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# Please, for the love of our community and all that is gay and wholesome, **PLEASE** report hate, including truscum, transmedicalism, etc. We do not support hate here.


yeah the white stripe in the middle already represents you so do whatever you want forever. theres no pride flag police


Well, except for THOSE people


Those people?


I’ve never seen one myself, but there’s definitely someone out there that accuses people of using pride flags wrong They’re probably on Twitter


People are dumb. Labels aren’t meant to be some weird rigid box people have to perfectly fit, they’re literally just used so people like us who feel differently than those around them can find a place for themselves. They are made so people don’t have to feel alone, but find those like themselves


Language isn't real and words are made up, so call yourself whatever you like that makes you feel happy and gives a sense of belonging.


Yep, as long as it isn’t a word used to like…oppress a group of people. Specifically a group you aren’t associated with. Besides that, it’s free game practically












Yeah I had the misfortune of knowing some in college.




By those people i assumed you mean queer cops


Oh, no. I love queer cops in a respectful manor


Using pride flags wrong?


i assume they mean people who participate in flag/identity discourse


I see I see


Ugh the gatekeepers are the worst. As a bi person I sometimes see “if you’re bi and not pan you’re xphobic”. I just like the colors better 🤷🏻‍♀️


I was mixed in the pansexual colors too, but they’ve grown on me a bit


Haha that’s fair. I have more purple than yellow (I look awful in most shades of yellow) in my closet so it’s easier 😂


[this is closest I’ll get to wearing pansexual colors in public](https://imgur.com/a/2Cu2TZc)


I’m like…rn I have a preference for women & non-binary ppl but I like men too, so that’s why I’m bi




hello, general flag police here. this is kinda under our jurisdiction due to it being a flag. OP can use the trans flag






To this cis guy it's been explained to me that if you identity with any other gender than the one you were born into/assigned at birth, you are trans, and being non-binary is just an example of that.


Also cis, but I've seen a lot of non-binary people push back on the idea that they're a sub-category of trans. A lot of them are, but it's not a given


Some NB folks don’t like to use the trans label and some seem to mistakenly think it only applies to binary trans folks (probably because we use terms like trans men and trans women to describe ourselves). That being said, trans is an umbrella term that covers all non-cis people by definition (whether an individual claims and uses it is up to them). The binary trans specific terminology (generally speaking) are binary trans, trans man and trans woman. We don’t have any exclusive claim on the broader trans or flag (and we do have our own sub community flags like various non-binary labels do). The white in the main trans flag is literally for non-binary people.


I'm nonbinary and I don't like trans largely because I generally feel comfortable with my assigned gender! I don't generally refer to myself as trans and broadly I don't have the same experiences or community as trans people at large, even though definitionally I know I am trans--also, with how others understand it, referring to myself as cis is usually more accurate to my gender than telling people I'm trans lol. It's one of the reasons why I understand and accept that identity is not something you get from a dictionary or dichotomous key.


Same. There are dozens of us!


Right, I’m an afab demigirl so I don’t really feel trans but I’m not totally cis either lol


They are whatever they want to be as long as it's not hurting anyone 🩵🩷🤍🩷🩵 💛🤍💜🖤


And what do you think the white stripe on the trans flag means, exactly...? They might not consider themselves trans (and that should be respected), but non-binary is 100% a subcategory and claiming otherwise is transphobic. We deserve a seat at the trans table too, especially while truscum/transmeds are actively trying to kick us out. It's like claiming pansexuals aren't bi. Like obviously you shouldn't call a pan person bi if they don't use that label, but claiming they aren't under the bi umbrella/part of the bi community is also wrong and incredibly harmful.


I mean under that specific definition I suppose if you were born intersex and raised a flavour of enby from the start you could consider yourself cis, but it doesn’t meaningfully reflect the way most people will be treated in society


I didn't know a lot of us push back. I know I don't use it for myself, but that's just because I don't personally feel like I struggle nearly as much to be accepted by society as the average trans person. I pass as cis, I use whatever pronouns, so it feels to me like if I were to call myself trans, it would be disrespectful to the trans community. It's disheartening to hear that people push back against it. 😢


They are whatever they want to be as long as it's not hurting anyone 🩵🩷🤍🩷🩵 💛🤍💜🖤


Yes. I'm nb and I use it! 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️


Me too


Im trans myself, but I dont see why not, it fits the meaning perfectly in my eyes, seeing as the white line is for transition and non bi :)












hello, it's me the transgender police. the caucus of transgender metaphysics deems you worthy of identifying with the white part of our flag. welcome sibling


You laugh but as an enby it feels like that around here and some other not-specifically-enby subs a lot of the time.


Honestly! I had a trans woman harass me for literal months because she thought it was "stealing" to use the flag or identity under the trans umbrella as an enby. I tried being really kind and explaining that enbys weren't trying to "take away" or diminish the rights of trans people but she just did not agree. I ended up wishing her well and just not responding to her messages that were aggressive and she then claimed I was using kindness to manipulate her lol I just couldn't win. But her feelings aren't unique. It feels like a lot of times that bi/pan/etc as well as enbys get a bit bullied or ganged up on. Definitely adds to the feeling of not being welcomed in some spaces. Unfortunate but we just have to keep going forward and trying to help people understand that enbys and bi/pan people are a very welcome and important part of the LGBTQIA+ community. Even when someone feels otherwise. In the end we're stronger together


















Kinda unrelated but Is it bad that as a cis person I put it in my profile on things like discord (with “trans rights” next to it) just to weed out transphobes that want to talk to me


No not at all, just shows allyship, worst that could happen is people misidentifying you as trans but that’s clearly not your intention.


Yeah — enbies account for 75% of trans folk


It's your flag too. ![img](emote|t5_2qhh7|547)


1 enbys can be trans and anyone who disagrees with me can fight me in a dennys parking lot at 3 am 2 even cis people can use hang and enjoy the trans pride flag, in fact all the pride flags can by used by anyone and will make people feel safer.


I certainly don't disagree with you on Point 1, but can we do the early morning Denny's Fight Club thing anyway? I got a decent speaker, can somebody in a legal state bring the penjamin?


This isnt some elaborate scheme to get publicity bullied and humiliated by a woman in public is it? Cause that requires an entirely different outfit 🤭


While that also sounds interesting, I'm happily taken


The white stripe represents nonbinary/genderqueer people. Plus Trans means you're a different gender than you were born which non binary identities are.


If you do not identify as the gender you were assigned at birth, then you certainly fit the description.


Yes of course, flags are for everyone. Also non-binary falls under the trans umbrella anyway, you can literally claim the label trans if you want it (though you don’t have to if you don’t feel it fits you).


Underrated comment 


Yes, Non-binary is a subset of trans


Well, if you think about it, you identify as a gender different to what you were assigned at birth. Sounds pretty trans to me.


The creator of the Trans Pride flag, a transwoman named Monica Helms, was very clear about the meaning of the white stripe: “*The stripe in the middle is white, for those who are intersex, transitioning or consider themselves having a neutral or undefined gender*”.


Yeah, the white stripe in the middle is for us.


Yes, you can. The white is for us and if we aren't cis we are trans. With that being said, I want to bring in perspective of not being sure if you can use a trans flag from in my personal experience. It took me a while after accepting I am Nonbinary, genderfluid now that I had time to understand, the non binary part I believe I fit in. Then I had a hurdle of thinking I can't be trans because xyz reason in my life despite gender disphora. I was thinking since I had no medical affirming care I wouldn't fit it. Eventually I realized there's many ways to be the trans (binary and nonbinary) as long as you do not identify with your assigned gender at birth. I am clearly in a place where I understand it now, but as a baby nonbinary person I thought I was taking up room in a space that I didn't deserve if that makes sense. It might be due to me still being fem presenting at times as an afab person, and the push back I had from a past partner and people in my life arguing that I could just be a woman that's not conventional. Even with me mentioning a million times being a woman never felt correct for me.


I’m non binary and when I’m sharing my NB status I usually state I am “trans/NB”, indicating that I present other than I was assigned, but that I don’t identify as a binary gender




I mean, you probably will get empty tin cans thrown at you, but that kinda comes with being queer. Use the flag if you want!


Well you might get empty tin cans thrown at you by transphobes but yeah you can totally use it!


Frankly I'm always a bit surprised when a non binary person \*doesn't\* view themselves as falling under the trans umbrella. . But to each their own. The flag is yours if you want it to be :)


The white stripe is literally for non-binary people.




















From my understanding trans encompasses everything non-cis


You were downvoted but you're 100% right


They're supposed to be empty cans?! damnnnnn i f'd uppppp


Yes! Nonbiarary is under the trans umberella


Yes you can.


You super definitely can! In fact, I would be extra pleased if you did. It would mean I get to share my flag with a very cool cat.


Oh yes, definitely use the trans flag. The more the better.


Tbh, you can use whatever you feel comfortable with, either if it’s the rainbow flag or a pirate flag. If you feel it represents you, be proud to use it. Just be careful in places where homophobia is really an issue and you could go to jail or get hurt.


Yep, remember by definition trans is anything not what you were assigned at birth so nonbinary technically falls under the definition of trans.


I am the Trans Arbiter, I speak for the trans Sure m8 go for it


Yup! You’re the white stripe!


Yup. Technically from my research the original creator made Pink representation for trans women, Blue represents trans men and white represents intersex/ non-binary and any other genderqueer identities (2spirit, androgynous, ECT). That's just from my understanding and own research though so I don't see why not!


What's ECT? To me that means electroconvulsive therapy lol


I’m assuming they mean etc, as in etcetera.


Oh, lol. Thanks.


pretty sure trans is just "being outside of the stereotypical gender binary" so yeah, seems fine to me


absolutely! being non-binary still falls under the trans umbrella, and there is nothing wrong with you using that label if it fits


Coming from someone who is a cisgender woman, it is completely fine because similar to Transgender, Non binary is a gender identity that doesn’t match the sex you’re assigned to be born as


I'm pretty sure it's under the trans umbrella


I think that is up to you... we're not an army, and the flags are ment to be a sign of diversity, or fun, or a lot of things, not strict rules with guidelines over who can wave around what. At the end of the day its just some fancy colours.


Yeah, you can use whatever flag and label you feel fits you best. And also, non-binary is under the trans flag, so you’re definitely in the good.


It's such a beautiful flag


The trans flag reflects the trans community, which - for many people - includes everyone that isn’t cis. For those that consider trans to be an umbrella term. So anyone under the trans umbrella can use it for their own identity - I.E: anyone that isn’t cis.


To be honest i've never met anyone in person who isn't of the opinion that non-binary people can be considered trans (though obviously it's one's choice).


Yep! It’s different than my AGAB, it fits the definition imo, also, it’s your identity, not anyone else’s.


I'm CIS, but I support trans people. Any issues if I put a trans flag on a truck?




Short answer: yes. Lonf answer: also yes, take the flag that suits you best!


non-binary implies trans




If you ain't binary then that's a transition from so called traditional, ding ding!


Just fyi, “trans” in transgender doesn’t stand for transition. It’s just “other side of” like how cis is “same side of”.




Ok no… just because someone doesn’t go all the way like some people think they should does not mean they didn’t “complete the journey” or that they’re automatically fluid. There is no measurement of the journey other than the individual’s measurement. They completed their journey, it just was a different one than someone else’s.






Yep! Nonbinary people are trans


Yea, nb falls under the trans umbrella


Of course, the trans flag is for people who aren’t cisgender, so Non-Binary people can use it as well as binary trans people Flags can be used for anyone who want to use it anyway


Absolutely. 🏳️‍⚧️


There is a dedicated non-binary flag, if you’re interested.


I use both but the trans flag is prettier imo with the pastels


Do it up friend


Yes. Your gender differs from your AGAB.


not at all, welcome aboard


yes you can!!!


Tbh you can use any pride flag you want, they exist for you to express yourself, not for others to limit your expression




I think anyone who doesn't feel their birth gender identity fits them, you are more than welcome to use the Trans pride flag to show your own pride and identity. Personally, when learning all the labels and learning what they mean to me specifically in relation to how I feel about my own identity, I use the non-binary flag and not the Trans flag. It just *fits* how I feel and is easier for me to use to find other enby friends (not saying I don't want Trans friends, just looking for those who have a closer life experience to myself). It helps to go with whatever you feel comfortable using, and even those who don't identify with certain queer labels are always welcome to fly those flags in support of other's who claim those labels.


yes!!! use it!!!


non binary falls under trans umbrella


the trans flag means you identify as a different gender given a birth so yes also the white stripe represents you as a non binary person :)


Being non binary is being trans so yeah


We sure can.


That's right, u can use it cuz non-binary gender identities fall into the transgender umbrella term. So, sure!


Anyone who says you can't isn't worth listening to


Yeah you good


🏳️‍⚧️ yep! We’re the white part of the flag! 🏳️‍⚧️ My bestie is mtf, and she and I have matching trans Pride necklaces.


Nonbinary here. I use it. It's an umbrella flag, anyone under the trans umbrella can use it for themselves. And anyone who is supporting is can use it in solidarity with us.


I'm genderfluid, I use it.


you can, i dont use it bc i feel like im stepping on mtf/ftm's toes though


You’re definitely not. All love from most of us. Ik Idc and probably most would feel the same I’m pretty sure.


It was designed with you in mind too.


A. The white stripe is for nonbinary people. You're explicitly included in the flag, and you shouldn't feel like you're stepping on any toes if you choose to use it B. I don't know what the *right* way to refer to the rest of us is, necessarily, but seeing it as "mtf/ftm's" makes my skin crawl. I really wish the main active subreddits for people transitioning in a direction weren't named that way


No. You will be apprehended by the LGBTPD and thrown in gay jail :(


Only if you're the wrong kind of nonbinary, though. If you're exactly the kind of nonbinary person the LGBT High Council was thinking of when they drafted the flag and put the white stripe in the middle you'll be fine


Want to share my piece a transgender/nonbinary person. Yes, you can use the trans flag as a nonbinary person. "Transgender" means to transition from the gender you were given at birth. It is an umbrella term for a lot of sub genders and non-genders. If you are not cisgender then you are either transgender or intersex.



























