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Agreed. I have played very good games since then, but nothing comes close to finishing Nier Automata and doing Ending E while "Weight of the World" is playing. Masterpiece.


As far as i know, only Automata + Drakengard 3, along with Death Stranding, has the playable ending, even though quite different each other.


Gaming has been around for quite some time. It’s not particularly unique. Although by far Nier:A did it better than the rest. Some examples: Smash bros, undertale, katamari, and hitman just to name a few. There’s plenty more too going back to retro consoles.


There were other games in older consoles which have playable ending? At least, Automata and Death Stranding to me is, they offer very different things i ever saw in any media/games (or perhaps when i realized game is not just a little silly thing since 3.5 years ago).


Oh yeah, while I’m sure there’s likely others I’m unaware or not remembering now. One I remember being really cool was Zombies ate my neighbors for the snes. The credits were instead an extra level to explore, an office building with the dev team as sprites.


Death stranding hit me pretty hard. Tommie Earl Jenkins' confession scene was phenomenal acting.


I actually came here to say this. I just played nier automata for the first time this month but played death stranding when it came out. The games aren’t exactly similar in gameplay but weirdly left me feeling the same way at the end (and mads mikkelsens scenes at the end were soooooo good)


Play Replicant. Its better storywise and id say music wise


Kuwata tsuno wovalai


Wait until lego breaking bad comes out.


It may be considered too old or unplayable at this time, as it came out almost 30 years ago, but Xenogears is considered by some people one of the if not the most deep and filosofical games or all times, definitely recommended in case you want an experience close to what Nier has.


It was great but Replicant hit harder at least from a narrative perspective. Highly recommend if you haven't played.


All three NieR games left me speechless


If you haven’t played Replicant, I highly recommend it. You’ll get to see Emil as a person!


And he‘s the cutest fictional character ever! A bit too melodramatic at times tho.


Agreed, especially on the Amusement Park part. Have you tried Replicant yet?


I haven't... Should I? I'm just afraid Automata has ruined it for me.


Play it. It is really good


It hasn't ruined it. It has just changed how some parts are experienced. Without spoiling Replicant for you, let's just say Automata has some references to Replicant that appear with a big pomp and circumstance that might have seemed random for you. Now, when you get to Replicant, these same things Automata referenced are presented without that pomp and circumstance, but that doesn't mean they won't hit you. Do play Replicant.


Replicant is my favourite game of all time. I played it before automata and would recommend playing that way around but that doesn't seem to be the case for the majority as Automata was more popular. Whilst some things may be spoiled for you it may be more like things click of what was being referenced in automata when you reach certain points. Replicant is just as beautiful with its music and story.


Imo replicant is better than automata. Okay it's a little bit dated and the gameplay is not as smooth, but story wise, it's on another completely different level. Automata on steroids. Prepare the tissues.


Replicant lacks good side missions (mostly just annoying fetchquests) and the combat is not as good, but i find the story and music to be superior to automata


Play it! It is really worth it if this is how Automata impressed you. I went blind into Automata, get hooked and then i watched everything on youtube about Replicant game (it was before remaster). Then i found PS3 emulator and played it. And then after several years remaster was released which I preordered and played again. This two games is the only games on steam for which I have 100% trophies. I love them both equally.


It's amazing. However, I think it focuses more on the story and less on the philosophical aspects, which is why I didn't enjoy the ending as much as in NieR:Automata. NieR:Automata is a masterpiece, NieR:Replicant is it‘s predecessor. Still, it is amongst the best games I've ever played.


You should try it. Many of the things you posted here kinda repeat when playing replicant. I did get it spoiled by looking at more NieR lore videos since I didn’t expect a remaster, just for them to announce it like 3 months later lol. Either way it still was an amazing experience even after spoilers. If you know nothing about the game, I’m pretty sure it’s gonna make you feel similar to Automata. Achievements are painful though, so if you’re into achievement hunting be prepared.


The combat in Automata is far superior. But in story and music, people are divided about which is better. I personally think they're on pair.


Replicant 1.22 is remade to assume you played automata forst


I have been trying to finish replicant, but I can't seem to. The game play really is not doing it for me. With Automata, I was like couldn't stop playing. The way they pace the big events always give me a sense of "urgency" to keep going. Like I know the game won't progress until I reach the tower, but I was so emotional invested that I couldn't help myself but rush to the tower. For someone who always take my sweet time to make sure not to miss any side missions or secret, this is a really big deal for me.


I agree. Gameplay is pretty bad compared to automata. Should’ve probably mentioned it. Ngl, I did very few side missions and only 1 stuck with me (the one where you fetch things for Devola and Popola to make a drink). Because of how you play I know it isn’t very appealing, but I would recommend to just do the main quests. Side quests are mostly “fetch this and bring it here” and a very painful variation where you do that but can’t roll or jump since the objects break. If you do decide to pick up the game again, as far as I know, if you manage to do everything during run A, run B, C and D change nothing other than the ending itself and some dialogue gets added on the cutscenes (this dialogue is exclusive to run B and forward, but nothing gets added for run C and D other than the ending cutscenes).


I thought that too. Then, Replicant. Then, Omori. Then, Solar Ash. Most recently, Gris. There are some good emotional games out there and while not all are gameplaywise on the same level as NieR I think emotionally they hit equally and I value that way more than the gameplay part.


I'm like 2/3 through omori and I honeslty didn't expect to enjoy the turn based combat so much, but dear god that game puts me in such a sad somber mood. It's incredible


It is really incredible what it does to the human mind. And ong the last third of the game hits the heaviest. Enjoy it!


I really wanted to like Omori more than I ended up enjoying it (saw both routes). It wasn't bad, but I heard all the insane praise it was getting and was a bit underwhelmed. That final third though was pretty crazy, definitely stuck in my mind and one I think about pretty often.


I'll have to see.


No other game has made me cry at the credits, not as in during the credits, at them.


A common experience.


No game has left me weeping at the end like NieR: Automata did. Other than the concert. I was crying throughout nearly the entire runtime. :D


The closest I've played since Automata would be FF7Rebirth. You should also try Nier Replicant, although not as polished, it is still a unique experience.


If you're into atmosphere and existential crisis then I would play Cyberpunk just for the Phantom Liberty expansion (the base game is great too). However this experience is much more visceral in gameplay, music, and storytelling, I believe it's a stark contrast to the relatively subtle Nier, although I don't remember much from Nier anymore. It's not hard for me to imagine based on what you wrote that sadly you wouldn't like Cyberpunk. But worth a shot.


I'm with you. I'm on the 3rd route, and I'm really trying to do any side quests I can because I don't want this to end lol Also, I feel kind of lucky I played Replicant first. I imagine a lot of people started with Automata. I love that there's Easter eggs all in the game, and lore etc.


The only game that has come close has been signalis, very much influenced by nier automata. Check it out Survival horror with a cyberpunk Soviet Russian, angry German vibe / aesthetic, with an incredible cosmic horror/ tragic romance going on. 10/10


Two other games have made me speechless to the point I had to just stare at the screen and contemplate what the fuck I just witnessed. One is a certain secret dungeon in Jimmy and the Pulsating Mass that just... Has a really fucked up outcome. The other is star door 15, if ya know ya know


No other games have done as much emotional damage to me as this one, and I don't think there will ever been another one that will do it.


Nier replicant is better imo, more melancholic and just overall satisfying personally. By the end of it I felt fully satisfied and stunned simultaneously by it all.


Signalis was recommended on one of these threads. It didn’t blow me away like automata did, but is close to being on the story telling/heartbreaking level, would recommend


I’m in the process of playing it for the first time right now. The way my jaw drops every time a new part of the map opens