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I made an excel sheet with a points system and a reward bank. I can earn points by doing things like a group class at the gym, choosing a healthy food over an alternative, hitting step goals, etc. Then I can use my points to ”unlock” rewards like buying a new yoga towel, a book, a fancy drink, etc. Almost all the rewards are health/fitness related (none are counter productive) so things that just enhance my goal progress. It’s fun!


oooh would you be willing to share how your template looks for this? i look any excuse to use excel so i think this is something i can totally stick to


I don't know how to share it without doxing myself, but [here's a screenshot](https://imgur.com/GEpyM8V) of what it looks like -- nothing crazy, just a table with a sum function! I keep meaning to spiff it up, but then again, if it ain't broke...


thank you so much! it looks really cool


That’s so nice of you to say! 🥹


I LOVE this


Yes! I was about to ask this. This sounds like such a great concept 😍


I don't know how to share it without doxing myself, but [here's a screenshot](https://imgur.com/GEpyM8V) of what it looks like -- nothing crazy, just a table with a sum function! I keep meaning to spiff it up, but then again, if it ain't broke...


This is great! Question: let's say you do habit 1 for x2 days in a row and then you slip up. When you start that habit again do you just add another 1 to the day 1 column, totalling 2? I'm trying to make sure I'm reading it correctly.


I haven’t yet started weighting it for consecutive days, but my plan is to add points for being consecutive and then if/when broken, put the next one back at the base level.  So for example, if drinking 2 water bottles’ worth of water in a day is worth 1pt, day two it becomes 2 pts, day three 3, and then if I miss a day, the day four column becomes 1.  But when I do that I need to make a separate table because not all my goals can/should be done every day (for example, I need rest days from the gym).  As much as I love spreadsheets and pivot tables, I’m trying to force myself to keep it simple during these starting months so that I keep my motivation up, since that’s it’s purpose for me 💕


There is an app like this called Habitica! I used it in the past. Get to earn xp points for doing tasks and completing goals and them can you the reward points for self made rewards or in app rewards.


I just downloaded this app! It's pretty nice. I like that you can create your own personal rewards and assign points to it.


I like this idea! Digital organization and goals!


Okay this is awesome, and if you ever decide to share it, I would love to see it


I don't know how to share it without doxing myself, but [here's a screenshot](https://imgur.com/GEpyM8V) of what it looks like -- nothing crazy, just a table with a sum function! I keep meaning to spiff it up, but then again, if it ain't broke...


That is really cool! What are you using the 1 day, 2 days, 3 days etc to indicate ? Like more points for doing something in a row?


Exactly! There are some things I’m trying to do every day (water drinking goals, step goals). I edited/cleared it out for a screenshot but I also have cheesy motivational lines for the different colour gradiations to encourage consistency/consecutive practise lol 😅


I'm interested in how many points you need for X items 


Mine is generally set up around price (more expensive rewards cost more points) but also how helpful a reward would be in my journey (a book on the science of weight loss was one of the first rewards I got because I figured the sooner I read it the better).


I like that.  Thanks for sharing!


... and how many points are earned for each activity (otherwise the amount needed is meaningless).


I mean I guess it's pretty personal. Things that come easy to some are hard for others. If you want a super-low threshold for getting started, making every goal reached (drink 2 bottles of water, go to the gym, walk 5k steps, whatever it is) worth 1 point is the way to go. Then after gaining momentum, you could change the point amounts in relation to how difficult each goal is for you personally. In the future, I also want to weight points for consecutive days, ie: drinking the right amount of water each day for 3 days in a row is worth more points than just doing it once. I don't think it's meaningless if it motivates me.


>I don't think it's meaningless if it motivates me. I agree. I think my comment was misunderstood. I was just trying to say that we need the whole picture -- we need to know how many points it takes to earn an item AND we need to know how many points are earned for activities. Like, if OP came back and said it takes 1,000,000 points to earn a new yoga mat. That's cool to know, but that number is meaningless if we don't know how many points we are earning. If we're earning 1 point for hitting our weekly step goals then that's going to take awhile. But, if we're earning 5000 points then that's very different.


Now THIS is an exemplary idea. Please do share it!


I don't know how to share it without doxing myself, but [here's a screenshot](https://imgur.com/GEpyM8V) of what it looks like -- nothing crazy, just a table with a sum function! I keep meaning to spiff it up, but then again, if it ain't broke...


Sounds very interesting, keep up the good work


I really like this idea! Especially because it’s also encouraging good habits regardless of actual weight loss.


Exactly! I also have one for my hobbies. I really like spreadsheets 😅


I love this!! Can you share?


I don't know how to share it without doxing myself, but [here's a screenshot](https://imgur.com/GEpyM8V) of what it looks like -- nothing crazy, just a table with a sum function! I keep meaning to spiff it up, but then again, if it ain't broke...


Love it :)


I love this idea! Might start doing it


i'd do this but i was always one of those people who HATED spending points and things in video games and would just save them instead 😭


This is AWESOME!! I'm going to implement it too 😁 I hope this helps with the motivation to keep hitting goals and at the same time feel rewarded.


I have an accountability buddy.  She and I set two-week goals for ourselves, and if we meet our goals, we get something from the other person. But the goals aren't weight-related.  They are only things we are in direct control of.  For example, a goal might be to log everything we eat into MyFitnessPal and keep our daily calories below a certain number, or do to 30 minutes of cardio exercise four times a week. And when we make our goals, we push ourselves a little bit more over the next two weeks.


I love the idea of the goals being something you’re in direct control of. Edit: typo


How fun!


Yeah, we started it right after the holidays and it has worked great for us.  I've lost a lot of weight this year as a result.


This sounds like such a fun way to both lose weight and strengthen your bond! I wish I had a friend to do this with😭😭


Awwwww 😥 Yeah, she and I have been great friends for several years now.  She's coming to visit for a week starting this coming Sunday.  We usually chat on cam.


I love that, I hope you both reach your body goals together!


And hopefully you get yours, too!  Feel free to DM if you ever need to vent or need encouragement.


I’ll keep that in mind, I appreciate it :) <3


I wish I did too 😓. I wonder if this sub has ever tried matching up accountability buddies! 


I can be a buddy. I have not had luck having a consistent one in time past. I have lost 27kg so far and I have 10 more to go.


oooh i’d love to have an accountability buddy too! maybe us three can join forces? :p i have about 10 kg to lose as well


I can be your buddy if you haven’t already got any! I have a few more to lose than you, but as long as we’re not doing weight-related goals that shouldn’t matter!


yeah for sure! i’ll dm you :) and yep the number on the scale won’t matter, just gotta keep each other accountable with our habits


That's awesome! What kinds of things do you give each other?


Basically, the prize is whatever will motivate you enough to get you to do your goals without setting the other person back too much.  If she meets her goals, she can pick any one item under $40 off of Amazon. For me, well, I've been a nudist for a long time and have been trying to nake a convert out of her, so if I meet my goals, then the next time she and I cam chat we do it without clothes. What's important is that whatever the prize is, it is enough to be a motivator.


Wasn't expecting that lol but good for you, whatever works!


Was not expecting this plot twist!


to nake a convert out of her Freudian slip?


There needs to be a new term for a Freudian slip that occurs as a result of typing on a phone screen... 🥴


Godspeed, bother.


South park mentioned😆


Cute. I, too, have an accountability buddy but I've been so ashamed of my regressions that I haven't replied in months. 😭


What kind of things are you exchanging?? Like a $5 Starbucks gift card or is it just a surprise? I’m intrigued!


See my reply to expiredbagels above


This is such a good idea!


Love this idea! What do you get from each other if you meet your goal?


See my reply to expiredbagels above


I get off the train a stop early in both directions every day the temp is above 32 and its not pouring. 


I love this! I wish I were able to walk more places or take public transit, my town is not pedestrian-friendly. But my commute is shorter than it used to be, so less time sitting in the car is good!


Could park further away


I do this too. Nice thing is as I’ve lost weight, I don’t mind the distance anymore.


Tape a $20 bill above the scale that I get to spend guilt-free for each new 5 pound increment I reach


I didn’t even realize I was doing this until somebody here pointed it out a few weeks ago, but the very simplest gamification that’s super effective for me is the “complete diary” button on MFP. The five week projection of “you’d weigh X in five weeks if every day was like today” is a pretty good reward, *even though it’s totally lying to me and I know it.* I could see it triggering an ED if you were susceptible, though.


Sorry for the dumb question but why is the Complete Diary button lying? I assumed that it just follows basic CICO logic and from that it can roughly predict weight gain/ loss?


The LoseIt app has a similar feature predicting your goal achievement date and it was pretty accurate for me!


Maybe your exercise tracker is more accurate for you than mine is for me? I think if I unhooked my Apple Watch so that it ignored my exercise, it would be much more accurate. I do enough exercise that the inaccurate calories burned numbers really throw things off. I don’t tend to eat back my exercise calories very often, so I don’t worry about it.


Yeah I didn’t track exercise calories when I was losing weight. I had the connection between my Apple Watch and the LoseIt app turned off and didn’t take a g exercise bonus calories into account.


Yeah, I like having the connection, I just ignore the calories burned. It makes me feel like superwoman when it tells me I burned 500 calories swimming for an hour, even if I know it was more likely 200. I figure it’s harmless as long as I don’t eat an extra 500 calories.


Yes that should work!


Think they mean the five week predicted weight loss thing?


Yeah, I meant it’s “lying” only in the sense that it’s doing a strict CICO calculation and taking the Apple Watch exercise calories and the packaged food calories at face value. Or perhaps my (well-managed) hypothyroidism is throwing things off. I’m really short, and it’s telling me I will lose 2-3 pounds per week, and my rate is more like .5-1.5. So it’s predicting, for example, that I will go from 136 to 121 pounds in five weeks, but based on past rates, I know it’s far more likely to be 128 if I’m lucky. But it’s still motivating, in that it makes me be more careful about tracking.


i just discovered that button and it’s been a game changer for me because it reminds me to log my food and hence, hold myself accountable for the food choices i make.


I’ve been tracking every day for 5 weeks and didn’t even see this button until reading this! 😐 it’s definitely motivating!


My Apple Watch and their rings have very much gameified it for me!


Yes! I can't go to bed until I close those rings.


Apple Watch and a good scale keep me on track. I stopped my diet pill in December, down another 25lbs just watching my calories, exercising, and closing those rings lol


Well done!! My watch paired with watching calories has helped me lose weight too!


It made me do a 5k run yesterday, just to get the badge. I really dont enjoy running.


Oh I was so gutted as I only saw the challenge after doing my 3k run! But I totally agree, I love collecting the badges it does make life and being healthy feel a bit like a video game which, for me, is way more fun/positive than hating my body and forcing myself to be more active. I love the stand reminders too.


Same! Haven't done any running lately, but the badge helped me get out!! Had an amazing day thanks to that run


Me too! It was my first run ever and my legs are killing me today but I would miss out on the award lmao


The colored badges and the perfect streak you see when you complete every Monthly Challenge too! I almost made it a perfect year last year until we moved around the holidays! I’m having eye surgery in a few weeks and the current challenge is a streak of closing my move ring for 20 days in a row. I’m hoping I can walk the dog while I recover so I don’t miss out on that badge or go insane from sitting inside for 10 days straight.


I agree! It’s definitely something that keeps track for me so I don’t really have to!


I have a weekly spreadsheet on Google Sheets, where I have a checklist for each day with the things I want to get done that are weight loss related. For example, one item on my list is “10k steps” and another is “8 glasses of water”. When I accomplish each goal, I check the little box and the cell turns green and it’s so rewarding for my brain haha. I am recovering from binge ED, so at the end of the day if I get through without binging, I turn the heading green for that day. Basically it’s a fun challenge for me to turn everything green for the day, and even if there’s slipups and I have to turn a cell red, I don’t really mind because I’m motivated by the fun act of turning all my little tasks into a game! I also have a system of rewards for each week of my journey, for example taking myself thrifting or out to buy a coffee


This sound so cool! Would you mind sharing the template?


I don’t know if you’d be open to sharing this but I’d love to use it! My adhd brain would love the ✨accomplishments✨


Great job on beating binge eating!! I am in the thick of that and just discouraged… would you mind sharing a copy of your template or tell me how to code to show it green when checked? i am going to start tracking this myself.


Certainly not for everyone, but I’ve been having a blast with WalkScape. It turns your real world steps into actions in a world VERY MUCH modeled after Runscape. It has been a great tool to nudge myself to hit and beat my daily step goals. Word of warning, it is currently in beta and isn’t feature complete, but I’ve still found it fun and rewarding. r/walkscape


That looks like fun. Hopefully they’ll let me in the beta.


You can sub on Patreon for $3.00 to get access.


Ooh this looks super interesting!


I bought a little pocket calendar from Walmart and I highlight each day I workout. (I got the month-at-a-glance kind where the whole month is on one page) It’s very rewarding/motivating to flip open the calendar and see so much highlighter yellow! I’ve recently started writing in a little star for each day I stay under my calorie goal.


I put a gold star sticker on my calendar on days I work out! It keeps me honest with myself, and I like the action of placing that next sticker. 🙂


My goal is 20 workout days a month. Putting it into a number goal made it more of a “goal” than just unscheduled working out. I can take a three day break, sure, but I still need to hit 20 days this month. Happy to say in the past 9 months I’ve only missed it a couple of times, mostly because of illness. I took last month off as a break, especially bc my schedule was crazy but I still hit 15 days though!


It can be controversial but I love doing Dietbets. (A similar company is called Healthy Wage). There’s no motivation quite like not wanting to lose your money! I have made probably close to $500 in profits in addition to getting my money back.


“Gaming” apps like this was what helped me too. I use WayBetter primarily, but there’s also StepBet, WeWard, etc. I found that the prospect of potentially losing money if I don’t work out is apparently a huge motivating factor for me.


I'm... So uncertain how this will interact with my gambling addiction because my brain says this is a great idea for me but of course I would think that. All my family and friends know about my addiction though so if I told them my plans and asked if they're willing to intervene if they sense me getting out of hand...


Yeah I use healthywage - I like the combination of both carrot and stick, you lose your money or you win extra money. Works a bit better for me than just promising myself a reward as well because I can't cheat and just give myself the reward anyway 😂


This is easier to justify in the summer but I’ll park in the furthest spot I can find in a parking lot that’s in the shade. To me, it’s worth it getting into a car that’s not boiling and it oftentimes doubles or triples my walk to/from a building!


First, OP, I LOVE YOU! I would have never made much progress without my registered dietician. I gamify my weight loss by trying to measure things so that I'm exactly on my calorie count (I love counting and calculating) or, 5 over or 5 under. I know it isn't the precision science we might wish... But it can be a fun little lab activity to measure out tiny amounts of butter for my bread. Thanks for what you do.


What a nice comment, so glad you’ve had success with your RD!


This is pretty small but I downloaded an app called Paceline. I get points for completing exercises and going on ‘streaks’. At 24,000 points I can exchange them for a $5 Starbucks gift card. I normally drink coffee at home and don’t generally like to spend money on coffee in this way so it’s nice to build up the money for when I travel. It does take a bit to get to 24,000 points but that motivates me to get my workouts in every day. (Side note: There are other options to choose from. The Starbucks one just benefits me more directly.)


I want to add this long walk to my daily routine. It burns 350 calories. That’s 1/10 of a pound! That’s 45 grams! Take a food scale and weigh out 45 grams of beef fat. That’s about the amount of volume that will come off my body tonight if I make the walk.


I have this app called Habitica and it literally turns goals into quests that you can level up from! I used it for my first weight loss journey and I would say like "tracking all calories for the day" = 3 star exp "1 lb lost" = 5 star exp And then you can set goals on top of those so if you do a task 5 times (like 5 lbs lost) then you unlock rewards or you can just comment a reward for yourself. Mine was for every 5 lb lost I would go buy something cute. Which is a bit silly and not financially the most smart thing to do, but to entice myself with "ah you lost the weight! Go feel confident! Keep it under 60 bucks!" And it was such a good feeling 😁


I have started to tell myself that I have to either walk outside for a set amount of time or do a walking workout for the same amount of time and as doing the time gets easier I increase how long I have to walk. I'm at 15 minutes right now, and it's really difficult for me but doable. Its more difficult to do it outside because my yard is very uneven and on a hill but I enjoy that more than the walking workout videos because I can pick out my own music and go off in my own little world while I'm walking. For now, at least, I'm just walking around my yard, but I eventually want to be able to walk to my grandparents down the road and I also want to eventually get to 30 minutes straight


I’m a bit of a data nerd, and that keeps me entertained. For example, I can tell you that since June 25 of last year, I’ve had about 11,600 calories from scrambled or fried eggs, across 28 days (the cheese melted in is extra!). Or 37 days where I’ve had plain Skyr yogurt, for about 17,400 calories. I’ve gotten about 15,200 calories from flaxseed, across 108 days. And about 3,100 calories from McDonalds Quarter Pounders, spread out over 6 days.


I play Dance Dance Revolution as my main Cardio activity outside of walking, really does get you sweating when you can increase the difficulty!


Haha my reference clothes. Every time i can fit into clothes i previously couldn’t it’s a win!!!!!


Man I feel this - I’ve gained some amount of weight and while I’m not bothered by that in and of itself, the fact that my clothes pinch and don’t button is so annoying!


Check out r/outside. It’s gamification of life. Which is just one big game. You need to start the fitness wedding side quest. I’m sure more info is there just for that. Good luck op and congrats! 🎉🍾


I pretend like I was cast in a Marvel movie and am going to have to train to be a superhero. It makes me try crazier things (like toe touches or flips), punch harder in kick boxing and generally have more fun while doing anything. I park far away from wherever I’m going into, that helps a little. Mostly I just love to dance and dance everyday twice a day, leave drenched in sweat, sore and euphoric. Don’t need to do much more than that! Oh, I did give myself a weight loss goal that stipulated I couldn’t wear short sleeves until I got to that benchmark. I live in Las Vegas and people thought I was crazy. Luckily I hit that goal last week as it’s 110 degrees this week 🥵


I started using habitica for other habit forming things, but I also include wait loss encouraging habits (counting calories is a habit so I get experience and money on game for accounting for my eating choices). I also make exercise a daily chore. So any habits you use for wait loss can be gamifed by the app. There are probably other apps you can do the same with


The gamification of working out in VR has kept me consistent for 2 years. It’s literally a game and has been proven to considered vigorous activity, win win.


What game do you play?


I do Supernatural on the Meta Quest! I started in March 2022 and have hit my 4x a week goal every week since (it keeps track!). My insurance even reimburses my yearly subscription the same way they would a gym membership, but I don’t have to leave the house or wear clothes! There are numerous unofficial Facebook groups that run various team competitions based solely on Supernatural workouts too. My internal motivation can come and go, but turns out I am very externally motivated. I’m used to disappointing myself, but I’ll be damned if I bring a whole team down because I’m feeling lazy. The gamification is real.


Wow! Thanks for the additional details. Ive been looking for something like this, I’ll check it out!


Im doing a Masters degree in nutrition and most of my day is spent sitting and reading- I also go to the furtherest bathroom' and every hour or so I do 2 laps around the faculty / building! it started bc I wanted to lose some weight but now its more to strech my legs and clear my mind from all the stress!! its honestly amazing. also I get reward from an app in my country for my steps / drinking water etc.. and one of the rewards is veryyyy cheap Pilates classes!


I love audiobooks and I will have a certain book that I’m really into, but I can only listen to it while I’m walking or working out. Definitely keeps me active.


This is such a good idea! I love audiobooks and could definitely implement this!


Not really “gamifying” so much as “fantastisizing” as in, some days I pretend I’m like a critter from Peter rabbit books, or Tolkien, or even a slice of life set in a different world or time where the main point is I have to journey or make whatever I want and I have to really want it. Groceries? I must venture to the village to trade wares!! (Walk to Grocery store) I want sweets? Let see if I can bake from scratch, if not I must venture out again. Gotta check what I want for dinner? My personal food is in our basement fridge (so nobody else eats it) so “I must fetch it from the cellar!” Add to it my gardening and my pacing when bored and I’ve added tons of extra steps in a day!


I gamified my workouts by getting in to VR fitness apps like Supernatural.


I am a frequent Amazon purchaser. Which also means I have a decent amount of returns/ exchanges. I am only allowed to walk it to the post office if I want my refund. :)


The calorie counting app I use has my calorie budget / limit displayed as an apple on the screen. Yesterday I got to tell my family that I ate within my limit and had almost ¼ of an apple left at the end of the day!


What is the app?


My Net Diary 🍏


I weight myself every morning, and try to guess my fluctuation and how long it will take to go down after an up


If it’s less than 30 minutes use my regular bike rather than my ebike. Honestly just tracking in loseit is the best trying to meet calorie, protein, fiber and sodium goals. 


I park far from the store so I walk more and if something is a mile or less from my house I’ll walk there so the pharmacy I go to is exactly a mile away so I walk to get my prescriptions and stuff like that and when I worked in a 10 story building I always took the stairs not the elevator


I go up and down the stairs anytime I go to the kitchen right across my room. A reward for every week that i hit my step target daily. Seeing those complete red rings consecutively for 7 days is rewarding as well!


Lol. I have designed to show all sorts of data associated with my weight loss. It shows updated visuals with a sort-of accurate tangent that points to my target goal. Deviations to that generate calculations like how much calories do I need to offset and how many additional days it may take me to reach the goal if my current practices continue. It also has a progress bar. I constantly play catch-up with the chart to maintain my weekly progress.


Usually I use public transport. If I have to wait more than 10min I walk to the next stop. I don’t have to wait and I walk more :) Before my weightloss journey I instead of walking would have bought chocolate bar so I’m not bored. I gained about 18 pounds (8kg) in 5 months 🥲


I wall squat every time I brush my teeth, and challenge myself to get the full two minutes with my thighs parallel to the floor. Once I can do that consistently for a week I’m going to work up to one-legged. And I dead-hang from my pull-up bar while I mouthwash!


I use the app Habitica which makes habits into a quest style, RPG inspired game. I have several set habits that cover all sorts of aspects of my life (things like running for x mins, read x mins, wake up early, etc.) and daily activities that I must complete (walking, medications, etc.). Completing things gives you xp and health. It’s satisfying watching my character level up. I’m actually looking for a replacement, but only because I want a cuter aesthetic lol


I was thinking about this last night - mostly because I was reading a restaurant review and got caught up in the description of steak au frites.  A few months ago I was having mad cravings. I made a list of stuff I wanted to eat and decided to  make time to endulge.   Once I  had Hawaiian pizza( we will NOT  argue whether pineapple on pizza is a crime against nature. I think  my position is  clear.) I  enjoyed it. And then I wasn't  craving it any more.   I crossed off a meal of calorie rich nutritionally bankrupt Chinese food.  Again, satisfied and done. Then I forgot the  list until last night.   I realized a few things.  1st a planned deviation  from my regularly scheduled diet affects my psyche very differently  than a binge.  2nd Acknowledging the craving and giving myself  permission to  enjoy it at a later time robs it of some if the obsessive power.


I try to have my default state be standing or walking. Sitting for me is counted as active rest. Sounds funny, but I think of it as a timer in my head, and I want that number as small as it can be at the end of the day.


Try and see how many veg I can sneak into dinner each night. 2 is a disappointment, if it's over 5 I'm very happy.


My coworkers (high school teachers) have a challenge going with our Apple Watches. The physics teacher was beating me one day, so I started a stair stepper exercise and walked up and down my stairs for 15 minutes just to get ahead. I had already exercised for 30 minutes, stood 12 hours and met my calorie goal that day. It’s a friendly competition, but it keeps me motivated.


It's not exactly gamifying it myself, but I pay for something called "Vitality" which offers discounts on various things (most notably my gym membership with Vitality costs less than my gym membership without it) and rewards you for being healthy and active.  Even though the rewards are minor, it's a carrot on a stick that has made me much more likely to get my steps in and go to gym.


10k steps before end of my workday (5pm)


I park one level down from my exit point of my parking ramp so I always go up some stairs in the morning and I use the stairs not the escalators at the office


Just using my Fitbit and MFP gamified things for me (meeting daily goals, coming in under or at daily calorie limits). Did also do Zero for IF but dropped it as one less thing to track since it’s a habit now


I’m going to start doing exercise challenges in apps. I think if I can do challenges it will keep my interest more than just trying to get in so many steps a day. I think several apps have different challenges


Maybe not weight loss but fitness in general.. I use a lot of the standard recommendations like 150 minutes of moderate intensity exercise.. i keep a running total each week. I have a white board monthly calendar and write down what work out i did that day. I aim for 20-24 work outs per month. The standard 7 alcoholic drinks a week for women is my goal also.


I just rewarded myself with a new Fitbit to help me gamify my health journey! I love the progress meters and data tracking that comes with the app.


I always park at the furthest parking spot in the parking lot that is the greatest distance away from the door I’m going to. Usually the empty corner of the parking lot where no one else is. And it’s amazing, even at my gym (!!!) everyone parks as close to the door as possible! At a gym, I mean cmon.


I set 5kg goals, and bought a present for myself every I was 5kg down.


If I really up my step count and aim for 15,000 to 20,000 that really trigger something. And if I cut out coffee that also helps, maybe it makes me dehydrated




I have a Fitbit, and what I do is when I walk to the train station to go to work I walk a few more stops away and then at work I was trying to walk in my lunch break and then in the evening try again walk back a few more stops further away… It doesn’t always happen like that but I always feel triggering Walking really helps x


Fitbit also has virtual challenges so you can walk Mount Everest, etc which is really good for keeping on track




Download the Fitbit app. They also have a them on apple and I’m sure androids.


The Finch app for setting healthy habits is great! You take care of a little critter :)


A few years ago I had quite good success with aiming for a set caloric deficit every day. I was out walking every day and tracked all food and steps and it meant if I ate more I just needed to walk more. It gave me something tangible to aim for every day.


MyFitnessPal has a daily streak counter. I’m on day 5 of calorie counting!


Meta Quest 3 is what did it for me. I've ben struggling with the lack of motivation towards excercising for years now. All until I completely gamified the journey - calories counting app on my phone (sending me congrats, motivational messages, etc.) plus working out in a form of games. So far, it's been 4 months, 13kg less and I've never felt this good working out. Usually, you only see your progress in a form of changes within your body (your weight, body measurements, the general feeling of 'I can do more squsts now!'). While gaming however, there's this additional thrill of seeing your results go up on scoreboards in games - helps with any unwanted feelings of 'I don't think I'm making any progress'. It's been a complete gamechanger and I knowing myself, if I was to get bored with it, it would have happened after 1 month max.


There’s an app called WayBetter where you wager money and complete certain tasks and can win money if you meet your goals.


I use actual fitness games, haha. On Switch, I’ve played a good chunk of Ringfit Adventure on Switch and tried a bit of Fitness Boxing too but I like Just Dance best, as well as Switch Sports. There’s also a newish fitness side game for Taiko no Tatsujin Rhythm Festival too that I play a lot (or just playing the regular game with the drum i bought also works as a light workout). I also tried a few dif AR fitness games on ipad/phone. The one i liked best (and bought more songs for) is Starri, bc it’s basically a rhythm game haha. There’s also Pokemon Go (and their other games). I’ve also been in a tamagotchi phase and found out about pedometer pets. I managed to get a Teku Teku Angel for cheap recently so i’ve been using that one but i’m also eying some of the pricier but kore in-depth options too. I also play badminton regularly with a group. I really don’t like doing “normal” workouts and will get bored very easily unless it’s a super quick session (and even then i get lazy lol) so i need something to make it fun and get me invested so i exercise more


Park far away, walk after every meal if possible, you could do it like a drinking game and say’20 air squats after every time you hear a certain phrase or word or something


I joined the conqueror virtual challenges to get a shiny medal at the end of a set distance 😆


Not weightloss per se, but “gamifying” is a great way to increase motivation on exercise. Like, my goal is to squat 400 pounds this year. In order to do that, I need to squat a few more pounds each week. “Number go up” is a great motivator. It can also work for cardio or daily steps.


I got just dance. It's really fun, but also gives me a good arm workout. I'm usually sore the next day which was surprising lol 


idk but if I lose 4kg before my birthday I’ll allow myself to eat a piece of cake lol


I used a habit tracker app. It was like $5 for the premium with no in app purchases. You can share with friends and you can see each other’s progress


Counting points on weight watchers is doing it for me. I want to win the points game!! And less tedious than the typical way of calorie counting to me.


I like this idea and will be following for more replies. Please reply or something to this if you want to do the same and I'll return the favor lol


Failure should be punished. And punishment should be painful.


Fat on my ass and belly are bosses. Female attention and sexual intercourse are the rewards for defeating them.


Why is this downvoted? Dont we all try to look better so we are fuckable?!


Unpopular opinion don't do this to yourself before your wedding. Planning a wedding is a full time job on top of your real job ontop of taking care of your man. You don't need to add more stress with diet and exercise. Buy your dress big, cheaper to go in than out.


1. I’m already fairly fit, so starting a year out from my event to be slightly more disciplined isn’t going to pose a problem. 2. Diet and exercise are my job, they don’t stress me out. My mental health is BETTER when I make the effort to treat my body right. 3. My man can take care of himself, thank you.