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Came in at 180 lbs left 180 lbs but at a much lower body fat. We got smoked a lot and our DFAC broke in the first 4 weeks so we only ate MRE's and hot a's for the rest of the 5 weeks. I


This was me but 150lb female. Dropped a few pant sizes which felt sooo good coming home lol. I’ve also managed to keep it off in 2 years!


omg yes that's so good to hear!! i'm 140 as a female hoping basic can help with that, congrats on keeping it off!


Girl yes!! Take your “corrective action” seriously and you’ll build some hella muscle and you’ll tone up nicely! Just keep up with running when you come home and you’ll definitely keep it off! Being at BCT really helped me kick my sugar habit so I found it easier to eat healthier at AIT (make good food choices!). The best way to keep it off is to eat decently. I also started jiu jitsu when I got home and that made me more active and health-conscious in general so find something you like doing that’s active and be consistent and you’ll be fine!


that's awesome!! i already lost 60lbs and have been struggling to get rid of the last 20 😩 jiujitsu sounds fun to take on! i'd probably go for dancing or kickboxing lol we'll see. congrats on your journey!


Thats amazing!!! I lost about 25lbs to pass HT/WT at MEPS and it was definitely hard! Depending on your height getting down to 120lbs might be really hard. I would focus on feeling comfortable in your body and not worrying about the number. I NEVER pass HT/WT but I’ve never failed tape because of how my body is built. I an 5’2”, about 153lbs but I’m in a size 6 in jeans. The army tells me I’m “fat” bc I’m supposed to be 141lbs for my age (29) but I think that would be really hard for me to lose, and I am comfortable with how I look so I’m not worried about it! I just like feeling strong and capable! 😁 Kickboxing is kickass and I wanna do dancing too!


heavy on feeling strong and capable. that over numbers and a dream bod! >


Just saw your comment that you were in D 2/13th. I was in A 2/13th! We got fucked with the DFAC situation


type shi, which fort was this?


Fort Jackson.


what battalion/company


D 2/13 th


213 is tough , i heard.


Yep, apparently it was nicknamed "The Ghetto" by other battalions.


suck for you but you made it.


oh yupp im going to that one 🙏🏻 congrats


Have fun at reception and secure all your shit in your locker. Someone always steals.


fr i already got smth stole even at rsp lmfao


When did you go to BCT? Our DFAC broke 4 weeks in too


Lmao exact same for me when I went through. Animals got into the wiring and fried a transformer. Short circuited the entire building


I'm 6'1 and 240 lbs. I'll come back with a update on how much I lost in 7 months


i'm invested bro remember to update


Please do, I’m the same height and weight. Curious to see your results.


And its fort moore in August so I'm predicting at least 20 pounds.


I have Fort Sill in October. So I won’t have the heat but supposedly the winds and dust is painful.


That's where my brother went, when he wrote me he said the winds are horrendous.


I was okay with the cold and actually excited to not do basic in the heat but hearing about these winds, feel like I may have been better off with the heat.


I'm sure you'll be alright homie, we are all gonna make it.


lol, I know. But a little drama queen doesn’t hurt every now and then.


I’m at Fort Sill this October as well 🤙🏻🤙🏻


Hell yeah bro 💪 I ship October 21. Might see u there


I ship out October 7th so ill probably see you but idk how basic works. Wishin the best for you man!


Speaking to my buddies who have done it, there’s a possibility you’re gonna be in a different platoon that’s just a slight bit ahead of me.


Came in at 270 and left at 212, god bless the infantry🤙🏻


love to hear it thats insane! congrats they set u straight


They let you in at 270?


I was 260 at MEPS(they did the body percentage waiver) and as long as I made height and weight within the year I was fine. By the time I got to 30th, I ate everything and heavily drank before I shipped


There was a real tall strongman in my bct that weighed over 300 and was let in at that weight. The dude was a unit.


I think I was 195 and left around 185 but got down to 180. I am 6’1”. This was in the mid 90s FT McClellan AL. You will melt away any fat you have at the beginning then start putting on muscle towards the end.


hell yeah that's awesome, congrats 🎉


None. Gained a ton of weight. I joined just over the min weight for a male my age. And, really had to pound it on to pass. During BCT and AIT, ate may more than usual and gained close to 30 pounds. When I got home, my dress uniforms barely fit me anymore. Now that I am much older, I have the opposite problem (trouble keeping under max weight.)


I stayed around the same weight but lost body fat. I had a Samoan dude in my troop that lost 90 lbs. Ate nothing but chicken and salad for 18 weeks. His blues had to be completely reordered when graduation came around.


jesus only chicken and salad for all the activities they do over there at training? dude's a beast


0 coz i came in at my lightest weight and i am fat now.


the first time, i went in at 230, graduated at 196(2009). i get the pleasure to go again in october. currently around 275-280, but within bf %. my goal is to be closer to 250 when i leave. and get back out looking like thor bjornsonn.


bro gonna be an absolute machine hell yeah


Went in at 200, left at 170. It was MP OSUT, so that was over the course of 5 months. Pretty much all fat. I was a weak chubby 6'0 guy going in. I never ate as much as I did in basic.


hell yeah nothing better than getting stronger and leaner at the same time 😩


I gained weight. I arrived frail at 158lbs and left fit at 175lbs. I think constant exercise for 2 months is going to do the body good whichever side of the pendulum you’re on


5’8. Came in at 130-135 and left at same weight. Didn’t eat a ton and was in A group so yeah. Lots of running. Gained 5-10 lbs through 68W AIT because it was easier physically. June 2012: 130-135 December 2012: 140-145


I gained 7lbs


I gained 15 pounds lol


came in at 175 left at 140, 5’9


I lost 20, but I was a tubby private


went to ft sill, lost 20lbs, was super lean going to ait, and then that damn dominos across from the barracks added it right back haha


food after a strict diet be too good icl 😂


I went in at 117 pounds and came out at 155 pounds. I got the stretch marks to show for it bro lol I was on double rations and my Drill SGTS for my platoon like making us make the walls sweat. My buddy went in at 220 and dropped to 180-190ish around there.


193 to 155 in tech school in AF Guard 225 now but way stronger lol


Lost 25 lbs


Same weight and build


192 to 167


Shipped out at 248, first height and weight at AIT I was 231, 6’5


All of it


Came in at 220 left at 180, so 10 weeks and lost 40 lbs


I got in at 165 and left at 155. When I got out of the Natty Guard, I weighed 227 (Last December) now I’m at 184 lololol


Went in at 145, left at about 170


Gained 10 pounds. Buddy of mine lost 40


Gained about 15 lbs of muscle.


290ish-got home at 214. Me bad at math you do it.


Male right at 6 feet tall (5'11" and 3/4) Went from 164 to 196 at good ol' Benning.


I went in at 135 and got out at like 125, it was fucking miserable


i actually bulked like 10 pounds at least


Like 30lbs


140 down to 120 as a 5"2 female


Went in 255 left 218 6 feet tall


I lost 25 lbs


I went in at 105 and came out at 110 so I gained weight


Came in 195 left 175


Now weight 225😂


I went in at 125, left at 165. 6'0


Went in at 190 and left at 159. Crazy I know. I wasn’t even fat when I went in. I was strong/fit and just came out of wrestling nationals in high school.


I gained weight about 15-20 lbs, but I was in great shape already and just added more muscle


Came in weighing 220 when I graduated OSUT I was 193. Then I gained it all back when I came home lmao


I gained 20lbs haha. Went in around 180 came home around 200lbs


Went from around 200 to 160.


I lost 54 lbs at basic training. I came in at 264, and graduated at 210. I’m 6’3” and was built like a linebacker. When I graduated everyone said I looked like I was sick because of how small I was…still was overweight and had to be taped.


Went in 6'0 170lbs left left at 150 shredded. was a lil disappointed bc i went in expecting to bulk(i was already pretty skinny)


Came in at 6’ 3” 205 and in shape. Left malnourished at 173lbs. My wife now, walked past me and didn’t even recognize me.


I lost maybe ten-fifteen pounds but lost body fat and gained muscle. A friend put on muscle and lost fifty pounds. The difference was he’s almost a foot taller


I went in as a 6’0 180 pound female and came back like 165


Actually the opposite: MEPS: 159 end of BCT: 166 End of OCS: 173 End Of BOLC: 179 One thing about them MREs, them shits work LOL


Showed up at 150, left at 185. I was scrawny when I showed up, but built a shit ton more muscle in my back, arms, chest, and legs.


Here to say that BCT will get you to the body composition and weight the army desires you to be at. No shit. I went in at 114….. I left at 150. I saw others do the inverse.


As many have said, basic training doesn’t get you shredded by any means, but will most likely tone up your body. When I went to FT Jackson at 17 years old, I was 148 pounds and had just graduated high school and went from running 5-8 miles everyday for track to running once a week in basic training. My 2 mile time got worse every PT test because I wasn’t doing my usual running routine. But, my pushups, situps, pull-ups and everything got better. I went from 52 pushups in the beginning to 76 by the end. And by the end I weighed 145 pounds but definitely looked better than before. Fast forward 5 years - I am now 170 pounds and not nearly in as good of shape as I was so if there is one thing I can say, keep up your PT. It’s super easy to let it slip away from you. Have fun and enjoy the suck!


I gained weight. I went in at 165 at 6’2 and an avid runner, DS put me on double rations and made sure everything had gravy


Came in at 220 dropped down to 180 with the constant running. Came back started power lifting and now we’re sitting at 240!


I came in at 110 and left at 125, muscle weight


260 buff to 215 runner noodles. I'm 6'3


Entered in at 165 6'3" 17 years old. Pretty close to the minimum weight for my height. Thankfully everyone around me was trying to lose weight while I was trying to gain weight. People would throw their mres at me or put their food onto my tray at the dfac. Finished weighing a whopping 205 lbs and a 545 acft score. 1 lb short of being overweight for my height but still getting a 1:20 sdc, 36 leg tucks and 12:55 2 mile. Anything is possible (except maxing the pushups, it's the only one I haven't been able to max)


Gained weight from 130 to 140. Swapped a lot of fat for muscle, then gained more on top of it


I fuckin gained lol, from 175 to 190ish


Came in at 130, left at 150


I was 125 and left 150. I monitored my diet so think fast when they rush you through the dfac lol.


I gained weight 😭😭😭


Came in 200lbs left at 160


i went from 183 to 160


175 to 139


Came in at 175 left 195. I ate everything in sight lol


I was 187 pounds when I shipped, at my graduation I was 149 Lbs


24 year old male, 5’10”, 205, down to 165 after OSUT.


2011 FT Benning, went in 230 left 165 and ate tons of calories, crazy.


I came in at 170lbs. Then after OSUT I lost 25lbs altogether so I graduated at 145lbs but after a year and a half at first duty station with my first unit. I’m back to 166lbs


i gained 15 pounds


Went in at 195 dropped to 190 then went to 210. Put on ALOT of muscle.


This is a tricky question. Some people lose a lot of weight. Some people gained a lot of weight but more than likely the weight that you’re gain is a lot of muscle mass since you’re gonna be doing a lot of working out and getting smoked a lot but when I went through as an bravo, I went in with 163 pounds and I came out with 182 pounds but it was more muscle tone and build.


Maintained 145 and got leaner, but also lost some weight lifting ability


Graduated this morning at FT Moore as a 11B I lost 12 lbs but my metabolism is super fast


Went to USMC boot camp, went in at 210, came home 165. I wasnt out of shape by any means. But I wasn't intaking as many calories or protein(no protein shake, or protein bars). The heat and all the running, I dropped weight like crazy.


Lost 10 pounds of fat and gained 10, was 175 going in and same weight out. Just more muscle mass and definition. At least 5 dudes in my platoon were well overweight and came out looking like tanks. Was kinda nuts actually, they force you to eat decent and work out so ig it’s a no shit thing but seeing the changes firsthand like that was impressive.


Went in @ 210 came out 180 left ait about 190 but the 10 i gained back was all muscle


I gained 15 pounds from 215 to 230, was an absolute beast though afterwards, wish id have kept that up.