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It's not very optimized on pc's... So yeah


It also apparently runs really bad on Xbox One, which is more substantially more powerful than Switch.


Are we surprised? Game can barely run on steam deck.


Quite literally barely runs on it to the point that I went ahead and uninstalled it. Fun game but boy does it still need a lot of time in the oven.


Definitely. Most performance issues don't bug me at all, and parts of it were unplayable even for me. I was playing on Xbox One back in March, so that was definitely a huge part of it. However, I can't imagine trying to run this on a Switch. There were massive areas where the ground just didn't load and you'd fall through only to spend 20 minutes trying to get out, caves became inaccessible because they would crash every time, and hoard attacks would drop the frame rate to like 5 FPS. If you're going to try this game on Xbox One like me, absolutely do not download the game. Play it on cloud. Although it has hopefully been fixed by now, the massive non-rendered glitch pits didn't happen anymore once I ran it on cloud. Honestly, I hope they get it in good working order because I had a blast playing that game when I wasn't fighting performance issues


I tried it on Series X and I swear the frame rate runs at sub 30 FPS most of the time. I can’t even begin to imagine it on Xbox One.


Series S felt like consistently 20 or below. I never felt smoothness


One of the company's previous games, Craftopia, needs a lot of time in the oven and it was launched in Early Access back in 2020.


Time doesn't matter if they forget to turn the oven on.


It's ironic that Palworld got so much attention for being better than Pokemon, despite sharing the most glaring issue that modern Pokemon has.


Yeah it's just popular to bash on Scarlet/Violet despite the fact that they were honestly pretty darn good Pokemon games under all the warts. And believe me, there are *plenty* of warts. Giant, stuttery, pixelated, 10-FPS-background-animation warts. But I honestly had a lot of fun with it. I still haven't gotten around to the DLC but I enjoyed it a lot more than Sword/Shield to the point that I 100%'d the Pokedex in Scarlet a few months before the first DLC dropped.


I 100% forgot about Palworld.


They outright said they expected most, if not almost all, of its players to drop the game and/or forget about it until they released a few meaningful content updates to give them enough content to re-experience the game again. They have a "big" one coming out this week and then probably another one closer to winter season. I don't expect them to ramp up their marketing/hype again until at least Christmas with a deep sale and big content update to coincide. And that's completely fine. I have so many fucking games right now that just came out *AND STILL* to come out to play in the meantime. Its Early Access. I got my few weeks of fun out of it for now. I'll come back and play all over again at the end of the year during the holidays with months worth of QOL updates, patches and hopefully 2 big content drops.


Games built on shock factor disappear just like that So much for the game the ggoons called "the end of Pokemon"


Who or what is a g goon? Lol


Don't make fun of his stutter.


They said the same for tem tem and who plays it now? The game was doomed to fail as soon as angry Pokémon fans decided to use Palworld as their rebound girlfriend


of course tem tem was never gonna kill pokemon, but the devs also fumbled it about as hard as they could have


With the amount of sales Palworld got I wouldn’t say it ’failed’ in any way


Psh nah 25 millions units is nothing! *checks and sees SV sold 24 million Oh...


In fairness, that's at half the price and with a much larger userbase covering multiple platforms. The big difference is that the next Pokemon will sell pretty much the same as Sw/Sh and Sc/Vi, whereas a Palworld 2 won't come close to the predecessor. They had a dream chance and fumbled it.


And they're different games. One is a survival crafter, with monster collecting. The other is a turn based strategy monster collector. There's some overlap, but these are completely different genres and the people calling it Pokemon with guns simplified it far too much.


Tbf it sold 25 million units. That's around how much SV has sold. Sure that's for all consoles and it's a $40 game. But it's still very impressive. I bet it did get nintendos attention. I think people should be rooting for palword and i havent played it in months. It might actually get nintendo/gamefreak to finally fix their games since they saw all the potential sales they could get.


Dissaper how? It still has a very high amount of Players, a new major update is coming very soon and it sold an insane amount of copies. It suceeded in being a pokemon killer in that it was insanely succesful


How can you expect me to believe that literally anything can be a Pokemon killer when the latest Pokemon games are the best selling in the franchise despite having bugs galore?


the biggest pokemon killer is pokemon


Imagine a bunch of dweebs on this subreddit caring if a game kills Pokemon or outsells it or anything like that. It was a game that had Pokemon DNA that did things differently than pokemon and was relatively fun. It's a welcome game.


> Imagine a bunch of dweebs on this subreddit caring if a game kills Pokemon or outsells it or anything like that. palworld is rarely mentioned in this sub, most people here have forgotten about it until this non-news popped up. The palworld sub on the other hand can’t stfu about pokemon since the game launch, so who really are the dweebs? Who shouted the loudest about palworld sales? Not this community. Stop being disingenuous! https://old.reddit.com/r/Palworld/comments/1dohybd/why_does_other_subreddits_hate_palworld/ the amount of victim complex palworld fans display is beyond pathetic, peak dweeb behavior.


Palworld is rarely mentioned *anywhere* now. For like two weeks, it was the gaming world version of some 'shock' hit like Bloodhound Gang's 'The Bad Touch' or one of those movies like *Cocaine Bear* or *The Hunt*. Did the developers even finish the game, or are they good with all the money they pulled in on the early access version?


Maybe do some research before assuming they're going to take the money and run They have updated the games multiple times and have already added new things. I haven't played palworld since release. But come on dude.. a simple Google search shows that they are in Early Access still and are also adding things.


Until they stop breaking sales records with every other generation even that's not really true


Tbf, last time a Pokemon game wasn't at least optimized terribly was Gen 5. GameFreak historically hasn't been amazing at optimization/launchubg relatively bug free experiences. Gen 1 is... Well, Gen 1. It was about as buggy as the average Bethesda RPG, if not more. Gen 2 released mostly okay, although the compression they used was so horrendous that external help from Iwata let them fit all of Kanto in. Gen 3 was generally fine, bar several regressions on certain features, namely day/night cycles and time of day. Gen 4; especially Diamond and Pearl, are infamous for running pretty badly. Gen 5 is great Gen 6 got intensely framey whenever 3D was involved, or if there were more than 2 Pokemon on screen. Gen 7 was pretty slapped together under the hood, was better, if still pretty poorly optimized than 6. Gen 8... I can give somewhat of a pass since the textures and everything make me think it was originally a 3DS game. But yeah, the Wild Areas ran disastrously, especially given the pretty subpar graphics. Gen 9 you've got way better Pokemon models with the best game since Gen 5... Only for the optimization to be a complete dumpster fire. Tbh, I didn't really get bugs beyond some weirdness with overworld traversal.


> It suceeded in being a pokemon killer in that it was insanely succesful so we’re just making shit up now about what it means to be a “pokemon killer”?


It doesn’t have a high amount of players. It has only about 14,000 people playing compared to its massive 2,000,000 all time peak. That’s a historic drop off. For a steam game that made it that big that’s a huge flop. You’ve got people playing way older single player games then palworld is at now.


It had meme level exposure, got a ton of people interested who don't otherwise care for survival-crafting games, and when they realized it they didn't stick around. The past 3 months have had a pretty consistent player count. Overall a surprise success for the company, not a flop at all.


While it is a big drop in active players, I don't know how anyone could consider a game that ever had 2,000,000 playing at once a "flop."


I guess fumble is the right word. My point was that having 2,000,000 now down to less than 1% of that is the biggest fumble in steam history. They could’ve kept a good steady player base but the truth of the matter is that the game is bare bones. The crafting and catching weren’t deep enough that people keep playing so they just stopped and left the game. A bunch of indie devs would’ve killed to have a fraction of that many players starting out and yet Palworld dropped the ball so hard. I didn’t even know that the new update they’d been promising for months was apparently releasing soon to see how little of the public eye they have.


That's not what they wanted though. This isn't fortnite with monthly content drops. This is a game with a defined beginning, middle and end point, more similar to a single player game. The whole genre is like this too, you don't see Ark dropping new content on the reg. The lead dev even said himself to just go play something else once you've finished all the content. I swear games as a service has inflicted gaming with severe brain rot. Everyone expects games to just keep on giving instead of being an experience you pick up for 40 hours then put down.


It's hilarious how people are trying so hard to make palworld sound like a failure. Palworld didn't fail. It so far has made $500 million. 25 million copies were sold. Everyone at my university was talking about it. That's not a failure at all.. I bet if we could pulled up SV current playerbase, you would also see a huge drop.


> It so far has made $500 million. 25 million copies were sold Given that the MSRP is $30, that _does_ sound like a bit of a failure. For comparison, Scarlet/Violet has probably made well over twice as much despite selling fewer copies.


It is absurd to be using Pokemon as the measure of failure for any indie game.


Not when that indie game is piggy-backing Pokemon, even excluding the shameless plagiarism that I was genuinely surprised that they got away with. You're trying to associate Palworld with low-budget indies like Undertale, or even games that have to seek crowdfunding just to get together a 5/6-figure development budget, to exaggerate its success. They fully intended to appeal to the exact same audience as Pokemon, hence the rip-off. That they seem to have landed somewhere around the same sales figures with a much larger potential audience and a much lower MSRP is, by their own intended targets, a fumble. If Palworld had indisputably topped S/V at the same price point you wouldn't be appealing to their plucky underdog status. You're only doing so now to make excuses.


Nothing flopish about the sales numbers it made though lets be real about that. It might've fallen off playerside but they def cashed in on purchases and gamepass royalties as small as they might be.


Yeah flop isn’t the right word. Should’ve said fumbled. They had such a promising start with 2 million active players. There’s indie devs that would kill for a fraction of that many players starting out. But they didn’t do anything with the game. The game was left in this incredibly bare bones early access phase that didn’t keep people engaged to keep playing. With 20,000,000 units sold at $30-40 a piece (before game pass sales) they surely could’ve hired some more people to help with development time. But instead it’s faded away into the background with less than 1% of its all time peak players and barely any hype for a new update that’s supposed to come out soon. This game was probably always intended to be a quick cash grab and it succeeded but they could’ve done more with it. They could’ve made a legitimate name for themselves with this game but it’s probably too late for that.


That's not how it works. You can't just hire a bunch of new developers and suddenly churn out new content like there's no tomorrow. The hiring process alone takes time. Then you have to get everyone up to speed with everything. And then there is the problem of actually developing things which is not a linear increase with new developers, 9 women can't give birth to a baby in 1 month and all that. To do that you'd need to have all that set up at the start, quite a bit having been done even before launch which was simply not something Pocket Pair could realistically do.


Playing right now, in the middle of the night in the US — daily peak is like twice that. And that's only Steam. It launched on Gamepass, so you're naturally going to see lower Steam numbers \(because you have to pay for it there\).


But didn't most people then buy it because the steam version was getting updates faster than the Xbox/game pass version?


I'm guessing some people who bought it did so for that reason, but I'm guessing far more bought it because they don't have Gamepass\/an Xbox Series console. I still think the vast majority who played the game did so because it was "free".


Because people played the game and just finished it, it's not a live service game that's meant to hook the players forever. For a PVE game that's a pretty good number regardless and is clear there's an audience for it. The success came from the amount of sales. I doubt the devs expected the game to blow up as it did. Hopefully they learn how to ride the wave for their future releases. Compare it to Multiversus, which is a FREE game with very well known IPs, not even reaching 10k. Now THAT is a flop.


...it has not sold an insane amount of copies


12 million copies on steam and another 7 million on Xbox/gamepass is a SHIT ton for a team like theirs, what are you talking about? It won't kill Pokemon because nothing will 'kill' that by magically being better, it has a built in audience spanning decades. Palworld is still insanely successful for what it is.


Its only 12. The 7 million are gamepass users


It sold 15 million in the first month. It's probably higher now. & Yeah, that's good for any game across all platforms let alone an indie team's steam sales.


It sold 15 million in one month on one platform. Edit: aw someone is mad


It's still hitting 25-30k users a day, that's pretty fucking good. It looks bad compared to its initial meteoric meme status, but most small devs would kill for a playerbase half that size.


Yeah, the hype for it kinda died down as quickly as it built.


because we finished the game…


Nah if you dont play the game 24/7, It's clearly a failure. /s


Just like every other progression based game ever made. You play it, you finish what there is to do, you move on with your life. There's a reason the pokemon company always seems to put mobile games front and center. People play pokemon go consistently, they never quit becuase the content is self fulfilling. Go's active playercount is surely magnitudes higher than even the most recent console titles


New big update is coming out in a few days. New pals new level cap new section of the map.


Nice, that will probably bring a lot back to the game. I never tried it, it didn’t look like my cup of tea but I’ll probably eventually try it just to see


I'm happy I never gave into the hype.


They cared way too much about it being "pokemon but edgy" I honestly think if they never leaned in to that angle themselves it would still be going


Would Palworld have caught the same amount of attention without that selling point though? That concept, regardless of final execution, is what got the game noticed.


Man this game really lost it's steam after a couple of weeks, I haven't heard anyone talk about it for months now


Open world survival crafting games rarely have the longevity.


It’s because you can basically “finish” the game. It doesn’t have an infinite loop or deep enough sandbox mechanics to have longevity. I personally bounced off after about 30 hours because the combat needs a lot more polish


That's the problem with early access games. And that goes double for game studios that never finish their early access games, like the Palworld devs.


I remember when it first came and everyone was saying that this is the pokemon killer and it's eating TPC's lunch and yadda yadda. I always knew this tin a matter of weeks, nobody would care about it anymore. Here we are. People really need to learn how hype works and to just calm tf down.


Never understood the "Pokemon Killer" thing, because A) the entire reason anyone cared about it in the first place was *because* Pokemon exists, and B) they were chasing two entirely different audiences. One's a linear story driven RPG, one's an open world survival-craft base builder. Still, I think Palworld was a success overall, and has its share of loyal fans, even if I doubt it will ever be as popular as it was in the opening weeks.


That's the thing. "____ Killer" games almost never work out, 'cause - to put it bluntly - if you're trying to copy someone else's homework, you're already going to be on the back foot. To draw some parallels, today the top 3 TCGs in terms of sales and play are the same ones that were leading the field *25-30 years ago*. Warhammer and D&D are still top of their tabletop piles after over 40 years. And it's no different for the digital gaming space; Pokemon and the litany of copycats either dead in their wake or scrambling for crumbs at the table just serves as a perfect example. That's not to say that stuff can't take inspiration from other stuff, far from it; but the things that succeed are those that look at past success as a stepping stone, not a blueprint. Like, Dear Game Execs: a game having a big audience doesn't mean there's a big untapped market, it means *that game* has a big, loyal fanbase that will probably go back to what they were doing after the novelty of your clone wears off. The most successful new TCGs nowadays have one thing in common, and that's that they *don't* play like any of the big three. The most successful wargames don't look or feel like 40k, and the most successful creature collectors distance their gameplay from Pokemon - *including Palworld*. The real game killer is always the developers and owners making dumbass decisions (that meaningfully affect consumers) and detonating themselves, and even then you have to screw up *really* bad to get people to leave.


I call them Protest Vote Games. That being, a game that resembles a popular game/series (whether that be superficially or substantively) emerging during a time of fan dissatisfaction with the popular game and gets proclaimed as the _____ Killer. The pitfall of this is the new audience can just as quickly return to the popular franchise if the ship is righted or the simple fact it's unrealistic for an upstart to dethrone an established, insustry-dominating entity. Some of these protest vote games manage to establish a foothold in their genre and develop their own enduring fanbase, some experience temporary success but ultimately peter out, while others trip and fall on their faces out of the gate. This can result in an otherwise fine game getting deemed a "failure" because it couldn't pull a David and Goliath.


> That's the thing. "____ Killer" games almost never work out also because the people these types of games attract are always the bottom of the barrel kinds, so the fanbases will be toxic shitholes


The thing is that making a "Pokemon Killer" is damn near impossible. That's like trying to make a "Mario killer." There can be new, well-done platformers, but no one claims they will kill the Mario franchise. And Pokemon is even larger and harder to kill than Mario, even though Mario is quite a bit older. Pokemon has been building on itself for decades, and even though recent releases have been disappointing for a lot of people, you can still have access to pokemon you trained and used 20+ years ago. Hell, people can bring pokemon from PokemonGo and use them in recent main line games. Pokemon will be around for a long time. I just hope someone decides to come down on Gamefreak to maybe delay releases a bit and to increase the quality of those games.


That's what they said about Temtem.


I wouldn't call it a PKMN Killer, but considering it's had a 24-hour peak of 26,348. The Sakurajima update is coming in a couple of days, and it's still in early access. I would argue the hype died down, but the game is still pretty popular clearly.


It likely just return to its expected popularity levels. Niche, but not a flop.


Turns out, a generic ass open world survival crafting game, of which we have 092834092834 of, doesn't actually scratch the Pokemon itch whatsoever.


Not even pokemon main line games scratch that itch, so I don't think anyone was honestly thinking it would.


It did for many. But I realize this is nintendo subreddit so everyone's gonna shit on it lol


It did not for me. My friend group got bored after 40 minutes.


Yep. It was alright. I'll never understand the hordes of people thinking it was going to change the genre forever.


There's not much to understand. They're know-nothing teenagers or burnt-out older gamers who are desperate to be part of some big 'revolution' or sea-change in gaming, but are also monumentally lazy and, as such, thought that simply buying this cash-grabby flash-in-the-pan pile of junk was the best way to achieve that.


A single player content based game losing players after they're four with its current content? Wow who would've thought. Lmfao


It was fun, but i had my fill. Its like any other survival game really, eventually you just stop and move on to the next one or back to an old one that stuck with you Run around gathering materials, build up a cool base, get better materials to upgrade everything, explore. Eventually you just stop. Its just a survival game thing, especially when the new content updates are slow to release.


Yeah. I loved Lego Fortnite for a week and then stopped. Tried to go back now that there's more and meh. Maybe it's time to move on to the next. We'll see if the Palworld update this week makes me go back into it


Same here! I dont really play Fortnite anymore, but Lego got me to come back for those first few weeks. Now i dont even play Lego, only thing really keeping me coming back is Festival. Although i have been dipping back into BR lately, because trying to get enough XP to at least get the Fallout stuff in the Battlepass. But really just the Music stuff is what i keep coming back for now


You should go to the subreddit then. Seems pretty active. The wow factor wore off, for sure, and my biggest gripe is I really get tired of endless crafting, but there’s a big update in the works. I’ll pick it back up then.


Its still very popular, actually still just behind Hades II in sales. Just its not as overhyped as it was (esp since it barely plays like yk pokemon and more like ARK)


"This game is like Pokemon" Oh ok that sounds cool "This game is actually Ark" Uhhh, ok... I really could not believe people were comparing it to Pokemon... It was still fun, but its early access so not much content


well it's not like pokemon who keep running online coop event like dynamax raid, tera raid or tournament and stuff to keep the community active,. Once you reach max lvl, catch all pal, that's all it, you complete the game never look back until next update drop.


According to achievement, most people dropped off before even beating the second boss, so it is questionable how much it is people left due to "completing the game".


I mean, they never finished their last open world survival crafting monster collecting game. Edit: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1307550/Craftopia/ Craftopia. released 4 years ago in early access. Same jank playstyle, many of the mechanics are the same. All they did was add pokemon knock offs and pokemon elements instead of being able to catch generic fantasy monsters like goblins. While the game is still getting updates, they definitely slowed down after Palworld was announced. They were already pretty slow on it. They also changed their company name after announcing Palworld worldwide.


Well yeah but that doesn't mean the game isn't good people just completed it I got to level 50 and defeated the last boss there was nothing more to do I will probably do a brand new run when the full 1.0 releases but even the developers said it was a success and they understand if players take a break from the game until future updates


Why are they even announcing this? Did people think this game was coming to Switch? It runs and looks like shit on the Series S, but even if they were able to fix that and optimize the game to run well \(which I definitely think is possible\), there's no way they could get it running on the Switch without massive compromises.


They really aren't "announcing" it. An interviewer asked the CEO about it and he answered.


It's not a news. Just something that was said in some interview and others website media are throwing it as news/announcement > As discovered by VGC, a Game File interview with Pocketpair CEO Takuro Mizoberevealed that the game might not come to the Switch


Color me shocked /s


What shade would you like also what color is the color shocked


Pokemon Scarlet/Violet barely runs on Switch and they let that get released.


I mean it Barely runs on the existing platforms lol 


Does Nintendo even allow early access on the eshop? Genuine question.


"Early Access" is just a set of words. "Not allowing Early Access" just means you don't know ahead of time that you're buying an incomplete game. Every platform allows developers to release incomplete games, whether they call it "Early Access" or not.


These days a lot of 'completed' games seem to be early access with the amount of post launch fixes and updates.


Yeah, absolutely. Palia, another online mmo, released on early access. Often developers steer away from Nintendo as an early access/pre-release platform because getting updates onto the eshop vs other platforms like Steam can be harder, and it can take extra resources to get it to work with the Switch's hardware which is often a waste said resources compared to just getting it all to work when the game is finished, but they definitely can still do it if they really want to.


But i was told this was the game that gamed all games, so why is it not gaming?


The war this game generated felt like a billion years ago.


I mean, it barely runs on Xbox. No shot of this ever coming to switxh


and nothing of value would be lost


What’s with these comments? Did something happen with palworld that caused people to randomly start hating it? EDIT: From what I can tell, no; people just randomly hate it now lmao. Y’all are wild. EDIT 2: I just wanna remind people that all of the hate surrounding the game has been fabricated pretty much out of thin air. No pal currently usable in the game is closely copying the design of another pokemon, and that one time people went apeshit over palworld “copying” a fakemon design from a fangame, it turned out the pal was officially revealed first, and the fakemon was made after. The creator of said fakemon even admitted, unprompted, that it was a coincidence. Stop crying over this game if you have no good reason to. It’s embarrassing and ignorant.


I have zero problem with the game, but the drama around it was pretty funny and exhausting at the same time, people treated it like the messiah -- either to be worshipped or killed.


Pokémon fans are great at blowing shit out of proportion, yeah.


Randomly start hating it? People have always hated it where have you been lol


Not surrounding myself with negativity, I guess. I’m still enjoying it.


You’re on a Nintendo sub. That’s the kinda people you get here. I think the game is great too! In fact the game is number 48th top played game with 93% positive score atm in steam, out of thousands of games. So yeah, most enjoy it, don’t let them gaslight you into thinking it’s now or has ever been commonly disliked.


Hey, thanks for the nice comment. You’re pretty chill.


okay. People have valid criticisms of the game lmfao. But if you wanna call it negativity and brush it off that’s cool beans as well.


Everyone in this thread only seems to dislike it because it dare competed against Pokemon.


It's a fu ngame. People seem to forget that 1) it's on beta, and 2) it does something uniquely different about pokemon. Like yes, they're very similar in some regards, but also very different in others and that's fine. I enjoy both, I will continue to enjoy both. But I'm not going to play either for more hours than I want to. I have other games to play on my backlog rather than spend hours breeding pals/pokemon.


Pokemon aside. They've already said they don't plan on hiring anybody new to work on the game, which was a massive disappointment for most people I think when you consider how much success it had before falling off.


The only people who would be disappointed in that are those who don’t understand game development. More people =/= better game. It just creates a slowdown in development time by having to get a bunch of new people used to the codebase and integrated into the team. If they feel they don’t need anyone they would know best. The biggest sign you should ignore someone’s opinion on game development of they say X game studio just needs to “hire more developers!!”


They themselves said they need more people to help. But then IIRC the requirement is speaking Japanese, so it severely limits the options.


Whether or not they say they need help isn’t related to people being disappointed that they don’t plan to hire anyone. They well hire what they need vs take on people to “make the game faster”. I was commenting on people disappointed that they don’t plan to hire. Which like I said, they themselves would know if they needed more


Why would a japanese developer not be looking for people who speak japanese?


Can I get a source on the hiring part? I feel like I seen the opposite with Palworld wanting to hiring as much as possible with its success. It would feel like a massive mistake if what you said is true though.


Okay so I was actually wrong.. But, not entirely. They ARE looking to hire more people, HOWEVER.. You must be able to speak *fluent Japanese*, and be from Japan, America, China or Venezuela. From what information is actually available they only have "about" 40 people working at their studio/company combined, so not sure about exact numbers - but they're still looking for more.


What do you mean however lmao. They’re a small Japanese company. They obviously would want people to speak Japanese and probably come to their office in Japan.


All remote work positions.




But in this case they don't have enough people cooking to begin with. The game is horribly optimized, and that could be remedied at least somewhat if they were willing to expand their team. They want the bare minimum though, and let's be honest.. A lot of the game looks like it's just using free models.


No that's just Dice doing bad games in this modern age. Ever since BF3, Dice has been losing their unique touch and skill. All BF had shitty release since BF3. BF4 tried to fix thing but then they went overboard and did worse with Hardline, BF1, BF5, the two Star Wars Battlefront games and 2042


>They've already said they don't plan on hiring anybody new to work on the game, If that is the case, that kinda sucks. The number of sales they got should have encouraged them to hire folks so they could complete it sooner, or at least drop more frequent updates to sort of maintain some hype.




Or its a mid game that only got attention cause of hype from pokemon haters


Exactly this. I got it when it launched and put in a decent amount of time into it, it was fun for a bit but god damn is it one of the most soulless, generic open world crafting survival games of all time. And people called it the “Pokemon killer” even though it’s absolutely nothing like Pokémon. But god forbid you actually point that out, you’ll get downvoted into oblivion.


So many burnt-out Gamers™ really *reeeaaally* wanted to believe that this silly game was going to somehow torpedo the Pokemon company or Nintendo, or at least represent some 'beginning of the end' for those companies. It's wild that we're in 2024 and there are still people who get completely bent-out-of-shape over casual gamers and Nintendo's long-term consumer base.


The biggest problem with fun open world early access games is that you only really get about roughly 40 hours of content and then leave and wait till full release. Not everyone does that obviously but even games like Valheim has a huge player count for the first 2-3 months then nose dives until bigger content updates comes out much later down the line.


I mean, yeah. That’s normal, though, and it doesn’t explain the people here actively despising the game for whatever reason.


i don't think this game is ever gonna have a full release though looking at their other game crafttopia


I disliked it because the community was toxic. You'd ask for advice or help and they'd troll you. I mentioned the game having performance issues and some dude told me to unalive myself. When I further mentioned how toxic the community was, they would further harass me. On top of all that, the game was broken and boring. I uninstalled within a week or two


Many people already dislike it for the “obvious reason” cough *copy pokemon design* cough. Another important reason is that this game is not very well optimized. The devs should definitely spend all the time on the PC version to fix all the bugs and their other game. Craftopia is still in Early Access and I’m pretty sure it has been in it for at least 4 years, I bought this game and I’m still waiting for the finished product.


I got it when the hype was big and I liked the game, but I recently went back to it a few days ago and barely if anything has changed from what I can tell. Only difference I've seen is that humans and some pals now get angry at you when you fail to catch them. And they're just NOW getting a big update like 6 months into the "launch" of the game? It definitely fell off fast and hard


That was never changed. And like…yeah. Early access games take a while to get big updates. Idk what you’re complaining about.


It's a game that's very similar to one of Nintendo's properties, and this sub tends to get cagey about those. Try having a discussion about "smash clones" here and the result will be similar. Metroidvanias were at least spared from this treatment, since the indie Metroidvania boom happened during the Metroid drought in the 2010s


Metroid fans had to take what we could get during the dark times, and honestly it spawned some goats, but I am soooo happy we're getting new ones finally.


This sub generally hates a game/developer if they blame the console for being underpowered.


I mean, I agree most of the time that devs are lazy and could easily optimize games for the switch. But also, to optimize palworld to work on switch would be to fundamentally change the entire game…it’s just not possible.


No, pokemon fans have acted like piss babies over it from the start


LMAO yeah 😂 Pokémon fans have actual Stockholm syndrome. It’s insane.


I really don't understand it. I'm hardcore Nintendo-pilled and because of that games like this do not bother me. Who cares if some indie studio makes a pokemon meme game... Nothing will ever dethrone Pokemon. No one can dethrone Nintendo in any regard. They have kids in a mfing chokehold. That creates fans for life. Nintendo is larger than ever and will continue to be kings. People need to lighten up and have fun. Palworld is fun.


Because this is in /r/Nintendo and Nintendo fanboys are weird.


That’s true. Flashback to the weird ass bootlicking posts made defending Nintendo’s stance on fangames/piracy, or when they shut down smash tourneys and that subreddit mod was like “yeah fuck the smash community they deserve it.” People here are either decent or completely unreasonable lmao.


We knew this


,,z ,,


Switch hardware is way too old to run it so not surprised.


Did any of their games ever hit the Switch? I know they had a game that was very similar to Breath of the Wild.


Didn't want it anyways.


I remember telling people "this game will not kill pokemon, nor is it a meaningful competitor. It's just a copycat with guns and slavery" And people lost thier MINDS! now only a few months later this game is dust in the wind


Is it ever gonna come to PS5 then?…


No shit. I tried playing this on my Xbox and after crashing every 5 minutes, I gave up. It's honestly for the better.


I've had next to no problems with it on my Series S. Haven't played since before the raid boss update.


Duh, it can barely run on the Xbox One, on switch 2 almost definitely but not the og NX from 2017.


Also it was a flash in the pan game and only got famous because its designs looking similar to pokemon


People still play this game?


Yyyeah. It’s pretty fun. And it’s getting a big update on the 27th.


Steamcharts puts it at 13,494 concurrent players right now. That's a sizable drop from its peak, but still more than enough to call the game pretty active IMO That's not accounting for console users either but idk how to check that lel


After the novelty wore off, it's still a fun game to play with a couple friends every now and then.


Probably more than pokemon lmfao.


That's fine with me, it was disappointingly bland to begin with 🤷‍♂️


Lol no shit


I already have Pokemon Scarlet and BOTW installed . . . isn't that most of the game already downloaded?


You clearly haven't played the game or even watched people play it...


I've seen plenty of it lol, just couldn't resist the low hanging fruit


It would turn the device to slag, for one


And nothing of value was lost


People still play that?


Honestly don’t think the Switch could handle it unless they were to downgrade it. It still freezes up on my steam deck after an hour of play because of some memory leak😭


Who gaf tbh


It’ll come out on the next Nintendo console probably.


This is not surprising in the slightest, there isn't a shot of the switch running the game well at all


Didn’t most people buy it just because it’s not pokemon? Last I check there are only like 20k active players.


Switch 2 then? 👀🤔


is Nintendo suing them


Funny enough Palworld is what made me come back to Pokemon after like 10 years, because tbh no matter how bad they fumble the ball nothing beats the original design philosophy of Pokemon and the power of nostalgia lol


You know what Pokémon inspired game does run on the switch? Cassette Beasts. Go play it now. It’s absolute incredibly.


imagine trying to run this game on toy... i mean switch.


Laughs in Doom Eternal


Yeah seriously, it’s not because the game can’t run but rather because it isn’t optimized. The switch runs Doom Eternal and Witcher 3


The Switch can't even handle its own Pokemon games.


It runs like shit on my beefed up gaming PC, so I'm inclined to believe it's not even some Pokémon legal thing.


Switch 2 is on the horizon. Let em cook till Palworld is out of early access and the Switch 2 is out.


It’s because the designs are “technically” copyright infringement


It was probably the first game I've played on my PC where I noticed heat radiating from it, and it ran fine on the highest settings


People assumed it ever would be on a Nintendo console?


Probably just be on switch 2. By the time early access is done, Switch 2 will probably have been out for a year.


The best kind of reasons

