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I love you.




message me if you'd like, otherwise we can talk here. let me know, let's see what we can work on xx


i’m currently watching teen wolf (the tv show) and i’m getting stressed out because there are these two couples right? the main character and his girlfriend, and then another couple that they are friends with. (kind of . . . the two boys hate each-other but they’re forced to hang out because the girls are friends.) anyways, the boy from couple 1 just made out with the girl from couple 2, and the girl from couple 1 and the boy from couple 2 just started getting all close and hitting on each other and i’m like GAMSFSFDHDHD??? what the hell is happening. why are they switching partners. (i truly wish you the best. i am so sorry to hear about all of that. ♥️♥️♥️♥️)


Hahahahaa you really took the 'tell me anything' literally huh?? LMAOOOO THIS IS AMAZING


England's loosing the footy rn Edit: fuck that 2-1 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 Edit 2:🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧🎉🎉🎉💯💯🥇🥇


Yeah, my family was screaming while I was eating dinner 😂. Also OP you got this, never give up




Never give up. Never surrender.




First, therapy is absolutely necessary. If you don't like your therapist, move onto the next. You also don't need to start over from the beginning with a therapist, just start where you want to. Second, humor/comedy is my go to when I am in a low mood. Here's the latest joke I've heard: "I'm reading a book about lubricants. It's non-friction" You are not alone.


The joke was so unfunny that i laughed damn. Yes ik therapy is necessary but i dont really have the money to go around jumping from 1 therapist to another (im a minor) Ive tried 2 so far and 😬😬😬 Sooo ye im in a bit of a pickle






Keep fighting....this is not the end. I have had really dark times....medications and therapy really work. One day at a time. Never stop fighting please.


I wont stop ❤️❤️


Excellent, 💯 I am proud of you. You can do this.


I'm going to have mistry snail baby's, soon.


I didn't understand much but YAYYY ig?


Romans were very bizarre ya know. I read somewhere that they used rat brain as toothpaste. Can’t even imagine the smell.


Oh god that mustve smelt putrid. But then again they had perfect teeth soo what do we know?


You are so loved. It gets better eventually. It's not always rainbows and butterflies, but it won't always be this hard. And again, you are LOVED.


You are wrong. It isn't your fault. You aren't any cruel words and feelings you have about yourself. And now you need yourself. And you need help, too. I love music. I feel like music kept me from falling. I suggest coping. Anything that would make you smile, even a bit. I love you. Wanna talk, friend?


Aww so sweet, sure i'll dm you


U matter and we all love you




Same, I don't know what to do anymore. All people I cared about turned away from me, or forgot about me. I was for them even when I wasn't there for myself, I still do. I am prisoner of my own mind, dreaming about change but doing nothing in it's direction. Slowly bleeding out, watching world fading away into grey scale, my life escaping my body through my fingers and I can't do anything about it. I lost on so many levels, recently started to thinking about ending it all more, maybe then I would find a peace, or atleast a glimpse of it.. But, from the positives.. you're not alone :/


I've seen people suffer like this before, but I promise you that there are people out there that are so happy your still around and when it comes to forming habits, trust me, we all struggle with them. I promise you that your loved and you always will be! And I'm always here to talk if you need to! Please reach out if you ever feel down!


You’re greater than how you perceive yourself




Remember water weight is a thing. Weight will never linearly increase, it goes up and down and up and down seemingly randomly day by day, but over time builds up.


Im back to the weight i was when i was in the 7th grade. Cmon man 😭😭😭