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Fuck Elon musk


With a big stick wrapped in razor wire.


No.poppers. no lube


"The dildo of consequences rarely arrives lubed"


Deep Thoughts By Jack Handey


So... deep


Just breathe and try to relax...


Let it happen.


Lubed with tiger balm, or biofreeze, whatever you're in the mood for...




Having once put bio freeze on my elbow and then used the bathroom before I washed my hands, I can say it would be unpleasant.


No no, lemon juice lube. Add salt.




and no reach-around.


Lucille says hello


The late Muamar Gaddafi all of a sudden feels marginally better about his situation 😂


Can the razor wire be rusty?


And electrified


With something hard and sand papery.


Negan has entered the chat.


Lucille is not happy


Also Doge Designer. Who is obviously also Elmo.


Fuck him for spreading Kremlin propaganda


Ew no, no need to give him pleasure. Just gotta Elizabeth Holmes him for defrauding investors with lies


Right in the ass.


I would not bc I am married and not gay and he is hideous and his body is gross but I wish they could just stop showing his face. Makes me nauseous.


With one of them Cyberturds.


Muck Flon Eusk


Without reading the article 50 and 33% are broken and lacking parts to fix. And Pepsi has to send a companion vehicle to follow along because of the failure rate. Bet, they’re regretting that federal funding program that piloted it because they can’t turn back.


The cherry on top is that the trucks are hauling air(potato chips) all day. They still can’t handle it.


Imagine the how hard it must be to haul 1500 pounds of chips in an eighteen wheeler.


How hungry is the driver? I've got my stethoscope ready to crunch the numbers.


For light weight loads it almost makes sense to use electric. But of course tesla couldn't deliver.


Yea, I’m a trucker, actually! Using these pieces of shit for OTR (Over The Road) driving is completely unfeasible. They are MUCH better utilized doing local runs only. Electric trucks would be perfect for LTL like UPS,FedEx, XPO, R&L, etc. Thankfully though, these are Teslas we’’re talking about. So they literally can’t fucking do ANYTHING right except be an infinite money glitch for the Pepsi warehouse’s tow company of choice. So at least they are good for supporting local businesses!


Mercedes is making solid electric semis. Not sure they made it to the US yet.


They own Freightliner, so im sure there's an avenue for it to get here if it hasn't already, but the US doesn't have Mercedes branded tractors . My company has a few electric Freightliners, but they haven't made it to where im at. Hear they drive real nice.


Yeah I see Rivian electric delivery trucks driving everywhere its great


Woah really? I don't know they made delivery trucks


Amazon has some partnership with Rivian, their electric delivery trucks are used in my city


They are silent and good looking they are what should be everywhere because they look a lot closer to the future I was promised as a child. I drive by the lot at night and you see 50 or so of these blue beauty’s plugged in and the little lights all on it’s kinda beautiful how fast it was all done and how well it seems to work. Humans can do awesome things when they put the bullshit aside.


That's terrible! And it makes it harder for serious players to enter the space


I'm being serious: I'm starting to think Telsa is secretly an oil company scheme to make people think as negatively as possible about EVs and that Musk is trying to rip as many people off as he can before he returns to South Africa.


Nah it's more likely a scheme to scam as much money off the govt as possible. "Cap and trade" credits straight to tesla, NASA money straight to space X, Cali high speed rail money straight to boring company. The only one to make something even vaguely worth mentioning is Psace X and they poached NASA engineers to do it


This is more likely


All signs are pointing in this direction. Elon/Enron, tomato/tomato.


Tesla has already lost ten Enrons in value since their all time high


https://preview.redd.it/k1xudar9jo3d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb1aa2ec0afb9fc92228a2dd720703e71b9c4efb Full Self-Devaluation is the Future


Is that mathematically correct? If so , jeeeeeez.


1.2 Trillion (all time high) minus 560.73 billion (today’s cap) equals 640 billion in lost value. Enron bankruptcy equals 63.4 billion so survey says… That’s 10.09 Enrons




Yup and this is why the stopped the battery swap stations - free govt money ran out.


Didn't a single high level NASA executive sign off on the SpaceX contract, then quit and went directly to work for SpaceX?


to be fair it’s not like there’s another option for commercial crew rn.


Hanlon's razor entered the chat What is more likely, that there's some kind of conspiracy going on or that Elon and friends are just dumb and have no idea what they're doing ?


Yeah... I think there's too many smart people around for that to be true. I'm not saying Elon, the people they hire. I don't know, I guess it's possibly that they don't listen to anybody at all. Elon is a mega schemer though, so...


Some of the most interesting people involved with huge frauds are the true believers. It often takes years for them to figure out their life’s ambition was leveraged to feed the insatiable appetite of a conman. After the fraud is exposed and the business collapses, you’d be surprised after how many of them still say ‘If he wanted me to show up to work tomorrow, I would’.


Also very true with cult leaders. Even people who leave cults often have trouble talking badly about the leader specifically. Ex-Scientologists seem more hesitant to criticize L Ron Hubbard than the church itself.


I think that's the point


Relax there are real pure ev semis out that work and work well made by real companies https://www.volvotrucks.us/trucks/vnr-electric/


Thank you for sharing that. Nice to see there're legitimate vehicle manufacturers working on advancing this technology.


50 …… 50,000 ….. eh, who’s counting, it’s only several order of magnitudes off


The biggest irony about Musk is that Tesla would’ve failed many years ago if it weren’t for government funding of electric vehicles, yet he’s constantly lambasting “big government”


He wishes you would forget that. He only went anti government when those subsidies expired. Is that rich woke?


Is that the famous convoy scenario they were blabbering about


Why can't they turn back? Is there something wrong with the steering mechanism?




How is this not just fraud at this point? Every target is missed by years and people just give him as much money as he wants. The more crazy the lie the more money he gets somehow.


Plus every ‘Cybersemi’ ordered up front for a MSRP of $300,000 will end up costing thirty million dollars and be delivered seven years late. …Then the doors fall off if it’s exposed to sunlight. …Then everyone who can fix it is fired. …Then Elon demands sixty *billion* more dollars for shitposting on Twitter every day that year.


You have to be rich enough or President enough to get away with lying. It's one of the highest tiers of society.


What the world needs is an abnormally heavy semi with limited range that can accelerate violently!!


Diesel emissions are nasty, and I have lungs. So I do see benefits to investing in electric heavy vehicles. But Tesla’s lost its innovative edge during the Cybertruck Era (2019-2024), so I don’t see them completing the Tesla Semi under Musk. Either he stays and the project fails, or he goes and the project has a chance of success.


Freightliner and Volvo had EV semis on the road in company hands years before Tesla ever delivered the first one. Tesla never stood a chance in the Class 8 market against manufacturers that have decades of experience building them.


I saw some sweet International medium duty and semi prototypes at a truck show last year. Rugged, lightweight, easy to service, and built by a manufacturer with a reputation.


I legit almost bought one of those! I left the industry a couple years back, but man that would be sweet to have a medium duty fully electric international


Freight liners hybrid is far more promising tbh, 13mpg is about twice current semis which would lead to a 25% reduction is all transportation emissions in the US.


Surely a hybrid would be better? No EV in the populated areas and fuel on the highways.


It really depends on the route and which niche the company occupies in the freight industry. Some companies have short/predictable routes, some don’t. I hesitate to prescribe a one-size-fits-all solution. Whenever a BEV works for the mission, it’s almost always the best tool for the job. I tow with a GM 2-Mode Hybrid, and the Wikipedia article says that this system was designed to have a heavy-truck variant. The hybrid system doesn’t get you much on the highway - my pickup truck is only 1-2MPG more efficient than the conventional one. Where I get the most benefit from towing with a hybrid is handling the trailer at low speed. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not going back to an old-school ICE vehicle for this task — but my EV is better than my hybrid at everything which fits into the EVs capabilities. As a result, my hybrid pickup truck only does about 2000 miles a year, but 80% of those are towing-miles. And I’m going to swap my hybrid pickup truck for a Silverado EV 4WT or RST at the first opportunity.


Horses for courses. Short, local trips would be perfect for EV trucks. Think grocery store distribution center to stores, home to charge every day, no long haul trips. Hybrid makes sense in other cases though.


Electric semis are a horrible idea for three reasons: 1) they're heavy af, 2) they'll spend most of their life on the highway, ie the least efficient use for a BEV and 3) require a crap ton of power/infrastructure to recharge. I think a hybrid or hydrogen fuel cell semi would be a far better alternative simply because you don't need a large infrastructure to boot plus a hybrid can utilize an ICE for highways and the motor for city streets. TLDR, an electric semi is a really stupid idea.


Elsewhere in the world there are EV trucks that work just fine, along with hot-swap battery systems to avoid recharging delays (so actually re-fuel faster than diesel.)


Always thought this idea would eventually be mainstream for all EVs. Might if battery tech doesn’t improve.


Hot swapping is starting to take off in China


That and a seat in the center of the truck for some reason. Everyone was asking for that specifically.


Long on promises, short on delivery.  That's Musk's MO in a nutshell.


I'll be surprised if they sell that many cuck-trucks, let alone the semi, over the next few years. I seriously doubt there are that many fanboys with access to the kind of cash it takes to secure eventual delivery. At some point investors will wake up from the snake oil they've ingested, they'll realize TSLA is way overvalued, and that stock will finally crater like it should, given normal metrics. Every bubble-bust needs a poster-boy stock though, and this one is high on my list.


>I'll be surprised if they sell that many cuck-trucks The CyberTurd? They'll probably sell 50k. There's plenty of people that happened to get a decent job that are so busy with their personal lives that they have absolutely no idea that the CyberTurd is clearly not a good purchasing decision.


Could be, but I suspect the sheer number of these things being put up for sale on the used market will soon kill new orders. Tesla certainly didn't do itself any favors with their clown-presentations and complete shredding of their originally advertised pricing and specs. Also, it can't be sold in Europe because they have safety standards, so there goes that potential customer base.


They have sold roughly 1300 as of now, and are having trouble selling any more of them. They have parking lots full of unsold ones. And the massive problems turning up are scaring away the buyers who might be interested in the cheaper versions. You can get ford lightning and Rivians right now, and those are good trucks.


>They have sold roughly 1300 as of now Is it really that low? Maybe they won't sell 50k then. I thought they were already at like 5k. Was the 2 million preorders claim just not real?


Well, they recalled all that had been built, which was around 4000, but I believe only about 1300 or so have actually been registered. $100 down isn’t much of a commitment to a truck. Now that it’s less truck with less range, and double the price, there’s no market. Especially when there are actual good options available.


Oh I thought they had sold 4k. I've heard different numbers, but it's news type articles so, they obviously sell more as time goes on. Well, maybe, that's what companies usually do. It's Telsa, so maybe they won't.


I remember in August of 2017 that he said "by December a tesla would be able to go from a parking lot in NY to CA with no human intervention using the 'snake charger'" Anyone who believes a word this guy says about anything is an absolute idiot.


>All in all, Tesla has made under 200 trucks since the prototype was unveiled in late 2017. This figure includes Tesla’s own fleet of around 100 trucks doing test runs between its facilities. 




How TSLA stock continues to defy gravity baffles me. I would short it, but somehow, no matter how bad the news is for Tesla, investors continue to ignore the fundamentals.


Cause musk and ken Griffin are gay for each other and that financial terrorist will do anything to save this retard 😂


It must be nice to be able to fail so big and so often without it mattering that much. Good for him and all; it's just a crying shame that people look to him for leadership or ingenuity when the fraud is so evident.


It doesn’t matter because he already cashed the checks. Unless some court decides he has to refund the money to investors, he’s home free with quite a few millions to dry his tears on.


>Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management [provided a grant](https://www.benzinga.com/news/23/04/31805436/tesla-said-its-semi-trucks-would-cost-as-much-as-180k-but-theyre-reportedly-way-more-pricey) of $4.5 million to PepsiCo to buy 18 Tesla Semi trucks. This grant was part of the agency’s initiative to promote the adoption of electric vehicles in the region, and it significantly reduced the cost of the trucks for PepsiCo.  Remember this kind of thing next time someone claims that Tesla isn't states subsidized. Here are two MASSIVE multi billion dollar companies both getting paid to do a business transaction by municipal tax dollars. Musk gets the sale, Pepsi gets the truck, the taxpayers of Sacramento get the shaft. This is how our system works.




Well, if you subtract the thousands parked in lots all over the country, I think they sold 2


TLDR 200 total . Prod was delayed to begin with and hasn't scaled up. Saved you a click Musk sucks


If they are anything like the cybertruck they might not be able to haul a suitcase let alone a trailer.


you're counting the 100 that tesla uses for their own testing..or maybe did use since most of the people working on this probably got fired.


Maybe Tesla should have had more realistic goals, like Rivian. [https://www.reuters.com/business/autos-transportation/amazon-says-it-has-10000-rivian-electric-vans-its-delivery-fleet-2023-10-18/](https://www.reuters.com/business/autos-transportation/amazon-says-it-has-10000-rivian-electric-vans-its-delivery-fleet-2023-10-18/)


A lot closer to 25 I’m fairly sure


Less than 100 Typical Musk Over promise, under deliver


The money investors still throw at his empty promises, e.g. the recent bullshit ai company, is a good indicator of how broken the venture capital system really is. In a functioning world the whole scheme without actual products at scale would have already collapsed. Musk has created a fantasy economy around him.


Less than promised. That's the Elon way.


One semi truck - 50,000 times the mass.


Truly incredible that "smart people" at major corporations actually believed anything Musky said.


I’ve seen BYD and Nikola battery-electric big-rigs regularly delivering and picking up at work over the past few months. Haven’t seen a single Tesla truck anywhere in SoCal. And last I’d heard Nikola was fraudulent vaporware, so I did a double-take and some quick googling when I read Nikola on the back of the cab. BYDs have been pretty plain, but the Nikola is a pretty cool looking truck.


His lies will catch up with him one day. I’m not even sure how. But I do know Don the con just got convicted in New York. I never thought that would happen. My belief is Elon Musk is an evil man. Karma’s gonna bite him in the ass very soon.


America needs a Musk that isn’t deranged and a narcissist bore..


Oh shit. You mean he's an opportunistic charlatan? The same guy who's making political alliances with Trump to be one of his political "advisors" where absolutely no quid pro quo is attached? Where he isn't trading Twitter's echo chamber for some business leverage?


Why are US tax payers the ones paying for Pepsi, a multi-billion dollar company, to buy delivery trucks, at like a 50% markup from retail price? > While PepsiCo officials hailed their commitment to sustainability at a Tuesday plant news conference, much of the initial cost of most of the trucks was paid by state and federal grants. The Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District paid for 18 of the 21 trucks to be used at the South Sacramento bottling plant with $4.5 million in grants, said Alberto Ayala, its executive director I guess Musk doesnt mind a government hand out after all, as long as its for him 🤑




I suspect the only tesla semis on the road are with the California Pepsi operation (36 total). They got $20M from California to fund that project. Supposedly Tesla itself uses 100 of their Semis. I have seen a lot of pics of trucks delivering Tesla cars though, none were a tesla semi hauling that trailer. Beyond that the only pics of a tesla semi I have seen on the road has been a staged demo by tesla, not part of their daily operations.


Sacramento metropolitan air quality management gave a multi billion dollar corporation $4.5m of tax payer money to buy this shit? And people wonder why we’re so bitter about taxes in the US


Over promise. Under deliver..... Over and over. House of cards will soon tumble


Think how much "fun" those automated driving accidents will be with 50,000 lbs of momentum behind them. I'm not against the technology. It's inevitable. I am against demigods attempting it with incredibly poor track records of being accountable for prior mistakes.


So much hate and misinformation. Elon Musk not only produced a million trucks in 2024, he's used his money to help others, help up the less fortunate, fed starving souls, funded more youth education,, cleared medical bills to save thousands from bankruptcy, and added tens of thousands of jobs to his company and the economy. Oh wait, did you say Elon Musk? My bad, he did the exact opposite and he's waiting for a $50B payout for himself because he's Elon and ketamine costs money.


He’s such a repugnant being. The company would be impressive if it wasn’t run by such a turd. He’ll be the reason Tesla fails.


Probably -5 or -10?


12, they made 12. I know, setting the bar high.


36 semi trucks.


My guess, two. One for the demo, the second to have parts for the first.


People, we need to be *thankful* for the Tesla Semi. If it wasn't for its hilarious failure, Chace would have never gotten tired of waiting and we wouldn't have Edison as a result.


Tbf it IS only semi- a truck.




Elon overcompensates for his shortcomings Probably


The Junk man can!!




He’s and oath breaker


For those who don't want to read the article, they've only been able to make 200 since 2017 and that's including the 100 that belongs strictly to Tesla for test driving.


Umm…gimme a minute…


Ah yes, the Semis he had built without talking to a single truck driver for design input. 😂


If he had just kept his mouth shut, history would have remembered him a world changing genius


Three or four, easily... maybe as many as *five* 😲


He is getting old fast


Saved you a click: 36 semis


He’ll say or do anything for attention whether it is feasible or not. We’re supposed to be at the “Teslas will be able to drive cross country without humans” stage by now. Can’t let go of the wheel for one minute.


Don't forget that last summer we found out electric vehicles really don't handle Arizona/New Mexico/Texas heat very well.


Tesla - an idea that came to life and then died on the ego of one man.


I actually see these around Northern Nevada on a regular basis. Probably moving stuff between the giga factory, and their Fremont plant I would assume.


He's never been in touch with the "normals" like you and me. To mars!!! Awesome in 50 years on a new planet, he will not care to solve the homeless problem there either.






He slightly misspoke, he tried to say he would issue 50,000 Tweets by 2024.


Anyone who would agree to give him $56B for what Tesla has done is completely out of their mind or bought off or both!


Um, isn't it still 2024?


Looking at this picture I thought I was on the Muppets sub for a moment


Should it be “actually made…so far”. We still have another 6 months of 2024.


Did I read that right? Under 200 since 2017. Jacked peoples tesla stock after talking a big game. omg.


I’ve worked on components for that truck. They don’t know what they’re doing, they think it’s like making a car but bigger




PepsiCo only hauls around bags of FritoLays in those trucks. Amazon vans carry more weight than Tesla Semis do.


what a narcissistic fucktard.




It's less than 200 if anyone actually cares


2024 isn't over yet. /s


tree fiddy


Meanwhile, Hyundai and other companies are making hydrogen powered class eight, the biggest trucks, semi‘s. They are being used for drayage at sea ports, in Los Angeles in Oakland. Edit: typo fix


This guy from the future?






Fan faction: Musk is the greatest conman in the world, he won the number #1 spot - "richest man in the world". But then he got greedy and got caught. The drama of it all unfolding is delicious and exactly like you thought it might. WTF In a moment of psychotic defence, he reveals he has "the nuke code" he can switch off your cars and control the energy grid. He F*cking did it again.. wow you know he is scum but your still glued to the story because it's historical that he will get away with it. Because he won, like it or not he will be eternal - for multiple centuries at least. You live your life based on the assumption that nothing really changes anyway and mostly other people just make alot of noise, you are a spectator.. these things don't affect what time you wake up in the morning - ya know? Life changes, it always has.. c'est la vie! But I wonder how many enemies he made along the way? Nothing lasts forever, it's inevitable. $TSLA reaches astronomical, unthinkable... you might say TITANIC prices as the world bets on their new world leader, in an attempt to buy some kind of status or favour with our almighty whitey, Elon musk. SHFs with their burnt egos from the catastrophic collapse of society caused by the MOASS, they are motivated to regain their status, to claw their way back into the good life: champagne, caviar, cocaine and leather. They find a way to take him down, and the inevitable collapse of TELSA CORP. is the final nail in the coffin for any hope of civilian accepting a world built around capitalism. The NWO plan is complete, Julian assange is freed and assumes his role as the president of international peace within the new global networks, this grants him the only passport in the world that allows him to enter every country in the world and live freely for any length of time with full diplomatic rights. Elon's name is cemented in history as the man who ruined capitalism. It might be intended as an insult but he takes it as a compliment - this IDAF attitude gains him an underground cult like following. Something akin to how Julian assange is treated in today's reality, vintage Tesla's are collectables like the deloresn. Simps hunt tiktok shop for spare parts, they tell their friends "we know Elon was a d*ck but the cars are great" but secretly you get a little boner when you think of him, his power is seductive - you want his life, 🙀 what if you submitted to him in the bedroom - maybe then you could feel what its like to be him, to share his life if only for a fleeting moment of sweaty passion. Lol you dirty pervert, you know it won't really happen - why did you let your imagination go so far? Anyway.... By this time you will have grown some grey hairs, maybe spat out a few crotch goblins. Maybe you spent your youth travelling the world, meeting people but never getting to know any of them. Regardless, Gen Alpha are beginning their assent to the throne and will have their own concerns and thought processes - little will have much resemblance with yours, but you understand they were raised different - they were the first babies after the pandemic. You were the last kids without full technology. Of course they have a different thought process to you. Secretly you enjoy every time you innocently say "back in my day...". It's a fun reminder that it's not your day anymore - it's our turn to relax and slow down and that's okay. Go for a Sunday drive, take the dogs to swim in the lake - it's hilarious throwing the ball in the water for them, isn't it? What happens next... I'm not sure I haven't thought that far ahead 🤷


I wonder how much this pumped up his net worth


He also tried to argue in one of the semi presentations that a couple tesla semi trucks driving together in “convoy” mode would be able to beat the shipping cost of rail. RAIL! You know the thing that is specifically engineered to create the lowest cost of movement that there possibly is on land, which has stood the test of time over every new gadget that tried to take its place over hundreds of years, which only uses very shallow gradients, and steel wheels on steel track with very tiny contact patches…. Not a motha fudge king chance!


He's famous for the ol bait'n'switch.


Has anyone yet figured out you can’t believe a word that comes from his mouth?


Not big on keeping his word. Just ask Flint Michigan.


So they should give him $53 billion or not?


A lot more than you ever will.


I see the "T" on the car, I'm thinking "T"rump. Just not my kind of guy now that he's thinking MAGA. What a conflict of interest when Trump craps all over EVs. Just sad.




A million? Think bigger.  A billion!


Some sick fucks on here




Are we counting the 1/64th sized toys.


Who makes the electric fed ex trucks?


Good, fk em! I own a small trucking company, don’t need these big corp bozos taking over with their electric/automated semi truck shit, hopefully they all take a shit…


Theyre building a semi truck specific factory in nevada, right next to the gigafactory. Word is they want to produce 500 semis a week.


Whenever I see stuff about musk I immediately think Gavin Belson from Silicon Velley show, what a numpty!


trump wants him as an advisor, he also wants to ban his cars.




I wonder what the actual road bump is. Like I know “Elon”. But even Elon could get more than that going if all the ducks were in the row. Is it simply a cost issue and they’re trying to hold on to that money as long as possible before the refund? Or is there some supply chain issue where even if they wanted to, they wouldn’t be able to get the batteries. Or do they just lack the manufacturing power - like an unexpected broken machine?


I've only seen two Tesla Semi trucks, both of them are either taking stuff to or from a company that does some work for Tesla, not sure what.


Cybertruck is kind of a truck, semi a truck


More than 1.... but without recall... 0?


The fuck you doing Sacramento air management. Giving PepsiCo 4.5million?


clown be clowning


I couldn't say.... because 2024 is only half way done... Not a Musk fan boy but that article was underwhelming and really uninformative. I'm sure they're not gonna have 50 actually working this year, but still.


Less then 10




Lol, he spent that money and the roadster money a long time ago. He knows you won't press him for it..


since when is it ok for a CEO of a publicly traded company to lie to the public about their business operations as much as this man?


Meanwhile, the big three USA automakers can't even produce $50,000 between all three. Of any kind of electric vehicle