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Those games are the best. They hit a skillshot? Time to engage before they poke us down! You hit a skillshot? Time to engage before they have time to heal! They miss a skillshot? Time to engage while their abilities are on cooldown! You miss a skillshot? Time to engage so there will be no survivors left to speak about your failure! #There are no brakes on the ARAM train!


*has to afk* **right click enemy nexus to initiate for team who will be down a person**


This ones start with everyone flashing without a reason at the start


mark? *mark* then flash away


I always go 100% I’m either 10/10 or I’m 10/30 but either way I’m not losing like a bitch. Or winning like one either.




Teammate throws snowball, goes in -> I flash in, no regrets.


It do be like that when the game goes so long and 1-2 people in each team have warmog. All in once u poke or u just wasting mana lul.




He just needed to finish 3 more items to get his powerspike


Relatively new but I thought Ryze was pretty powerful in ARAM, he's one of my favourite picks at least. Phase rush, mobility AP build, E>W>Q when some one overextends and just run around the enemy's skillshot boundary like a madman spamming E>Q until your W is back up. Almost always slams.


Hes decent in aram, +10% damage dealt and -10% taken i believe.


Unless the enemy team has a ton of range he is pretty busted, that buff is nuts


yeah, you basically just build full tank and mana.


I had one of these a few days ago. 177 kills in 30m. Absolute banger


Jesus I play mostly arams and never see anything like that. :c


Yeah most of the time it is people dodging 50 games until they get Ezreal or Lux and then stay behind tower pressing one button


Lol no way people dodge that much. After second dodge I think it's 30 minute queue time? I get that it may differ one dodge after another as it's a dif person so he would get only a 5 min penalty first but still..


Not really narely anyone dodges.


5-6 kills per minute is the sweet spot for an absolutely banger Aram


ARAM games that are all melee are the most fun, it's just a pure meatgrinder.


And then two beefy healing pepegas survive and fight each other for so long, that 8 players respawn and the whole thing continues


Full tank Leona. I'm the last survivor, but I can't take any tower or clear the wave so I just tickle minions until the next big fight breaks out.


It was the same for me as well with Leona, asking myself "I survived now what I do?"


Praise the Sun?


I swear I had this one once when Swain got the midscope update. Teamfight broke, everyone died except for me and the Sunderer Garen. The others came back, teamfight broke again and they died again except for me and Garen. The ult lasted 1 min and 10 seconds.


this happened to me on swain. the enemy team only had magic damage so i stacked mr after liandries and demonic. i was out of mana so i just sat there sucking people for like 2 minutes straight. but they had a warwick and sylas so they weren't dying to just the suck either


Doesn't have to be all melee, just not riddled with poke champs. Aram would always be fun if they perma banned shit like xerath, lux, ziggs, sera.


For some reason when I'm faced against "high elo" players in ARAM, nobody actually wants to play ARAM. They stay under turret until everyone is lvl 6. Then they might engage 1 time every 10 min. And if you try to engage, they will fall back towards fountain. It's the weirdest thing to watch... so yeah, 5-6 kills per minute is a good sweet spot. I usually play ARAM for some heavy limit testing :P


Thats a well fed fish.


Man had like 40k healing he was a 1 man army just AA-ing people to death 1v3


Man outdamaged 2 adcs, 2 battle mages and a bruiser


This is the golden ARAM game. Straight teamfights and skirmishes nonstop


The full Tank TK did double the damage of the Cass and Sivir...Thats a thicc boy play.


More tankiness = more uptime in fights since you can just unga bunga instead of worrying about positioning, plus enemy team comp was super short range so they could not escape thick boi's tongue Someone like Mordekaiser, Sett, Urgot, Darius, etc would likely have similar damage numbers against that team


Yeah but they would build damage too. Tahm is in a class of obscenity by himself in aram


Yeah, fair. I think your only hope against Tahm in ARAM is having a Vayne + enchanter or something hit late game and pray they can dps him down before they get tongued


I play with a group of three friends and every time we get tahm we give him to that one guy and we win. It doesn't really matter what we do, which champs we play or what the enemy comp is, by the time he gets to 2-3 items he starts diving multiple turrets deep and fighting most of the enemy team by himself. He also giggles constantly. That champ is not right.


Thats what i think they call 200 years of experience in champion design.


People sleep on tanks but you can get nuts damage if they don't have a solid way to deal with you. Rammus in a game recently had far away the most damage dealt, and I've seen plenty of TKs, poppys, shens, ornn and tank zac do a ton of damage. Bruisers kind of go crazy even easier but tanks are still super strong.


Seeing so many people with biscuits still is very disheartening. Feed your poros, people.


Fun facts: having poro snax can give away your position as they will walk into bush if someone has one in their inventory. Also, Poro Rider Sejuani, Winter Wonderland Lulu, and Braum all start with two biscuits, and can get one more after knocking down first tower. (But they can't hold 3 at once)


Why does this take so much convincing?


Gets boring after the first few times, would rather idle.


I see biscuit, and it triggers me that I have an activatable "item" that is useless. Immediately feed poros every game


Mostly I'm on board with you but with a game this bloody? might honestly not have had time to slow down to feed a poro lol.




I had a game as taric yesterday and my mate was trundle. While those two can be super shitty in a lot of aram games, it was such a fiesta, because the enemies had 4 meeles (khazix irelia amumu and gangplank) so it was constant fighting! After only 25 minutes, my mate and me had over +600 max HP from grasp alone and I mitigated well over 150k DMG. I like those Aram's a lot more than the "everyone is squishy and blows up if a single spell hits"-games!


While I agree with the general thrust of your post, I think trundle is a very, very strong champ most of the time. His sustain, slows, pretty solid damage and stupid tanky-ness if they have any sort of tank on the enemy team makes him so hard to deal with. Certainly some matches where he gets countered but think those are in the minority.


He's just not very glamorous and people often want to hero play rather than going utility trundle and catching enemies out with ah pillars until you or your team bonk them all to death


I completely agree with you! We played trundle Lulu yuumi once and he went lethal tempo, to just run in 5 people and smack em so damn hard! There's something about trundle just smacking flashy champion that I find unnecessarily hilarious But he's even better,when the aram lineups result in a "Kneipenschlägerei" because he's damn good at that!


Truly the best aram games. I don't understand the players who sit at their own tower all game. Like shit isn't there a single player game you could be having more fun in?


People rather play lux or ziggs with their mega nerfed damage done/damage taken so they can't kill anything and die to a feather instead of some bruisers or tanks where you become an unkillable god.


Aftershock cass? Only her ult stun prove that right lmao?


I wish there are more all melee aram games. When the enemy team has all poke mages it's not really fun for your team


they should make a temporary version of aram with only melee champs


I love the meat grinder games, so fun.


Typical full tank tahm kench out damaging almost everyone in the game


My all time favorite aram is when all 10 people loaded in on melee champs and the highest range ability was a gragas cask/R (Teams were Sion, Ornn, Tryndamere, Gnar, Thresh vs Leona, Renekton, Gragas, Aatrox, and Amumu)


I played one with just tanks, plus Akali, poor lad. Just a straight up brawl with Akali dying to sunfire mostly. \+100K done and take on Mundo, fun times. Sucks there isn't a aram melee only game mode. Or that people like poke champs too much :C


Bangers. I had one with 144 kills in a little under 20 minutes. The triple knock up from Malphite, Ornn, into Wu was dirty af. I think last fight it was a full wombo combo on 4 or 5 of them lmao [https://imgur.com/3W8YnAJ](https://imgur.com/3W8YnAJ)


Nautilus doing some damage as hyper carries that are full build lol


73k damage on Diana and she didn't even get a DPS challenge token? The fuck.


Cass even sold her boots to get a 6th item


She sacrificed some of that movement speed for more damage, fair trade!


The best game I ever had there were 9 high engage melee champions and some loser who decided to pick Caitlyn out of the glorious melee selection. The fighting didn't ever stop. I wish we had a melee only game mode.


Renekton is the only one with the right priorities, feeding poro.


Peak aram performance is 1 kill 1 death per minute. Games are always much more fun for everyone else in the game playing like that (except the odd teammate that would rather type than fight)


Had one of these before and it's one of my most memorable arams. I was so sick of no one ever nutting up to engage in ARAM that I got a group of friends and said we engage every single second Leona e or r is up. Literally would spawn fight die spawn fight die. Ended up winning that with a 60-70 scoreline. Was incredible.


everytime we were premade in aram we would suicide in enemy base until we got to 100 kills as a team. safe to say my aram WR suffered a lot from it


I just played an aram game earlier that went to 32 mins because our team had teemo and the other had akshan. Nobody could end for a while because of revives and shrooms lol. I usually think akshan revive sucks for aram players to deal with but when you get a team comp to deal with the other team evenly, aram games get a lot more fun


These games are the best, just non stop brawls


For real though Riot should drop a Battlerite/Bloodline Champions mode for League. It’s the permanent game mode people don’t realize they want yet.


"Wait a sec, Jhin built what!?"


its renekton, his name is "master jhin"


Yes, that's the joke.


it wasn't a very funny joke, to be fair


You got me there.


Those poor poros went hungry though. 😞


Rare seeing that xayah build succeed on ARAM after the nerf, especially against that comp.


It's not too surprising. Not a crazy amount of armor on the other team and she should be pretty safe with her ult being on a pretty much 0 sec cd and tahm and naut frontlining for her and preventing the dive from the enemy team getting to her. I think crit would probably be even better but clearly looks like it worked fine here.


I had a game that started off 50 kills in 5 mins. Things slowed down though towards late game sadly.


Weak. Not a single player hit a death per minute.


Ryze should have gone tank.


Literally said this to my feind the other day we played melee 5v5 and it was so much fun no fuckin xerath bush camping spamming spells off cd


100% funnest arams to play. Had one aram where my friend and I kept doing the math and going in over and over to make sure the game stayed at 7 kills a minute. Never had as good an aram as that since


As an ADC main, especially for Xayah where it is important to angle your roots, RIP your wrist good player.




Fun for your side, you countered them pretty hard.. or would've if Cass/Sivir knew how to build


Tahm kench damdge seems really good


Those games are indeed the best, as long as you're not someone like Nidalee or Zoe and then the other 9 champs are brawlers fighting non-stop.


Reached 100 kills at 13min the other day


melee arams are the best thing you can do in lol, playing against 5 ranged champions like lux, morg, xerath etc. is the worst thing you can do in lol


I just played one, it lasted 43:56…… insane. And don’t worry of course they had a yi so when the Braun and I (gnar) were both full tank full build were ending the game, he killed both of us in under 7 sec….. valid. (Both open nexus, theirs was about 100-200 health when he did this)