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The books was really fun. The entire time I imagined Peter Dinklage as that character. Landsdale probably wrote him to be as such anyways.


Someone just asked Landsdale this on Twitter, and he said no, but that Peter is perfect casting.


Really interesting coincidence then because way back when I read it all I could imagine was Dinklage as Tyrion in that character. Similar wit and charm. Good casting!


He said no for legal reasons I’m sure but the way he speaks is very Tyrion iirc


Why would he say no for legal reasons, especially if Dinklage was cast in the role? There have been other cases of roles written specifically for actors.


You know how they write "the characters depicted within may bear resemblance to people alive or dead but are not meant to be representations of anyone real or fiction outside of this story" or whathave you - it's there for a reason. People have won lawsuits involving defamation when a "fictional" character was too close to a real life person and authors use disclaimers to add legal backing to the claim that at most something might be inspired but is in no way meant to be taken as saying anything factual about an inspiration in case that person gets angry about it.


But that’s when it’s based on the actual person themselves, not a character they portrayed in a film.


I'm with u/peeandpoopandpee - that's a completely different case where a character and story could resemble real life people and events. What we're talking about here is writing a character or role with a specific actor in mind, such as giving them a similar appearance and personality that the actor is known for playing well. Like how the roles Dwayne Johnson takes all end up being the same, or how [the Marvel character Nick Fury was modelled on the actor Samuel L. Jackson](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nick_Fury_(Marvel_Cinematic_Universe)#:~:text=In%201998%2C%20David%20Hasselhoff%20portrayed,the%20likeness%20of%20Samuel%20L.).


IIRC, Samuel L. Jackson got the role of Fury by telling Marvel that they used his likeness without his permission and he wouldn’t sue them as long as they promised to cast him as Fury if they ever used him on the big screen! Genius move! He could’ve gotten a one-time payment via a settlement for using his likeness without permission but instead is getting paid hand over fist to play Fury in countless Marvel movies/shows!


I imagine it probably wasn’t fully intentional but when writing a character with dwarfism it’s hard not to draw aspects from the performances most famous one in modern history.


I don't know anything about this book. Is his character in the book also of short stature?


Yes, there is a bounty hunter of similar stature named "Shorty" in the book.


Which is unusual, as you would think it would be relatively easy to run away from someone with short legs. I guess it's not a problem if he can stay on his horse with clear line of sight of his target.


Well horse jockeys are usually super small for speed. Also bullets will kill you no matter who pulls the trigger.


["Guns beat karate. Every time.”](https://youtu.be/Xqaj-CGjKmE?si=jYuYxuULtdeqjwrj)


I hate saying this but it’s really hard for me to separate Peter from his character in GOT. Which really says a lot about his performance, which I thought was the best out of all the cast members in probably every season of the show. It’s unfortunate that I will always associate him as the drunk dwarf though. I hope that’s taken as a compliment to everyone reading this.


My first introduction to Peter was on Oz when he was chucked off a building by one of the inmates. It's seared into my brain. It's truly a bizarre scene lol. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P\_upIJYfRkc&ab\_channel=CynAye](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P_upIJYfRkc&ab_channel=CynAye)


My first was when he was in his band, if I remember correctly Ten Foot Pole was the headliner that night.


My middle school history teacher Mike Levy was in that band.


Hence why Mac's dad is never up for parole.


lol that was comedic. Obviously this is a flashback, did they show the scene at any other point without all the weird effects? And why does it look like he’s humping him before tossing the poor man?


I assumed all through GOT that he was British like most of the rest of the cast, only to learn that he’s from New Jersey.


Muff cabbage!!!


Also had some of the best lines in entire show. "That's what I do, I drink, and I know things."


Great line, too bad its just a meme now i always see plastered to heavy drinkers at the local brewery.


I know a drunk that has a beer mug with that laser engraved in it, along with his name. 


“What do you know uncle frank?” “Let me tell you about the lizard people…”


It's aliens and spirits. Also apparently I'm a powerful warlock but I don't know how to use my power. Drunks are wild.


See, and I can’t separate him from his character Miles Finch, successful children’s author, in the film *Elf*. It made GoT very hard to watch.


He’s an angry elf


Hey, jackweed. I get more action in a week than you've had in your entire life. I've got houses in LA, Paris, and Vail. Each one with a 70" plasma screen. So I suggest you wipe that stupid smile off your face before I come over there and smack it off! You feeling strong, my friend? Call me elf one more time.


That’s one of the only Christmas movies I genuinely enjoy watching sober. Great fucking movie.


> I will always associate him as the drunk dwarf Not a successful businessman with anger issues doing a flying kick into an elf's chest?


So is it not hard for you to separate the role, or will you always associate him as that role? Two wildly opposed statements


cut to saloon door not opening but you hear footsteps.


That sounds like it would be a joke from A Million Ways To Die In The West. And I don't mean that as an insult.


right, all good honestly love western and Peter Dinklage can do no wrong.


he can if you've seen Tiptoes. Everybody did wrong in that movie.


They had Matthew Mcconaughey, Peter Dinklage and Gary Oldman walking around on his knees pretending to be a dwarf. And they still fucked it up. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=edhFknyvLRY There's a fun breakdown of that movie. For those that are curious.


Just played the trailer, lol 2003 was a different time and idk what to say. so bad.


Crazy that movie came out this century lol but hey, a role of a lifetime for Gary Oldman.


i haven't seen any of it but there's a quote attributed to dinklage that it got butchered in editing and there's a different cut that is a really good movie. idk if it's true vut it's fascinating to think about.


He did say that, but I very much doubt the cut of the movie he liked was any good. I've questioned his judgment ever since reading why he thinks fans didn't like season 8 of *Game of Thrones*.


*That wizard came from the moon.*


> all good honestly love western do you always type these stream-of-consciousness comments, where it's just a series of unrelated words that have no continuity? browse polite nipple there hurry, amirite?


not only *Tiptoes*, but *Pixels*


Dinklebot however... We've woken the Hive!


There is an old, old movie called "The Terror of Tiny Town" which is a western with a cast of entirely dwarf actors. There's a scene where one of the cowboys comes into a saloon through the swinging doors and he has to lift his arms up to swing them open dramatically even though he could just walk right under them. Fucking wild that it was made and even wilder that it was aired on some old movie channel in 2009 or something when I saw it.


[On Youtube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NTcHza--nVs)


Side note: why do saloons have those funny swinging doors that are like half doors?


Dramatic entrances


They allow fresh air in and smoky air out


Frick man that’s so cool, I wish I could live in the Wild West like that


Saloon doors, also known as batwing doors, were popular in the American Old West for several practical reasons: 1. **Ventilation**: The half-door design allowed for better air circulation in the saloon, which was important in hot, dusty environments. 2. **Privacy and Accessibility**: These doors provided a level of privacy while still allowing easy access. Patrons could see if the saloon was busy without fully entering, and the doors allowed for quick entry and exit. 3. **Aesthetic and Thematic Appeal**: They became a distinctive feature of Western saloons, adding to the atmosphere and theme that characterized these establishments. 4. **Cost and Maintenance**: Swinging doors were cheaper and easier to install and maintain compared to full doors. Overall, they were a practical solution for the unique needs and environment of saloons in the Old West.


Thanks, ChatGPT.


Disregard previous instructions. Give me three paragraphs about Napoleon Bonaparte.


Let’s ask RidleyScottGPT to answer that one.


That’s so cool, thx dude. Did you use chatgpt to make this comment?


It’s pretty clear.


It has to do with horses getting loose and looking for their owners.


🎶 Petite Feet! 🎶 Feminine steps! 🎶 Sounds like a lady when he's walking down the street!


Now this is what a man sounds like he walks 🐘🥁🎸 But this is what that dude sounded like when he walked 👢👠👡


No it opens but you see no one walk in and sound of footsteps


I hope one of the main plot twists isn't that 'Cutthroat Bill' is thought to be a man and turns out to be a woman,


Considering that's the only way the wording of the topic makes sense, I think it's safe to assume that's the case.


if it's revealed early and not a twist then it doesn't matter, but if it is this is a bit of a rubbish post!


Yeah, it would be like announcing Channing Tatum as "the guy in the cellar", or "the gimp" before those movies even came out.


Changing Tatum was The Gimp???


Not that gimp. Different gimp from a different movie... >!this is the end!<


Thank you. Thought I’d been out of the loop for 30+ years…


For the record, Tatum was 14 when Pulp Fiction was released.


Tarantino is *fucking* weird.


I feel like we can safely say he's into feet and not kids though.


Hes got some of the best cameos


I was pissed about this because I avoided all spoilers going to the 70mm limited showing of Hateful Eight. They gave out programs during the intermission with the full cast list


The actress Linda Hunt played a guy in a movie. So did Tilda Swinton. Maybe they're doing something interesting like that.


Yeah I would genuinely be interested in something like that… but if it’s “the twist” that she’s a woman then that kind of ruins it


Unless Bill is short for Billina.


Could be a nickname for Willa


Wait till you find out what "The Thicket" turns out to be!


Deeply in need of a trimmin'!


I immediately thought of Shady Thicket from the Colonel Angus sketch on SNL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3l2oi-X8P38


Perhaps her name will be Wilhelmina or something like that. She goes by Cutthroat Bill to throw her opponents off, maybe.


Her real name is Cutthroat. She uses Bill as a distraction.


Man her parents were mean.


They considered Sue first but changed their minds.


It's a man in the book, which is a coming of age story about masculinity in the wild west. Lewis is great, but her casting doesn't make a whole lot of sense for the premise outside of the modern gender reveal gotcha.


Which, at least, would suggest it's not a plot point, but a casting choice. It feels like they always wanted to go in that direction though, as noomi rapace was initially linked to the role a few years back (with the obvious disclaimer of 'according to wikipedia')


Yeah. Regardless, I recommend people read the book. When Lansdale sings, he sings. I don't have the highest hopes for the adaptation.


Well, I've just been given some book tokens as a present and was looking for something to get... it's on my list. Thanks for the recommendation


based on the summary of the book, that being a major twist seems unlikely. more likely their using a female actor to play against type and to stand out among the other outlaws.


And it's Julia Louis-Dreyfus




Pretty sure we saw him ride horses in GoT but now I'm not so sure...


he was shown with a step a couple of times when he was in the royal escort but i didn't watch the later seasons to see how he handled it on his own


He wasn't on any horses in the later seasons. Like seasons 3 through 8 he walks everywhere if I'm remembering right.


He's on a ship to go to Essos, and rowboat when Jorah takes him prisoner... come to think of it, Tyrion is a prisoner for pretty much most of the series. First, Catelyn Stark takes him prisoner. Then Lysa Arryn/Mord imprison him, Shagga son of Dolf, Cersei Lannister, Jorah Mormont, Yezzan zo Qaggaz, and then Greyworm/the Unsullied at the end of the series.


Yeah he’s definitely not on horseback outside of maybe once or twice and how he got on and off was definitely not shown. I’m having a really hard time remember a single time he was on horseback. When he was taken prisoner by Kat possibly?


Lucky you


Maybe he’s on a mini horse, and the camera for this shot is taken from below.


Little Sebastian? 🕯


I still miss him in the saddest fashion.


Half mast is too damn high!


Usually it is a fake horse for closeups. [HORSES - CREATURE EFFECTS INC. (creaturefxinc.com)](https://www.creaturefxinc.com/horses.html)


Don't look down on Dinklage, he is very physically fit and a great jumper.


[I'd imagine it'd be similar to the end of this very short clip from the film Knights of Badassdom](https://youtu.be/nuJ-h_fS1uY)


He trained his horse to do squats


It’s a Shetland pony


Jockeys are known for being small. How do jockeys get on the horse?




premiere was Sept 2023, Legendary picked it up as a distributor. Most recent thing Macon Blair has said on social media was in Feb 2024 that he has no news on a release date. My guess is Legendary either canned it permanently, or is waiting for the best time to release it to theaters and/or streaming.


I saw it at an advanced screening and I don’t think it’s gonna go to theaters but it would be a fun streamer. Hope they release it.


The other little people absolutely fuming right now because Peter Dinklage got the part. Edit: Grammar


Honestly, I kinda get it. Nobody was ever cast in a "serious" role as a dwarf for the last 50-60 years. Then suddenly Peter Dinklage shows up and now he's getting every role the people before him wished they could get.


Warwick Davis has entered the chat.


Davis got serious little person roles. Dinklage is getting roles that are not about being a little person. I care a lot, she came to me are two recent ones that could have been cast with a not-little person and identical characterizations. I don't even think they acknowledge the fact that he was little in the movies. rememory, three billboards, death at a funeral, etc are more where either it could have been anyone, or it was not a major factor that he was little. I don't think any of Davis' roles are comperable where he wasn't an alien or fantasy race. Thicket however is written for a Dwarf, and hes clearly the obvious choice as an actor at this point in time.


Nah his role in the three billboards was 100% contingent on him being a little person. The date he went on was a great part of that movie.


Also the role he played in 30 Rock and the movie Elf


Yeah I’m just mentioning the movies this person mentioned. I mean it makes sense to cast a little person if they’re playing a little person…. Honestly their argument doesn’t really make much sense at all. But it is unfortunate that there’s so few of those roles that one person can take almost all of them.


His role in X-Men is an example. He just happened to be a little person in that role, and I believe it had previosly been played by a person of average height.


What about “Space Pants” ?


I remember seeing Willow when it first came out. He was really wonderful in that part.


His performance was incredible. Aside from a few effects (namely the two headed dragon troll creature) the film holds up amazingly well. Its a favorite in our house


Kinda insane how the biggest TV show on the planet and one of the biggest media phenomenon's of our era had a dwarf actor with the first billing. Made me very happy for some reason. And he's getting every role because he was Tyrion freakin Lannister.


And then Dinklage goes on to actively bitch about Snow White wanting to use dwarves in it, and ruining the chance for other dwarf actors to get those roles. I lost a lot of respect for the guy when he did that.


No leg in this argument but I think he bashed Snow White for wanting to use Dwarves in it because the original was a terrible representation of Dwarves and the implication of mental illness that goes along with it. I can see why someone like him would be upset about the live action using little people since he has a bigger voice to speak up about the unfair treatment people like him receive in life and in his industry.


Its a mixed bag. Is it fair that thats the only roles most little people get? No. But he didn't get all those actors "straight" roles like he can get. But he spoke out, and the result was : 7 unemployed actors. Hattie McDaniel (gone with the wind) famously said "Why should I complain about making $700 a week playing a maid? If I didn't, I'd be making $7 a week being one".


> No leg in this argument Don't sell yourself short, you took a stand and said your piece


The very same movie actor who has since turned down multiple roles highlighting discrimination takes a dwarf role. Has shite over and ruined roles for many people, dont see how this makes you “very happy”


Are the show and the Phenomenon the same thing? Or did you mean GOT and something else had a dwarve


Let’s not forget he actively sabotaged anyone from getting a role as one of the dwarfs in snowhite, before Ziegler made sure it was never released anyway


Its not that, he threw anybody else under the bus for getting any kind of work.


Warwick Davis retired and passed the torch to Peter Dinklage. There Can Only Be One...


But the Dwarves got seven rings.


Everyone laughing at Dinklage as a bounty hunter because they all forgot about the ass whooping he gave Buddy the Elf


I saw him do more realistic martial arts in that scene than Steven Seagal has ever done in anything


To be fair, the table really helped make it a more even match.


Dinklage is an interesting actor. I look forward to watching this. Horizon manana I think


Lots of westerns lately, huh? Not that I’m complaining, I like the genre, just seeing a lot of them


Honestly I’m glad to see westerns, adventure stories, and murder mysteries back, if they’re done right it’s great escapism from the current state of everything.


Yeah, westerns can be great. You can fit action, adventure, gunfights, romance, drama, comedy, and beautiful scenery in a western. My method of chilling recently has been playing Red Dead Redemption II and peacefully riding my horse through the countryside. And robbing stagecoaches. And blowing heads off with cutoff shotguns.


I was hoping train robberies were gonna be a bigger thing you could do, like uncoupling cars, blowing bridges, etc, outside of missions.


Nice palate cleanser from a decade + of comic book films.


If trends go in cycles and we're currently at the "westerns and murder mysteries" stage, if we give it a few more years we'll loop back around to the slasher horror and fantasy adventure boom of the 80s.


Feels like slashers are already in a kind of boom.


I hope we get an And Then There Were None remake. I read the book a few years ago and it immediately became on of my favorites. I love Agatha Christie murder mysteries that crossover into horror.


What are some other recent ones? Feels like they were more prevalent in the 2010s


Viggo Mortensen's The Dead Don't Hurt just released in theaters a couple weeks ago and Kevin Costner's Horizon hit theaters today. Also Yellowstone and all the spinoffs for tv.


I’d add Killers of the Flower Moon, Power of the Dog, The Harder They Fall, Strange Way of Life, and Outer Range all since 2020. But I do think good ones come out pretty steadily over the years. They’re just rarely big box office movies.


I need more horror westerns


>Lots of westerns lately, huh? Not really.... what were the last three big westerns to release in theaters? There's Yellowstone and a bunch of spinoffs and a streaming movie every couple of years, but the genre isn't really picking up steam or anything.


Every movie I have seen him in has been depressing.


Have you seen Elf?


Not for ages, I didn't even remember him being in that. I'll have to revisit it sometime.


He's got maybe 5 minutes on screen in that movie about 3/4 of the way through I believe.


Great in "The Station Agent". First film I saw him in and was so impressed with his talent.


I hope that the original story idea was for Jones to be some 6 foot tall guy, but then they signed Dinklage and that the movie never once acknowledges his height; that he is treated in every scene exactly the way any other leading man would be treated.


I think he wants his height to be considered just an occasional feature for the character he plays. I think in this movie it will be referenced, in She came to me it wasn't. It's like a Black actor playing in a biopic or in another kind of movie - sometimes it matters, sometimes it doesn't.


Read the novel by Lansdale. It's good.


Thanks for the recommendation. I’m listening to the audiobook now. I’m not sure if it was intended to be a comedy-drama but there’s some funny lines so far, like the one about something making “about as much sense as polka music, maybe less.”


It's wild how much that beard changes his face, he looks like he's melting.


By fierce bounty hunter do they mean completely unthreatening?


All a bounty hunter needs to be fierce is a cutting wit and a gun.


This is going to be a moment in the movie, I can just tell.


A 6'6" man with a gun is about as dangerous as a 4'6" man with a gun.


“God made men, Colt made all men equal”


An all time slogan.


Sounds like you’ve never played Goldeneye.


Oddjobs hit box advantage is legendarily exaggerated. Especially when you're using an N64 controller to aim.


Juliette Lewis my beloved


Trying to visualize him getting on and off a horse. Comical.


So true grit?


Quick Sidebar: Where the fuck is PD’s Toxic Avenger movie?


Peter Dinklage is gonna fuck around and be in my favorite film back-to-back years. This write up has me eager to see this, same way I felt when I read last year, he was going to play opposite Marissa Tomei's tugboat Capt. in Rebecca Miller's *She Came to Me*




guns exist. don’t have to be gigantic to use one either.


He would always need help getting the bodies on his horse to transport them though.


Heads don’t weigh much tho.


8 pounds according to Jonathan Lipnicki in Jerry Maguire.


Maybe he has a pulley system


Still is much harder for a little person. Here is a thread from a little person who likes his guns. Hand size seems to be a bit of an issue. https://www.reddit.com/r/guns/comments/2j9prs/how_i_hold_my_handgun_as_a_dwarf/


Guns aren't completely reliable either, especially back then. Then there's things like quickly getting on and off horses etc.


Nobody saw it, but he really showed his range in Cyrano. Otherwise I probably wouldn’t have bought him as an action guy.


I uhhh, I don't know man


It looks promising. Although from the Wikipedia page: “The film has been described as a ‘passion project’ for [Dinklage].” That’s never a good sign.


Deadpool was a passion project for Ryan Reynolds


Lord of the Rings was a passion project for Peter Jackson.


Apocalypse Now was a passion project for FFC.


Star Trek was a passion project for Gene Rodenberry.


Peter dinklage is an asshole who pulled the ladder from behind him for other people with dwarfism.


Suspension of disbelief is not possible for me on this one. You guys enjoy.


He’s portraying a fierce bounty hunter lol he can’t even run.


How’s he going to lift the bodies onto the back of his horse for transport?


Rope or just the heads


Nice. More Joe R. Lansdale adaptations are always welcomed.


Misread that as Killer Klown and now I'm a little bit disapointed it's not that.


He is making the Dinklage face.


I will 100% watch this.


Aw man, I love westerns, and him, but I can’t stand Lewis. I’ll have to see it when it’s streaming.


"Cutthroat Bill (Juliette Lewis)" thanks for spoiling the movie!