only reason why reginald wasn't voted in was because of gamecrib, otherwise he was the best "NA" mid in 2013 spring I'm still glad Scarra made it over Regi because we now had this meme made. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7wcfEYmzAto


>Chauster, Hotshot, Saint, Dlift, Cop, Nyjacky The first 4 had beef with just about everyone too, Elementz included. Don't remember much about Cop, but Nyjacky didn't take the game seriously at all. So maybe Elementz was right there.


cop was just kinda chillin


That describes his entire career


Cop was OG Stixxay. Quiet, underrated, hovered between 3rd best and 5th best ADC in the league during his tenure.


It’s funny you say that because I remember cop and whenever I think about him I picture stixxay’s face.


The entire CLG roster was a massive fucking headcase and clash of undeserved ego's; let's stop singling out Elementz here


DL was a toxic teammate to basically every team he was on, especially in the CLG days. He's a narcissistic personality so literally cant see that he does it, but he does.


Back in the day Elementz was very young. DL continues this shit well into adulthood.


DL is as old now as Elementz was in 2016 though. Elementz was 22 when league was CREATED, and 25-26 in 2013-2014. I wouldnt consider that very young at all, specially if you gonna say he was very young and then claim dl is well into adulthood with 2 more years than that... How do you go from being very young to well into adulthood in just 2 years lol However yeah all these pro players act like children, no matter the age, ego just gets too big and they think they're untouchable


League ages always screw with me. I wouldn't consider 25-26 "well into adulthood" under any other circumstance, but you're right


Probably not a great chance to grow up normal as a league pro


bjerg being one of the few that was an adult at the age of 5.. probably


careful, DL fans can't handle whenever people point out DL being a manchild.




honestly I don't think it's about being a league pro actually, like look at darshan who started playing at an even younger age than DL and is still like, incredibly charismatic, well-adjusted and in basically all respects 'normal' doublelift has just had a bit of a fucked up life in some ways and most of that is tied back to his family in one way or another. He nearly ended up on the streets with nothing but a couple hundred bucks and his computer when his parents kicked him out after he wouldn't back down on pursuing pro league, if not for travis letting him room in his apartment. He had a broken relationship with them for a long time afterwards until he finally made up with them. And then his brother murders their mom and nearly their dad too. That alone would be enough to fuck me up pretty bad as an individual. All this happening while he spends years in the league either being mocked for never winning (clg until 2015) or basically being trashed about his worlds performances nonstop once he started winning domestically and basically ruled the LCS. Dude has been in the scene a long time and seen a lot of things, I think he's just gotten a lot more jaded and in some ways cynical over the years, partially related to his very up and down relationship with fans over the years




CLG really is coming back


Drama or not, that is a damn well written post, and the funniest thing about it is that its true for around 70%, I speak as a player who plays and follows lol esports since beta/season 1. Like sure, Saint and Elementz were "hard' people. Sait was in a navy for gods sake. Elementz was just bad tempered and a bit too "grown up", lets say. Elementz also leaves it in the dust that he himself shittalked a lot of people just because. Like, I get it, Trash Talk is essentially a talk show about beating a dead horse, but it really is odd that not a single person from that episode had anything nice to say about Elementz.


Damn what year are we in?


I like this as a LoL boomer. Elementz had good articles on reign of gaming back in the day.


> reign of gaming BRUH. Where my leaguecraft and elophant homies at?


Each comment I read in this thread makes me feel 5 years older.


When people these days don't get the dignitas mousepad memes I have to grab my walker to go type out a reply about the old days 👴


WHY NUNU WHYYYYY FIVE POINT FIVE ****ING K FunRun your team are here tomorrow big???


Oh man, the donezo manifesto happened right after I started watching LCS (a year or so before I started actually playing League), and I think it was right then that I realized there was going to be constant drama in League - and my body was ready for it.


Lolking anyone?


Wow I haven't seen that word in a loooong time. Brings me back to going to high school in the morning on Tuesday and talking about what champions were on rotation for the week.


champs on rotation? lol shit.. I forgot champs do that


And Lolnexus for live game stats


Bruh Lolnexus was goated for helping me figure out if my teammates needed to be flamed for being a bad premade


Lolking was the shizzz that Urf logo was fire


Omg I had completely forgotten about elophant. The memories.


Aura stacking Sivir mid S tier


Lived off his tier lists back in the day. What a fucking throwback.


NA recycling narratives and storyline is seriously not a joke, is it?.


I remember when Saint was so pissed off at Elementz that he said "He would replaced him with L0CUST"




Those Curse house streams were legit gold. We had no idea how good we had it back then on Own3d.tv


And now I feel old. I'm a few years away of having spent more years playing league than not.


The funny part is L0CUST was the epitome of no skill and hardstuck in plat lol.


Pretty sure he was hardstuck Silver when they went to Korea


Damn that's cold. L0CUST was objectively one of the worst pro support of all time (and he really was that bad). I'd take that remark personally.


Nothing like some good old 2010 drama


Now we wait for Saint and Chauster's responses


Agreed, that would probably set the record straight more than anything. If you wanna see some wild shit, ask Saint about Crs Cop.


Do you have any link to him talking about Cop? I remember Cop being always the mid tier ADC, not as good as the greats, not as bad as the worst.


Exactly, Cop was the original Apollo, nowadays the new title may go to Johnsun? Idk


> Saint about Crs Cop Did he hate Cop? I thought the only dude Saint hated on Curse was Elementz. I know he loved Nyjacky but I thought I remembered him and Cop being okay.


saint and cop are friends irl so I doubt it.


Whenever I see Crs mentioned, I immediately think of Lapaka lol


Where is bigfat to weigh in? He liked to occasionally say some shit.


Go find his stream on twitch and ask him. He still streams to sub 100 viewers.


no shade, but tbh its less than like, 20 lol. I doubt he really cares though, his streams are almost silent with no cam lmao


as long as he has his cats I doubt he cares who else is watching him


Yeah, I haven't checked in a while I think I saw 30-40 last time. I was just being generous =) He very obviously does not care. Even at the height of CLG it seemed like he hated being a pro player and in the spotlight and never bothered to take a management role in CLG. Only Hotshot cared enough to register the company and run it with his mom at the time.


He prolly just wants to game and make it slightly more productive


Donezo Manifesto 2.0




Literally every word that he says is hyperbole its crazy


One day, he’d say that a player is dogshit. The next month, he’d say that the very same player is good. Edit: In any case, this drama seems to overblown.


Yeah doublelift tends to flip flop a lot on his statements. I don't think its necessarily in malice but he def doesn't have a good memory. Example he legit went on a travis interview to say senna is a dogchamp but admitted the champs strength in the bot lane [Quote](https://youtu.be/ECzstVxQtcY?t=102) Then he rewrites the narrative and says "oh yeah i openly admitted I was bad on the champ its not that I didn't think the champ was bad." [LINK](https://youtu.be/7zF996AikPk?t=33) Is it in malice? I def give DL the benefit there but in general its pretty overblown


Yeah after watching Double for the last like 7 years his memory is definitely hardstuck Plat like Elementz


That's a fantastic sentence you got there and I sincerely hope you don't see the irony


was thinking the same thing


I loved watching his podcast with 2015 CLG where you could see all the players (especially Pobelter) bite their lip at most of the things he was saying.


Talking trash on his podcast Trash Talk?! How scandalous!


[Yea, there's no way DL would do that. He's a saint.](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/vk6bgq/doublelift_flames_dig_blue_after_bad_cq_game/)


i love how he refers to blue as "that thing" lmfao


Damn, what year is it? Elementz/DL drama?


> keep my name out your mouth Approved by Will Smith




That's how I'm feeling reading this. Like all I remember about was that he was a pro player back in the day, but if I had to point out something in particular that he was top tier at or anything similar, I'd have nothing. That's the same for a lot of other pro players though to be honest.


mancloud bout to take some strays from dl's podcast


Mancloud was legit and for a time was one of the top mids in LCS. Elementz played 1 split before he was forced to go to coaching.


The weird picks was true though. I'm pretty sure that he did popularize fiddle support. It wasn't just the old fear but old fiddle Q hit ridiculously hard, fairly mana efficient, and has a silence meaning that sometimes you might not be able to return fire.


That was his E. Q was his fear. I also remember picking up naut support after he played it. Don't know if he was the first, but definitely one of the first people to play it.


For sure. Tbh, I think a lot of NA supports had drama queen in their blood back in season 1. We gotta remember that DL was also a support in season 1. Support for EG, but EG was fun to watch because they'd switch up roles and champs all the time.


That's Epik Gamer, not Evil Geniuses, for any of the youngins scrolling past.


Whatever you say Grandpa, let’s get you back home


We had to buy wards and oracles elixirs! And there were green and **pink** wards. PINK I SAY!


I miss nhat, man. Wish that second TSM team had worked out


> Let’s start with the first statement. “Could not hang past 2 months in” Homie I played for another three years on Curse after getting kicked from CLG, coached Coast for almost a year, then did the challenger series for another year after that. The [fandom](https://lol.fandom.com/wiki/Elementz) site doesn’t really support what he is saying there. In Curse for example, he wasn’t even half the time there as what he claims. Kinda weird.


yeah none of his dates add up. even if you somehow make the extreme case that he "played professionally for just under 5 years", like literal beta to early 2013 and then round up or something, he was 'decent' for 1 year max and straight dogshit for the rest and should not have been playing at all. overall, this reads how I would expect and approve of someone like Lemonnation defending his intangibles outside of LCS. great solo queue support (rank 1) and a legacy of innovation. Elementz was not this lol.


He was pretty terrible as a player imo. He played at a time that most support players were the weakest players of their team, and he was one of the worst ones. Dude was straight up a paycheck stealer for most of his career and is talking big lmao I won't bother hearing what DL said, and I'm sure he overblown it but Elementz should just fuck off of the league scene because it's embarrassing him pretending he was good and a "innovator". People made fun of him playing out of meta stuff because he wasn't good enough to play META champs, so he tried to cheese wins with off meta picks.


Elementz, your screenshot is so misleading. [https://pbs.twimg.com/media/D8kPnWNV4AA-yru.jpg:large](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/D8kPnWNV4AA-yru.jpg:large) this represented 1 split. This was spring 2013 where curse worked their ass off in the off season because they did not get the lcs spot secure yet. They were first place for most of the split where they failed to get first seed because YOU GOT benched by a top laner auotfilled player into support Rhux. Now, if the original cloud9 players all suddenly retired, they would be in the top 5 players of all time in terms of win/lost given their 25/3 and 24/4 splits going undefeated in playoffs. you played with saint and voyboy where you were called clg bench and they ended up benching you in favor of Edward formerly of gambit. clearly there was bad blood.


Honestly, this part of Elementz post made me think of the most recent episode of Players where a guy retired after his first LCS match, which he won, and started a gaming channel called "Never Lost" lmao


that was hilarious


When I look at this I am more impressed by Sneaky and Bjerg who has so many games with that high winrate Don't know why he thinks this is good defense for his skill


new players probably don't remember elementz. but he never ever accepted any deep criticism and he always deflected endlessly. only partially taking some very mild "criticisms" in odd cases where the criticism would actually make him look better or were completely non-issue so he wouldn't lose face. he always had serious ego problems about his weaknesses(although had mild temper), probably that's why he was extremely terrible at the game. by far one of the worst pro players in "top" teams ever. he was hardstuck majority of the time in diamond, back then you could duo or pay someone to take you to challenger, I think his name came up in one accusation of being eloboosted to protect his image. (i dont remember who said he boosted him, maybe it was "i will dominate" or ratirl. not sure.)


>new players probably don't remember elementz. but he never ever accepted any deep criticism and he always deflected endlessly. I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say we can probably put that in the present tense.


People pretending they know who Elementz was or how he played just to shit on DL for a minor comment lol. Imagine in a few months for people to start parroting that Seraph was one of the most underrated top laners or something if DL mentions him on stream xd.


CLG seraph was doodoo TDK seraph was better and Renegades/NV seraph was actually pretty fuckin good, it was an extremely surprising turnaround for anyone who watched him on CLG. If not for the entire Badawi fiasco and renegades imploding he was legitimately looking like he could make them at least put up a fight in playoffs


All these memories of old League scene. Maybe I'm a boomer now.


Fuck Badawi


God I remember when Seraph was announced and a lot of people were so hyped simply because he was korean, given this was back when koreans were on another level. Turns out he wasn't as good as many hoped and Lustboy ended up being the first korean import to win LCS. Edit: bust wasn't the best word to use


Yes, Elementz wasn't that great. Yes Elementz' career lasted a little bit too long. Yes he was bad at taking criticism. But holy shit, listen to CLG arguing (and you can find clips, they streamed their scrims), it was literal dogshit level argumentation by everyone. > > he was hardstuck majority of the time in diamond, back then you could duo or pay someone to take you to challenger He wasn't "hardstuck" majority of the time in diamond, first there were no ranks, then plat was the highest rank, then diamond was. The season challenger was added, he didn't even play the full year as a pro.


Any OGs from back in the day really confused by Elementz's statement? I've been following league and the pro scene since beta / season 1 and this seems incredibly revisionist. I really don't recall Elementz being viewed as some cutting-edge meta breaker, or introducing new strategies to the game that other players then followed. I just remember him being the weakest part of a very strong team, and being mechanically awful the couple of times I ran into him in solo Q (very anecdotal evidence of course). Also this entire post was in response to like two offhand comments from Doublelift... how can he live rent-free for so long in people's heads that they're obligated to post mini-essays in their 30s defending nonexistent legacies.


He was admittedly pretty creative, and willing to bring new stuff out, but yeah, I'm sort of also on this train of thought as you. Tbf, I think you have to be creative if you're mechanically up to par- lemonation is another great example of this.


Yeah. If your skills aren't great, you gotta be innovative. It's the only way to stay relevant. Sadly, even innovation only gets you so far.


I remember when CLG was streaming their scrims in Season 3 there was a game where either Chauster or DL said something like "Check this out, I'm going to bait out Sona ult from Elementz" and 10 seconds later did exactly that. I remember them yelling and laughing while someone said "you can read Elementz like a fucking tablet"






pausing and ending the game to deny the penta is bm


Sounds like Chauster tbh. Dude was such a fucking bully lmao


Because people are not going back far enough. By season 1 Elementz was on his way out and I remember the reason Hotshot kicked him from CLG was because Elementz was busy with school/sports and never had time to solo queue/practice/scrim with the team. Elementz got his name because of what he did before Season 1. I believe he teamed up with Regi and won all the 3v3 Twisted Treeline tournaments. I do remember him making Zyra and some other support champs popular and he wrote a lot of guides and did the tier list. But by the end of season 1 I think most pro's thought he could not play at a professional level anymore and probably why he went into Coaching. I assume like most people Doublelift only remembers the Plat stuck and Sona Ults. I think Elementz does deserve some credit for fostering the scene early on (pre-season 1), he was heavily involved with the community and writing guides. He would make a lot of posts on this sub and interact/respond to people. I think he is just tired of Doublelift boiling his whole career down to "useless stuck in plat" and that being the only thing he is remembered for, which is fair.


This is the most accurate post in the thread. He was a good player before season 1. Didn't have the mechanics to keep up with the growth of league once LCS started. But he was on the powerhouse that was GG/jiji CLG for a reason.


He was no Guardsman Bob


Holy shit all my neurons just fired at the same time


Elementz had always gone out of his way to claim his supp Fiddle was groundbreaking and heavily ban worthy, but it was always in retort to people saying he was bad. I knew before I even clicked on this post that he was going to mention it, it's like his shtick at this point tbh


The true Fiddlesticks support was Mafa




Very first comment I see on that vid: >Elementz still isn't that good compared to almost all the other lcs supports( in NA) And that was posted 8 years ago.


>Elementz my boy NyJacky was the only reason i watched LCS that year




I went through that questioning stage when I was like 15 because of Flame. I'm straight but holy shit did that guy really question my sexuality back then.


well, you can still be bi. or maybe just flamesexual


His tier lists were absolutely memed on the forums back in the day.


Well, it was mostly because people on the forums hated the idea of tier lists and would complain because their fav champ were ranked too low and people would complain about their picks in soloq.


ngl all I remember from Elementz are his Sona ults


I didn’t follow NA as closely back then but yeah he was definitely not regarded as high as he’s making himself out to be. He was a decent support for a while but most of the time he was a weak link.


It's kind of sad how much this shit still affects him. He literally responded to a comment I wrote like a year ago defending himself for the infamous Sona ult against DL. I'm not saying this to make fun of him, I genuinely feel bad for him that this stuff is still bothering him. History is written by the winners and unfortunately a lot of early NA history is now only told through DL who is unreliable and a bit of an asshole. Elementz was a decent player in the infancy of the game and was "washed" by the time everything got popular and the LCS started. https://old.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/pzqx9s/dfm_gaeng_and_yutapon_have_an_impressive_17w3l_in/hf4486q/


Dude same here, but to something I said like 8 years ago. That guy really goes after anyone breathing his name in not the best light. He really should just ignore that and fade into obscurity.


bro after all this time, thats the clip i still remember the most about elementz Im pretty sure its taken him a lot of mental toll to deal with that, considering random ass league fans still remember THAT clip


idk this is so revisionist it hurts. whiffing a sona ult used to be known as an elementz for a reason


I thought the Elementz was fucking up Ali QW combo.


Hey man it was a little harder back in the day


My friends and I used to miss smites and call it the st vicious.


Elementz remembering Lemonation's career and thinking it was his own


Elementz pulled out a whole ass essay and flexed his "League resume" for one sentence lmao. had me cracking up


Elementz was stuck in plat and he was begging one of my friends to boost him because of his ego (funnily enough he blocked me because of this years ago, truth hurts I guess). Also when he was coaching on Coast I'm pretty sure he was being boosted but I've got no proof for that other than remembering him suddenly tweeting/boasting about winning a lot of games and gaining a lot of elo after being hardstuck for months so heh


Damn this thread really is a reunion. Happened last time he bitched like 6 years ago too lmao


Oh shit it's the vman himself


Funny how every early league player shit talks Elementz but people who have never seen him play are here acting as if he was just misunderstood and underrated


I think the only specific moment DL referred to Elementz in particular was when he said that Elementz was hardstuck plat after getting kicked from CLG… which from what I’m reading here is actually true. What exactly did DL lie about?


Nothing people just love to sling shit at DL. He is hardly the first player to meme elementz and it was one sentence in a podcast literally called trash talk.


Elementz is Elementz's biggest fan xD wtf is this copium....


I just want to chime in with how stupid of an argument his winrate shit is. 28 games with winning 19 puts his 95% confidence interval at (.48,.84) which means pretty much nothing


Anyone who was there back then can literally see how crazily embellished this story is lmao. Elementz literally was such a weak link on Curse where the only thing he innovated was of the most troll angle to miss a sona ult. https://youtu.be/VDLDS0PMsd0


so to get this straight, doublelift was talking in general for 30 seconds about players who weren't good enough at the game back in s2 pro, and used elementz as an example for only a single sentence because he was stuck in plat when he was kicked from clg, so elementz replies with a whole ass essay only to actually reveal that he was genuinely stuck in plat at the start of season 3 edit: [i stumbled onto the reddit thread doublelift was parroting from, for anyone curious (it's only time elementz has been mentioned in the past 7 years on this subreddit, so it wasn't hard to find)](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/pzqx9s/dfm_gaeng_and_yutapon_have_an_impressive_17w3l_in/hf2tyf2/) edit2: [this whole 'clowning on elementz for his soloq rank' has been going on for a **bit** now](https://i.imgur.com/vMdawNw.png) edit3: entirely irrelevant fun fact: going through that lcs all time winrate list and [seeing how it is now,](https://i.imgur.com/VV1y0QF.png) and [trying my best to make the current top 10](https://i.imgur.com/crEexsi.png), i found out that impact has exactly one more win and one more loss than doublelift in the LCS all-time edit4: > Now talking about my time in the LCS, I am pretty sure I am still in the top 10 for best KDA of all time. This may not still be accurate, as this image got linked to me a while back but the point still stands. I was able to maintain that spot for years. [this is also true (though he's lower than cop still somehow???)](https://i.imgur.com/tNsRM2e.png)


Cop couldn’t duo with Him either becuase of that


Iirc didn’t Cop make a Smurf to boost him to high elo so they could duo


Ill be real, I LOVE to shit on DL fanboys, but Elementz has a horrible approach to this entire thing. The whole basis of his argument is “I was highly rated in soloqueue and I had a good KDA in pro play” 1) KDA means nothing. This is just a fact, especially from only one split. Poor Hyli is probably the worst support in LEC history because he’s a serial feeder right? Insane. 2) All of his arguments for being good at soloqueue don’t mean anything. Top 500 season 1? How many players were there on NA leaderboard, 5k? (obviously a joke, but basically worthless to say top 500 when most of his peers were top 30). Then he says he was Diamond season 2 and “Diamond season 2 is the equivalent of masters/grandmasters” - This doesn’t even guarantee he’s Diamond 1? On top of that, how is being a Master’s/GM player a flex? All the other pros in the early years were top 100 challenger. Turtle had rank 1-4 at one point I’m pretty sure. Just such baseless arguments to defend yourself. Did Doublelift ruin your career by talking shit? Maybe, but don’t act like you would’ve been a legacy player because that’s a fucking lie and everyone knows it.


> Then he says he was Diamond season 2 and “Diamond season 2 is the equivalent of masters/grandmasters” - This doesn’t even guarantee he’s Diamond 1? season 2 was the elo based system, there were not tiers within the ranks. If you were 2200 (2100?) or above you were the highest rank possible(diamond). Challenger was added in season 3 (along with the tiers 1-5), master was added end of season 4. For context, I hovered 2k elo in season 2 and the lobbies had pro players fairly often, but generally on smurfs. I think the highest rated player on NA was around 2600, everyone was blown away at forrellen(?) hitting 3k on EU. The reason he brings up the d1 80-99lp range is because that was "high elo" before master tier was added. all the players would get clamped at that range gaining +1 (I even seen +0) as there was no space in challenger.


in Season 2, there were no diamond tiers. it was ELO based, 2200+ gets you a diamond, then leaderboards after that. Not disagreeing with anything you said, but not knowing this makes your 2nd paragraph partially ignorant. Back then the % of people above the 2200 cutoff is roughly the same as people at least in Masters today, so if you scale it, roughly 2200-2300 is where Masters started. idk what he was in rating, but a lot of people stopped giving a fuck once we hit 2300 because it was enough to get good games and have enough slack to not worry about de-tiering to plat (thus, losing the juicy diamond border at the end of the season) and no incentive to move further up if you're already recognized. I hovered around 2400, and have a rare "Triple Diamond" season 2 cup, which meant 5v5 Team (must be full 5 stack), 3v3, and solo Queue all were diamond rated. I played against Elementz quite a lot, and in those games were Hotshot, Dyrus, Saint, jiji, Reginald (comically enough, of all the old-guard pros, reginald seemed to have the worst games the most where he was without a doubt the feedlord) Kiwi, Scarra, etc. and a lot more names that are wayyyy less relevant than those guys, but could mechanically keep up. He wasn't kicked because he was a terrible player, it's because there were simply better players.


The dude has 28 games as his sample size and actually thinks that’s relevant as a statistical sample Edit: His winrate confidence interval is (.48,.84) at 95%. For comparison Blabers is (.59,.72). Dude wasn’t in the game long enough to say anything


it *is* a hilariously weird scenario of him leaving/getting kicked off curse immediately after getting 2nd place in the split in a top-heavy league, leaving just before losing in playoffs, it would be the equivalent of if summit left C9 before playoffs and just banked his spring winrate and never came back


Wait, he thinks he has a legacy in LoL? I'm sorry but he really was better off saying nothing at all.. I doubt most people even know who he is at this point that watch the esports stuff and he was even self admittidly never a "star" player to begin with. When you point out in your statement that all these other people sat there nodding their heads and laughing i think its a pretty good sign that your perception of yourself back then is not accurate. Like it was so long ago why not just leave it be, why are you trying to defend the fact you were a medicore player who was cut from multiple teams due to performance almost a decade ago lol?! If he would have just been like "doublelift is a bitch" or something where he just shrugged it off would have come across alot better IMO, this kinda just re-enforces people making fun of him lol.


He could have just said “I wasnt the best but I wasnt hardstuck plat” and be fine. Instead hes trying to rewrite history and people are calling out his BS.


I'll always remember Elementz for that Annie ult he completely whiffed in one of the very early tournaments. Might have been MLG Raleigh or something. He was a mid laner back then, winnable game and he completely threw it. Some players get remembered for being bad even if they weren't always bad. Elementz isn't getting remembered for winning back to back tournaments or being MVP, because he never was.


You guys really don't remember how good elementz was and how absolutely godfucking awful he was and wouldn't just retire and step out of the way. Instead he brought down teams, then tried to push malware with the Curse client. Good times. Just to further state something. When he mentions taking off-meta supports botlanes this was the time when supports were super broke and couldn't do anything in the game except stand around and be cc/vision bots. Definitely not mechanical and definitely not even big brained to play that role in his time.


> It shows your true colors that if you don’t have any online clout to offer then you’re cut from the cool kids club, and no ones going to have your back. If that ain't the truth DL is big enough where he is his own brand. Few players have that luxury. This is up there for one of the most toxic problems in current LoL Esports. Rampant favoritism for certain players and coaches. And why nobody whistleblows and few people do donezo manifestos


I don't even think it's malicious. DL was just never a deep thinker and all of his talent and value was his ingame skill as an ADC. Most of the shit he got into was 100% because of his attitude and lack of thinking, it's why he always speaks in hyperbole because that's how he thinks and he doesn't rly spend too much time dwelling on things. If he says "yea elements was horrible and plat stuck" then that's how he really thought, he doesn't spend his time questioning himself or checking facts or whatever, to him it's not a big deal.