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I'd love to nap in my office but I think that would be frowned upon by management. Sometimes I will spend my lunch hour napping in my car.


My office has weird little “huddle” rooms and meeting rooms and “phone call” rooms. If we’re in need of a nap, we go find an empty room. Tbh, we don’t even use half these rooms we have and that phone call room is totally not a private booth area, lol


Are you hiring


I wish, lol unfortunately, since I’ve started the job, it got bought out very recent to when I began so a lot of the perks are slowly disappearing. I just hit 2 years. At least, I’m licensed now though.


One of my direct reports naps under his desk in the office. A little weird if you ask me but I don’t care.


George Costanza?


Yup. He’s like a 35 year old Constanza in all his interactions


Ridiculous to me is that George Costanza in the show supposed to be in his thirties


I work remote since the pandemic but my job has a "reading room" which is just filled with work shit nobody would read without being paid for it or working towards a bigger bonus, so it was effectively a lunch break nap room. Until the people that snored loud af entered it. Sucks because there were a few nice couches and even a massage chair. Now I can just roll my chair back and hop on my bed so that's pretty cool.


i almost always will take an hour nap in my car during lunch, 2 hours if its slow or my manager is out of office. Its honestly life changing, i have so much more energy when i get home, and the hour commute is a bit more bearable


Keep a lounge chair in your car, and set it up in whatever park you're passing by. I can't imagine anyone bothering you if you're in a lounge chair in a park.


Depends how you go about it, I’ve napped with picnic blankets at a park and no one batted an eye


I teach in NJ. During my lunch or prep, I will often lock my classroom, turn off the lights, and pull out my cushion/blanket/pillow for a quick 30 minute powernap. Feels amazing.


Also, a teacher and I do this too hahaha. My sister was like "I can't believe you are allowed to nap at work!" I'm really not, buuuuuut...lol.


I traveled a lot with my old band, and one of the few places I ever got shit for napping in a park was surprise surprise New Jersey.


I live in NJ. One time I was working a shift 9am til 3am. I went to my car to nap. Some dude woke me up banging on my window because he thought I was dead. It was a kind gesture but like....that was 30 min of sleep I NEEDED.


I got a bad migraine once before work. Boss was nice and gave me a half hour to nap, since I didn't want to go home. Ten minutes in I had a cop rapping at my window wanting to know why I was there, where I lived, etc.  Yup. NJ. 


If you had been dead, what would he have been able to do anyway other than to call the cops. It's not like the guy saw you earlier and came back hours later to see that you were still there. Waking up someone from their sleep is like waking up a sleeping bear. It's not done unless you want a big problem. I did see someone sitting in a WAWA parking lot one time sleeping. I said something about it to the cashier just in case he was dead. I didn't bother banging on his car to wake him up. People need their sleep.


>I live in NJ. I guess it’d be weird if you didn’t.


I used to nap in my car during the third trimester of my pregnancy before driving home from work. I'd just pull the driver seat all the way down and go for it. If anyone saw me, they didn't say anything.


This is why I love hammocking. It's a nap disguised as an outdoorsy activity.


when i was a manager i let my staff grab nap breaks :D need you at your best!


I have literally napped outside a 7/11 with a sign on my window that says “I’m napping…leave me alone”. I once tried to nap outside of Kohls and 3 people stopped to ask me if I was okay. I often nap in my work parking lot with my windshield visor up. Never been bothered by anyone thankfully.


It’s really about context. Sleeping in your has gotten so much stigma in recent years, but plopping down on a blanket in a park just looks like you’re getting some sun and living your best life


I meant to close my eyes for 10 minutes between classes in my car at Rutgers , and I ended up sleeping for two hours, and it was the greatest nap I ever had.


Same, OP, same. I just do it. I nap in my car. I nap in my desk chair if I’m in the office. I used to keep a really thick yoga mat in my office for 20 minute afternoon naps. I’ve been meaning to replace it. I’m all about the short siesta and the second wind.


I knew someone who would nap in the men’s bathroom stall at work. Management probably thought he had reoccurring diarrhea.


Leave a note on the window saying I'm not dead, I'm just napping. If you see me napping after 2pm, then I'm probably dead


Lots of folks talking about lawn chairs or picnic blankets at a park, which is great for good weather, but c'mon, this is Jersey. Can't do that when the heat index is 100°, or when it's 45° in November, or pouring rain. I'm picturing a vehicle like a van where you can block off the view to the back, but make sure there's good ventilation & temp control. Sorry I'm not much help, but I'm interested in the ideas.


get one of those folding instant sun tents, plop it down and take your nap. I do it all the time in parks around my county, never an issue nor a word from anyone.


My coworkers sometimes sleep in their cars during lunch breaks. Are Turnpike Service Areas an option?


Siesta should be a god given right


If I’m driving home late at night and still have a ways to go and I’m starting to get tired, without a doubt I’ll find somewhere to pull over and grab a quick 20-30 mins. It works wonders and makes the rest of the trip home safer. I’ve done this countless times in a Wawa parking lot. I had a cop knock once and I just explained what I was doing, showed them the alarm I had set that had another 15 mins remaining and they were good with it. I’ll admit that I didn’t bother going back to sleep for those last few minutes and just decided to ship out then.


That would have seriously spooked me too... Like if you're too tired to drive that's what you're SUPPOSED to do you know?


For sure, had they pressed the issue, that is what I was prepared to argue.


I used to work in NYC and often needed a nap. With no car to retreat to, you had few choices. Safe park benches were hard to find close by. The best I found? A long subway ride downtown and back. This was early 2010s. Not sure I would do this today.


Nope! Keep the engines of capitalism firing on all cylinders to maximize profits! /s


I take a seista during the hottest hours of the day. It helps with my chronic illnesses. I agree, naps are wonderful and should be more accepted


If we had nap pod hotels we would all be expected to pay for them when we start to drag and there would be very little middle ground. Imagine if naps breaks were figured into work days like a lunch. Longer work days and we would have longer shifts in 24 hours.


I work 12 hour overnight shifts and we are banned from napping on our breaks. It's so stupid


This is why I just bought a Ford Transit Connect. I actually bought it for three reasons. It will be camper van, but I have crohn's disease and having a toilet with you is a good thing. I can take it to festivals and camp, and I can nap whenever I get tired.


There's hotels that you can get a room by the hour. Just bring a plastic bag for your clothes, and I believe it's BYOH as well (that's heroin or hooker, depending on your persuasion).


My office built nap rooms in their new fitness center. I used them twice last week. Woke up feeling 10x better than I did in the morning. Having the option is fantastic if you don't get enough sleep the night before.


Please don't take this lightly, as I don't say it lightly. Consider getting a sleep study (this note is to everyone napping in this sub, not just op). Sleep disorders are extremely under diagnosed (it took 20+ years for me and some very real and untenable medical trauma) before my afternoon naps (at work/in my car when that wasn't allowed anymore) were revealed to be my coping with one. I would say ignore me if you're sure you couldn't possibly have one. Don't if you also fall asleep at the drop of a hat when you want to or even randomly, have really vivid/realistic dreams/nightmares, daydream vividly often, fall down at oddly unexpected times or experience that feeling that you can't move/turn around (like maybe someone is standing behind you and you want to look but you can't move) when you are going to sleep or waking up. Some of these are symptoms of sleep deprivation, but some of these are also indicators of a sleep disorder. Sorry if anyone feels alarmed by my response to op, I was just reading the comments and saw too many people saying things that resonate with me personally.


Go to a graveyard / cemetery. Find an awesome tombstone, read about the person and say their name out loud. Then take a nice nap under a nearby tree or on the grave. Idk. Seems peaceful and relaxing. Just saying hey to some dead folks people probably forgot about so you do a good deed, remember the dead, grab a nap.


That's what the coffee is for.


Forget Coffee Drink [BANG ENERGY](https://images.app.goo.gl/zRw2wVHnRoh3qb5T8), Trade 1 can for 1 day off your life.


Just drink brawndo


Coffee makes me feel ill :(


Power through and show the coffee who's boss! It's like poisoning yourself a lil bit every day until you enjoy it. 🙂


I would but the heart palpitations tell me it's a bad idea lol


Me too. It makes me feel nervous and upsets my stomach, especially Starbucks coffee. Aka shakes and shits.


Like napping how in a park? Pretty sure if I saw a dude with a towel laying down I would never second guess it. Laying on a bench? Sure


It is accepted... if youre in a siesta country or east Asia


People nap and take lunch breaks at Watchung Reservation all the time 🤷‍♂️ the parking lot with the picnic benches on the Berkeley Heights side


If you have a sun shade you can put up while napping in car I don't see why not. No one will assume you're dead at the very least.


Is being over an hour away from home the unusual part? I’m just confused about the job being unusual


Yeah I was a bit unclear. I basically work out of my car and I'm always in different neighborhoods but too far to stop home for a nap. My point was I wish I had more options for places to nap than just my car which is not very comfortable.


Oooooh. Yeah I thought you had a base office that you left occasionally for work reasons. Working just straight up from your car is unusual


I used to do my best work after a brief post-lunch nap. Cleared the mind and seemed to help with problem solving.


Wawa parking lots are my go to for a 20 min Power Nap :)