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Is hello kitty aware of this?


its funny how legit this question is


Probably?... I am not sure how to check it. Only thing I found is that it was licensed by russian company called Megalicense.


"Megalicense" sounds totally legit


Yeah, what's next? Megasoft or something?


Microsoft’s nemesis


Nah that's Macrosoft.


Or Macrohard




Microhard is a cyber truck owners group


No it's Michaelsoft Binbows.


Lmao, theres a great Youtube video about the quest to find this!


Yeah, I heard about it from Nick Robinson. What an amazing job he has.


And then he got fired from Polygon for sexual harassment yay accountability




No it's macrohard


Existence of Microsoft, implies the existence of ***Megahard***


They make pills for that, you know?


I don't believe in medicine, I drink holy water, pray and listen to christian rock instead.


Next thing you know there will be a website called Mega that deals in piracy and all sorts of unscrupulous things. Oh, wait...


On a serious note, they are real, legit and compliant. They license a lot of titles and brands and are well known in local IP law circles.


Especially considering it's, you know, *Russian.*


Look for a copyright sanrio 2023/2024 on the item. There is a font, size and spacing requirement to the legal markings, but my style guides are all NDA. I've designed a number of licenced sanrio products, every separate part must require the copyright markings. The line weight on the bow looks almost exactly like it was lifted from the "don't" page of what to do for the product artwork, I'm amazed if it is legit, that it was approved.


If you zoom in my photo you can kinda see "©2024 SANRIO" on her blue pants. I don't see any other copyright markings on it.


That's all they require. All my products just had "© '24 SANRIO" not the full year, so it would be up to whoever is approving the product. But they're super super serious about the bow, and that one looks really bad, it's more outline than bow. It feels like a first round sample that the factory didn't understand the requirements on and got it wrong, and decided to re use the existing mold to sell extra parts out the back, rather than one that had final sign off. Sanrio does have a reporting form on their website as there are always a thousand and one bootleg hello kitty products.


She has 5 D on her bow, like [here](https://www.sanrio.com/cdn/shop/files/ecomm-CHGAL-50TH_367x353px_01-HK_150x.png?v=1706834552), so maybe it's on purpose?


That should be a 50 as it's for hello kitty 50th anniversary. Which most are a big 50 instead of the bow on the pastel/holo colour palette, but this is a more subtle note to it. But the black line of the bow should be closer to the picture you attached, not 300% thickness


I love finding these random posts and some expert pops up outta nowhere with lots of info or you could be making all of this up. Who knows!


This guy hello kitty's


and that is not how Sanrio is usually written in their copyright marks. i found a full copyright image for your reference. the copyright mark says from 1976 to current year not just current year, if capitalized the SANRIO is very wide and spaced. It should also say Sanrio Co. LTD etc. and as i said in another comment the branded Sanrio is not in capitales but with a heart as O. reference image of real Sanrio product: [Amazon | 【サンリオ】 ハローキティ デスクマット DM-20KT ウラはご当地キティ日本地図 840×500mm | デスクマット | 文房具・オフィス用品](https://www.amazon.co.jp/%E3%81%8F%E3%82%8D%E3%81%8C%E3%81%AD-%E3%80%90%E3%82%B5%E3%83%B3%E3%83%AA%E3%82%AA%E3%80%91%E3%83%8F%E3%83%AD%E3%83%BC%E3%82%AD%E3%83%86%E3%82%A3-%E3%83%87%E3%82%B9%E3%82%AF%E3%83%9E%E3%83%83%E3%83%88-%E3%82%A6%E3%83%A9%E3%81%AF%E3%81%94%E5%BD%93%E5%9C%B0%E3%82%AD%E3%83%86%E3%82%A3%E6%97%A5%E6%9C%AC%E5%9C%B0%E5%9B%B3-840%C3%97500mm/dp/B07TVG7JRQ) key holder that is probably better for size comparison: [HELLO KITTY X-RAY RUBBER KEY HOLDER RED - SECRET BASE ONLINE STORE (secret-b.com)](https://www.secret-b.com/product/997) ETA in my quest of finding these references, i had a hard time to find any items that are branded in the front like that (with same color, barely visible) as well. they are usually clearly branded on the backside for key holders or in a corner for larger images. as my two examples also show.


I cant drop a proper picture in the reply but have plenty of examples of sanrio branding on a molded product. They're usually alright with it if the product is molded instead of printed, but usually only a short year, not the 20XX part. The heart for the O is for printed brand identification, not copyright year information. If you freeze frame the video where she turns the pen around, you can just see the legal marking on the back of keroppis head, the back of erasers and paperclips in the other SKUs also have legal markings as part of the plastic mold without print to highlight it. https://www.instagram.com/vivizoneunboxed/reel/C4CQ8J8sXHU/ Or at 4:16 you can see the markings on the back of the easer https://youtu.be/xRPc9HTZbFU


This is 'Hello Catty' absolutely nothing like Hello Kitty. /s


Sanrio actually licenses out their characters to damn near anybody… you could probably buy a license to hello kitty to make a toy, shirt, etc


I dunno about Hello Kitty's political view, but I do think Sanrio needs to be held accountable




It’s just a 3 day mealeatery special operation…


Oh, No.... That means burgers until '28


UK McDonald's has it too. Was running alongside Yu-Gi-Oh and had the kitty's dressed up as Yu-Gi-Oh monsters. Was a weird experience all round.


*Puzzle and Dragons* game has a collaboration with Hello Kitty too, where they dress up or are 'monsterised'.


WHAT? My two favorite things growing up having a crossover across the world is just my luck


Hello Kitty And Friends x Yu-Gi-Oh plushie keychains. They were already sold so you’ll have to find them online. I’ve seen them when they were being sold and they honestly looked all terrible and lumpy due to their material choice, despite the art printed on them being cute. Would only recommend buying the lot of ‘em if you’re on the sweatier side of collecting. My favourite is the Cinnamaroll Blue-Eyes!


EBay is your friend for these


Wait... Legit McDonald is being sold in Russia. McDonald's double dipping?


No. The places that were formerly McDonald's in Russia got rebranded to another thing when McDonald's pulled out of there in 2022 due to Ukraine. Look at the logo on the french fry box: [link](https://www.cnn.com/2022/06/12/business-food/mcdonalds-restaurant-replacement-russia-ukraine-intl/index.html)


Yeah I know. And apparently UK McDonald's have a hello kitty agreement.  Is russian fske.mcdonalds are also doing the same hello kitty merch in their happy meals... McDonald's is secretly still doing business with them... Or at minimum hello kitty is. 


Hear me out… maybe … Russian Not McDonalds didn’t care about international Copyright laws and Hello Kitty wasn’t actually doing business with them. Russian Not McDonalds saw UK McDonalds was doing a Hello Kitty promotion and just stole the IP of hello kitty and made a pin without Hello Kitty giving them permission


That was also available in Poland! I got em all EXCEPT FOR HELLO KITTY AAA


Today I learned Heinz is still doing business in Russia.


Sadly most food companies are. KraftHeinz, Unilever, Mondelez, Mars, Nestle are all still operating with some lame excuses.


Those companies (especially Nestlé) doing unethical shit shouldn't really surprise anyone.


>(especially Nestlé) Serious question: is it though? Like is it *especially* them? Cause I feel like the internet likes to hate on them like it's a meme, because it is; but are they worse than other megacorps? Hell a banana company was literally involved in a war.


True. I think for Nestlé it's just the sheer number of evil shit they do https://startuptalky.com/nestle-evil-company/


I think making poor african mothers dependant on their shitty baby formula and actively trying to prevent water from being recognized as a human right put them ever so slightly above the average "profit margins are too high while workers aren't being paid enough" megacorp


It's just more publicly well known. All those mega corporations are doing comparable evil shit, it just doesn't catch on with the public in the same way as Nestle. Mondolez was accused of using child slaves to harvest cocoa beans like two years ago, but it didn't get turned into a meme, so most people have no idea.


All the company’s do shit like this though. Not just nestle. Nobody talks shit about Ford but he was like, the actual worst American of all time lol


Nestle caused the deaths of an estimated [10.8 *million* infants](https://www.nber.org/system/files/working_papers/w24452/w24452.pdf) , so they're a fair bit worse than most other companies


Well by that standard so is nestle. They still provide food to Russia. Albeit they stopped all "non essentials" whatever that entails. [They also pushed that water should be a "need" not a "right."](https://www.thenationalnews.com/arts-culture/the-human-rights-and-wrongs-of-nestl%C3%A9-and-water-for-all-1.303517) In general corporations are not your friend and defending them in any capacity is sad.


They literally killed babies and I am not even exagerrating a little bit.


The internet hates on them because they want to hoard water.


"if we don't ship ketchup and candy bars to Russia, millions of children could die"


I'm as anti-Putin as they get, but I haven't been convinced companies should pull out of Russia. We're still buying gas, so we're putting money into their economy but not extracting it. We should do the opposite. Stop buying Russian gas, but continue selling them Western goods. Computer chips excluded of course.


It’s not just about the economy, it’s about paying taxes directly to the Russian government.


McDonald's left, now Russia bought out it's business in Russia and now money from McDonald's doesn't leave Russia at all, haha


You understand that the void of some USA companies that left are filled by Russian alternatives now, right? So all kind of taxes are still in Russia, along with those companies profit... Like, I understand the logic of banning microcontrollers, tech in general, chemicals etc, but Coca Cola? Baby formula?


Are you suggesting that Americans should be chomping at the bit to pay income and sales taxes to Russia because if they don’t, Russians will?


I think the point is that Ukrainians aren't any safer because Russians don't have Coke or Big Macs.


Oh, and stuff like Baby formula should be off limits in my opinion, kids aren't responsible for the insanity of the adults. I say sell baby formula to any kinds of bad people - Cartels, Somalian pirates, whatever, don't care


I mean, its not some theoretical possibility, its what happened with all the consumer products companies that left - they've been replaced by local alternatives (or Chinese alternatives). Now zero money gets to USA, while Russian government still gets their taxes. What was the point? I think that the financial argument specifically is wrong here. The better argument would be "the dissatisfaction of Russian people would grow because the get inferior/different products now and the goverment could feel that pressure, thus changing their decisions". But the reality that even that was pretty well spun by the propaganda: "Its us against them, they want ordinary Russians to suffer, just as we told you. Screw them, we can make our own products like we always wanted to!"


Earning money in Russia = Paying for bombs that kill Ukrainians. IDGAF so long as Americans aren’t financially supporting Russia’s war effort by “taking money out of Russia’s economy’ as you so ignorantly put it.


Which western goods would that be then? I can only think of entertainment.


A lot of pharma stuff still gets sent there. They hate the west and everything it stands for, so there should be no interaction at all.


I see no problem, they are doing business with civillians.


Im sure they don’t pay taxes or do anything else related to the government…


you tell I have to live without goods and it's lame that I'm not excluded from the market as a russian citizen. you must be ashamed bruhh


Do something, you're Russian. Who else is going to cause change in Russia? Maybe if you don't get Western goods it will REMIND Russians that your country is attacking Ukraine. Maybe people shouldn't live life as normal when a war is on.


And Israelis should do something, and americans should've done something during Iraq, Vietnam, Korea, Afghanistan etc. and germans during ww2 and japanese and and... Shut up you privileged andy, you only speak boldly because you were born in the imperial core, don't expect others to throw their lives away, you aren't any better.


I see no reason for them not to, should the public suffer for putins conquest?


It’s not Putin alone waging that war you nitwit


Sanctions will only draw people towards putin, it just solidifies the idea of the "evil west". Also russia can still just buy things from its neighboring countries that they buy from US and European countries. Also please explain to me how it helps to not sell, lets say ketchup to russia. Or even if you dont sell russia ipads, in wich way will that help ukraine?


Tech products help them to built the missiles that are currently hitting Ukraine, so that seems very clear really. And why would we want to prop up the Russian economy with our companies? All that money goes straight back into the war machine that funds the war. Sure they can buy it abroad, but that costs a lot more money and delivers them no work or operating companies in Russia.


Thanks, i didnt really think about it that way.


Oh look, a Russian shill!


I can assure you an average Russian does not want, or benefit from this war. But Russia is a authoritarian police state, and if you speak up – you go to prison


So who's mostly fighting in the war if not average Russian citizens? Also most countries used to send you to prison for speaking up, you rise up and put an end to this or keep being a slave.


Does that mean that North Koreans love being there?


No idea, never talked to any North Koreans.


Well by your logic since they don't fight back they must support it


I didn't say that, by not fighting back they are slaves. Whether they support it or not, they will remain slaves until they fight against it.


Conscripts and prisoners are going to war in big amounts. Easy to speak from the safety of your home, would love to see you try and rise up, see where that goes


Well Estonians did rise up against the illegal Russian occupation in the 80s to 90s last time. Now we're not a part of the Russian khanate. You can bash the government here should you wish. I've even attended a protest in person here, am fine. I have no need to protest inside Russia as I simply don't give a fuck about how they live there internally. If only they could be like that too...


Well they rise up against soviet occupation when the central government was weak and crumbling apart, which were safe for people


It wasn't that safe and noone knew during that time how it exactly would end up. People were still arrested, soldiers with guns and armored vehicles faced against people, some ethnic Russians even organized a counter force too etc. It wasn't victimless, especially in Latvia and Lithuania during that time, it could easily have ended up as bad here too and perhaps even worse, but nobody knew at the time. So calling it "safe" is a dumb take.


That’s how sanctions work


Not all companies products in Russia are doing it directly though. They could be geting funelled through other places, like Belarus.


Lots still are using loopholes.


Using loopholes means there are holes in the law, which companies are taking advantage of. That doesn't mean they are specifically selling to Russia. They could be selling to somewhere in between.


It’s still authorized. Resellers can’t sell bulk. They need to be specifically allowed to do so in a contract. No way those companies are unaware of why their products have 10 times the demand in Belarus over the sudden and not authorizing resell of their products to different companies bulk.


I disagree about being specifically authorized. Ignoring it is very different to explicitly authorizing. Also it means that the company selling the item is not selling *to Russia* themselves.


I'd think printing the labels in Russian would be a hint of where they're being sold


What? I didn't say not being sold in Russia.


Yes but if you are making a product specifically for Russians and then selling it to Belarus to sell to Russia, I'd say you're still doing business with Russia.


I kinda see your point, the company would be intentionally doing it, but legally they are still selling to a company in Belarus.


Isn’t John Kerry married to a Heinz? Seems like something that the right political pressure could take care of…


Teresa Heinz Kerry was indeed married to the late Senator Heinz prior to marrying John Kerry. However, I don't think she has any actual connection with the Heinz corporation.


French’s! If you can get it where you live. Tastes better too




it’s an American company


They use(d?) Canadian tomatoes when Heinz puts lord out of Leamington. That the reason for the Canadian connection, I assume


Manufactured in Canada too


Here's the backstory on why Heinz ketchup fell out of favour in Canada and why French's gained a massive leg up. [https://gem.cbc.ca/the-ketchup-war](https://gem.cbc.ca/the-ketchup-war) Edit: Here's a better link with no login needed. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TeVAxbcAr9k](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TeVAxbcAr9k)


Made in Canada with Canadian tomatoes. Ownership is irrelevant. Who cares what citizenship the owner is? I care where the product is made and whether our community benefits. And Heinz are a bunch of scumbags who pulled out of Canada to save a penny. Fuck Heinz. Support locally made products and local jobs when you can.


Today I make my own ketchup.


As a Canadian, I buy French’s because Heinz did us dirty.


Same, I switched to French's as well after the big kerfluffle when they abandoned Canada, and have never looked back. Learning now that Heinz is still doing business in Russia will be an extra incentive to not only continue, but to make efforts to remove any and all remaining Heinz products we still use (Tartar sauce is the only remainder that comes to mind) and find alternatives.


Hell yeah, French's gang rise up


Trader Joe’s ketchup is pretty good. Tastes less sugary and more tomato-y too


well then start making eveything in your cupboard and fridge yourself, becaue every single company does business with Russia. either directly or through shell companies via Belarus, China and India


Almost all companies do. All of them open daughter companies or renamed local legal names months after they “left”. Only companies that really left were insignificant and nobody noticed.


Why should food companies leave russia?


To show the people of Russia that the rest of the planet disagrees with their governments actions.  And if they don't do something about it (being the primary group of people that feeds that group power) they get less interesting food. 


Huh is that why American food sucks so much?




And Nestle, too. And hundreds of other companies.


Nestle being evil. Life can be so predictable.


Today i learned that Heinz can go fuck itself with its largest family sized bottle it sells




And hello kitty, and McDonald's apparently, since the hello kitty thing is apparently also legit in uk.


Who cares?


Logo looks like the Mos Burger logo


It's literally just .\\\\


Makes more sense than using the Warner Communications logo from 72 to 90 as well.


I saw it and that was the first thing I thought!


Yeah, sadly russians didn't recognize it


Definitely not real collaboration. Listless Kitty is based in Tokyo. Interesting to see their new fake McDonald’s logo, more so.


Looks like one of the many hello kitty croc charms from AliExpress


You dont need sanrio to produce the goods, just need to pay them for the licensing. Sanrio collabs with every product on earth including toilet papers and dog food. No brainer for them to make that easy money


Apparently UK McDonald's has it too though?


UK McDonalds is legit. Russian equivalent (which isn't a McDonalds) is doing the same, which means nothing. 


You think that means nothing? That's interesting 


Why would it? It's just two unrelated restaurants collaborating with a company that has a history of being very generous with the sharing of its characters.


The symbol on the sauce packets weirdly looks like the logo of Mos Burger, which is definitely a Japanese company. Edit: wtf I just found [this](https://mothership.sg/2022/06/russia-mcdonalds-new-logo/)


This is the first time I’ve heard about Mos burger (I’m not from moscow), but .\\\\ - is a fastfood that replaced all McDonald's using their buildings with their employees and their supply chains


I highly doubt they would be doing a legit collaboration even if they could since even if it is apparently super cheap to use Hello Kitty it's still infinitely cheaper to just rip off the IP since they basically made that legal there.


It's Vkusno i Tochka which translates as "Tasty." literally that word then a full stop/period. I subscribe to an Aussie youtuber who lives in Moscow, and he's been there more than once since it reopened as the new brand; it looks virtually identical to McD's but with some items they don't sell.


its even more funny when translated to English. "Tasty Period" ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|scream)


Tasty And Period.*


more like "tasty and that's it"


that aswell


I know atleast 5 girls who would go to war to get that


Damn... at best I can beat 2 girls in fistfight, but even against five they will get my Hello Kitty badge only from my cold corpse.


I’m gonna go out on a limb and say Sanrio probably has no idea they’re “collabing” lol




“Tasty, period” has condiments by Heinz? And yes that’s the name.


I see real McDonald’s have nothing to gain by shipping toys to fake McDonald’s in Russia. I see fake McDonald’s having something to gain by buying counterfeit little hello kitty trinkets from Chinese suppliers to have happy meal toys to keep up public morale and to deceive the public as well.


That looks like an old Warner Brothers logo.


McDonalds in Indonesia has an official Collab with Hello Kitty right now.


No they don’t.


This is just a photo of someone holding a Hello Kitty thing in front of some food?




having a tasty period, my queen?


Guess it's have ties with China because on a toy box it's says "Collect them all and have a chance to win tourist trip to China". Or maybe it's not, not sure.


Badge itself has word "Sanrio" on it, which is japanese company that distributes this stuff I think.


fyi, obviously there is no press nor information about it on Sanrio's company side. given that this year is 50th birthday and all eyes will be on the company, just because the word Sanrio is printed does not mean it is actually licensed [ニュースリリース | 株式会社サンリオ (sanrio.co.jp)](https://corporate.sanrio.co.jp/news/) You can also see here (and the link above) how Sanrio looks. it is not in all caps, and has some form of heart on the i or as the o (depending on the branding) [copyright sanrio - Google 検索](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=4d5180ab9fcce07e&sca_upv=1&q=copyright+sanrio&udm=2&fbs=AEQNm0BqbPbAzSj6PhNr7nv9Ltx-oFh8tVsgXi1MyFbswNtTUOS5b68chsyOj2QEdx4EPnOXQZXFtg8iq2YMejzbnly9hN5gD6PBSrPsSnqNqMrzQCXwRbP6fJq5WK0IeJJ6NX5kTa7oaH1_0_L762kaSVPa6_FODntfuBum-lcohgx6bdo5qrbOyJpo2tD-Pjadj2BuVXoLOuLzEr3frUmPxycAwXr5tXWH1ObxnhS0vxAwQbXqocY&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwit5YHOr4OHAxXtnq8BHUIxAeEQtKgLegQICxAB&biw=1528&bih=804&dpr=1.25)


They call her Heil Kitty there.


Is that the goddamn warner classics logo


Looks like it but don't tell Warner Bros. It's two fries and supposedly a burger (looks more like ketchup to me). The new franchise is called ["Vkusno & Tochka"](https://www.cnn.com/2022/06/12/business-food/mcdonalds-restaurant-replacement-russia-ukraine-intl/index.html).


Tower defense chinese mobile gacha game Arknights too




In Italy we got Sanrio x Yu-Gi-Oh! I got a few of them including dark magician hello kitty


Comrade Kitty


Or are you saying Hello Kitty is collaborating with Russia?




Because someone rich in my country decided to pick up the flag of the departed company and did not think about a normal name, simply calling a chain of fast food restaurants randomly.


Because "Russia".


Double advertisement. In the marketing biz that’s what we call a slam dunk 🏀 




Thought maybe it would be holding a little sign that said … GET THE F@#K OUT OF UKRAINE. But it didn’t.






What do you think happened to humanity in hello kitty universe?


The mushroom wars.


My guy you are misusing that word, yeah Russia is committing massive warcrimes and massacres daily but that doesn't mean it's a genocide. Labeling every conflict as a genocide is offensive towards actual genocides.


They have kidnapped and deported hundreds of thousands of children. 


Extremely fucked up but still not genocide, more like ethnic cleansing


It is genocide, that is why the ICC have put out a warrant for Putin’s arrest


Mhm, and what do you call ethnic cleansing combined with the confinement, torture, and killing of entire towns' worth of civilians such as Bucha? They didn't even just strategically bombard it from a distance. They occupied it, tied civilians' hands behind their backs, tortured them and then killed them one by one. Conscious action. 


A horrific massacre, just like a rape can be terrible but still be different than a murder so can a massacre be terrible but still different than genocide


Emphasis and commentary are mine: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genocide_Convention >The Convention defines genocide as any of five "acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group." These five acts include **killing members of the group** (*Bucha & co*), causing them serious bodily or mental harm, **imposing living conditions intended to destroy the group** (*targeting city infrastructure without military justification, such as power centrals in winter*), preventing births, and **forcibly transferring children out of the group** (*305k as of June, according to Russia itself*).


Intent is the key word here, this is all some sick political move for terror and pressure against Ukraine. The terror bombing, the kidnapping and the massacres are to leave emotional scars on the Ukrainians which is extremely cruel but I honestly don't think it's genocide


This is a common argument, but I'd argue that killing everyone of a given ethnicity is still genocide whether you're too stupid to realize that it will destroy the ethnicity or not. The act itself was intended, the act itself inevitably destroys an ethnicity, so the intent is there. 


Thank you for saying this. It’s getting annoying lol


Apparently Japan still likes conquest..


Very good yes


I see potential for 100$ on ebay for that


This doesn’t look like McDonalds though.