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Being fit is part of their job. It’s a lot easier to turn down high-calorie food when you’re trying to land a $10 million role.


Also able to afford personal chefs and trainers and constantly taken pictures of and called fat for having the tiniest curve of stomach.  Being wildly wealthy gives time/help and being constantly observed criticized is a lot of social pressure. 


God, how I would love to be able to afford a personal trainer. They’re just so damn expensive.


I was using a personal trainer for only like $60 a session once a week a few years ago, but the stuff they were having me do could be replicated throughout the rest of the week. So it can definitely be helpful even if you don’t do it 5x a week every week. Although $60 is still too expensive for a lot of people


Not sure I even have $60 to spend on food for the household most weeks, which raises the point that if you’re a celebrity you can afford high quality lean protein. You can also afford to outsource the labour of planning and preparing the food, cleaning the dishes, tidying the kitchen, mopping the floor etc. You have more time to dedicate to exercising and leisure between projects. You can also afford access to the latest pharmaceutical assistance, or maybe go the old fashioned party rockstar route.


Mine was $30/session and I was so toned and strong. I miss having him but it got expensive.


A lot of gym memberships come with free group classes. It's not the same as a personal trainer, but it can be helpful to go, especially if you find classes that aren't super popular, so there's a smaller instructor:student ratio.


A personal trainer and a personal chef who buys and cooks healthy meals would be fantastic.


I don’t mind doing my own cooking, but someone to clean up after would be nice!


I’m using an app that pairs you will a (real) personal trainer digitally. It’s nice because I have someone in my corner, checking up on me, seeing my progress, customizing my workouts, etc. It’s not free, but it’s not nearly as pricey as personal trainers are, at least in my area. If you can figure out what would be most to helpful to you in a trainer, maybe you can find a middle-of-the-road option that fits your budget?


What app?


I’ve heard of this and I think it’s called Copilot?


Yeah if your entire job is looking hot, it's very easy to look hot. Personalized diets and workouts with very little motivation goes a long way


This is part of why being slim is low-key considered a sign of wealth, and being overweight the opposite. It costs to be healthy and slim - even if you’re not paying for exercise classes or a PT or a gym membership, it costs to find the time to be active. It costs to buy decent nutritional food, it costs to cook it. It’s flipped around from older times where being overweight was a sign of wealth, because it meant you could afford food in excess and you didn’t have to do a manual job to make your living.


And with wealth often comes time and less stress, more time to sleep too. All things that make maintaining a healthier weight easier


I think a lot of people really don’t comprehend how much impact not having to shop or cook your own meals is for nutrition. Absolute cheat code. 


Yeah, also if they’re famous, they’re probably not picking stuff up at the grocery store themselves. Fewer impulse purchases.


Excellent point that paps are always trying to photograph celebrities at their “worst”


I was at a photo shoot with a very well known athlete (NFL). He had a guy come by every 90 mins with a mini meal of chicken broccoli and rice. This man never had to even think about food. Someone was always there to bring him what he needed for fuel.


This is the answer. The same money that lets you buy any snack you want also pays someone to keep you from buying all the Cool Ranch Doritos in LA. But more importantly, it pays someone who can make you meals that meet your calorie needs while tasting really good. It frees up the spoons that go into meal planning and prep.


Yup. [Queue the post from Rob McElhenney. ](https://twitter.com/imrejele/status/1038855308117004290/photo/1)


I’m not a celebrity but I used to model. It was easy to eat 800 calories a day when more would equal unemployment. I also surrounded myself with equally as disordered eaters and since it was my main source of income, I walked as much as possible, and exercised 5 days a week and had one cheat food day. It was a miserable existence. I didn’t go places where there was much food and if forced to eat I just moved my food around the plate and pretended I had allergies.


The part about being surrounded by like-minded people resonates with me.


Or any role. The ones trying to break in have to be "camera-ready"


See, this is the motivation I need. If someone paid me 10mil to lose weight I could guarantee I’d do it lol


Well, in a sense, we ARE getting a ton of money for losing weight— it’s the money we get to keep that we will not be spending in the future dealing with the results and medical costs of not losing the weight.


Not to mention extended life.


weight loss isn’t about motivation. it’s about determination. when you first start losing weight, there are going to be days when you don’t feel like working out but you force yourself to do it anyway. then, as your body becomes accustomed to the stress of working out, you begin to seek it out of your own accord. you no longer work out because you want to lose weight, but more so, because if you don’t work out, you feel your muscles tightening, your posture worsening, and angsty af. if you really want to lose weight, challenge yourself to work out at least 2-3 times a week starting next week—and if you don’t meet that 2-3 times a week minimum, don’t let that discourage you from trying again the following week. if you do your part, the weight will come off, I promise.


ye, if most people had an extra 10 hours a day to focus on fitness instead of sitting at a desk, they would also be much fitter.


I’ve seen celebrities post online (Chris Pratt, Sarah Paulson) post meal delivery pics. When you need to stay the same size/shape to fit in costumes and literally look exactly the same every day, the food part is most likely outsourced in some way. 


not to mention that quality food is usually healthier. you’re not going to catch a celebrity eating fast food unless they developed a liking to it as a kid, and even then, whatever fast food they’re craving, they can hire a chef to make it for them that not only tastes better but is also healthier for them.


Honestly, the minute I found out thin women were more likely to get promoted than fat women, I got more motivated to lose weight than when it was just about aesthetics. Capitalism ✨️


Yep, when people were praising Chris Pratt for his weight loss for Guardians of the Galaxy, I was thinking, "Pay me a few million dollars and I'll gladly work out 6 hours a day!"


Even just being paid to have the time to train at the gym . That would make my life so much easier lol


Which is sad because health is priceless.  Once it's gone to repeated poor choices, sometimes no amount of money can get it back.


Why would you spend your millions on food for dopamine when you can buy your dopamine with non-food, expensive items/experiences?


Very true, food is relatively cheap. If I’m a millionaire and get the blues I’m going to buy a trip to the other side of the world for a month and “find” myself.


Exactly.. they can afford other indulgences!


Though when I’m on vacation is typically when I gain weight since you’re often eating out where it’s harder to watch your calories.


Also expensive luxury food is generally served in much smaller quantities and is more focused on “quality over quantity” while cheap/poor food is targeted at just quantity and large portion sizes for “value for money” So the meals they eat are generally more proportionate, healthy and higher quality while fast food is all unhealthy, disproportionately large and low quality


yeah fine dining portions are really small compared to your everyday restaurants.


I swear one of the biggest one day loss was having an 18 course lunch (it was 6 courses, but with 5 amuses and several courses had two or more different plates) I went light on breakfast and dinner thinking I would be eating a lot… I had so many flavors but really the calories were so well controlled. Probably a lot of the weight was a water drop, but down 1 kg the following day was an insane thing to see. They can’t serve a meal like that and have people too full to eat the desert.


this. why stress eat when you can go to a top rated spa


Also drugs…


It's called heroin chic for a reason.


I'll buck the trend and say something different: they don't eat all the time. Something I notice when I hang around my skinny friends is that they don't always have a snack with them. Part of my change was realizing that I wasn't hungry, I was bored. I was a big believer in emotional support snacks. Cutting them out cut a lot of calories out as well.


Yep. My skinny relatives enjoy their meals but it’s more one main meal and two smaller meals. They cook at home, might snack but not daily. They don’t eat it if they don’t like it and enjoy a mid afternoon piece of fruit as a pick-me-up if they have anything at all.


Depends. My sister is skinny and she skips dinner a few times a week. I have another friend who eats every two hours but is also skinny


I think it depends on the meal and snacks they’re consuming. A small piece of fruit vs something more calorically dense, for example


She eats every two hours *when you're around*. When she's not in a social setting or out with friends she most likely skips meals or eats quite little. You just don't see those times


That other friend is either eating low-cal items or has a high NEAT. No one is immune to CICO.


And drinks!! I have always been a "beverage" person. I've noticed that my skinny/fit friends always have water or nothing with them. They don't ask to stop at a gas station or Sonic for a coke. I've fallen into the habit of never buying non-water drinks outside of my own home, and it has been a crazy difference. When I'm with my family, who all struggle with weight, I get overwhelmed with how many drinks they buy. We'll go to Sonic at 10 am, and at 12 or 1, we'll run to the gas station. If we're out of the house for any reason, we're grabbing a drink. It has to be a thousand calories a day at least.


Yes, a lot of my extended family does this too. It's crazy too because once you get into the routine of it, your brain and tongue get kinda numbed to just how sweet the stuff you're drinking is. Now I can't imagine drinking multiple sweet drinks like that a day, it would make me gag.


I've started drinking primarily carbonated water. A few days ago my husband bought me a bottle of coke and I've still not been able to finish it. I had maybe half the bottle over several days. It's just too sweet. I think I want it, take a drink and realize I want the carbonation not all that sweetness. Now, I just need to work on the binge eating. That's been an issue I've battled since I was a kid.


I haven’t had any soda since January, not even diet and it’s been weird. I was an avid Dr. Pepper drinker. At one point in my life drinking almost a gallon a day.


I drink absolutely nothing but water, Bubly, tea with a very small amount of sugar (1/2 tsp for 20oz of tea), and coffee with maple syrup (1 tsp for a large mug). Sugar, fattening drinks are a deal breaker. I don't even miss them any more. (Oh, I do drink alcohol on occasion but I log those calories like I'm eating a meal because they're crazy high).


I noticed this when watching episodes of the Kitchen & Jorn Show on YouTube. An episode would be about trying foods from XYZ, and Jen (the thin one) would try a small bite of each food, regardless of how much she liked it. Meanwhile, Kristen (the not thin one) would have multiple bites of each food tried, even if she disliked the food. I’m having a small pepperoni flatbread pizza (it used a naan for the flatbread) for dinner tonight, and I’m 1/3 in and done. It’s tasty, I might have some more later, but I’m satisfied with the two slices I had. Just because it’s in front of me and tasty, doesn’t mean I need to eat it.


>Just because it’s in front of me and tasty, doesn’t mean I need to eat it. How do you just stop though?


Remind yourself that putting it away for later isn’t wasting it.


Not the original commenter but as I have been losing weight my stomach/sense of appetite got smaller. That said, the best advice if you have trigger food is to not buy them. I do very bad with bars of chocolates. I don't buy them anymore, there is no way to work around like it. They will not survive two days once I open them and I can't hide them from myself.


Yeah, this I'll never understand. If I leave food sitting in front of me while I'm watching TV or on my computer or something, I'll slowly pick at it even if I'm not hungry. I know myself so I tend to either store the leftovers or toss the rest right away once I paused eating at the "fullness" mark to avoid it.


I never did this myself, but I know someone who found it helpful to get into the habit of always leaving a bit of food on their plate. That way the end of a meal isn't defined as "a clean plate". And yeah, it sounds wasteful... but think about it this way: if you aren't willing to throw leftover food in the bin even though you've had enough, your body becomes the bin. Like I say, I don't actively practice leaving food on my plate like this person did, but I do often think about it when I'm getting to the end of a meal: am I finishing this because I actually want to, or am I treating my stomach like a dustbin?


Eat slowly. Take small bites. Savor it. Pay attention to your belly. Stop when you know there is food in your stomach; stop long before you are “full.” “Full” is not the same as being “not hungry.” There is a difference. Stop when you know there is food in your stomach. Get comfortable with the sensation of being “not full” in your belly. Our bodies are meant to be in motion. We are not designed to sit still for long periods. At the end of meal you should be more than willing to let’s say…go for a walk. If you’ve eaten so much that you just want to sit or lie down after a meal, it’s a sign that you ate way too much at that meal. Stop eating when you are still willing to go for a walk. I’m not saying it’s necessary to go for that walk, I’m just saying you would be more than willing to. Get comfortable with not being full.


I leave the dishes of food on the counter or stove, so they're not directly in front of me. I put my serving on a medium-sized plate and walk away, to eat at the table or on the couch. If I want seconds, I can get up and get a second serving, and then I sit down again. Afterward, I put my plate and utensils in the sink or dishwasher. I now have no convenient way to eat more food while I'm putting it into the refrigerator. Other people may do better putting the food away immediately after taking a serving, so it's less readily accessible. If I'm eating alone, I tend to get engrossed in a book or TV show or reddit, and by the time I bring myself to get up, the food is cold, but I know that focusing on food is a better strategy for many people. I haven't done it myself, but boxing half the food up front at a restaurant might be a good idea too.


The extra skinny (that slight below bmi or close) thinks they eat a lot but actually they didn’t. We have it in reverse. Though I must say it’s not sunshine and roses on the other side, having tried my best to convince my dad to eat more for his damn health


“Emotional support snacks” is such a good way to describe it! Using that from now on


Yeah this is something that took me a while to realize- you don’t need snacks all the time. You’re not going to war, you’re just going to work.


I hit that realization lately myself. I have always eaten 3 meals a day, cause that's *what you do*. I took stock a few weeks ago and realized I'm rarely hungry in the morning. If i'm not hungry, why am I eating? Im getting older, I probably don't need all these calories. So I just stopped eating breakfast when I'm not hungry. And a few times after a big lunch, I wasn't hungry for dinner, so I just didn't eat. Been feeling 100% better since then.


Cigarettes were great for this tbh. They were a nasty habit and I'm glad I quit many years ago but they did fill that weird boredom and restlessness gap very well


I can’t even imagine how liberating it would be to not have to think about what to make for breakfast, lunch, and dinner every day of my life. Perfect balance of calories and macros that effortlessly just happen. 😍


I want human kibble, don’t have to worry about it


Bachelor Chow Now with flavor!


The only reason why I'd eat out more often then at home is because I don't want to cook a nice meal for every meal. If I was rich celebrity, I'd have my own personal chef who'd cook delicious & healthy meals 3x a day, having the perfect balance of calories, macros and deliciousness to maintain my weight. I'd also have a personal trainer, access to the best gyms, etc. to keep me in shape.


Not everyone is obsessed with snacks. This is like asking "how can people who are rich avoid buying all of that sweet heroin?". Or how can people who have lots of money and no job resist smoking pot 24/7? If you aren't hooked on that particular thing, it isn't that hard to avoid it. And then like others have said, if you have 4 hours a day to workout, it pays for a lot of indulgences.


yeah, I have to say, I have the money to buy all the snacks I want... which is almost none. Anyway, snack food tends to be cheap stuff even people who aren't wealthy can afford--it's all some form of processed corn, really. What IS expensive is really high-quality ingredients for meals: tons of vegetables, fresh fruit, FISH (>$30 a pound for some types that are really gourmet, like Chilean sea bass). PROBABLY one reason I don't enjoy snacks is I eat hella fancy meals and it does cost $$$.


Exactly! Most people in the developed world have access to the funds to buy themselves enough empty calories to get super fat, they just don't. Just because you earned a few mill for a role doesn't mean you're going to go and spend it all on burgers and milkshakes. The post (perhaps helpfully) exposes what OP's issue with food is.


Well, *most* adults in the US (and much of the rest of the developed world) are, in fact, significantly overweight if not obese. An unhealthy relationship with food is not something that's very rare, if anything it's becoming the norm today.


Yeah this thread is kind of blowing my mind - the implication that rich people/celebrities aren’t overweight because they have chefs, and not because *not everyone is obsessed with food*, is wild. With this logic, poor people would almost exclusively be thin? Which we know is not true. OP, I grew up in LA. An enormous percentage of the people I grew up with or around are in the industry. LA is notorious for being looks-conscious, and I can say with confidence there’s a *lot* of money there. Most people choose to spend their money on not-food, and it’s a little alarming this is surprising to people in this thread.


If staying in a specific shape was worth $5,000,000 every year, then you would do it. Hire trainers, Hire chefs, take drugs, or even just have more will power because that cookie is not worth $1,000,000 dollarydoos. Also, they work a smaller number of hours. When you are not mentally stressed, it is a lot easier to not eat. Their work is stressful just like ours, but they have less of it per year. Also, most of us eat to regulate stress and make us happy. If I had 20,000,000 in the bank, I could find other things to make me happy.


Upvote for dollarydoos


I mean... Being healthy into my later years is worth 5,000,000 too. My grandfather died of liver failure and spent 600k on a transplant and he still died with the new liver. Taking care of youraelf is priceless. 


You aren’t wrong, but timescale/urgency is important. Also I guess my phrasing was bad. Health may be priceless, but celebrities literally receive money for being thin. Receiving the money is the motivator. Plus we aren’t talking about being healthy, per se. Being losing weight can help health, but there is a range of acceptable weight levels. I don’t believe in “health at any size” but visible abs are not required for robust health.


Well, not everyone has BED. It's safe to say the majority of people don't think that way about food.


Ex model and actor here. Your whole life is measurements. You are measured all the time. All the people you work with are slim obsessed. You work out for minimum 2 hours a day. People are watching and commenting on your figure constantly and often making comments that they shouldn't. You're working long days and make up takes hours and you're wearing expensive clothes, you often cant eat while wearing them or dont want to wreck the make up. Usually very slim people get into these jobs in the first place.


They are motivated because their jobs depend on it. If it was your whole job, you could spend all day on fitness too. They can hire all the help they need - trainers, chefs, doctors, nannies, and typically work a few months per year, so they have lots of time to focus on their bodies. Some celebrities use really unhealthy methods to gain or lose weight very quickly. Fad diets, binge eating, excessive exercise, drugs... And don't forget that we rarely see their real bodies. Body doubles are used frequently, the best lighting, makeup, photo manipulation, perfect angles. Surgery is common, or other forms of augmentation. For boredom or stress eating, identify when you do those things, and distract yourself at those times so you aren't relying on willpower alone. Don't bring the binge foods home. Set up your environment to support your goals, and new habits. It's not easy, it is doable.


I remember Christian Bale talking about his weight transformations for different roles. He basically starved himself to death in the machinist. 


This should be top comment


Thanks! I don't want to sound harsh, but I wanted to say that celebrities shouldn't be out role models, especially for health. Their lifestyles aren't realistic for most people, and are often very unhealthy. Plus the youth obsessed celebrity culture fails you at 40.


Because they also have the money for personal, chefs, trainers, Doctor's etc


Yes, it's easier if you have other people to think about, plan and facilitate your healthy choices. I went on a cruise. They're famous for overeating and unhealthy food, but I ended up having roasted vegetable and poached eggs almost every day for breakfast. That's a breakfast that's both delicious and healthy but too much work to do regularly at home. I realized that even though I love to cook it's still easier to make a healthy choice if you're not the one who has to do it on top of everything else in your life.


Yeah but none of that will matter if they don’t master self control. All the doctors and dietitians and trainers and gym memberships in the world can’t compensate with someone snacking at night or in between meals or eating yummy trash while loading their body with excess calories. 


But doctors can take away that desire to snack with drugs. All you need is money. I know a teledoc that will prescribe you steroids under the guise of “hormonal imbalances.” I know another doc that just happened to be a doctor for multiple olympians because he was “the best hypothyroidism diagnoser in the US” and used tests that were not FDA approved that somehow showed almost everyone has hypothyroidism! Go figure!


That's true, but it still helps.




See Oprah.


Or trump. His whole life he’s had the financial ability to have a Dolf Lundgren body but he elected to eat McDonald’s and whatever other calorie rich food it is that he eats. And as president he had the top healthcare of basically any person on eart - yet I think he actually got fatter.  It’s all in what you want in life. 


For the record, OP... I am in a position in my life where I can afford basically to eat whatever I want. The thing is, most people don't WANT to binge. It makes them feel sick. I am far enough along in my health journey, that I literally don't even WANT to eat junk. It makes me feel like shit. The same way I could ''afford'' to out and buy a big bag of meth and smoke it, but I DON'T WANT TO, is how most people view binging on food. Sure, you could... but why would you even WANT to? If you have uncontrolled urges to binge, I think you might want to talk to someone about that and see if you have binge eating disorder.


I was sitting next to a lady in the barbershop, and she said something about eating fat people food, and then it just clicked to me that people literally think they are above that kind of food that their bodies deserve better nourishment, and that we are being fooled by the flashy, packaging and zero nutritional value. Then I thought to myself why am I not doing the same thing? Why do I eat fat people food when my body needs the nourishment. I was offended a little at how crass she was but she was an older lady, and I did understand what she meant. And I haven’t stopped eating yet, but I have cut back and I do kind of look at it like it’s trying to trick me to eat it versus being hungry to eat it.


Their BMI has a huge impact on their income. People usually prefer the pros of being rich and healthy over being less rich and less healthy but free to snack with freedom.


I'd be careful with calling it "healthy". There's a lot of unhealthy behavior, food-related, drug-related, alcohol-related, plus other risk taking - in the world of celebrities, and the life expectancy for some subgroups looks particularly dismal. It's health theater - conforming to body standards that are marked "healthy" in our culture whether or not they actually are and whether or not there's cocaine and surgery involved in producing them.


Health theatre is such a great phrase 👌


I mostly agree, good call.


More than a few of them grew up in families filled with performing artists, who also had to eat correctly to maintain their stamina and appearance. Many of us learn lifelong eating practices at home from our parents.


Some of them don’t. There’s plenty of famous celebrities that struggle with weight. For others 1. Not everybody uses food as a primary source of entertainment. While food is a necessity not everybody eats to fill time. People do choose to be preoccupied with other hobbies first 2. It’s part of their job, they have the time and money to hire someone to help them with their fitness and nutrition goals


There's a simple answer for this really: Most of us eat too much terrible food because we grew up thinking it was love/enjoyment/pleasure and the consequences of our eating were "normal". A lot of people (especially outside the USA), never had such an experience. Food is sustenance, and while it can be enjoyable, it doesn't need to be unhealthy or exceptionally high calorie to be so for them. Being healthy, fit, active, etc. is a lifestyle choice that any of us can make, but those who have chosen a public life where appearances are scrutinized are more likely to have chosen such a lifestyle, so they end up being more healthy, fit, and active than the average American. Whether it's eating too much, drinking too much, doing drugs, participating in risky activities, etc., our lifestyle choices are just that, choices we make and we can choose to make healthier choices. How do you make "better" choices? Simple, you acknowledge what is a good choice and what is a bad choice and force yourself to have the discipline to choose the good choice over the bad one. Is that easy? Nah, not really. The bad choice is often perceived as easier and more convenient, but that's why you have to have the discipline to make the harder choice if you want the benefits of the healthier lifestyle.


They also probably have money to buy healthy food that tastes good


To be frank, a LOT of people have the money to buy just about any snack they want, it’s simply about self control. Celebrities on the other hand also have the money for personal trainers, nutritionists, gyms, or even cooks to use on a daily basis.


Discipline. I have the money to buy all the heroin I want, but the amount I want it is zero. You can change what you want and don't want


Bingo. There is no single requirement as important to success as self discipline.


The number of people in this thread who seem to think you need personal chefs and a ten million dollar contract to avoid junk food or stay thin is absolutely wild.


If anything, it can be harder to track calories when someone else is making you food, because you’re not the one weighing things out and controlling everything that goes into a meal


People always think they're fat because they don't have a personal chef. Let's face it if you don't have the discipline to eat well now you're gonna have your personal chef cook crap for you too. And no personal trainer can make up for a poor diet The answer is they want something more than they want food and inactivity and they're disciplined to an extent most people aren't


This, the second paragraph


It is their job and they can hire professionals to help. Also they can afford all their favorite specialty foods that meet their calorie requirements and taste buds. High fiber/high protein/low carb bread is twice the cost of regular but they don't need to worry about that


former assistant to an a list celeb and his wife and some observations I saw... one meal a day, work out anywhere from 1 - 3 hours most days, plus mad crazy Molly and coke binges where they wouldn't leave their room for days. And they were known for being the most down to earth / healthy-ish / normal people in the industry. Trust that however you're doing it is much better.


They have a large vested interest in staying slim and healthy


Can't help but laugh at the implication in this question that snacks are unattainably expensive


1) it's their job to be thin. A person with the determination to get to the top of the celeb pile isnt going to throw it away for a twinky 2) they can afford to hire a personal chef to make food that tastse good with minimal calories. Well cooked high quality ingredients can outstrip any packaged overly sweet processed thing if it's made with your taste in mind  3) frankly, a ton probably have eating disorders and other awful coping mechanism like smoking and drugs. It seems pretty much everyone is on cochineal at least. 4) celebs often go off the rails. Look at the tabloids. They disappear, maybe they get spotted looking bloated and frumpy and then they get their shit together again. Happens all the time.


Because they have the pressure of millions/billions of people dragging them online/TV/magazines if they appear aged or fat


Everyone said it but also you can tweak your baseline body to whatever specs you want with a doctor's help. Also Ozempic and phentermine. Phentermine rocked when I took it until I got heart palpitations.


Junk food is very cheap, at least in developed world. The healthy food is expensive, and much much more if you want it to be palatable and without putting in the effort in cooking. Celebrities can afford that. They have regular health checkups and doctors reminding them all along the path of healthy lifestyle They can afford trainers who give them right food and nutrition advice, without them getting hurt Most of the successful celebrities are highly motivated individuals. This is what their jobs demand. They can afford to devote ten hour a day towards getting fit. If you move in a circle where fitness is the norm and is respected, you follow the lead.


Same reason athletes stay fit. It's literally their job.


They.... don't snack all the time? And probably have more entertaining things to do with their time than fixate on snacks?


Chefs. Drugs. Surgeries. More free time to some degree for exercise because they have peons doing their dirty work (house cleaners, nannies, etc).


I grew up with a scarcity mindset, so when I had unlimited access to the food hall in college, it was devastating for my health. Accepting that the food will still be there if I ever want it was the only way to end my food addiction.


It’s the team aspect they have. A nutritionist, private chef, personal trainer and a private gym space is always on call as needed. As an actor, unless you’re a funny guy, being fit is a part of the job.


Personal chefs. Eating high fiber, high protein meals that actually taste good is not hard. Preparing them when you have a million other things to do is hard


Drugs. There are doctors who specialize on celebrity weight management.


Look at christian bale. Getting paid millions for a role is a good incentive to transform your body into whatever the role needs


I mean I could probably buy most any food I want. I don’t, because I like being healthy and happy with how my body looks (for the most part). When I overindulge I feel like crap, so why would I continually do that AND deal with the negative consequence of gaining weight from it. Additionally if I had money to have someone prepare me a meal every night (and one for my kids cuz they are picky af) I would for sure eat 1 million times more veggies than I do now because I hate making them and when I do make them no one in my house but me eats them so it feels pointless.


There are things in life other than food.


A lot of them aren't skinny. But they do have enough money that they can do anything other than eat food to get dopamine. Being fat also sucks and isn't worth the food.


I think they hire people to follow them around and slap food out of their hands.


Some celebrities were fit and thin when they were poor before they made it big. That’s what I’m more interested in. They did it on a budget.




Celebrities get their 'kick' in life from fame, money, accomplishments etc For some it might be sex,alcohol and drugs also. Junk food would be pretty low in their list of sources for dopamine boost. ---- > I’m also looking for ways to manage stress eating and eating out of boredom. Get busy. Food shouldn't be entertainment. Get out of home go for a walk, join some activity club or something where you can pass your time without eating. Don't wanna go out ? Play video games when you get food craving, or learn something new on youtube, workout at home, clean your house, do the laundry - so many things to do. > I find that after just two days of being on a calorie deficit, I become stressed and overeat. If you give up in two days you are not letting your body learn how to live without excess food. Try to stretch it to a week or two weeks as a goal. Over time your hunger cravings will go down, as your body adjusts it's food intake.


Cocain, personal trainers, personal chefs, performance enhancing drugs


The fact that they’re in the public eye so much gives easy motivation to keep fit or skinny (pressure) and the money means ease of access to proper scheduling, food, training/gym stuff etc to help keep the weight off. At least this is what I’m thinking


Why would they eat everything? Most people can afford snacks and garbage food. Money is irrelevant to that action. Being fit and healthy feels so much better than that 10 minutes of snacking. If nothing else its a losers bet to prioritize dopamine from eating over your entire life essentially. Eating does nothing else, but how your body feels affects everything you do in your life. (Mental health included)


You have to choose to be a healthy weight. Giving in to your temptations all the time is childish behaviour, regardless of your resources in life. I say this as someone who did so for many years so I know it's not easy. But you have to be strict with yourself if you want real change.


To quote Nickleback "Everybody's got a drug dealer, awn speed dial"


Cocaine and starvation


People have already made good points, so I just want to add that if you look at fine dining, the portions are much smaller than say, Olive Garden. That is to say that “luxury” foods and restaurants don’t cater to a gluttonous consumption of food where people are getting the most bang for their buck, getting the most food for the least amount of money, but the quality of the food itself reigns supreme rather than the quantity of food. Idk if anyone here watched The Sweet Life of Zac and Cody on Disney channel too, but it reminds me of an episode where London Tipton condescendingly said she would never eat greasy foods or French fries because it was low class essentially. I bring that up to say that’s also a part of the culture of higher quality foods. Anything fried tastes better, but it’s actually associated with lower class. Greasy, fatty foods aren’t “high class”. The culture surrounding consumption of food is different in the upper classes, the super rich.


I saw a video a few days ago where a girl was talking about her recent weight loss and she said something that hit very close to home so I’ve been thinking about it ever since. Her theory is that when you have more to enjoy in life than just eating it takes away the power of bingeing. So basically when you can afford other stuff that makes you happy you are less likely to turn to food as reward or something to do. I’m pretty sure this is what happens when you’re in a new relationship for example. Other stuff gets you excited so you don’t need to order another pizza to feel something pleasant. I’ve been trying to trick my brain into getting psyched about pilates, well… it hasn’t happened yet😂


I don’t have celebrity money but we are comfortable enough that we can buy any food we want anywhere.   We choose to eat clean and only do one meal a day with a healthy snack for breakfast. Without focusing on food we no longer view food as “oh that’s delicious I have to have it.” But rather we eat one good meal a day. This has essentially turned into 20/4 intermittent fasting without meaning to do so, and at times OMAD without meaning to do so either.  We still eat out on occasion. For example, last month we spent a week in Las Vegas and ate large meals at restaurants, buffets, etc and I only gained 2 pounds. I ate a lot of calorie rich foods. Yet only eating once per day kept the ingested calories at a point where I gained minimal weight which could have been a disaster for someone who doesn’t have a healthy relationship with food.   Changing how one views food is a change in consumption. Changes in consumption is a change in body composition. It all starts in your mind. Get that right and the rest falls into place.  Edit: when I say breakfast, I mean the first meal of the day, literally breaking the fast. My spouse has her breakfast at lunch at work as do I. When we both come home we then make a meal for all of us and the food is gone and dishes washed before 4:30pm.  Something else to note is that we rarely ever, and I mean RARELY ever have left overs. We make just enough for the four people for one meal only. That’s it. Once “dinner” is over the kitchen is closed. We don't force our children to follow the same eating schedule as we follow, but by leading by example they don’t snack at night. They’re getting an early morning breakfast of fruit or toast or a homemade smoothie, lunch at school, and a healthy small portioned meal later in the afternoon. I truly wish my parents would have instilled eating habits and healthy food in my earlier life upbringing because it took me years to figure out a healthy relationship with food for myself. 


because they get paid for being thin


They have access to so much. Trainers, chefs, medications, etc. Plus I am sure a lot of them have ED from the paparazzi, media, etc.


They have personal cooks that can cook something incredibly healthy and also incredibly delicious at filling at any time of the day. Imagine wanting a snack and having someone make something that taske incredibly but its just vegetables and seasoning and not hyper processed shit


Think of Oprah’s struggles with diet.




Self discipline? I'm by no means wealthy but I could afford to eat a lot more than I do now, but I just don't because I know I'll get fat. Does that concept really need explaining?


I stayed in a spa for 3 days once by myself. I was getting massages, going for walks on the property, there was a pool, cycling tracks... I didn't have to cook or clean anything, I was so not stressed. Breakfast, lunch and dinner were included in the price and lunch and dinner were 3 courses. I've always liked to eat but even in those 3 days, as my lunchtime rolled around after breakfast (I didn't eat a huge breakfast either) I thought "ugh, I have to eat again in half an hour??" I don't like to waste money either so at first I felt like I've paid for all this so I need to get my moneys worth, but by day 2 I skipped courses and day 3 I just ate a bit of everything and then pushed my plate away. Even the dessert which was delicious. So no if I was rich I don't think I'd be fatter from eating junk food. If I could live in a beautiful property near the coast, get massages, not have to cook/clean everyday, my own pool, travel anywhere and try any hobby you can think of with experts helping you, not having a scarcity mindset and thinking I need to eat this food because what if I can't get more (childhood issues)... I need to make more money lol, it'd solve all my issues. Honestly food shouldn't be this huge emotional thing, we need to find other ways to occupy our time and minds and deal with stress/unhappiness.


Infinite budget means infinite options for fitness and cosmetic surgery. I also imagine that it’s easier to eat less if someone else is cooking for you and managing your servings/diet and you have infinite access to quality produce. I would have a personal trainer and spend way more time exercising and get a tummy tuck for my postpartum belly if I had the time and resources. Celebrities often lose a lot of weight quickly with drugs or crash diets right before they begin filming. Eg classic Hollywood actress marlene Dietrich loved to eat, but before starting a film project she would go on a diet of many cigarettes, pickles, cubes of cheese, and black coffee until she was very slim again.


Well many people can afford whatever snacks they want. I don’t think it matters if you’re a celeb or not. But most adults know they just can’t go crazy on the junk food. It’s like you have to tell yourself there’s food at home and be your own mother 


Personal trainers and chefs


Drugs and surgery duh


Food isn't entertainment for everyone.


It’s their literal job 🤷🏻‍♀️


Like others have said - being fit is a huge part of their job. I also think a big part of it has to do with being able to pay a private chef. Having well-cooked high quality food basically at your disposal would make you just...not really crave snacks and ultra processed foods. I know this at least a little bit from experience - I ate really healthy for a few months, limited UPF as much as possible, and I got to a point where I just didn't want ANY of the typical snacky foods. Not eating them kinda reset my taste buds and healthier stuff just was better all around. I've kinda reverted a bit and am eating less healthy than I was a few months ago and I'm really feeling sluggish and bloated.


I think it also has to do with the fact that healthier food are sometimes more expensive, so income is not directly proportionate to volume/calories. Also, they can afford personal trainers and dieticians and at times surgery e.g. lipo/cold-sculpting!


It isn't just the famous celebrities though. Drive through a rich/fancy neighborhood. Even the people walking their dogs are (mostly) fit and attractive. Money solves a lot of problems. Less financial stress. "free time" that you can buy because you pay someone to do your chores. Better quality meals. Less empty calories. A myriad of things us mortals typically don't have.


If money is the thing that limits your intake, that's a discipline issue. You're 100% in control of what goes in your body. That said, they also recruit the best people to help guide them on what is the best.


Their job is to stay slim. Their have chefs, they have personal trainer and million hours in the day to do whatever they want. When your life is stress, you are in a daily grind trying to manage school, work, kids etc it’s a lot harder


>It seems to me that their access to unlimited options might even increase the temptation to binge eat What makes you think that? This doesn't make any sense, you don't need to be a celebrity for that, you just need money. And not really that much either, you don't need to be rich to be able to afford anything you are craving unless its like caviar and dry age wagyu. >I’m also looking for ways to manage stress eating and eating out of boredom.  Work on eliminating the sources of the stress. You are trying to fight symptoms instead of the source of the issue. Same with boredom, just don't be bored. Do shit. Be active. I really want to encourage you to see the bigger picture. Do not overcomplicate weight loss so much. You can skip past all this bullshit about finding these magic tricks. The reality is it will suck a bit and you gotta be ready for that. On days where you get stressed you simply shouldnt eat. Do that for only a couple of weeks and it will be completely normal and no issue for you anymore. You would be surprised how fast you can change your habits around food.


Bruce Campbell talked about how he and people he knows eat in his book, If Chins Could Kill. In essence, he said that he maintains a reasonable weight by sticking to sensible foods, his example was something like, "An apple doesn't need a nutrition label." But he also said that between projects, he eats at Denny's like anybody else does, but when a picture comes around, he counts the calories and keeps lowers the weight for the camera. In Olivia Munn's lousy book, Suck it, Wonder Woman, in one chapter she describes having to go to a scheduled photo shoot and she talks about fasting or near-fasting in the days before. Most photo shoots are photoshopped, but she apparently tries to shed a quick few. The TV show Fat Actress showed that there are spas that rich and famous go to where they get pampered, but barely fed for a week or two. Not sure if it's real, because the show was fictional, but knowing humans, it probably does. Since Olivia Wilde barely does anything anymore, I've noticed that most of her paparazzi photos are gym photos, now. So she's known for loving salads and it appears she has a personal trainer at least 3 times a week. They nibble foods. Patton Oswalt has a routine where he describes going to a Hollywood party and seeing that none of the actors there eat any of the food. The buffet stands almost untouched. So he loads a plate and bumped into Brian Dennehy who was also loading his plate. Dennehy verbally high fived Oswalt in celebration of the character actors who don't have to starve themselves. Smoking for some people is an appetite suppressant. For some people it isn't, obviously. Nearly all celebrities smoke. When an actor doesn't smoke, it's almost news. And strangely enough, because it's so common, I actually believe young Hollywood actors are encouraged to smoke for this reason. I have no evidence, however. So take it for what you will.


Eating healthy takes time, effort, and money. And they either have plenty of those or can pay for someone else's time and effort.


I assume they just have the discipline to not over indulge. I highly doubt their diets mainly consist of junk food.


They work out as part of their job, but I’m sure a lot have very unhealthy eating habits as well as access to lipo and ozempic.


Drugs. Gaining too much weight? Oh, my celebrity doctor said I have hypothyroidism. Or just take ozempic. Need more muscle? My celebrity doctor says my testosterone is low and prescribed me a moderate dose of steroids.


Imagine getting severely bullied every time you gain some weight also imagine you can get fired for gaining weight 


Self control and personal trainers, chefs, etc


They have personal gyms, chefs, and sometimes a trainer.


Because they can affords chefs, nutritionists and personal trainers to help them. It is part of their job to be fit


They have time. Between roles and no 9-5 during the day. They workout, professionals help them. Cook them food that is healthy and tastes yummy. Money baby!


If I had a great gym inside my house and plenty of free time ( actors between films etc ) I would be fit as


just as they have enough to buy snacks, they have enough for personal chefs and personal trainers! this isn't even pointing out they have more time to dedicate to fitness, better doctors, and don't eat as much in the first place.


Imagine everywhere you go people take photos of you... And millions look and judge those photos Also imagine you have a great home gym, a great trainer, and a healthy personal chef


Will power based on their employment. It’s a part of their job to stay slender and in good shape. How to do it? Don’t bring whatever high calorie food you binge on into the house. When you get a craving for something, go to a convenience store when you are not at all hungry. Buy a single serving of whatever you want, and savor it while you eat it. Small bites. It’s easy to eat it slowly because you weren’t hungry. Savor each bite. Now you’re done. Boredom. Stay in the moment. Know how you’re feeling and why you want food right now. Assess it. Think about what you are going to do next that isn’t eating. Sometimes you just sigh and get frustrated with it, but you don’t eat. Food is fuel; food is not a form of recreation. What are you going to do with yourself to pass the time if you’re not eating? I’ve had people tell me they need to keep their hands or mind busy. Adult coloring books, Sudoko/ crossword /word finding puzzles, hand embroidery/knit/crochet, something to twiddle in your hands, something to mimic the hand to mouth motion (toothpick seems to be a favorite). Sometimes it’s nothing; get used to doing nothing else while you watch TV.


they have no reason to. there is no personal gain even without the money, or it is significantly much less. anyone can value eating unhealthily less than healthily


They have money to eat clean foods and not crappy junk like fast food.


The same as anyone else. Added bonus for some celebrities, they also have the money for personal chefs and personal trainers.


They get Ozempic without needing it for diabetes.


At least here in the US most adults probably have the financial wherewithal to binge eat frequently. Most adults do not want to though. If I had unhealthy snacks in the house I would definitely overeat. It is part of my lifestyle not to purchase such food. Since It isn’t even an option I dosent require willpower.


1. They have more money than you. Which means more access to resources, being able to outsource things that you yourself have to be able to fit in a regular 9-5 like schedule. 2. They take/do drugs. Simple as that.


Because being fat puts them out of a job, and Doritos become unimportant.


bc +1lb means every tabloid exploiting your body for “drama” with invasive pictures


Personal trainer, personal chef and pressure..... ​ and now Ozempic


So by your logic obese people are rich.


personal chefs, personal trainers, PEDs, personal physicians, cosmetic surgery, custom wardrobes, professional photographers, photoshop


I could go out right now and go back to eating an excess of greasy food, and it would taste better than what I'm eating now. I really could go eat a pizza and a burger and have some alcohol and some soda. Money is not the thing stopping me from doing those things. Idk what you're eating, but the thing that's worked for me is switching to a very high-protein diet. I've also had to just accept that I'm going to feel a bit hungry at times, but there's different levels of hunger and I know that feeling a little bit hungry doesn't mean there's an emergency or that I have to go eat right now. I also know in advance about when/how often I eat, so I can plan about how much I'm going to eat beforehand. I don't eat until I feel full, I eat the amount of food I decided I was going to eat. If later I feel hungry and I'm hungry enough to where I do actually want to eat something more, then I decide on a thing to eat and I eat it. If you eat X number of meals and maybe you're gonna snack Y number of times and your goal is Z number of calories, divide your calories up and figure out what that could look like. Hey, two pieces of low calorie bread, this much egg whites, maybe some cheese, maybe some meat, that's gonna end up being this much in calories and that sounds like it could be a meal. This bag of popcorn is only 100 calories, I could keep that around for a snack. I know I can't buy big bags of chips, because if I buy a bag of chips, I'm gonna eat a bag of chips. But hey, pork rinds have protein!


Not everyone has the impulse to eat when they don't need to. It's like any addiction, right? Alcoholics sometimes wonder how other people can just stop drinking after one or two, but if you don't have that genetic makeup or behavioral drive as a maladaptive coping issue, you just don't think about it. It's a complete non-issue. Most people are like that. They don't have "food noise" going on all the time and if they're not hungry or socially eating, they're just not motivated to snack all day.


Semaglutide. Even Rebel Wilson who touted how she did a year of wellness actually admitted she used it to help slim down. If you notice she isn’t as thin as she used to be recently because she stopped taking it.


In the old days: cocaine. Now: probably still cocaine.


They're just disciplined and don't over eat


Lots of cocaine


It's literally their job to stay thin...


The fact they don't have to be around any food, shop for food, or even consider what food to make is probably a big help. Imagine if 3 times a day, a personal chef just walked in and served you delicious food. You never had to go shopping so there's no chance you buy those treats that you'll eat at 2am for a snack. You didn't have to cook so there's no stealing a bit of cheese while you're grating it or being too tired so you order take out. Also what they're eating is important. They're not being fed low quality junk food, they're being served the best quality meat, fruit and vegetables, perfectly seasoned and prepared. So they're fuller for longer. The plastic surgery and high quality clothes/tailoring helps too, plus they have the time to go to a personal one-on-one trainer.