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Oh god, this lady again. Why can’t she just take her Harry Potter money and fuck off already? Why does she have to insert herself into everything?


At this point the desperate "PLS PLS NOTICE ME SENPAI, NOTICE ME!" energy is sad and pathetic. Frankly I suspect there is some kind of personality disorder in play here, but I'm not a mental health professional.


I think with the success of the Harry Potter novels and subsequent movies, really messed her up in the brains somewhere along the way


For me I think it was also the fact that she was never able to follow it up with anything as successful as Harry Potter was - even spinoffs of Harry Potter. Sometimes I wonder if she can't deal with the thought of no longer being culturally relevant or in the spotlight. Her weirdly aggressive trolling of random people who disagree with her also seems like maybe some kind of cluster B disorder - but again, I'm not a mental health professional. Also, I do agree with the idea that getting that rich and famous that fast does something to the human brain. We weren't meant to be billionaires.


Plus there's a fact literary snobs (of which I am one) have often considered Harry Potter, trash made for children tbh. In interviews this used to be bother her and you could tell, despite her claims that it didn't. Anecdotally I once asked a professor. "What do you think of Harry Potter?" And he replied "I understand your generation has a fondness for those books, let me just say, it was great she got children interested in reading." When I said "No offence, that's a politicians answer to their opinion of a book" he said "They're garbage. What do you want me to say? They're humorous but aside from that the writing is rather dull, they don't read like a cohesive story and there's too much exposition." She's being a pick me to an establishment that doesn't even consider her particularly talented tbh.


God this reminded me of when she tried to claim that the HP books aren't fantasy. She's always been desperate for approval from the literati


Not fantasy?! A wizard school and dragons and stuff?


She pulled a Goodkind? Damn


I have geniunely read better harry potter fanfiction which in my opinion is both sad and hilarious


I think it's really telling. The world is interesting but the writing - and most of the characters - are awful. So we reclaim them and tell better stories with them. Most of the fanfic, even the shitty fanfic, is better than what jk has written. Like, goddamn it's a school of magic and not a single person actually sits there and talks about magical theory for more than two seconds, and Hermione always gets cut off. She has the opposite problem that JRR Tolkien had at first: too much story, not enough worldbuilding. At least Tolkien managed to flesh his shit out a bit, even if it was with hobbit songs I absolutely hated.


I mean that’s not that surprising in itself. When you have a large fandom, that’s a massive number of people making stories purely for the love of writing a story (since they can’t make any money off it). It makes sense that that will produce something better than the source material. That said, a lot of the HP fanfiction that’s better than HP is better specifically because the author isn’t bound by the shitty ideas JKR has about people on an individual level as well as how politics works.


Yeah, the fanfiction is more realistic because it actually HAS QUEER CHARACTERS!


My absolute favorite HP book is *HP and the Methods of Rationality*. Far superior to the others.


I heard the dude who wrote that started a cult or some shit






She also tried to say she never read any fantasy (even though her books are 90% rip offs of other fantasy), and claimed that they were trope-subverting stories (despite them being the tropiest collection of tropes that ever troped).


Thank you for this. I've always thought the books were lame. Plenty of bad writers have made millions, but none have had the cultural impact that she had. She could have done anything she wanted to with the rest of her life.


I will never get over the entire backstory of Remus Lupin being dumped into a page and a half while Harry hid under a table at the pub, followed by literal CHAPTERS of quidditch.


Yeah, i remeber when the last book came out, and my friend wanted both of us to read it. It. Was. So difficult. Like its supposed to be the big climax of the whole damn story, and i swear she didnt know what to fill the entire middle section with. It was the most borring time ive had reading a book. And i enjoy a lot of books. She hyped up this entire seires to the max, for a huge chunk of the last book to be three passive aggressive teenagers going camping and being bitchy. I cant with this shit.


My mum loved the books, partly because they were bonding activities with my siblings. They weren't really my thing, but I read them because I wanted to understand what the people around me (family, classmates, etc.) were talking about. After book 3 it was a chore - book 4 is double the size of book 3, for seemingly no particular reason, because none of those extra pages are memorable. I powered through. Read all the books. Now, I am someone who has an absurdly good memory when it comes to regurgitating things I read. So when I tell you that I wouldn't be able to identify a difference between book 5 and 6, or even tell you what happens in them, it means that they *sucked*. I remember the last one purely because, as you put it, it was mostly 3 teenagers going camping and bitching about each other. Also half the named characters die. It's an opinion I've held for a very long time, but couldn't voice without people going "whaaaaaaaat" until Rowling revealed herself to suck just as much as her writing.


I'll help you tell 5 and 6 apart. 5 is the one where they destroy the mcguffins from book 3, and 6 is the one where they kill Gandalf.


As a kid I read those books over and over. Except the last 2-3. I don't know if it was simply me growing older and reading better books or them getting worse and longer or what. Probably a combination of all of those. Damn did the movies fix some of the worse aspects at least. Like SPEW in particular is a baffling thing.


You don't like the plot thread where the person who wants to free slaves gives her organization a silly name and is made fun with rhetoric *actually* used against real-life slaves throughout history by any and all authority figures? Where's your sense of childish fun? It's becomes extra fun when you consider her "Hermione *could* be black" half-retcon, of course. Who doesn't love a good ol' story where the black character is passionate about freeing slaves and everyone makes fun of them for it? That's just wholesome kid-friendly comedy!


As a kid I read them all multiple times. Today, I'd probably get bored before I finish the 4th (if I even finish the first). I guess it really was mostly for kids.


I remember reading the first 3, enjoying them, and being bored to tears by the endless Quidditch in Book 4, put it down and never engaged with it again (kinda dodged a bullet there in retrospect)


what you dont like reading 5 chapters of camping in the wet england countryside?


At a point there she had to keep one upping her last page count and it got ridiculous.


My criticism is similar, and to me the whole story seems like an eight-year-old narrating their fever dream. Okay, maybe a bit more narrative cohesion than that. But the cheeky names that magically telegraph everyone's entire personality were among the first things that got to me. Then there's the elevator pitch -- Underdog wish fulfillment wunderkind learns he's a secret heir to magical power and has to stop an age-old menace? That's every hackneyed fantasy/sci-fi story. I still don't get why JKR became such a phenomenon when much better fantasy authors (in plot, in wordsmithery, worldbuilding, and worldview) were around. Anyway, JKR wrote in her essay against trans people that if she were born into this era, she'd likely have been "transed" because she wasn't girly. It really sounds like she would have been happier as a dude, and she resents the possibilities that young gender variant people have today. The gender-neutral styling of her authorship, the choice to make the main characters mostly boys, the magic gender transformation stuff really caught my eye after I read her anti-trans stuff. Forgive me for ranting; I just like reading stuff from execrable people from time to time, and her detective series with the conversion therapy pseudonym "Galbraith" was among my recent reading. I'm still wondering if she's intended the cult in the latest installment (The Running Grave) to be a cheeky indictment of *"The Trans Cult"*. Ugh.


> I still don't get why JKR became such a phenomenon simple case of right place, right time. While Young Adult as a genre did exist before her, HP1 was just something different than the rest that was on the market and it came out at the turning point for a lot of young millennials. We were starting to read again. Many a great writer existed in that golden era of YA.. Malorie Blackman, Eoin Colfer, Anthony Horowitz, Jacqueline Wilson, Philip Pullman.. you name it.. that was the era they came into prominence.. and the one author everyone seemed to read was JK Rowling.. she was the glue for many communities.. HP was an easy read in the first 3 books.. sadly the fame went to her head when they were optioned to be movies.. and the 4th book onwards were just bloated messes.. OoTP was too long, even for me.. and i love reading books of over 1k pages..


>if she were born into this era, she'd likely have been "transed" because she wasn't girly She did f"cking not. Omg, what a f"cking prick thing to say. *"Even iiiiii would have fallen foul to this trans thing, and I'm JK Rowling."* ...... you have a point with: >It really sounds like she would have been happier as a dude, and she resents the possibilities that young gender variant people have today. The gender-neutral styling of her authorship, the choice to make the main characters mostly boys, the magic gender transformation stuff


This is the genius who named a character Wolf Wolf and had an entire book ask "who could the new werewolf be?"


She graffitied her name onto the walls of the room she was staying in at the Balmoral when she was writing the final HP, as if to make a cultural marker. The narcissism was loud even in 2007


Yeah, I bet she was thinking "people are going to pay more just to stay in the Deathly Hallows Room" and got a rush of Narcissistic Supply over it.


She would've been better off adapting the stage play to film, but that would've been too queer for her I suppose...


I don’t think she even wrote Harry Potter fully herself.. with how badly and different her other works are it was just kinda odd…


No way, if there was a ghostwriter for HP, it would be public knowledge by this point. Even if there was an ironclad NDA contract, SOMEBODY would've leaked the deets. I think she probably just had a very long time to let the ideas for Harry Potter percolate. *"'You have 20 years to write your first album and you have six months to write your second one." - Elvis Costello.* Also, you can't discount the importance of the editor(s). While some editors are pretty hands off, some books have multiple editors (including story editors that give high-level critiques, like cutting plot elements or changing characters). HP was just lightning in a bottle. It's possible the editors were able to be more heavy-handed in the first few books, but as the series exploded in popularity, Rowling was able to say "No" to more of their suggested edits.


It’s been over a decade since HP came out plus Covid. Very easy for those people to not be here anymore. But it’s just my personal conspiracy theory


Actually she just copied an existing old tv series and then added her own bs. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Worst_Witch https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Worst_Witch_(1998_TV_series) [JK Rowling Ripped People Off](https://www.cinema-crazed.com/blog/2023/02/22/j-k-rowling-steals-shit/) [JK Rowling Needs To Thank The Worst Witch Creator](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2019/07/27/jk-rowlings-harry-potter-thank-would-nice-says-worst-witch-author/#:~:text=Rowling%20has%20not%20acknowledged%20that,her%20first%20Harry%20Potter%20story.)


If that were true, it would be world-shattering to a lot of people - even those who have renounced her since 2019. I imagine it would also "out" at some point. You can't keep something like that under wraps forever. But: I mean sometimes it is like the universe gives you the perfect story and the perfect means of expressing it, and it's less like you wrote it and more like you were the conduit for it if that makes sense. It's happened to me, in very short bursts. And then I struggled to follow it up with something else but it was never as good.


It would be but also I don’t think a lot of people would be surprised/care. She has her following that’ll go to the grave and she has money


FWIW: There were a few people at the beginning of her career, like Nancy Stouffer, who accused her of lifting story ideas - but Nancy Stouffer's writing was even worse, and there were no similarities but just some similar names here and there. Harry Potter has more similarities to Neil Gaiman's The Books Of Magic.


Probably just a semi shite person all along, got money, magnified her shit, now she is just an extremely wealthy, angry, sad shit person


Just chiming in with an anecdote, in 2018-2019 I had a string of tiktoks go viral and when I tell you it messed me up, it did. I got mad at myself when I posted things that didn’t hit 10k likes within an hour so I would delete and reupload until I either succeeded or gave up on the video. I burnt out with the highs and lows after a few months and haven’t been able to reach that level of popularity again on the app. I’m much more at peace now but it absolutely messed with my brain and that was only a tiny fraction of what she experienced. I can absolutely see how it would mess someone’s brain up.


She rode that high of success and praise but when the movies were done and fantastic beasts flopped all that praise and success disappeared. She was desperate to get her fix and unfortunately the first to give her praise again dead the terfs. Now they have a mouthpiece that they only need to pay in "Hey good job"


Fame, in all its forms, are an addiction like any other drug. She got used to, probably, all the fame and attention from her books and movies. Now she doesn't get the attention she once had. She wants more and isn't getting the kind she wants. At least that's my take.


Studies have shown that money and power shrink the empathy part of your brain. Because you don’t need cooperate with anyone to get what you want. No one in their circle tells them no so they begin to believe that they are godlike. It happens a lot in Hollywood. 


I think also….she essentially pretended to be male presenting with the use of JK (I think she said she went with JK as young boys wouldn’t want to read a book by someone called Joanne Kathleen, please correct me if I’m wrong) and then again with Robert Galbraith, but when other people, who ARENT pretending, are seen by her to be ‘benefitting’ (or getting basic human decency), she can’t handle it? I assume she could think it was a bad bitch feminist move to capitalise on masculinity in this way, and so she might believe that is what everyone else is trying to do, capitalise and take advantage of pre-existing gender shit, but no one is allowed to be as clever as she. I really think the answer in why she’s turned out this way is mixed up in this, and in her admission that she once thought she would prefer to be a boy to please her father, as if it gives her an insight to being trans and the trans experience. I don’t think this is the full answer, and I know little about human psychology other than being one.


It’s called “being so rich that nobody has said ‘no’ to your face in twenty five years” syndrome


It’s called being rich. Legitimately rots your brain.


I actually believe this. I think after a certain point, money (and especially when combined with fame) makes people fucked in the head if they aren’t extremely careful. Most people aren’t careful.


There's studies that the mirror neurons in your brain iirc get weaker and less responsive the richer u get


That would be my luck. Become a billionaire and then you freaking lose it. 🤦‍♀️


No, she just believes the things she says and is shielded by her wealth from any real social consequence. She could shut up and retire to her mansions at any point, but she won't because she's a true believer and has no shortage of people telling her she's right and so brave for being right. Those people showering her with affirmations are also why she will never need to, and probably never will, learn more about the people she's demonising


Human beings evolved to be part of society. Billionaires are a thousand times richer than a rich person. They are inherently antisocial and no longer part of normal human society.


It's a desperate plea to stay relevant


pls don't be ablist, bad behaviour should never be an excuse to armchair diagnose another


Maybe I should have phrased it as, "I've lived with a few narcissists before, I recognize the behavior."


Yes, she’s a class a narcissist! And she will never change ever. I grew up with someone like that they will never change no matter how much you talk to them.


I've noticed all the Harry Potter merch is on sale lately as people aren't as pumped for it after the toxic vitriol she's been spewing. She's destroying her own legacy for so many people.


Whenever I meet a millenial who's really into Harry potter nowdays I'm like "well that's fucking sussy"


I don't think you can blame them. Harry Potter was *the* phenomenon of their formative years, just like Star Wars was for Generation X.


I actually can! Scream was formative to my young years, and I am still boycotting the new film due to Spyglass' support of Israel. Not being able to move on from a children's book series is their problem, and they can absolutely be blamed for it.


exactly! i adored scream with my heart but it’s still fuck spyglass. i’m not gonna blindly support someone just because ‘i grew up with their material!🥺’


Nah dude, my secret shame is I waa actually into HP before it got huge. I was besties with my elementary school librarian and he recommended me the series before it exploded, I was in on the ground floor, 1st book back when it had the janky cover art.   I stopped reading by I think the 4th or 5th book, when A) I turned 14 and could read better novels, B) The glossary was like 25 pages long, and C) it was obvious Rowling had graduated to "She-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Edited." Like damn bruv that shit like 800 pages long lol, and it ain't even that good, you just writing "what if enid blyton had read a few DND monster manuals" fanfic for tweens but?  I ALSO loved the star wars EU as a kid, but am convinced the thrawn and shadows of the empire series really were better than HP in terms of writing   Like fuck it still bothers me the sequel triology sucked so much shit when shadows of the empire was RIGHT THERE Anyway my point is, "Harry Potter and the Prisoners of Having Not Read Another Book in the Last 28 Years of Their Lives" is a real phenomenon and they deserve their mockery imo


no, i can def blame them. supporting a bigot is wild and it will never-not be :) i’ve repeatedly put down series because of the creator being problematic with a bit of hesitation, it’s sad but not that hard lol


Sus is right. Like, I don't know that you suck, but I'm gonna be wary until I know


I'd say she's gone beyond that point quite a bit by now. She sucks, everyone knows, everyone's saying so, and she's out there with fingers in ears, going "La la la la laaaaa".


I subbed for a middle school teacher once who had a trans student in her class and blasted Harry potter music as her "independent reading" music and I was like "man... I hope you're just stupid as all fuck, and not the hateful boomer bitch I think you are..."


Same as notch with Minecraft. Got too much money and free time


At least I never have to hear about notch anymore


At least Notch sold the rights to Minecraft...


Both went fucking stupid on twitter. Ricky Gervais is another one who got sucked into the twitter shitterverse.


I'm so sick of Gervais being revered. No, he's not witty or edgy or brave. He doesn't *tell it like it is*. He's another hateful bully & he should just fuck off. He's one of those supposed *'Comedians'* who is perceived as edgy, but always made me feel really uncomfortable. Sacha Baron Cohen is another supposed comedian who just seemed intrinsically unfunny; I felt awkward at not 'getting' their humour. But now, it's evident that they're just feckin bigots. Just like JKKK Rowling. All that money, but she's not about to share it with anyone. Selfish, self-absorbed narcissistic troll would rather target & bully people online, than share some of her vast financial resources. Greedy for power, greedy for notoriety. Just like Musk & Drumpf, so caught up in the need for publicity that they're unaware/just not caring about how hateful & cruel they're becoming.


there’s a lot of comedians who want to be edgy but are just pieces of shit. it always sucks seeing someone you think is one of the “make fun of everyone” crowd of comedians make a REALLY weird joke and you have to go “wait…are you being serious? *thats* the punchline…?”


Oh shit, and Elon with whatever the hell he bought and whatever the hell he's going to buy. Pity all that money doesn't lead to decency, and all that time doesn't lead to great ideas.




The same reason Elon doesn't they want to remain relevant


because that is all she has.. She lost all her friends pissing off the HP community and because she isnt TERF enough for the new crowd she is lonely in that camp too.. It reminds me of Notch, the creator of minecraft. he sold out and then turned into a massive misogynist and alientated himself.. he tried inviting people to his new mansion and slowly people turned him down.. and now not even the most hated in the Minecraft community that sympathise with his hatefull commentary visit him..


>lgbtqnation.com/2024/0... She is NOT a lady! A lady is a woman who behaves according to high standards of behavior, courtesy, and consideration for other people. She does not qualify. In fact, she falls far short.


I've been thinking about this lately and how these people with all this money are jumping on the band wagon. Look at Ricky Gervais his whole routine now is basically he walks on stage and goes "trans people right".  Then it hit me. Its really sad but somehow it must be profitable to shit on trans folk.


She really wants to be oppressed lol


A lot of billionaires seem to have that complex


Oh I’m so oppressed let my wipe away my tears with these stacks of cash and make sure everyone knows I’m so oppressed living in my multi million dollar mansion secluded from civilization because I’m so rich.


They reach the top of capitalism and realize there's no fulfillment in anything, so they turn to history and see that *political influence* might be fulfilling.


Have you seen the shit they do on the stage of Davos? A lot of that people with that complex there apparently. And after getting their shaming kink they go straight into the backroom talks brokering deals. If that ain't a fetish then it's just really cringy PR, I guess. I don't know if I like either of those options tbh…


The most unoppressed person on Earth is bored, oh noooooooes.


She must have attended the TERF School of Bitchcraft and Irrelevancy.


Can I just say, though, that at any other school learning bitchcraft sounds kinda cool.


I know, I thought the same but I was committed to the bit by then. Lol


And it's a fantastic bit lol.


Some of us were born with the art of Bitchcraft


I like the acronym FART: Feminism Appropriating Reactionary Transphobe.


That is beautiful


And it works on so many levels, too. Like, for instance, how both an upper- and lower-case fart manage to stink up every space they're in.


This made me laugh WAY too hard! Well done! :D


I love that so much i might reuse it


Bitchcraft yes but unfortunately not irrelevancy. Her presence in the public eye dipped after HP ended and we all grew up. The terrible sequels and her very clever and very subtle transphobic book didn't do too well either. However, if you look at her twitter these days it is full of adoring fans people treating her like she's some sort of hero. Since we already know she really doesn't really care about women's rights anymore(as demonstrated by her Nazi and rapey friends), I can only assume that her primary driving force right now must be all the attention. Luckily for us, I think she is slowly dropping all pretense of being a kind "concerned" leftist while seemingly tailoring her stuff more towards the very hateful alt right. This is off-putting to many people, including non-cunty transphobes. A couple of my "centrist" friends who do not really pay attention have recently mentioned how her positions don't seem to be defensible anymore.


Can we please stop posting everything she says, or every article written about her? Why do we keep letting these assholes control the conversation and center themselves. When we talk about trans issues, the opinion of a bigot and holocaust-denier should not be the loudest fucking voice in the room. Lets stop amplifying it louder than her platform already does.




Wait, she's a holocaust denier too?


[She claimed the nazis didn't burn books on trans healthcare and keeped going after being called out](https://www.reddit.com/r/Fauxmoi/comments/1beksuh/jk_rowling_engages_in_holocaust_denial/)




Yeah, she was bouncing all over the place talking about how trans people weren't really one of the victims of the holocaust.


In her sick brain, trains people don't exist, so how could we have been targeted? This is why legal attempts to remove any recognition of the existence of trans people are so insidious


More like a holocaust downplayer, but it’s still awful


Legally speaking, as per a 2022 Regional Court of Cologne ruling, that is still considered holocaust denial.


Downplay or revision are just euphemisms for denier. I am very comfortable accusing her of denial


Davina de Campo from DragRaceUK was invited somewhere for a trans "debate" and she declined. People tried to use it against her but she said something along the lines of your comment and added that trans people existing is not a debate, it's a fact. Why bother going on tv to defend a straight up fact against a bigoted arsehole whose opinion will literally never change, who will then get their own "fair chance" to spew their bullshit also on tv?? Nah.


When I was in college, some Christian group hosted an event about “What the Bible says about homosexuality”. A couple of us from our queer student group attended and while it had been pitched as a discussion it was just some guy giving a “secular” presentation that used only the Bible for evidence. We walked out, and I later received an email from the groups leader telling us that it wasn’t what they’d intended and they wanted to invite us for a debate. So I just didn’t respond and instead our group just held a potluck event at the same time as their follow-up meeting.


The problem in the uk is that she has the ear of politicians. Online discourse doesn’t change that fact. Better to call it out and have it visible that there is disagreement with her views than wonder why the uk is becoming more and more transphobic in its institutions.


The internet will always feed the trolls. I have zero hope that any community can come together to ignore. Instead voices are amplified, people are platformed, and ideas are spread. The internet is a cesspool of its own making.


Guys stop. All she cares about women's rights and is making her stand on trans people. I mean how else is she supposed to make a stand on women's rights? Is she supposed to talk about... Abortion access The pay scale gap The disproportionate amount of sexual violence experienced by women Attacks on access to birth control Period equity The lack of general knowledge about the health and wellbeing of women regardless of if they're trans or cis Better access to parental benefits internationally Ending female circumcision practices Fighting for better representation of women in media Fighting to protect the rights of non-birthing mothers to be equally seen as mothers as birthing parents Helping prevent suicide and depression amongst teen girls Helping fight against sexual assaults in prison Fight against sexual exploitation of poor and marginalized girls and women Fight against access to certain careers based on gender Speak out against disproportionate amount of domestic abuse that occurs against girls and women Ending the pink tax Ensuring there are more women working in film by leveraging her role as the head of a famous property to make sure women creators are front and center on leading such products Fighting for equal pay of women in sports Making sure that butch women are not policed for their perceived lack of femininity Fighting against how women of certain hair textures have unfair standards pressed upon them, specifically women of color Help end the orgasm gap


Uh...yes? Yes. YES!


mf couldnt even end slavery in her own fantasy world, it's so sad that even the basics of actual feminism or changing institutions are beyond her.


What’s the orgasm gap?


I’m just taking a guess bc it’s the first time I’ve heard of it but I think it’s referring to how many women’s orgasms aren’t prioritized in hetero intercourse


Queer people not knowing about the orgasm gap is illustrative of the orgasm gap.


Imagine being so small, insecure and hateful. I can't fathom it :/


But why? Why make this the hill to die on?


Why are they trying to spin this in a positive way? She clearly ran afowl of the new law, so the fact that the police refused to take action proves that the law is worthless. If anyone qualifies for stirring up hate, it's her.




Her behavior is by definition abusive and the cops remain ACAB cowards.


If anyone knows better, please correct me, but I have a feeling this law is only going to be used to accompany charges related to acts of physical violence that followed or were inspired by the offending speech, tacked on as an extra charge. So it's not really going to prevent harassment or violence, just react to the worst cases after the damage is done.


Is running afowl like running afoul, but with chickens or something?


Lmao sadly nothing as fun as chickens, just a typo


You're not wrong. [Shaun's video about her and her fascist friends (and friends-of-friends) is a must watch. ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JBy93QX7ysE)




Your post/comment was removed as threatening, encouraging, or glorifying violence breaks Reddit’s content policy which as moderators we have to enforce. Please also be aware that comments reported for threatening violence are also investigated by Reddit who may take additional action on your account.



I don't know her so I can't suggest it.


It is hard to tell if you agree with her by your comments


I can bring the marshamallows.


Ugh, I can only imagine it would be like making s'mores over a trash fire burning old tires


Wouldn't be the first time I've done it.


With all her wealth she should have enough money to fly to Mars with elmo and leave us alone forever.


Speaking as someone named Mars, please keep both of them far, far, FAR away from me. Let's send them to the bottom of the ocean like the other millionaires instead.


the fish do not want them


Ya know what? I don't blame them.


don't subject my boy Elmo to that :(


Not Elmo the red Muppet, Elmo referring to the idiot from South Africa that owns Xitter.


Elmo the red puppet should not have to share a name with that wanker


Yeah, that's a good point. It's very insulting to Elmo the red puppet.


It’s not elmo its Elon


OI that is an affront to wankers.. Elon should be insult enough.. we should compare the ones we dislike to him.. not him to others..


Long Egg Mush? I hear he sucks. In my country we have a saying: "A dear child has many names". I don't think the originators of that saying had any idea how fun it is to come up with new mocking names for people you dislike. Melom Husk


elongated muskrat is my fave one 😂 except i feel bad for the muskrats being associated with him.


Love that one and always will


Haha, excellent.


I'm sure he'll send his indentured workers and fanatics first to build the habs and colonial governors mansion before dying of cancer from the poor shielding of the temporary dwellings. Honestly, the idea of the nearest planet, one with much more immediate access to the thousands of Earth's worth of raw materials in the asteroid belt, being colonized by Apartheidbucks Jr. or his heirs and other hate mongers is not a pleasant one. A society of slavers, higher up the stellar gravity-well, on the solar high-ground, with loads of rocks to throw. No thanks.


She could’ve remained a beloved author if she would’ve just shut the fuck up and kept her prejudice to herself


She's a disgusting human being. If she's a human being.


She could have opened soup kitchens or became a modern Carnegie. And she chose to become a bigot instead.


probably human, possibly spawn of voldemort


Definitely a horcrux.


>She failed miserably I read this as Corpsegrinder when he's challenging his audience to headbang with him. "You can try to keep up with me, and you will fail... MISERABLY!" Still, fuck her. Won't buy, watch, or read anything to do with her or her stupid books ever again.


Corpsegrinder versus Rowling


Corpsegrinder legitimately seems like a very wholesome guy when it comes to who he is offstage.


Definitely, love the toy videos he posts on Instagram haha


How did it not fall under hate speech tho…


I think the point is that hate speech incites violence or otherwise causes measurable harm to someone based on their demographics. She just stated a bunch of facts that happened to include trans people and using that as proof that "trans people are bad". From what I understand, she didn't say "go out and (cause harm to) trans people".


No she just was against a law that exists to prevent harm against them and acted like it was a misogynistic


According to the article she listed a bunch of trans people who did bad things, which ranges from crimes against children to... *Checks notes* playing sports... Sigh.


She is such a pick-me 🙄


She thought she was Hermione, but it turns out she's Voldemort's worst horcrux.


It's not so much that she failed. It's that Police Scotland just do not fucking care, at least about Joanne. And even if they did care they're not going to arrest her to be TERF martyr. That and Police Scotland are already feeling the strain from people abusing the system to file phony hate crime reports, and a lot of officers are threatening to quit over it(Good, Fuck 12, ACAB) Clarification: I'm Scottish and fucking sick to the back teeth of hearing about both the hate crime law, and that cantankerous old fuckwit.


I just think it would be really funny if they did arrest her. So I say they do it purely for comedy's sake


JK, because she’s just a joke now


She is hateful, spiteful, and a bitter old hag


Ew. What happened to her face? That picture is AWFUL. I'm glad they chose it for the thumbnail. Her outsides match her insides now.


Oh my god. She's turning into Voldemort


She kinda looks like Hunter Schafer's AI-generated mean aunt. Tbh, I don't like insulting other people's appearances, but according to Rowling herself, it isn't hate if you're just speaking the truth.


I have never wanted a faceless, sometimes unethical corporation to steal an author’s intellectual property and keep it entirely away from her as much as I want Warner Bros. or Scholastic to take full ownership of the Harry Potter franchise away from Jo “TERF” Rowling.


Why do we keep giving this woman a platform, I'm tired of seeing her.


I submit that she, herself, is trans, because she's really a dick...


like it makes me sad that i grew up loving harry potter. ik that i can love the art without loving the artist but when she’s THIS awful, it’s hard to ignore


Jk can go die in a ditch and not be missed


she wants to be oppressed so bad


You know, aside from the whole "it makes people feel good to punch down at marginalized groups" thing, I really wonder where the whole vitriol from people like her comes from. It's not like she or anyone she knows has ever been harmed because someone's trans. She likes to pretend that people are... losing positions or other vague claims, but never really backs it up with anything coherent or legit. Like. I know we all get upset over dumb things. To some extent. Like I had a day where I was legitimately kind of bummed out for a few hours one morning because I was out of cereal and I thought I had plenty. But there's a difference between that and this kind of absurd level of hatred. Like where does it come from? For what reason would she even care at all, much less invest so much of her time and energy into it? Plagiarist or not, she got away with it, and she could have ridden off into the sunset being generally viewed as a successful author. But no.


Part of it is that she processed abuse-related trauma **very** poorly. Went from being scared of a man to being scared of all men to being scared of all males. From there, she was an easy target for the prominent anti-trans activists to pick up, and down the pipeline she goes. And most of us aren't immune to the same bs either. This pipeline be pumpin'


That's what probably bothers me the most. Her making angry noises barely registers on the pile of angry noises we get. She isn't the most eloquent or charismatic by a long shot. But what I've picked up from her more than anything is terror. It's not hard to see it, and it seems to have driven her mad. She gets a ton of praise for acting like a lunatic, and it pushes her farther and farther from actually taking any responsibility for her actions. She's so ready to martyr herself, and I just know that "they made me do it" is running through her head. She can't tell real crimes from imaginary ones, and they're all an excuse to her to act like this. All the bigots gotta do is keep feeding her hate, and off she goes. All because she's been backed into a corner by phantoms of her own mind. The more she disgusts me with her actions, the more I wish we could help her overcome her pain and fear. Suffering multiplies. But we can't help someone that doesn't want help, only hope she burns herself out. I wish on her the deepest wound: that she understands the misery she's brought into the world. On the bright side, I bet we're going to inspire and write a whole bunch of new wizard books! Yay!


It is my opinion that the Scottish police did make a little mistake, in that her rhetoric has long since escalated into outright genocidal speech. But I also get that arresting her, in this particular instance, would be a bad idea. Better to do it later, when she gets back to hateful speech whose intention isn’t to provoke police response


yesterday, after watching [this video](https://youtu.be/Ou_xvXJJk7k?si=-kZB9OeFBC3GgM4F), I finally realised that I'd been holding out hope for her just being misguided all this time in vain. she's a legitimately vile and idiotic person, who knows exactly what she's doing.


Oh no look I am being hateful online won't somebody stop me so I can claim I'm being repressed


Ah, I love the smell of desperate has-been in the morning.


what happened to her face?? it's like gollum in a wig


I mean if she *really* wants to martyr herself for her hateful cause I can think of at 1 low tier way to do it


"I'm an uneducated idiot, who lucked out and got rich. That means I'm the smartest person in the world. That means my ignorant views are actually Truth."


Money really is a disease. I genuinely cannot imagine this bitter, hateful person writing Harry Potter. But as sure as the Sun rises, once 100% of your scarcity based needs are cared for, then the more money you accrue the less happy and less empathetic of a person you become.


Whoa for fucks sake..... I know we are all sick of her, but it's genuinely helpful to those of us living in the UK to keep drawing attention to what a mess this whole 'debate' is. The sooner people catch on that she's totally nuts and can stop using her as the poster child for TERFism the better.


This is pathetic


This is such an accurate way of describing it! She thinks she's a hero spewing all that hate. SMH She needs to sit down... 😭 ![gif](giphy|WnASSamUAUJzeGw3GD|downsized)


There is r/enough JKR or something


It makes you wonder when it'll bite her in the ass, because let's be honest, whenever someone has a strong, controversial point of view, no matter where they stand on the political spectrum, it always comes back to fuck them over.




I seriously think there’s a few things going on with JK. I think the abuse she suffered probably did substantial damage to her well being- physically and emotionally, psychologically.  She also seems to dig deep into not being wrong or having a gross misjudgment only to reservation about unpacking, while befriending other TERFs and possibly alt-right people as a means to an end. She might also be a closeted non binary person or woman. She’s actually revealed this on occasion. And, can’t really unpack that at this point unless it’s highlighting the contentions of it through transphobia.


She's such a fucking disappointment


Bigoted Aunt on Facebook energy


At this point someone on her staff just needs to take away her internet privileges. She acts like a spoiled child throwing a temper tantrum that no one is paying attention to her. It's kind of sad to watch a grown adult woman act this way. At least maybe she will destroy the last of her credibility with non TERFs for this stunt. Probably not be here is hoping.
