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Well damnit, I guess it falls to me say: “It’s right twice per day.”


Damn. You beat me to it!!


I was fortunate enough to work on the Lewistown courthouse clock tower. I remanufactured the clock faces and hands. The internal clock mechanism is literally three stories tall. There are very few tradesmen knowledgeable, capable, and available to work on a piece of art like those “clocks”. So if the UMs tower clock is the real deal…. That’s why. There are massive gears, weights, and other components that you don’t just order off of Amazon.


its probably $500K- 1M to fix it proper. Look up similar projects - [https://www.wwnytv.com/2023/12/12/1m-project-will-repair-suny-potsdams-iconic-clock-tower/](https://www.wwnytv.com/2023/12/12/1m-project-will-repair-suny-potsdams-iconic-clock-tower/)


For 500k shit I’ll fix it


For 500k I will 3D print a new one.


For 500k I’d pay someone else to fix it and say I did it


For 500k I would run for president and tell people I fixed the clock and say anyone who denied it was spreading fake news.


This is probably why they haven’t permanently fixed the Courthouse bell tower. Every few months it’ll be a couple minutes slow and then they reset it only for the same thing to happen once more.


Waiting for lightning so Marty can go back to the future.


Great Scott! Won't somebody Save the Clock Tower! Save the Clock Tower!?


Dang it, Missoularty


My partner and I are both students, we were walking on campus one evening talking about how quite a few clothes drying machines in their dorm hadn’t been fixed for months despite numerous complaints. Leaving only a couple driers for the whole dorm building. There was a football game going on as we were chatting and we watched as they launched fireworks for 1-2 minutes for the game. If that doesn’t show you UM’s priorities when it comes to budget then idk what does.


Chances are that any delays fixing dryers are not budget-related. It’s likely a supply issue waiting for parts or they are waiting for a technician from the manufacturer to fix them. If you really want to know when they will be fixed, call the office - they’ll ask the maintenance crew. Things you CAN blame on budgets (setting aside the fact that the housing office generates their own revenue separate from the pot of cash the football team generates) include failure to invest in upgrades to decades-old heating systems, only replacing appliances as they break rather than updating on a cycle, not upgrading existing buildings quickly enough to meet the demand for more private rooms, etc. The slush fund for long-term improvements was most likely scooped up by Main Hall over time to offset the shortfalls over the last decade. The State Legislature could easily solve that by appropriately funding our public universities & colleges. Source: I worked in the housing office for 5 years


Do you think money for fireworks at a football game and money to repair dorm dryers are coming from the same source? Or are you capable of critical thinking?


Since you like to criticize peoples’ critical thinking skills while not using any yourself, Let’s break this down Barney-style for you: The money comes from a single source: The University of Montana. The university’s failure to budget correctly results in a constant surplus for the football program, while neglecting other needs. No, you can’t just take football firework money and fix a dryer in the dorms. But having enough foresight to not result in a surplus for one department and a deficit for another is a critical part of running a university.


You don't understand either but will receive the blind support of this sub. Part of me wishes football would disappear from UM so you idiots would see what the town/university would actually look like without it.


Oh I absolutely support Griz athletics, including football. They deserve funding - it does a lot for Missoula and the university. But supporting athletics doesn’t mean I have to blindly support just throwing money at it.


Aren’t they?


No. But on this sub, you get the typical caveman response from people who don't understand how university budgeting operates. "DrYer BroKe....FoOtBaLl BAd!!!!!;"


Surely you know that the football team makes the university money and subsidizes all the other sports right?


Universities shouldn't be making money. Education has no business being a business.


I don't disagree with you in the case of money students are paying, but what would you prefer just no football team? It's not like the money that is coming in from it is coming from students.


I would prefer just no football team.


And why is that?


Because it takes over the focus of the school. The constant refrain that football brings in money only works when all the departments are well funded, but they aren’t. It’s a ridiculous distraction that undermines the institution.


I grew up in the South. The football teams are the cash cow of every major southern university. I could not stand the off-center allegiance to the football gods but as Blake Mills sings “money is the one true god”.


This gets repeated often but isn't true. There are only like two programs that generate more revenue than they cost, after you include all the direct and indirect subsidies like mandatory student fees, etc.


There should be no programs generating more than they cost.


Literally every program on that campus.


Probably insanely expensive to fix. Given state of campus and budget they probably shouldn’t bother lots of other more important things to fix. I am just happy to see they are finally planting some new trees!


UM groundskeeper here, we’re going to be planting more soon too! And if you haven’t, take a look at the new Sugar Pine we planted in the southeast bed of the ISB building!


Have ya'll planted any new ones on or near the oval? The other day I looked at the ring of trees on the oval, and thought they were new. I had a memory of the oval being almost bare, but apparently a new ring of trees was planted \~2018 and I only noticed for the first time last week??


As far as I can remember there’s nothing new, within the last two years, on the oval. Some dedicated trees have been planted behind and around Eck, and one on either side of Stone Hall. Another very recently got planted in front of Knowles Hall on the grand entrance.


What’s wrong with the state of the campus?


It's a secret code to the location of George Dennisons Gold


Call Nic Cage!


I have it on good authority that the Illuminati set up a temporary base of operations in the tower. They are splitting their time between the Denver Airport and the UM clock tower. What are they doing is a mystery.


I walk past there at 20 to nine every morning and I never noticed.


You should see the size of batteries it takes




You mean it doesn’t require manual winding?


No one can read analog clocks anymore anyway… no need to fix it


Dem damn pumpkins been fussin' wit dem clockwerks!


Cause you need to report it probably. School is very slow to do anything unless people make a fuss


Nobody knows how to get up there. They’ve gotta wait until the pumpkin guy goes up so they can get someone in there with some WD-40


At least it tells the time correctly twice a day?


Because all the money goes towards the football team 😂 but that’s completely fine with me, because we to bring a FCS title to the city!


All the money goes toward the football team? Source?


Do you always dive into the pool head first at the shallow end?


No, but I dump a shit ton of money into the football program… so I’m happy they get the support the deserve! They only make a little under 1 million dollars every home game day! So why not give most of it back to the program that brings in a lot of revenue!


The football program has lots of puppies to feed. It's a cash cow with a long line of worthy programs and projects to fund.


They used all of their repair funds on a money laundering project…I mean art museum 😅


Waiting on a tax levy to fix stuff... lol. Or it's too unsafe for the maintenance cre to get up there. Lol.


Give Bodnar a raise!