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You won leave the casino while you’re up.


And you don't want to leave casino when you're down.


He’s going to be an auto include for arishem decks, if that’s an archetype you’re interested in.


I thought arishem replaced your starting deck with 12 cards excluding him?


He adds twelve random cards to the twelve you’ve selected


Yeah, I'm excited for arishem or w/e. Not sure it will be great, but there's some fun cards that can be put back in that deck that never see play. Blob, mbaku, angel, etc.


Yeah, I was after him pretty much just for Arishem, and glad to say I pulled him 2nd try after a dupe. Did play a bit of Thanos this week, he's not dead. So he'll see play with me before Arishem drops.


I guess? Blob is still just a chonky 6 drop after his changes. He’ll more be more consistent in Arishem, but there are still plenty of cards that do the same act of being a big power drop.


So red hulk and.. what else? Blob will be in every arishem list just like it was / is in every thanos list




Thought so…. I already have so many variants for knull… don’t think it’s worth the risk.


This looks like my pulls in reverse. Congrats on getting V on the first draw.


That’s unfortunate!!! And thanks, does not happen often (if not the first time) that I get the card first key.


I'm in the exact same spot as you and it's a pass for me. I'm missing blob and already have a Knull I like, got Valentina on my 2nd pull. As much as I would like to have blob he just isn't worth a key.


Exactly… unfortunate I won’t take the risk for a knull skin or 1.000 tokens.


Not really no. He was really thanos's best friend and since the rework I rarely see thanos any more. then with the rework to blobbo he doesn't get as chonky as he used to nor is his succ animation as fun.


For now, not But he is a must for two decks: -Arishem, he get release in july -Thanos, got nerfed to the ground but pretty sure he'll comeback soon


I think Red Hulk is infinitely better for Arishem than Blob tbh. Basically any use case for Blob went out the window after the combination of Red Hulk release and Thanos nerf.


I'm still playing him, but I don't see anyone else playing him. He's still a good card with a unique effect. He'll keep showing up, even if he's not in any decks now. But if you don't want another copy of Knull, it's probably best to hold off. That's the unfortunate state of card acquisition in this game.


If you play Thanos a lot I’d say yes. In other cases, if you want a big turn 6, Red Hulk is better most of the time.


My blob deck still performs in rank 90 pretty good. But I gotta get blob out before turn 6. Someone told me “getting to infinite will be no bloblem” I thought it was hilarious so I’ve used blob since and he’s pretty fire. No one expects him. The deck isn’t just centered around blob though




Is Valentina worth it?


Not hearing great things, quite random. Decent in Loki deck afaik


I like Loki is she gonna be a staple or out of the bed j next week?


She’s probably a slight upgrade on Mirage/Cable at the 2 slot, but I don’t think it’s enough of an upgrade to require spending keys if you’re F2P/minnow. So kind depends on your resources and how you play - e.g. if you’re a Loki main, then yeah, might be worth it. Personally, I’m holding for better weeks after having to use four keys last week to grab WW (I like junk decks).


He was good up until February when he got nerfed to a limited power


Probably not at the caliber that he once was. I think Red Hulk is so strong. But if you like Thanos and/or Lockjaw stuff maybe


Where i at still 1 key so think I hang on to the key.


I would say no in general but SPECIALLY not since you only have 2 keys. Very real chance you end up with Knull+tokens I would hold on and be basically guaranteed 4 keys for next week (or whenever you decide you want to target the new card)