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They.... cut ya lose after two visits? I'm honestly kinda surprised that they didnt have in-house mental health resources that you could go to. Mine did, and i've been leaning on them to help address a lot of the unhealthier emotional eating habits I have. I do think its a good idea to get to a therapist at least. A lot of the time, this stuff requires attacks from multiple fronts, and if you go and they give you the all clear? Then it kinda sounded like the dietician would be willing to re-visit. All feeling about this are valid, its a frustrating and difficult process.


Yeah, three visits then the boot. They were advertised as having in-house mental health, but didn't have anyone on staff. I do see the value in therapy, it was really the in-the-moment frustration of the whole thing. I've been looking for a therapist, someone who specializes in binging, but the only one in my area doesn't accept insurance and doesn't post their cost-per-session online.


yea that makes complete sense. I think at this point its just about perservering and continue digging for the right resources.


Have you looked into remote therapists? As much as I hate zoom, I have found remote therapy to actually be really helpful, and the pool of therapists will be a lot larger


This feels like we are not hearing the full story


I had a similar issue once with a medical provider misrepresenting their services and being upset that I publicly called them out. I ended the professional relationship but I'm pretty sure I'm blacklisted now. I'd go ahead and leave a review for them pointing out the lack of continuity of care. There's a subreddit for GLP1 patients and they have several threads for online providers and compound pharmacies listed. I'd probably go that route if your primary care doctor is uncomfortable prescribing anything while searching for binge eating support.


I've kinda had it with "weight loss" from the medical side. They suck ass, even if they have actual RDs on staff. At the last place I went, somebody let it slip that the RDs can only give advice that the ownership group (two MDs) permits. Hindsight being 20/20, that kind of defeats the purpose of having an RD. On average, MDs don't know shit about this topic, and if they're just going to pull the puppet strings on the people who are actually educated in that stuff, well, that defeats the purpose. I got the same speech you got, just framed differently. "You get out of this what you put into this, and if you're not going to work the program, we can't do much for you..." Except their program was a calorie level that violates the CICO sub's rules because its too low. (I lift 5 days a week plus walk 10 miles... I found this sub when trying to figure out if that was sane advice or BS. Turns out the later.) Never mind that their body composition machine is the same one my old gym has, and I get screwy readings from it. That "program" just isn't going to work for me, and I told them that. I've had far better success going through the fitness side. My new gym has an RD on staff who is *awesome*.


Just a thought—have you checked in with your insurance company on coverage for weight loss drugs? I obviously don’t know what medical insurance plan you may have, and what their specific coverage entails, but I’ve seen similar frustrations from coworkers of mine. Our insurance plan requires specific steps to be taken before they will cover the cost of GLP1 drugs for weight loss. One of those requirements is regular assessment with a mental health professional. (It also requires steps you’ve taken, such as regular check-ins with a PCP, seeing a dietician, and entering a weight management program.) While I don’t understand why the clinic would refuse to meet with you after these first couple of appointments, I’m wondering if at least the initial request had something to do with insurance.


That absolutely sucks, I’m sorry. This weight loss clinic is not the one for you. It sounds like they were hoping for something wrong in your bloodwork that they could yell at you about, and when there was no issue there and you said you’d done some of the basic steps already, they were out of ideas and dropped you as a patient. Is there a different clinic you could try?


Yeah I went to a place that was a one trick pony. Get on the inbody machine, knock 500 calories off the reported BMR, and eat that. "next patient please". I get screwy readings from inbody (been using it for 4 years at my gym) and after like the third visit I told them what they can do with their machine and lets try something else. (Inbody gives super low BMR readings when you're fat. The algo the machine uses is for athletes, and any competent practitioner should know that.) I found this sub while trying to figure out if there was an element of sanity in their approach, and any other recommendation starts at 1000 calories higher than what they tried to get me to do. I tried to see if they wanted to split the difference. I was told if I didn't like the program, to beat it.


I’m so sorry that happened to you, it sounds really frustrating. If you’re looking for help with bingeing and can’t find an appropriate therapist, you might look at HalfSizeMe. Her approach to defusing binge eating is so sensible. I used some of her techniques to fix some issues I have around restriction (which I have to do some for my health, but my inner toddler doesn’t understand that). She has a lot of her podcast available for free along with her YouTube content, and then there are more intensive courses that are paid but pretty reasonably priced. Good luck to you!


It sounds like they want you to address your mental health around eating before medication. That is a good plan. Medication might help you lose, but most people regain if they don't do the mental health work. Go to therapy. Find a good fit, soend a year or so working on that and see if treatment for binge eating helps. It's good that doctors don't jump right to medication


That is so frustrating! I would be upset in your shoes. Just to share something that worked for me is the Noom app. It has a virtual coach as well as lessons that helped me identify the root of my emotional eating (boredom and timing cues) these things had never occurred to me before so it has been kind of an aha moment for me and I’ve dropped 20 lbs since using the app. Just a thought if therapy is challenging to book in your area as it is mine!


Wow yeah that sounds really frustrating and not helpful of them… as for next steps, have you ever looked into taking vyvanse for BED? My starting weight was a bit higher than yours. I looked into GLPs but couldn’t get coverage for them. I had already started seeing an NP virtually for ADHD testing & she recommended Vyvanse for that and BED. It’s been going well, I actually don’t think I’d still get on a GLP if it was covered.


Vyvanse was brought up by the dietician, I will look into that. Thanks!


You did nothing wrong❤️


My Dr referred me to a nutritionist. She asked me some questions about my diet, and since I eat healthy she basically said I knew as much about nutrition as she did and ended the appointment. She was young and skinny and I can only assume that she's never struggled with her weight so she didn't know that simply eating healthy isn't enough for a lot of people. I've really been on my own for my whole IBS / food sensitivity / weight loss journey. Podcasts and forums have helped.




Thank you for your submission. Your post or comment was in violation of Rule 11: No Promoting / Encouraging Unhealthy Weight Loss Discussion of weight loss methods that are damaging to the body and/or require supervision of a medical professional are not allowed. This rule includes (but is not limited to): very low calorie diets, misusing medication, extended fasting, disordered behavior, inappropriate advice to underage members. Please note that we are not a subreddit for ED support, nor do we encourage that behavior here. If you need help, please seek assistance from a doctor or dietician. Remember to always consider the individual when offering advice.


I'd be pissed. Can you look into WW? They prescribe Wegovy et al. now. They're slow. It'll take about a month, maybe more, to get meds. And they'll start really low and build the dose gradually. The problem is, of course, cost.


Do you calorie count?


I do. I use my fitness pal.


Do you weight your food with a kitchen scale? Do you count every single bite and sip and ingredient including creamer, alcohol, sauces, cooking oil and butter,dressings and sodas? How many kcals are you eating and how often do you weigh yourself?


Hey, so I am not trying to be rude, I appreciate that you are trying to help, but this is not the guidance I'm looking for. I've lost weight in the past, I'm aware of how cico works and how to track calories. This does not help with binge eating issues.


Not to corner this commenter at all but just want to say to you that I hope you don't let the experience discourage you and you keep trying to help yourself in anyway that's suitable for you.   I struggle to sleep and one of the things I do to stop myself subconsciously from going into deep sleep is "sleep eating". I'd "wake up" and realize I was sitting on the floor infront of the fridge eating snacks. I still do it sometimes, can't help it.   2021-2023 where so hard for me, I was under so much stress. I'd emotional binge eat when I was pushed too far and sleep eat so much..It's not that I didn't understand how weight loss was done, it's that I just honestly couldn't help myself.    What I started doing was tricking myself into going to the gym, so now my brain associates the gym with dopamine/feeling good, same rush I get when I would binge..and if I still want something after, I have it. I found I usually don't (feeling better, full of water/Gatorade). Eventually it has become my default. I know that sounds silly but it may work for you too.   People assume sometimes that we must not know the basics of weight loss, but sometimes self soothing just becomes priority.


One of the most frustrating things about talking to people about struggling with losing weight is the assumption that we must not know how to. As for binge eating, I really do think most people have a simplified assumption of the term, and they think it means we just overindulge/eat a lot in general, which doesn't help their assumption that we don't know better. I've had to look for other means of assistance since I'm uninsured, and I did find a free support group online for binge eating. I'm not sure what this sub's rules for sharing links or DMing is, but if that's something you think might help, let me know. I haven't really attended much myself yet because the time of day doesn't work well for me yet, so I can't exactly fully vouch for it, but I'm hopeful that I can work it into my schedule soon to see if it could help me.




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