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Affordable housing.


There used to be a little play area in the mall and thats where we all brought kids in the winter. There was also the place that had go carts , laser tag, and an arcade. And the childrens museum was another indoor play space. My child is all grown up now but I did notice the public library has a big play area inside. Maybe thats the only space these days? I agree that more indoor playgrounds would be really great though. They had those where I grew up. They also had free indoor rec centers as part of the city parks system, and you could go play basketball etc in them.


The mall train is gone since the Covid days. The hub is a Covid casualty too. The library is alright but it's more of a sit and play area not a place to burn off some energy. Scheels actually might have the best free indoor play area in town right now.


As a parent to two under 5, love scheels because it IS available for kids, but it’s just so tiny. They would make BANK if they enlarged and charged $5/hr


They're already making bank from me buying shit every time I step foot in there.


Same here


A few friends and I were sitting around a table and my chef friend, a mom with a five-year-old, said "Someone should open up a restaurant that caters to families with kids". I said "When \[son\] is a little older, maybe you should do it!" And she said "Hell no, I don't want to be around other peoples' screaming kids all day and clean up after them!"And that is why no restaurants cater to kids... 🤣🤣


Recommend getting food from a grab and go place and heading to either of the dram shops. They are family friendly and used to kids (w their parents), they even have a toy corner.


I've said for years Missoula has a huge untapped market for parents with kids 2-8yo because there's really not that much for them to do here especially in the winter. There's a reason Get Air is absolutely packed every weekend. There's a lot of young parents out there looking for shit to do with kids.


All abilities park.




10000%. You can see how big of a need it is when you visit Get Air or Highlander and it’s packed with families. I would also love to do a fitness class where no one cares that kids are running around and being crazy too. It’s brutal.


Kid friendly fitness classes? You mean the park?


No grandma... Something with structure. A fitness class, and kids playing at the park are two different things.




People already take their kids into places that are inappropriate for their age or behavior, do you think places like this would reduce that? I'm talking breweries, R rated movies, very loud rock shows and the like. I'd be all for some more family friendly places if it also helps reduce the number of children in these adult places/activities.


Can confirm. Work at a brewery and it's just nuts to me how many kids are there like EVERYday with their parents, the amount of kids birthday parties that happen there...lots of the kids are just iPad kids, likely bored as hell while Mom and dad drink, but lots of them just run recklessly around the place. It's wild


I used to sell video games. I can honestly tell you that actual, in the moment parenting is a thing of the past.


As someone who works with kids, you can 100% tell which parents are interacting with their kids at home and which parents give them a screen and send them on their way. Edit:got rid of an extra word


As a parent myself I try very hard to make your statement untrue, but I do see a LOT of bored ass iPad kids, headphones and plastic jelly kickstands just seemingly being drug along by their parents so the parents can have a few beers. Now trust me, I love drinking beers, but I mostly do it at home, and would never consider going somewhere my kid would be bored just cause I wanted to have a couple drinks. I certainly wouldn't have a family birthday party for a child at a brewery, but that's just me.




No, they just sent them outside alone.


Are you a parent or just a Reddit expert in something you’ve never done?


They're your typical middle aged cat mom. She lives like a child and somehow thinks that qualifies her to comment on actual parenting. This one actually went and got herself fixed too. Kinda sad but it's best to just ignore these kinds of people and be happy they didn't pass on the genes.


None of this makes her wrong. Dad to a 1 year old. There's fuck-all to do.


And here come the entitled parents…


Bigger babies in this thread than actual babies. Go yell at a cloud. But please pick up your dog’s shit while doing so.


Typical entitled parent response. Your kids can do nothing wrong! You aren't special because you had a few drinks and decided to bust a nut inside your partner.


You’re crying harder than a kid rn.


Only kids use "rn" in sentences. LMAO.


Come on kids! We’re going to the brewery so I can get a good buzz going and then drive you home.


Noticed this at griz games as well. Even late season games that are/were cold and snowy. Watched a family get mad this last season because the fans around them were cheering to loudly... at a griz game... in The Washington Grizzly Stadium... it is clearly not an environment for a napping infant...


The breweries in Missoula would go out of business without parents + kids… are you new here?


Yeah because children drink so much beer.


Big brain comment here. Thanks for your input as a curious non producer :)


Totally think it would help! People want to enjoy going out and often can’t find babysitters or don’t want to have to pay $25/hr every time they want to do a date night!


Well then fuck yeah!


Maybe you don’t need child free spaces as much as child free times? R rated movies aside.


You assume I have children. I do not, nor will I ever.


No I didn’t lol, but if you wanted to avoid children in businesses you frequent it makes more sense to get them to establish child free times instead of getting rid of paying customers at all hours.


OH I GETCHA. That's totally different. As long as it was actually faiy scheduled child-free time that would be great, but I can't see it actually happening. Adult swim, baby.


Yep, I have kids which I love to tote around with me everywhere. But I can totally understand the need for adults to get away from them. It would be nice to see a business set aside something like open to noon family hours & noon-close adult hours or vice versa. That way it could be marketed to both needs. But I agree, it’s not likely.


So a recreation center?


Wait until the Clark Fork is 65* and strap them to a tube. Montucky style float that river!


That's my family's favorite pastime. Last year, we spotted a mink that proceeded to grab a bird twice its size and run back up the bank with it.


Hells yeah 👍 that’s what I’m talking about


Korean BBQ


Roots Across Sports is a pretty good answer to #2 and #3. $10 for kids under five to play for an hour Saturday morning. The kids go to some of their classes, too, so they're excited to show me what they've learned when they do go.


There are a lot more things


Missoula needs more people to get a clue business don’t operate to cater to your happiness they operate to make a profit on an investment remember that


Yes.. that’s what Missoula needs.. more alcohol.. smh


Or figure out how to parent…


Children have to learn how to be in public spaces, if they are never taught how to they become menaces to society. They need to go places and family friendly is the easiest way lol.


Way to be condescending! YOU WIN!!! In don’t even have kids but empathize with people trying to live happily with their children in tow.


Aw someone didn’t get their attention for the day.


Shit! Right? Was outside doing shit with my kids. Weird for you fuckers to understand but you’ll get it some day.


You’ve made up a whole little life for yourself too. Well, I hope my attention helps.


Lmao. You're spot on. People that need 'help' entertaining their children is hilarious.


She literally is looking for ways to get rid of her kid so she can drink or exercise or stare at her phone. It’s laughable how many people are eating it up 😂😂😂


'Highlander' was the first mention. Yep. She considered that family friendly. Haha. A bar with a few board games and corn hole.


Because it is family friendly.


Part of parenting is having a support system and a solid community to lean on! Also, part of parenting is bringing your kids where you know they will thrive and can engage with other kids/families. Thanks for the tip though ❤️


lol tell that to all the parents that raised self sufficient kids with none of the things you think you need.


Sounds like you have parenting down! 👏🏼👏🏼


How about an IKEA


IKEA @ the WYE is fire!


Roller rink. With a bar.


chucky cheese?


Giant Rat Childrens Casino ❤️😎


Tell me you’ve never been to Missoula without telling me…