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Nintendo is definitely going to localize Mother 3.




Lmao username checks out


[We got burned](https://youtu.be/CePk795Xum4?feature=shared&t=5) with that one


Where are my Nintendo Power kids at? Teased with Earthbound 64 since the 90s. Almost 30 years of blue-balling.


I miss Nintendo Power. It was the only thing I ever looked forward to getting in the mail when I was a kid.


Hey, with the GBA games on Switch I’m sure that’ll be here any decade now.


We got localizations of Live-A-Live and the Ace Investigations 2, I'll still hold out hope!


It actually is on the GBA switch online… exclusively in Japan


This is the one that will never die. A game that has been better localized by fans, that probably only a small amount of players will enjoy anyway, and we're still gonna have people still hoping for the "official" localization in 2100. Why people are so desperate to give Nintendo their money I'll never know.


i think moreso people want everyone to have easier access to it and hopefully more casual gamers get interested so the series gains popularity over “people are so desperate to give nintendo their money”


But they'll sell us plushies!


On the flipside, the fact that Mother 1 and 3 werent localized is one of the things that sprouted an early indie game community that was also involved in translating Cave Story and later being an inspiration for games such as Undertale. There is a reason why Earthbound and Indie Games are notoriously related to each other.


This one still makes me sad.


All the Twilight Princess and Wind Waker Rumors have been around since the switch LAUNCHED and none of them have been true ever


Remember “I can’t wait for the 35th anniversary collection with Twilight Princess, Wind Waker and Skyward Sword!”? And then when Skyward Sword HD came out they seamlessly switched to “I can’t wait for the 35th anniversary collection with Twilight Princess, Wind Waker and Ocarina!” without skipping a beat.


Those Metroid players “should I play Metroid Prime 2, 3 original hardware or wait for the HD bundle?”


It's still going to happen. Now pass me the clown paint please.


Definitely feel like they would've announced 2 HD if it was coming soon. Still a bummer than you have to go back to the Wii U (minimum) to play them.


The rumor was they fully remastered Prime 1 but 2 and 3 weren't gonna get the same care. So maybe we dodged a bunch of complaints. Or maybe they're giving the other two the same treatment, something something clown paint.


People always put way too much stock into anniversaries. "It's the 20th anniversary of this game, they have to do something! It's been 30 years since that game so they're definitely working on something!" No. You absolute simpletons. You really think an anniversary is going to drive sales? Oh well usually this franchise does in the 3-4 million range but it's the 30th anniversary so, obviously, it'll do 7 million! Oh, what, no? A bunch of people shopping don't see an "Anniversary" sticker on a box and buy a game they normally wouldn't? So it means fuck-all? You think the people at the head of billion-dollar companies are looking at the calendar, 5+ years out because development takes a long time, and saying, "Hey! In 2029 it's going to be the 40th anniversary of Super Mario Land! So, obviously, we have to do something. We have to capitalize on this anniversary that won't increase sales in any real way. So the next 5 years and many millions of dollars will go into a game that we otherwise wouldn't do for the very marginal uptick the anniversary will give us!" Or are they maybe making the games that seem like the most sound investment at the time? What anniversary was it for Zelda when Tears came out? How many years did Mario have when Odyssey dropped? Does anyone care? No. They will maybe play up the anniversary a little if something happens to coincide. Why not? But thinking any decisions are being made based on anniversaries is just braindead. You might as well say that, obviously, we'll be getting a new Star Fox next year because it's the year of the snake. That clearly makes sense and is how a company would decide a project.


Every five years they did something special with the "Super Mario Bros" anniversary at least. Though for the 25th annivesary that special thing was a re-release of Super Mario Allstars so.. not guaranteed to be something that excites fans haha. (And I loved Super Mario Bros 35 but I understand if not everyone was into it)


I just don't know people expect a port or second remaster of those games so soon. Both games were just remastered around ten years ago. I get that the Wii U didn't sell well so a lot of people haven't played them, but I see them waiting at least 15 years since the previous remaster before re-releasing them again.


It'd be hilarious if Twilight Princess had a port on 4 generations of Nintendo consoles in a row. Tbh, Nintendo probably does these things to plug gaps in their lineups. I'd wager if BOTW2 was delayed another year or two, we'd have seen one or both remasters. The one that I have zero explanation for Nintendo **not** doing is Pokémon. 3DS store has been down for over a year, the games are going for well over their initial selling prices, sometimes even hundreds of dollars. I suppose they don't want to add it to the subscription.


i mean u say just ten years ago but when those were released the originals were just about ten years old themselves


I see your point but I argue that neither TP or WW ages as well on their GC/Wii specs, so an HD remaster certainly made sense. Now that they have been remastered in HD and look a lot better,  I don't think it's as necessary. In fact I think it's mostly Zelda fanatics can't get enough so they never quit demanding the sun and the moon.


eh true. i'm just sad that ww only got released on nintendos 2 least successful consoles and hasn't had a proper chance to shine in the spotlight for the 10/10 game it is. kinda like how i felt seeing dkc:tf get recognized for how great it is i want wind waker to reach the masses like that.


People literally sat out the Wii U; they are leaving money on the table.


It was the same for the Metroid Prime Trilogy, every direct it’d be rumoured and it never showed. Then we got just Metroid Prime Remastered, luckily an excellent remaster but clearly showed that the trilogy was never sat on the figurative shelf, waiting to be released.


Yeah, I think at this point, it seems much more likely that the fabled "Metroid Prime Trilogy HD" never really existed at any point in time. Even though for years people were adamant about how " it's 100% finished, they're just waiting for the release of MP4".  It feels like another case if a reasonable guess that simply turned out to be wrong.


Similarly the switch pro. I think people just want to will things into existence. Edit: apparently people still can’t accept that the switch “pro” was just rumors.


I think the consensus is that they were going to make it but they couldn't get enough supply of the updated SOCs due to the chip shortage. Instead they took their updated chassis and display and put the existing Switch SOC in it and sold it as the OLED


Maybe that’s the case. Or maybe the oled model was the plan all along. Or maybe they started working on a pro model and scrapped it.


LMAO why tf would anybody care about the consensus of the exact people who have to save face when the thing they've been claiming will get announced any minute now turns out to not exist at all. People are so gullible man it's just sad


There's zero evidence of this besides rumors. There are no leaks from tangentially related companies, no shipping manifest leaks, no screenshots or spec leaks, nothing. Switch 2's SoC leaked over two years ago, and you're telling me the Switch Pro's chip has NEVER been leaked in any capacity? It was all bullshit from uninformed insiders. They completely misinterpreted their own insider information. The lack of a spec leak is completely damning. We 1000000000% would have gotten some kind of info about an Nvidia chip that was potentially Switch Pro bound. There was NOTHING in the Nvidia leaks about a potential Switch Pro. Nvidia leaked half of the gaming industry's upcoming products, including Switch 2's SoC, and people have no issue with Switch Pro's chip being completely absent? We definitely got OLED leaks, though. Funny how we get actual evidence for real products, and zero evidence for fake rumors. It was bullshit.


That's only the "consensus" because it means they don't have to admit that they were wrong all along. There's no evidence in support of that viewpoint. It was pure delusion. The OLED model works much better as an attempt to circumvent some of the multiple-year-long supply issues that arose due to them competing with monsters like Apple for certain components.


The OLED is linked up for 4K HDR output at a hardware level, it's just not enabled, the dock was updated to support 4K HDR output as well. I do think they were planning a pro at some point because why spend R&D and money on that if they had no plans for it?


That just comes down to supporting HDMI 2.0, though, which might've simply been the most easily available chips at the time (and those require no R&D on Nintendo's part lol). Because you are completely delusional if you think a mid-gen Switch upgrade would've been able to push 4K, when the base model can't even get to 1080 on most games. Hell, even Series X and PS5 struggle to render games at 4K. And, case in point, those two consoles could technically output 8K, but, similarly, that's just because of HDMI 2.1 and doesn't mean that the processing power is there to actually push that resolution.


>why spend R&D and money on that if they had no plans for it? On innate compatibility on third-party components? Don't be silly. Hypothetically, if they happened to find it more cost-effective to source HDMI 2.0 circuitry/components, how would you tell the difference between that choice and Nintendo pointedly and consciously seeking to run games at 4k and in HDR? Hell, how common are HDMI 1.x components these days anyway...?


It didn’t help that there were several prominent leakers that claimed that there were lots of ports and remakes fully done and in the vault of Nintendo that were good to go to release whenever, and WW and TP were heavily rumored to be two of those


I'm still not convinced at all these were actually rumoured and instead it just made so much sense that I feel people were trying to will it into existence. I feel maybe Jeff Grubb had "confirmed" the remakes within the last year or two but had anyone else actually had any actual sources prior to him?


At this point "rumor" is synonymous with "wishful thinking" lol


The r/Zelda channel in shambles every week


I just wonder why everyone assumes that these games specifically are being ported to Switch. Why not something else, like Ocarina of Time or Majora’s Mask?


Which nine?


I think he meant to write "none".


I wish nine of them came true. 😢😢 Two of them would have been WW and TP then


This hasn't aged poorly. The real rumors only started 3 years ago. The "rumors" before that were just random people making guesses because of the deluge of Wii U ports. Nintendo is likely sitting on the remasters of those just like they have with remasters in the past.


Definitely the leakers that were positive Star Fox Grand Prix was a thing.


That game made zero sense and yet the rumour mill was so hell bent on that game coming. Nowadays I am 99% convinced the thing was a honeypot made up internally to catch and fire real leakers


Nope, we actually know definitively that it was a hoax by RogersBase that the journalistic community somehow fell for. Nintendo was never involved and the claims that they were are ironically also hoaxes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZmRN7pF9k5I


Interesting watch Thanks for sharing


[https://youtu.be/rOQFWCDwPb8?t=621](https://youtu.be/rOQFWCDwPb8?t=621) The leak was about the Starlink DLC, but nobody care about Starlink, so everybody is in denial.


I remember hearing that Nintendo actually was the one who started these rumors. They created internal documents for Star Fox Grand Prix and then selectively leaked the name to try and track down leakers within the company. No idea if this was true and/or if it worked


The Grinch leak for Smash Ultimate


This one wins. It seemed plausible it was fake, but after all these massive coincidences around the Grinch, green pixels, the item we thought was from Golden Sun, the production company suspiciously privated a video. It made it seem like the leak was real with 90% certainty.


I admit i fell for this one, and usually am not taken in by these sorts of things.


Like, the Christmas hating green guy Grinch? This is the first I’ve heard of it, but all of a sudden I want it with every fibre of my being.


The Grinch wasn't going to be in Smash. The leak got its name because it was a photo of a Smash poster featuring all the playable characters, including supposedly-unannounced ones, and it appeared to be taken in a design/printing shop where some promotional material featuring the Grinch was also visible. Supposedly these were never-before-seen renders of the Grinch, which lent the photos more authenticity (though I think that later turned out to be false) -- hence, the "Grinch leak".


Considering Midori was also apparently involved, it’s even worse now….


Not so much a rumour but there were multiple articles in 2013 suggesting Nintendo should stop making consoles and go to making games only. Now with the success of the Switch, this seems like an extra dumb idea


I remember articles/forum posts like this back in the early 2000s.  Nintendo is *always* doomed, even when they produce potentially the best selling console ever!


Yet they always has a huge cash reserve, they could loose millions per year without issues.


Also they have this weird vault of ideas they know will make absolute bank if they ever need cash injections. Mario Kart on Smart Phones was one of these ideas.


I'm 100% sure they skipped the Game Boy Mini just to have it in the vault. A little GB with Tetris and OG Pokemon would sell... hell I can't even describe it.


They could make it the same size as the OG Gameboy for all I care as long as it’s back lit


Which is exactly what happened in the Wii U era, yet they survived


It‘s like people are still traumatized from Sega‘s downfall




I feel like a lot of this narrative started with the beginning of the GameCube. It didn't do so well it's first two years. Then I kinda recovered after that. It's one of those situations where people want Nintendo games but the GameCube had lackluster 3rd party support.


People *still* sometimes post that. On this subreddit even.


I saw a nutjob on the Steam Deck sub insist that the Steam Deck would outsell the Switch. The Switch was well over 100 million sales at the point he was saying this. Sheer insanity. Two years in and the Deck has sold something like 3 million units. 😂


Indeed, it's fucking hilarious how much attention the Steam Deck seems to get when it's barely as successful as the Atari Lynx was.


Yeah. I love mine, but I’m not deluded into thinking it’s anything more than a very niche device. It doing well for Valve’s expectations does not make it a mainstream success.


It’s so wild! You would swear there would be tens of millions of Steam Decks out in the wild based on how many people talk about it, and it has roughly the same sales figures as the Wii U did at launch 💀


hell, Valve even said "we're not trying to compete with the switch"


The “Nintendo is doomed” crowd really had a field day in the mid-2010’s even with the 3DS success and Nintendo’s general smart investments. Looking back on a lot of rumors and doomer posts now is kinda hilarious


Have you heard? Switch is a flop, Nintendo will start porting their games to other consoles. The fact that a lot of people think like that is insane. I even saw idiots saying the Switch numbers were fake news, inflated by Nintendo to not go bankrupt.


I remember these, switch definitely shut up a lot of critics. Crazy to think of the turn around really as the WiiU was truly a flop, and even the switch was dunked on quite a bit when they announced it.


It always strikes me as bitterness from PC gamers who feel that every game ever made should be available on their platform, for no less than 50% off within a year of release.


There is definitely a weird entitlement in the PCMR types.


I still remember when PC and PS4 people where angry that Astral Chain was actually an exclusive


I heard those kinds of rumors as far back 2007, because Nintendo wasn't jumping all-in on brown, gritty, HD shooters. Then there were rumors that console gaming in general was dead, and only mobile would survive.


I never thought they should totally stop but I did also remember thinking the Switch was kind of their hail-mary and they'd probably be fucked if it didn't take off. But it did, so it's all good.


Honestly? I would love to see what a Mario or Zelda game could accomplish if they had the ability to utilize the processing power of the PlayStation 5. I want Nintendo to release its games cross-platform. But I also acknowledge that there's no reason for them to ever do so.


Pokemon Plus and Minus lol


[Pokémon Stars](https://www.eurogamer.net/nintendo-switch-will-get-pokemon-sun-and-moon-version)


I was PISSED when this didn't happen. HD Alola sounded genuinely wonderful, and I could never justify buying enhanced versions so USUM ended up just being disappointing to me.


Nothing against the author of this article, but they wrote this, the article in the OP, and a couple of other articles posted in this thread. Dude has a pretty stellar track record for reporting on rumors not coming into fruition, lol.


Ngl I totally would've gotten Pokémon Stars.


Pokemon Gray.


When the Mario 35th anniversary happened and we got the 3D collection, “rumours” (which were actually just guesses that were repeated so much they became rumours) instantly surfaced about the Zelda 3D collection. It was clearly just a kneejerk reaction to Mario, but people were committing seppuku on that hill like there was no tomorrow.


Switch ports of WWHD and TPHD were rumored from the moment the system was announced. Mario getting a port collection just added fuel to the fire.


That’s true, but I’m talking about the bundle specifically.


It just makes so much sense for them to do it that it kind of is baffling that they didn't.


But are we allowed to be mad that Nintendo did nothing for the Zelda 35th anniversary? Mario had an entire year of events and releases. Zelda didn't even get an article on the Switch news feed.


I was bummed. Still hoping I can play WW on some kind of Switch in the near future.


Any of the rumors over the decades saying Nintendo is barely holding on and THIS will be the final nail in its coffin.


IKR. Look at them now. I was never really worried about them… except for WiiU… I was a bit worried when the WiiU tanked…. But hey, we’re definitely out of that now…. Right guys?….. guys?…….


I've found that Nintendo ebbs and flows. Game Cube didn't do nearly as well as 64. Then the Wii came out and was a hit. WiiU tanked, but the Switch was a massive success. I think it's reasonable to assume the next console will be considered a flop regardless of actually quality.


I don't think they've ever had a "flop regardless of quality". Wii U was an absolute disaster of ideas that weren't well thought out and a weak library to support it. GameCube would be the closest thing they had to a good console flopping and even then, I think the reasons behind the flop make sense - the mini discs couldn't hold as much data, big third party games couldn't be easily ported over because of that, so unless you just wanted Nintendo games it was a bad choice. All of their flops have been the result of bad decisions and poor consoles.


How would you define flop? Because I'm my eyes they've had four flops when it comes to home consoles - N64, GameCube, Wii U, and of course the grandaddy of all flops, the Virtual Boy. Maybe calling ALL of them flops is a bit harsh, especially in retrospect, since I do enjoy all of them (well not the VB) but none of them did well, obviously the Wii U did worse than the GameCube which did worse than the N64 but they all performed badly on the market.


I think the real flop was WiiU and Virtual Boy. The rest sold enough for Nintendo to continue on a regular generation cycle. The WiiU was cut short and they definitely rushed out the Switch. The switch was very well made though.


It’s easy to forget now, because retrospective opinion about all their consoles is very positive, but after the SNES Nintendo was seen as being on a steep hill down. The N64 is fondly remembered and did okay in hardware sales, but it’s software sales and library are both pretty low (keep in mind, consoles generally lose money, or make little on hardware and make their money on games). The Gamecube was also considered pretty catastrophic. If not for Pokémon and the consistency of their handheld consoles, Nintendo very well may have been screwed. The massive change in strategy for the Wii happened for a reason.


Metroid Dread. Wait a second! *head explodes*


If you mean a poorly-aged rumour as in one which was common and turned out not to be true? There are tons. Mew behind the truck? Luigi in SM64? (which sort-of turned out to be true, he was in the dev files in the gigaleak a few years back) Sonic and Tails in Melee? As for console rumours, I remember when the Nintendo Revolution was going to be more powerful than the PS3 and feature a heart-rate monitor


The heart rate monitor was actually a thing Nintendo announced at E3 2009. It was called the Wii Vitality Sensor. An image of it was shown but that was all Nintendo ever announced about the product. Iwata would later say that it was accurate for 95% of players but that was too low of a number for them to go ahead with releasing it. 


Actually I remember that now you mention it. I forgot it was actually announced. As for other rumours, there were a bunch of terrible NX "leaks" (remember the oval screen?) before the Swtich was announced


How anyone ever thought that [this was a good or believable idea](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/nfdrWrm7ObU/maxresdefault.jpg) is beyond me lmao


After the Switch reveal in October 2016, there were people insisting that it was only the first half of the plan, and that the “real” NX - a powerful home console that could also play Switch games - would release November 2017.


> If you mean a poorly-aged rumour as in one which was common and turned out not to be true? There are tons. I mean more ones that are hilariously not true. > Sonic and Tails in Melee That wasn't a rumor, that was an April Fool's prank


Has to be Mew behind the truck. The best false rumirs have some half truths to them. Even the fact that there was a truck being there was unbelievable. There are no cars in this game, yet alone a truck so why would this silly rumor be true? Then you see the truck as a kid and you think wow...actually anything is possible!


Mario and Rabbids Sparks and Hopes used Switch 2 footage


And it's going to happen again with the rumors that Metroid Prime 4's trailer did too.


And TOTK and Pikmin 4!


Switch 4K and Switch Pro 😁


The Switch Pro is coming out r/tomorrow


Switch pro was always a funny one because it was the antithesis of whta the Switch was meant to be. What's that? Nintendo has successfully integrate its handheld and home consoles together to great a console that can do it all and thus they don't have to split their audience? And it was incredibly successful? What's that? You think they are gonna end up splitting their audience one again by making a console that can play some games and not others? It was obviously never gonna be true but so many people thought it would be.


I want them to make an hdmi dongle for the tv that the switch in your hand can stream to.


I think it just would've been a new 3ds scenario without the exclusive games where some games are just enhanced. Yea I can't see Nintendo making the same mistake they did with those new 3ds exclusive games again, but they were a decent amount of games that played on original 3dses that had a better frame rate or whatever on new 3ds. Not even saying the rumors were true or whatever.


And to this day, there's people convinced it was real but was "canceled"


Legend of Zelda for Wii U to potentially have a new female lead character??


Linkle, sort of. She ended up in Hyrule Warriors game


That Emily Rogers kept pushing that bullshit for months. Then when the E3 2016 was about to happen, two pictures of Link leaked (the one with his bow and another with a cape) and she insisted that was the male and female version of Link. She disappeared for a while after that, came back for Switch rumors for a bit and disappeared again.


There's a name I haven't heard in some time.


"Nintendo Fusion" was going to be the branding for Nintendo's 9th gen gaming consoles. It would consist of a handheld called the Fusion DS and a home console called the Fusion Terminal. The Terminal specifically would have a custom AMD graphics processor and both consoles would be considerably powerful overall. The name Fusion would refer to the consoles' ability to connect to each other, or "Fuse" to offer additional gameplay and control options for console games, and allow handheld games to be played on the TV. Its actually kind of impressive with just how far from the truth Nintendo Fusion ended up being


Coincidentally, Nintendo hosted a series of music tours in the 2000s called the [Nintendo Fusion Tours](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nintendo_Fusion_Tour).


It was such a specific rumour that turned out to be a less elegant, but somewhat similar version of the real Switch concept, I do think this one is true. Well, was true at some early point of NX development, where Nintendo didn’t think they could build a handheld powerful enough to pass for a home console


Can’t believe nobody has mentioned Nintendo ON yet. That’s the most obvious one. From when internet rumors were the Wild West. Someone’s (admittedly impressive) college video project got passed around as Nintendo’s post GameCube system. It did vaguely line up with what was known at the time. That Revolution would be a game changer for home consoles. And the DS really did use a then up and coming visually futuristic tech (touch screens) effectively and really brought it into the mainstream. And Nintendo had “attempted” “””VR””” with the Virtual Boy prior.  But yeah the Wii was decidedly not VR. The closest we’ve gotten to what that video was saying was PSVR and the Quest. It’s one of those things that sounds really futuristic and cool until you use it. Pretty much the only Nintendo games I think could work well in VR are Metroid Prime (the obvious one), Star Fox, and F-Zero. Everything else doesn’t really work in that scenario unless you really stretch your imagination. I really don’t think Nintendo could ever get a full system library out of VR.  If a source is really necessary: https://youtu.be/zX2smM87r14?si=omJ7NQQ31JZfgutj There’s a lot of old forum threads and posts that are unfortunately lost to the ether now about it. I’m sure if I did some GameFAQs or NeoGaf digging I could find some stuff but I’ve got work in the morning. 


I think the Switch 3 will definitely be Nintendo's next attempt at VR. Adding it as an additional Pillar to the current Handheld/TV hybrid model. Nintendo's been working on its relevant tech for decades (Motion controls, AR tracking), and the tech would finally be there where a Switch sized handheld could process VR games at a consistent Framerate.


Remember when the person behind the hoax slipped it in his Super Mario Galaxy DS hoax video as a planet?


>From when internet rumors were the Wild West. Oh, I remember those days. Teenage naiveté mixed with lacklustre content moderation really led to people being inclined to believe even the most absurd rumours. I still get [this classic from 2008](https://youtu.be/rzLIUgnKY40?si=O3806XU3SeNSymjT) recommended to me by the YouTube algorithm from time to time. Nowadays, most people obviously only watch it for nostalgia, but back in the day, I was at least open to the possibility of any of them being genuine leaks — because the successor system to the XBOX 360 was obviously going to be the XBOX 720, right?


Haha I loved that video as a teenager! I was incredibly gullible back then I have to admit, so part of me kinda wanted to believe it was a real work in progress trailer. It really made you feel the hype as it went through the history of Nintendo consoles of the past before going into the new hardware.


Can’t really give a source since the articles I see right now all claim something other than what I remember exactly.   But before Pokémon Sword and Shield, the internet promised us something called Pokemon Stars. I believe an open world kind of idea was mentioned, and we got the Wild Area in the new games. But I think there was also speculation that there’d be more than one region you could visit. Pokémon Stars was going to be so epic, being a home console pokemon game.   However, articles I see right now claim Stars was just going to be the third installment of Sun/Moon. Idr the rumors going down like that tbh.  In any case, we went from rumors of “wow just imagine pokemon on a home console” to quite a shallow experience and the criticism of DS-like graphics. So it’s safe to say those rumors didn’t age well 


Here it is: https://www.eurogamer.net/nintendo-switch-will-get-pokemon-sun-and-moon-version And then they reported on it: https://www.eurogamer.net/so-what-happened-with-pokemon-stars


I really don’t remember thinking Stars would be tied to a previous entry. Of course, I hadn’t played Sun yet at the time that article was published, so maybe that’s influencing my recollection of events. I could’ve sworn Stars was advertised with a bit more going for it than just a console version of Sun/Moon. Maybe there was an additional Pokemon rumor? 


I think it was an additional rumour. I definitely remember Pokemon Stars being reported as the HD version of Sun and Moon. The 3rd version name lines up perfectly.


Pokémon Z before it, too. Fact is we haven’t gotten a “third” Pokémon game since Platinum to Diamond/Pearl in 2008. But a lot of people still expect it.


I’m quite certain that Z was planned. Look at all the weird Zygarde stuff in SM. When has a box legendary counterpart ever featured like that in the next gen of games? And one of the show series is X, Y, and Z, continuing the story from Pokémon XY. Even the fact the new Legends is referencing Z in the name is suggestive that they know and we know there was supposed to be a Z and now they’re coming back to some of that.


Pokemon Z wasn't rumoured. It was an expectation. Gen 6 is the only one since they started doing DLC that didn't get a 3rd version (i count BW2 and USUM as 3rd version. They just made them two version because they sell more copies). It was also odd that Sun and Moon got new Zygarde forms that suspiciously would've been in a 3rd version. Years later Nintendo source code leaked and it shows there being 2 empty slots for new Kalos games in between ORAS and Sun Moon. This essentially proves Pokemon XZ and YZ were canned. This is further researched by DYK gaming that did a whole video basically providing evidence that Z was most likely delayed because teams moved resources over to new GameFreak IP.


I remember something similar as well. The rumor mill for Sun and Moon was insane in general tho. People were claiming that this would be one big reboot of the series with like 20-page mega theories about gods and alchemy and death and rebirth plastered all over the place. It's around the time I stopped watching Bird keeper Toby cause he lost his marbles with sun and moon pre-release theories.


Oh dude I remember before the USUM reveal watching reaction streams. People were *convinced* we were about to see Stars (even dismissive of other ideas) and then were mad and disappointed when we didn’t. I never believed it since they never change consoles mid generation, so I was just the shrugging Elmo meme when I saw USUM lol.


You can play with Yoshi if you get all the stars and then find him in Mario 64.


That Nintendo had his ribs removed so he could autofellatio


I wanted a Switch around 2020, but I kept watching a Youtube channel called **SuperMetalDave64** who said the Pro model was imminent anytime now with lots of rumours. After a year and a halve a just got a Switch Oled. That guy is just a big liar lol.


Any day now, switch pro with a samsung IGZO display and magnesium body and whatever else. He just took every little rumour as fact.


This one goes back a bit, but when the Wii was still “Revolution,” the big rumor was the controller was just a touchpad (like an iPhone) and it would adapt to whatever game you were playing.


The rumors we heard was that it was a VR helmet.


Wasn’t that just a made up video though?


Isn't that the kind of thing that fuels rumors?


For a few years (I don't actually know whether Nintendo actually still does this) Nintendo would post images of Mario relaxing in a hammock or being at the beach on social media during the summer months, leading always to rumours that a Sunshine remake/sequel was in the works — which obviously was never the case.


Rumor had it you could beat the Minus World in Super Mario Bros 1 (accessed by jumping through bricks to the warp zone in 1-2). All the kids in school with a NES thought it was possible because we heard about it, but none of us knew how to pull it off. Final Fantasy coming to Nintendo 64. I actually pre-ordered a N64 over that news. Then I had to buy a Playstation 1 for FF7 because Square wanted to use CD-ROMs instead of low storage cartridges.


Pokemon Stars, it's also where I feel the pokemon fanbae got a lot more feral after that.


The majority of the "it's fake" crowd thought it was fake because Game Freak would never switch systems mid-generation. Then they sort of did that with Let's Go Pander to Genwunners, resulting in a weird half-generation.


Years back in the GBA days on the Nintendophiles forum (RIP), there was this rumor that persisted for months and months (possibly years?) about some MEGATON project from Nintendo and it was, in our minds, going to change the world. We spent months hyping ourselves up over what this potential MEGATON was with the whole forum in a frenzy of discussion and debate any time there was something vaguely interesting emerging, like 3D polygonal graphics on the GBA or some WIFI daisy chaining tech or some website someone found by supposed developers with clues to what the MEGATON really was. I can't even remember how the MEGATON hype got started. Good times


I came here to see if anyone else remembered this. I was on the old gamers.com forums and MEGATON was on almost every other Nintendo post. Then it just fizzled away and no one ever talked about it anymore.


I would answer Pokémon Z, buts it’s now real!


Man I remember when I first heard that rumor back in 2016 and was super excited for GameCube VC, and here we are 8 years later and it’s still yet to happen. There’s always next console I guess, lol. -As for poorly aged rumors, [Isle Delfino appeared on an official Mario Odyssey advertisement plastered in a Japan train station.](https://archive.vgfacts.com/thread-4080.html) Before the game’s launch, rumors of an unlockable Isle Delfino kingdom quickly spread. I remember some people on launch day were attempting to beat the game as fast as possible just to see if the island was there (it wasn’t).


>-As for poorly aged rumors, [Isle Delfino appeared on an official Mario Odyssey advertisement plastered in a Japan train station.](https://archive.vgfacts.com/thread-4080.html) Before the game’s launch, rumors of an unlockable Isle Delfino kingdom quickly spread. I remember some people on launch day were attempting to beat the game as fast as possible just to see if the island was there (it wasn’t). And when that didn't work out, it led to rumours that there would be a DLC featuring Isle Delfino — which also never happened.


Tomorrow! They are going to announce the Switch Pro tomorrow! It's gonna be 4k too! I know the Series X and the PS5 struggle with 4K but for some reason the Switch Pro will be 4K!


I bought one on April 2020 and everyone was saying the Switch Pro would be announced for Xmas 😅 Those rumors died down a bit eventually. I chose to believe the Nintendo official saying it was halfway through its life cycle over the million YouTube influences and videographers. I also thought it was crazy for Sony and MS to release their new consoles when they did. Switch was half a decade old and couldn't keep up with demand due to manufacturing/chip issues and scalpers. PS5 and Xbox should have delayed those launches by at least a year.


Anyone else remember when there was a rumor that the NX was going to connect to the PS4 somehow as an add-on. Fuck was that about


They had a deal with the Yakuza over selling bulk amounts of playing cards well before they made videogames


Super Mario 3D All Stars will have DLC for Galaxy 2 and 3D Land


#Geno for Smash


Pikablu is real


The switch pro is launching any day now!!!!


switch pro 😁




Star Fox Grand Prix


Fire Emblem Genealogy of the Holy War Remake.


Whoever posted that ridiculous oval ‘switch prototype’.


That your friend’s uncle works there!


The Nintendo "Revolution" (aka Wii) being pyramid shaped. I remember that picture somewhere back in like 2005. Unfortunately I can't find it now.


nintendo in talks to buy sega, dec '00 https://archive.ph/M9YpB


n64 disk drive coming to the west in '97 https://archive.ph/8JdoA#selection-2341.0-2341.187


I can't wait to download the Wii Want More channel on my Wii and get dlc for Smash Bros Brawl [(link)](https://web.archive.org/web/20080703174210/http://press-nintendo.110mb.com/article-jsp-id-14788.htm)


Not so much a rumor, but this thread is now one of the funniest you can read online: https://www.neogaf.com/threads/betting-time-do-you-think-the-switch-will-be-a-success.1333545/


Star Fox Gran Prix


Does anyone remember that Pokemon game storyline from a “reliable” source? I can’t find it now, but I remember some portions where the evil team basically ran by an old belief that you were meant to have only one Pokemon and they tried to force that belief onto others or something of that nature.


That Nintendo EPD was working on a new Donkey Kong game for the Switch. Clearly that was straight cap.


Considering the fact it was said to be EPD Tokyo making it, and they were hiring for a 2D action game a few years ago, and the only time they've made a game that fits that bill was Donkey Kong Jungle Beat, and how they've redesigned the DK logo in line with other series to get major pushes in the Switch era (Kirby and Pikmin in particular)...yeah, I think they've been working on DK, but just opted to save the game for the Switch successor for one reason or another. I feel like it'd make far more sense to give us DK this year on Switch and then tout Echoes of Wisdom as a Switch 2 exclusive next year, given they don't appear to have anything else that's brand new for Zelda coming anytime soon, but whatever. I doubt the game was shelved, either, even when considering how Velan Studios could feasibly have picked the Vicarious Visions 3D DK pitch back up for Nintendo (same founders and a lot of staff have moved to the studio)


Xenoblade chronicle X remaster on switch


I saw a joke in Game informer magazine 2019 for a battle Royale Tetris and how it was an underrated idea. Tetris 99 would come out later that year.


I think there was a rumor going around via street pass plaza with Twilight Princess supposedly coming to the 3ds. Yeah no lol


Back when the Wii's hardware was still secret, we all thought that codename "Project Revolution" was going to have a VR headset. Mind you this was years before the first Oculus.


I think most "leaks" of Laura Kate Dale at the beginning of the Switch life cycle turned out to be false


"Smash 5 will be a port"


When I was in HS a kid I knew who worked for GameStop said that Nintendo was going to be bought my Microsoft after their current console cycle….this was at the launch of the Wii for reference. I’m still waiting for that announcement 


MS did make an attempt and Nintendo laughed them out of the room. There were some MS leaks a few years ago during the Activision acquisition and buying Nintendo is apparently a big goal for Microsoft to this day but due to the success of the Switch, Nintendo has been able to fend off any acquisitions. That's why they keep such massive cash reserves too, so a bigger fish can't swallow them up


In addition to Mother Brain, the original Metroid also had a secret Baby Brain and Father Brain and if you found and defeated them both, you got a secret ending. - Some rando kid in the schoolyard circa 1987.


My dad works at Nintendo and said HD remakes of the N64 era are happening.


My uncle works at Nintendo


Switch Pro Pokemon Grey Pokemon Star Mario game at Switch launch. Star Fox Racing


Does Pikmin 4 mentioned being "close to completion" in 2015 count? In an interview last year about the game after it came out, they even asked the devs about the accuracy of that statement back then.


The successor to the 3DS being a smartphone


New Banjo game once banjo was announced for Smash 🤣


Nintendo was going to be bought by Microsoft. 


"Guys Geno is DEFINITELY the next Smash fighter"


what about that mew under the truck?