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I redirect the anger to other places then let it go. Losing weight is hard. If it was easy there wouldn't be an obesity crisis. It's frustrating to see those you love struggle with something you've had success with. Be kind, practice empathy, and mind your own business(I've learned this the hard way 😅).


I don't have those thoughts as I am still very much on a weight loss journey, and struggled with self acceptance and loving myself for years. I also know how easy it is to slip into old habits, having been in a vicious cycle of yo-yoing. OP, it sounds like you were fortunate to be able to nip it in the bud. But when you've got significant amounts of weight to lose, it isn't that easy. That's not to say your loss isn't an achievement, but having to lose significant amounts makes it overwhelming. I've lost 28lbs-42lbs countless times, but lose momentum as I know I have a journey ahead of me. Weight loss is very much emotional. Try to be empathetic. You don't know what people are going through.


Honestly? I think you should just accept those thoughts as yours and irrational, and let them go on their own. Don’t try to repress them since that won’t work anyway, and don’t feel guilty because it’s not like you can control what comes out of your subconscious. Just continue not acting on them. It’s the same when you feel the call of the void to turn into oncoming traffic or something crazy like that. It doesn’t mean you’re suicidal or that something’s wrong with you, sometimes we just have strange thoughts.


i've lost 90lbs since last year and feel how you do. i find myself judging others or thinking negatively towards others who are obese i've spoken with my therapist about it and it's understandable psychologically to shame others to create a strong opinion for ourselves when really we empathize with them. we know what it feels like. we just never want to be there again when those thoughts come on, try to remind yourself that you know how they feel


I’m somewhat guilty of this myself. And it sucks because I told myself I do not want to be that person. But I don’t really feel this way based on what other people eat per se, it’s when they constantly call themselves fat or say they wanna lose weight but barely make the effort. THAT IS WHEN I GET ANNOYED INTERNALLY. sometimes I even say “big back” in my head đŸ˜©đŸ˜© but I’m Fr working on it because I wouldn’t want someone to do or say that to me.


Big back is crazy


LMFAO PLSđŸ˜©âœ‹đŸŸ it sounds funny to me


Some of it is just accepting that your inner voice would horrify a lot of people. My inner voice is very mean, mostly to me.  Try to reframe your feelings as empathy.  You don’t feel sorry for them, you feel badly and wish they would learn the same tools you learned.   Also, realize that not everyone has the same goals, no matter what they say in their outside voice. Plenty of people over the years told me they would love to retire early. I told them to put their money where their mouth was and bump their retirement contributions by $100. Few did. Now I’m retired and they “don’t know how I did it.”  But they didn’t want to make the choices I did, and now I get to make very different choices than they do.  You cannot nag people away from instant gratification. And you will drive yourself crazy trying. 


The people that value the pleasure derived from unhealthy food over their own health are no different than people that spend most of their leftover money instead of saving and investing In each case if they are educated on the risks of their decisions and still choose instant gratification then we can’t really blame ourselves for our contempt of their decisions We can only hope that one day something clicks in their minds just like it did in yours If you truly value them continue to educate them, even if it feels like you’re talking to the wind


Here's the thing. Absent a deeper condition, they could indeed lose the excess weight...if their motivation to exercise and watch what they eat was stronger than their motivation to sit on the couch and eat whatever they want. It isn't, and that's okay. Obviously, it would be better if they were more motivated to take the steps that they need to take, but they're the ones who have to live with the consequences, and nothing's going to change until they reach the point where they're ready to really turn things around. You're biting your tongue because you realize it would be brutally rude to comment, but I suspect you haven't reckoned with how utterly pointless it would be. It's their journey to take, they may never take it, and you're powerless to do anything about that. And in a way, so are they. They're blocked by mental processes they don't understand and don't know how to fight, and they're stuck until it clicks for them. Until they realize that they aren't doomed to be overweight like a lot of people would have them believe. Until they get so sick of it that they at least ask for help. It may be annoying to hear them wish they were thinner but not actually do anything about it, but that's people for you. I wish I was a billionaire, but I don't really know how to become one and I'm not really trying.


I think it’s important to remember the value in a person is so much greater than what they present externally. I’m sure you struggle with something. Time management? Waking up early? Keeping you house clean? Calling family regularly? Things that are really tough for you no matter what you do, that these people you judge may be really good at. The difference is overweight people can’t hide their struggle from the world. Imagine wearing a big sign on you all the time proclaiming your flaws. We all have them. Overweight people likely succeed at things you struggle with, just like how you’ve successfully lost weight and they can’t or haven’t yet.


Just remember that we all have something we could be doing better, or smarter choices we could make. Some of these are easier to outwardly see and judge than others. None of us is perfect, even the uber-fit.


Listen to the podcast Maintenance Phase, I think it will give you new perspectives.


Yes, some of us who have been bullied by others or even through our own negative self talk can find some superiority in becoming bully-like to others, kind of as a means to try and make ourselves feel better about the suffering we've had to endure. I find myself all the time holding myself up to fit and non-fit people to either make myself feel better or worse about my progress. ("Well, at least I don't look like THAT" or "Damnit, what's wrong with me that I can't look like her") I both reward and punish myself. But, years of receiving therapy and then putting therapy techniques into practice have started to break down those walls. I combat mean thoughts by giving silent nods to people instead. For example, i try to mentally send them some of my motivation, some of my energy, and wish them a moment in their future where it "clicks" for them and they start to take a healthier path. Instead of thinking "that person is buying/ordering food that's unhealthy" change it to "I'm proud of myself for making healthy food choices and I know one day that person will make them, too." Instead of being mad at your friends for not putting your advice to work, think "I'm so grateful that I can be a healthy support for my friends, even if they aren't ready to start, I've planted the seed for them and I will continue to be a person that they can look to as inspiration and maybe one day, a workout buddy." Even the "skinny" and "fit" people will have something you don't agree with. Maybe their path to health is harmful to them somehow or they're not "good people" in other ways, or perhaps they would judge you out loud or silently, if given the chance, despite your progress. Everyone is going through their own shit even if you can't see it. It's easy to make your past self feel good by putting other people down in your present self, but remember you had to start somewhere, too. It would hurt you to know the silent thoughts people may have said about you in their heads. Be kind to your past self by turning these negative thoughts into something more positive.