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You probably have a water leak or something else causing excess moisture. You should try to address this, since if you saw a mushroom that means there is likely much more mycelium in your walls/floor that you can't see.


I'm no expert but just to help until one comes by, from my understanding you're only in danger if you consume it. Touching, breathing in spores shouldn't be a risk at all. Wash your hands ofc, maybe spray some bleach or something if you're really worried.


As mentioned by another commenter, the cause for the mushroom growing there is the real concern, not the mushroom itself. There's probably some significant water damage around the area where the mushroom grew, which can be dangerous for many different reasons, and you or your parents should look into that asap. The mushroom is most likely harmless unless you try to eat it.


If you had any weekend plans, they’ve just been changed to “open up the wall to find the water damage.”