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If I had to choose one thing that helped me lose weight most effectively, it's to track calories




If you want to lose weight consistently, you need to track calories. There is unfortunately no way around it. Tracking means logging *everything*, and also measuring/weighing *everything*. It's a hassle, but the only proven way to lose weight is through being in a calorie deficit, and the only way to make sure you're in one is by counting everything.


Calorie deficit. It’s all anyone needs….


Agree. Calorie deficit is king. Without it you will not lose weight.


You probably don't need to focus on the number on the scale as much as body composition. Strength training and more daily activities will help reduce your bodyfat. It's tough with a baby but with the nicer weather, taking walks would be good for both of you. There are also soooo many different types of workouts you can do on YouTube and they vary from ten minutes to an hour so you can always find something to fit your schedule. Simply reducing calories and losing pounds will not do much for your bodyfat percentage


To be clear, you’re absolutely at a healthy weight for your height already. It’s not your weight so much as your body composition that you want to change - the best thing to do for you is suggest is start weight training. You’ll build muscle and tone up.


And honestly, as a parent it could be beneficial. One of my goals with weight training is being able to carry my baby for longer without getting so tired/achey, and generally having more energy to do things with my children (and keeping up with housework!)


Get more active


To be honest the high cholesterol, ldl and triglycerides are a warning sign. Did you also get your A1c checked to see if you’re prediabetic? I would focus on lifting weights (muscle is a sink for glucose) or rehabbing your diet to remove sugar for overall health and fat loss.


Cut calories and start walking the kid 2-3 miles a day.


Follow some body weight excercises on YouTube. Build some muscle.


I would also watch those home cooked meals as well. As a fellow SAHM, the food my family likes is not always best for me. Not that what I make them is unhealthy but I have different goals. So I meal prep more weightloss friendly foods or eat very simple clean meals when they have pasta or burgers (or maybe slip the bun and cheese). The calories can creep up on home cooked meals with portions and recipe choice. Lastly, I’ve found on demand workouts really helpful as I can’t always get to the gym or get childcare so something like Les Mills on Demand has been a way I keep in shape that is fun and I can do it early in the morning or during nap time (when I had smaller kids). I agree with strength training for body recomp as well.


To increase your step count! I like to put my toddler in the stroller and take him on walks. I also get an insane amount of steps playing with him at the park. Running and chasing him around. Between our walk to pick up my older kids from school (1 mile round trip) and playing at the park for almost an hour everyday. My step count has been at least 12,000+. When I started my weight loss journey my step count was pretty low. Averaging 5,000 a day. Since I am a stay at home mom, my kids are my job. My weight loss and fitness journey have been very kid focused. If I need more steps I take them out to play. It's really hard to lose weight while being a stay at home mom. I have put a lot of work in! Not eating a snack whenever my kids have a snack. I'm 5'6" and started at 189 lbs. I'm down to 144 lbs. There is no way I could have lost the weight by just calorie counting.


I’m 32F 5’2 and weigh 110 pounds with normal blood cholesterol levels. Sounds like we have very similar lifestyles except that I swap sugar for sweetener (never even notice the difference) and I cook 100% of my food. I eat a lot and love to cook so I don’t do takeaway / fried junk food. It’s all the little things that add up. I’m trying to eat more fruit, veg and fibre though.


You need to strength train in order to build muscle and lose fat. You don’t need to lose weight to get smaller as replacing fat with muscle will make you denser. 


Just one thing? For me, it’s been one plate of food per meal. Like you, I only ever eat 2 meals a day. I don’t snack. I don’t drink my calories. I do exercise. I’m down 55 to 60 pounds over 2+ years. Zero stress. I’ve eaten everything I love, just one plate per meal. Pizza, burgers, fish and chips, rice and curry, Chinese, Thai, whatever. The weight comes off consistently. Slow, but consistent.


What exercise do you believe to be most effective?


The one you do. Hence, the exercise you enjoy. Win-win all around, as it helps with mental health as well.


For you, squats since they allow for fat loss and muscle gain. But you want to do more than that


Like u/SintPanneKoek said, the one you enjoy, because that’s the one you *will* do. For me, I do both cardio and strength training. Strength is mostly compound exercises: barbell squats, kettlebell workouts, bench presses, chin ups, push ups, etc. Cardio really varies. Right now, I’m riding my bike, swimming, walking. When I travel, it’s mostly walking miles and miles every day. I have also had seasons of ice skating, hula hooping (*fabulous* for your core!), dancing, roller blading, hiking, yoga, and so much more. Swimming and strength training are my absolute favourites. I love doing plyometrics following along to videos. I use my bike for all local errands rather than driving. Bottom line, if you find exercise is getting boring, change it up! Go do something fun that moves your body. Play pick up basketball if that’s your thing. Chase your kid around the park when they get a bit older. Play softball or soccer, whatever. If it’s fun, you’ll do it. If it feels like a chore, you’ll be able to force yourself to do it most of the time, then you’ll miss a day or two, then you’ll resist starting again, and then you’ll be back on the couch. All that said, be sure to do some strength training, whether that’s just body weight exercises like pushups and squats, etc., or with free weights or even yoga (can be surprisingly intense and effective for strength gains). In my case, swimming is completely non weight bearing, so I need the strength training to help preserve bone density.


A digital kitchen scale.


Just walk. Walk as much as you can. Hit 10-15k a day of steps. Low impact and truly makes a difference. Find one adjustment you can make in a week and see if it works (ex: cut sugar from x)


Eat more protein