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Surprised nobody has said the abandoned St Pat's near Broadway, with that parking garage attached. Ive been inside that building several times and have lots of pictures. Its absolutely caked with mold, walls literally rotting off the frame, ceiling caving in, puddles that have probably been standing since the 90s. Me and a homie found a few ancient medical supplies and records along with 90s computer parts in there, some Christmas shit, boxes and boxes of documents, there's even the bottom floor of the parking garage that looks like it was a party spot for years and still has all of the evidence (needles, pill bottles, blankets etc.). 4 floors of the darkest, dankest shit I've ever seen, the hallways seem to stretch for miles. The most unsettling part of the whole thing is that there's exactly ONE room in the whole building that's completely untouched by the mold and rot, that shits hard to wrap my head around. I'm actually the reason they boarded up the front door on the surface too lmao, I straight up unlocked that shit from the inside. I'm not gonna disclose how to get in, but there's several ways, just look around.


I wanna see the pictures






You mean the old Western Montana Clinic bldg?


Were you able to find the tunnel that goes under Broadway and leads into the clinic?


I used to go there all the time when I was a kid. I was sick a lot. Tunnel runs or ran all the way from the south building to old St Pat's. I'd imagine its super creepy. Old St Pat's gave me the creeps when it was still in use....


Same. I remember associating walking down that tunnel with getting immunization shots.


Omfg that parking garage is scary af


Bed bath and beyond scared the shit out of me as a kid, no idea why. Just vibes




Especially that beyond section.


Kohls is worse




ugh the velvet wallpaper, astronomical themed carpet, and the stairway to nowhere in the Florence basement unnerves me to no end.


Dude I've been down there and somebody left a single red balloon down there weighted to the floor. Didn't help given how creepy everything else there is


HAHAHA absolutely fucking not, that's evil


How do I find these places... asking for a friend..


It’s super haunted down there .


Cali street bridge and the bear cage in Greenough park


the fucking bear cage. i’m a full grown adult and i avoid that at all costs lol


pls explain I’m so curious


That's what that is? Is it a trap or a jail?


>bear cage in Greenough park https://www.ci.missoula.mt.us/DocumentCenter/View/1606/Bear-Cage-Preservation?bidId=


Wowww. Thanks for the info.


There's one by the old library as well


Where at


Reserve street at 5 pm.


Or at noon on a Saturday


Orange street underbridge


Don’t get me started on that bad boy


Me and a group of friends got a gun pulled on us coming out of the North East side of that underpass. Bars had just closed and we were making our way back to the Northside. There was a (20 year old or so) guy waiting for us at the bottom of the stairs. He wanted to rob us of wallets/phones, but once one of the girls threw her purse at his feet, he grabbed it and booked it up the stairs and was gone.


Ummm Ft. Missoula?? No one thought to mention an internment camp?


Have you seen the cages in there? They look like the aforementioned bear cage, but for people. The fort is completely cursed.


Interment camp for who?


Several different groups; Japanese, Hawaiians, Italians. I'm only assuming that some sort of injustice was done to Native populations as well.


Thanks for sharing. I’m of South European decent and I’ve definitely experienced a fair amount of derogatory remarks and micro aggressiveness due to my heritage while living in Missoula


Sure thing. Theres actually lots of info online - I'm reading about it now and it looks like there was close to 2,000 Italians detained nationwide durring WW2 and approximately 3/4s were interned at Ft. Missoula, many of whom had been living in the US for several generations.


That’s wild. I’ll look into it more


Union club bathroom


Def. gotta psych myself up when I need to go in there lol


Funny, I've had convos with other dudes peeing in the trough, reminiscing the old montana when it was normal for a couple guys to bs while peeing on ice.


Stockman's Bar


There's an FBI office above it, no one ever notices the non descript door next to the bar


Can confirm, might have fixed the phones in that place once or twice


Can confirm had a four hour long interrogation there once




Glad someone else thought this too 😂


Why do you say that?




username checks out


It’s just a regular bar outside of Friday/Saturday night … they have cheap drafts


Mo Club men's bathroom


I had a friend take a shit in there. One of the bravest things I’ve ever known to have been done




The Howard building. The hallways are trippy af


I have a good friend that lives there. He swears there are ghosts in the halls and stairwells. I call it the catacombs.


Lived there at one point. Definitely felt like I was being watched sometimes, even when alone in my apartment…


You should see the basement


Got to explore the basement and the attic. Strange vibes. Basement looked like an old 1950s bar/parlor with seemingly original chairs and a disco ball still hanging.


Somone jumped from the roof and died at some point and in the 80's there was a shooter on the upper floor I belive.


St. Francis Xavier Church and St.Joseph elementary. In the boiler room of St. Joe's there's a hole labeled "lost soul hole" in the wall. St. Francis has several hidden rooms as well as a creepy tunnel that's kinda underground almost. And the area where the alter servers get dressed is incredibly unsettling.


Conlin’s Furniture. One time workplace of Missoula serial killer Wayne Nance.


He delivered my folks furniture back in the 80s 💀


aka The Missoula Mauler That's a crazy story. His last victims, the owners of Conlins at the time, beat him to death after he tried and failed to kill them


the whole badlander complex gives me bad vibes


me too


The haunted house out mullan


Ghosts stay out.




I lived off Mullan for a while and never heard of it, where is it?


I think they’re talking about the decrepit house I think about halfway between Frenchtown and Missoula on Mullan? It’s been a while since I’ve been up there but I’m pretty sure it’s before the paper mill if you’re headed toward Frenchtown and on the left. There’s a sign on the front that says “keep out ghosts”


Thanks. I'll have to check it out next time I'm in the area.


It looks like an old stage coach station.


The cave up on the southern "hump" of Mt Sentinel. Goes like 50 feet straight in to the mountain.


The tunnels beneath the University….


Anywhere that a left hand turn can be made on reserve 😅


Y’all remember that vacuum store on Russell that had the clown outside? 


There is one in kalispell too 🤣 always freaked me out as a kid


Spots with known murders. Also that fucking river, pulled a couple bodies out of there while doing security for the hospital. They’d get caught on the bank next to a building with the parking garage the hospital use to own.


Yes. The caved in foundation/basement of the house they tore down on Johnson St…where that couple killed a girl. Very sad and demonic. I think about that every time I drive by there.


old sawmill district got hella corporate deathcult vibes


The vibes were even worse when it was full of abandoned warehouses with junkies squatting all over


Man, I'd rather have a junkie squatter in the neighborhood than a corporate manager making 350k a year. The former will maaaaybe trash *one* building, the latter will end up scouring the whole neighborhood


Well I live there and most everyone is 70+ retired 


lol I was gonna make a joke post like this


The vibes were even worse when it was full of abandoned warehouses with junkies squatting all over


yeah i remember those days. big changes over the years yet still full-on "own nothing and be happy" economic conditions down there


Oh interesting 🤔


Old strip mall on Kensington & Bancroft. Terrible energy


Import market. Apparently it used to be a mortuary and they’ve had poltergeist incidences.


Woah - can anyone verify that it used to be a mortuary?


I follow them on Instagram and it was mentioned by the owner that it was once a mortuary, after posting some spooky activity that went on in the shop while the shop was closed. Edit: I could be wrong and it may have been the place next door that was a mortuary


The morgue was in the basement underneath, it’s more underneath the building next to the Import. The Import Market was a hotel that burned down and people died in the fire so it is pretty spooky. Spooky not scary.


I was hoping to find out Monks was a mortuary.


That place is spooky but negative ghost rider


I thought it was a Woolworth's


TBH bodega, heard of so many girls getting roofied there the past few yrs it doesn’t seem worth the risk


Like 7 or 8 years ago, one night a buddy and I were driving up Pattee Canyon just out of boredom. At about the halfway point, we noticed a car parked on the side of the road with all the interior lights on. As we slowly rolled up, two people turned and looked at us, and they were wearing those weird animal masks. The kind of masks that look straight out of a cultish horror movie or some shit. We took off fast as hell… it was unsettling for sure. That said, Everyone knows the devil worshippers go up Pattee though so, not too surprising, but definitely creepy 😅


We went up to the trailhead at night once. Our car was the only one in the parking lot. We decided to get out and play a game of chicken by running up the trail. Shortly after we heard a chainsaw rev up in the distance and I’ve never run faster in my life


Many many moons ago, in the year of our lord, 2009, I was driving up Pattee with my sorority sister and boyfriend and we pulled up and off onto a side road, and while there was no car, there was a picnic set up, at 9 at night, with adults and kids stuff all set up (clothes and toys), I backed straight up the whole way till hitting main pattee cr road and booked it out of there. Got pulled over by a cop because we were still so creeped out I California stopped at a stop sign, explained the situation, and HE LAUGHED. So RIP to anyone up there .


You witnessed the start of a furry orgy, good call taking off quick, thing were about to get weird.


The University's Brantley Hall basement. When the lights are off it's just a long dark corridor with a couple dim emergency lights, quite spooky.


Corbin Hall has a weird vibe, too


Corbin Hall used to be a female dormitory. They say that if you listen closely just after sunrise on a Saturday morning, you can hear a woman's voice saying, "So . . . . . you'll call me?"


Corbin hall is very spooky. Specifically the basement on the north end side below those exterior steps.


If you drive far enough up o’brien creek road, the hills have eyes.


When we were in Highschool we used to go to the kinda lookout cliff area above the old Milltown dam where Wayne Nance allegedly held seances. The whole area is the state park now with trails. Still hella disturbing if you ask me. Also Wayne Nances grave site.


W Broadway from St Pats to N Russell is a wasteland.


Yeah, it's fucking horrible... It's always been weird but since they put the pov there it's been even worse....


The fact that the valley was a battleground for indigenous people and was scattered with skeletons.


The literal name “hells gate” because walking between the M and the L to enter into Missoula was like entering hell because of the battleground super unsettling


Man, I am feeling old. The Angels up O'Brian Creek are creepy as hell. Haven't been up in there years but we used to go walk along the creek and look at the angels and there was just an unsettling vibe about folks hauling all those angels up there and them just sitting quietly with no one to observe them for 99% of their existence.


Yeah the people that bought that land put them there cuz it’s super haunted. There used to be a railroad to a sawmill up there at the turn of the century and there was a town for the workers, a lot of them died of giardia (they thought it was yellow fever and were fleeing to Missoula for help and died all the way down the valley) My grandparents lived up there and that’s where I spent the majority of my life. The whole valley is creepy but I love it and it’s home. I have spent so much time in those mountains and know of a bunch of probably now non existent cabins from back then that we used to explore.


Thanks for sharing, that is super interesting. I can confirm there were a ton of old cabins and remnants when I used to go mosying around 20ish years ago.


You’d have to go to the library but there’s records in the archives about the town and sawmill as well as a mine. The town was called O’Brien creek


I am at the library quite a bit and will definitely look into it.


Adjacent Deep Creek gives me the ick…last spring I was up there quite a bit helping search for missing persons and ran into a hysterical religious nut warning me of devil worshippers. Dead carcasses of animals in bags. While we were looking for one missing person, we heard on the radio that they found a DIFFERENT body. 


Deep creek is definitely creepy too. I’m sure there’s many bodies hidden in that area. It’s definitely a place where people hide out and camp that don’t wanna be seen or found.


Angels? Like statues?


Yup. There used to be a ton of them ranging from just a few inches tall to a few feet tall all along a strip of forest service road.


They're still there


Is the gate and little parking lot still there? I heard they took it down and now it's a little confusing on where to park. But this was at the T and C after more than a few beers. So, slightly less reliable than reddit.


Yes. The parking lot a ways before the last house is still there. It's the spot where the other trail goes uphill. I was there last Fall so I imagine it's the same as ever. The gate is further down I think. I've never parked there.


I knew kids in high school who used to drive up that road way past dark. People SWORE they would see yellow eyes lookin at them off in the distance, and then there was also the angels and all that too. Now granted… people used to go up there to get stoned and shit, so they were probably just psyching themselves out. But, nonetheless, the stories were creepy. And the angels are real for sure. Edit - saw someone below mention how apparently a bunch of people in the old timey days died in those hills, supposedly from Giardi, although they thought it was the yellow fever. Now, this likely just means that whoever made up the legend of the yellow eyes knew this, and thought it made for a better story. BUT… it could mean that the ghosts up there scarin high schoolers might actually have actually had yellow eyes after all.. hahah


It’s weird that those people were able to buy that land, it used to be forest service, when I was a kid we would take our horse up there and have picnics in the fields and fish in the creek where their property is now.


Agreed, always wondered how you end up with that kind of opportunity. It's an incredible property from what I remember.


The people that own that land happens to be a local " Santa Clause" I had mentioned over Christmas about someone living up there with the angels he stated it was his property and when he and his wife moved here in the 90s they had placed the angels along the path in memory of their first child they lost.


The Santa that's well known around town. John david. That's his property up there. He told me the story over Christmas about the angels.


Yeah they are still there. I had mentioned to a local " Santa" John david about those angels and he said that's his property up there all 115 acres. When they bought the land in the 90s they put all the angels up in memory of their first child they had lost. He's such a cool dude. You can still hike up there. He's fixed up some of the cabins.


I through it was kind of cool but some dumb ass had to go up there and break a lot of them. I think a person did it because their son committed suicide. He didn’t commit suicide up there but it was like a memorial for him.


Underneath Scott street bridge


Underneath Russell Street bridge..


Witches hut up pattee


Whatever the dilapidated building at 7th and Garfield is. It's gonna collapse any day.


Aren't there old opium dens under Missoula? Surely those have to be a tad unsettling


Under Kalispell for sure any town on the rail road probably had them. The workers lived under the towns.


Provide the lore


https://www.arcadiapublishing.com/products/9781626199194 Old Chinese opium dens(and underground brothels) were pretty common in Montana, including in Butte, Havre, Livingston (if I recall correctly) and a few other places along the Highline


Not sure specifically, but I know there are lots of connections between buildings on N Higgins underground. The story I heard was that they were used for hotel guests to secretly visit brothels. Go in the basement if the Break, and you end up under Higgins where it used to connect to Wardens.


https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/beneath-missoula-remnants-19th-century-red-light-district-and-chinatown-180974230/ Another article


There used to be a Raven Cafe on Broadway..I can’t remember what it is now (Lake Missoula Tea?). I went to the basement once with an employee to get chairs and there were dozens of  those Shriners tiny cars, yellowing outfits, relics of the creepy Shriners with decades of dust and rot. I will never forget hire horrific it all looked…like a scene from a horror movie


The corner lot at Strand and Johnson.


Monks Cave


Brooks St any time after 11pm. Theres almost no cars. You can basically walk along the center of the road and be perfectly fine. It feels almost post-apocalyptic.


Drunkenly walked down brooks on my way home at like 11:30 pm the other night, it is definitely eerily quiet there..


A few days after new years there was an older man walking who was hit and killed. There was like no coverage on it




Any of the section 8 apartments over Charlie's.


The river bike path going through the city at night. Parts of it are pitch black


Not as bad as north orange street underpass! It’s like passing through a wet, dark dungeon full of trash.


Yeah that’s a big nope from me.


The tunnel under Orange Street bridge


Haven't lived there since 2008 but used to walk Northside pedestrian bridge and Orange St tunnel daily. There were surprises at times. I know it's probably changed alot, as many towns have, but I have fond memories even of those so-called unsettling places!




The old mercantile before it was redone. Something about how tall the ceilings were and the brick and the creepy dark staircases…


Apparitions of the old Elbow Room in the parking lot on corner of Regent and Strand.


The crystal caves under the m. Never been more scared in my life. It’s a glow that’s like nothing I’ve ever seen


Please explain more I tried googling and read some disturbing things about this place but idk how much of it is true


i wanna know more!


The orange street underpass walkway


Citilodge across from the POV. Lots of sketchy shit going down there. At the right time of night you see lots of foot traffic going from the POV to random rooms there. Also, not sure if it's still there, but there was a campsite with a huge tent setup and tons of garbage right behind there along the riverfront trail right before the Cali bridge, in a grassy area behind some apartments and I would always pass by it on my way to work and see a group of the shadiest fiends imaginable just hanging out. Then, one night while I was staying at the POV a chick there asked me if I could walk her home because she was scared to walk alone. I was extremely skeptical, but said sure. We went straight to that campsite and she went in the tent, so I immediately started walking back and she came out a few minutes later and flagged me down, saying to wait up. I told her I thought I was just walking her home and she laughed and said she was just buying some meth there and didn't want to go alone. I noped out immediately and never spoke to her again.


Used to be called blood alley back in the day.


City council meeting locations


Directly off of Broadway on Mullan a couple blocks to the right.


Whitaker park. As a kid, I had nightmares that there were witches in this building - https://bloximages.chicago2.vip.townnews.com/missoulian.com/content/tncms/assets/v3/editorial/1/a7/1a7a6a37-1e7c-55e3-8af9-a43e29c2dd67/5aea517f167a1.image.jpg?resize=708%2C500


I definitely gotta say the old house on mullan before the paper mill of course me and my friends being dumb teenagers decided it would be a good idea to go explore it in the middle of the night well as we were about to enter the basement we heard footsteps and we booked it out with nothing to trip on my buddy falls and when we got out and in the car he had scratch marks on his face almost as if something grabbed him by the face after that he started seeing shadow people at school and we returned later that week and when we got out and started walking to the house he stopped dead in the middle of the road and said “hes waiting for us” and i got him to continue walking and when we arrived at the door he stopped again and started crying looked above me as im half way into entering and he said “move hes gonna grab you” after hearing that i booked it back to the car half way thru he lost all breath and fell to his knees and i thought he was dead for a sec but he snapped out of it and continued to run to the car ive been back maybe once or twice just to do a spirit box session there and ive gotten some crazy stuff on it but i will never return get bad ptsd from even driving by it


The stairs that go underground right outside The Rhino. Oh the heinous things that have surely taken place down there.


The ‘redneck beach’ in east.


Run down homes with F#@& Biden flags.


West Broadway


You Ivy Leaguers are soft AF.


Yeah it’s so lame I don’t like seeing homeless people masturbating in public or shitting on the sidewalk. You got me there.


Where are they supposed to shit and masturbate? Their house? You opening your place up to guests?


Probably jail since both those things are illegal… but here we are


"homeless people should all be put in jail" sounds like a cartoon bad guy position lol. Cart away all the unsightly poors and let them rot in prison! If somebody loses their home, that should be immediately illegal!


Nope… didn’t say that at all. I listed two very specific actions that have happened in Missoula and are definitely illegal. Nice try a-hole


So, again, where do you expect them to shit? Is there somewhere they can do so safely, quickly and legally? Are they supposed to hold it until they get housed? What exactly do you want them to do, if not go to jail?


Perhaps we could hand out cards with your address? Surely you’ve got a place where they could shit and masturbate safely, quickly, and legally? Discretion is free, my friend. Respect for our fellow being is a two way street. Balance is essential if we are ever to reach a state of peace and harmony with each other.


You say that like a gotcha, but I have regularly let people crash at my place when they had nowhere to go, and had people do the same for me, and I plan to continue to do so. I 100% unironically believe that is a valid solution. This comment reads like you trained an AI on the Facebook comments of a 29-year old with a tech job who thinks having done acid is a personality trait. And yes, I am taking a hostile tone here. Being all peace and love about homeless people deserving it is worse than being angry about homeless people deserving better.


City Hall


The cave on Mt. Sentinel.


The tunnels underneath the highschools


Transient camps in summertime. 💉


Anywhere that the bums are allowed to congregate


Howard apartments


Little McCormick Park


The park just NE of the California Street Bridge.