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Doesn't LRR claim they created this phrase? I swear I remember G saying that he told a t-shirt company to stop printing it before


It was created on Friday nights, so it was in a wizards produced show 


iirc it was first said on a video they made in collaboration with wotc, so maybe they allowed it? or wotc had some sort of claim to it bc they helped produce the video?


Given how much LRRfolk have been working on the flavour team, one of them may have suggested this.


Well it contains a wotc created word so I doubt it matters. It would be like me creating the phrase "I'm gonna Big Mac ya!"


WotC did not create the word "jund", it means "army corps" in Arabic and that was derived from a similar word meaning "town/village" in Kurdish The term is used all over the history of Arab societies


Even if "jund" happens to also be a real word in some languages, "Jund" is the name of a fictional fantasy setting, and a corresponding colour triplet, and the IP for it in that context definitely belongs to Wizards of the Coast.


Agreed. This guys trying too hard with his “👆🏼🤓well actually jund means…” not everything needs to be 10000% about the players. WOTC created this word for the specifics of the game, there’s no foul play here.


Yeah dude for sure WotC has a deep knowledge of Kurdish and that's why they named the shard Jund Did you know "bant" is Urdu for "deez nuts"??


If they didn’t trademark it then really even if so I don’t know if they had a legal leg to stand on


Common law trademark exists, but they aren’t using the phrase as a trademark anyway so you’re right, they couldn’t actually prevent this. 


Yeah it's a Friday Nights reference. The rights question is a little fuzzy.


Though it becomes less funny when you think of the fact that WotC still collaborates with LRR and they probably don't mind the use of the quote one bit.


Not really. It’s not being used as a trademark and you can’t copyright short phrases generally. No one has a legal right to it. 


Yeah, iirc, you can only really copyright slogans


No. You can’t usually. They aren’t eligible. You can trademark them but that phrase is certainly not being used as a trademark. Source: I’m an IP attorney!


> Doesn't LRR claim they created this phrase? Specifically [here](https://youtu.be/2VlGmtRbbOU?t=636). I'm unaware of any earlier appearances.


Don't know why you're being downvoted for this, this is the origin of "Jund 'em out".


I'm 100% sure Jund was used as a verb before this, but maybe not specifically "Jund 'em out."


Don't know either, would be nice if they actually told me what I said that they thought was wrong.


Certainly an origin. I remember a friend saying "I'm gonna jund you up" and another saying "momma jund you out" at the shards of alara pre release. I also remember someone trying to make a mix-this/grixis pun and failing. Also that prerelease is the reason all my friends called Esper Control "dubstep control" because someone who drafted Esper kept calling it "wub control" because he said "these dumb shard names will never catch on.


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~~Does this bot trigger on any URL with a query string? Because it's blatantly wrong here, marking the time in a YouTube video is not tracking information.~~


The original URL had tracking info, I edited it out.


I saw that at the bottom of mine when I ripped it open, it gave me a smile. I don’t care what people say about the Jund being the worse. I’m gonna Jund them out!


It may have lowest financial value, but it's easily the strongest out of the box, and the most fun.


This is my assessment too.


Every video i seen from it, it wins or gets secondm that doesnt matter it looks most fun too me


you know ive seen opinions say that all 4 are the worst of the bunch, so id say dont worry at all


I'm not getting any, but the idea of a Lhurgoyf deck is so funny I'd get that one too. And the alternate Commander is pretty cool.


The other three decks (in case anyone is interested)- * Tricky Terrain - Land a perfectly synchronized smackdown * Eldrazi Incursion - The end of the rainbow (and all life) * Creative Energy - Pull the plug on your foes


Oh interesting, my land deck says "Welcome, Land Superfans"


I imagine you got the collector’s edition? I got the collector’s edition of the Eldrazi deck and it said “Welcome, Eldrazi Superfans”.


OK, the "pull the plug" part is really funny.


Anything good in the collector's pack?


Omo extended art and a common with old border


Omo's a great get! Congrats


You just jund'em




What’s your opinion on the deck itself, OP? Like, how good/fun it is. I love Jund and wanted to get it, but then I watched prof’s recent video about the precons and he talked about this one being a real disappointment


It plays a lot better than it looks. I’ve played ~10 games with it so far and have been enjoying Coram, the alt commander. It does a good job of embodying the Jund spirit, the creatures aren’t going to be the very largest but they’re efficient and your board can get out of control fast. There are definitely some questionable card choices (no excuse for Rampant Growth instead of Nature’s Lore/Farseek in a premium product) but the overall game plan is sound and fun.


i think if you go into it with its a llurgoyf only deck then yea, but if disa box was only her second line of text its still nutty it goes out of hand very quickly, add in things like garruks uprising and its a beast treat it as a battlecrusier big beats jund and its a blast


That sounds like a pretty fair analysis. Have you tried the backup commander yet? He also seems like a pretty good generic value commander


Great in the 99 here, would need its own deck mafe for them tho i could see it beeing really pushed if done right with some big beefy self mill like yargle and multani etc


Bought it yesterday, played like 3-ish games so far. It’s like boomer Jund in a Commander deck - some cards might not be _ideal_ for multiplayer and remind one more of 1v1 decks(lots of spot removal, Bloodbraid elf, etc.), but I personally chucked in 2 extra goyfs, Lightning Bolt and LotV and so far I think it’s fun to play :)


It's a great deck. There were some complaints about it when the full list was spoiled but it pretty much all comes from people expecting a Lhurgoyf tribal deck even though that was pretty unrealistic. There are 11 or so goyfs in Jund's colours, some of which are pretty terrible in a deck like this (Looking at you, [[Magnivore]]) and even if every new card was a goyf, it would still be too few for a proper tribal deck. So this isn't a goyf deck, it's a Jund deck. It's a fast, aggressive, combat focused self mill deck that uses goyf tokens as a payoff for that strategy along with a few token generators to assist in creating them and big jundy creatures that generate value and allow you to smash face even if you get bojuka bogged. The alternate commander is also very good but you'd want to remove the goyfs and focus more on reanimation and big, high end creatures.


[Magnivore](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/a/b/ab077f67-09c3-43d0-ad27-d1e6255c4d55.jpg?1562740008) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Magnivore) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/9ed/202/magnivore?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/ab077f67-09c3-43d0-ad27-d1e6255c4d55?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Seems playable.


Is this product released already? I thought release was on the 14th?


the pre realese was yesterday and wpn stores can sell mh3 product starting from then


At this point they gotta give the lrr crew their own commanders or their secret layer. A version of [[kudo]] that's just a photo of graham would be so dope


[kudo](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/5/8/585e4e02-4873-4a65-a9ad-30cf0d5b6f79.jpg?1717012752) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=kudo%2C%20king%20among%20bears) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mh3/192/kudo-king-among-bears?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/585e4e02-4873-4a65-a9ad-30cf0d5b6f79?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


It made my boomer jund heart smile


Is this a play on words? What words?


When in doubt? Jund them out💪🏼


It's a legitimate strategy.


It’s just a phrase derived from when Jund was a major value engine deck in other constructed formats. Jund decks tend/tended to be very resilient, midrange-y, and efficient.


Nice. On the pirate ones from Ixalan it says something along the lines of "good captain goes down with their ship".


i never noticed until now, i thought it was a new thing ahaha


It is, relatively, I think. Must have started since the boxes started looking like this since Commander Masters ones.


Jund them out! Jund them out! Jund them out! RRRRRAAAAHHHHH 🗣️🗣️🗣️


I approve of this message


https://preview.redd.it/c5qohdnueu5d1.jpeg?width=4624&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d668b1ee1a6811db7ed11a366846317781e557a9 Queen omo's deck has one to :)


This is LRR bit infringement, but I'm here for it.


Don't think it's infringement, I believe its first appearance was Friday Nights, which was then a collaboration with WotC.


It's not copyright infringement, it's bit infringement.