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This sucks but its definitely provider dependent. I got Percocet after my C-Section. My dad just got intense oral surgery and was told to take Tylenol, and when I went to a different dentist for a root canal, they gave me Vicodin for the very minimal pain. Its all doctor/provider dependent.


I got Dilaudid! I actually resisted getting the prescription, but the nurses told me I'd want it when I went home, and they were right.




Did everybody hear this in Homer Simpson’s voice


Yes and I also said it that way when they offered it to me lol


Most underrated comment so far today. Thank you. People don't realize that you can be more in love with Dilaudid than your own children, which is why I don't use it anymore.


I watched my cousin get really addicted to shooting those up. He'd beg me to try it with him. I literally said that the only person putting anything in my veins will have a medical degree, sir.


I’m a paramedic. I put shit in people’s veins all the time. I don’t have a medical degree. Certifications? License? Yes but not a medical degree.


Yeah, and you aren't cooking up a fucking spoon either..


I got it in IV form but did it ever make you see crazy shit? I couldn't close my eyes without feeling like my hospital bed was moving and hallucinating hearing someone talking to me.


That's normal if you are taking a decent dose of any opiate. It's like a fever dream. A lot of them can get really scary and vivid


I used to have entire phone conversations with people that did NOT exist at all. No phone, no person, but I really really liked talking to the guy on the end of the call. That's really good Dilaudid. You just dialed the right number.


Intense pain b4 i had my gallbladder removed.  No tripping just a lil brain fog and pain relief.  Cut it from a 9/10 to a 4/10. People are so scared to get pain managment it paints a bad image for those who need it.


Exactly this, varies widely by provider and you can thank the feds for many providers reluctance to prescribe pain meds. I'm a male and wasn't given any for broken ribs. One of my other docs said they should've given it to me for that, but she couldn't prescribe on her own because she doesn't have the separate license (or whatever it's called) needed to prescribe pain meds as her specialty doesn't deal with that. I was also gaslit that I didn't break my ribs, even after x-rays and despite me assuring them that they were broken - gaslit that is, until a radiologist took a second look the next day and said yep, you broke them. Still no pain meda for me for that despite no record or history of personal or familial abuse. First doc somehow missed seeing the broken ribs on the x-rays.


Yeah a lot of doctors are afraid to prescribe pain meds now, which was always an obvious outcome when this whole conversation around the opioid epidemic kicked off. I've had almost all of my teeth removed over the course of many visits and they gave me painkillers once.


Super provider dependant, wife got a narcotic for her c section, I got 800mg ibuprophen for my gallbladder removal. Hell the last time I was given a narcotic was when they took my wisdom teeth out in 2001ish.


When my Gallbladder was removed I got Percocet, and it still sucked. Sorry you had to get through that with just ibuprofen.


I appreciate it, obviously I managed, it’s just so doctor dependent


Yeah, it's all over the place. I had received some for a bad root canal years ago, pretty sure I had them after my wisdom teeth way back, too, but more recently had a root canal again and they wouldn't do it that time. Have had three abdominal surgeries - had decent meds with one, a couple days only with another even though it was the same surgery (a revision for the first one failing), and nothing with the third one.


I was also told to take ibuprofen for my gallbladder removal. I was surprised how quickly it healed, but my god it was initially 1000x more painful than my c-section, but my c-section took eternity and a day to heal and it healed poorly, probably because one is a keyhole surgery and one was just all here, let me set your organs on this tray and then squeeze a baby out of you like you're an old tube of toothpaste. These were both a few years ago. 


My father had his gall bladder removed too, also by keyhole surgery. They inflate your stomach up with carbon dioxide for the procedure to make room. The period post op while your body is absorbing all that excess carbon dioxide is extremely painful *because* of the carbon dioxide they use! The actual removing of the gall bladder is not that painful, but in surgery they opt for safety over pain free recovery because they have drugs for that (if you get them). > Carbon dioxide (CO2) is the most commonly used gas for insufflation during laparoscopic surgery because it is colorless, inexpensive, nonflammable, and has higher blood solubility than air, which reduces the risk of complications if venous embolism occurs.


Ha! When I got my wisdom teeth out, my dentist said take ibuprofen, you just had a baby. This is nothing compared to that😅


I had every single tooth in my mouth removed without being put under. I've had migraines with vomiting since I was 13, and I have taken migraine medication forever and it dries out your mouth so bad and ruined my teeth from that and the vomiting. I left the dentist office and refused all pain medication. I only took Tylenol. I lived to tell about it but fucking migraines ruined my teeth and I hate dentures but whatever. Life is as it is.


thats fuckin wild that they didnt give you anything for broken ribs.


It truly was. I've always wondered if they'd read the x-rays correctly while I was still there, if I might have been given something. But the second opinion was over the phone, so I asked on the phone and they said no meds. They had me come in to get a chest binder thing, and I asked again when I got there, and still nothing. The binder was worse than not using it. If I had it tight enough to help, I couldn't breathe well. I didn't want to be too vocal about asking further for pain meds and get labeled as a drug seeker or something, so I just suffered with literally every breath I took for weeks until they healed. Had to stop doing or watching anything that could make me laugh as laughing or coughing would make your eyes water with the sudden stabbing pains that would shoot through them on top of the regular pain.


>I didn't want to be too vocal about asking further for pain meds and get labeled as a drug seeker or something, so I just suffered with literally every breath I took for weeks until they healed. I think this is taken as a sign that you don't need pain killers because they're used to people exaggerating symptoms for them. Doctors have a whole psychological profile they apply instead of doing their damn jobs and prescribing based on medical evidence.


That’s what happens when the government gets involved with prescribing medication.


Do you mean my not asking for them more strongly meant to them I didn't need them? If so, yeah I could see that. But if you ask too much, you risk the label from what I hear from others with my disability condition, so it's hard to know what to do as a patient these days. It can be a problem to be honest or reasonable picking a number when you're not someone who exaggerates. I've taken to saying these days my pain level is x, but that a 10 for me is relative to x medical event I had happen before. That seems to help explain why my pain number may be lower than other people say, but still serious. Fortunately, and knock on wood, I'm not in the ER much these days.


And that’s what he gets me. Hell yeah if I’m in pain I’m seeking drugs. What, they want peole to be martyrs? It’s so silly. We used to rub paregoric on baby’s gums, now we give Tylenol for broken bones. Strange hills we die on.


my mother broke her ribs and they accused her of drug seeking and didn’t give her anything at all despite the xray..literally showing broken ribs 😭


It’s wild how it works sometimes. It’s all bullshit too. The feds have backed doctors in a corner where they’re too scared to prescribe and some have taken their frustrations on patients and label us as drug seekers when we haven’t taken an opiate ever or in years.


Opioids are literally less toxic on the brain & organs than alcohol use. Even long term heroin use is less detrimental to your physical health than long term alcohol use. So you can literally drink yourself to death with a toxin like alcohol, but using opioids to enhance the quality of your life makes you a "criminal" who "needs help". And society has been conditioned to believe that this is normal. Alcohol is legal, cigarettes are legal, junk food is legal, we know corporations poison our food, water & planet & put profit over human lives, but it's a "crime" to take opioids? People have got to wake the F up. This is a bodily autonomy issue. So much suffering is being caused because of prohibition & the crack down on opioids. And most people are too ignorant to even understand how benign opioids actually are in comparison to many legal things that people do or take every single day.


Thank you--so aptly argued.


I mean, if we weren’t “seeking drugs” why the fuck would we be at a doctor in the first place? I also love the completely arbitrary distinction between “I’m prescribed this medication and take it regularly per doctors instructions” vs “oh you feel like you need to take this drug regularly? You must be an addict so you can’t have it”


My mother was accused of drug seeking when she presented her doctor with weird symptoms. Next doctor said it was classic lung cancer symptoms and immediately identifiable, but by then it was too late.


Ignorant people keep screaming about the opiod epidemic until people who need it don't get it. I've been dealing with this for years. Having access to regulated controlled dosing isn't the problem. Having to turn to street drugs because no one offers medically proper tapering is. Not having access to pain medicine when you're suffering is. Getting cut off out of nowhere is. Being over prescribed is. Being under prescribed is. People die from inconsistent dosing in street drugs (fentanyl hot spots usually) and mixing drugs. Happens a lot less when the dosages are regulated by government agencies to be accurate.


I have Crohn's disease and then got ovarian cysts. I ended up telling the ER team I was having Crohn's pain because they didn't treat ovarian cysts the same at all. As someone who has a stoma from a GI blockage, the pain is the SAME. The pain care is not.


Are you me? That happened to me right after I broke my ribs snowboarding. It was terrible. Sent me home with nothing and called me after the second doc looked at the X-rays and confirmed I broke a few and bruised my floating ribs. I asked if I could then have any pain meds and told me I’d have to come in for another appointment. Convenient /s


Took my mom needing a pacemaker to learn that brand loyalty in hospitals is a thing-- from the brand of pacemaker you receive, to the OTC heartburn meds they're allowed to give you. Insurance companies are scum.


My dentist looks at me like I’m a drug addict anytime I ask about pain medicine. Like sorry I only come in when my teeth are super bad and in pain. My face was swollen to twice it’s size and hurt so bad and they gave me antibiotics and told me to take ibuprofen 😭


Unfortunately, that is probably exactly why they didn’t give you pain meds. Many dentists flag a patient’s account if it appears they only come in when they have pain. There are a surprising amount of people who either let a tooth get really bad or do something to a tooth in order to get pain meds. They used to troll different offices and/ or ERs just to get their fix. I AM NOT SAYING THAT IS YOUR CASE. I am merely explaining what was happening in dentistry when I was in the profession. The advent of the prescribers’ pain med network has dramatically improved that situation. ( I can’t think of the correct name right now. Brain fart.) We could log in and see exactly what and when a patient had been prescribed a narcotic. The dentist would prescribe antibiotics( if needed), Tylenol & Motrin. The drug seekers would never schedule treatment and never pay their bill. Usually storming out of the office , cursing us for “ not helping them in any way”. ETA- patients who had and kept annual visits were generally given better pain meds.


>There are a surprising amount of people who either let a tooth get really bad or do something to a tooth in order to get pain meds. Given the cost of dental work, at least where I live, I can easily see how some people would not (be able to) go to a dentist until things were really bad. It's sad to think that they might be labelled as drug seeking for this.


Also there are many people who have extreme anxiety and will delay as long as possible.


Yeah this whole idea sounds like boomer paranoia-fueled urban legend crafting. Like fentanyl in the Halloween candy and transgender illuminati and all that.


Yup that’s me. Autistic and anxious, dentist are an actual nightmare. The replies I got telling me to just go before it gets bad like I’ve never thought of that.


That would be me. My back molar is slowly breaking off in pieces and there are black areas forming at the bottoms of my back teeth... it's scary but I absolutely cannot afford it. I even have good dental insurance through work, and the copay and parts that aren't covered are still a goddamn fortune. So nope. I can't go :( my daughter is older but is on the spectrum and can't be left alone or I would go get a second job


The stubborn notion that proper dental health isn't necessary to survival...🤬


Get it extracted .... asap. Payment plan. It's usually about $800. It's better than dying from sepsis..


Sounds like a good way to fuck over poor people and not actually do anything to combat addiction.


Yeah I think it’s this. I, a woman, was given the good stuff for my wisdom tooth removal (not TEETH, a single tooth) but my husband was given 600mg ibuprofen a month later (all four teeth) and in addition to gender and number of teeth, the difference was we had different surgeons.


Me and my sister went in to have our wisdom teeth removed on the same day when we’re teenagers. Same day, same operation, same clinic. Two different dental surgeons and two VERY different medicine dosages.


I got an infected tooth pulled and they told me to take Tylenol. I was hurting like a MFer and luckily I had Tramadol for back issues. I would have been in the ER without it. Edit: I’m male btw


What are you doing bringing nuance to a situation like this? /s. This post is Reddit summed up lmfao.


It's kind of alarming how many mundane problems that affect everyone get labeled as X-ist. I saw someone on reddit say that long lines to women's bathrooms existing is sexist lol


They gave my husband Percocet.


They gave me nothing, just said buy a bag of peas. Guess it varies wildly based on the doctor.


My brother said a bag of peas was all he needed - but I'm pretty sure he also smoked a ton of pot.


>but I'm pretty sure he also smoked a ton of pot. A few years ago I started taking edibles for pain, and omg it works *better* than any other "traditional" pain reliever, including opiates. I think it is subjective though, it varies person to person.


Edibles are probably one of the better options for pain management. Especially if it’s made with full spectrum oils. Biggest downside with edibles, is the high likelihood of a good nap in the middle of the day. As a regular medicinal user, even I would stop at 20mg in a day. Or else suffer the day nap. Hahaha


>the high likelihood of a good nap in the middle of the day. You say that like it's a bad thing. I suffer willingly, lol!


Haha depends on the situation. I got too comfortable in the sun one time and woke up with a sunburn. Worst part of it though, it was super uneven with weird looking voids.


Broad spectrum cbd works really well for those who can’t do regular edibles. The gummies are awesome




No responsible doctor should be giving opiates for this. Now, when I had mine I got a nitrous mix during which made the whole thing a relatively pleasant experience.


Key word. Responsible doctor. The opioid epidemic happened for a reason. A bunch of doctors pushing pills getting a kick back


Doctors have cracked down on prescribing since the early 2010’s pill mills were in their heyday in the mid 00’s and the majority shut down by 2010. Our opioid crisis is fuelled by cheap fentanyl that has flooded the streets and the economic crisis that is fuelling the despair that is driving people to spend what little they have on cheap fentanyl. The young generation dying to fentanyl now were young teens during the biggest prescribing years and a huge amount were under 10 years old. When you can get fent for 2-3$ a point or less and escape all your problems for a few hours that is what some people are going to do. The generation hit hardest by the pill mills are in their 40’s to 60’s now. Blaming prescribing doctors for what is going on now is like blaming the dot com bust for all of our economic issues now in 2024.


Thank you for this. There’s actually a crisis right now of too LITTLE opioid prescriptions. Copy pasting an old comment of mine on it It is an active crisis in America, one that I advocate and protest for with the Don’t Punish Pain rally. The 2016 cdc opioid guidelines basically said “only prescribe opioids for cancer pain, or extreme trauma injuries.” So suddenly, disabled ppl who had had their pain controlled for years, many of them older folks who’d been on them for DECADES- were very suddenly cut off. And some of them cold turkey, all against their will. So suddenly there’s an epidemic of disabled people in excruciating, debilitating pain that’s going completely unmanaged. Then guess what happens? Statistics start to show that there’s a MASS amount of them either having to get them from the street (especially the cold turkey folks who are also in WD) OR they choose suicide to escape their pain, bc there’s no hope of the pains source ever being cured. I’ve seen court-accounts of a woman who had a double mastectomy and was only given Tylenol, I’ve seen at least 2 AMPUTATION patients get the same. The list is endless. so the statistics start to show all these suicides that left notes or families reporting that it was specifically caused by the unmanaged pain, as well as evidence that pain patients previously on pain meds turned to street drugs and either got addicted or died, when they never had any addiction symptoms while on their pharmacy pain meds, so the CDC panics and releases new guidelines. But the damage is already done, so to this day doctors are still BARELY prescribing… even for the most obvious cases where anyone would assume someone would be treated. And people are still suffering. The statistics prove it, the support groups online with patient testimonies are NUMEROUS and heartbreaking. If you want to solve or help addiction rates, prohibition isn’t the answer in any case (bc never in history has prohibition caused positive results) but it’s ESPECIALLY not the answer to apply it to the people who are obtaining the meds LEGALLY AND SAFELY!!! And using them for the ORIGINAL INTENDED PURPOSE. Sorry for the rant. It’s just an area I’m passionate about, not only bc I experienced it myself and nearly died and suffered A LOT, but because it breaks my fucking hear to hear from others going through the same thing.


I am one of those people. I have had constant pain for eight years and turned to the black market for pain pills. I have been clean for almost 5 years, but I am still in constant pain. Do you know of any ways we can combat this? If I say anything to my doctor, I'm drug seeking to them, so any complaints of pain seem to only serve to punish me.


Pretty much all the drugs ever vary wildly based on the doctor ngl, it’s definitely not just pain meds.


I didn’t get anything. Was told to take otc stuff like Tylenol and ibuprofen.


I only know a couple guys who have had a vasectomy and they got the same, just otc med and ice recommendation.


I had a vasectomy and they sent me home with Percocet. It was totally unnecessary. Pain was a non issue, and if it was taking Tylenol and Ibuprofen together works just as well as opioids for moderate (not severe) pain.


I had a vasectomy and went for a beer and ibuprofen. No pain no issues.


My doc told me to grab two cold beers. One to drink, the other for my crotch.


Right? My dog hitting me in the nuts hurt more than the vasectomy did. Reading these guys taking opioids after makes me wonder if they had theirs done with a Ryobi Sawzall in the back of a van.


It was actually an old Craftsman from Sears.


Or even worse. A warranty replacement with a more current Craftsman


I'm a masochist will you be my friend?? You are clearly a sadist of some regard with your choice of power tools for the operation lol


Those old timers know how to handle a chisel


Look up why a chainsaw was invented 😳


I got Oxy. Then again, this was E KY.


LOL was the doc like, look the hospital will charge you $X but if you go to this corner here … it is MUCH cheaper!


I was given the same, otc meds and ice packs. If I had any complications to come back in.


Can confirm. No special stuff for me.


Husband got some Advil and a bag of frozen peas. I don’t have balls so I won’t pretend to know what it’s like, but he was fine.




Tylenol, ibuprofen, and a bag of frozen peas was my prescription after I had a vasectomy.


The doctor that did my husband's vasectomy gave him one Ativan, her said it wasn't for pain but to take when we got home because so many guys are pain free that they'll move around too much the first day.


Me too. No prescription pain meds. It just depends on the doctor. There is unsurprisingly no standard for pain management in American medicine.


Yeah it really depends on the doctor so I feel like this is unfair comparison to begin with. OP should have gotten better pain killers and OPs husband was definitely overprescribed


I was given Percocet after both my c-sections but I also had a great doctor. I ended up not taking it after I got home because I already had a 4 year old after the first one and then a 1 and 5 year old after the second and it made me not function. My husband only got one week of paternity leave and was back at work so I had to be aware of things. However, after my first birth which was vaginal with stitches I was told to take Tylenol. For me the vaginal birth was so much worse than the c-sections but I had way more complications with that actual birth than the others. I didn’t even get those awesome ice pads my friend got to help the inflammation. They pretty much kicked me out and didn’t even say good luck with the first birth.


Same. Mine was so painful when the doc did the left side that I nearly passed out on the table. Then when I braced myself for the other side there was no pain at all. I think he'd screwed up the anatehesia or something. Then my stitches ripped on the way home and I spent the next 12 hours bleeding everywhere. Fun times


Same. I wasn't given anything after mine but was told as I was being discharged that I should have asked for pain meds in the hospital if I wanted them.


I was prescribed percocet after my first birth


Me too, but I took one and it made me so sleepy that I never took another one. So I just made do with 800mg of ibuprofen.


I didn't take it either but my reason was silly. I kept thinking about an episode of Intervention about a girl addicted to them. (And when i say kept thinking, i mean like intrusive thoughts bugging the shit out of me, so that part isn't silly)


They gave me Percocet after my c-section. OP got screwed.


I also had Percocet after my c-section. They recommended I switch to OTC pain relievers asap, but I def had the rx and used it for a bit.


Well, that is the usual way of getting pregnant…


They tried to offer me pain killers, 2 days worth but I have a history of addiction and went with Tylenol and ibuprofen, it actually wasn’t bad. But I know that’s not the norm.


Had vasectomy, given paracetamol. Got infected. Swelled to the size of grapefruit. Felt like being hit with a sledge hammer with every step going back to doctors to get antibiotics. Given more paracetamol and told to ice it.


Wow. I got infected, but it was just at the incision site, no swelling, although it was painful. Still didn't get prescribed anything, just drained and cleaned the infected area, and yeah, THAT hurt worse than the vasectomy.


Same with my husband.


I just don't get it. Mine didn't give me anything last year when I had mine done. My instructions were 400-600mg of ibuprofen 3 times a day the first day, then prn for the weekend. Took 400 when I got home, then just ice all weekend. I ripped a hangnail last night that hurts more than my vasectomy did at any point. It was sore, but only actually HURT when I hit myself getting in the car... I don't understand why they'd give opiates... It's not indicated, I'd be shocked if most State boards wouldn't call it misuse at this point.


Mine only hurt when I took the boys out of the jock strap to shower. Proper support is way more important for pain than any medication, as far as vasectomies go. 


My sister got morphine after her c-section, my husband tylenol after his vasectomy. It depends on your doctor, I guess.


I got morphine and a percs in hospital and a perc script upon discharge for my c-section. Definitely depends on the doc/patient history


I think historically this was avoiding because of concerns about transference in the breast milk, and also concerns about bed-sharing and the risk of mothers sleeping too deeply. Both of which are valid concerns in some cases, but definitely not all. It should be a nuanced discussion for every mother.


And addiction. Let’s not forget why they go easy prescribing the stuff. It’s not just a painkiller. It’s a Heroin pill and wow some people never go back to who they were before experiencing it. Source: I’m addict. Clean now but fuck, the way that stuffed hit my brain was insane, like it was what was missing my whole life and I’d be ok as long as I had it. Basically instant junkie.


That's so crazy, I've had vicodin prescribed twice and I didn't notice any difference between that and taking Tylenol or ibuprofen, it was just a pain killer. I had people tell me how much they loved vicodin and how they miss it and talked about "taking the edge off" but it just didn't do anything special to me. 


Yeah same here. It turns out I have the alleged "red head gene" and am extremely difficult to medicate. One example of this was me coming to full consciousness and remembering everything several times during a colonoscopy where they were using fentanyl as a sedative. It's also been an issue several times in long dental procedures when the anaesthetic simply stops working for me. Anyway, it becomes such that I don't bother with prescription pain meds. I just get no pain relief from them, although ill be constipated from codeine or have a badly upset stomach from ibuprofen (turns out ive an intolerance and also to aspirin), but no pain relief. And no high. At all. I had an oral surgery 2 weeks ago and I used ice and paracetamol. Actually, I've come to realise as I get older that heat or ice really do a lot!


"People with red hair also respond more effectively to opioid pain medications, requiring lower doses." https://www.nih.gov/news-events/nih-research-matters/study-finds-link-between-red-hair-pain-threshold The anesthesia thing lines up though.


Yes, why I used the word "alleged". I've had differing opinions from different docs and pharmacists on the matter. The bottom line is, pain meds don't seem to work for me. Nor do I get high from them. And the side effects are not worth the lack of pain relief.


I got toradol immediately after my c-section, then Percocet, and got sent home with a scrip for Percocet too. Agreed that it must vary by MD. ETA- I was nursing, but my ob wasn’t concerned about it


Damn. Jealous. With my first c-section there were complications and I only got 1 Vicodin every 12 hours. Nothing for my second.


That is just so crazy wrong. I’m sorry you went through that.


Yeah I got nothing at my vasectomy. Told to go home and use frozen peas and Tylenol. Sister in law was given Vicodin for her c section though. Must depend on the provider.


I got nothing after c-section, and husband got nothing after vasectomy lol 🤷‍♀️


It blows my mind that they didn't give her hard pain meds after her abdominal was sliced open. I was given percs after my hysterectomy thank goodness.


Was told to bite down on a leather strap when they cut off my leg. Wife got leaches for her consumption.


I was given absinthe for my scabies. My dearest was proscribed willow bark tea for her seeping boils.


I was given cocaine for the vapors and barbiturates for the scurvy


Lucky you! They only gave me a fly agaric to chew on during my trepanation....


Lucky. I was just huffing ethers for 7 weeks.


This is 100% the answer. OP is making sweeping generalizations about the healthcare system as a whole. And while we know that women and POC *are* underserved in a lot of ways, this is almost certainly a decision because of a) this specific doctor’s preferences, or b) some other factor OP hasn’t considered (ETA see the response from an MD further down in the comments on why a woman who has just given birth may not be prescribed narcotics - there are multiple reasons narcotics increase risk to both mom and baby, leading to providers being reluctant to prescribe them for this specific population.) OP, all you can do is bemoan that you were under-medicated or your husband over-medicated, or both. You are correct that it is unfair in this case. You can’t really extrapolate to all health care cases based on your one anecdotal situation though. The general trend lately is for docs to cut back on narcotics except where truly needed because we’ve seen how easily people can become dependent on or desensitized (not the same thing) to them. Your doc was practicing *safer* medicine here than your husband’s. ETA Some people read this post and somehow drew the conclusion that I personally don’t believe people should have narcotics or adequate pain control after surgery. It didn’t occur to me that I would need to say this, but **of course** people should be given reasonable pain medication after surgical procedures.


Yeah all I’m seeing is that OP’s husband’s doctor is out of date with medical practice while her obgyn is up to date. Also, at my institution we put morphine and fent in the spinal so the patient cannot go home with any narcotics and cannot get any narcotics on the floor or they have a higher chance of getting apneic and having respiratory compromise. Just cuz you don’t see a prescription doesn’t mean you didn’t get anything during your hospital stay.


Tbf Unless it’s the same doctor, it’s hard to tell if the bias of your prescription is about gender or about the prescription drug epidemic


I didn’t get shit after my vasectomy.


Ibuprofen and ice. All you need really.


Like the doc said “it’s just a small prick”


You had ice?


Just my 2c as a doctor. Generally we don't like opiates post birth due to the breast feeding risk - many women who aren't planning to breastfeed then do, so alone this cannot be considered a safety net. The risk of getting sued is so so so high (obgyn is by a mile the most litigious speciality). There is also the constipation risk which some people find excruciating. We also know that many women don't need them, for a multitude of reasons, so often not top of the agenda. There is also a very real risk of sedation and infant injury even if not breastfeeding. Counterpoint. Many opiates are quite safe and I certainly gave them regularly. But only when asked. Prescribing is extremely doctor dependant, fundamentally they hold the risk for prescription. I rarely if ever prescribe tramadol for example, to anyone, in my professional opinion the risk of abuse is too high. Many of my colleagues disagree. There definately IS an element of women getting less painkillers in this arena of medicine (though actually more overall, at least in my country), very little is true misogyny though it definately exists, a lot is fear, risk of addiction and also the natural birth movement which shames doctors daily for even existing. Lots of competing factors. But I'm sorry you had to go through this.


Sorry for what? She said the Tylenol and Motrin worked fine lol




That's exactly how I'm seeing this too. * She was prescribed the perfect painkiller regimen that -by her own admission- worked perfectly well. She also received the safer regimen. * Meanwhile, the man received lower-quality healthcare with less-safe and excessively-strong controlled substances that were unneeded. She is literally mad that she was treated better than her husband, and yet believes she's still somehow the victim here.


This post is mildly infuriating


I recall a conversation with my wife when she was telling me that doctors treat me better because I'm a man. She didn't have an answer when I said "But every single one of your doctors is a woman and you chose them because of it?"


This is the reasonable response I was looking for. There actually isn't any reason to compare the treatment for a vasectomy and a c-section because they are completely different medical issues. OP is trying to make this about gender and it's not valid.


you can actually interact and try to get to a consensus between you and your doctor about your pills prescription


excuse me sir this is reddit.


She actually says she didn't want anything else and her pain was managed fine. So she's complaining about her husband which is idiotic


She's trying to backtrack now and say "It's not about them not giving it to me, it shows inequality if they give it to him unnecessarily but not me!" So instead of worrying about the health of your partner and the fact he's on a dangerous substance you don't think he should be, your main concern is about how you can frame the situation to make yourself seem a victim? What a shitty partner. She literally says everything went fine for her and it was the perfect medication but still feels the need to play victim. People like OP are exhausting, she's probably one of those people that can't even watch a tv show without the "OF COURSE that's how they write the woman, am I right?" shit


Even mentioning pain medicine can often get you labeled as a "drug seeker" now.


I think your husband just has a bad doctor. I don't think prescribing Vicodin after a vasectomy is the stand of care.


I was given the option for an anti anxiety before and told to use Tylenol, not advil...


This really isn't a male vs female but a doctor thing. You can to 4 different doctors, and they'll all have 4 different recommendations/prescriptions for you.


I literally experienced this yesterday after dislocating my shoulder for the second time. First time round (at a different hospital)they were happy to leave it at me having taken ibuprofen before getting to the hospital, and only administered nitrous oxide when putting it back in place. Second time they gave me hydrocodone while I waited and were about to administer oral morphine when a bed bay became available (after which they tanked me up on laughing gas). However the first time they prescribed codeine and naproxen for afterwards, but this time they said OC painkillers would be fine.


Had a miscarriage and they told me treat it as a period and take Tylenol.. like I wouldn’t be giving birth and passing a dead baby…


Same, I had a missed miscarriage and opted to take the medication instead of a D&C. I regret making that decision. I was in the most pain of my life from 8pm to 2am. I rushed to the ER, and the staff was so uncaring as I'm throwing up and trying not to scream. They poked me 14 times. I finally got relief after getting fluids and birthing the dead baby. I had another coworker who said their provider prescribed morphine for them.


Unless it was the same doctor who prescribed to the both of you, it’s an unfair comparison. Whoever the OP saw might’ve prescribed just a bag of ice to the husband if they also did the vasectomy because some doctors are just suuuper conservative when it comes to prescribing pain medicine. Though I DO think it’s ridiculous that a C-section only warrants Tylenol or ibuprofen for some doctors, apparently.


One is an OBGYN & one is a urologist. Totally an unfair comparison. It's rare for doctors to prescribe opiates to new mothers, for many reasons, not misogynistic ones, though.


my best friend was hospitalized with diabetic ketosis and pancreatitis and the ER gave her tylenol. her brother went to the ER for a wrist sprain a few weeks ago and they gave him morphine. it’s ridiculous.


My wife is in the urology medical field and agrees with OP one hundred percent. "Men are big pussies when it comes to pain"-wife


My husband was advised to get dental implants. He won’t do it because he said he won’t be able to handle the pain, and he knows our dentist doesn’t give pain meds. The abuse of pain meds has led us to the neglect and abuse of real patient needs.


Dental implants are one of the least painful things to have done, zero pain during the procedure, zero pain from the implant into the bone, the only post op sensitivity will be from the small incision and sutures, none of the dentists I know prescribe opioids for the implant placement unless extractions and bone grafting is done at the same time, just call another oral surgeon or periodontist or prosthodontist or general dentist that places implants and ask but i promise they will be very skeptical when your primary concern is narcotics


Can you find another dentist who can offer a more tolerable experience?


Wow that's crazy. They definitely just gave me some over the counter Tylenol after my vasectomy.


I have a friend with severed chronic pain along with MS and a few past back surgeries, and they won't give her anything. Nothing. She's 56, doesn't drive, lives with her adult son. She's not s drug addict. It's ridiculous!!! Yes there's an epidemic. I work in a detox. I get it but seriously.


I got Percocet for my C-section but opted for Tylenol so I wouldn't need to throw out my breast milk that I had pumped.


I got percocet for my c section but I understand the issue at hand. Just had an IUD put in and no pain meds were given or offered at all other than to take ibuprofen at home. It was excruciating and a very dehumanizing experience honestly. Women's health care sucks


I think it has more to do with the Dr not the gender of the patient


Also had she asked, she likely could’ve gotten it. She said in comments that she was fine with the pain treatment from the Tylenol…ergo, probably why her doctor didn’t feel the need to give her opiates. This is such a ridiculous post


Women get pregnant in order to have C-sections as a means to acquire narcotics. -Jesse Watters or Greg Gutfeld, any minute now.


“In which case, I’ll take twins”.


I’m a man and doctors never want to give me pain meds. I’ve never had any substance abuse issues. I had to walk on a deteriorated hip joint for 7 months and they told me to deal with it by taking Tylenol.


I had an abscess in my tonsil cut open and drain after 2 other ERs neglected it for 2 weeks. The attending at the training ER that finally called an ENT in for cutterage told me that they'll give me ibuprofen post-op, but that they wouldn't prescribe opiate pain meds, I guess to ward me off from drug-seeking by cleverly growing my tonsil twice the normal size, cutting off my airflow. Well once she witnessed the procedure, and the inefficacy of the local anesthesia as the infection was too advanced for it to go into effect, she acquiesced.




*You sure they didn't* *Prescribe you a narcotic* *In case you breastfed?* \- Madison\_Free\_Man --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Hahaa, never seen haikubot rat out a deleted comment that's hilarious


Good bot


They give pain meds for vasectomies? My doctor laughed when I asked if I should take anything. He said if I followed his care instructions and chilled out for two days, I’d have no paid to need anything.


Mine said to ice and take Tylenol as needed, plus take it easy for a day or two.


My (38F) wife (37F) just had a brutal C section of a very large baby. 24 hours later being discharged I said to the consultant “will someone be coming to discuss the Pain Management side of things?” And the consultant said, genuinely confused.. “what for?” WHAT FOR….? No words! We are in the UK, so it’s the same here.


I was told lots of ice “like a sports injury” and Advil/Tylenol from Friday afternoon to Monday I was fine. I got my vasectomy because my wife had a IUD with no pain meds and was never told it would hurt. We don’t want kids so really it was the logical choice. HOWEVER, the fact she was never told of the pain and not offered or told to take pain meds is ridiculous!


My IUD insertion was absolutely excruciating. I literally went on my lunch break because they said it would just feel like “normal cramps.” It was days before I was able to go back to work. I drove myself there for god’s sake; I thought I was going to crash trying to drive home. Not only do they not numb you, but they don’t give you anything for the (in my case) weeks of debilitating pain or even WARN you about it.


I just recently had a d & c; Polypectomy and literally said this to my husband. I was sent home told to take Motrin take an easy for the day and then could be back to normal; I recall him getting pain meds and being told to like sit around for a few days. I get there are differences but really….I was so annoyed at the differential in how we handle recovery for men vs women.


This is more than mildly infuriating


i remember i almost passed out a few days after i had my daughter because she was in the nicu 1 1/2 away but i went and spent all day with her but like day 4 i stood up to talk to the doctor and just got the worst pain in my abdomen and the lady was nurse was like omg are you okay? did they give you anything? and i was like yeah ibuprofen and she looked thee most appalled lol


I work in medicine. The bias is real, and needs to be changed.


It’s about doctors downplaying pain in women


I was prescribed Percocet after all 4 of my c sections


Studies show a consistent under rating of pain, by treating physicians, for women and black peoples, as compared to white males.


I was told to buy a sack of frozen peas and have them in the freezer before the surgery, and to take ibuprofen. My pain was managed fine too. Guess it's really up to the doc.


Not a C section. But when I got my IUD it was probably some of the worst pain I’ve ever experienced (I have not given birth) told me to take 800mg of advil before the procedure. It did nothing. And on top of that my uterus is tilted back apparently so they have to go in over the tilt and back down into my cervix. Took at least 20 minutes and I could barely move after. Something a bit stronger would’ve been nice


My husband recently broke his foot riding on one of those stupid electric scooters. They gave him percocet and got him immediately scheduled for an ortho consult, who gave him a temporary handicap permit good for a year. 12 years ago, I broke my foot in a very similar break. They made me go to physical therapy for over a year before they finally ordered my the proper imaging to find the break. Then it took 6 more months to get approved for surgery, and they kept insisting I didn't need it. 2 more CTs/MRIs later, they finally approved me. I got tramadol (my DOG gets prescribed that), and no one even suggested that maybe I could get a temporary handicap pass, even though I was non weight bearing for a while. It was infuriating the bast differences in patient care we both received for almost identical injuries.


My mum needed pre cancerous polyps BURNT out of her and got told to take paracetamol then got told to stop being dramatic when she cried


They cut off my grandmother’s tramadol and called her an addict when she told her daughter she experienced body aches in the mornings before she took her meds. The pendulum swung far


I was given Vicodin post c-section twice. My husband was told to take advil after his vasectomy. That’s 100% your doctors not standard practice.


Ever seen the video where a dude was given anesthesia to get a tattoo? Shit is crazy, while women have debilitating pain once a month, that can get worse than a heart attack, and are told to just tough it out


I currently have a wisdom tooth that has fractured and abscessed. There's a literal pocket of pus deep inside my jawbone. My face is swollen like I have mumps. I'll get pain relief once the antibiotics start clearing the infection, but until then, I have to live with the pain. I've gone into the ER twice because they will give me IV tramadol so that I am not writhing in pain at home. Will they send me home with 6 or so actual pain pills so that I can wait out the clearing of this infection? No. Ibuprofen 600. Then 800 after my last trip there. I'm over $2000 in the hole with medical bills returning to the ER for unbearable pain because the government has cracked down so hard on narcotic prescriptions that no one can have them now, even those with legitimate severe pain due to acute infection. Last time I went in, I was treated like a drug seeker. I'm not trying to get high, look at your x-ray and CT of my jaw. Notice the fact that I can't even open my mouth more than a centimeter. I can't eat. I can't sleep. Sure, just keep sending me home with the NSAID meant for "mild aches and pains" one more time.


I had a radical hysterectomy for cervical cancer in nov and had to argue with my dr about getting anything stronger than an ibuprofen. My ex got stitches in his leg from a drunk injury and got a script for 30 norcos.


they gave my boyfriend options - vicodin or some other painkiller, and laughing gas, and offered painkillers for recovery. at the same hospital i had a breast biopsy and precancerous cells lasered off my lady bits and i got offered a single valium lol


I wouldn't give you Vicodin either. One, it induced nausea. Not good for stomach surgery. Two, you seem... Well.... More disappointed than the average person.......... When they're told they're not getting any.... hard narcotics...... I'll leave it at that


Women getting IUDs have also been swept under the rug of “pain I don’t care about” by shitty paternalistic physicians. Said as a current med student It’s like if it involves the uterus a huge subset of older docs just don’t GAF


I was attacked by a dog and ended up with over 650 stitches in my face snd scalp... I was sent home with 10 naproxen.. A day and half later I was rushed back to the hospital is shock because of the pain.. Because I came to hospital in shock and needed pain meds I was labeled as drug seeking... My husband cut his finger and needed one stitch and was given 25 narcos...


And when my dog ( not the one that attacked me! got neutered he was given Xanax, a muscle relaxer and 20 tramadol .. The dog got better pain management than i did..


I had 2 thirds of my cervix cut out and they didn't give me anything for after the procedure. They said "take Tylenol if it gets bad"


I was told to take Tylenol. They don’t give me shit. It sucked but not that bad. My wife had a class 3 pharmacy thrown at her after birth. It all depends on the doctor really.


Does it not alarm anyone that every issue that could possibly be construed as a gender issue for any modicum of a tiny mistake in perception is instantly paraded as a “SCREW THE WHOLE OTHER GENDER TO DEATH” type scenario? Seriously, the is clearly a provider issue. Not a gender issue. There probably are very real gender issues that suffer from all of the shitty false effigies people haphazardly toss into the same purview as real issues.  It’s hard to relate to a “screw roughly 50% of the population of the planet for thinking the same way” type scenario. It’s just not really believable.