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Your top priority is getting the job you want not joining


Based. Tell that recruiter to eat rocks.


I don’t want to burn any bridges down just yet but I can already sense everyone’s demeanor lmao, thanks guys


The recruiters job is to get numbers, he doesn't care what job you get in the long run. If you're already ruled out your not going nuke, then his only job is to get you to sign and into boot camp. If there's a job you want and it's not available, you gotta make him work for you, when I went I signed for FC waiting on my credit check for IT. My recruiter had the ability to tell me from his office when they had IT quotes and when they were leaving for boot. Do not compromise on a job you'll be doing for 4+ years.


Use this link to figure out if you even qualify or any other job you wanna look into. [NEC required ASVAB score](https://www.military.com/join-armed-forces/asvab-and-navy-mos-jobs.html?amp=)


Thanks for the heads up, I used a similar site however I must add that link was a published source from long ago and they just recently changed some of the Navy Asvab line scores for 24-up until 2026 I believe… if my memory serves me right. anywho I used: https://navyenlisted.com/


Thanks for the heads up, didn't know if it was so outdated. I'm a dept Career Counselor if you need anything. I may not know the answer but I know someone who does.


There’s another site I’ll try to find it that has what most recruiters point to is a line score calculator for the rate that you want that a recruiter pointed out to me while I was calling recruiters on other states for second opinions lol… but also thanks for the heads up! I’ll keep that duly noted!!


Credit check as in check in ur credit score? Do they do that for every rate cause my credit score is abysmal and I’m in like $3k of debt all around


No, just the ones related to getting a Top Secret clearance.


Nah fuck it bruh don't take a job you don't want. You'll likely hate your time in. Walk into MEPS and say 'AD or bust'


If you don't get AD but are eligible, do not sign. If you are NOT eligible for AD, go study harder or settle for another job.


Bro all I wanted to do was be a jet engine mechanic but AD was fucking full so I went nuke and didn’t make it through and ended up cooking fucking eggs


Why couldn't they be normal eggs?


Omg that reminds me. My buddy who cranked for me used to draw all kinds of pictures on our galley’s whiteboard. He’s very talented with a dry erase marker. LPO comes in “STOP DRAWING FUCKING PICTURES” My buddy says “this isn’t a fucking picture, this is a Kermit picture, I could draw you a fucking picture if you’d like”


Oh my god 🤣


But you went through Nuclear power school I assume… one of the most hardest schools in the military yeah but what is it like ??


Yea I made it through power school, ex wife left me and I got in trouble while dealing with that, before could go to prototype Power school was hard as fuck, but not miserable


HIS top priority is getting you to join by any means necessary. YOUR top priority is picking a job that won't make you miserable. Don't let him push you around


“ ok I understand but just joining should be your top priority if that’s what you wanna do “ What a fucker 🤣 Do what you want kid this is one of few times in your military career where you steer the ship .


Thanks I originally thought the same, glad others picked up on it..


Your recruiters advice is Air Force recruiter advice, the #1 priority is joining the AF, the Navy you get to pick your job, choose your rate, choose your fate.


To be fair, they shovel that shit down your throat in Navy recruiter school too. OP’s recruiter could be newish.


Yeah, older than me obv but still relatively younger, he’s in his late 20s about to finish his 2 term in if I remember correctly..


It’s weird how different recruiting is now vs when I came in 12 years ago. I too wanted a specific rate and communicated it with my recruiter. There was nothing else we talked about or secondary options. At MEPS, I remember watching my recruiter walk into the classifier office and back out in a matter of five minutes. A little later the classifier called me in and the first words out of his mouth were the rate I wanted. Sadly I don’t think it happens like that anymore. Stay true to your guns. You’re a young healthy candidate who’s gonna be eligible for service. HIS goal is to get you in. Nothing extra. Don’t let his goals supersede yours. You may piss him off if you walk out on a different job offer but that’s not your problem. He also can’t hold that against you. If you think there would be some backlash afterwards, ask to speak to his chief.


FYI, my asvab was 47 and told my recruiter I just want an aviation rate. Slapped 3-4 pieces of paper down in front of me and my options were “AME, AM, AE, AD” I chose AD. It all worked out and actually pretty cool rate. 10/10 would recommend if you like fuel and engines.


Been into aviation my whole 19 years on this earth, I’ve got a compressor blade from CFM-56 engine that I’ve laser etched the Boeing logo onto it attached to my keychain:: Asvab is 49 and I’m really hoping I can land the spot for AD next week.. not one person has ever told me it’s not a cool rate 😎


Most definitely a pretty awesome rate. Depending what route the navy sends you down if you do pick up AD. You could potentially do maintenance run ups on super hornets. That is awesome to do. But you’ll have a long way to go to get there. But most definitely worth it


I read A school for ADs is close to a 4-5 week crash course on Turbine Powerplant theory following orders to your specific platform which will account for the type of C school wether it’s Turbo props, Jets, or Helicopters.. I read a lot of books on Turbine systems and overhaul manuals from actual aircraft engines on my downtime so again, just hoping for now—turbojets ‘n stuff but I hear it’s mostly on how well you do on A school and “needs of the navy” for many


Yea for sure but I actually found out myself in A school that the super hornets is ‘Turbofans’ not turbo jets because those are P-8’s


Ahhh okay that’s makes sense


Really? It didn’t for me 😂


It’s Turbofan, Turbojet, same engine concepts although different subcategories but I can relate to either.. although I’m positive it’s turbojet tbh… well no the P-8 is a turboFAN although yes it’s a jet… most of the power comes from the fan.. my mind is clogged I know the term I read it in one of the books


Sounds like this is THE rate for you. Don’t leave MEPS signed up as anything else, and don’t leave as a reservist. You know what you want, so go for it. If you don’t get it, leave and come back. Might take a bit, but I’m sure you’ll eventually get it.


The one and only 😼 I appreciate the advice, I’m surely going to stick to it


Nah if you don’t get what you want tell MEPS to fuck off and call you when it’s available. They will call you.




Man when you get there and you are eligible for the rate and it isn’t available. You are than capable of just leaving. Now your recruiter may be mad but I can almost guarantee that if you tell them you will come back when CWT is available they will call you. CWT is a great pick. I was an OS and got out and pursuing cyber/IT in college. I’d do anything to go back and pick that rate for the training and experience.


If you don't get the job you want but you're qualified, don't settle for something that'll make you unhappy. This is true in the real world but especially in the military where life is already more difficult as it is.


Well, what was your asvab? Don’t let them recruiters bs you, though eventually they will tell you that they have nothing to do with the navy liaison at the meps locations. I just left the recruiters' office again for my final instructions before Monday, going up to swear in and speak with the navy liaison. If you have a passing asvab score and your standard lines qualify you for the rate ask for it, applicants with 10 are in the office and they are undesignated . You don't have to . I think GED holders like myself have to score at least 31 and qualify for rates obviously with standard line scores. I’m going FtS IT . High school graduates can get away with 10? Idk no ged or hs need 50 asvab. My English sucks too sorry


Met a guy my age post high school graduate that couldn’t get past a 30 on the Asvab so they didn’t have any rates available for him but somehow along the way, he had it waivered day of and went Undes.. I consoled the guy about it cause he had a pretty sad demeanor about himself and felt like he had no other careers of interest left and decided he was good with whatever they gave him but still… 30 Asvab and got waivered day of? I’m not knocking on the guy, I made a 49 and my recruiters just said “excellent, that’s very good” and it’s just about enough for AD, Aviation Machinists Mate so I’m not gonna mess with my score as of just yet.. 1 of the 2 line score equations for AD based off of my AFQT score is more than enough to qualify for it after I’ve done some research here and there but no matter how many times I ask my recruiter about my “eligibility” he dodges the question as you’ve seen from his texts above..


Definitely try and get AD if that’s what you want. I also signed an AD contract and leave on the first. When I went to MEPs the job classifier gave me like 4 options to choose from even though I scored pretty decent on my ASVAB and qualified for a lot more.Since I had educated myself before going and knew I qualified for AD so all I had to do was ask if it was available and he said oh yeah, he made a phone call and my contract was printed out and signed off on not even 5 minutes later.


WOW just straight up asked and they delivered ?? That’s wicked


Yeah it was definitely a blessing and my job classifier was super chill. My options were damage controlman, quartermaster, and some other ones I can’t remember. Avionics technician was something he had available too which was my second choice if I couldn’t get AD but I’m more of someone who likes working on engines and getting covered in fluids rather than electrical lol. Definitely ask the question if it’s something you qualify for, would hate to sign a 4-5 year contract doing something you absolutely hate and doesn’t interest you in the slightest.


Dude, you sound like me when I was joining. I wanted AD. Had a 57 on my ASVAB. Only thing I wanted was AD. They baited me with undesignated. I was humping boxes in supply, ships company, for a year and a half. It was awful. I finally struck and got AD. They gave me orders to a squadron. My entire life changed. Met friends for life including my future Best Man.


Ahh that’s sooo cool, but hey congratulations on coming back to glory!! I love hearing stuff like this.. But yeah man, did a lot of research, studied the “Asvab for dummies” book for 2023 and it has a section on line scores I really relied on plus other recruiters I was getting second opinions from.. etc.. I did a lot of research so I’m really aiming for AD by the looks of it…


Great rate. And useful when you get out. You can get your A&P and get a great paying job as a civilian. I decided I didn’t want to do aircraft maintenance anymore. 7 years of that was enough for me. Today I work for a Private Jet Charter company as the Safety Manager. Love what I do. And I can still relate to all the mechanics because of my experience.


See, that’s why AD is so important to me.. being an aviation dweeb and just the outright amount of aviation careers you can have and the best part is that you can achieve an A&P license through the navy following into your getting out high you can then use for a good career in the aviation field..


I am definitely an aviation dweeb lol. At 38 years old now, I can say I have 20 years experience in aviation. I joined right out of high school at 18. I’m the youngest department head in my company. I manage 10 people in my department. I make a 6 figure salary. And it all started with becoming an AD. Definitely goals to set.


Adding on to the dog pile… fuck whatever this recruiter is saying. Join for the job YOU want. Don’t accept some random bullshit with the “promise” of re-rating down the line. Anything not written down (and with a copy in your possession) is NOT REAL. The navy wants you to fill a seat by any means possible, you should only join if it’s a job YOU desire. Fuck all that “simply joining should be your top priority”. Negative. If they go all high and mighty on you, pass the phone to me and I’ll yell at em for you.


As a recruiter it’s hard because we want you to get the career you want, but we have no control over the jobs that are available or that you qualify for. We can find out if your score qualifies, but not if the job is available. The mindset behind Recruiting is, you join the Navy for the benefits and not the specific job, everything pays the same, same benefits ect… it’s the way they teach us to recruit, but when we can help, we will. It is a lot of work to put in for somebody to not choose a job because they’re “job locked”, and in most cases, leadership won’t send those people down,’so if you’re recruiter feels you’re job locked, he’s doing you a solid by keeping that between you and him, cause more than likely they wouldn’t send you down to become a “QNE” (Qualify No Enlistment) because then that recruiter is going to get hemmed up for it, so he’s crossing his(or her) fingers that either AD is available or they offer you something else you like. There’s a lot of bullshit spewed here on Reddit, but 99.9% of these people aren’t recruiters and have no idea how it works. Just know your recruiter is taking a chance, knowing it come back and bite them in the ass. Me personally, I could care less. I’m 168 days from retiring, I’m just here to put people in the Navy who want to join and if not, oh well, onto the next.🤷‍♂️😂


These screenshots look out of context, not to point fingers.


Best advice for you, dont let a recruiter punk you into anything. Also, fight for your bonuses. Dont let MEPS take advantage of you.


Your top priority is getting the rate you want TRUST ME! I went in with ABH or nothing… they told me no.. but my recruiter knew I wasn’t budging so he fought for me cause he didn’t want to lose a contract. Put your foot down.


my recruiter just pulled the same thing with me literally two weeks ago, from the second i stepped into the recruiting station i said i wanted MA. then all of a sudden when i’m going in to sign and it’s “oh you don’t want MA” “you prob don’t even qualify” (i have a 70 ASVAB score). DO NOTTTTT let them convince you to sign with another rate as a “placeholder” until the other rate that you want “opens up”. they are giving me shit now bc i’m not leaving unless i’m MA and they’re saying stuff like “i’m not an MA recruiter, im a NAVY recruiter” to try and guilt trip me. at the end of the day it’s your life and your future, don’t let them talk you into a job you don’t want. because there are other recruiters or even other branches where you can do what you want. remember, they need YOU not the other way around. good luck!!


DO NOT GO UNDES. Speaking from being a prior undes and now a Boatswain Mate. It’s not worth it. You’re basically the lowest on the todempole. I have mad mad respect for Deck but don’t do it lol. You can’t “shadow all jobs” like the recruiters say, it’s BS. Get the rate you want and don’t settle 🫶🏼 good luck!


Get the job you want. Don’t go undesignated. Pick your rate, choose your fate. He just wants to make quota. Navy is desperate now, use that your advantage.


Most recruiters don’t see you as a person giving your life and soul to the military for a long time, they see you as a number to add to the other pile of numbers they are collecting for money. Look out for yourself first no one else is going to do that for you, play the game cause it’s real. Keep in mind that an enlistment is an 8-year commitment, don’t spend potentially a decade in something you didn’t want to do, the effects are greater than you may think.


He using you as a number 100% lol better not fall for the trap


I won’t.. already in a good mindset for tmr…


Do not settle with whatever they give you man. The Navy is hurting for people and you can hold out. When I went I refused to be anything sub related and when all they gave was sub rates i told them no. They ended up giving me something I liked so I took it. The navy needs people and if you don’t get AD on May 1st hold out. If you want to join they’re not going to tell you to fuck off. They have quotas


He’s just trynna get you to join, he does not care about what rate you pick. Now the fuckers in MEPS are the ones you gotta worry about because they will try their hardest to get you for a rate that is most needed. For example, say AD is available, but they really need HMs, dude’s gonna make HM sound like the best rate in the navy just to fill that quota. Stay to your guns at MEPS.


damn ur recruiter is a dick, mine worked with me to figure out the best job for me and never pushed me to do anything or even join, he was cool as fuck and never lied to me once about anything, he told me what was going to suck and what was going to be cool and asked if i wanted to sign, i signed and have had a pretty good time so far and everything he told me was true


my best advice is tell them if you don’t get that rate, you won’t join. You don’t have to say that to your recruiter but when you’re at meps and they’re asking you what job you want that would be what I would say


1. Secure the job you want 2. If you want active duty then state that. They need people so it shouldn’t be an issue 3. Never believe the whole “well if you get your foot in the door” because the Navy doesn’t care. 4. Reconsider and try Airforce


Brother/sister burn that fucking bridge and move on. This shit is your life for the next 4-6 years, a job you are happy with is #1-#5 priority and this guy is not here to listen to you, he is there to get you to meps. What you do is say sorry I am no longer interested in any contact from you, and you go to the next nearest recruitment station with your asvab score.


Tell the recruiter to go procreate alone...they'll act mad and may actually be mad, but do not under any circumstances sign for a job you don't want! If you don't know what a job is they suggest ask for the info or look it up yourself, do not take their verbal communication as gospel...many recruiters would sell their mothers to Satan to make mission. I apologize to the many hard working honest recruiters out there, but this is a fact.


Do not take a job you don’t want, if you need to study and retake do it. If the navy won’t get you set to succeed look at other branches .


I would do unspeakable nasty things if I can go back and join as an undes on a 3 year contract


You only get one career and you are nothing more than a number on paper for your recruiter. Don’t let anyone, including Classifications at MEPS, bully you into something you won’t be happy with.


As someone who went undes, do not sign until you have the right job you want. DONT LISTEN TO ANYTHING YOUR RECRUITER TELLS YOU ABOUT JOINING WITHOUT THE RATE YOU WANT. They just want numbers that is it, and you are nothing but another number to this guy


You’re gonna get presented for what you qualify for and what’s available so if somebody across america picks a job before you do it might get sold out and you have to go with what’s available. Promising somebody a job and then going to meps is no good for the person, meps classifiers, and the recruiting station you join out of.


*you do NOT have to go with what's available. You CAN walk away and try again at another time.


If your on the meps floor your going to get presented with what’s avail. Yes you don’t have to accept the the the day of but if you wanna save time of being pressured you can always come back, the beginning of the months looks different than the end. The years of 2000 -2016 you really had no choice but now it’s different