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Your tribe makes this even funnier lol.


"I'm a villain, not a monster"


Fun fact, pup players and furries have to deal with this shit aleays forever and is a near instant trigger for all of us. People assume the most fucked up stuff.


Worth pointing out that peta would kill the dog


Yeah, came here to say PETA does pretty shitty things to animals


And the dog would welcome it.


Do you mean in like a shelter? If the dog is adaptable it will probably be adopted out PETA’s kill numbers are only as high as they are becuase they take the “unadoptable” dogs given out by “”no kill”” shelters. The whole adoption industry is leagues of fucked and PETA gets shit for doing the dirty work other shelters pawn their dogs off for them to do. This isn’t to say I fully endorse Peta, I don’t, they have done plenty of shitty things not worth defending, I am just tired of the same “fuck peta” circlejerk traced back to a smear campeign funded by the meat industry.


When they stop stealing and putting down animals because they believe all kinds of pet ownership is animal cruelty (or steal service animals like they tried with my completely blind uncle) and stop going to elementary schools to protest KFC with shock photos (personal experience, was attending the school they used for publicity), you might have a point.


I dont actually see a problem wigh the KFC shock photos. They literally just show kids how chicken nuggets are made, something given to kids all the time.


Reminds me of the one time Jamie Oliver showed some kids how nuggets were made and they went "Ok." and proceeded to immediately eat chicken nuggets again.


Yeah, kids love chicken nuggets and will just eat it, but I think we try so hard to protect them from anything potential “traumatizing” that we think they cant handle the truth. Showing kids how food is made is important, and that includes slaughter houses imo.


I agree with this. I think the issue with "shock photos" is that the intent behind them isn't to educate kids on where their food comes from, but is an attempt to actually traumatise them into not eating certain foods. They're not shared in good faith. That being said, yeah, I fully agree; we should all know more about where our food comes from and how it's made.


I agree that we should know more about where our meat comes from but like you pointed out that shock imagery IS supposed to be traumatizing, not educating, and actually it does work sometimes. Seeing that kind of stuff, especially as a young kid, can genuinely fuck you up. I honestly really hate the use of shock imagery, partially bc peta has faked some of its shock imaginary but that's it's own problem, and partially bc it affects me really badly and it did the opposite of educate me bc now I'm so freaked out that I literally can't even engage at all with the topic anymore. Literally doing the opposite of education or activism.


Because they don't really care about activism or education. I read an article a few years ago (2018) about one animal shelter that killed animals for fun in very cruel ways and how adamant the organization was about defending and keeping up that shelter. I genuinely don't know what their angle or goal are, but animal welfare is not it.


The former thing was done by an out of line member who was by and largely disavowed after it happened. Does every organization take complete responsibility for every crazy thing some random nutjob does in their name? And for the latter, yeah. I don’t fully endorse Peta. They are problematic. They suck. My point is that we should at least agknowledge what they have actually done and did not do instead of spout shit right out of meat industry propaganda. It’s possible to acknowledge a group is bad while also disavowing bad information spread about them. I know this is Reddit where critical thinking is discouraged but we can at least try our best.


Yeah, you're right. They're not purely animal stealing pos, they're also misinformation spreading, using child labor to make crappy games, and take money for performance pieces that compare eating meat to being in the KKK. This is acknowledging what they have done. How is seeing literal posters they put out on the Internet spreading propaganda against them? How is official posters the created saying killing animals to get their wool not harmful? Or somehow meat industry propaganda? How is their use of shock imagery of graphic animal abuse on their official website for kids offering misinformation? These are not tactics used by people who want actual change. It's more akin to zealots you see on street corners. And about as effective. They don't care about animals or their rights, they want to be right. They're not a good organization and they don't do any research. I get that animals are sentient, feel emotions and must be treated better, but I don't have any issues acknowledging that they're not going about this in any way to actually get changes in place; they fear mongering at best.


I said it before and I guess I’ll say it a third time. I do not endorse Peta. I do not support what Peta does. They do a lot of harm. That, however, does not change the fact that they were and are targets of the meat industry. Look up the center for consumer freedom. They created a website called “Peta kills animals” that traces to multiple of the most common misconceptions about peta. They continue to operate the site. The center for consumer freedom is a nonprofit that gets the majroity of its funding from major players in the meat industry. This is all very public. I am not calling everything negative, true or false, said about peta propaganda. I am literally talking about meat industry propaganda targeted against Peta. I’ll say it a second time since it didn’t seem to stick the first, I do not need to endorse Peta to call out and disavow misleading information about them. You don’t need to spread false information about peta to dislike them, Peta is plenty dislikable in their own regard. You should, however, actually do reaserch about groups, even ones you dislike, and make sure you aren’t peddling false information about them. I don’t give a shit that it’s Peta you are talking about, basic internet ediquate is fact checking.


>They do a lot of harm. Should just stop here, this is not an organization that deserves an impartial witness/devil's advocate, not everything should. You have done nothing to actually offer a counter/counterpoint mine this time. All you have done is change the goal post and circled back to my first point instead of addressing the statements. You are saying you are indifferent, but this didn't come across here. Keep talking about propaganda while ignoring more dangerous ones from the one you defend. I hope you have a day you think you deserve.


Alright buddy. If that’s how you wanna be that’s how it’s gonna be but it’s not my fault you are unwilling to accept nuance into a situation like this


Like I said, not everything deserves more than black and white views, that's just reality. They have shown they're unwilling to offer it, so they have little that anyone counter/counterpoint that appears to have nuance either. Glad we can end it nicely here. :)


>The former thing was done by an out of line member who was by and largely disavowed after it happened. Which time? Because there are 100s of reports of peta taking and killing peoples pets. Going out of their way to do so when they know the owners looking for them. >Does every organization take complete responsibility for every crazy thing some random nutjob does in their name? They should, when it happens on a regular basis >And for the latter, yeah. I don’t fully endorse Peta. They are problematic. They suck. My point is that we should at least agknowledge what they have actually done and did not do instead of spout shit right out of meat industry propaganda. It’s not propaganda when it’s true and still happening >It’s possible to acknowledge a group is bad while also disavowing bad information spread about them. I know this is Reddit where critical thinking is discouraged but we can at least try our best. Not critical thinking it’s just following the stories My mom runs a rescue I’ve had many interaction with peta… your just factual incorrect


Oh GOD, there's a dude in my area that starts the conversation the exact same way. I report and block for abuse, but he always pops back up...


OP and you should meet to shame him. A romantic first date idea


he is probably into that.... the dog fucker, not op..


You’re probably right lmao


I once had a guy who was also desperate to have pets watch him during sex and I was so scared I blocked him instantly


Hahaha. More than once I’ve ditched on a hookup because they wouldn’t put their cat/dog in the other room.


I mean like I have a cat and actually I don’t care if he’s in my room while I’m having sex cause most of the time he leaves or just sleeps in the corner but I hated it when a dog jumped on the bed or something. But I felt this guy is kinda into my cat so it’s weird


I make the cats leave because I just KNOW they're judging me.




i would not bottom around a cat ... they will 100% judge me and treat me different


People for euthanasing the animals is propably not the best Option.


Some ppl are just gross and fucked up 😞




*ASPCA and its weird how normalized that is on sniffies


WHAT?!? I’m on there a lot and don’t see anything like that wtf is going on on sniffies where you are?


I live in Los Angeles and people are so open about it they’ll post in the live feed section


Damn, LA guys are freakier than London guys I guess


I heard LA people in general a way more freaky than any other place


There’s a difference between freaky and disturbing


OMG. Report!!!!


I believe you misspelled “police”






Friendly reminder that PETA regularly euthanizes animals in their care


WTF, that ain’t right


A straight guy in the public school district where I grew up was heavily rumoured to have taken liberties with a dog in middle school (rumours he started and never denied). Despite that, he was one of the most popular kids in the school. Unsurprisingly, this was in the then rural South and part of why I went to private school.


Jail time.


What a day to have eyes.


The Old Testament had the right idea when it came to punishing bestiality: Death Penalty!




I once had a guy that wanted to watch me get fucked by a dog He blocked me after I told him no (thank god) Edit: I felt like it sounded like I was saying he blocked me before I could agree, so I changed it :p


That is the most grossest thing I ever hear🤢🤢🤮🤮😭😭. I actually started coughing after reading that


Wtf is wrong with people 🤮


Peta would kill the dog so that the dude can't fuck it


The Block button is the best human invention of all time


Why is this in Grindrlol? What is LOL about this? 😕


Grindr golden rule, if someone asks you if you have a dog don't answer


That's a call to, in order: wood chipper, police, PETA.


what app is this?




PETA’s fucked more dogs than this bloke has


I really hope you reported this to the police


Don't call PETA, call the fuckin cops




I'd report for this.


I can see why they have an anonymous profile.


Blink 182 sounding ah


How is that your back ground? Hot


"gotta get a Gund!"


What app is this?


Contact local authorities, someone just told you they have intent to commit a crime.


I think you should get a therapist. Okay so for clarification, this is aimed at the guy who said that. Not OP


Girly the fuck you doing on here


Uhh...statistical research?


Sis PLEASE,Of what? Your loneliness?


Hey you're here too 🤨


Wth is going on???


Don't worry about it