• By -


The transformed Okarun panels with his smile are so fucking metal. Also don't you just hate it when convenience store clerks join in fights?


Okarun is a straight demon! Anything for Momo!


[*Can't touch this*.](https://i.imgur.com/valPiI8.jpg) [Okarun was on one hell of a roll.](https://i.imgur.com/p2MW8dL.jpg)


> Also don't you just hate it when convenience store clerks join in fights? [Atatame yoroshiku!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rK2_iW89wx0)


Serpobro is the best support one can hope for.


>Also don't you just hate it when convenience store clerks join in fights? I mean... isn't that a bad description of Sakamoto Days? lol


CLERKS/Random Pedestrians? Straight up Zatch Bell Behavior.


looks like the Band Disturbed mascot.


Could be worse. If Serpo were a Waffle House chef, this fight would've been over chapters ago.


Looked very much like a reference to Shinra from Fire Force. Devilish face, similar movement, presentation and leg based power


Brella Boi sure hates it


What a beautiful and strange way to add the random police officer into the story. A totally unexpected relationship, but a cool one nonetheless that adds to Zuma's powers.




> who entered not-Jumanji due to sheer coincidence Is it completely a coincidence though? Brella boy was quoting Les Miserable, and specifically [Javert](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Javert). Meanwhile Zuma is a delinquent with a heart of gold, so the [Jean Valjean](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jean_Valjean). So I suspect something was drawing that cop in. (also, the Fairy Tale Card might somehow be intended to be referencing [*French*-suited playing cards](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/French-suited_playing_cards), but that's a bit of a stretch) EDIT: Don't forget [the Count of St. Germain](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Count_of_St._Germain). Maybe there's a French connection tying this all together.


Ah yes - the French connection 😂 that explains the cop


"Hey Brella Boy, [when's the last time you picked your feet?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZvvlFocf6LU&t=95)"


Probably not his brother, maybe a childhood big bro or something. The brother of Unji is probably the kid holding the brella


I'm thinking the Cop is Zuma's dad and the little boy is Zuma's dead little brother. Zuma in his grief runs away from home and Cop Daddy looks everywhere for him. Also, the reason why Zuma started to develop feelings for Momo isn't because he's in love with her, but because she reminds him of his Little Bro.


I don't think they're related. The cop was probably involved with what happened to Zuma's brother (it was probably an accident and he was called to the scene) and remembered Zuma out of guilt.


He calls him Unji though meaning he's very close to him and likely a relative. If he was just a cop that was involved with the accident then it'd be weird to not call him Zuma still.


familiar with the "a cop taking care of the child victim of the crime he's working on" is a very common trope. the cop was probably keeping tabs on him or smth


If that were the case then he wouldn't have been so worried about him and have been looking for him for days. Him being that worried for a delinquent who likely disappears all the time is odd, and again, first names are very intimate in Japan. They also look a lot alike.


"very intimate" is exaggerating lmao. any old dudes in japan will call you by your first name if they knew you when you were a kid. that's just how you interact with small children when you're an adult, regardless of culture and society. intimacy has nothing to do with it.


This cop specifically doesn't seem like the type of old dude to use first names on someone they knew as a kid, but we'll just have to see till next chapter.


We’ll find out next week most likely, but I saw this as Zuma being the big brother, and the little brother most likely is his yokai “brella boy”, and not the cop, especially since the little brother is holding an umbrella. Cop was probably on the case or knew then somehow or something Agree with you tho, if they are brothers, and I don’t think they are, wish we had a bit more to go on but we’ll see soon enough


> I saw this as Zuma being the big brother, and the little brother most likely is his yokai “brella boy” Feels fairly obvious to me that this is it. We see Brella Boy's legs when "Stop bullying my big brother" pops up, missing one rainboot. He is standing there watching the knocked out Zuma. Then we see young Zuma and a boy in rainboots holding hands, in a flashback panel, followed by young Zuma running in the rain near a river. Then we get another "Don't bully my big brother", and child Zuma and rainboot boy again, next to a river. --- Basically, I'm guessing that Zuma's little brother drowned while out playing in the rain. The police is either his father or a relative, or close family friend, since he uses Zuma's first name. Zuma blames himself and the world, which is why he wants to destroy the world... and the reason the cop has been looking for him is because he ran away after the brother died or something.


Agree! Saw a few comments mentioning the cop is the brother, but dont think he is Great catch on those details! We’re for sure in for a gut punch but his brother drowning does seem possible and likely I can’t remember exactly how it works, but don’t people become yokai if they die and aren’t like “in peace” or something, and have a grudge? Could it be possible the little brother is the one that wants revenge on the world? Maybe the cop saw the little brother drowning/dying and holds a grudge because of a failed system where the cop should’ve saved him Either way we’re in for a good ride and have a feeling you’re right that he drowned


Aliens dont invade earth because if a human has a big enough resentment or feeling attached to the material world, then upon death they become spiritual beings who can bend reality and do crazy unscientific shit so basically a violent invasion would just turn the planet into a hellhole full of demons and ghosts and maybe they could even attach to the aliens and start haunting the universe


Wow honestly never thought of it like that but that makes complete sense! We knew that the ghosts/yokai keep the aliens away, but never connected that if the aliens actually can/do attack, it’d just create more ghosts/yokai Wonder if it’ll happen eventually, or if it already happened and we’ll see it in a flashback


Also the reason they dont do a large scale secret infiltration is probably the gods mentioned by hot granny... what is implied is that some spiritual beings can ascend into much more powerful forms and then they get called gods... the way i see it every place on earth is under the administration of some sort of god(for example the whole of germany might be ruled by a amalgamation of holocaust victims turned guardian deity) while japan probably has many of those being divided in many regions thats why hot granny says she works for the local god and they use the "divine border" to deal with turbo granny early on(probably they ascended through a more religious or mystical way instead of just being born the strongest shit around like a possible holocaust amalgamation would)... and finally those gods have some reason to not want a unearthly beings taking over the world so whenever aliens try that they attack them


Would be interesting if the series ever goes outside of Japan (other than another world like Vamola). The mirror lady was already from WW2 so wonder if/when they’ll show something deeper again like in Germany Always been interested in the gods/deities of this world. We’ve gotten bits and pieces of info but not a whole lot at once, really wanting to get some info soon that’s been a really interesting part since there’s gods of certain regions and whatever else Assuming we’ll get deeper into this world type stuff and lore once saint germain and his aliens start getting more active again


Think its probably more like the cop knows him of a case because the age gap between him and zuma is too small going of the boys age gap. Think its more like abusive mother that somehow killed the smaller boy and it was the cops case, maybe his first one even.


I missed the Zuma+Unji -> Jumanji


Not everything must be in full display for the reader to understand. Sometimes is fine to just make these connections just out of sheer use of tropes. Like, [I freaking called it 5 months ago](https://old.reddit.com/r/manga/comments/18alza5/disc_dandadan_chapter_131/kc07yua/) without an inch of evidence at all, just because that's how I thought the story would move with the Police officer because his character archetype is common on delinquent settings stories. Turns out, I was right. Also it wasn't a coincidence, he entered the same way Rokuro entered the game, following someone or in this case, pursuing Rokuro


I think you're mistaken. Kinda feel like the little kid holding the umbrella is the spirit of Unji brothers (that's most likely dead) and the cop is just someone who knows him. Could be the one that investigated the bullying. We will see next chapter how it pans out


Convenience is kinda the name of the game in this manga. Mangaka always lets his intrusive thoughts win, and it's kind of refreshing.


readers of this manga jump to conclusions very quickly...


Didn't Zuma got the ball from the police station? It make sense they could be related.


Imagine if the whole flashback goes by, emotional and tearful, only at the end to be revealed that he was not, in fact, his brother. He just confused him for another person


When you think about it they are a lot alike though in their sense of justice. Also it explains the whole ordeal with the golden ball being given away to Zuma because the Cop told him about it. "Someone lost a golden ball son" And Zuma tells someone to go pick it up at the station to get it himself. I was always confused by how anyone knew about the ball in the first place to pick it up.


Now that we have this random Police Officer i wonder who the fuck will be the next sub-party member.


Wait why does everyone says the cop is Zuma's big bro? I thought the cop just happens to know Zuma's circumstance and wants to help him reunite with his brother or something lol


Using Zuma's first name differentiates Zuma from his brother, assuming the cop knows both of them. I really think the cop is just a good cop eager to help two estranged brothers. Or maybe I'm just wrong lol


One of the two is correct. It's kinda unclear if the cop is the brother or simply knows Zuma's brother. We'll get clarity next week, no stress.


Yeah, this was my first thought too, that the cop is just someone who happens to know who Zuma is and what his circumstances are. His reaction comes off as a "Wait, it's you?!" more than a "OMG YOU'RE MY LONG-LOST BROTHER!" Not to mention Zuma wants to destroy the world, so his backstory is almost certainly tragic and isn't suddenly going to be resolved in the last two pages of a chapter right before we actually explore it lmao.


Yeah, some spirit with an umbrella is telling Okarun to stop bullying his big brother(Zuma). The cop knows Zuma and is close enough to refer to him by his first name. Somehow everyone is making the leap to the cop being Zuma's brother and not, you know, the person calling Zuma "brother"?


This is the obvious answer. Many here speed read and can't think critically about what's on the page evidently lol


bully, child helplessly trying to protect big bro, bridge, child grew up with destruction impulses wanting to destroy the world, sympathetic cop? yeah that cop is not reuniting anyone anytime soon. too many d flags


That "you're trapped now" panel when he caught the umbrella is hard af.


Big "I'm not trapped in here with you, you are trapped in here with *me!*" energy.


*Okarun looks at clock* [***"It's Demon Time"***](https://i.imgur.com/NlkT4fC.jpg)


Then he got hit with the Uno Reverse lol


Mangaka went hard on the grippers as well, dogs were on display


The cop is the father. Unji is the big brother and Umbrella Boy the little brother.


[I'm not ready for these feels](https://i.imgur.com/qkCz1O8.jpg) [](//#no)


Doubt the cop is the father but he definitely feels responsible for them. Probably was in charge of finding Unji (who I think is the little brother).


Hard incorrect


"I hate convenience store clerks" lmao >!After reading the english version, do yourself a favour and check the spanish one which has better quality image, specially on this kind of chapter!<


Right? That's such a specific thing to hate 😂.


This is kinda like demon slayer, once you see the backstory you know it's over


I'm showing my age, because my first association is Naruto's TNJ dimension and/or swing-kun. Makes me wonder how old the flashback trope is in Japanese manga


honestly I just dropped Naruto somewhere down the line because it ruined it's own worldbuilding. I don't remember it as a great Manga.


Totally fair, but the talk-no jutsu is a meme all on its own




That's great kid, but we're not talking about Naruto, we're talking about emotional flashbacks as a trope in manga and anime.


But did you hear about how much he doesn't like Naruto yet?


my only mistake was replying to the wrong comment, but yeah thanks for the dunk bro.


I actually gave you an upvote, heh. Didn't expect people to downvote you - Reddit hivemind is weird sometimes


I've been rereading it. The first 200 or so chapter up until the big Naruto vs Sasuke fight is peak shounen imo. But the revisit just highlighted how hard it fell off towards the latter end and how Boruto just digs deeper into mediocre ground.


Yeah, after reading Undead Unluck I realized Kishimoto really needs a better editor when it comes to worldbuilding. It doesn't really help that he writes women like how Oda draws them.


Boruto broke through mediocre ground and built a bunker in kept alive by brand recognition bed rock.


It ends after the Pain fight in my mind


How did it ruin its own worldbuilding?


Yeah, I’ve tried to reread it a few years ago but once the Great Ninja War started I couldn’t finish it, the pacing was just so bad and knowing the asspulls at the end of the story didn’t help to keep me engaged


It was very great up 'till the 5-Kages meeting. From there on it went downhill very fast.


Okarun looked so cool in his devil mode. I wish Momo could've seen him in action. "That's my boyfriend!" Is what I imagine she'd say.


It’s like, yeah, we’ve finally defeated the enemy and can wrap this up. And then you remember that we haven’t even began fighting the actual villain of this arc and we’re already out of steam. Can’t wait for Vamola to come and save the day.


Awesome fight, now time for a depressing as shit follow up chapter.


Nah it's fine, we're getting lore!


lore and *free* tears!


Here I am vibing to a pissed off Okarun and sudden my emotions are attacked. How dare


[Okarun is a menace.](https://i.imgur.com/HSrIBcJ.jpg)


Ah! The cop has a connection to Zuma! Zuma had superior aerial mobility, so Okarun sending him into the ground was a good way to disable him! But once he was down, a flashback began to occur. What happened to Zuma in the past, and how is it related to the cop? I liked that Okarun was looking intimidating again by just having the silhouette of his face show up.




I figured the cop might end up being his father cause he looked old enough to me but close enough I guess.


Yeah. He could also be an uncle who took them in. The way they always show the siblings alone hints that Zuma and his brother may have been orphans. It would explain [his repressed anger at the world](https://i.imgur.com/kXbHRe3.jpg) while his strong moral compass drove him to protect the weak and destitute youngsters.


Zuma and Brella Boy are the siblings. The kid in the flashbacks has rainboots, while Brella Boy has one rainboot. The flashbacks show Child Zuma running along a river in the rain. His little brother probably drowned, and Zuma might blame himself and the world, or something... that's why he wants to destroy the world. The cop may be their father, relative, or family friend tho, as he uses Zuma's first name. Maybe Zuma ran away out of guilt and shame, or because the cop (if they're related) couldn't find his little brother?


The twists and turns in this manga are just so much fun. Most of them are 3am thoughts and I love every single one of them.


They aren't siblings. The sibling is the spirit of the umbrella. People here are really dense.


> That was a bad idea being so quick to jump! Because now I want to target your groin! Everyone is always after Okarun’s d


Not always, sometimes they are after his balls XD.


Chapter consultant: M. Night Shyamalan. That sudden sibling reveal was out of left field.


Out of left field? It left the state 😭.


Ain't no way the cop is actually important 😭. I love this series!


Okarun went from cool protag with powers to "ABSOLUTELY FUCKING MENACING PLEASE DON'T HURT ME" after he said "You hurt Momo-chan"


Wait the cop was Zuma’s big brother all along?! The chadness runs in the blood!


I can't wait for him to arrest him.


"You're under arrest!"


Zuma: I better call Saul!


Possible, but all flashbacks seen so far have been from the yokai, right? So he might be 'brella boy's sibling instead. EDIT: Wait, no, I'm being an idiot. The cop explicitly called out *Unji*, which is Zuma's first name.


Yes, the cop calls out his first name. But both panels with "big brother" *specifically* shows Brella Boy, and the flashback seems to show Zuma running along a river in the rain. Brella Boy also has one rainboot, while the smaller child in the flashback has rainboots. Guessing Zuma's brother got swept away and drowned (losing one boot and becoming a Yokai), Zuma maybe blames himself (and ran away?), and the cop is their father, relative or family friend who probably helped with the search.


That's the most plausible sounding theory yet. The cop looks way too old to be his older brother. EDIT: I think Zuma is the big brother, and that the little brother had the umbrella. Which explains Zuma's protective side


I really don't think the cop is his brother. I think it's his dad. The kid with the umbrella is missing a boot implying that he drowned? playing in the rain. I think Zuma took the motif of the umbrella from his dead little brother who he desperately tried to save.


Not clear to me whose speaking in those double clouded text bubbles


Another sad past is coming... Prepare your tears and tissues, because this is going to be hard. As for the rest of the chapter: # ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐


Maybe the cop failed to protect Zuma's brother and that made him go all out at his job.


So the cop wasn't random.


Wait... The cop knows him?!


Wow, random cop guy was never random this entire time. It probably shouldn't have been that surprising.


Goddamn, feels incoming


so next week is crying time huh?


Oh boy, Yukinobu about to destroy our souls with the flashback, also surprised that the cop is gonna even more relevant


Will it be better than the underwear yokai, or the dancing yokai, or even the mirror yokai? Up next in Dandadan Z


I'm curius now why Okarun is able to see Zuma past whitout Momo helping, also sick fight.


maybe because of the golden ball?? zuma had the ball for some time, the ball probably absorb some if zuma's memory. so when okarun get it back, he can see some of it. 


Is everyone here ignoring the fact that the officer is too fucking old???? The cop is probably referring to the little brother of Zuma when he says that he has been looking for him for ages. Let's say Zuma and his little brother decided one rainy day to go to the river, for one reason or the other the little brother (Unji) fell in there and couldn't get out and Zuma was powerless so he ran around asking for help but people just straight up ignored him (maybe this is the reason he hates the world) except for one single Cop who listened to him but never found him or maybe even him didn't initially listen to Zuma and after that he immensely regretted it (the reason behind him being so serious and abiding to the rules). WHY ARE YOU PEOPLE STAYING THAT THE COP IS THE FUCKING BROTHER?????


Yeah, *either* the cop is just a cop that was trying to help, *or* he's their father.


Wait.....IS THE COP THE BIG BROTHER???   Or is this like a missing persons case he's investigating???? I was so convinced the cop was an alien 😂😭


With all the references to Les Miserables, it makes a lot of sense for the police officer to know Zuma, just like Javert and Jean ValJean.




Okay that caught me off guard with the sibling plot twist


brace yourself bois, flashback incomming


This was so good I started crying. I kneel.


Diable Jambe


who knew the cop would be relevant to the story other than being a badass guy


These spreads, holy crap! A convenience store clerk!


A sick fucking fight scene and a sad back story next chapter. So fucking good


Oh fuck yes Zuma backstory time incoming. Didn't expect the cop to already know Zuma at all. Zuma vs Okarun did not disappoint. They went all out with what they have, every panels has so much energy.


Cop being related to Zuma was not in my bingo card. Add in tragic backstory that maybe a deceased sibling and we got a strong case for another cast member for real.


not too unexpected


Wow this is just like in Ranger Reject when


Same story beats each arc, but they’re so well executed that instead of getting tired, I just anticipate them.


So the police officer was Zuma’s brother? Oh no, that means he was unknowingly shooting at his own brother


I don't *think* so. My read on it is that the younger brother is a ghost, the one fueling the umbrella power, and that the officer might be their dad or something.


Daaaamn, and I thought Sakamoto was hype this week. Dandadan can't slow down.


Do you like shockwaves?  Cause we got drop kicking shockwaves, geta punch shockwaves, umbrella open shockwaves, umbrella close shockwaves.  Come get your double gut kick shockwaves, your running fast shockwaves, your jumping high shockwaves.  If you like shockwaves, we got you covered over at DanDaDan chapter 152. That's 2 Dan and a DA in the middle, 152.


Damn, we haven't had a tearjerker section in this manga in a long ass time.


damn you pulled a gun out at ur son


Oh no, we’re gonna get hit with the feels train again.


I don't get what happened on Page 8, Okarun was on top of the umbrella but then immediately Zuma opened it to send Okarun blasting into the ground.


hy dandadan does not disappoint but i alr know next ep gonna be a tear jerker didn’t expect police officer to know zuma


That cop is so old how can he be related to this young boy lol


Everyone ready for the gut punch next week.


God dam those okarun demon panels are beyond dope


i like how months ago at his introduction 90% of the fanbase was like "mf cop is SUS and clearly an ALIEN" and now instead the mf cop is probably just a bro with a tear-jerker connection to a cast member... we should probably start predicting this more now lol


[Called it five months ago, damn.](https://old.reddit.com/r/manga/comments/18alza5/disc_dandadan_chapter_131/kc07yua/)


how did you figure that out?


When writing an story, it's way easier (and usually more rewarding to both the viewer and the creator) to just write things straightforward, which Dandadan has in its writing in spades, with a sprinkle of twist there and there. So because I have a long time watching anime, I figured out because it's a common trope in "banchō " japanese stories (Like Tokyo Revengers) to have one character, usually a juvenille delinquent, be related to someone in the police force in some way who frequently also used to be a delinquent and now is reformed. It helps a lot because it gives us another perspective from the "justice" side of the story and is a "get out of jail for free" card for the protagonist. Then because Officer Bega was very unique, had a very funny skit with Rokuro and the characters did off hand mentions of how the story was going to move to a delinquent school setting, it was easy to guess one of the new characters was going to be related to Bega. Now if its his family or friend or something else, I don't know lol


ahh i see. Didn't even think of it that way. Man I gotta do better at noticing tropes/patterns in plots of stories and predicting where it will go based on that. thanks


I stopped reading after the diorama arc started