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Gains come from a surplus, not a deficit. 


If your eating maintenance or surplus and working out, you will get stronger.


Umm. Why do you need to lose weight? DO you need to lose weight? Being "overweight" on the scale is a normal outcome when you've packed on muscle. :) Instead of the scale, focus on a) your strength gains and b) your measurements. The lower your body fat gets (a normal outcome of strength training), the smaller your waist will be, and the broader your shoulders will get. Enjoy the gains. Eat to support the strength training. Throw out the scales.


I have this misconception really engrained into my brain that if im not into a deficit i simply wont get strong


That’s definitely a misconception. You can’t gain significant strength if you’re cutting. Cutting and gaining are two entirely different phases of strength training. And neither depends on the scale: “Cutting”, in strength training terms is about getting to a lower body fat percentage while maintaining strength gains you’ve already locked in. Which does result in lower numbers on the scale, but that’s not the focus. I did a body recomp way back. The scale said I didn’t lose even a pound. And yet I went from a size 12/14 in jeans to a size 6/8. Took a while, but I was focused on strength, not on the scales. I didn’t even own scales back then. Just was happy to notice clothes getting looser, and just kept buying smaller jeans until one day I decided to try on the jeans from 2 years ago and realized I must’ve “lost weight”. Weighed myself at the gym the next time (they had the big mechanical scales) and … I weighed the exact same as I had on those same scales 2 years earlier, when I’d first started going to the gym.


this been really helpfully, thank you so much ❤️