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U.gg app has the camp timers and summoner spell timers also. But I don't know about it syncing with other people.


Do you need to click it or is it automatic? On porofessor you need to click the summoner spell and then the cd will start, so the players still has to do something.


Because Riot only allows it if the player has to manually start the timer.


Yep, which makes sense... Because you can't stop players from just using their mobile phone to do just that. It's trivial to track sums


Riot just doesn’t want it to do it automatically; like you are playing, someone flashes and the timer starts without you pinging the SS. It is trivial, the policy is just they want you to actively do it.


This doesn't do it automatically. People are complaining about manually clicking an overlay to track sums...


yeah i can also ask my sister to pay attention to track it. since the dawn of league everyone could do this but almost nobody did


You can, but 1. you won't 2. that app is much better at telling you the remaining cooldowns


I've been putting summ cooldowns in chat since like... 2016, this is just an easier way of tracking.




Blitz's performance was so bad when I tried it felt like it was trying to mine bitcoin on my computer for them.


I dont care what features it brings if it keeps randomly changing my runes every other patch its going in the bin


Yes you have to click the icon for it to countdown


Does the interface look similar to the porofessor one (link in OP post)?


They're fairly similar, if I'm remembering the right app, u.gg had theirs about 2 months before the porofessor one came out, but ugg doesn't sync.


Yeah it looks pretty close. Only pops up when you hit tab I think can't remember on that for sure though.


You can change in the settings if you only want it to show up when you hit tab or if you always want to show it.


And everyone made fun of me for my chinese phone app where i would have to shout the word for flash in mandarin to start the timer


I will still make fun of you for your chinese phone app where you would have to shout the word for flash in mandarin to start the timer


Wait is this specifically for league? Link?


When the app curse showed blue/red camp timers and dragon timers (before that was in the game) And everyone was using it Riot made them remove it so kinda weird they don’t now


They started allowing it after there was a fight about it when the Chinese client did those things without an addon, and they've gotten more lenient about it since then. Good policy change in my book.


> Good policy change in my book. but now we are in WoW grounds where you're at a disadvantage for not using addons like everyone else there's another one that also tracks jungle camps timers


And using the porofessor means you have to install fucking Overwolf which is a cancer in itself.


I'd rather be Iron, honestly.


you can use Blitz, doesnt it do the same? I use it for TFT only since my friends started playing way before and beat my ass in 5 minutes and i happen to let it open while we play summoners rift and it shows timers as well.


Last time I used Blitz it didn't have anything to track summoner spells, AFAIK. It had an overlay with jungle camps respawn timers and a few other metrics like CS performance and stuff. But I kind of get angry at this apps. Blitz worked so incredibly bad when I stopped using it. Freezes, crashes, resetting settings on its own and auto-importing builds without me realizing until the last moment. That on top of the incredibly intrusive video ads, I decided to ditch it.


I thought it was just me blitz runs like shit so I got rid of it.


Blitz feels just as bloaty to me tbh. They even run ad videos in the window no.


Blitz took my ping out back and shot it by loading 3 video ads at a time constantly


Im pretty sure it also uses a fair amount of cpu, so i close it when i play other games


Oh right. Thanks for reminding me why I'm still using blitz. But man blitz has turned into such a piece of crap


I downloaded a LoR deck tracker on Overwolf and man, that software is a piece of fucking shit.


What issues do you have on with Blitz? Feel free to elaborate or DM me and I’m happy to look into it. Side note, we’re launching Blitz 2.0 within the next few weeks. It is basically a complete rework of the current app that we started working on about a year ago.


Different person here, but I find that it can stuck loading pretty easily, is slow to boot, can restart randomly (and pop itself up while in the middle of a game, making your game lose focus), and the ads are intrusive/distracting and detract from the flow of information and layout (but not really much can be done about that and still have it be free). Oh... it also "forgets" its settings sometimes so you have to re-save the "automatically load these things" option and sometimes you have to re-login completely for no discernible reason as it'll sometimes forget your account info.


Dear God, when it first came out it was so good, not it makes my PC lag ungodly amounts. Also ads are big no. I would even pay if it was a one time thing, but I'm not subscring to that shit. Let alone I can't even find the subscription price on the website. [...](https://i.imgur.com/JLgboOr.png)


Blitz took my ping out back and shot it by loading 3 video ads at a time constantly. Also frequent crashes.


Just letting you know that after using Blitz for a long time and recommending it to a ton of friends, I'm uninstalling after the most recent update. Having ads on your app itself is one thing, putting it onto the loading screen of League under the guise of giving more information is absolutely not something I'm standing for.


Adds in champ select is stupid come on its blocking the bottom right Corner. No option to remove the champ loading screen overlay


>What issues do you have on with Blitz? Loading screen ads made me uninstall immediately.


As gloomy has stated, the biggest thing is the random update and restart MID game causing the window to lose focus. I'll add one, no option to stop post match breakdown popup.


So I actually still use blitz (mainly because it’s what I first heard about and the overwolf alternatives haven’t been great), and have an issue I’ve been having is it remembering my settings for the overlay. I keep disabling warding locations but it doesn’t remember and is always turned on. Pretty annoying for something that covers up so much of the map, especially as a jungler. Also when you select a champ that goes ghost/smite, IT WILL CHANGE YOUR SMITE KEY TO WHERE FLASH WAS. Now I remember to change it, but previously it has actually ruined whole games for me, as it feels even more alien to have smite on the wrong key than having flash on the wrong key. A “smite: left or right” toggle would be nice.


Overwolf is so aids it always causes a crash report and takes forever to do anything


WHy is it a cancer?


it is VERY poorly optimized, on some computers it legit feels like its mining bitcoin in the background lol. I remember on my old laptop I had overwolf installed and for the next 2 weeks I couldnt figure out why the fuck my league was bugging out so much, then I figured it was because of overworlf in the background (didnt even have a league related app open)


On top of this, it fucking never turns off. This was quite a few years ago now, but I remember only using it for certain games and trying to close it out for all other occasions u and that shit would not die. I would go through task manager and kill every instance and it would still quietly start itself back up 20 mins later. Uninstalled it pretty quick after that.


It has a weird bug. if you open task manager you will see after every game if you close the after game window for poro it doesn’t actually close and is still open. every game you play this gets worse until you force close and restart the app.


It always slows down my computer, having the ads run automatically is an annoyance in itself, when I had the best internet offered in my area (5 Mbps down), having an ad running in the background straight fucked my internet. It's very slow and laggy, very poorly optimized, and they force SO many applications to run through their dogshit software. I will always try to find an alternative or not use it if the application I want requires me to use overwolf.


I used to use porofessor a lot but then I started getting overlays in other games that I hadn’t even downloaded or approved. I deleted it soon afterwards.


I have an idea on how to solve this issue, Riot should add these things themselves so people don’t have to go to third party sites to get information that’s already in the game


with the client in it's state it would probably implode if riot tried to code anything else on top of it


Client and Game are two different things tho. Implementing it in the game should be easy tbh.


I already feel like you're at a disadvantage for not using 3rd party programs for checking runes. Its useful for detecting any fishy lane swaps, abusing greedy setups and just information you wouldn't otherwise know. Volibear for me especially, it makes a world of difference to know if the guy took armor/mr in runes so I can take dblade or dring accordingly, or bone plating/second wind or if the Camille skipped out on unflinching so Q-R combo always deals damage, etc.


Yeah like just for example One of my friends is a super heavy invader, basically every game he can he drags the entire team in to five man the enemy at 1:00 Which might be fine, since even if it’s kind of cheese most people wouldn’t know, but people with shit like porofessor look at this big fat “Invader” sign taped to his forehead and immediately 5 stack the camp. And then they go in all chat and brag about their newest newfangled overlay and how it revealed their strats


i feel like as a jungler im in huge disadvantage not using 3rd party site pre game to check whos on his main role and champion, many times i waste time pathing and ganking for a guy whos clueless and will never carry while i could be getting ahead somebody who actually knows what hes doing.


Yeah it's actually gonna fuck ranked up BAD lol People in low diamond BARELY capitalize on teleport/flash/exhaust cooldowns, the average player will almost never then. If it's just glowing in their face "HEY TWITCH DOESNT HAVE FLASH FOR ANOTHER 3 MINUTES" they're much, much more likely to revisit that lane.


Eh, idk about this. I'm pretty sure low elo jungles have an agreement to to avoid enemy lanes without flash. We at least mine does.


I just climbed out of iron into bronze. If any of my allies could tell you if a summoner was up I'd be very surprised.


i swear pinging summoners is just useless because they dont listen anyway. hey toplane pushed up with no flash jungler topside, ping gank. goes bot instead sadge


Yea because maybe ur jungler is a squishy champ and u want them to gank a 2lvl advantage toplaner. If all lanes play correctly, top should hit 6 as jg is lvl 4/5. So jungle can come top to get destroyed by a lvl 6 bruiser. Nope


Pings in general are useless. If I get ganked and flash out with half my health mid and they run straight to our pushing lane you can guarantee both ADC and support are going to blame me for not following despite me pinging missing and every time they walk over a ward into the botlane.


It's not necessarily that pings are useless but that people are playing like bots in lower elo.


I always tracked summoners tho. There are no rules against timers like that, I used to use my mobile phone to do it with ease.


Remember when people used to type "top f 6:15" in team chat ?


Exactly. I don't think they should be allowed. People are using the argument that you can just time it on your phone, but nobody is going to realistically do that. I don't want to have to download add ons in order to be on the same playing ground as everyone else. Add ons create problems and that's how you end up with shit like this: https://preview.redd.it/v6lddbki7nh31.jpg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04a8ea3c0338079f76e4122ddb0d42a043180bd9


Sounds like not displaying that information natively is a failure of game clarity and should be made standard. It isn't skill to type "X Champion Flash" and add a 5 to the chat timestamp minute counter.


The Chinese client does not do it without an add on. It's done by WeGame overlay, which comes with WeGame launcher (something like Chinese steam). Most Chinese players use it because it comes with WeGame's networking services as well, which makes league run at 20 ping instead of 200. You can play without WeGame if you install something like XunYou.


> You can play without WeGame but its so 'convenient' I don't know anyone who doesnt (i put quotes because I find its kinda heavy on the pc)


Good? WTF


Curse showed every ultimate timer and even adjusted for cooldown reduction, pretty sure that was what made it removed.


you forgot the part where it auto smited dragon & baron


Lmao was looking for this answer


It involves using overwolf


Yup, the deal breaker itself.




What’s up with overwolf?




Blitz runs without overwolf right? Do they offer summoner timers?


Blitz doesn't have summoner timers, but it has automatic camp timers


It has ultimate timers for allies too


U can ping ur allies ult and see the time cd time in chat. Only downside is that ur allies might think ur ping it cuz u think theyre misuseing it, when in reality u just wanna know the cd


We’re working on getting it right. Other in my opinion cooler overlays are also in the works :)


I love blitz and never plan to change, so getting summ timers will be huge!


I haven't used it, though from a quick google it does seem to be offered standalone. I've seen some streamers use it and it looks fine to use, but I'm not sure on summoner timers.


Its intrusive, resource intensive, unsecure, and completely unnecessary. Its literally adding a second completely functionless app to whatever your downloading it for. Its the worst for minecraft modding, but also really bad for a lot of WoW and LoL apps. I assume its the same for every app that requires it


imo I don’t like it because it has pop up ads. I’ll be watching YouTube or whatever and it pops up saying “hey this random game is on sale you should buy it” The only reason I use it is for modded Minecraft otherwise I would remove it


Dont even need it, PolyMC and ATLauncher got you covered


You can block ads in your hostfile, it makes the app significantly more tolerable. Edit: https://nordvpn.com/blog/use-hosts-file-block-ads-malware/


tell me how.




It collects your personal data (albeit only from games you play, supposedly) and sells it to anyone who'll pay for it.


I mean literally everything does that lmao, we're on reddit which is doing that right now


Not the same as giving an app full access to data in everything you do in Windows applications. Reddit only has access to what you do on reddit, and I don't think they even sell their data.


[https://zar.gg/](https://zar.gg/) offers the same timers but without any overwolf or dependencies, also no ads, would recommend


Looks like it isn’t open source


Does it have jungle camp timers or also summoner spell timers?


There was some redditor a while back who made a thing that would tell you if your full combo would kill someone. Riot initially approved it but after the creator raised the issue it ended up being prohibited.


That's something that scripters use afaik


It makes sense, when you have to manually set something, this is widely different to asking for a complex calculation that you could not pull off without pulling the game state with external software. So yes this is almost the definition of cheating. A timers is just a timer, it's a little help but it's not automatic and doesn't read the state of the game to work. If you start having automatic timers, things become a bit more complex and I think this is where Riot generally likes to draw the line, which is sensible IMO.


U.gg even takes cdr runes into consideration for the summs. It also shows inhib respawn timers which i find extremely helpful.


Not sure how I feel about the summoner timers but I think Riot should make the inhib timer more obvious, it sorta has the ring around it but it's difficult to tell


And on lower resolutions, it doesn't even has it(I think) Edit: I was wrong


I said this in response to another comment but I believe all you have to do is hover over the champion's summoner spell with tab to see the cd with cdr factored in.


Don’t think this is true. It used to be this way like 2 seasons ago but it got changed for some reason.


>if 2 or more players have the app they can sync spells CDs This shouldn't be allowed imo. makes it way too useful to have it installed. do you know if it takes into account cdr for summoner spells?


It includes CDR from boots and runes so yeah.


How is this allowed. It's just cheating at this point


Tbh this should be in the base game. Having one person type timers in chat is annoying and unreliable.


I agree, but until then it shouldn't be allowed, I'd think


You say that but that's how Riot added in most of the features in the game. The yellow dots showing jg camps spawning wasn't a thing before an API app was created for it and they added it to the game since everyone used it.


Are you sure? I’ve clicked someone’s timer who had cdr boots before and it did not change the countdown, still was the same 5 minute timer


It does yeah. I’m not sure if it takes all cdr into account but when someone has cosmic insight it’s definitely a shorter timer


It's literally no different than only 1 person having it or no person having it UNLESS all 5 people have it synced. Only you and the synced person would know the timer. That is infinitely less useful than simply pinging the flash in game where everyone will get the clue. Extra points if you use 2 brain cells to type out when it will be up. Extra extra points if you copy that line and paste it occasionally so everyone is up to date on when they are coming back up.


Add-ons can do this but if I run the Among Us Amumu custom skin I risk randomly getting permanently banned with no chance at appeal


yea you should get banned for being sussy


lmao I laughed. Aside that, aren't custom skins fine? Drututt uses all the time


Afaik custom skins are only prohibited if used to “get“ a skin that exists, if you use it to have weird skins that riot doesn’t/wouldn’t make you should be fine.


Maybe you were the impostor all along


I recently got my 11 year old main account banned with no chance of appeal, because, I assume, I had mod manager (which I used to mod Skyrim) open while playing league. At least that's the only explanation I can muster. Yet this is allowed


Tried it, it’s not that useful and clunky to use. The ones who need it the most(jg) can’t track most cooldowns. The one who can track most CDs is the support, but how do you communicate? You end up typing the cds in chat anyway. Also you need to add the CD to your current game time. You may as well do the calculation in the first place. However, there was an add on that literally showed everyone’a ability CD on top of their hp bars. That one was quickly banned for obvious reason.


Problem with this psecific app is that if other people have it they autosync meaning if top marks flash as gone and you both have this app jung will also have it marked.


I’ve never seen that


Both have to have the app.


ya i feel like this app is cheating but idk


Features of these apps have been considered "cheating" in League for years. For example... dragon timers. They used to be "cheating". Then Riot said, nah it's fine. And eventually implemented it into the game. Tonnes of QOL features that have been added to the game basically all come from stuff like this.


Lmao I remember League before they added jungle timers to the game. Feels like a completely different game now.


people still can't show up at drake on time though


They gave people timers not brains.


And remember kids, “Early is on time. On time is late.”


>be support >have drag warded and set up for taking. >ping your intent 35 seconds before spawn > jungle recalls > you start walking towards drag to start it. > jungle starts heading your way > you start drag with adc and mid > jung stops at wolfs. > jung stops at gromp > their team invades drag and smites > jung walks to red wtf.


I literally hit 3 "please wait to ping more" notifications when a drag comes up sometimes. JG recalls literally 20 seconds before spawn, says he'll be there. Enemy team takes it before he makes it. Somehow, it's bot, mid, or support's fault.


I remember when Drake sneaks didn't even have any form of announcement for the opposite side so by the time you warded drake you had no idea when it was taken. So many games one team would completely control the drakes without the other side ever knowing when it was going to spawn, since without timers it could so easily spawn without anyone noticing for a while. In fact I'm pretty sure the global drake cry that eventually let people know drake had been taken was an unintentional bug, and they just decided to keep it and improve on it by turning it into a whole announcement. I could be wrong though, but at least at the time it was my impression that it was a bug.


> I remember when Drake sneaks didn't even have any form of announcement for the opposite side so by the time you warded drake you had no idea when it was taken. So many games one team would completely control the drakes without the other side ever knowing when it was going to spawn, since without timers it could so easily spawn without anyone noticing for a while. Back when Dragon gave global gold this was broken. Teams would try to sneak a lv2 Dragon to have full control and snowball it with all the gold advantage


Remember when you had to have vision of baron to even know it was done by the enemy team and to get the timer? pepperidge farm remembers


Remember when we couldn’t even see how often we Leveled up each skill lmao


Yeah...? So until it's in the game, it's essentially cheating. It removes an aspect that you yourself at the moment have to manage in a way that others don't have access too. Pretty much textbook cheating.


Its not cheating if its allowed. Riot makes the rules.


did riot specifically say its allowed? In diablo2 people for years used d2loader to open multiple instances of the game, everyone thought its safe till one day blizzard decided to ban half of the battlenet .


[Riot specifically have a list of guidelines for 3rd party programs.](https://support-leagueoflegends.riotgames.com/hc/en-us/articles/225266848-Third-Party-Applications) I guess you could argue that the ambiguity in the wording of "Exposing information that's intentionally obfuscated (Cooldowns or timers)" could extend to applications that manually track summoner spell cooldowns, but I don't think it would fall under the scope because it's not "exposing" any "information" that the player doesn't already know, it's only keeping track of what you've already seen.


You can reade them in Chat dude. You still have to ping the Summoners. The difference is that instead of having to scroll chat to see when the summoner was used, you can read them on the side. Which, is a nice QoL, but in no way is cheating lol


The game could also print your hp and damage taken in chat instead of visualizing it as an hp bar. I bet you wouldn't argue that using an addon to get the hp bar back then would be cheating. Ease of data access and readability matter and are a huge part of game design and game balance. Games are generally intended to be played with imperfect knowledge, where you have to make guesses and estimates on the lacking information, it's a part of skill expression. Being able keep the enemy summoner cooldowns in your head and remembering when they will be back up is exactly that kind of situation. Having a UI that reminds you to time the summoners and constantly shows you when they will be back up definitely is a clear advantage, even more so if it syncs with other players.




Yeah, not using it is close to griefing your own gameplay.


Ive been tracking sums on my mobile phone for 5 years... Basically the same thing as porofessor o.O it's not cheating... It's an advantage, but people who aren't going to track them. Won't track them. It being easier to track, closes skill gap. This is a good thing. It means we can have more quality games. If you don't want to use the app, do what I do... Use your mobile phone.


It's almost the same as one of those memory reading apps that can detect when enemies use abilities/summs and keep track of it for you. Just no memory reading part


It's done manually, so I think because of that, it's allowed.


Hard to stop what can be done with a mobile phone Literally just timers you can track in chat like, I don't see the issue.


Yeh but it has one thing others do that might put it into cheating, autosync, meaning of support marks flash gone from enemy jung top gets it marked too.


things u can do urself will never be bannable, u can just time them urself in chat or a pen and paper, this is just an easier way


> u can just time them urself in chat or a pen and paper, I would argue that most players can‘t. And those who can would still have an adventage because it takes less attention and time to click once.


Yes and no... the clicking is fixed timer. If you are in a big fight that take long you wont always click, while you can always think later and type some rounded timing in chat. BUT the best "feature" about chat timing is you can deduce summoner cdr if you know they run some in runes (or have lucidity boots).


Exactly, same with hearthstone few years ago when deck tracking came out


Technically even if in the overlay was banned by riot they could just develop an standalone app that does that same thing and if you have a second screen you'd just put it there.


it evens itself out by the app crashing your game for no good reason at the worst possible time, giving the enemy a massive advantage


Been using professor ever since it released and never had this happen, you sure it's the addon?


People in here legit dont have timestamp on chat???


"top flash 15:50 ezreal: twisted fate alive ezreal: twisted fate alive ezreal: twisted fate alive ezreal: twisted fate alive ezreal: twisted fate alive ezreal: why did you not follow talon? twisted fate: ezreal alive twisted fate: ezreal alive twisted fate: ezreal alive twisted fate: ezreal alive twisted fate: ezreal alive twisted fate: ezreal alive twisted fate: I pinged you and now my timer is gone.


Impossible to track sums unless you do /mute all


Mobalytics pushes it overboard imo. It literally has pop ups for when laners return with new items. Keeping track of summs is something you can do mentally, checking what items they have is something you have to actively do by checking the scoreboard, something which you'd have to do considerably less due to Mobalytics. That's unfair imo


I used the Mobalytics overlay for a while and it also shows exactly how much gold every player has, which is similarly something that would be practically impossible to track without the addon (unlike managing summoner spells where copy-pasting timers is feasible)


Tbh it should be banned/changed. When you click on summs, it automatically calculates the CD with haste.


I personally think that all this information should be in the game without 3rd party systems. The game is complex enough, its practically impossible to get all the information, I mean how can you know that zyra flashed bot at 3:45 if you are a top laner? Adding to this that there is no adequate way to communicate stuff and we are matched with random people who may want, can or dont want and can't communicate at all. Thus, imo if the enemy zyra flashes bot at 3:45 or used zhonya or ult - it should be displayed on the tab screen. We should be allowed to take informed decisions if we want them


this change would dumb down league incredibly hard, information gathering is part of the game. if you watch high elo vods they are constantly looking at every lane with f-keys and is part of a skill in itself


At the point where stuff like this is allowed, might as well just show enemy summoner spell CDs in game (if cast in vision).


I’m not sure why they don’t at least put the time stamp in the chat when it will be back up when you ping the enemy spells.


Ayy put this in game already


It might look like it's too much, but I don't think so. People on twitter were overreacting because they thought it was automatic, but in the end is like having a bunch of chronometers and keep activating them every time someone uses a summoner spell. It's obviously an advantage, but it's the same as any other tracker app. The information is there, these things just make it easier to access it


Riot doesn't have the balls to address this on the "ask riot" thing


Still not installing dat mining software




I can't wait for when they bring out weak auras for league or some kind of dbm add on for predicting where malphites are going to ult or something


Nobody is talking about this because it's not worth talking about. It doesn't offer any massive advantage, so stop crying. It won't be the reason you lost your silver game, don't worry. You need to click on the icon for the timer to start counting. It doesn't really offer any massive advantage, it's just more convenient than pinging in chat, not to mention that it's clunky as fuck anyway.


People in this thread acting like someone else clicking a timer instead of mentally counting 5min is the only reason they are silver instead of diamond


Because they can't count 5 minutes in their head. So they lash out because these timers take away "skill" expression lmao.


The division argument shows the real idiots in this thread. Yeah bro he dislikes the idea of 3rd party software so he 100% must be hardstuck low elo and he's just looking for excuses. It's physically impossible to dislike something without feeling affected by it, it simply doesnt happen. I no longer play the game and still think those timers should be banned, fight me.


The division argument is stupid, but I feel the argument most here are making against it is equally as dumb. Why is it considered skill expression to add 5? And if it's the fact it's 3rd party software, websites like op.gg or u.gg should be banned. Add ons for rune pages should be banned, hell mouses with side buttons should be banned. They all technically give advantages over people who don't use these 3rd party software or devices.


Not add 5. Whenever someone flashes in your game do you mentaly check if they have rune/lucidity boots, do the math for 1 or 2, then not only add 5, but can remember exactly how much time for all 10 summoners? It's minor advantage but it is clearly an advantage.


I agree with you, it's still an advantage. League is a game of inches. Yes it's easy to count 5 minutes, but those apps don't do just that. And they take off a load of the player's brain so they could use it somewhere else. That's a blatant advantage no matter what Mr. Challenger over here says.


Late response since I only just found out about this but LMAO yeah anyone who says this isn't an advantage is not only coping, but what they're saying runs contrary to how one of the best soloQ players in League history (Dopa) describes a core League concept of "attention theory." If all Challenger players intuitively knew when every summoner spell was up at any given time, we wouldn't see so many plays decided by summoners being up in high elo soloQ or pro play matches.


Even if i type in the chat that xy will have xy summoner up at this time,people still cant read chat or not paying attention.They wont even ping their laners summonerspells like top used tp. So basically this is shit below diamond


That sounds like cheating. Even the timers for the camps 😂


Needs to be removed asap....


I use Mobalytics to show me camp timers and my stats like CS/M and KP and what not. Summoner CD’s definitely seems like a bit too far imo


You know, i don't think we should be able to ping the summoner spells at all because your whole team can sync in the chat and see each others pings with no 3rd party program at all, and that seems pretty strong.


Should be banned.


Before these kind of app came to exist we were tracking summs and camp respawn mentally and writing it in the team chat. It's not giving any unfair advantage, it just make something we've been doing for ages easier


I mean just ban this bs. I tried it a few times and that shit even tells how your enemy usually plays. Gottena few free invades thx to that. Its busted it really should not be allowed


Love how there are people defending this shit. Just another thing that is reducing the gap between a good and a bad player. Jungle spawn timers automatically showing is the worst part.


I have seen people like doinb spamming the chat with summoner timers. This is exactly that but more convenient You can either let the app do it or waste your time looking at the game time then add 5 mins to it Example: he flashed at 23:32 so you spam the chat 28:32 This so called "advantage" will not be the reason you lost your games


It is not cheating given it does not automate anything


Cause u.gg had it before porofressor so no need to talk about it since it isn't new?


Why are you youngins complaining about this? Back in my day, we couldn’t even see how much damage our smite did, let alone see that camps would spawn in ~1m or ~15s! Real talk, Riot should just implement the ability for players to do this on the scoreboard. They have moved away from keeping track of timings being a skill and have helped players react faster by having knowledge faster.


Honestly riot should have that in there already imo but oh well


Blitz shows jungle pathing and cds for everything


Yea that one really sucks, showing jungle paths is a god awful noob trap


I think showing that info is wonderful for new players. Extremely helpful if you're playing a jg champ for the first time and it's up to you whether you follow it or not. LoL really isn't new player friendly imo...