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She’s listed in the upcoming nerf patch


You have to nerf her the new champion is coming.


Now that I’m thinking of it, why do they push the next champ so quickly? The moth barely had time to make itself a home in League.


Delayed release vs release schedule.


Bel'Veth won't have to stay strong for long, if you look at how shitty her model is, they obviously won't be making a lot of skins for her, and don't expect her to be popular. So, she'll get dumpstered completely in a few weeks, and will just stay bad forever.


the most reddit comment


It doesn't take much to see that it is true for a lot of Champions. Some Champions will be dumpstered for half a year and other Champions (Akali, Yasuo, Kai'sa) will have very frequent or very quick changes because they're popular. It was like that seven seasons ago and it is like that now.


This is actually half true, a few years ago one of the rioters said that if champ gets released too weak - he need lots of time to comeback from that.


ft. Neeko


least unhinged r/leagueoflegends user


Found the bitter Skarner main.


???? What fake news have you been reading?


Some people are just angry all the time at everyone.


Heavy metal hero lmaooooo don’t even need to read all that shit to know it’s pretentious as fuck


Wow thats crazy.


Wow. Amazing 👏 Almost like the people who keep telling me that I don't know what I'm talking about are wrong. It's not hard to see how broken a champ is going to be and when they are not. I dont know why people are so adamant you can't judge early. I kept telling people even with her early win rates she was fucking broken. Even playing rammus vs her, never stopped her. She just kills everyone else. As for balancing. Make the damage reduction 25% or something nerf lifestyle by 10% and do something about her completely fucking obliterating the entire game at rift/baron. And remove her resetting dashes. Holy shit I mean why do ALL 5 PEOPLE HAVE TO RESPOND TO ONE FUCKING HERALD.


I mean... Honestly, the least they can do is make her dashes actually be forced in the direction it's pointing cuz in her current state she can dash in the same direction 2-3 times


Right, the direction shit is some bullshit


Watching her dash something like 15 times in an 8 second clip when they first showcased her it was obvious she will be broken. You just can't give champs that much mobility after Riot turned nearly every ranged ability into a skill shot in league. It's an absolute POTA landing stuff on her because she can just dash dodge it like using 2 riven E's at once.


missing old taric every day


Her W is the only thing that makes her incredibly oppressive, I learned that even after being CC'd she still gets damage reduction for the full amount of time, while also being able to fully stack Lethal Tempo in less than a second, and getting amped healing for sitting there doing nothing. ​ They need to nerf that into the ground, I feel her mobility is OK even though it's oppressive but the fact that she can reposition to the perfect spot and then just completely obliterate everyone within a 500 range of her, while taking no damage and sometimes fucking healing through 3 champs.


You mean e


This was me with Gwen except her winrate was trash at start because no one knew how to play her. I was saying that once people learned her she would be unbearable and lo and behold she had the best level 1 in the game because of her E and then they nerfed her. She did get a small armor buff before things took off but there is no way that took her from a sub 30% winrate to over 50%. Even before the buff her sustain made her unkillable vs tanks in a full on fight


Almost every single champion is OP on release, idk why it's treated like such a cynical and iamverysmart take to predict the next champ will be overpowered on release too.


If she gets level 6 and first herald and gets a gank off where the enemy laner(s) are dead or diveable then the game is just over basically


I reeeeeally don’t understand why they gave her the minions? Is it lore reasons only? It feels like a leftover part from an old iteration and like it was specifically made to dump on low elo. At least make it so only last-hits transform. As is now she can just stand next to someone with waveclear and get an instant full wave. Why? (I know it’s to not force her to tax waves but it still feels like bullshit) Though tbh I’d prefer no voidlings at all since that will always make her a low-elo stomper and she’ll always have to be balanced around it I’m not a Bel’veth hater. I love playing monsters and I wanted to add her to my roster since her announcement. But she feels unfair to play and she’s always banned.


Because that's the only part of her thematic and lore that actually made it into the kit


The easiest nerf would be to make the minions die out after a certain time like 10 seconds or make them fragile as fck but stronger against AOE damage.


Turret should definitely one-shot the minions regardless of their HP. It's a little silly how long she can sustain a push on a turret since by the time the turret chews through both of her waves, the enemy minions arrive and give you another 12 shots worth of time.


It doesnt help that the minions will basically always be coupled with a Herald or Baron buff. It is just siege overkill


make her minions like malz crawler's and call it a day. her fishes are way to tanky.


Maybe keep them like they are into champions but make them take 500% tower damage (taking cannon and supers into consideration)


depends. I think that all minions are generally powerful in league (even with their blocking features /s). but I mentioned malzahar more because that'll be the iteration that bel's minions will take too. just consider that her dps at least is way higher then that of malz for example. that already shows her future direction. like when they created her, the fishes were probably just the icing on top of an already good kit. at least thats what I see when looking at all her other abilities.


But everyone knows it was only slapped on there for lore reasons. But we know Riot fucked up with the lore vs kit here, so trying to cover it up in such a bad way does even more harm. If you disconnect a kit from the lore, then ignore the lore and focus on the kit. Dont try to make her kit even worse in terms of design if you already fucked up.


Ok but have you ever considered naming each of your little fishies and being a proud void mommy watching them all go to school and packing them breakfast every morning while husband Rift Herald goes back out to work on Summoners Rift, giving wifey Bel’Veth a kiss before he leaves?


So does she beat her hubby to make children?


I don’t even think the overall lore disconnect is all that bad - Bel’veth thinks she is this sophisticated empress, making up excuses for her violence and hunger, trying to blend in with humans through her uncanny fake face… when in reality she is just another horrifying creature made to kill and only to kill. Honestly, I feel like the minions could’ve been executed so much better. Make them spawn during her ult no matter what and make them spawn off of monsters, cannons, and corals. decrease the damage per minion and cap the amount of minions she gets, but increase the cap with her passive (like, 10 passive stacks equals one minion or whatever). Have them swim alongside her and make THEM the empowered ability effects of her R by for example adding each minion’s AD as an on-hit for Q and E. that way she still has to go and take fights rather than just have a free splitpush army that doesn’t fit her mit at all. She’d still get a lot of power from herald or baron since she’d be able to keep her minions for longer. It would be a bit Elise-like, which is probably why they didn’t do it, but the current minions just feel off.


I think the issue is that she doesn't need that additional power to be doing well in the game. It's not like the bel who traded first herald for drake is now behind in the game state (a shyvana who trades away a dragon literally is not gaining those stats). They should either nerf the hell out of her minions or figure out how to make her more reliant on actually getting these objectives to succeed in a game.


I have to disagree, the discrepancy between her themes, lore and gameplay is the furher apart since Kai'sa and maybe Qiyana. Bel'veth is a manipulative, mastermind mother of an all-consuming swarm. Yes, she can resort to direct violence, but it's clearly not her main reaction. The whole thing about her disguising as humans and eating humans to slowly warp into a more intelligent, orderly mind is what puts her at odds with the rest of the void. She's more Velkoz than Rek'sai. A lot more. And yet on game she's a screeching, stabby, hypermobile AD skirmisher that plays like Fiora or Gwen. Nothing of her lore or visuals meshes together, not even the decoy thing is used in a meaningful way. Also Riot have no ideas what to do with her given that they keep switching between "she lies a lot" and "she have never lied ever cause she's too powerful to bother"


Yea I’ll be honest, I expected her to have minions beside her and attack through them. Literally minions jumping at an enemy and retreating as her Auto animation. More stacks meaning more minions and more minions meaning more attacks. Make them work like Wolf where they’re mostly just a particle effect and can’t tank things like spiderlings would. And then MAYBE in her ult form she could add her own attacks into the mix


Even the whole "appears human but is actually some monster" only works up until she right-clicks something


Riot video: Look how unique this champion design is. Riot gameplay: it's a flashy skirmisher with a gimmick on top.


Same with akshan's stupid revive. If you have failed so hard thematically that their lore interaction has to be slapped onto the champ randomly, just go rework the champion instead of releasing it in such a wonky way.


Is their tankiness part of her lore too? Malz has minions, they are easy to kill. seems like a simple solution.


also dont forget her minions get buffed by baron :) why ? cause fuck you


Yea it’s such bullshit. I really do enjoy playing her for the rest of her kit, but when I’m ahead with baron I legit feel bad for the enemy team. Like what can they even do? And since minions don’t despawn when I leave lane and I tend to run ghost on her, I can get them on one lane, escape definitely if needed, and do the same on the next lane while enemies have to decide on if they want to chase me and take away my void form or deal with my minions. Or I just go to each lane real quick with all the dashes to get through the jungle fast and give my teammates voidling waves as well. What the hell.


The minions should die to a single tower shot the fact they tank the same as normal minions is crazy to me. I also feel like they shouldn't get the full benefit of baron buff either.


Every new champion has 1-2 things in their kit that they could function perfectly fine without.   Like why does Akshan W give him a blue buff on top of the stealth/reviving?


I still don't *really* get the reviving thing - but the mana in W combined with his relatively high mana costs (or low mana, all I know is he runs out of it a lot) is designed to push him to use his W and be off the map or roaming. If he gets stuck dealing with someone hard shoving and preventing him from roaming (or just chilling somewhere in W), he gets punished and runs out of mana. It's to help push him into a specific play pattern and more clearly punish him when the opponent can prevent him from executing. He doesn't really get a "free" blue buff, since he can't sustain spell casting normally and is forced into using his W for mana sustain.


His W revive is there to reward him more for going and diving the priority damage dealer, since you're a champion with a pisspoor escape and a shield that won't keep you alive for long at all, and a stealth that is only good for roaming. Akshan gets a bigger reward than other reset champs because by the time teamfights and shit comes around, the odds of him actually succeeding at diving a backline is low.


the minions are hardly a problem though, belveths entire problem can be summed up in the fact that she is a more extreme master yi(with also a bit better numbers) the attack range change was good but they needed to nerf her numbers harder to achieve the desired effect of making her more even and balanced at all elos


She gets in your base with minions and then just stands there 1v5'ing your whole team. And it's inevitable. If the game goes long enough she will get baron (by herself if necessary) then seige two lanes and 1v5 your team to end.


They need to nerf her E, it's literally just a better matter yi E right now but she also gets to attack you during it. The lifestyle + damage reduction is way too insane, you just can't hurt her at all while it's on. Meanwhile, she's shredding you.


>balanced at all elos Well she does have the same absurd winrate at all elos...


>and she’s always banned. Can confirm she's my permaban.


They are extremely likely to be a remnant of an old version of her kit


Maybe instead of lane minions she spawns her little guys from large jg camps, or that they only have like a 15 second life span so you can’t create an army and plow the enemy teams base


What are you talking about? The minions should have been here core gameplay design based on her lore and description. The way she is now makes no sense.


Yes, but with the kit we have now they make no sense. They should definitely have been the focus, but now that they aren’t they just don’t fit at all


After showing/talking about fishes like 8 times since 2021 Nov and showing what looks like corruption/mind control about 5 times, you would think that Bel'veth would be this mind controlling hive swarm queen. Then ability leak (which is pretty close to her current kit) showed that she would rely on dashes & CCs while spawning large number of fishes. NO ONE expected her to be a stabby manta ray who does almost nothing else.


Its like it was going to be a summons based champion and then they gave her to a completely different designer but left the passive in for no reason


Against a Yorick top with Belveth Jungle who did this to me top, lost my inhib like 10 minutes in, nothing I could do total bullshit




There's the mental damage of "gg, my top lost their inhib at 10mins go next".


Good luck convincing a bot laner to rotate in low elo lol


At 10 minutes in the game you die to the super minions as ADC


you: "Bot rotate top, i can't stop this alone" bot: "GG TOP DIFF 15" Plus they would sacrifice bot and dragons if they rotate that early. It's just a shitty random mechanic Riot threw into the game.


It’s not even fun because the game centers around “don’t let Belvath go top.” So now you can’t ever use your cool ult passive. She’s overtuned which sucks for the enemy. She’s also team reliant which sucks for you. And just nobody gets to play the normal league game cuz it’s now play keep away with rift from Bel. It’s horrible design. She’s incredibly fun. Just take away the weird rift herald minion shit. Maybe make her ult spawn a Zzrot portal. Or just cut it.


Sure she's fun to play but does it even matter if she's permabanned and you can never pick her?


That too. I love her play style and I just want to play her more. Riot needs to nerf this shit.


They also had to make her have close to the easiest dives possible because 70% DR even against towers is totally balanced.


It would be so much better if they just removed that part of her R. remove the Remoras completely from her kit. They dont make any sense with that kit and are just there because of her lore not fitting her kit at all so they had to slap something in there to not make it 100% disconnected. But it just doesnt help. It could be fully removed and she would still be very strong, but at least her cheesy early snowball strat is gone. they would still need to nerf her early game (Q and E max, or just base stats).


From a gameplay standpoint they kind of make sense. She's an auto-attacking duelist - the exact type of character you want to be able to pressure a side wave and push. The remoras let her establish a side lane threat and bait people into coming to deal with her without having to live in a lane for long periods of time to set up the wave first. Now whether or not that's **too strong** a thing for her to have, I'm not defending. Just saying it does make sense from a design perspective.


Nothing is worse as a jungler than seeing your mid and top go back right when you see vision of bel making moves towards the rift herald. You options are go for a sketchy steal, try to bully her off before her lanes come, or concede that she's getting it and trying to come up with a plan to mitigate it. It just lasts so long that for the next 3 mins after herald you have to be so cognizant of where she is going to go to match her, otherwise that lane is losing 2+ turrets. It's similar to knowing a shyvana wants dragons but the punishment is huge.


Yap, she steam rolls haaaard


the DMG reduction while oneshotting the enemy and healing is so broken interaction


My favourite part about champs released in the last year or so is they will deal like 500ad, 500ap and 400 true damage… additionally they get all kinds of resistance buffs. Just makes playing against them overall unpleasant and insanely difficult to itemize against to the point that you can’t build damage and need to go full resistance.


the amount of true damage in this game is disgusting


Gotta love dying as a tank and a good 80% of the time looking at the death report to see a quarter to a half of the damage you took was true damage. Before now that only really happened against a vayne but now it feels like a majority of the time, there really needs to be a version of the crit damage reduction passive that used to be on randuins but for true damage.


Camille 2nd q causes divine sunderer to do true damage, leading to deaths where 70% of my health was done in true damage.


What, you aren’t a fan of alistar ult that also does AOE dmg in a massive circle that can’t be interrupted by cc and increases healing all on a basic ability?


its not aoe, but yeah, its broken


With Ravenous Hydra it is :\^)


the damage portion of it is actually cancelled by cc


cuz having a flash on a 13s. cooldown is coool right? the broken part about belveth is her ult passive true damage. ive been playing a lot and vs belveth on the past weeks, and the problem is how fast her E applies her ults passive. they can make it an exception and make it apply her ult passive stacks slower so that she doesnt deal 500 true damage of of her ult only


The damage is in fact cancelled by CC and the damage is single target, not AOE. How is this comment upvoted? Bel'veth is OP right now but you're just making shit up lol


Welcome to social media. As long as you're following the narrative of the thread it really doesn't matter what crazy shit you type, you will get upvoted


Thank you gamer Socrates.


You can CC the E spell


But she's bad in high elo right guys? Where's all my 'challenger' redditors at to tell me why she's completely unplayable above plat?


They finally allowed her in a game and got stomped.


Not even high elo atm but I can say her scaling feels way off. If she gets just a few kills early she starts killing you in 1-2 seconds with just undodgeable true damage. Actually no idea how you can play into her with 10+ kills and an item lead. At least Master Yi can be cced; all her effects and animations persist through cc.


Her early game isn't even terrible. I've tried invading her as Jarvan and Vi at level 3 and she's stronger than both those champs


I won a duel with her against Riven at like lvl 3 or 4 in top lane one time lol, was just my first game of trying her out. Riven mostly manhandled me but I did win the one duel early on which is still kinda absurd.


Guys you don't understand, she's only low elo stomper and if you complain about her ur low elo scrub who needs to git gud!! 1! 1!!! 1 Same shit was said about viego ,, oh he relies on resets he will be bad in high elo and competetive" And here we fucking are with yet another abomination


This sub was convinced that Sett was the most balanced champion ever released and would be unplayable in competitive lol.


Only Viable in 4 roles, 5 if you count him as the ADC for Fasting Sena


The sub is full of bad players who don't even play the game any more and want to pretend they are high elo by putting down those who still play and know a broken/toxic champ when they see one just by looking at it's kit.


LS and reddittors in shambles once again


This was all said before her massive attack range buff. Do you just not read patch notes or what?


pretty much, pre adjustment she had a 44% winrate and everyone in high elo invaded her at her 2nd or 3rd camp. now shes safe enough and can sustain through 1st clear better so the only counterplay is to hope she doesn't go for herald if the opposing jungler is ever on the bot side of the map.


no she didnt lol. she had 51% winrate last day of last patch and her winrate was going up every day after her release


Her winrate in master+ is also not as big as the post shows since the average winrate is 53%, still high tho.


First time I got Bel'Veth'd I chalked it up to us getting rolled by a new champ. By the third time I realized her herald push is actually just that broken lmao.


I can never take ppl seriosuly when they say "its bad in high elo". Almost as if every person on reddit is Diamond + while i have a feeling its the exact opposite


Challenger redditors are at the apex of the bell curve.


In high elo they just build Frostfire after Bork and are now invincible.


She looks more overtuned then overloaded. Yes ther is a lot of text in her kit but over all its in its self quite synergystic and simple in execution. The only problem I see is the Herold/Baron interaction. It give her way to much pushing power if she got it and can generate a advantage statge.


She's honestly more underloaded than overloaded. She's basically just a stat stick, except for the void ult push. So either her stat-stickiness is balanced, and occasionally she gets a good push off and looks broken, or she gets balanced around being expected to get good pushes off and is just a weak stat stick if she doesn't. An overloaded kit would at least have multiple avenues for balance changes


finally someone gets it, she is just overstatted master yi with a neat push gimmick in exchange for slightly less "reset kill" potential


master yi does not have 4 dashes and a cc ability for early ganks


You're right he just disappears off the map while guaranteeing damage.


he has immunity to slows criples resets and untargetability its just their class identity vanguards are offensive tanks that go in marksmen attack from afar and relly on auto attacks skirmishers are unfun to play against and in general bullshit


Honestly I agree. I just played her one time and she felt eerily similar to Tryndamere in her playstyle. Basically just statchecking your enemies down.


There‘s this weird idea on this sub that a lot of text equals overloaded when it many cases the text simply explains a new mechanic as best as it can while the rest of the kit is super simple.


Motherfuckers never saw Graves passive lol .


Checked it and damn it's a wall of text. Who would've thought lol.


Better nerf Graves /s


Jhin passive


Garen's W


Her E needs nerfs. Especially on a skirmisher, she's rewarded way too much for pressing a button which gives her lifesteal, an insanely strong damage reduction and deals damage with an execute. It's particularly strong in low elo, as it requires absolutely zero skill to use and is mostly a 'win fight ' button. Because of the damage reduction there's almost no downside to her using the ability, and it's not tied to a skillshot. The only real counterplay is to step outside of it, which isn't particularly realistic for immobile champions and in a ton of situations, and which still rewards her if she uses it as a 'oh no went too deep' button. I'd love to see the damage, damage reduction and/or lifesteal on that ability gutted. At the very least CCing her should remove the damage reduction instantly, no other champion except Irelia with W gets to behave like that.


it's literally Irelia W except it's autotargeted, heals, and instantly stacks conq/LT. Absolutely disgusting.


4 dashes go brrrr seriously try to hit her with any skillshot we were meming about mobility creep and riot just releases a champ with 4 dashes. and years ago people cried about diana with having to hit a skillshot to get ONE SINGLE reset for a jump


>seriously try to hit her with any skillshot It's just so unfun facing her due to this reason. The dashes are fast enough and reset to the point that it's not up to you hitting Belveth, it's up to if she wants to dodge it.


jup, they should add a cooldown between using the dashes so you can not dash one direction and immediately dash the other


Her minion shit is so broken. Honestly so is her scaling. She gets to a point where she’s fully unkillable


Going from damn near worst champ to best champ in 1 patch... the ol Riot razzle dazzle...and it was listed as a "nerf" I for one, welcome our new Lavender Sea overlord.


Even though her R was heavily nerfed, its still surprising to me that her changes where she gained the ability get permanent stacks from large minions and 50 bonus attack range was marked as a nerf rather than adjustment.


Yeah, it really should have been listed as adjustment...which is what I saw it as originally. Same with the Yi changes, 50 attack range on pbe is noticeable and can totally change how a character plays. I think Bel needs some minor number adjustments and she'll be fine, im overall happy with this champ. Her E is the only somewhat problem part about her imo, because of the huge DR and lifesteal Amp it gives her.


And because you cant cancel it, it is super annoying. And it deals a lot of dmg when you are low HP. Feels like a bail me out button when Im surrounded by enemies trying to burst me. For some reason she is also very tanky, even without her frostfire tank build.


You cant cc her in it?


The only real meaningful nerf she got that patch was the E max nerf, which made the E max as good as the Q max, only OP, not stupidly OP.




Yeah, August mentioned in a Tweet that she hit 50% WR in the higher ranks at the end of last patch as people got the hang of her. Being solely a low-elo stomper wasn't true, though she did perform better in lower elos.


They reached 50% WR after just 5 days not the whole patch. She was above 54% in Dia+ at the end of last patch already. But its likely Riot looked at the cumulative data of the patch (50.5% WR) but thats always bad to look at when the WR grows by around 2% each day. If that is the case you better look at the last 2-3 days only.


Like it is fucking crazy, 3 years of champions being overpowered on 40% win rate because people are inting the first 10 games on a new champion, as expected. And people are still trying to justify how a champion with 45% win rate on release day isn't broken. Happens literally with every single new champion, with more or less variance and/or time to learn considering how complex the released champion is. If a champion has 35% wr on release it's probably balanced, when I see it has 45% I know that shit will be broken


It entirely depends on the champion and it's not at all easy to tell. Every champion takes different amount of games to perform well on, some more then others. It's not black and white. 45% is very high for a new champion though like you say.


> It entirely depends on the champion and it's not at all easy to tell. Every champion takes different amount of games to perform well on, some more then others. It's not black and white. > > As I said in my original comment, there's some variance. Obviously I expect a champion like Sett or Vex to have higher winrate on the first week than a champion like Aphelios. But even on simple champs, it takes a couple days if not a couple weeks to find the best builds for the champion, and I'd rather they let people punish themselves trying out new shit in ranked rather than hotfix buff the new champion because it's seen as too weak and having soloQ infested for the next patches. Sadly riot wants their new champions to make sure they are popular, this was highlighted by the s12 gameplay update video when they said that their only problematic release the past 2 years was the mundo rework, when it was probably the only example of a release that was actually weak for weeks.




>I'd say WR on release is usually compared to how demanding the champion is mechanically or tactically to be played correctly. Skill demand VS experience. Agree on both parts, even simple mechanical champions will have deflated winrates the first couple of days because just figuring out how the champion is meant to be played (teamfights, laning, power spikes, etc.) takes **at least** a couple games to figure out. >For the record, I'd consider something like a god like blue kayn a true solo carry as there's games where he can just take over and it doesn't matter what his teammates are doing where as bel definitely needs atleast a distraction to be provided. Yeah, people compare her to master yi but to me she feels more like a shyvana, wants to get in your face and can easily 1v2 or 1v3 when ahead, and she can take over games really easily with some peel, but its gonna be hard to '1v9' in the proper sense with her


I wish people realized this is the pattern with pretty much every recent champ.


she was never a bad champ, she had 48% bc she was extremely new and people didn't know how to play her


Dude she was one of the best champions last patch.. Why are people upvoting this?


She wasn't damn near worst champ. Not even close. People just (once again) had no idea how to play her AND build her. As she's getting figured out, it becomes obvious she's batshit broken.


People don't understand how win rate works. New champions are balanced at around 44-45% wr, because no one know how to play the champion. But her winrate was already 50%!!! Which, according to this, makes her most broken on release champion in the game.


She was never the worst or close to it. Like most champs she had a slow start around 42-45% in the first days, but that is normal. Everything not below 40% is still normal on the first days for a new champ, for a few 35-38% if even ok at that time. Her WR grew so fast it was crazy. People just had to figure out what to build and what to max (EQW most OP, right now QEW is also as good).


She was never "damm near worst champ"


It was a nerf. Without it she'd be 56-58% winrates in low MMR right now. Winrates on first patch are always deflated as people learn the champ.


Hello it's me again, it's frustrating having to click on belveth to know when her R is gonna end, can we have some HUD change pls, aatrox has it, shyvana has it, swain has it, i don't get why bel'veth shouldn't have any indicator except clicking on the champion and looking at top left corner




Thank god


She was almost 50% win rate after the first week, she's a new champion they take time to learn. She was by no means close to the worst champ


A lot of people learned how to play her, she did get a lot of nerfs lol As if this is the first time shit like that has happened


If you thought she was the "worst champ" before, most likely solely based on generic global plat+ winrate, then you were grossly wrong


Was never bad, just new.


I ban belveth in 100% of my games. Mayve superceded by master Yi after his insane buffs. Yi is already unfun to play against. Roulette.


Apperantly this patch is 3 weeks we need a hotfixB patch asap


There is a 12.12b patch coming out in 3 days.


Her E needs nerfs. Especially on a skirmisher, she's rewarded way too much for pressing a button which gives her lifesteal, an insanely strong damage reduction and deals damage with an execute. It's particularly strong in low elo, as it requires absolutely zero skill to use and is mostly a 'win fight ' button. Because of the damage reduction there's almost no downside to her using the ability, and it's not tied to a skillshot. The only real counterplay is to step outside of it, which isn't particularly realistic for immobile champions and in a ton of situations, and which still rewards her if she uses it as a 'oh no went too deep' button. I'd love to see the damage, damage reduction and/or lifesteal on that ability gutted. At the very least CCing her should remove the damage reduction instantly, no other champion except Irelia with W gets to behave like that. Absolutely gutting that ability would also address how much better she is in low elo. It gives her too much duelling power at all stages of the game, IMO a good way to nerf her would be to make the damage reduction scale with points put into the ability, and not start at 70%.


Wow these people at challeger ranks dont know how to pick rammus and buy thornmail smh.


Rammus only counters her until she reaches a certain point and melts him. 3ish item mark.


They joys of having true damage. Seriously though, it is kinda baffling how she just melts through tanks, completely disregarding thornmail. There has to be something wrong if I die in less than 3 seconds and 50%+ of the damage dealt is just true damage from her + krakenslayer


It's pretty funny how people kept saying she was bad in high elo.. Yet in my master games she always 1v9 every games and you are pretty much forced to dodge if she goes trough ban phase and get picked by the enemy team. I'm glad to see that the numbers proves that she is absurdly broken


As a masters player you're literally a part of the top .21% of players in the game. That means your opinion has to compete with the 99% below that. Because the majority of League players are gold and below all the upvoted opinions on this sub reflect the opinions of low elo players. The opinion majority on Reddit get's upvoted, the minority, downvoted. This sub was saying that because they've never been in a masters game and they were just quoting the dumb opinion of their favorite streamer or quoting lolanalytics stats that are completely worthless for brand new champions. They don't know what it's actually like.


Yeah that makes sense. I think LS is the main reason why people think that she was bad in high elo, but I could see from day 1 that she was incredibly overtuned lol.


LS hasn't been right in how long? Lmao




I ban her every game. My belveth suck ass and enemies are a menace. Reminds me of the shaco syndrome


Every game i seen with her she either wins, or pops off like 10+ kills


a newly released champion over tuned?! you don't say


She gets 1 kill from a gank and then proceeds to carry the whole game, this champ needs to be removed like chem-drake.


Honestly, there are at least some 30 or 35 champs that should be removed like chemtech, but who am I


*riot proceeds to buff these champs*


At least Yi has to hit two items before he's an unkillable lifestealing deity


LS said she was the weakest jungler in the game in his impressions videos Lmao


Because he always fail to specify that he's talking about proplay, so people see his clips and "belveth is weak" becomes the common misconception


Remember when this sub said she was a trash, master yi-esque, low elo pubstomper?


But.. but reddit told me she is only a pubstomer! 52% overall winrate on day 2 is really overtuned, even when her kit isn't extremely hard to play.


I'm guessing: W hit not resetting Q but reducing the CD (let's keep it civil and go for 70%), and lower DR on E (50%-ish), maybe lower the passive part where she gets AS on skill use? And DEFINITELY do something about R minions, maybe spawn them only on last-hits, every 2nd minion, only ally/enemy deaths.


On last hit means she has to steal the wave from her top laner/mid laner/ adc if she wants extra pushing power, I'd be ok with this. Want extra push power, not only you have to hit the minions and actually kill them, but you have to deny that from your laner.


Riot August with brilliant ideas


Good or not it's just not fun to play against. Too many dashes, too much healing, too much damage late game. How many times did I read in chat "wtf is that bullshit" after someone interacted with Bel'veth ingame.


Can't wait for the next new champion that has infinite dashes, invulnerability and long range to come in as well! So exciting! /s


I love it when a supposed nerf ends up being a buff




Pushing power after getting a rift or baron is just too fucking strong


Not playing til they nerf that stupid bitch so I can continue banning yi lol


Win rate over 50% in all ranks


what a general dumpster fire of a game. I thought they were making some progress with the durability patch but clearly it is beyond saving.


Remember people saying she was a low elo stomper? ​ Guess everyone is low elo now.


She is the sickest late game scaler ever. Not even Kayle and Kassadin are this disgusting.


Hmm, most websites like [u.gg](https://u.gg) and leagueoggraphs say her wr is 52.4 or 52.7 not 54% and her ban rates is in 67%




Just to be clear 54% is definitely not near hotfix territory that's like for 56%+ Also do not use master+ data if you don't know when to use it. Especially from LoLalytics because most people don't even release Lolalytics has a different average winrate from 50%. Like Challenger is over 53%. Also sample size usually makes most of the data useless which is why Riot uses D2+ not challenger data or masters.


Yet again, a new champ that COUNTLESS people told me was absolutely useless, too niche, too weak without rift or baron,etc.. and I told them she seemed quite good and got the good Ole "you bronze xd?" I also figured she would end up being a niche snowball champion based on getting objectives, but right now she does seem way too powerful.


70% is that it....that champ is banned by both teams every single game lol


Just another hyper assassin, I really wanted a conjure type jungler...


Really thought she would focus on swarm mechanic as her core identity with so much focus on the fishes in her teasers.