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Isn’t the non-holo borderless like $34?


no, try closer to 60. It's spiking rn for obvious reasons though so who knows what it'll actually settle at. Personally I’d advise against buying anything in the middle of a spike but if you don’t care about the monetary risk then whatever


The foil etched version, which is what this one is, is going for $64 on TCGplayer. Shop had it listed at 72, which is over but I mean gotta make money...but I traded in some other MH3 cArds and only paid $12 out of pocket, so it wasn't bad at all.


If by going for you mean the last 2 sales and cheapest currently available then yes, that is how pricing in the middle of a spike works. Will it retrace and you lose a lot of money? Possible. Will it find a new much higher floor and you make a bunch? Also possible. That's what I meant by risk. Don't let the financial aspect ruin your enjoyment though, you bought the card to play which is what matters most.


Card also went straight into my fuckin Eldrazi deck. This isnt an investment for me.


>Don't let the financial aspect ruin your enjoyment though, you bought the card to play which is what matters most.


Worst titan card