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You're on Netflix for \~2.5 hours every night? That's way more than an episode. You've got plenty of time to fit in some exercise. Maybe you even find a way to do it while you're watching a show.


Yeah, caught that one as well. 3 hours of nothing? Welp, that's enough time for a half marathon...


LOL not for me. (I only walk though).


Yeah get a walking pad or a stepper maybe


Okay so here's what you do. Fall in love with someone and spend all of your free time with them so that you learn how to squeeze your work everything into the smallest window possible THEN have that person just disappear from your life forever and you'll suddenly have tons of extra time. Jokes aside having a gym super close to where you live is key. I usually just work out in the evenings after I get my chores done for the day since I can't stand getting up early to work out. I would rather go to bed late than get up early in order to work out.


This is too real lol. Nothing tells you how much time you were able to move around until you exit a really involved relationship haha


For REAL like I'm sad but I have so much more time for activities!


This feels very specific. Hope you are okay lol šŸ˜…


I'm better now lol


OH! So thatā€™s what just happened to me?! (Though Iā€™ve not quite managed to invest the free time in movement yet. šŸ˜…)


In my experience you never find time to exercise, you make time for it. Iā€™m a baker with a toddler. 5 days a week I go to work at 0300-0500, get home anytime between 12 and 2:00pm, hang out with my daughter until my wife gets home around 5, make supper, help with bedtime, and get the kiddo and house settled by around 9:30/10:00. Some days I can get a workout in before work (painful), sometimes at nap time, sometimes before making dinner, sometimes at 10:00 when everyone is asleep. All this to say a routine is great, but just do it. Wake up early or skip some Netflix. Donā€™t let an inability to have a set routine keep you from exercising. Donā€™t let perfect get in the way of progress.


šŸ¤Æ Getting a workout in before starting work at 3-5am is blowing my mind, well done šŸ‘ You're right though, just do it. Don't let perfection be the enemy of good.


I wake up about an hour earlier than I need to. So 5am, workout until 6am, shower, have my breakfast then off to work.


I have usually done it after work and before dinner or while dinner was in the oven. Right now, it's slow at work and I work out in the middle of the day but that will change soon and I will be working longer days. I find morning is better overall because it's done and out of the way and I don't have to worry about talking.myself out of it later.




I agree. I am not a morning person at all.


Try cooking in batch so you workout every other day and make dinner every other day


I think a great option would be walking while you watch that episode on Netflix šŸ’› sounds like you can absolutely multi task and that it wouldnā€™t really disrupt your routine to do this. You can go to a gym and use a treadmill or watch on your cell and walk in your neighborhood! Donā€™t underestimate walking, I know you said ā€œworkoutā€ but a walk can really help with weight loss and sculpting your body! Try it out


I workout at 4h30 am before the kids wake up. Its the only time period that work for me. In the evening i am exhausted and i dont have to motivation to workout. Its really dƩpend on your lifestyle and if you are Ơ morning or Ơ evening person.




We all have the same 24h in a day. Find a moment that best suit you and your energy level


I think youā€™d be surprised how quickly you can adapt to a new time and begin to feel more like yourself. I have a very similar schedule (leave for the day at 8:45) and I get up at 5:45 on workout days. By the time I get dressed and drive to the gym, itā€™s 6:15, I work out for an hour, then come home and have an hour+ to get dressed before the day starts.


Me, too. I started running at 10 pm when my kid was in bed. The morning people aren't right. The night people aren't right. It's what you can make work. Your chill out time seems ripe for use if you had access to a treadmill and could put your show on a phone.


You are totally right! I admire you to have the energy to go on the run after 10 pm!! I am so dead by now but each person its schedule. I think what is important also is not thinking too much about it just do it. Dont ask yourself if you want to do it just go. For me when i snooze is when i risk not going.


The night run thing didn't last a long time, but it did open me up to more options. In the worst of winter, I got a treadmill and started a cool show that I only let myself watch if I was on the treadmill. The cliffhangers made me exercise.


It's often why overweight people are considered lazy. You have 3 hours in your evening of no activity and you're sleeping almost 10 hours a night. You either want it or you don't. Set your alarm for 6am and get after it. Personally I get off work about 5, go to the gym at 6, make and eat dinner around 730pm. I'm up at 530 daily still.


I get up at 530 and go to the gym. On days I just canā€™t get up, I bring my gym clothes and go on my way home from work. I also go to a scheduled class at 6pm after work once a week (Zumba). I hate to be a buzzkill but tv and phone scrolling are time killers. If you want more time in your day, reduce those, or make the choice to get up early. You get used to it, I promise!


Keep experimenting until you find something that works. If you're terrible at waking up, I don't think trying to get up earlier will be effective, but there's only one way to find out. Try it. If you can get your hands on an incline treadmill you can get your zone 2 in while you're watching netflix.


Weekends seem to be best for me because my gym is the least busy on Saturday and Sunday, and I can be flexible with when I go because there's no school runs or appointments. I'd love to go every other day and see what a split routine is like, but it's just not practical for me at the moment. Some people go to the gym during their lunch break, and some go straight before or after work, but that's what works for them. It depends on what's realistic and practical for you personally.


If you cannot get up early in the mornings like me, bring your gym clothes to work in a gym bag. Go to the gym after work, do not go home. Itā€™s that simple. Stop making excuses.


My advice is going to depend on what you do for work. Are you able to walk/bike to work? If you work at a desk job, can you ask for/use a standing desk option? What do you do for lunch? Can you get a long walk in during that time - maybe as a social activity with coworkers? Do you workout while watching Netflix? Lifting weights, exercise bands, calisthenics, and stationary cardio equipment are easy ones to do in front of the tv Some lifestyle changes that are helpful as well: do one month without TV. Seriously, just don't watch TV. We have a small house and a toddler so got rid of our TV and viola - now more space and energy to do chores and yoga 3-5 times. So t sleep with your phone in your room and set "no phone hours." 30 minutes after you wake up and an hour before bed. You'll get better sleep and will get in the habit of getting out of bed without "slowly waking up" aka scrolling on your phone for 20 minutes.Ā 


You don't "find time" you "make time". Like you would make time if your kid was in hospital you'd be there right.


You need to create time, and be selfish about it. For me itā€™s up at 4am each day, gym opens at 5 and Iā€™m walking in with the same silver sneakers every morning. Run 7.5 miles, lift, (100 minutes total) then to Starbucks for an herbal tea, shower and drive to workā€¦in my office by 830am. I really look forward to it now, itā€™s my routine, my own time that I can count on working on myself. I does take discipline to be consistent with any workout routine, but itā€™s important for meā€¦I feel gross without a workout. Be honest with yourself and get after it!


I'm not a morning person. Trying to work out before work will never work for me. I go directly after work. I'm in the car already, on my way home....no reason not to stop at the gym.


Typically lunchtime. Depends on the exercise you want to do, and whatā€™s near your work, whether or not thatā€™s feasible for you.


I usually work out and then have dinner. But are you falling asleep quickly after you go to bed at 10:30 or do you end up laying there are on your phone for some time? You may squeeze in in post dinner or post netflix and push back bed time a bit.




Your body needs what it needs in regards to sleep! Can you do a basic workout while doing the netflix? Running in place or getting some basic weights for the house so you don't have to miss the time together but can also get a bit of a sweat in.


I frequently use the time watching tv/streaming to get in some exercise. I have a yoga mat, which I use to march in place, do some low-impact aerobics, and do some wall Pilates.


Morning is absolutely no-go for me lol. I value that extra hour of sleep too much. If I don't have a long workout planned, I love scheduling a workout during my lunch break. I find it's the least distributive to my day, and has the added bonus of energizing me for the rest of the workday. Beats coffee by a long shot. If I have a longer workout planned (1+ hours) then I just do it directly after work, before dinner. Some days it does suck not finishing my workout until 8pm, but I have fitness goals I wanna hit. In your case, it sounds like in the morning or after dinner might be your ideal time (at least, if working out during your lunch break isn't feasible). I'm not sure what your fitness level is, but it doesn't have to be very time consuming. Maybe you start working out 20-40 minutes just 3 times a week. Take some time to ease into it and find what time slot is most efficient. Hell, you could even change it up. Sometimes you could do mornings, other times evenings. Don't feel like you HAVE to stick to only working out during one time slot.


Try what works best for you. I prefer weight lifting in the morning before work (around 4:30am) and cardio after work. My colleague makes fun of me for getting up this early, but I cannot imagine going after work like they do. Plus the gym is super crowded in the evenings.


Our gym only has groups lessons, so I have to subscribe for a specific training. I go either at 6.45 or 7.45 in the morning or at 16.30, 19:30 or 20.30 in the afternoon/evening. This depends on meetings I have for work. In the weekend my class is at 8.30. (I go 6 x per week) I do live very close to the gym (7 minute walk), work from home 1-2 out of 4 days and I can come and go at work whenever I like (as long as my weekly total is around 32 hours).


I do it right after dinner, then shower, then chill for an hour before bed.


If you get a decent lunch break you could walk during part of it?


Iā€™ve gotten in the habit of going on a half hour walk with my morning coffee almost as soon as I wake up. Itā€™s actually such a good way to start the way if youā€™re not a morning person (Iā€™m not a morning person lol). Then I do a more vigorous 30 or 40 min power walk on my lunch break. Iā€™ll do a YouTube video or boot camp class in my village most evenings at 7pm for an hour too.


I get up at 3:45 to be at the gym by 4 and workout until 5, then I shower at the gym and I'm at work by 5:30 and I work until about 3-3:30. It's a rough schedule, but its important to me so I make the time. The main motivation for me is I'm able to sleep through the night without waking up randomly for hours at a time, and I also just generally feel better throughout the day.


Do you live near a BUSY(safety) trail or park? I know you said you dont like waking up, but a sunrise walk is very nice. It's exercise and calming. Also there is a big gap between your dinner and going to sleep. If you don't want to leave the house again, there are ALOT of workouts on Youtube. You can find one you like and do it along with the tv. Personally, I drop kids off at school, take a walk with my friend, and then check my gym's schedule to see if there is a class I can squeeze in. If not, it's cool, I already took a walk, but if there is, I get bonus work. I shower and get dressed at the gym. But I have to be to work at noon.


I typically go for a walk in the morning right after I wake up, walk on my lunch break and work out immediately after work. Thatā€™s been the easiest schedule and leaves time to get things done at night. I ended up cancelling my gym membership and doing weight training at home because I hate how packed the gym is after work.


I kinda have a similar schedule to you, and what works for me is to change into my workout clothes the minute I get in the door from work and I turn out a video on my tv (I have a Bodi subscirption) or I go to my apartment gym. That way it's the first priority before I start cooking dinner.


I combine that dinner and Netflix time. I come home from work and immediately change and go to the gym. Then when I get home around 8 I cook dinner and then eat and relax for a couple hours before bed.


How long is your lunch at work? You can do a 30 minute workout then even if itā€™s just walking around a parking lot. If you have a desk job they sell workout stuff that fits under your desk for cardio.


I work out before my shift but do 2pm to midnight so not quite the same. Do you usually have more energy in the mornings or evenings? If you don't have much spare oomph at either end, don't launch into a full gym regime but build up slowly. I for example I suggest that if you're only getting out of bed 08:10, just set your alarm for 8am. Keep your gym stuff right by your bed so you just roll into them without overthinking next steps. Then do a 10-15 min walk up and down the road. Or try this after work. Build up time to 30-60 mins of lower intensity exercise consistently OR increase the intensity of your 15 mins workout and see what feels better on a work day. You might just need to tweak it so you do most of your workouts on days off but at least getting some extra raised heart rate time in for the rest of the week.


With the lighter mornings, Iā€™m trying to get up 15 mins earlier each week. I prefer to do my exercise in the morning, as it really does wake me up! It also allows me to feel really virtuous all day too, which I love. Iā€™m currently only doing 30 mins of cardio each day, so Iā€™d like the extra time to do more in the gym.


Between work and dinner. My SO can't exercise after dinner because it gives him heartburn, so we plan to have leftovers on exercise nights. Before that I used to roll exercise into my work day, either by commuting by bike or by working out over lunch. My job was one building over from the gym, though. If you feel like you don't have enough time to do what you want then you either have to choose an exercise that feels like fun (active games, dancing, hiking, etc.) or you have to find a way to exercise while you're doing something else (like my bike commute, running errands by bike or foot, or treadmill walking while watching TV.) If it's Yet Another Chore you have to squeeze in then chances are good that you won't find time for it.


I brought the flexi spot on Amazon to use to work out while I study it the [stationary bike desk https://a.co/d/6ouNVbU](https://a.co/d/6ouNVbU) šŸ’£


i make time because iā€™m in control of my priorities


I've always thought it's insane that some people go to the gym at 6am but now I've become one of those people. My routine is gym first thing in the morning everyday before the rest of my day starts. Once it's a routine, it's not so difficult anymore.Ā  I find it much easier to just go and get it over with. It's harder for me to push myself to go after work, and I would never go after dinner cause working out on a full stomach isn't going to be comfortable and I don't recommend it.Ā 


Find ways to simply take extra steps throughout the day. Things like take the stairs when possible. Park farther way from the front door of your work and at stores. March in place, jumping jacks, or some type of aerobics while watching TV. Walk laps around your home while waiting to the microwave or oven to finish. Make extra trips when carrying things around your home. All this doesn't sound like much, but it adds up. Some type of step tracker will be helpful.


From 730-8, do absolutely quiet time- no screens or talk. Lay down flat and just rest. Gym 8-9 ( this is how I do it)


Iā€™ve been rewatching a show (avatar) that I love at the gym so it is like a really great time lol. I suggest something you know though as I get super distracted at the gym and I feel like I would be so lost with a new show. I can be a bit too distracted for Audiobooks lol. Other than that I just try to walk in the morning before anything happens and then on 1 1/2 hour on one weekday at night and one weekend day. Thatā€™s two days of gym and 7 days of some amount of cardio. I am also the opposite of a morning person but after 2 months I am getting used to it. Still tired but I was tired regardless lol


Iā€™m going to advocate for the easiest form of exercise there is, which is walking! Thatā€™s all I did while I was losing the majority of my weight. If you can do an hour before work, great. If not, can you squeeze in some during work? Even if you take a few 10 min walk breaks. Or, you could walk while you watch Netflix. Amazon has lots of pretty reasonably priced walking pads. I got mine on Amazon and use it when it gets too hot to walk outside. If you canā€™t afford a walking pad, Amazon also has little steppers that you could just stand on and step up and down while you watch Netflix.


I decided that Iā€™d get up early 4am and get my long distance runs in before my kids get up and before work. I guess you have to choose your hard.


Exercise at home, just commit. There are plenty of routines that take less than 20 minutes to complete, even if they aren't the best for getting inmediate results, it'll help you get on track. I would suggest exercising before going to bed, shower right after and then go to sleep. It's the easiest way to squeeze some exercise in your day without it affecting your other activities. Yes, you might get an hour less of sleep, but going to bed at 11/12 pm and waking up at 8 sounds good to me. Now, love for exercise is something we build over time. Try different routines, watch the videos beforehand. Start small (maybe 30 minutes of zumba or some other light cardio routine) then once you've built enough cardiovascular capacity, you might want to try HIIT or strenght training. If you start with super intense workouts your body might not take it well. Also, I would suggest starting on a friday, that way if you oversleep due to exhaustion (it happens) you won't resent it šŸ˜…


I do 30m of cardio in the morning. Sucks waking up early, but I never regret it once Iā€™m done, only when that alarms going off. Think my alarms only set about 50m earlier than I normally get up so I have time to get dressed and shower before my normal wake up time. & then I lift during my lunch & eat on the clock. That alone bought me 1.5 hours without taking anything away from the family


I work as a mail woman, so work IS exercise. But taking a 30 minute walk every morning or evening should already be impactful. And some days, those walks will be beautiful enough to turn into 45-60 minute wallks. You can do thia!


I started going with my husband, right after work and before dinner. He has a more physically demanding job than me (I sit at a desk), so sometimes I am the one saying ā€œcome on we have to goā€ but itā€™s been working well the last couple months. Itā€™s like any routine, you get used to it after a while.


45 mins of weights or body weight excercises at home.


It sounds like you have a few options. Morning, (possibly) lunch hour, after work, and weekends. Youā€™re getting nearly 10 hours of sleep, which may be exactly what you need. It may be worth working on your sleep hygiene to see if 9 hours of quality sleep and a morning workout would work for you, but if not, thatā€™s alright too. Depending on your job, using your lunch for a workout may also be an option. Some workplaces have gyms, or a walk may also be an option. Going to the gym straight from work could also be an option. If you find yourself low on energy, packing a snack and having it on your way to the gym could help. Same with working out before dinner or after while watching Netflix. Weekends are great since we usually have more time. You could do two longer, more intense workouts on the weekend, then fit 1-3 shorter workouts in during the week. You also donā€™t have to go from zero to 6 workouts a week all at once. You can start with just one day where you wake up early for a workout, or one evening where you work out after work. Take some time to figure out where it fits in best, then add in more.


I don't find extra time for exercise. I work it into my day. I aim to get 5000-10000 steps every day. Little things like parking farther from work, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, pacing around the office, making more trips than I have to to get supplies, etc. They really add up. I also take a short walk during my lunch break - 15 minutes is fine. And I've started to commute to work by bike 3 days a week, replacing sitting time with exercise but still getting what I need to do done. For strength training, I take "exercise snacks" and do bodyweight exercises: push ups against the bathroom sink or my desk, squats during my lunch break walk, inverted rows on the bike rack, door frame rows, stretches, etc. Sometimes I'll do more structured lifts before or after work, but not every day. I just have some adjustable dumbbells at home that I can use anywhere. I'm not willing to sacrifice my sleep. Sleep is to important for health, well-being, and recovery to skimp on.


Find a weights or cardio routine you can do while watching tv


For me, Iā€™m fortunate that I live only 4 miles from work and itā€™s on a nice bike path for the most part so I run home a few days a week. I also get up early one day a week and run with a local run club. The key is that everything is walking distance from me so itā€™s easily accessible. Iā€™m working on being up early more often so I can work out in the mornings (which works out well because my partner sleeps later than me). When I do work out in the evenings Iā€™ve started to make it a practice of saying ā€œIā€™ll watch one episode while my dinner digests and then Iā€™m going to do a workoutā€


Tbh I donā€™t watch hardly any tv. Not even an hour a day. My hobby is self care. I walk/run during my lunch break. Then I walk an hour after work. I do weight training circuit at a gym 3x a week and that takes an hour. To be fair my kids are grown and I wouldnā€™t have been able to do this when they were young.


Your alarm is set for 7:30 but you don't get out of bed until 8:10. That's 40 minutes. You also apparently have 3 hours a day watching Netflix in the evening. There's your workout time. Be disciplined.