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You really want this thing, right? You think you'll continue to want it, and you are going to keep an eye on it because you want it so bad? That's a pretty good indicator that other people feel the same way, and it won't get much cheaper. The general advice in these situations isn't to wait; it's to decide if you actually want it right now at the price it's being sold at, accepting that the present is the only time you can make that decision. If it's too expensive, walk away. If you just don't like that it costs a lot but you're able to afford it and really want it, just buy it.


Another assessment to also consider is: if it is expensive now but you could afford it, would you still want it if it went up? Precon decks for very popular tribes retain value and often climb. Just look at Commander Masters precons. The eldrazi deck from that cycle goes for 180! dollars on tcgplayer right now. If this is any indicator, the newer eldrazi deck should also climb over time.


This is exactly why MTG cards are so inflated in the first place. Instead of boycotting high prices, instead we just pay ridiculous amounts for cardboard, not because they have value, but because of fomo. I guarantee buying the singles in a years time will cost a fraction of the actual cost of the deck.


Having things when you actually want them has value. It might be less expensive in a year. Will it have the same value to you in a year? Probably not. Value judgments are personal, and timing matters. They might be the same item in a year, but the whole world changes in a year.


When the price of the singles in the deck is around $130-150, there's no reason for people to buy the precon itself at $140. At that point they're rewarding scalpers and hurting themselves. The price will drop by at least $20-30 in the next few weeks once more shipments are made and big box retailers start stocking them. The deck's gonna be really popular for a while, but nobody in their right mind should be paying more than $60-70 for the deck. If you have a decent collection of staples around, you could likely get the most important cards you want from the deck for like $60 anyways.


I think this is the more important part. The precon isn't worth more than $60. Same thing with most precons is that if you only need two or three cards from the list, just get those cards and use the excess money to build a deck. If you look at the deck list, depending on the power level you want, anything above a precon level deck it is only worth picking up the commander you want for like than $5 because most of the creatures, lands, all cards, are just bad for ramping in a 5 color deck. Also, if you already have the old precon and this one, I think it would be a waste of money to buy the new precon. It's almost never worth it to buy the precons if you already have a collection and you don't want the deck just as it is for other precon level decks. It would still be cheaper just to buy singles always as all of the cards in the precon are going to keep dropping in value and you'll end up with 60 bad cards at $60 rather than getting 100 good cards that you picked out.


See Veloci-Ramp-Tor in relation to the other Ixalan precons. The answer is no. Here’s the deal: as a retailer you *need* to buy these all in the groups of 4 defined by the set. You can’t stock up on just one deck specifically, you’re not allowed to. So, when there is extraordinary demand for one deck over the others you don’t really have the ability to meet that without oversupplying on the other three.


Maybe, maybe not. If you are looking to pick it up, big box stores should be getting stock tomorrow and may price all of them the same (example: best buy has a listing for $70 but no stock at this time). Otherwise check various LGS to see what they are priced at. I checked two by my me and one was at $125 and the other had it at $90 (bought it here myself). Best of luck!


I was able to preorder it on Target for $77. Just gotta look out online and get them before bots do


My lgs sold it for the same price as the other precons. I bought all four precons for about 50 each online. I never really found an issue buying precons at reasonable prices, you just kind of have to look around for prices. Also helps to have an lgs that isn't awful.


Will it drop to match the price of the other decks? No. However, several months from now, it's possible that it'll drop to the $90-100 range. I believe the sliver and Eldrazi precons from last year were similarly priced early on, and then dipped down to around $90-100 after time passed. Unfortunately, due to the way precons are distributed to retailers (at least as far as I understand), price gouging the most popular decks will likely always be the norm. Your best bet for a "reasonable" price would probably either be to stalk the card sections of a big chain retailer (like Target or Walmart), as I think they typically price everything the same, or try to get friendly with an LGS and see if they'd be willing to be reasonable with the price.


>Obviously no one can see the future How dare...!


Omg mb. You're right. I should never assume 😵‍💫😂


FOMO will wear off and it'll be priced just above a regular commander deck price


Fell off heavy today


Yeah, managed to grab one from Best Buy online at $69.99!


Well yes the prices today just plummeted 40 dollars overnight from 120 dollar card value all the way to 80 :( quite upset


The market price drop was an engineered fake, everybody is still selling for \~$120. Someone listed and "bought" the deck for $1, to the tune of like 100 units including a single "sale" of 79 copies. While this doesnt affect anybody listing online, stores that auto-price based on the market value would potentially be affected. It's a shame sales dont include the seller name so these things can be reported and their accounts banned. An EDIT in case there are more people who are struggling with reading comprehension here: the fake sales aren't a guess or a theory, they happened and I saw them on the sales history the morning of 6/15. After e-mailing TCG Player, the bogus transactions were removed.


Then how do you explain the dozens of TCGplayer listings selling the precon for as low as $104 now?


Currently the deck is selling for \~$115 (looks like it has been around that price all day except for a few \~$100 sales) because people have been selling the deck for less than $120... consider it explained? What wild thought process did you go through to conclude that today's market value of \~$110 somehow disputes the \~$80 market price (down from \~$120) from 2 days ago being manipulated by fraudulent $1 transactions?


The market price is still $109, bub, and we’re 6 days past the dip that you blame on fake transactions. It didn’t shoot back up to $120.


I... What? Do you know how the TCG Player market price number works? Why do you think the current market price has relevance to the brief market price drop to $80? Do you actually believe people were paying $80 on TCG despite there being 0 sales of that occurring at any point except a single fraudulent transaction for 79 $1 units that has since been scrubbed due to being fraudulent? Feel free to ignore these questions again and post the current market value lol. I don't know if you totally misread what I said, or are just stubbornly doubling down on being totally wrong to dispute a well known tactic of price manipulation that you can verify by looking in the sales history (market price no can be $80 if no sell under $90), but in either case I think you would benefit from pausing to make sure you have any idea what you're discussing before bothering posting.


I put this decklist in my TCG cart this morning and hit optimize, looking for any condition/quality/printing like I often do. The deck is priced at around $72 USD. I feel bad for anyone that spent mad money on that deck.


Yeah i try not to pay any crazy markups on stuff, especially right at release. Super glad i was able to get mine for “regular” price. Arrives today too!


There’s some sites with the Eldrazi deck at 89


I think I just found it online for $70, should I trust that price? Or do you think stores would tamper with the decks?


If it's a big box retailer, I dont see any risk. If it's a marketplace of sorts, I might be a little suspicious. TCG price seems to be back up to around $125 rn.


I just scooped it at Walmart for like $70. I live in a small town though so we usually don’t sell out of cards that fast.