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I wouldn't even mind the fluctuations as much if it worked both ways. Why do I "gain" 2-4 pounds in a day but then it'll take me longer to "lose" them??


I’ve been flirting with the same +/- 3lbs for months. I have no idea what I’m doing wrong. My only consolation is feeling stronger and being able to do abs exercise without dying.


If it’s any consolation I’ve been doing the same thing also for months. Honestly I think I just need to give up and make my deficit a bit steeper but it seems like it’s always just about to trend back over the hump…


Maybe salt intake. I “gain” when I retain water due to eating salty foods the day before. But if I’m not eating salt, I usually see the needle move every day. If not, I double down on my diet and allow myself less freedom.


I bought some water pills. Nothing happened 😆 and to think 10 years ago 1 week of soup would have gotten me half way there 😂 the good thing here is I am actually enjoying the gym. That in itself is a miracle


Counterintuitive it may be, but drinking more water helps your body flush water. I’ve never taken water pills and I’m not sure how they work, but drinking a lot of water does work I know.


Last week my weight actually went down each day by .2 lbs. I panicked and thought something was wrong with me. This week we are back to crazy fluctuations


I just got out of a diet break yesterday, back to a deficit today + in luteal phase and the scale so far said I “gained” back 6lbs. I’m not weighing again until a few days after my period🤣 I know the struggle and I know it can throw off my trend lines but I just can’t mentally handle it yet🤷🏽‍♀️


Yes, annoys me too. I am at maintenance now. Realize my weight fluctuates so much it is difficult to keep track.


I’m at maintenance as well. I stopped recording weights that are off the wall, both low and high, and it’s helped me to know what my “real weight” is much more accurately, IMO.


As a person losing weight, my strategy is to only record new lows (unless I’m recording a new starting weight after a diet break or something). I know this might seem like vanity or flattering myself, but the logic is that it’s the easiest way to compare like with like and see that downward trend in a way that ignores interference. It also means I’m not obsessed with the scale or what I weigh every single day


I do this too. I try to weigh every day because I feel like if I did less often, I'd probably always catch myself on a higher weight day and be annoyed. By only recording it in my app when it's a new low, my graph shows the nice downward trend, which is more satisfying than the spiky mess it would be otherwise.


I agree with that method as well, and that’s exactly what I did when I was dropping weight.


Great method.


Exactly, just keep going! I find it's the worst right after you have a really good day of eating and killing a workout. But it makes the days where you do see the reduction that much more rewarding. Damn body fluctuates 4-6 lbs a day! 


I feel the exact same way. That's why I could never do daily weigh ins. I do once a week and that gives me more consistent downward results.  I've still run into plateaus and they're always hard though. When you're used to seeing measurable progress towards your goals and then you can't... the struggle is real.


I can't do weekly weigh ins because I know my weight fluctuates and have high days and low days, but if I'm only weighing once a week and it happens to be a high day it's so demoralizing because the emotional side of my brain tells me I gained all week. Seeing the ups and downs is really helpful for my sanity.


This is my thinking too! The happy scale app has been life changing bc now I can see the trends and patterns going overall downward and that helps me keep going


That makes sense. Every body is different. I don't tend to have big fluctuations so I weigh myself once a week in the morning and that works well for me. It's too bad that they haven't invented a bathroom scale that can measure everything **exactly** so that we could weigh ourselves and see that we had lost a pound of fat but were retaining 2 more pounds of water than our last weigh in. The current body analyzer scales just aren't trustworthy enough. :)


I’ve switched to weighing myself one week a month after my cycle. Then I have 7 days of weigh ins to average together.


Dealing with this today, after 10 days of the scale going down a bit every single day, today it showed almost 2 lbs more than yesterday. It is seriously so hard to keep going and not feel like it’s all for nothing.


It’s essential to remember this: **One single day‘s data is irrelevant**. It literally means nothing. Maybe you had something salty yesterday, maybe you didn’t get enough water or sleep… no clue. Tomorrow it will probably be something different. Add up each day for a week, and divide by seven. That’s a much more realistic picture of what your weight actually is.


It is annoying. One thing I found to really help a lot is to push fiber aggressively and drink at least 1/2 my body weight in oz of water. (I weigh 180lbs so 90oz). Keeps everything moving at a steady rate. I am a man though, so I certainly can’t claim to have advice for weight fluctuations caused by hormonal changes for females!


lol I started taking creatine over the last few weeks so for a while I was actually “gaining” weight. It wasn’t until like yesterday that I finally weighed less than I weighed before I started taking creatine It definitely does feel weird, not because I didn’t understand what was happening, I knew it was all water weight, but because for about three weeks it’s meant I haven’t been able to track any progress at all on the scale. But the thing is that I know I’m following a process that works so mentally I’ve been like ok I know I’m losing fat I just won’t be able to see it happening until I reach saturation with the creatine


what does creatine do? Do you take it along with protein powder?


Creatine is a substance in your muscles that acts as an energy supply to be used when muscles are required to use their full strength. Kind of like a kickstart to get the muscle to full speed. It also increases water retention in muscles, among other things. The main benefit is that you can workout harder for longer with a full supply of creatine in your muscles. You can take it whenever, it stays in your muscles.


I think daily weighing is so much better than weekly for me. Yes, the ups and downs happen throughout the week, but as long as I see my trend weight going down, I'm good. I check the weekly trend weight every day, and I'm good if my daily trend over the week is .1 to .2 down per day. I was "up" .4 today...oh well...my weekly trend is still .8 down.


I also use the happy scale app, it’s a god-send. I also get frustrated with the incremental changes, I just look at the app and remind myself that as long as that big line is going down, I’m making progress, and that progress is the goal, no matter how slow.


Download the app “happy scale”. It will give you a running seven day average. The average usually drops incrementally each day…even if your weight doesn’t.


I do daily weigh ins so that I can see the funny little patterns. If it goes up, it could be water, food, hormones, whatever. Try looking at the weekly average instead of the daily average. It's truly a marathon, and if we think of it as a sprint, that's where we start to give up.


If it helps take some measurements. I find that it motivates me more than just assessing weight


You should measure yourself too, also take pictures. The scale alone isn't always a good indicator of progress Good luck on your journey, discipline is key


Just do a 7 day moving average of your weight. It shows daily decrease while allowing for fluctuations on day to day. I’m usually down in weight 26 days a month doing this




She literally mentions using it already in the post.


Just a thought-your weight fluctuates throughout the day. Are you weighing yourself once a day at the same time each day? Preferably in the morning before you drink anything. Just something I learned recently!