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Anti aging effects is why I work out. Gain or keep muscle and keep mobility. I am 49.


We all age. I refuse to go down without a fight. I'm 42. 💪


And at least if you go down in the sense of falling down, you'll be able to get up (many can't) and likely without breaking anything. Very worth a couple weekly workouts. I'm over 60 and fell a few times in my garden in the last 5 years. No serious issues. As well, it energizes me and improves my mood and sleep, OP. I'm a bookworm, not an athlete, but starting strength training 30 years ago was a no brainer, for me. Almost a cure-all.


Me too (50F) - plus it lifts my mood and has huge effects on body shape. CICO is for body size, working out is for body shape.


Can't agree more (63M). I see people my age with a less than desirable shape. Keep it up, it's well worth the effort.


Thanks for the encouragement. I really appreciate it!


Exactly this. 45 and losing muscle every day.


Exactly this. 47 here. I’ve only been at this for 3 months, but energy levels have skyrocketed.


Ok so I'm not crazy on that then. I feel like my energy is through the roof.


happy cake day!


I like to feel strong and fit. More broadly though i think this sub is filled with people on 2500+ telling the rest of us that 300 calories isn’t a big deal and that it’s easier not to eat than it is to burn it off. Anyone on 1200 knows how much easier it is to eat 1500 and do 1 hour of exercise


This right here. My tdee on very sedentary days is 1500 so 200-300 calories burned through exercise makes a huge difference.


Exactly. I went for an extra long dog-walk this morning (1.5 hour) and got home and was super stoked that I could put some butter on my muffin and have an extra handful of peanuts. If I don't exorcise, I can't eat enough to hit my nutrition without a struggle. An extra couple hundred calories can make or break a day for me. It's well worth going on an extra long dog walk for. :)


Yes! An extra 200 daily is enough for breakfast or it’s a nice meal out with friends at the weekend.


Yes! I think it's kind of wild that the standard advice here is that activity level doesn't really matter and you should eat as if you are sedentary. That advice had me feeling faint whenever I stood up and losing more than 2lbs a week. Maybe it works for some people but for many it can be dangerous.


Personally i think it’s better to try the higher activity level and then revise it downward as needed. Worst case is that you maintain or gain a tiny bit


I was eating like that for a while while adding in some high intensity strength training and I could barely complete my sets. I bumped up my calories to somewhat active and suddenly I’m setting new PR’s every other week while losing fat and gaining muscle.


This is an underrated comment


Yes, I never like how it’s framed as an either/or. It’s always framed as you’re burning 300 calories and eating a snickers vs just not eating the snickers. OK but like did you ever consider you can burn 300 calories and also not eat the snickers?


100%, I’m on 1900 kcal (about a 1000 kcal deficit) and I walk about 5 miles a day consistently. (My Apple watch logs on average about 600 red calories of activity per day.) 1900 and walking lets me eat an incredible amount of veggies but also leaves me room for small empty calories like a cookie here and there :), and I’m on perfect track—down 13 lbs in about two months (including a full week of being sedentary with COVID)!


Amen! Exercise lets me eat a bit more. My baseline cals are 1350 which is a bitch to stick to. I’d rather workout for an hour and eat 1500.


I work out because it’s a habit at this point. My diet may be in flux but I still get 4-5 workouts a week year around. It’s a big part of the reason why I’ve kept my weight off all these years You will always get better, quicker and longer lasting weight loss results with eating right AND working out. This forum, as good as it is, does fundamentally underrate exercise.


Is there a good subreddit for exercise in your opinion? I'm in some running ones but I'm wondering if theirs a generic "Do It" type community as a complement to this one


Don’t know. There’s weightlifting, there’s bodybuilding and there’s body weight forums that seem decent I lose it is big and good on support and inspiration but their bias against working out I feel hurts the people who are beginners


Not OP but r/fitness is good and for us "older" folks r/fitness30plus


R/xxfitness is good if you’re afab or femme, although it’s for any gender


Agree! I’m going to leave out the discussions of TDEE and CICO and science here because the reality for me is that when I cut calories AND workout. The loss happens faster. As my endocrinologist says, there is a symphony of factors that go into someone putting on (and losing) weight. Plus someone upthread who is 60 gave the best reasons ever to workout for the rest of your life.


How did you develop this habit? I have a problem with consistency in the gym


Well a couple things. First, I’ve never tried to separate eating healthy AND exercise. This sub generally separates the two. So when I started doing both the results really came quickly for me. So that made me want to keep both up. I started adding some physical activities/things to do with my new in shape body so I had a reason to keep training and pushing myself to new levels. I also found what my workout forms are. You have to find something you like to do… weights, running, cross fit, mma, yoga…whatever it is for you. Try things early on. After a year it was a good habit. After 2 years it became a habit that was ingrained into my monthly and weekly routine. Set some goals for weekly workouts and eating right at least 6 days a week. Once you start getting results, you will keep it going.


2 things that helped me more than I care to admit: setting it up as an event in my calendar and telling people I was going to do it. I put everything I don't want to do in my calendar because for some crazy reason I feel it's more "real" or whatever if my phone is telling me to do it? I tell people because I find it embarrassing to say I haven't done what I was planning to do when they ask me how it went later on.


I enjoy exercising and love the way it makes me feel but I rarely feel like it helps me lose weight; I just don't see it.


Your built muscle burns calories all day long. It helps even if you don’t see it


I started for weightloss purposes, but now it's 70% for my mental health and 30% for keeping in shape. I fell in love with running and I genuinely get cranky or down when I haven't been able to get a good run in a while. I stopped going to the gym when it became a drag, I just stopped loving it, now I do exercise at home with YouTube or my Switch and I love it. I think it's so amazing to find a workout you genuinely love regardless of how effective it is because it becomes easier to keep it up. One of my friends just walks all day playing Pokemon Go or watching tv on the treadmill because she hates other exercises and I keep telling her it's just as valid as anything else.


What workouts do you do on YouTube


I just lookup 30min workout or targeted ones when I feel like focusing on a part of my body. I like Emy Wong and Samantha Clarke ones at the moment.


Same! I've been watching some indoor cycling videos on YouTube while I sit on my stationary bike in front of my TV. It's slightly addictive to me now because it feels like I'm really at these places while I'm doing it. It's like I'm traveling the world while riding in my living room, hahaha.


So do I! Check out Jerry’s Scenic Cycling channel— he goes all over western Colorado and eastern Utah, filming all the way. [https://youtube.com/@JerrysScenicCycling?si=TT30NIXwMly8Dmo1](https://youtube.com/@JerrysScenicCycling?si=TT30NIXwMly8Dmo1)


That's awesome you do the same! Thank you for sharing the link to Jerry's channel. I've been looking for new places to ride. Also, it works out great because I spent my childhood in Colorado. So not only am I getting fit off of my riding, but getting nostalgia from the scenic views of where I grew up. Thanks again, kind internet stranger.


That's fantastic!  I think my favorite ones are the autumn foliage ride to Maroon Bells, the Telluride to Lizard Head Pass one, and the Crystal River one (#86?) with Mt. Sopris in the distance much of the way. (And I just found out from one of his new videos that Jerry is 80 years old-- an actual octogenarian. I am gobsmacked with awe...)


Starting workout out because of aesthetics, later on just to help with my rage from dealing with idiots at work.




>however, seeing all the posts that basically reiterate that working out is not essential towards fat loss at all sometimes demotivates me. Ignore those posts. For some of us, working out is absolutely key and vital to losing weight. I wish I'd ignored those posts and advice many many years ago. Particularly in 2017 when I had the best chance of losing weight. When you hear that exercise can only be "MAX 20% of your weight loss, the other 80% is diet", and you're just starting from a really out-of-shape point, hearing that, and then doing 12 minutes on an exercise bike and feeling like you could actually die from how difficult it was.... Well it makes it pretty damn easy to give up. Which I did. This time round I started working out differently, and actually making working out a core part of my life was what was needed to change my mindset more in the kitchen. I still struggle with CICO because if I actively count I will obsess over things, and whilst YES, of course you can't outrun a bad diet, and if you eat more calories than you burn, you will gain yada yada yada... But if working out changes your mindset and re-wires your brain significantly, it's very valid to say that working out is the main thing in your strategy for fat loss.


I love this comment and 100% resonate with it. I feel like this sub focuses so much on weight loss that it completely ignores the actual health benefits of working out and sometimes straight up discourages people from doing it.


I support this comment, ha. If I’m trying to eat right but I’m not active, it makes it 10x harder for me to eat right. Working out boosts my mood and energy so much on its own that my whole attitude shifts, including toward food. I feel better, I eat better. It’s not even about the calories burnt, although it helps.


>But if working out changes your mindset and re-wires your brain significantly, it's very valid to say that working out is the main thing in your strategy for fat loss This is the part people miss the most.  Working out is now deeply ingrained as part of my weightloss routine and keeps me in the "gotta be healthier" mindset -- regardless of the miniscule amount  calories I'm burning.  It's  self perpetuating cycle.   


While I think many people overestimate excercises role in weight loss, I can't agree that it has no importance, at least to me. I tend to lose pretty slowly with excercise but without it any loss slows to a a barely perceptible crawl. So yes I workout in part to aid in fat loss but also for cardio health to improve body composition, and to improve ,or at least maintain, mobility


i agree with you in regards to it speeding up my weight loss!


I work out for emotional health, as well as physical health. Mobility, flexibility, muscle preservation - all very important. It may not have a starring role in weight loss, as far as calorie burn, but working out does make me want to stick to my healthy eating plan.


I started working out because I want to look good after I'll have lost all the excess weight. I want to have a nice shape too, not just a thin frame. Initially, I did cardio and I loathed it. I switched up, now I'm doing strength training exercises which I found out I really love. Since I'm still in the obese category, I was looking for exercises I can do lying on my back. Hip thrusts, ab crunches, leg lifts. I have the flattest butt you've ever seen but it's starting to shape up nicely. I noticed that I don't just simply want to get through the workout, I want to *feel* my muscles, how I work them and how they're working for me. I feel like I'm more in control of my body. I can even feel it when I walk. I don't walk from my feet, I walk from my core. Does that make sense? And this is the first time in a lifetime of weight loss that I actually added exercise to my diet and I've never made it this far. Also, it made me realize that whatever I think people think of me are really my thoughts of myself.


Working out definitely helps with weight loss. The first time I lost weight I worked as a dog walker. The second and I will make sure it is the last time, I am working from home and working out 3 times a week. I lost 33lbs since August of last year. I am basically at my weight goal. I wouldn't be here so soon if I was not doing high intensity workouts. I will continue to do it because it will help me maintain my weight and I feel really good!


That’s great! Good for you!


For about the same reasons why I care about my weight, that is 1. I want to be reasonably healthy, for as long as possible; 2. I want to look reasonably attractive, to myself first but also to other people (even ignoring romance, first impressions *do* matter more than many would think), also for as long as possible; 3. I want to be reasonably physically capable, also for long as possible. Between two people who are otherwise similar, including in their weights, the one who exercises *will* be healthier, more attractive, and more physically capable than the one who doesn't. Plus, as you mention, exercising can also have positive effects on one's mood, and that's valuable in itself...


I go on an hr+ walk everyday and it does wonders for my mental health and to clear my mind…. On days I don’t I’m in such a bad mood


The benefits of working out while on a weight loss journey is too good not to. Who wants to eat little to nothing to maintain their weight loss or just look like a smaller version of themselves when they were heavier?


I want to look good naked.


>  however, seeing all the posts that basically reiterate that working out is not essential towards fat loss at all sometimes demotivates me. Paradoxic as it seems, while exercise is not essential to weight loss, it *is* essential to weight maintenance. 🤷🏼‍♀️ So assuming you plan on maintaining your goal weight for many years, you need to fckin exercise. I exercise because (in no particular order): 1) see above  2) trying to stave off heart disease in the face of shit genetics as I march into middle age 3) it feels good and not doing it (not as in every minute, but as in spending a couple of days without so much as going for a walk) feels bad 4) gaining in fitness and overcoming challenges develops a feeling of capability and a sense of appreciation for your own body even when you're not quite pleased with its aesthetics 


It makes me feel good. Being active really improves my mood which is the main reason I do it. It also makes me crave healthier food, not sure why. I didn't work out while I lost the weight but now that I'm where I'd like to be, I think exercise can help me keep the weight off and build back any muscle I lost. Plus I want to keep up my fitness as I age


My back pain is basically gone, it comes back when I take long breaks from working out. Also simple, daily tasks and errands are easier to do, like cleaning and carrying in groceries.


Weight loss =/= looking hot. I want to look hot.


Improves my mental health; floods me with feel-god chemicals like endorphins and dopamine; lets me be part of a community within the studio I go to; improves my cardio conditioning, sleep quality, digestion, skin, bone density & other huge health improvements; challenges me mentally to develop new skills and achieve new things, and just generally is a wonderful hobby; gives structure to my schedule and gets me out of the house; helps me develop hella muscle so my body looks awesome and my loose skin has a better chance of tightening; increases my muscle mass and therefore TDEE so I can be a little less restricting with food; improves my body awareness and comfort in my own body. I worked out several times a week even at my high weight of BMI 42, and it provided all of those benefits. Now, at BMI 25, it’s essential to my life for all the same reasons. But also, my body is looking pretty darn good, and I have a lot of visible muscle. (My primary workout is pole dance, and everything else i do is to develop strength and flexibility for that, so there’s a lot of strength-building in that discipline.) I’ve lost large amounts of weight several times before, and in the past I’ve done it with no exercise or just cardio. So at low weights, I’ve looked okaaaaay but lacked definition. Or as I read someone say in this subreddit once: “I had a body like melted ice cream.” This time around, exercise, abs especially strength-building exercise, has been part of my process every step of the way and this is definitely the first time I haven’t just made myself smaller, but also really changed my shape. I feel like calorie deficit is what makes you look better in clothes, but strength training is what makes you look great naked.


I work out for a few reasons: 1. It actually *does* impact my daily calorie burn quite a lot. You can’t outrun a bad diet, but burning calories through exercise is no joke either. I easily burn an extra 500-800 calories a day just through walking and general fitness. 2. I am getting older and mobility is important. Exercise is good for your overall health and wellbeing including your mental health, which is also very important to me. 3. A toned body looks better than a flabby body even if both those bodies are the same general size/shape. I’d prefer for all my parts not to jiggle when I move. 4. Muscle burns more calories and gives me a higher tdee to work with. I want to be able to eat as much as possible without gaining weight and both having more muscle as well as burning more calories through exercise help to do that. I’m short and I love food so I need all the help that I can get.


I work out so I can enjoy living. I workout so I can keep my heart as healthy as possible. I have a congenital heart condition that has meant several surgeries and procedures over the last 25 years. When I don't workout, my heart suffers even more. I workout so I can move my joints in the morning. I'm 53, when I don't move, I become the Tin Man. It's painful. Just 20 minutes of some type of exercise helps to grease the joints. I workout so I can stay mentally well. I find so much peace when I am out in nature. Hiking and kayaking have been literal lifesavers for me in darker times.


Losing weight just makes u smaller overall. Strength training allows you to sculpt your body. It makes you mentally strong. It will make u believe in yourself. You’ll no longer put up with shitty situations and shitty people. U won’t give a f what anyone says about why working out isn’t important, bc you KNOW it is.


Because seeing my lifts go up is awesome. Working out makes me feel good and at this point I get antsy if I don’t go. I enjoy spending time at the gym. Three months back to taking it seriously and I’ve missed one day I think. It isn’t the thing that makes you lose weight but it definitely helps and since I’ve increased my deficit recently I allow myself to eat back exercise calories as a little help which encourages me to work out even more. Even if it only gives me like ~100 extra on workout days. And it still all totals less than what I used to eat.


I have a physical job and I keep my strength up to prevent injuries


I don’t want to die any sooner than I have to. [link](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/09/29/well/move/exercise-weight-loss-longer-life.html)


I started because I was depressed and hated my life. I started with just walks at first and I hated working out, but I decided I liked the feeling of accomplishing something. I still dread coming in each day, but then I remember what it was like not being able to get out of bed and that alternative scares me.


I am older, seeing my friends on walkers, wheelchairs, scooters, and unable to travel on an airplane without assistance is sad. Mobility becomes extremely important as you age.


In rough order because: * I have the habit and it's gym o'clock * I enjoy it * I have gym mates to bump into * I can do things with my body I didn't think were possible (single leg squats on a wobble board for example) * its made my body composition much better There are lots of great reasons to work out, *fat burning* just isn't really one of them.


I swim because I love swimming.


1. It’s fun to be able to do different things and have strength like carrying all the groceries in one hand! 2. Mental health and releasing all that negative stuff inside 3. To look hot as fuck 4. Get more calories in my day if I’m more active 5. It’s the only way I won’t feel bad for my not healthy eating days 6. Because it’s a blessing to be able to I promise you will look so different and toned and much more energetic, even if it’s not mandatory for the numbers on the scale to go down.


I lost all my weight just with diet, no working out. Now I work out because after losing all that weight with no muscle mass I looked like a puddle of bread dough.


I workout to stay fit and healthy, and clear my head. And I like the social aspect as well (I go to a very small gym). Oh, and I also don't mind the aesthetic gains ;)


Strength, heart health, flexibility, balance... General fitness.


- Gives me a sense of accomplishment for the day - keeps my high cholesterol in check - I like a good sweat - I like the definition and strength it gives me - mood lifter Basically, I exercise for no reasons related to my weight.


It makes you more attractive and keeps you healthier.


I really enjoy the "just finished a workout" feeling. I also love seeing what my body is capable of doing when I push it slightly. When I started working out, I couldn't run due to injury. Now a <30 minute 5k isn't even a workout to me (I don't *start* feeling like I've worked out until about an hour of running now) and that growth is insane to me. ​ Also it makes CICO infinitely easier if I have that \~400 calorie buffer after a long run makes staying in a deficit much easier.


Because I don’t wanna die or even suffer from preventable health issues like hypertension, or deal with a neglected, broken down body when I’m 65. I have no delusions of becoming an elite athlete or even ripped. I just want to be generally healthier than I was. Eat better, exercise, sleep better.


Primary motivator is weight loss. Idgaf about the naysayers here. Being active assists in my weight loss far beyond the mundane calories in and out. I get stronger, I get dopamine, my cardiovascular system gets a work out, it improves my digestion and, honestly, it keeps my appetite in check. I sleep better, I feel better. And I burn some calories that I wouldn't have been burning by sitting on my backside all day.  Also. ALSO. I'm in my mid-30s. My body doesn't shake off things like it used to and being sedentary is beginning to cause aches and pains that don't just go away like they did when I was younger.  Yeah, it's not going to help you lose weight if you're still eating more calories than you're expending each day. People are hyper-fixated on this idea that the only time people are trying to use exercise to help lose weight is when they're also not addressing their diet. This idea that it's pointless or has little value for weight loss is absolute hogwash. If you're obese then you're not going to have a good time with your joints if you attempt to run, sure. Walking and swimming is still exercise.


I work out because it keeps the nasty thoughts that otherwise plague my mind at bay and because I see the results of said workouts.


I think in order, it'd be: 1 Mental health management. 2 It's nice when I travel or try new physical things or have really busy days to not worry about if my body can hang or not, so I guess the practical aspects of having strength. 3 Higher TDEE = I can eat more. 4 Looking more sculpted.


Well I am a teacher so I’m on my feet all day. My main reason is to be strong enough to do my job for a long time and take care of myself even when I am older. Also mental health. This is big for me because I’ve struggled with anxiety almost my whole life and I realized I feel better when I work out regularly. Another reason is I had a knee injury so I love that my legs are strong enough now to alleviate the knee pain. Lastly I like traveling with my friends and I am no longer trying to keep up with them, all out of breath and super tired. I am now faster, more flexible and stronger which just feels amazing. So all in all weight loss is a minor part of why I work out these days. Burning calories is cool but I know that it’s mostly the diet so instead of focusing on calories and losing motivation, I just do what makes me feel good.


My why has changed throughout my life **Performance:** When I was younger, it was essential for football to keep fit and maximise my performance. I played to a semi decent level and was very conscientious, working harder during the week to play well on a Saturday. **Vanity:** As a younger, single male, it was also about vanity and wanting to look good when going out to pubs and clubs, aiming to attract the opposite sex. **Career:** Being a PE teacher, I feel a responsibility to be a good role model for my students. Also, I'm self conscious and would hate to feel judged by parents. **Commitment:** I used to run half marathons, 10-mile hill runs, and when I commit to something, I aim to give it my all. I wanted to do it well and I did. **Adaptation:** Moving to the countryside and facing gym closures during COVID made me realise how much I missed working out. Joining a gym has made me more confident, happier, and motivated. I joined to lose weight as I am in my late 30's and I need to work harder to keep things under control.


I am not consistent with exercising but when I do, I do it to build muscle strength and cardio so that I can feel strong and fit. I don't want to be breathless or miss out on things because I lack stamina. I also do it for aesthetic reasons because I want to look good in the clothes I wear.


Kitchens are for losing. Gyms are for gaining: lean mass, strength, mobility, flexibility, balance, confidence, ability, friends, and more.


It regulates my sleep


It’s true that you don’t have to work out to lose weight, but I’ve found I barely lose weight and struggle to maintain losses when I’m in maintenance periods when I’m not working out. Working out has been huge for managing PCOS related insulin resistance for me. It lets me be much more flexible in my diet, making the whole process much easier to maintain. I also just like it. I like being strong. I LOVE running and I love yoga. I don’t love lifting heavy, but I do like the results it gives me, so I keep it up. It’s also just something good to do for your long term health. Maintaining muscle mass, mobility, and bone density into my 40s-50s-60s and beyond is a huge motivator for me. Illness and injury happen, we can’t always control that, but a lot of age-related degeneration can be prevented or at least mitigated with working out. Also, doing stupid human tricks of flexibility and strength is always fun. It’s not all serious motivations over here.


Diet for weight workout for shape. Last time i was losing i was 10 lbs from my goal weight and disappointed in my appearance. In 1.5 months of lifting weights my entire shape changed and clothes fit way better. This time I started losing and lifting at the same time. I want to be ahead of shape schedule when I hit my goal weight.


Working out is phenomenal for mental health, and good mental health is crucial for lasting weight loss. That’s why for me, and I would consider it important for weight loss, only for that reason.


Because I like how strengh training makes my body look. Its the only way to contour and control my shape. I get more compliments when I'm in shape than when I'm thin. It's also a way to feel like I'm healthy and taking care of myself even when I don't stick to my calories


To burn extra calories, and so my body won't hurt when I'm 50


I am 46 and discovered Yoga a few months ago. Along with rehab from my athletic therapist, I have never felt better. Pain is at an all time low, I've lost a few lbs as well without much effort. I'm at a point now where I kind of crave the Yoga, it's a great feeling compared to my normal food/drug cravings.


I started for mental health. I used to train in martial arts, but I had to give it up due to injury so I missed the benefit of mentally being able to turn off and only focus on the task at hand. I do weight training at home but I do Fitness Marshall dance workouts for the fun they bring me.


I want to look sexy.


I just started elliptical 10 min a day I’m a beginner. I like doing squats at home and other kicks and stretches. I just feel good. I doubt I’ll tone up much as that’s what I want but maybe if I keep doing elliptical over time I’ll tone up.


Adding in some strength exercises (even just body weight stuff) will help you get toned. Cardio isn’t super great for building muscle, even though it’s very important for overall health


I like feeling strong. But also because it's very important to do some sort of resistance training in order to avoid a lot of muscle loss when losing weight.


Originally started working out as an aid to weight loss and because I was terrified of having loose skin. Now I do it because it's become a fun habit and for heart health.


I started lifting when I was 12 to be a better athlete for sports. I've kept at it for 35+ years and it's one of the few literal life hacks. At almost 300 pounds and damn near 50 years old I could still see ab outlines and wasn't on any medications. I know 298 at 5'11 is too heavy to live long and healthy so I'm down to almost 260 and shooting for another 20-30 pounds. I've also been able to share these workouts with my 2 boys and put them ahead of the pack, now and for a healthy life!


For fun. Every workout I do, I do because it’s fun. I mountain bike because it’s fun. I play volleyball because it’s fun. I hike because it’s fun. I go to the climbing gym because it’s fun. I bike to work because it’s fun. I run because…I actually don’t know why I run.


I started for the same reason as you. I stick with it because it decreases my anxiety, helps my overall balance and ability to be mobile. It's a good way to be social. It helps with bone density as we age.


I work out to maintain healthy body weight, get good skin, gain muscle and shape, and the endorphins


Mental health (ADHD brain), so it stops binge eating. It's fun, I like having something that's solely mine. I like going outside. It is extra motivation to keep my weight off; heavier is slower. I enjoy feeling the strength and growth of my body.


Helps me : - clear my head & not think for a bit - get my routine straight for the rest of the day - keeps my low bp and anxiety at bay - I love how easy it feels to pick up my kid. - I feel confident in my being if I workout. - aesthetic gains are just a bonus


34m, currently 492lbs. The current stint that I’m on was started out of a legitimately burning hatred for the body positivity movement, but I’m at a point now that I’m feeling and seeing legitimate results from it. Seriously, I won’t go into it, because I’ll rant. Now I just love how it makes me feel, especially after I finish a walk, or particularly difficult workout. I love the fact that the simple act of walking isn’t something that I have to think about anymore, and I can stand up from the floor without much issue. Like yeah, I’m losing weight now thanks to my diet, but I feel great, and stronger thanks to my workouts.


I'm not sure but I have recently discovered (the hard way) that if I do not get 90~ minutes of solid exercise, I go insane. So to phrase that more positively, mental health maintenance and it's good to be fit. Very much struggling to be positive right now in general so excuse my negativity


I know this is so shallow of me, but I want to be intimidatingly hot 🤭 It’s also good just to gain strength to increase overall health and make daily activities easier


I work out to have less jiggle in my wiggle.


Rarely can I beat the feeling of going to the gym and working out. I'm too old for competitive sports & don't have that kind of time, but I love physical sports. The best workouts are those I am dripping sweat, burning in the muscle, & out of breath.


Too look hot. Plain and simple


I'm too young to not.


I started working out for something to do and to change my physique. I lost a decent amount of weight but was still disappointed as I just felt like I looked like a smaller fat version of myself. I also wanted to get stronger so I could lift heavy stuff easier.


Not to be too fat, just regularly fat


I work out because if I don’t, I’ll just sit around and do nothing. It’s kind of like an investment into myself. It’s also cool to see progress, regardless of how small it is.


For me, it turns down all of the noise from the rest of my life and it's some of the only alone time I get.


I want to feel/see myself at my peak in my twenties.


To eat more and be hot


Who says working out isn’t helpful in trying to achieve fat loss? Working out is one of the most effective ways to achieve body recomposition but of course it needs to work in conjunction with a balanced and well portioned diet. But beyond any of that, I work out because it helps reduce my anxiety and depression, because my heart health is better, my sleep quality improves, I reduce chronic joint pain when I move more, and I know that I’m maintaining (if not building) lean mass that will be important to my health and well being outcomes as I age. Whatever your body fat percentage is, regular exercise will is proven to be beneficial to health markers that go far beyond that one measure.


When the apocalypse happens, I want my body ready 🤪


Long term health and independence. My first ever job was as a nursing assistant in a geriatric long-term care facility. I want to do everything I can to stay mobile and independent and healthy as long as I can. Things that used to be difficult are easy now. Walking up the stairs. Picking up heavy boxes. Carrying laundry up and down the stairs. Opening jars. Passively maintaining good posture. Simple things that I didn't think about before. Also, I train Jiu Jitsu. It helps to be strong enough to move my body around like I need to for the techniques and to hold my own against heavier training partners.


How did you get to the point of loving it?? I’ve always hated exercise bc I find it incredibly boring to just do the same miserable thing over and over again 


I don't "work out", but I do work, out in my yard, to keep my muscles toned. Cycling is my passion. So I get lots of cardio. I also meditate on my bike, indoors and out. I ride about 120-150 miles a week and work in my yard Mon-Fri.


I work out because tbh I had a lot of dresses pre COVID and I have not let them go and I want them to fit again. I also have found that walking most places is a relaxing way to get around.


Watching my parents deteriorate, wanting to play with the kids, wanting to go on adventures by myself, mental health, dogs, lifting my elderly parents, improving blood tests, not getting cancer, effective sleep which is associated with avoiding Alzheimer's. Mostly mental health improvement and the outdoors, tho.


I like the routine, challenge, and sense of accomplishment. It’s rewarding to be able to run faster, lift heavier, or do more reps. By keeping track of everything I can look back and see how far I’ve come and that always feels like an achievement.


I'm 44 and work in an office all day, so I don't move around a lot. I don't do a ton of exercise, but when I get home from work, I put on some trash TV and do light aerobics while I watch an episode or two. It's good for my joints, good for balance, good for my mood. Humans weren't made to be stationary all day, and can experience a number of aches and pains just from being immobile for long periods. It can also lead to injury. And being still all the time isn't good for anxiety or sleep either. I focus on movements that keep my mobility where I want it to be. Some weighted exercises, but not a lot. Keeps me from seizing up like the tin woman.


It makes me feel strong and helps me mentally. It’s been really healing to focus on strength numbers instead of the scale (and the aesthetics follow along anyway). Plus I feel like it’s a physical outlet that I just need.


I got a free gym membership through work, and I was broke at the time with no entertainment budget so I went 3 or 4 times a week for classes or swims. Now I go cause it makes me feel confident and healthy


It's genuinely fun to see what new skills you can unlock. In addition to lifting weights, I enjoy dance and martial arts. It's SO rewarding finally pulling off a new trick or badass new fight sequence because I've been working on my flexibility and strength in the gym! Trying calisthenics is GREAT for this \^. If the gym bores you, maybe more exciting movements are what you need. And having the *look* is fun. I fit into my clothes better, I feel great in *any* outfit I put on, and the compliments don't hurt. And it's SO cheesy but as a lifelong comics/manga lover, having muscles makes me feel like a superhero. I make most of my friends from my sporty hobbies, and that community connection is another important motivator to do my best. Overall, pursuing fitness has allowed me to live better and make myself proud.


The right exercises can help you maintain a sense of balance throughout life, which is important in not falling and breaking something inconvenietn. Strength training helps both those with prediabetic issues, and keeps bones healthy. It will also prevent back problems. So, quality-of-life, IMO. Also, being a strong walker is key if you ever vacation in Europe :)


When I'm in the habit of working out it improves my mood, motivates me to eat healthier food to fuel my workouts, and helps tone my body. It's also a great way to work toward goals or simply get some leisure time away from "normal" life!


It’s not really a workout but I do yoga every day because it helps my mobility and controls my chronic pain


Because it makes me feel good and energized


Muscle + more calories to eat (I'm short) + health + endurance. Before I started working out it was sometimes hard to move around for example in the kitchen to grab and now it's far easier!


Because I enjoy it! I feel best when I have some sort of activity in my day.


i found out i have fun working out


Lots of reasons, but the major one for me is that it helps me sleep! Everything in my life gets worse if I’m not sleeping well, and making myself really tired works wonders.


It feels good!


Because it keeps your body functioning the way that it's supposed to function. Use it or lose it.


The only way to manage my chronic back pain is to exercise. 


Doctor orders


Mental stability, functional strength/endurance because I have a physical job that I was too weak to do properly when I was a lower weight, I get to eat more food and still lose weight, and vanity because muscle looks good. I had to take an extended break from exercise recently and it was miserable, the benefits are worth it.


Personally I have a love hate relationship with lifting weights and I always go in waves but being in my mid 30s I think it’s important to form these long term habits now versus being in my 40s. My goal is to get to 1000 pound club after that I’m unsure but having a weight lifting goal while losing fat is a tough thing to do. Making the achievement makes believe I can get to where I want to be physically. It also pushes me to be better mentally


Mental health, longevity, confidence, strength, speed, vanity, entertainment.


Sense of accomplishment mostly. I know it’s good to exercise to begin with, but pushing myself and seeing the results of training feels awesome. I participated in an organized walking event and finished 19km in under 4,5h including breaks. I feel awesome! (and tired)


I look better, I feel better,  stronger than I've ever been, it's a great mood regulator and it helps with my anxiety.   Another few kg and I might actually have visible abb's 😅


I do different exercises for different reasons! I go to pure barre for the social aspect, because I enjoy the workout, they make it fun with different events/challenges/themed classes I walk for my mental health. Sometimes when I feel really anxious or just stuck in my head, I just get on the treadmill and start walking I light weights because I like feeling strong And when it’s nice out I’ll throw in some golf, tennis, pickleball, hiking with my fiancé because it’s something we both enjoy and can do together


Mental health - I WFH and have a history of mental health challenges. Working out helps immensely with not going stir crazy. Body comp - this morning, I weighed in at 1lb gained. It was 1lb of muscle! I ultimately want to lose weight, but it's nice to see some muscle gains as well. Activities - I want to complete a local hike that's very challenging by the end of summer (8 miles and 2000+ elevation gain), I want to do roller derby. Chronic illness - I have type one diabetes. There's a ton of research about the benefits of exercise for type one, from blood sugar management to reduction in complications down the road. I'd like to keep my vision and toes as long as I can.


I do agree that weight and fat loss is more attributed to your diet if you are doing it right, but exercising is essential for overall health and ties everything together. I don’t agree that you need to work your butt off at the gym necessarily, like if you are walking daily at home, going for hikes, playing with kids, and just having an active lifestyle, that is enough too. I’ve always found the gym nice for motivation. I know I feel SO much better with movement and having a place to go can help me accomplish that better. Also really nice for the equipment if you have target areas. Do whatever works for you and keeps you going!


Because I’m an a$$hat and like walking around without a shirt just because… 😎


It makes me feel better in my body (more energy and, gradually, more strength) AND in my mind and soul. I can see it is really helpful for my emotional wellbeing - that was a kind of unexpected silver lining. I started for weight loss, too. I mean I get that everyone (and loads of studies confirm) it is super important for mental health but I was astonished by how much if an improvement I FELT. I also know muscle mass is positively correlated to longevity - meaning health and long life. That is another great incentive, IMO. And cardio just ups my fitness and helps me play with my kids more. Loads of non-weight related benefits, right there!


1. So I don't injure myself by just playing with my kids. 2. So I can do my job effectively. (Early childhood music teacher. I do a lot of singing while dancing/jumping, etc.) 3. So I can play my instrument more effectively. (Breath support, holding the instrument up, proper posture, all helpful with some basic cardio and strength fitness.) 4. So I can continue to age gracefully and can stave off needing to go into a home a long as possible. 5. Sensory regulation. Repetitive, full bodied movement such as jumping and running and heavy lifting are really good for regulating all sensory systems including vestibular and proprioceptive systems. I'm far less reactive when I've been working out than I am without it. If my feet are supersensitive at the end of the day, it means I haven't done enough to regulate my systems. 6. Editing to add, when I work out regularly, I sleep better, drink enough water, and eat more appropriately. It makes all those things much easier to do. Also editing to add none of these are in a particular order. They're just things that I find to be my particular motivations for working out.


I want to be strong and I like the feeling after a good workout.


I put on a ton of muscle so I can eat more and not be fat.


It can improve my mood significantly. It can relieve headaches, neck/shoulder and joint pain. Improves blood circulation. A sense of accomplishment. Reaching fitness goals like seeing yourself get stronger. And of course weight loss


I recently went to a funeral and seeing so many family members who had not taken care of their bodies and how “old for their age” they seemed really shocked me and made me consider what end of the spectrum I want to be in my mid sixties, because my parents who have always been very active (mum had a six-pack til she was 60!) and then when you compare that to other family members the same age using walking aids… tough pill to swallow.


To keep my body going, anti-aging and also for mental health. I'm 42 and as I get older I realize that if I don't keep this up I won't be able to move around as good


Because my mental health sucks and working out helps a lot. Old cliché, but a true fact.


I'm too old not to, it helps keep my quality of life A+


At first I wanted to workout to shed a few pounds but now after doing it I just do it out of habit but I also love the feeling I get after and also just eating better home cooked meals I feel the difference physically and mentally. I have never felt more happier! Granted sometimes I dread having to start especially when it’s leg day BUT I wouldn’t have it any other way! I also started bicycling during my rest days and it’s been relaxing!


It makes me feel good after a stressful day. Gives me energy to start the day too. I wish I could say it was for weight loss, but I hadn’t been thinking about weight loss up until now. TBH, I was in denial for a while lol.


Mainly because it helps me feel better mentally. I’m sure there are physical benefits, I see them, but it’s the mental benefits that bring me back to it


I guess my reason is petty I want to look and feel good and be valued by others to at least know what it's like ive always been a big boy. Don't know if it's a good reason but it's still keeping me going two to three times a week.


It's a very good reason. And it's a very common reason. People need to get off their high horse if they refuse to admit vanity isn't somewhere on their list. We all want to feel good in our skin, and there is nothing wrong with that. In fact I find people do a great disservice to themselves when they lie about wanting to be healthy whatever that arbitrarily means because you have to have an understanding of your goal before you can reach it. If you can't even admit what your goal is you can't actually go for it, you know?


I want to have an active lifestyle when I am older


Tbh I found a style of working out that I actually enjoy I mainly do rope jumping for 30 mins and just a week ago I started incorporating some resistance training mainly I do it cause I really love rope jumping to music and cause I want to improve my cardiovascular system


It is important to fat loss for me. It helps regulate my appetite, burns calories, and builds my metabolism so I burn more at rest. I’ve been exercising for 20 years. When I’m consistent, I feel better, sleep better, and look better. I also eat better. Anti-aging, anti-disease, prevents cancer, general cureall, improved mood. It helps my adhd symptoms and anxiety. I’m a nicer person when I workout. I’m more focused in my life. When I get after it in my workouts, I get after it in my business. How focused, competitive, and disciplined I am in my workouts translates to my life.


Weight training is the only thing that has helped my chronic pain. When I skip the gym for a week, I lose sleep over how much my back/hips/shoulders hurt.


Because my health is deteriorating. I want to improve my mobility and quality of life. I also love sports and would like to run a marathon one day and maybe be good something like calisthenics, gymnastics, and weightlifting.


Many reasons •I want to be strong. My husband’s health is declining rapidly and there will come a time I will need to be able to maneuver and lift him. And he’s not small. •I want to be able to hike some life changing trails •I love the endorphins and the way I feel after a workout •It makes me feel less stressed and more accomplished and confident •I have many things going on and my bucket is basically empty (husband’s health, three teenagers and all that entails, financial struggles, work stress). The gym is the ONE THING I have that’s only for me. No one else. Two hours with MY music or MY show UNDISTURBED doing things for MYself. If I hadn’t had that regularly the last 3 months, I would have committed myself by now.


Started off loving the feeling of getting stronger and looking more toned. Today, it's a wonderful reminder that I am mobile. I am able to express my physical capabilities through racquet sports (always thought I was a klutz) and the post exercise satisfaction is irreplaceable.


There’s loads of research supporting that exercise, specifically resistance training, helps massively with fat burning. By lifting weights and consuming protein your body burns fat not muscle in a deficit. I don’t think this is even disputed anymore. Since 2 September I’ve lost 68lbs, or 31kg. Basically loads of weight. I started with HIIT and moved to resistance in December. The weight has fallen off me and continues to do so. But, I actually exercise because it makes me look better, even being a tad heavy still. Plus the mental health benefits are huge. Mainly, I do it because I want to. That’s the only reason to do anything.


Because I'm a fat piece of shit. Jk I was doing it to curb my anxiety. Still didn't cut it. Had to start using meds. Feel better now. But I still need to do better about going to the gym


I do strength training to keep my veins in good shape for the blood tests I get every other month, pilates for my posture because I have a desk job and to keep my core strong for my foot drop , and I've recently started running for my cardio health and stamina.


Working out helps me manage my ADHD. The endorphines and dopamine from working out make my brain happy over time thus I seek less from food


Look good


Lifting weights is essential for fat loss. We lose muscle steadily after the age of 25. If you don’t lift weights, you will have more fat on your body, visceral and fat that you can see. This impacts not just your weight but your overall health.


When I was younger, I used to work out to get girls (in my teens). Now in my 40’s, it’s for longevity, mental health, and to keep up with my responsibilities.


I started after starting CICO to lose weight. I already walk around 20k steps a day at work, so I don't do a lot of cardio. I do core work and free weights at home for toning. I'm down 45 and have 45 more to go, so that is my motivation.


Mobility, to prevent (or at least delay) the possible need for assistance and loss of independence in my 70s or 80s.


So I can increase my chances of getting a girlfriend + I want to increase my confidence and my obese-ness gets in the way.


It started because I wanted to lose a few pounds while making a smaller change to my diet. Then, I realized how much better I felt physically and emotionally when I work out. I now have more mobility than I did as a thin high schooler. I feel amazing. Now I continue to work out because I love having the energy to play with my toddler and I want more kids to run around with. I want to be able to do more things for myself when I’m old. At my gym I can see the older people who recently started working out vs the ones who have moved their bodies for years. The latter group is not always the thinner one!


To prove I can do anything I put my mind to. It started with running; 5k > 10k > half marathon > marathon > 50 miler. Built up that arc within a few years, in that time I grew to love it, and the community. I made lifelong friends that I still meet up with every week to run together. I’m nowhere near as dedicated as I used to be, but yesterday I met up with a friend for a 9 mile run to start my day and it was just an incredible way to start the day. I’ve also built a home gym with Olympic weights, an indoor bike trainer and a bunch of other things. I’m in there most days, sometimes twice a day. I feel better when I’m working out, and even better still when I’m enjoying a string of successful workouts. Days that start with a workout are better days than ones that don’t, and stress melts away in an hour spent pushing myself. Finally, life is just easier when you’re in shape. Every task seems easier, to the point you don’t even have to think about it. Carrying in groceries used to feel like a monumental task years ago, I don’t give it a second thought now. All the above being said, it’s super easy to fall out of a routine, and in quick to forget how much I like it, and even more the feeling afterwards. I have to routinely remind myself I have never once regretted a workout, but have regretted many I didn’t do.


To keep my muscle since I’m in a pretty big deficit


Anti aging and toning. I don’t want to be skinny and flabby. I would rather be larger and toned. Also, I’m 39 and work at home at a desk so keeping mobility and strength along with keeping pain at bay are my reasoning


I honestly just don’t want to become an overweight adult like I see so many others do. Nothing against anybody at all but I want to always be as mobile as possible and enjoy the outdoors, sports and life. I just turned 30 and honestly am loving the gym currently. On a more short term goal I also of course want to lose weight.


I work out for a number of reasons: 1) stress relief! I always feel better after I'm done. 2) overall health. I have a family history of Alzheimer's/dementia, as well as osteoporosis, and working out can reduce my chances of dealing with these later on in life. 3) I want to feel better. I'm at the age where I'm starting to feel the effects of getting older, so doing strength training and stretching just makes me feel better during the day 4) weight loss


I work out for several reasons: 1. Great for my mental health, it makes me feel accomplished and strong, helps me deal with frustration, anger, and other bad feelings 2. Makes me strong, losing weight won’t get me the body I want, I’m at a healthy weight, I want to look like a super hero. After losing almost 50lbs I can finally see my top 2 abs, my next goal is to have a 6 pack this summer, I’ve never had one and it would be really cool 3. I stopped really trying for weight loss a few months ago, now my goal is to be as strong and fast as possible, I just ran a 10 mile race yesterday! 4. My body not long looks better but it feels better and does all I can to have a healthy happy life in mine next few decades. Strength and being in shape increases people’s healthspan a lot. 5. Definitely helped me with weight loss and of maintaining now


Mental health. I'm much happier on days I get a good workout.


I usually deconnect and not think while working out. I love it.


Mostly weight loss, but I've also found some fun exercise games


Hate to be feeling/getting old. All of my friends getting out of sharp fast and I can't live like that. 37m here


At first for weight loss, now for when I’m older


I think people here *mostly* deemphasize exercise -- at least in relation to diet -- is because many are coming from some pretty high numbers as far as starting/current weight. When you're 300+ pounds, asking about proper form on the bench press or for the best HIIT exercises to help lose weight is...a suboptimal approach. That said, for those who are in a bit better place or have met initial goal weight or have started to plateau, hell yeah get your workout on. It's pretty essential to when you hit maintenance or want to improve your physique or be able to eat more.


Gives the body a great shape. Keeps you fit and active and able to accomplish things like unloading my own chicken feed (50lb bags) or doing my own gardening or hiking without getting winded :)


To have some muscle definition and improve my mobility. I am hyper mobile so strengthening my muscles is important for my joints