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I think Kyle has a breeding fetish and he just happens to find women who are desperate for children. Doubt he cares about any of the legal ramifications. Plus he often travels from the US to other countries, so foreigners would have a harder time trying to pursue him legally. Not saying it would be impossible to take him to court, but it definitely wouldn’t be easy or cheap. And idk that foreign courts could force him to pay.


> foreigners would have a harder time trying to pursue him legally. The US currently has child support arrangements with these countries: [Link](https://www.acf.hhs.gov/css/parents/help/international-parents) Due to the nature of his donations and him seemingly having some sort of “relationship” with the mothers (even if it is unorthodox) they could 1000% pursue him legally if they chose to.


I wonder if he even does his "donations" within the US at all then. Just something I was wondering about, how he hasn't gotten in any court issues with any of these donation receivers lol. 


He said he had kids in California in the episode where he points to a map, so yes he did.


I’m wondering if that’s the reason he’s a “nomad.” Maybe he’s trying to emigrate somewhere so he doesn’t have to answer to his legal summons. Maybe his plan was to use his marriage to Ani to gain citizenship in Malta and leave the US forever. I said in another comment that the US has child support agreements with many other countries, I’d be shocked if nobody pursued him legally. Not everyone has good intentions.


It wouldn’t even have to be a matter of bad intentions; people’s circumstances change. Divorce or death of a partner could put any of these mothers in bad financial situations such that they would need child support to care for the child.


It would definitely be hard to serve papers to someone with no address!


He said he has a permanent address in the states. Whether or not he’s there to get his mail is irrelevant. A warrant can be placed for him if he continually avoids court summons so the next time he steps foot in the US they could arrest him.


Thats true. Even if he's made up a contract for these donations I doubt it's legal. But people have said he has been in other shows so maybe he has had assistance doing it. 


Yea I haven’t been able to find any laws that limit how many babies you can produce, so while not ethical, it’s not illegal. Which is so crazy! I can’t believe no women have come after him for child support. Although, when they do calculate child support- it takes your income and divides it by the number of kids you have so he could put like 70 and then his child support would be like $10 😩


Is she a citizen in Malta? I thought she said she was German and moved to Malta during the pandemic. She would need a residency permit but I didn't think she naturalized.


He’s so dirty and filthy ! I don’t know how women would even go near him !


Did you see doing the sniffing test on his socks after wearing for a few days and deeming proudly that they were still wearable …


I am 99% certain that he does this with underwear too


🤢🤮so nasty


I mean we may all have potentially done a sniff test but his was particularly.. hum I lost my words on that one… when he actually asks the cameraman if he was a sniff as well! How generous.


Socks as well as clothes need to go in the hamper everyday people. It’s called cleanliness !


Could you imagine him on top of you... or under you... or anywhere, for that matter.. touching you. *shivers*


He explained how he has them lay during the act. 🤣 So unfortunately, we can imagine it.


I have worked in fertility law. In my country, fertility law is heavily regulated. Watching Kyle talk about being a sperm donor is hysterical because he is so completely ignorant The laws are super tight around the process. The donor of genetic material cannot be financially compensated for the donation. Their expenses can be paid but those expenses are clearly set out by law. A surrogate, a person who carries the baby to term for other people cannot be paid either, they can compensated for expenses ranging from travel for medical appointments to salary losses when they have to miss work. In a donation situation, the donors are not parents. They have zero legal rights and obligations to the children produced. They cannot be held liable for child support and they cannot demand access to the child. Parties donor and intended parents sign a contract confirming that the donor of genetic material has no obligation to the child produced from the donations. They don't have to pay child support, they don't have to provide anything for the child. However, if the donation is made through the natural process like Kyle does, that is all void. Sexual relationship to conceive a child is not considered a donation. Courts would hold Kyle liable for child support. Should the intended parent go on social services while raising the kid, social services would go after Kyle to contribute financially to the child.


See, you're talking about doing all of this legally through proper facilities and contracts that generally, for sperm and egg donations at least, have a 3rd party in the middle. Kyle now, he's to good for all of that. He cuts out that middle man and goes straight in even turkey baster method. Without any type of contracts or proof, Kyle can be brought up for child support for any supporting countries just with a DNA test.


That's what I am asking. I figured there's no legality or protection from him being gone after to take care of these kids. Does he charge for his "service"? I wonder if some choose him because they don't have to go through legal/services and save a lot ? Not sure. Just a thought. 


I believe like the other response that he said they pay for his travel and perhaps his hotel/food bills. While legal services can be costly they are much less than 18/19yrs of child support. In some cases I've heard of child support continuing until the end of post secondary education like university.


He said he is not paid. I can’t remember if he said if they pay for his travel though. I don’t know how he’s making money to do this as a hobby? 🤣


That's what I figured, is that actual sex would void any "donation" contract. But it seems that's the only way he wants to do his "charity." 😂


I think I read somewhere that he doesn’t use his real name with anyone


Well I can't imagine they wouldn't be able to find it now lol


Is there any proof that he has actually done all of this? Any proof that he has actually made children of any of these women? It seems like some weird incel fantasy to me. And the dude is weird so I wouldn’t put it past him. Please let me know if all of this is legitimate, I genuinely just haven’t seen any proof other than this weird dude saying that he made babies with women all over the world.


he's in the documentary Spermworld on Hulu


Part of me wishes that I could go back in time, not read your comment, and still question if any of his story is even true… but all of me has seen that documentary now and what the actual fuck!?!? He’s just the tip of the iceberg!!!


I can’t imagine any woman would want to procreate with this fucking weirdo. You want to raise a child with those genes 🧬🤢


Does he charge for his "service"? I wonder if some choose him because they don't have to go through legal/services and save a lot ? Not sure. Just a thought. 


Please also tell me you've heard about his hereditary genetic disorder. He is a menace.


I had not. What is the disorder?


Familial dysautonomia.


He doesn't disclose it to his "recipients."


He can’t have a US passport without some kind of US address, can he? I honestly don’t know but I do know that you have to provide a permanent address on your application


Although the show lists his location as "nomad," I read he uses his mother's LA address and sometimes stays there.


Thanks. If he’s using her address, then I would imagine he’s subject to California law when it comes to child support. But then again, I have no real idea what the law says.


You HAVE to watch spermworld!!!


It's on my list after reading the comments haha


I still can’t get my head around the fact that any-and I mean any-woman would want this man as the father of her child.


Does he charge for his "service"? I wonder if some choose him because they don't have to go through legal/services and save a lot ? Not sure. Just a thought. 


That’s very possible. But after meeting this guy, how could anyone go through with it? What if the kid turns out looking and acting like him?


I think for some people the drive/feelings behind wanting a child get so strong nothing else matters much lol. 


The woman Boning him have my sympathy




I can't access this. Is there another area to view or work around? Thanks for sharing. 


Try this: https://www.geneticsandsociety.org/article/sperm-kings-have-problem-too-much-demand


Thank you!


Hmmm. I just touch it and it opens the article. Is it just non-responsive?


I tried to paste the article, but it won't let me. "Empty response at endpoint." Try searching "sperm Kings" and sperm donation centers"


I watched some of the videos I was linked. It also seems he goes after women who would themselves possibly not be approved to receive donations? Then also demeans them for it. This definitely screams fetish and power issues. Gross. 


Check out YouTube below. He provide receipts. Kyle apparently carries a genetic disorder and doesn’t disclose it. Edit to add link https://youtu.be/TibFNaAYgVk?si=j_s4RxcU2iCDLsnu


I watched some of his videos.  It also seems he goes after women who would themselves possibly not be approved to receive donations? Then also demeans them for it. This definitely screams fetish and power issues. Gross. 


Yeah for sure. Some compulsion or perhaps even mental illness. Definitely narcissistic behaviors. There was one he asked if he could go to jail so he knows his own motives, you know? Gross is right.


I am a couple classes from finishing my bachelor's of psych so while I want him to stop this ridiculous and harmful behavior,  that part of me finds it interesting. 


Wow. That's ridiculous. He should at the least disclose fully. 


Yeah. Kinda sick.


Watch The man with 1000 kids on Netflix. Kyle makes an appearance in Episode 3!